Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The Arkansas City Traveler tells the following story of the course taken by a bullet.

"A bullet shot from a Winchester rifle, in the hands of one of the cooks at the Central Avenue Hotel, killed the cat at which it was aimed; passed through the board fence, glanced on the stone sidewalk, and, crossing the street, entered the residence of Dr. Alexander, passing over the heads of Dr. and Mrs. Alexander, struck the middle wall and rebounding from that in an opposite direction, struck a picture and fell at the Doctor's feet. All of which goes to prove that if a bullet is backed by a sufficiency of conserved energy, it is an uncertain quantity, and not at all desirable to be tearing around in the quiet of the family circle."


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


George H. McIntire, Arkansas City, candidate for the office of Sheriff.

N. A. Haight, candidate for re-election to the office of County Surveyor.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road is earning an annual surplus of one million, in addition to paying a dividend on the stock.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


Mr. C. C. Wheeler, general manager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway, states that there is no truth in the report that his company purchased the Fort Scott & Wichita road. That road, he says, has been purchased by the Gould syndicate.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


Notice the announcement of Capt. N. A. Haight as a candidate for re-election to the office of county surveyor, an office which he has so ably and acceptably filled for several years. It is an important office to the citizens of the county and means lots of rough, hard work, and moderate pay, well earned with plenty of dissatisfaction on one side or the other. It requires a man of skill, ability, and conscientious integrity to fill that office with anything approaching to just service. Such a man Capt. Haight has amply proved himself to be.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


Last Friday the telegraph operator's strike collapsed after being maintained about three weeks, during which time they caused great inconvenience to the public and the companies, causing damage to both, but the principal damage done is done to themselves. During the time of the strike those operators who remained faithfully at their work were promoted to places of more responsibility and higher salaries made vacant by the strike, and many operators who were out of work and desired employment, got good positions and now probably not more than one half of the strikers will be able to get employment again with the companies and many of these will have to accept positions inferior to those they formerly occupied and at less salaries. Then when a promotion is to be made in the future it will be one upon whom the company can depend, not one whom they think is liable to suddenly leave his post at the command of the officers of his Union. Thus the strikers have all lost their three weeks salary, half of them for a much longer and indefinite time, all of them have lost character, lost confidence of their employers, reduced the probable amount of their wages in the future, and made it much more difficult to rise in their profession. . .


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


We notice that the businessmen of this city who don't believe in prohibition and think moderate drinking is all right, don't keep their clerks and employees very long after they get to drinking. Several clerks have been discharged because they drank. Men who drink and get drunk sometimes, do not want drinking clerks. They know the other vices always follow in the wake of a drink, and it may not take a drinking young man long to become a gambler and a thief. We have had occasion to ask businessmen to give employment to young men as clerks, and usually almost the first question asked is: "Does he drink?" Recently a young man who we would be glad to assist, asked us to give him a letter recommending him as a salesman to a friend of ours. We could not recommend him because we knew he drank and sometimes got on a spree.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


The announcement of Geo. H. McIntire as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of this county came in last week too late for special notice, but we want to say that George is one of the best officers this county ever had; that he is efficient, energetic, courageous, and cour- teous, and knows all about the business. He quietly goes about his work without any bluster but does it all the same. He has been in such work in this county for 12 years; was deputy under Dick Walker 4 years, under Shenneman 3 years, and has been U. S. Deputy Marshal 2 years. He has 16 criminals now for trial in the U. S. Court at Wichita. Of the 32 criminals taken to the pen by Shenneman, Geo. secured unaided 13. If he gets the nomination, none but criminals will regret it.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


"The duty on lead pencils is about 35 percent; dolls, 35 percent; clocks, 30 percent; buttons, 25 percent; paper boxes and envelopes, 35 percent; fire crackers, 100 percent; gun powder, 10 cents per pound; and salt 8 to 12 cents per hundred pounds. Republicans urge that this tariff is just and economical and should not be reduced." A. C. Democrat.

Well, what do you think about it? Cannot our country produce enough pencils, dolls, clocks, buttons, paper boxes, envelopes, gun powder, and salt? Why should we encourage their importation by lower tariff rates and send more money out of the country to pay for them? Why should we prefer to pay European laborers for producing them, to furnishing remunerating labor for American citizens? We would rather prohibit their importation altogether than increase it. We are content to leave the prices of these articles to American competition. The higher the tariff the greater will be the American competition. Our experi- ence is that high tariff does not often advance prices, nor low tariff often reduce prices. The repeal of the duties on quinine was followed by a large advance in the price of the article and the raise in the duties on railroad iron to $28 per ton was followed by a decline in prices from $115 to $40 per ton. The tax became almost prohibitory and Americans went into the busi- ness largely and American competition brought down the prices.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

A CARD. EDITORS COURIER: In your kind notice of my announcement as a candi- date for Register of Deeds, your statement regarding my injury while in the service of my country needs this explanation. Just after the capture of Atlanta, I was severely injured by the kick of a horse on my right leg which has increased my lameness.

Respectfully, T. H. SOWARD.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


We have a sensational report from Cherryvale about the robbery, and burning, about two weeks ago, of the residence of Conductor Titus. Last Saturday Dr. Moore, a dentist and prominent citizen, and Mrs. Titus, the conductor's wife, were both arrested and committed to jail charged with the robbery and arson. The money, $900, has been found buried in the yard and it is stated that plenty of proof has been discovered of a liaison and conspiracy between the two prisoners.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Northwest Creswell.

Mrs. Leeper is expected home soon.

Mr. Godfrey's house is almost completed.

District No. 6 is to have a new schoolhouse.

Mr. I. Maurer was re-elected Director at our school meeting.

The school board has employed Mr. Topping as teacher at $45 per month.

We are to have a new bridge across Spring Creek on the Geuda Springs road.

The watermelon trade is good this year, owing to so many of the vines dying.

Mr. Jesse Stansberry sold his mules a few days ago, and has now bought him a nice span of horses.

There seems to be considerable beer drunk at Arkansas City lately. Someone there is not doing his duty.

Shannon Haron bought 80 acres of land of Mr. Godfrey for $1,200, and has himself a new house.

Plenty of rain and poor weather for haying. Turnips are doing well. Corn is excellent. Wheat is not as good as last year.

It seems as if most of the Republicans of these parts are in favor of J. B. Nipp for treasurer and Mr. McIntire for sheriff.

Mr. James Taylor and George Cox of Rice County, and Ludlow Gaston and family, of Butler County, were visiting friends in this neighborhood a few days ago.

Let us all turn out to the convention and all help to send men to Winfield. Then we can not grumble and say that a few men at the primary did all the work. All turn out and help.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


Mr. Jones, our groceryman, is doing a good business. We could not get along without him and his store.

Land buyers are as thick as candidates for office, and land is changing hands rapidly, giving our new Esq. Kennedy employment filling out deeds.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Polo have met the sad fate to lose their little baby boy. The bereaved parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in their deep affliction.

We are watching and waiting to see the surveying party coming over the hill on the new line of railroad from Eureka to Winfield, hoping when it comes, we may be favored with a station at some convenient place, or at Polo.

Last Sunday the temperance people of Richland met at the Summit Schoolhouse for the purpose of pushing on the good work, and behold we were greeted by our worthy County Superintendent, Mr. Limerick. Mr. Limerick, after being introduced by Capt. A. Stuber, addressed the audience with an accomplished speech, followed by Capt. A. Stuber, President of the association. A general invitation was extended to all to help in the temperance cause.

Threshing is partly finished. The farmers are wonderfully surprised and delighted with the large yield per acre, to what was expected. The stack yards hardly gave room for the enormous crops of millet produced by Cowley's rich soil; and in fact, every acre of land is groaning under its great weight of rich foliage. One thing we take notice of in particular is the corn husks. They are too short to cover the ear. The remark has been made that we have corn from ten to sixteen inches through, but the long way of the ear. In the potato patches the ground is heaved up with the largest potatoes ever grown in the history of Cowley. We intend calling on Mr. Hoosier Grocery Store with two or three pound potatoes, and walk off with the prize offered by him for the largest and best Irish potatoes. The question arises, where will we get material to build corn cribs sufficient to hold our corn. Some suggestions have been made that we will not be at a loss for material. The sixteen foot stalk will make good bottoms and top covering. We can afford to trim the corn stalks down to ten feet and build our cribs after rail fashion. H. H. H.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


DIED. On the morning of the 10th of August, 1883, Miss Maggie Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Elliott, died at her home on Crab Creek, near Dexter. She was the youngest of the family and had reached the womanly and interesting age of 19 years and six days. The disease of which she suffered was typhoid fever. For three weeks she was anxiously watched and prayed over by loving friends, but it was His will who doeth all things well, to call her home. The precious subject of so many joys and hopes was committed to consecrated earth with broken hearts who realize the old, old story alone gives consolation. [Skipped Poetry.]


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

From Tannehill.

Candidates for nomination to the various county offices are not like angels' visits, but their smiling faces are very pleasant to behold, and one feels certain that the last one is the right man. Poor fellows! You cannot all succeed, and yet the people wish you well.

The Democrats held their primary in the schoolhouse here last Saturday. A small turn out, but enough probably to get delegates. A screech owl was found in the schoolhouse next morning, and the words, "The democrats are bound to take this country," was found written on the blackboard. Do you think the presence of the owl accounted for the wisdom of the above statement?

Tannehill, like other rural points, is too often visited by "tramp" preachers who imagine their messages are of far more importance to the people than the regular Christian work, and get greatly incensed if everything is not put away for their accommodation. Some of these fellows are very aptly described by the "Bigelow Papers."

"But they do preach, I swan to man, its put'kly indiscrib'le!

They go it like an Ericsson's ten-hoss-power coleric ingine."

Such an one came to us last Sabbath, and as there was to be a children's meeting in the evening and he could not have the house, he denounced the community as a "lot of China- men, Mexicans, savages, and idiots engaged in idol worship." I say "community" because nearly all the community were participants to the exercises, and he denounced such. The truth is that the officers and teachers of our Sabbath school are among the best of our citizens, and much farther removed from idolatry than the fanatics who denounce them.

But the funny part of the performance was that Dr. Marsh and J. W. Browning could not stand the fire, but left the house. The Dr. justifies his course and says he wanted to show his want of respect for the speaker. But the meeting in the evening was a splendid success. About thirty children took part and acquitted themselves creditably. The Bible reading in concert was well done and the music and singing was excellent. Mr. Sherman Albert of Victor, and Miss Clara Hammond of Tannehill presided at the organ, and G. W. Anderson, our chorister, conducted the song service. At the close a vote was taken on the choice of an organ for the Sunday School, and the Mason & Hamlin was selected. A law social was appointed at Bradbury's grove for Thursday evening this week, and a general invitation extended. W.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


EDS. COURIER: I feel it a duty to tell you about a Sabbath school picnic held at a grove near Coburn's schoolhouse, Silverdale Township, on the 18th inst. Between three and four hundred persons were assembled and the occasion was a success. A little after 11 o'clock the organ accompanied by a splendid choir made the grove resound with their beautiful music. Bro. Phillips offered a prayer. The president then introduced Rev. Fleming, of Arkansas City. His address was one of power, full of thought, and everyone felt they had listened to an orator. Then came dinner, such a dinner as makes one glad to look upon and trebly glad to partake of. Silverdale Township proved to every visitor that they not only had a plenty of the good things of this world, but that they knew how to prepare them with a cordial hospitality. After a musical concert Rev. Henderson, of Illinois, was introduced, and when he was through with his address, we felt we could justly say we had listened in one day to two of the most appropriate addresses we had ever heard on such an occasion. There never was a more unanimous effort to please and make the occasion a happy and profitable one, and the good people of Silverdale succeeded. S.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Our increased sales in clothing are due to the sweeping reductions we are making in prices. We must have room for our fall stock and would advise you to call soon to secure a good bargain. M. Hahn & Co.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

More fine cattle are being imported into Kansas this year than ever before. This is an evidence that Kansas stock growers are prosperous.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

DIED. At the residence of Dr. O. J. Crane, of this city, Friday evening, August 17, Delos Jewel, infant son of E. M. and F. D. Coe, aged one year and three days. Services were held at the residence the following day at 1 o'clock p.m., conducted by Rev. E. T. Trimble. Interment at the Floral cemetery. [SKIPPED POETRY BY M. O. S.]


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


The patronage of the Public is respectfully solicited.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

SPECIAL BARGAINS -IN- REAL ESTATE. The property described below will be sold on the following terms, to-wit: One-third cash; the balance on any length of time to suit purchaser, at 12 percent interest. [Nine items listed. Giving first four as samples.]

No. 1. The east half of the northwest quarter section 5, township 34, range 4 east. Price $400.00.

No. 2. The southeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 section 32, range 4 east; one mile from the post office of Winfield; first-class place for a feed lot or for gardening. Price $500.00.

No. 3. The north ½ of the southeast 1/4, section 13, township 34, range 3 east; two miles north of Arkansas City. Price $600.00.

No. 4. Lot 7, Block 126, city of Winfield, upon which is erected a fine new stone store building 25 x 30 feet with basement, opposite the Brettun House. Price $2,500.00.

Anyone wishing to purchase call upon J. C. McMULLEN at the WINFIELD BANK.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mrs. N. J. Lundy returned Saturday from an eleven week's visit among Iowa friends.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Rev. J. N. McClung, of Wellington, will fill the Presbyterian pulpit in this city next Sunday.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Miss Anna Hyde has returned from a months' visit with Miss Edith Kennedy, of Chanute.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Rev. Anderson, of El Dorado, discoursed in the Presbyterian Church of this city last Sunday morning.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Winfield is furnishing ice to Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, Oxford, and several other surrounding towns.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. S. C. Sumpter brought us in a fine sample of his Hamburg grapes this week. They were first class.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The races at the Fair Grounds Saturday will be first-class and lively ones. There will be a big crowd in attendance.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The interest in the Cowley County Fair is increasing to a regular boom. The fair will be the best ever held in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The colored poster work for the Fair Association has arrived and soon the buildings all over the county will be illuminated with it.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. M. Howard is erecting on the corner of Andrews St. and Ninth Avenue, one of the most substantial residences which have gone up this season.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Some eight or ten young couples from this city attended the social given on last Thursday evening at the residence of Mr. Yeoman in Vernon Township.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

BIRTH. Forest Rowland is just recovering from a severe attack of malarial fever. His recovery is hastened by the arrival of a fine boy, which event occurred last week.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The COURIER was the recipient of a splendid cake with the compliments of the Vernon Township people. It was a relict of the R. J. Yoeman festival. Many thanks.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mrs. S. W. Greer, with her sister, Mrs. Mason, started Monday for Marysville, Missouri, the former on a month's visit to relatives, the latter to remain permanently.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Irve Randall has commenced the erection of a house on East Ninth Avenue, to rent. The demand for rentable houses is such as to make it a payable investment.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Several fine, plump ears of fully matured corn were brought us last week by Mr. O. M. Akers, of Rock. The grains were hard and flinty. How is this for August?

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Every morning between six and seven o'clock, the horsemen train their race horses on the track at the Fair Grounds. There are about a dozen here now in training for the Fair.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

BIRTH. The residence of Col. J. C. McMullen was on Monday brightened by the advent of a fine new boy. The Colonel's family is now very evenly balanced, two boys and two girls.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. and Mrs. Winters, of Tisdale Township, celebrated their silver wedding last week. It was a very pleasant affair. The COURIER was remembered with a beautiful supply of gold, silver, and fruit cake. Long may they live.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

In addition to the hundred or so cases of new goods recently received by Eli Youngheim, he has also "got in" a new clerk, Mr. B. Hughes, formerly with Wilde's clothing house of Cincinnati. It now keeps three salesmen busy to wait on Eli's numerous customers.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

O'Meara & Randolph are getting up an advertising novelty which will attract numerous attention when it comes out. The premium baby carriage don't give everyone a fair chance, so this latter novelty will be brought out to satisfy those who are unable to come in on the baby show.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Some of the sidewalks on avenues leading out from Main street are so overhung with weeds and grass that it is almost impossible for ladies to traverse them without receiving damages to their apparel. The proper authorities should see that a scythe is brought into play and this inconvenience removed.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Prof. and Mrs. E. T. Trimble will remove about the first of September, to Colfax, Wash- ington Territory, where they will make their future home. For the last five years Mr. and Mrs. Trimble have been closely connected with the moral and intellectual welfare of our city and will be very regretfully parted with. Through the labors of the Professor, our public schools have become the equal of any in the state, now advancing graduates sufficiently in the classes to admit them to the State University proper without the preparatory course. Materially and socially they have taken an active part, always zealous in the upbuilding of everything for the advancement of the community. We wish them success and happiness in their new home, and can assure the people of Colfax that in Mr. and Mrs. Trimble they will find persons worthy of esteem and confidence. The Professor takes the Principalship of the Baptist Academy of Washington Territory, which is situated at Colfax.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

We had the pleasure of attending a moonlight festival at the residence of A. J. Yoeman, in Vernon Township, Thursday evening. Mr. Yoeman's place is one of the best in the country. His house is large and commodious, surrounded by beautiful shade trees, orchards, and out-buildings. The tables were set out under the trees, and the throng of handsome ladies moving under the moonlight and many-colored Chinese lanterns presented a most attractive scene. The net returns were about fifty dollars, which is to be used in the purchase of an organ for the public school. Altogether it was one of the most pleasant of Vernon's many neighborhood gatheringsand Vernon leads the county in this respect. To Mr. and Mrs. Yoeman and their accomplished daughters, Misses May and Emma, the company is especially indebted for many kind attentions.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Rev. J. Cairns went up to Udall last Saturday to organize a Baptist Church, which he did, and preached for them twice on Sunday. He reports excellent congregations, intelligent and attentive, with a first-class union Sunday school, Mr. Smith, superintendent. There is a Congregational, Methodist, and now a Baptist Church organized there. The Congregation- alists are about to build a meeting house. The Baptists have bought the old schoolhouse to meet in for the present and will enlarge it. Udall is growing fast and business is good. Many of Winfield's former patrons are now going there. It will be to the interests of Winfield to look after her laurels.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. H. E. Silliman and family, Mrs. A. Silliman, Miss Lola, and Miss Alice Carson returned last week from their month's pilgrimage in Colorado. They spent a week at Manitou, and stopped at all important points on the road long enough to "take in" the sights. They returned much refreshed, but say that toward the latter part of the visit the scenery became monotonous and they again longed for the rolling prairies of Kansas. H. E. says the number of his ladies prevented him from going on to Salt Lake Cityhe was afraid the Mormons would take him for a full-fledged member and put a quietus on their return.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The peach and ice cream social given on last Friday evening by the young ladies of the M. E. Church was a very pleasant and profitable affair. The most attractive feature was the "old maid's table." A number of our prettiest young ladies metamorphosed themselves into bewitching old maids, and with their powdered tresses and white Mother Hubbard dresses, had a wonderful influence on the affections and treasuries of the young gentlemen.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

At the special session of the council Monday evening, a tax levy of 5 mills for general purposes, 2-1/2 mills for fire department supplies, and 5 mills for paying off the Carpenter judgment, was made12-1/2 mills in all.

An application for levy for water works rents was made and earnestly pressed by councilman Kretsinger, but the council seemed to think it was time enough to make the levy after the contract had been completed and so sat down on the proposition very hard.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

On next Thursday Misses Rose and Ella Rounds will start for the State University, at Lawrence, where they expect to enter and take a thorough course. Miss Rose is a graduate of our public school and last winter filled a position in the same as teacher. they are both young ladies of substantiality and sterling qualities and have the ambition and ability to make this step successful.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Some fellows without a spark of honor in their make-up raided James F. Martin's melon patch last week while the family were absent. They carried off all they could and pulled and piled up a lot more. Coming home Mr. Martin met a couple of suspicious characters with sacks on their shoulders, but failed to identify them.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Master George McClellan Coulter, of Beaver Township, brings in the premium stock of corn so far. It is fifteen feet, five inches high, and carries two fine ears, the largest of which is over nine feet from the ground. It is an elegant stalk and if none taller is brought in, will capture $15.50 from P. H. Albright & Co. It is on exhibition at this office.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. R. B. Noble, of Dexter, has several of the finest pieces of horse-flesh in the county. His two Norman stallions are splendid specimens of heavy draught animals. In addition to these he has an excellent Clydesdale stallion and a fine Kentucky Jack. As they will probably be exhibited at the county Fair, our people will have a chance to examine them.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

On last Thursday Mrs. E. D. Garlick, Mrs. John Lowry, and Mrs. S. W. Greer went down to Arkansas City as delegates for the State W. C. T. U., to organize a Union at that place. The organization was satisfactorily made. They speak very highly of the pleasant reception and hospitable entertainment tendered them.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

A misunderstanding seems to exist in regard to the premium baby carriage offered by O'Meara and Randolph. It is not to the prettiest baby, but to the "luckiest" baby. All babies may compete and no entrance fee of any kind will be charged. It will simply be a general drawing to see which baby gets the carriage.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

On Monday a jury in the Probate Court examined Gen. A. H. Green and pronounced him insane, and a fit person to be confined in the insane asylum. In accordance with the verdict, the court ordered that he be conveyed to the asylum. The decision cited that his condition is the result of excessive use of intoxicating liquors.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. R. R. Turner came over from Otter Monday with a load of peaches, the finest ever grown in any county. They are Hale's Early, as large as teacups, round, smooth, and sweet to the taste. They went off like hot cakesespecially the bucket-full left at this office.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Dr. Van Doren exhibits at this office a slip of grape vine seven inches long bearing four large stems or clusters of the Prentiss grape. It is a very rich and beautiful specimen of what Cowley can produce in that line.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Someone asks what kind of a disease the chickens are having this year. Some of them go blind, mope around, and die. A description of the disease and a remedy for it would be of advantage to chicken raisers. Can't someone give it to us?

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Miss Nettie R. McCoy is in Brunswick, New Jersey, but she informs us that she will be in Winfield September 6th, and will resume lessons with her music class Sept. 10th.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

W. A. Lee is arranging to exhibit one of his patent sulky plows at the fair. It has the Anti- friction roller landside, as perfected and built by the Hapgood Plow Co.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The Fair.

The fair grounds present a scene of unusual activity now-days. During last week the large force of men were at work on the building, box stalls, cattle stalls, and offices. These are now mostly completed, leaving only the hog and sheep compartments to finish. The two main exhibition buildings, each thirty by fifty feet, are firmly laid in solid stone foundations. They are located between the grove and the judges' stand near the race track. West of this, under the spreading boughs of a cluster of elm trees, is the secretary's office, a neat little building, fitted up in good shape. Farther north, just in the east edge of the grove, are twenty box stalls for the fine horses and race stock. Six of these stalls are now being occupied by race horses with their trainers. The stalls are in the grove far enough to be entirely shaded during the afternoon, and are as pleasant and comfortable as anyone could desire. Beyond these, still farther north and in the timber edge are seventy cattle stalls, substantially built, in double tiers and roofed over. Along the north side of the grove is the location selected for the sheep and hog departments. These will be entirely under the trees and shaded all day. Stretching out south from this is a seventeen acre grove, as cool, pleasant, and shady as can be found anywhere, and bounded on the west by the clear waters of the Walnut River. The grove is in splendid condition and is one of the most attractive features of the grounds. On the race track the judges' stand is up and by Saturday night the track will be enclosed on the outside with a light picket fence. There is no finer half mile track in Kansas. The amphi-theatre, which will be located opposite the judges' stand, will not be up for several weeks. The grounds are fenced with nine barb wires, and is man or boy proof. Near the main entrance gate the fencing is made with high pickets instead of wire, to prevent damage from crowding. The location, arrangement, and general convenience of the grounds are not surpassed by those of any county fair. All that is needed now to make our fair a perfect success and benefit to the people is for everyone to combine to make the exhibits complete, showing the best of every product our county can produce. If you have a good sample of your farm products, save it for the fair. Let it be brought into competition with the products of other farms in other parts of the county, and if you are beaten, find out how it was done, and how you can best bring your products up to a higher standard. The exhibit in stock promises to be something heretofore unknown in the history of county fairs, and the public will be astonished to find what excellent grades of horses and cattle, hogs and sheep Cowley County can show.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

A Rousing Temperance Meeting.

No better proof is needed of the fact that the people of Winfield have no idea of "going back on Prohibition," than was given in the immense throng that gathered, and the enthu- siasm manifested, at the union temperance meeting in the M. E. Church on last Sunday evening. Services at the other churches were dispensed with to give all an opportunity to attend this meeting. It was conducted by the W. C. T. U. of this city. Beautiful and appropriate music was furnished by a choir composed of Mrs. Shenneman, Mrs. Albro, Mr. Buckman, and Mr. Snow, with Prof. Stimson at the instrument. After scriptural reading, and an opening prayer by Mrs. Lowry, Rev. P. F. Jones took the stand and delivered one of the best short temperance addresses we ever heard from a Winfield pulpit He spoke at first of the immoral and degrading influences of the drink habit, and finally warmed to the subject of the apparent disregard by a certain class in our city of the Prohibitory law, branding such lawlessness as a damning disgrace to an intelligent community. He admonished the people to do their duty regarding this matter, to give no countenance to the liquor traffic in any way whatever, and to see that the officers did their sworn duty in punishing the law-breakers. He was followed by Mrs. Garlick, who read in a pleasing manner extracts from a lecture by Rev. Dr. Noble, of Chicago, proving total abstinence as the only biblical doctrine.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. Powell, recently from Illinois, made a brief talk "showing his colors," and urging the necessity of every man of principle taking a firm stand in favor of prohibition and the proper enforcement of the law. Mrs. E. Smith then read an essay on "Loyal Woman's Work," setting forth most ably the accomplishments of woman in this grand work and what remains for her yet to accomplish, dwelling largely on the efficacy of moral suasion and gospel temperance.

Mr. A. H. Jennings was called out next, and waded into the subject with his character- istic earnestness until the whole audience was perfectly imbued with enthusiasm. He turned from the dark side of the temperance question and demonstrated its progress; went way back to his boyhood days when whiskey and beer were considered almost a household necessity, and gradually came down with each degree of progress until he struck glorious Kansas with her total abstinence law, and lastly the achievement of prohibition in Winfield. He spoke of the scarcity of drunken men on our streets compared to the times of yore and to certain towns in other states; of the many large public gatherings this season with scarcely a drunk man perceptible. Touching on the violation of the law in our midst, he laid the guilt to the citizen himself; that it was not his duty to stand back and cavort about lawlessness, but to assist in convicting criminals and uphold the law and officers by his example and influence.

The meeting had a decided effect in stimulating the people to renewed exertions in the enforcement of the law. Arrangements have been made whereby a series of semi-monthly union temperance meetings will be held in the different churches, conducted alternately by the Good Templars and Woman's Christian Temperance Union.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Vernon Festival Notes.

Henry Hahn is a whole team with an ice cream spoon.

Tom Blanchard had his right hand wagging among his many friends. It was badly disabled, but will hold out until after the convention.

W. W. Painter is the best hand at dishing up ice cream we have yet come across. Our dish would have supplied a family.

Mr. Jas. F. Martin looked as pleased and happy as if he had been named "grand-pa" for twins. He keenly enjoys seeing people have a good time, and in the success of a Vernon Township enterprise, is always restlessly active.

Emerson Martin made an excellent cashier. He quelled the unruly by filling them up with ice cream till they couldn't get around.

Twenty couples of Winfield folks were present. Some of them passed the evening sliding on the cellar door and pronounced it "splendid fun."


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The First races of the season come off at the Fair Grounds Saturday. A lot of horses are now on the grounds training for the fair and more are coming, and the horsemen and citizens have combined in making these races. An admission fee of 25 cents for adults, 10 cents for children, and 10 cents for teams will be charged. Part of the proceeds go to make up the purses and part for rent of track and grounds. The following is the program.

1. Running race, one mile dash.

2. Trottingmatched race, mile heats, two best in three.

3. Running racehalf mile dash, open to all. Purse $25.00.

4. Trottingmile heats, county horses. Citizen's purse, $75.00: $45.00 to first, $22.50 to second, $7.50 to third. Four to enter, three to start. Entrance fee, 10 percent of purse.

5. Matched pony race, half mile dash.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

There will be a camp meeting held under the direction of Western Holiness Association at Riverside Park, Winfield, Kansas, beginning September 1st. A cordial invitation is given to ministers and people of all Evangelical churches, also to all interested in the elevation of men. Dr. Bye and wife, formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio, with other evangelists, will be present. Come prepared to stay through the meeting and endeavor to encourage by your presence and your prayers; these ministers and laymen who are trying to spread scripture holiness.



Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

S. M. Jarvis and J. E. Conklin are down from Kansas City spending a few days among friends.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Sunflowers on the Highways.

All along the country roads the sun flowers have grown rank and thick until in some places the roads are almost obstructed. Chapter one hundred and fifty of the Session laws of 1878, makes it the duty of road overseers to remove all such nuisances between the 15th of June and the 15th of July of each year. Hardly any of the overseers in the county have complied with this statute, and the time is now past. Road overseers had better go to work at once and make up for their discrepancies in the matter. In the same section a fine of ten dollars and costs is the penalty for plowing up the road to scour plows.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Land Transfers.

Few citizens have any idea of the rapidity with which Cowley County farms have been changing hands during the past year. Almost everyone who held their farm for sale at the prices of two years ago were relieved of their property last year by newcomers. The record in the county Clerk's office shows transfers during the year in the different townships as follows.

Beaver: 40

Bolton: 70

Cedar: 60

Creswell: 50

Dexter: 60

Fairview: 40

Harvey: 35

Liberty: 48

Maple: 36

Ninnescah: 35

Omnia: 20

Pleasant Valley: 60

Richland: 45

Rock: 50

Sheridan: 25

Silver Creek: 20

Silver Dale: 20

Spring Creek: 60

Tisdale: 40

Vernon: 50

Walnut: 40




Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 78 [?] cents for best.. Corn is worth 25 cents. Oats 15 cents. Hogs $4.25. Produce remains about the same. Potatoes are worth 35 cents, peaches 75 cents to $1.50. Chickens $1.25 to $2.00. Butter 15 cents. Eggs 12-1/2 cents. Cabbage 1-1/2 cents per lb. Watermelons 7 to 12 cents each, grapes 4 cents per pound.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The lecture of Rev. G. H. Clark at the Baptist Church on Monday evening was thrilling and entertaining. His personal experience in Southern prisons is a vivid illustration of the terrible sufferings which were undergone by the "boys in blue" while fighting for their country. Mr. Clark and J. V. Hines, of Dexter, were prisoners together and shared for many months the horrors of the rebel stockades.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

S. M. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., is in the city arranging for the re-opening of their office here. This will be done about the 1st of the month, when they propose to put money on the market at six percent interest. Six percent in Cowley will make quite a stir, and is getting interests very low. In addition to this, they propose to allow the option of paying off the loans anytime the borrower desires.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

We publish on the first page this week another charming story from the pen of Miss Ella E. Bosley. Her stories, published from time to time in these columns, have attracted much attention and favorable comment from persons of literary tastes. We predict for her a high place in the literary world in time. [DID NOT TYPE UP STORY!]

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The ladies of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society will give a public meeting in the M. E. Church next Sunday evening. The exercises will consist of recitations, select reading, essay, mission dialogue, and select singing.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. John Coulter of Topeka spent a few hours of Wednesday in the city, in the interest of the State Fair. He conducts the Kansas bureau of the Kansas City Journal, and is one of the brightest young newspaper men in the state.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Charlie Black's baby boy fell from a second story window Wednesday and received a bad bump. The little one is now recovering much to the relief of the parents, who feared internal injuries.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The Santa Fe Trail, Vol. 2, No. 16, is before us and rich in information about Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, stories of adventure and other matters of interest.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. Jas. F. Martin left us several of his splendid "cantelope" melons. He makes a specialty of them and they are as sweet, juicy, and perfect as any we have seen.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Ed. Nicholson and family left Thursday for a short visit among friends in Illinois. He will return in time to take a hand in the fair.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Last Tuesday evening Mr. James A. White, of Chicago, instituted a lodge of Knights of Labor, of fifteen members in our town.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The price list of privileges for stands, etc., during the fair will be furnished on applica- tion to the secretary, Ed. P. Greer.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Eli Youngheim took a trip East Thursday morning. He has been ailing some time, and needs a rest badly.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

George Martin has taken charge of his old boot and shoe shop, and is no longer a "gentleman of leisure."

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The loan office of P. H. Albright & Co. will be removed to the new bank, across the street, this week.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Dorley, the carriage maker, has been laid up for a week with a bad attack of rheumatism.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Miss Nellie Cole returned Monday from an extended visit among friends in the East.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. Tom S. Barnes, of Kansas City, is visiting for a short time in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

MARRIED. Married in Florence, Kansas, August 18th, 1883, by Rev. E. P. Foster, Mr. Mac. C. Klingman, of Topeka, and Miss Ina T. Sweet, of Canon City, Colorado.

McClellan is well known in this city, being an old resident and having graduated in 1880 from our High School. Where here not long ago, he breathed no intention of committing this matrimonial deed, and it will therefore surprise his friends. "Mac" is a young man of ability and good judgment and, though unacquainted with the bride, we are satisfied that his selec- tion has been a good one. He being a member of the noble band of printers and having assisted on the COURIER at different times, all can join heartily in extending congratula- tions and good wishes.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

To Teachers. An examination of applicants for teachers' certificates will be held at the High School building, Winfield, beginning at 8 o'clock a.m., August 31, 1883. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time. A. H. Limerick, County Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

I want forty bushels of good clean oats and will pay 2 cents higher than market price.

Ed. P. Greer.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.


A Committee met with the Baptist Church of Winfield last Wednesday for the purpose of examining Prof. Trimble with a view to his ordination to the work of the ministry. After a thorough examination, the committee unanimously voted to ordain, in the following order.

Sermon, Rev. Harper, Wichita; ordination prayer, Rev. Cairns, Winfield; charge to the candidate, Rev. Merrifield, Newton; hand of fellowship, Rev. Pennington, El Dorado; Prof. Hickok, Rev. Rice of Augusta, Rev. Clark and Rev. Ferguson, with brethren Culture and Holmes, also took part. Benediction by Rev. Trimble. REV. PENNINGTON, Moderator.

REV. RICE, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.


AUG. 18TH, 1883.

Society called to order by President; minutes of special meeting read and approved. Society requested Mr. N. G. Davis to publish his essay on "Onion Culture and Varieties." President appointed as a Committee to collect and exhibit fruit at the County Fair (not to compete for premium as a society) by consent of Society, Jacob Nixon, S. H. Jennings, Dr. Marsh. S. E. Maxwell, A. J. Burrel, N. J. Larkin, R. L. Hogue, A. R. Gillett. President read report on Tree Growth, from Mr. Frederick McIntosh, as follows.

"It has been said by the poet that the groves were God's first Temples. And in years that are gone by; in the lapse of centuries when the Druids met in groves to practice their heathen rites, we see that they, rude and barbarous though they were, chose groves to practice their mystic and magical ceremonies.

"Aside from their grandeur, beauty, and utility, there is nothing that adds so much to the value of a farm as groves. At my few leisure moments of the past week I have visited some of the groves of your county, and learned what I could of them. I first inspected Mr. Penning- ton's place, on the western border of the county. I found he had about 5,000 cottonwoods, 60 feet high, 5 feet, 10 inches in circumferencethat is, a great many were; some not more than three feet. the largest were nine years old, from cuttings; the others being planted some years later. He then went with me to his walnut grove, consisting of 400 beautiful trees about 50 feet high. They were also 9 years old from seed.

"We then visited Mr. Joseph Han's catalpa grove, which was a grand sight indeed. There were 2,000 trees in his ground about thirty feet high, 8 years old from seed. We then took a glance at Mr. Pennington's catalpa trees. They were fully 40 feet high, planted from seed 9 years ago. He had about 100.

"We then had completed all that was of interest in forestry at that point, so we visited Mr. Isaac Wood's place. He had about 2 acres of fine cottonwood trees, about 50 feet high; could not learn when they were plantedwould judge about 7 or 8 years from cuttings.

"There being no other groves on my road, and having only a few moments to spare, I found I could not visit the grounds of some other parties. I concluded to drive back to this place and tell you the result of my trip. You will see at once that you may all be able to sit in the shade of grand, beautiful groves if you only will. A great many persons think and act as though they could not have trees around them. To prove to the people of Kansas that they could have forests, Mr. Robert Douglas, of Waukegan, Illinois, who certainly understands forestry, says: `In order to establish the fact that forests can be successfully planted without the aid of experts, we took three contracts in Crawford County, Kansas. We have already planted 500 acres, two contracts, and will plant 500 acres more before the first day of May. These trees are planted by ordinary laborers, superintended by a man who never worked a day in a nursery. They are planted with spades, and stand 4 x 4 feet apart. We plant 2,720 trees to the acre. Our contract calls for 2,000. They consist of three-fifths catalpa speciosa and two-fifths ailanthus. The catalpa three years planted stand 6 to 10 feet high, 2 to 3 inches in diameter at the collar.'

"Thus you may see what can be done in your own county and also at other places in Kansas. In conclusion, I will say that walnut, from its value, deserves to be planted largely, and as a county laborer in horticultural pursuits, I wish that you who are without groves would make a strong effort, and I am sure you will not fail. As we glide slowly down the stream of life, we can have the consolation that someone will be benefitted by our labors, and the wind will whisper among the leaves as the sounds of many Aeolian Harps, making music in our souls for the good we have done" FREDERICK McINTOSH.

Mr. HogueHave 2 year old cottonwood from cuttings that are 16 ft. high.

Mr. Robertson reported growth of trees at Mr. Beach's farm in Beaver Township as follows: Black walnut 25 feet high, 7 inches in diameter; box elders 20 feet high, diameter 8 inchesone acre in grove one year old. On his own farm the mulberry, 11 years since set, is 10 inches in diameter. Red cedar 10 yrs, from seed is 6 inches in diameter, 15 to 20 feet high. Cherry, 8 years in hedge rows, 2 to 3 inches in diameter.

Report on Tree Growth was read by Secretary, as follows.

"I made the following measurements on the 15th inst. on tree growth on my farm 3 miles east of Oxford; elevation 1165 feet (elevation of Winfield 1105 feet), mulatto soilexcellent drainageall on hill. Varietiesblack Walnut, from seed planted the spring of 1872, 4 x 4 feet, 20 rods long, no cultivation; circumference 8 to 14 inches, 16 feet high; have born nuts for three years. Two cottonwoods in this row are 45 feet high and 40 inches in circumfer- ence. I have a cottonwood grove, 12 rows 40 rods long, 4 x 4 feet, from cuttings April 6th, 1877; circumference 18 to 28 inches, 35 to 40 feet high. I am thinning to 8 x 8 feet. My catalpa grove of 2400 trees planted spring of 1881, are 4 x 8 feetonly lost ten out of the lotcircumference 4 to 6 inches, 8 to 12 feet apart, planted in 187620 rods longcircumference 12 to 18 inches, 18 to 20 feet high, badly injured by a round-headed borer, purple color. Box Elderplanted in 1877, circumference 18 inches, height 20 feet. Soft Mapleplanted seed spring of 1871 in subsoiled sod; ruined by borers in 1874; what few that are left are 20 to 25 inches in circumference and 25 feet high.

"Ben Davis applescircumference 18 inches, 18 to 20 feet high.

"Sweet Junecircumference 24 inches, 18 to 20 feet high.

"Winesapcircumference 24 inches, 18 to 20 feet high.

"Bartlett Pearcircumference 18 inches, 18 to 20 feet high.

"Foster Peachplanted 1882, circumference, 6 inches, 10 feet high.

"On the Hafer farm on the Arkansas Valley, elevation 1125 feet, is a sample row of cottonwood planted by Messrs. Dunn and Ettenborough spring of 1882; circumference 48 to 60 inches and 60 feet high.

"On the Taylor farm is a grove of 2-1/2 acres 4 x 8 feet apart, planted in 1877, I think, which are 40 to 50 feet high.

"Mr. Jackson has a three acre grove equally as good; stand 4 x 4 feet apart.

"The soft maple has made a splendid growth on the Wooley farm.

"The Mecca for tree-growers is Mr. Ware's farm, on the upland in section 21, township 32, range 3, and will well repay a visit from anyone to show the adaptability of our soil to tree growth: elevation 1145 feet. Walnutplanted spring of 1874, 8 x 8 feet, 2 nuts in a hill; circumference 20 inches, 35 feet highstraight and slender. Cottonwood1 year old, trees planted at some time and distance are 36 inches in circumference and 65 to 70 feet high. At same time and distance he planted 2 year old soft maple; circumference 25 to 30 inches and 45 to 50 feet high. A single row of cottonwood along hedge lot is 51 inches in circumference and 60 feet high, with 3 to 6 inches of guano covering the ground. He would plant 4 by 8 feet apart if he planted again, and cut out one-half in 10 years. His apple trees are a No. 1 shape and growth, which are grown with alternate rows of peach; Maiden Blush and Willow Twig are full; Ben Davis, Winesap, and Janet nearly as full of apples." JACOB NIXON.

Mr. MillspaughA grove of trees would be a lasting monument to any person. Saw soft maple lumber that squared 17 inches at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, that was sawed from trees he planted on the prairie in that city when he went there.

Mr. JenningsAsh very easy grown; has maple sown from seed last spring 8 feet high.

Mr. HogueWe only saved 10 percent of the Russian mulberry cuttings from 4,000; would not consider it a successwhich seemed to be the opinion of all present.

Mr. D. S. Sherrard planted walnut last fall which are now from 18 to 30 inches high and one inch in circumference; also pecans, pressed in with foot, alternate rows of peach put in. Black locust doing fine. Maple planted in May are 2 feet high.

Mr. Robertson would prefer red cedar to walnutgetting as much growth besides wind- breaks in winter.

PresidentPlow your ground in the fall for all cuttings.

Mr. DavisWalnut stumps are worth $5.00 each in the ground in Ohio.

Mr. HogueRed cedar injured by an insect cutting off the limbs or fronds.

Mr. Millspaugh exhibited Concord grapes and Keswick Codlin apples.

Mr. Jennings exhibited Hayes Wine and K. Codlin apples.

Mr. Hayden showed a 20 oz. Giant of Rocco onion.

Fine sample of Washington Territory wheat that yielded 60 bushels per acre and had five grains abreast was exhibited by A. B. Arment of this city.

Adjourned to meet 1st Saturday in September at 2 p.m.

JACOB NIXON, Secretary. J. F. MARTIN, President.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.


In December 1878 when this county had before it the proposition to vote not exceeding $144,000 in bonds to the A., T. & S. F., or rather to the C. S. & F. S. railroad, the COURIER said in support of the proposition that in case the stock, which the county would get for the bonds, should prove utterly valueless, and though we should not take into account the great advantage it would certainly be in saving the enormous cost of hauling freight and produce to and from Wichita; yet the voting the bonds would be a speculation to the county by reducing the rate of taxation. We stated that the assessment of the county was then about $2,000,000, that the average rate of taxation was then about 40 mills, which should raise about $80,000 in taxes for all purposes; that if the bonds were voted and 36 miles of road built in the county, the bonds would be issued to the amount of $144,000 at 6 percent, and the yearly interest on the bonds would be $8,610; that if we raised $10,000 additional a year by taxation, it would pay that interest and leave $1,360 a year surplus, and this surplus well invested year by year would create a sinking fund which could be applied directly after ten years to reducing the debt and the yearly interest, thus increasing the yearly surplus which would entirely extinguish the debt within the thirty years. We estimated that the railroad would be assessed $216,000, that other property to the amount of $534,000 assessment would come into the county because of the building of the road, in increased stocks of goods, more machinery, cattle, sheep, and other stock, more buildings, new towns, increased value of town lots, etc.; together raising the assessment rolls from $2,000,000 to $2,750,000 with- out considering the increased value it would give to farm lands and without increasing their assessments. That on this assessment of $2,750,000 a rate of 33 mills would raise the $10,000 for interest and sinking fund in addition to the $80,000 for general purposes, and therefore the voting of the bonds would reduce the rate of taxation from 40 mills to 33 mills, a saving to the then present taxpayers of near 7 mills on the dollar per year for ten years and a still greater saving thereafter.

Now we will see how nearly the estimates then made are confirmed by the facts which have since transpired. We voted the bonds to the C. S. & F. S., and $128,000 of them were issued up to December 30, 1879. We also voted $68,000 to the S. K. & W. railroad, which were issued in February and March, 1880. The total assessed valuation of the county for that year was $2,945,381, of which $357,895 was railroad property. In 1881 the total assessment was $3,094,070, of which $384,898 was railroad property. In 1883 the total assessment is $3,518,145, of which $470,983 is railroad property. If you examine carefully, you will find that there has been no raise in the assessed value of lands generally, on account of the general advance in price, and that other property is assessed lower than it was four years ago. Property generally that would sell for $400 is valued now no higher than property that would only bring $300 three years ago, if our observation is correct. Then we must remember that in 1880-1881 we had failure in crops and great depression, causing a great falling off in population and the removal of much property besides depressing values. So it is fair to say that besides the $470,000 railroad property valuation, near a million of other property has come into the county because of the railroads, that our railroads have increased our assess- ment rolls over a million and a half and nearly double what our estimate in December 1879 was for the one road. But it does not need to be nearly double to justify our estimate before the roads were built, for though we were to get two roads, both are under the same control and for competitive purposes they are scarcely better than one road. But to be liberal, we will admit it to be equal to a road and a half. Then taking one and a half times $750,000, our then estimated increase for one road, we have $1,125,000 increase added to the $2,000,000 of 1878 gives $3,125,000 for present assessment and leaves $400,000 to the account of other causes. Therefore, it appears to us that our estimates of December 1873 were too low rather than too high.

Now of the $196,000 bonds we issued for the two roads, the S. K. & W. stock has taken up $38,000 bonds and leaves money in the treasury to take up $8,000 more, leaving the rail- road indebtedness $150,000. Of this $128,000 runs at 6 percent or $7,680 a year, and the remaining $22,000 draws 7 percent, or $1,540 a year, amounting to $9,220 annual railroad interest. If we sell no more stock, $10,750 a year raised by taxation will pay the interest and create a sinking fund which will pay off the principal, and a 3 mill tax will nearly raise the amount this year and will more than do it in after years. And while the county is paying this $10,750 a year, the $470,000 railroad property is paying a 25 mill tax for county and school purposes, amounting to $10,750, which makes even and costs the other taxpayers nothing, while the other property brought here because of the railroads, still further reduces the taxes on the people.

Now we have no competing road and the county is asked to vote $100,000 six percent, ten thirty year bonds to secure a competing road of 45 or more miles in the county. But placing it at 45 miles, the least that is estimated, and count the assessment at same rate per mile as the present roads are valued, and it would be assessed at $270,000. It is fair to estimate that $430,000 other property at assessor's valuation would come into the county because of the road, making $700,000 increase of property and raising the assessment rolls from $3,500,000 to $4,200,000. Whatever increase from other causes there might be would raise the amount still higher. The interest on the $100,000 bonds would be $6,000 a year and $1,000 for sinking fund, which added to $91,000 would make $98,000 to be raised by taxa- tion, and it would take only a 23-1/4 mill tax to raise the amount whereas now it would take 26 mills to raise $91,000. So it is evident that voting the bonds would reduce the rate of taxation in this county at least 2-3/4 mills per annum for 30 years and reduce it more thereafter when the entire indebtedness caused thereby would be canceled.

As we are now situated, the present railroads pay one-eighth of our taxes, and must pay the same proportion of the taxes on bonds to secure a rival road and it will make the R. R. property $700,000 of the $4,200,000 or one-sixth of the whole, and the railroads would then have to pay one sixth of all our taxes.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883. Editorial by Millington.

Skipped an article by Millington entitled "Official Impertinence." It appears that the Wichita Beacon, Commonwealth, and the Winfield Telegram were constantly misquoting Millington and trying to give him a rough time re the prohibition platform.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Missouri, Winfield and Southwestern Railroad Company.

This company has not been blowing in the newspapers of what they were doing or trying to do, but have quietly kept at work, have interested eastern capitalists in the scheme, and have the assurance that as soon as the townships in Greenwood, Butler, and Cowley Counties have voted the bonds, the money will be forthcoming to build the road. Bond elections have been called in Eureka City, and Eureka and Otter Creek Townships in Greenwood County, and in Hickory and Union Townships in Butler County.

Mr. Morehead, an experienced railroad engineer, from Pennsylvania, well known in rail- road circles, has been in the field for three weeks, and has found the easiest and best pass through the flint hills yet discovered and has already completed a careful survey of the line from Eureka to Winfield. The route does not vary three miles from an air line and is favor- able. Another line will be run between Winfield and the north line of the county that may prove even more favorable.

In case of a failure to vote the bonds in any of the townships of Greenwood and Butler, we have two other routes in view, on both of which the people are anxious to vote the needed aid. The company is in the first place to make a connection with the St. Louis, Ft. Scott and Wichita railroad, which is a Gould road, and is being operated by the Missouri Pacific company. When the line is built to Winfield, the Missouri Pacific will run the road. Next to Eureka the company prefer Toronto in Woodson County as the point of intersection with the Fort Scott and Wichita road as that is in the direction of the Walnut coal fields near the Marais Des Cygne and the Missouri state line. The distance from Winfield to Toronto by way of Severy or Twin Falls is about 70 miles and the people all along the line in Greenwood are anxious for the road.

Another connection with the Fort Scott and Wichita is to run through directly to Rosalia. This has, in favor of it, the shortest distance to the connection.

Among the three, little or no doubt exists that the subsidies will be voted on one of them and if Cowley County comes to time with the subsidies, the road will be built as soon there- after and as fast as men and money can do it.

It is asked that Cowley County shall vote its bonds and take stock in the road to the amount of $100,000. Petitions are in circulation to call the election to vote on the proposi- tion. The proposition provided that no bonds shall be delivered until the road is completed and running from a connection with the St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita railroad north or northeast of this county to the north line of this county and into this county ten miles. Then only $12,000 of the bonds shall be delivered and thereafter $12,000 whenever five additional miles are completed; and finally the balance of the $100,000 when the road shall be com- pleted to the county line near the southwest corner of the county. This balance kept back will be $28,000.

No better proposition for this county could be conceived. It binds the road to the Gould system of roads and makes it a competing road beyond all question and for all time until the Gould system is sold out at least. There is at least as much danger that the Gould syndicate will buy out the Santa Fe system as that the Santa Fe will buy out the Gould.

We hope our readers will be prepared to sign the petition promptly when presented.

In another article we present some reasons for the petition.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.


It is reported by the grape-vine that an Arkansas Valley editor postmaster has been arrested for allowing his affections to wander off and entwine themselves about the buxom form and palpitating heart of a fair damsel who is not his lawful wife. We hope the disease will not break out among the postmaster-editors generally as such a calamity would go far towards totally depriving Kansas people of their weekly mental pabulum. Commonwealth.

Gosh! Who can it be? There's Ashbaugh, of the Newton Kansan, old Palingenises Murdock, the Hutchinson News man and maybebut noyes, it is possible, it might be Kurtz of the Augusta Gazetteor father Millington of the Winfield Courier. Yes, we hope so too, Mr. Commonwealth. El Dorado Times.

Can it be Sheldon? Why did he forget himself? The atmosphere of El Dorado seems to be peculiarly trying there of late, as witness the case of Strong and the case of the woman who waylaid a gentleman and lady, thinking he was her husband.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Kansas City, Winfield & Southern Railroad.

There is a project on foot to build a railroad from Winfield to Kansas City, the prelimi- nary survey of a portion of which is now being made from Winfield to Eureka. Our citizens should investigate this matter. The road will, in all probability, be built, and it seems to us that if the proper encouragement were given, we might secure it. A direct line from Winfield to Kansas City will not miss either Eureka, Burlington, Ottawa, or Olathe three miles. These are all good towns and are all county seats, and it would seem that it would be to the interest of the road to pass through instead of around them. If this road is to be built, we hope our people will make an effort to secure it. Burlington Republican.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.


McPherson, Aug. 24. There are at least two prohibition towns in Kansas, or at least towns in which no liquor is sold openly and above board; and these two places are Winfield and McPherson. The former being the home of Senator Hackney, there is of course nothing surprising in the fact that prohibition prohibits there.

Hackney is the fiercest and most uncompromising prohibitionist I ever saw, not even excepting St. John, and is very free in his declaration that a prohibitory plank should be put in the next Republican state platform. Whether or not the anti-prohibition element in Win- field is afraid of Hackney I cannot say, but it is very safe to assume that he would make it very sultry indeed for any member thereof who should so far forget himself as to open out a gin mill and begin the sale of liquor unblushingly. No one presumes to deny that whiskey and diverse other beverages cannot be obtained in Winfield, but there is no open sale of the same. Although the town has but one policeman, the embodying of the city marshal and street commissioner in the one person, there is no place in the state more quiet and peaceable than Winfield. There are no rows, no drunken men staggering around, no disturbances of any kind; the farmers, when they come in to sell their produce, do not seem to worry over the fact that there is not a saloon on every corner. It should not be judged from this that Winfield is a dull town by any means, for it isn't. There is not a livelier town in the state, nor one which does more business in proportion to its size. In fact, in proportion to its size, there are very few towns in Kansas which do as much business as Winfield. Therefore, if Winfield is busy and growing, and the prohibitory law is enforced there, why can't the law be enforced in other towns of the state? If the law in Missouri is strong enough to shut up the saloons on Sunday, it is certainly strong enough to close them up every day in the week in Kansas.

The city of Winfield is an illustration of the fact McPherson is another temperance town, and its growth is marvelous. Whole brick blocks are going up along the main business street and handsome new residences are being erected. This certainly bears the appearance of enter- prise, and yet there isn't an open saloon in town. Probably this doesn't go to prove anything, but at the same time it goes to show that a town can be prosperous even if it doesn't have liquor for sale openly. Secret selling will doubtless go on in communities where open sale is not tolerated, yet there is nothing in this to discourage those who wish to imbibe. If their thirst is very strong, they will beyond doubt go to some trouble to assuage it. But while Winfield and McPherson are what might very truly be called temperance and prohibition towns, there are other places in the southwestern part of the state which cannot be designated as such. Special Dispatch to the Kansas City Journal.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.


In a reported interview Hon. Thos. Ryan is credited with the following opinions.

"Do you think the recent telegraph complications will induce Congressional legislation of any kind?"

"I find a strong and growing feeling wherever I have been that the Federal Government ought to take charge of the telegraph service of the United States. On the other hand, some believe that the government should leave all institutions of that and kindred character to individual enterprise, believing that if the government undertakes to assume control of such matters, the result will be fatal to our institutions. I believe that a measure just and fair in its provisions of that character, would receive the support of the next House of Representatives, and I have no doubt that such a bill will be brought forward."

"How do you regard the taxation of lumber?"

"I think lumber should be on the free list. We are already exerting all our powers of legis- lation to protect the forests we have, and increase them. It is a little inconsistent to prohibit lumber importations by tariff legislation, and thereby compel the destruction of our own forests for our own consumption. Putting lumber on the free list will tend to preserve our forests and cheapen its price for the consumer. It is a bad policy to expose our forests to speedy destruction, and then find ourselves dependent upon foreign supply for our own consumption."


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

A Card. I have just learned that the Democrats have nominated me for County Surveyor and as I have no wish to sail under false colors, I would just state: I have been a Republican Greenbackersomething after the status of the Inter-Ocean. Lately, owing to changes in the G. B. Platform, I am simply a Republican, which party I helped to form. As far as the office of County Surveyor is concerned, if a competent, trustworthy candidate turns up between now and September 1st, I will not be a candidate; if not, I have promised my friends to come before the Republican Convention. ALEX. CAIRNS.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Akron Brevities.

Come to the festival.

Bob Pratt now drives a two seated carriage.

Wheat sowing is the next thing on the program.

A good location at Akron for a singing school.

Health is unusually good considering the season of the year.

The school board of Valley Center has secured Miss Barnes [Baines?] as teacher this winter.

Judge Gans will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit next Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock.

Mr. Henry Rogers has got a new organ, and George Burt contemplates taking music lessons soon.

Singing school every Sabbath afternoon at the school house, for the benefit of the M. E. Sabbath school.

N. E. Darling has treated himself to a bran new top buggy. Storekeeping and riding in a lumber wagon don't go together, do they Norman?

There will be an ice cream festival at the Walnut Valley Church on Thursday evening, Sept. 6th. Funds to go for the completion of the tower. Everybody cordially invited.

Last Sabbath was communion day, and Rev. Graham preached a very interesting discourse. The church was encouraged by the addition of five memberstwo by letter and three by profession of faith.

There are several big snake stories afloat and the following is one of them.

The other day as Mrs. Metzgar was going down into the cellar, she was welcomed by a Blue Racer coiled upon the lid of a crock of milk, just nicely covering it. Assistance arrived immediately and the snake was given an unmerciful blow, which split the lid, letting the snake down in the crock of cream. Not at all relishing the unexpected bath, it "got up and get," but was tracked up by the white streak it left and was soon dispatched. It was over five feet long. AUDUBON.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Rock Items.

Health is good.

Dr. Horniday has moved in his new residence.

Mrs. Patterson and granddaughter, of Chestnut, Illinois, are visiting friends here.

Miss Sarah Holmes and Mrs. Heath are spending the week with their sister in Augusta.



Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Recap: Geo. H. Williams, Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Winslow, Deceased, granted Letters of Administration by Probate Court May 28, 1883.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

DR. JACKSON'S INDIAN EYE SALVE is a certain, safe, and efficacious remedy for Inflamed, Weak, or Granulated Sore Eyes. Cooling and soothing in its effects. It arouses the secretions, opens the tear ducts, and strengthens and restores the failing eye sight. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by E. G. Cole.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Daylight is growing perceptibly less.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

James Cairns took a trip to Kingman County this week.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Miss M. Ball spent part of last week with Oxford friends.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mrs. Garlick's Kindergarten school commences again Sept. 3rd.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

F. M. Friend is off for a few weeks' visit to his mother in Ohio.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. Will Summerville was in from the rural village of Tisdale Monday.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

B. M. Legg and lady are again at home after a four months' visit in Ohio.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mrs. R. B. Waite leaves next week for a visit among friends in the East.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mrs. M. A. Monlux [?Moniux] of Galena, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Friend.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Farmers report nearly all wheat land plowed and in good condition for early sowing.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Monthly social at the Presbyterian Church this Thursday evening. Everybody invited.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

P. H. Albright & Co.'s office is now comfortably located in the Farmers Bank building.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Miss Ella Kelly returned Tuesday evening from a week's visit with her sister in Wichita.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Rev. E. J. Brown, of Newton, will hold Communion at the Presbyterian Church next Sunday.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. George Heffron, our former dairyman, goes to New York this week to spend some time.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The engines of the water works company are in place and will be ready to start up by September 10th.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Tannehill S. S. social in Bradbury's grove last Thursday was a success with net receipts $27.50.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Rev. J. A. Rupp brought us some samples of Beaver productions among which are melons two feet long.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Wanted. A girl for general housework, family small. Inquire of Mrs. F. M. Webber, Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The streets were crowded with farmers Saturday and our merchants were kept busy from morning till night.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Miss Josie Mansfield has just received her new stock of fall goods, and invites the ladies to call and examine them.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

R. C. McMasters has a sale of stock, farm implements, and furniture, five miles north- west of Winfield, Sept. 5th.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

For the ten months ending September 1st the treasurer has issued on an average of twenty tax receipts each day.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. W. Metzger of Fairview Township brought us the largest ear of corn we have seen this year. It is a "whopper."

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Fair Association has several wagons out putting up their colored poster work in this and adjoining counties.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Lots of new wheat is being marketed now. It is generally good grade, plump and smooth, and commands the best No. 2 price.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Fair Ground track is now fenced all around with the new picket fence. It looks splendid and is strong and durable.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mrs. J. C. Corbin brought into our office last Thursday a peach twig a foot long carrying thirty-two fair-sized peaches. Who can beat that?

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The new Bank received its big safe Monday and opened up ready for business. The inside arrangement of the building is very neat and tasty.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Richie Mansfield came down from Peabody last week and spent a few days visiting his mother. He is doing well and satisfied with his location.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Jake Goldsmith returned from his journeyings Monday evening. He has been all over the East during the last month and returns refreshed and ready for business.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. John Isom brought us in a stalk of corn fifteen feet, four and a half inches long. He tried hard to tie the stalk brought in last week, but couldn't reach it by a half inch.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mrs. H. Tisdale, of Lawrence, is spending a week with Arthur Bangs and wife. Mrs. Tisdale is the wife of Henry Tisdale, the big stage man and proprietor of our `bus lines.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McDonald left for Chicago Tuesday. After purchasing a stock of goods for the fall trade, they will go to Virginia and spend some time among friends there.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

George Williams was down from Rock Monday. George is the merchant prince of that locality and does a business that would put some of our metropolitan storekeepers to shame.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

MARRIED. Mr. Chas. F. Ware and Miss Laura Anderson were married Sunday. This was a surprise, as no one suspected Charley of any such intentions. We wish the young couple much joy.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Bard and Harris present to the readers of the COURIER this week a new list of lands in their hands for sale, or rather a continuation of the old list of lands, and can satisfy any purchaser. [DID NOT TYPE UP AD.]

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mrs. A. T. Shenneman will soon begin the erection of a two story brick building on Ninth Avenue. The second-hand store will be removed to the Taggart building until the completion of the new brick.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Another evidence of Cowley's wheat producing qualities is shown by Mr. J. Jones, of Fairview. He had twenty-four acres. During the winter he pastured a lot of calves on it, and a few days ago threshed the field and got 33-1/2 bushels per acre.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

MARRIED. In all the joys of life there are some rough places. Mr. R. E. Brooking finds it so. His friends could not let the occasion of his marriage pass without having some fun at his expense, so several of them slipped up Sunday evening and changed the wheels of his buggy, putting the front wheels behind. Coming out with the blushing bride he got into the buggy and drove off without noticing the change, so preoccupied was his mind. Driving through the park and fair ground, he was several times accosted with the inquiry if it wasn't a new style of buggy, until he finally got mad and vowed to mash the next individual who presumed to question him. It was a good while, however, before he discovered the cause of their interest, and then the air turned blue for two blocks around.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. J. D. Allen, our enterprising miller, let the contract this week to Webber and Mans, of Winfield, who will put in ten pairs of E. P. Allis' Rolls in Gray's patent noiseless frames, two purifiers, three centrifugal reels, seven flour reels, four scalpers, a Brenkuster flour packer, dew shafting, pulleys, etc. This will be an immense improvement, costing at least ten thousand dollars. Our people are to be congratulated in having such a mill as this will be when completed. Its capacity will be about sixty barrels per day and the quality of flour far superior to any of the ordinary mills. The gentlemen who have charge of the contract, Messrs. Webber & Mans, are professional mill builders and built the Winfield Mills, one of the best in the state. Fall River Echo. [Mans? Manns?]

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. Renfro, of the Winfield Telegram, made us a pleasant call last week. Wichita Eagle.

Such is fame. Our Democratic brother visited Wichita last week in all the glory of his Oscar Wilde suit and summer mustache, expecting that his fame as the author of those bright, sparkling, and original witticisms known to the world as the "Telegram Primer," had preceded him, and returns to be recorded only as plan "Mr. Renfro." This is hard to bear, but we hope he will cheer up and try to remember that in this busy, selfish wold, genius often goes unrecognized.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Last Monday a delegation from Butler County consisting of J. W. Watson and M. Campbell, of Leon, and A. D. Lee and A. W. Dennison, of Douglass, visited the director of the M., W. & S. W. railroad at Winfield to urge the construction of the road up the Walnut Valley to Douglass, and up the Little Walnut Valley to Leon and a connection with the Ft. Scott & Wichita road at Rosalia. They say that the townships in Butler along this line are enthusiastic for this road and will vote liberal subsidies.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. Edward M. Lewis, late proprietor of the St. James Hotel, Kansas City, has leased the Occidental Hotel of this city, taking charge last Wednesday. Mr. Lewis is an experienced hotel man and has a very large acquaintance throughout the west with traveling people and will make a popular home. In making the lease, Mr. Lewis bought outright the entire furniture. Wichita Eagle.

This relieves Frank Williams of everything except his water works, street railroads, gas works, and other minor cares.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. W. T. Curtis, the general agent of the Temperance Mutual Benefit Union of Kansas, a life insurance company, is in town again and will remain for a week or ten days and will take more insurance risks. We will mention that since we took a policy in that company, there has not been a single assessment for a death loss, while other mutual companies have made several assessments in that time. These Temperance people do not die very often, and then the Union has no annual dues.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Democratic Convention was anything but the "wild and wooly" animal it has been represented to be. It was a very quiet, respectable body of gentlemen, who listened with attention to the plans and specifications drawn up for them by the small coterie of Democrats who inhabit the highways and by-ways of this city. Some of the dose was very bitter to the better element and lots of them swear they never will be forced to take itand we do not think they will.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. George Arnold's fine bay team caromed with a dray Friday near Harter's drugstore and broke off the end of the wagon tongue. They started up Main at a terrific gait with the tongue down and a young boy in the wagon. The result looked dubious for a few moments, but they were soon brought to a halt by running into a hitching rack at Baden's store.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

MARRIED. Mr. R. E. Brooking and Miss Jennie Piper were married Sunday at the residence of R. I. Hogue, in Walnut Township. This matter has been pending for some time in the minds of Brooking's many friends. His nervous manner when lacing up sixteen button boots first attracted their attention. We wish the couple a long and happy journey through life.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Those Courthouse trees are a constant source of pleasure to all who look at them. Never have we seen trees thriftier or grow with greater rapidity. This is due to Capt. Smith's careful attention, and the people will thank him for this work from the bottom of their hearts in less than four years.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

T. B. Ware threshed his wheat last week. He measured forty acres and got just fifty bushels per acre. Two thousand bushels from forty acres is a fair yield. At seventy-five cents a bushel, this forty acres will bring him fifteen hundred dollars. About a thousand dollars of this is clear profit.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

James Kelly has purchased the Kingman Republican and the new metropolis of the Ninnescah will, for the future, have two bright papers. We are glad to see "Uncle Jim" again running a paper of his own. The Republican is an excellent little paper and on a good paying basis.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The amphitheatre adjoining the judges' stand on the race track will be erected next week. It will be a neat structure, covered, and will seat four hundred. Along the upper part will be a wide promenade, and the space beneath fronting the main exhibition buildings will be fitted up for refreshment booths.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. Warner, from California, purchased the old Hixon farm in Vernon Township for six thousand dollars, last week. It was a quarter section place. Mr. Raymond purchased it for four thousand dollars last spring. This shows about how Cowley County real estate is going up.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mrs. S. W. Hughes is one of Cowley's ladies who takes great interest in gardening. This year she has been trying to see what Cowley's soil will produce, and as a result brings us a cabbage head larger than a wooden bucket and a beet two feet long and twelve inches around.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Railroad matters are again assuming very lively shape. It sounds like old times to hear so much railroad talk on the streets and throughout the county. If it will result in bringing us competing roads, we are glad to have a chance to "agitate."

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Every stall erected up to date on the fair grounds has been engaged and the association finds it necessary to erect additional ones at once. Exhibitors should apply for stall room to the secretary soon in order to insure being supplied.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Rev. Dr. Kirkwood, of Wooster, Ohio, is expected to arrive here Saturday to fill the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church for six weeks with a view of settlement. The Doctor comes highly recommended as an excellent preacher.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Democratic Convention.

The Democratic Convention of Cowley County was held at the Courthouse last Saturday the 25th inst. Amos Walton was chairman and Jos. O'Hare secretary. The following nomina- tions were made.

For Sheriff: S. G. Gary of Winfield.

For Treasurer: J. B. Lynn of Winfield.

For Coroner: W. I. Shotwell of Winfield.

For County Clerk: John Hanlen of Rock.

For Register of Deeds: Geo. Eaton of Silverdale.

For Surveyor: Alex Cairns of Tisdale.


3. We are in favor of a tariff for revenue only, limited to the necessities of the govern- ment, economically administered.

4. We censure the republican congress for reducing the tariff on wool and at the same time increasing it on woolen goods already highly protected, thus discriminating against the agricultural interests of the country and in favor of monopoly.

5. We favor a more rigid economy in the administration of county affairs, and a reduction of the fees and salaries of county officers to a point not in excess of the ordinary profits of legitimate business.

6. We are opposed to the prohibitory amendment and the law enacted thereunder, and denounce the policy of prohibition as an utter and entire failure, injurious and detrimental to the best interests of the state and county and contrary to the sentiment of the people and the spirit of our institutions. It has not lessened the liquor traffic nor reduced drunkenness. It has produced ill feeling, malice, and hatred among the people and fostered secret drinking to an alarming extent, and we hereby demand the repeal of the present prohibitory liquor law, and the resubmission of the question of prohibition to another vote of the people in shape of a proposed constitutional amendment, and would recommend a judicious system of high license and local option in place thereof.

In No. 7 they carried on about distrust of railroad companies, wanting the state to control railroads instead of railroads controlling the state.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.


Mrs. Garlick will open her Kindergarten school again on Monday, September 3rd, with prices of tuition the same as formerly. She has discovered a superb modeling clay in this vicinity and will commence teaching modeling in clay, which will be a new and very inter- esting feature. It is very gratifying to note the pleasure and enthusiasm of the little pupils of this school, to see their happy faces and bright smiles. The school is our best institution, very valuable to the pupils, and deserves encouragement.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Report of Wheat Yield. We have the pleasure of reporting the following yield of wheat: Amount of land, 9-1/2 acres; number of bushels, machine measure, 429; actual weight over machine measure, 25 bushels; total number of bushels, 454, making a yield per acre of 48 bushels and 12 pounds. This extraordinary yield may be beaten, as there is some very heavy wheat yet to thresh. We will exhibit a sample of this wheat at our County Fair, with the certificate of the thresher and measurer. T. B. Ware, Chas. F. Ware.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. S. M. Roberts, the new manager of the Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co.'s office at Win- field, Kansas, is a man of long experience, having been in the employ of the Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Cos. in the East, is a gentleman of ability in the sewing machine line, and under his management the "Silent No. 8" will without doubt outstrip any machine on the market. Mr. Roberts has secured the services of Mr. J. A. Williams as salesman, formerly builder of sewing machines for the Singer Co., at Indianapolis, Indiana.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Doane & Co. have a new way of setting a wagon tire, which they claim is much better and more lasting than a blacksmith's set. They take a lot of linseed oil, put it in a tin trough, build a fire under the trough, and when the oil gets hot run the rim of the wheel through it for half an hour. This fills up the pores of the wood, makes the wheel tight, and prevents shrinkage. A gallon of oil will do for a wagon and if this is done once a year, the wagon will always be in good shape, and no bother from loose tires.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Beaver Center Sunday School has bought a superb Mason & Hamlin chapel organ of the agent, M. J. Stimson. Mr. Smith, of Udall, has also bought a Mason & Hamlin organ. Mr. Stimson has a large stock of Mason & Hamlin organs, sheet music, music books, and small instruments; in fact, everything wanted in the music line.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Good Templars held another of their pleasant socials Tuesday evening, this time at the home of Mrs. E. D. Garlick. Under the royal entertainment of Mrs. Garlick and her interesting daughters, Misses Mamie and Ella, the company spent the evening very enjoyably.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

A social and ice cream festival will be held on Thursday evening, Sept. 6th, in the Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church. The proceeds will be used for the completion of the tower. A good time is anticipated and a cordial invitation is extended to all. Committee.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Dr. Taylor has leased the property where he now is for a year, and may be consulted day or night at his office on 10th Avenue. The Doctor is building up a good practice and growing in favor among the sick every day. See his card in another column.

CARD. DR. T. S. TAYLOR, A. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SANITARIUM PRACTICE. Office on 10th Street west of Main, until a suitable building for a regular Sani- tarium can be erected. Dr. Taylor offers his professional services to the people in the special treatment of all CHRONIC as well as acute diseases, and proposes to cure all forms of diseases that have not destroyed the organ on which they are located. The following diseases the Doctor makes a specialty, having studied and practiced upon them in the Eastern Hos- pitals for ten years: Asthma, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Urinary troubles, Female Diseases, Diseases of the Skin, Nervous System, Blood, Bones, Liver, etc. Nasal Catarrh permanently cured, Cancers, Ulcers, Piles, Chronic Diarrhoea, Prolapses, Uteri, etc. Ague cured without quinine. Crooked Limbs straightened. Blindness and Deafness cured when caused by catarrh or paralyses. Artificial eyes, eardrums, and limbs furnished at reasonable rates. Call for consultation free, or write enclosing stamps. Patients success-fully treated at home. Dr. Taylor uses very little medicine, but an abundance of Pure Water, Sunlight, Hot and Cold Air, Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, Hygiene, etc., and herein lies his unsurpassed success. Patients from abroad entertained and treated at reasonable rates. Address, Winfield, Cowley Co., Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mr. R. R. Turner sends us several seedling apples of his own raising and a variety propagated by himself. They are very large, of splendid form and color. He desires to have the Horticultural Society name them.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Houses for rent are all the rage now. Every day the real estate men have applications of from one to twenty wanting to rent houses. More tenement houses are an absolute necessity in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Ladies' Library Association will hold its next regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 4th, at 3 p.m. It is hoped that the new officers elect will be present at that time. Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. Church gave an interesting enter- tainment Sunday evening, consisting of music, select readings, recitations, and essays.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The stockholders' tickets for the coming Fair are now ready for distribution and each stockholder can get his by calling on the secretary. They must be applied for in person.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Rev. E. T. Trimble will preach a sermon in the Baptist Church to the young people on Sunday evening next, before he leaves for Washington Territory. All are invited.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

W. M. Allison spent the week here. He starts Saturday for Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he will take charge of the telegraphic columns of the daily Journal, of that place.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Courier Cornet Band has its subscription list far enough along to order a new set of instruments. These will be here soon. The boys are progressing nicely.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Attend the regular monthly social of the Presbyterians tonight and enjoy a pleasant evening. Refreshments will be served and ten cents will pay the bill.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Mrs. Geo. Robinson contemplates a trip East in a few days.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Wool Growers of Cowley County will meet at the Courthouse Saturday at 2 o'clock p.m.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat today (Wednesday) is worth 78 cents. Corn 25 cents, Oats 13 cents, Flax 95 cents, Caster beans, $1.00. Hogs bring $4.50. Produce same as last week.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Hank Paris and Charley Wooden had a set-to Tuesday morning. They raced around half a block at a two-forty gait, but Hank finally won the race in two heats and five seconds.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Saturday will be passed soon and the agony among the small army of candidates will then be over. There will be some sore spots, for everyone can't be satisfied, but we hope they will all heal over before many weeks.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

A fine line of ladies satchels just received at Goldsmith's.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Miss Nettie R. McCoy is in Brunswick, New Jersey, but she informs us that she will be in Winfield Sept. 6th, and will resume lessons with her music class Sept. 10th.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Wanted. A horse. Must be young, sound, and free from tricks. No plugs. C. E. FULLER.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

MARRIED. Married on Sunday 26th inst., by Rev. E. T. Trimble, at the residence of W. A. Freeman, Mr. Charles T. Ware and Miss Laura E. Anderson. Several guests were present. The best wishes of many follow the couple in their start in married life. May they live long and happily.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The nightingale is the finest songster of the night, so also is the new, newest silent No. 8, the finest sewing machine in the world. Try one. Wheeler & Wilson, Mf'g. Co.

S. M. ROBERTS, Manager.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

For Sale. A full set of band instruments, second hand, but in good playing condition. Call on or address S. B. Carmine, Secretary, Courier Cornet Band, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Last Tuesday Rev. J. P. Henderson sent the COURIER the largest musk melon we ever saw. Its equatorial circumference was 37 inches and its longitudinal circumference 47 inches. Besides it was rich and fine in flavor.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Prairie Home.

Eli Bechtel treated himself to a new buggy.

Most of our farmers are ready for wheat sowing.

The coming "ice cream supper" is the latest sensation.

Henry Sparrow is remodeling his house in the way of a new roof.

Miss Lizzie Lawson entertained her many friends on the 15th inst.

J. Conrad, A. Tinsman, and J. W. Laffoon are securing their crop of broom corn.

Amaziah Bechtel is busy with his thresher. He has a new machine and does good work.

Mrs. I. E. Brown was called last week to the death bed of her sister, Mrs. Hall, of Sumner County.

The well at Prairie Home schoolhouse is completed; it is now ready for rope and bucket.

Perhaps it would be better to wait until the old folks are at home before you ask the girl to go to a dance.

Young man, be careful when you take your girl to the ice cream supper Tuesday evening, that Frank don't take her home.

Mother Winters' new house is enclosed and the old folks have moved in and are enjoying home life in real old fashioned style.

W. W. Brown and sons are putting up 150 tons of hay for Thomas Moore. The McKinnon brothers are also filling a large hay contract.

D. Moffet returned from Colorado last week much improved in health. He reports a pleasant trip and many interesting places visited. Still he thinks, "no place like home and Cowley County." CHARITY.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Dexter Items.

Peaches plenty at 25 cents per bushel.

Ira Walker is back from New Mexico and fat as a rail.

Dexter has a combined barber shop and ice cream parlor.

Mr. Jno. Harden and lady are rusticating among the mountains of Colorado.

Grass abundant and good along the Grouse this year, and hay-makers very busy.

Plum Creek does not exactly run in gore, but it may if the men continue to "compromise" their law cases by the help of a mowing scythe.

The aged father of Mr. John Nichols is visiting him from Illinois. Though over seventy- five years old and the father of twenty children, the old gentleman is hale and strong.

The editor of the Burden Enterprise, who gives such a "send off" to the mineral well on Owen Shriver's farm, had better taste the water near home and remember the adage about people who live in glass houses.

The Central Hotel was lately sold to S. Bibbler. It is now managed by Mr. Koons and lady, who make excellent hotel keepers and will keep up the good reputation of the house.

It is said that the Jas. Harden farm was lately sold to Mr. Chas. Peabody of Winfield. He will feed cattle there next winter. A cousin of his has bought the adjoining farm of F. Henrion. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Peabody as good citizens.

DIED. I am sorry to have to record the death of Miss Maggie Elliott at her home on Crab Creek. She died of typhoid fever after an illness of about twenty days. This respected young lady, the youngest of an estimable family, will be sadly mourned and greatly missed.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Sedan Jottings.

Corn and sich till you can't rest.

George Snider fell from the top of Webb's new front last Saturday and only escaped death by a miracle.

We understand that Hoy has put a new ticket-holder in his milk wagon, and Hugh Walker was crying when he told me about it. Hugh says that Hoy must let up on this sort of thing or there will be at least one case of manslaughter in the next term of the District Court. He says he don't feel like singing Sums and rejoicing any more.

Long live the Republican party of the Nation! It must go, and, unlike the Democracy, it never stops. It must go; but the progress, the honor, the intelligence, and the glory of the Nation go with it. And when it is going, our honest fears are that we shall have a Nation that is neither worth dying for, fighting for, praying for, or hoping for.

The new Slogan makes "Jasper" out a perfect brilliant. It says he is an idiot, and yet heaped enough of newspaper filth upon him in one paragraph to fertilize any four acres of New Jersey high land or vomit the Devil with disgust. If Jasper is an idiot, why spend three- fourths of a column in the precious Slogan in trying to lie away his letter? The quintessence of rheumatic jackass who formed that comment on Jasper has drank out of a bottle labeled "regulator" for the last forty-seven years by the watch. But all the powers in the rapturous Heavens will never be able to regulate his moral economy. This blatant bulldozer who has defied law, violated justice, and outraged decency as a profession for years, can raise his voice with great assurance, knowing, as he does, that he has a following who are unable to appreciate the difference between reason and abuse, while Jasper has none to encourage him, no matter how worthy his cause or how creditable the defense of that cause. That fit apostle of Will Kernan, is presuming on the gullibility of Chautauqua County as the mainspring of his success, while decency and reason are strangers to his vocabulary. JASPER.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883. Front Page.

Skipped article concerning paper read by N. G. Davis re onion culture: seed and sets.]


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.


Mr. and Mrs. Acres, Two of Cowley's Pioneers, Celebrate Their Fortieth Wedding Anni-versary, With Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren, and Many Acquaintances Present. The Particulars by a Spectator.

In response to invitations extended to them, a large number of the relatives, friends, and neighbors assembled at the home of Cornelius and Susan Acres, in Rock Township, on the 22nd of August to celebrate with them the fortieth anniversary day of their wedded life. The day was exceptionally fine, the attendance large, and the spirits of all present rose in har- mony with the occasion.

The morning hours were passed by the "old settlers" in pleasant converse and enthu- siastic reviews of "ye olden time" when the classic "vale of the Walnut" was yet echoing the wild halloo of the departing Osages, for it was away back in the "distant past," some four years before the memorable "grasshopper year," that Father and Mother Acres and all their boys and girls came and built their cabin and made their home among the early pioneers of Cowley's smiling domain. What a fruitful theme of contrast for those "old folks" to talk on were those early days of 1870, with their meager fare of "rusty bacon" and "sod-corn bread," and those other dark and fearful days of burning, parching, scorching 1874, when the "devouring locusts covered the land and darkened the air," and the cry went up, "aid us or we perish!" Aye, what a contrast between then and now, in 1883, when, in the valley north and west, and

"Far to the east and south there lay,

Extended in succession gay,

Deep, waving fields and pastures green,

With gentle slopes and groves between."

And where all the land literally (not figuratively) groans under its generous burdens of wheat and oats and hay and fruits and corn, and where blooded swine and sheep, and horses and cattle fine, graze on every hillside and wander by all the streams.

The spell is brokenMother Acres has announced dinner. The "old folks" all gather around the long tables bending under their "loads and loads" of good things eatable, and furnishing proofs stronger than those of "Holy Writ" that 1883 is indeed a year of plenty. To praise the cooking would be to "throw a perfume upon the violet."

Suffice it to say that when those long tables had been thronged and vacated by four different and happy crowds, the "multitude were all fed," and then there was "hurrying to and fro" and loosening of belts and buttons, and bands and buckles, and after "good digestion had waited on appetite," some ease began to be felt.

When all were gathered together and seated, Prof. Alex. Limerick, in his usual happy manner, and with speech at once neat, touching, and appropriate, addressed the venerable and venerated couple whose wedding we came to celebrate, and presented to them, in the name of all, the gifts and tokens each had brought.

The presents were handsome and when arranged upon the table presented an attractive display. The list of gifts and names of the givers were:

Pair of silver initial napkin rings, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Limerick, of Winfield.

Silver butter-knife and pair of slippers, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Richards, of Rock.

Silk-lined work-basket, chair tidy, celluloid comb and brush, pearl handle knife, fine bathing towel, shaving cup, money purse, and meerschaum pipe, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Acres, Pleasanton, Kansas.

Glass butter-dish, Miss Jessie Rogers.

Cut glass fruit dish, Mrs. Huston, Akron.

Silver caster, silver butter-dish, and gold breast pin, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Carter, Pleasant Valley.

Set silver teaspoons, china mustache cup and saucer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers, Akron.

Large glass water-pitcher, Miss Lula Rogers.

Two silver dollars, John M. Carter, Pleasant Valley.

Cut glass fruit-dish, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Pember, Rock.

Pair towels and elegant silk handkerchief, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Rogers, Akron.

Dozen pie dishes and book, "Pathways in the Holy Land," Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Polk, Akron.

Cut glass fruit-dish, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Eagin, Douglass.

Canary bird and cage, and bouquet, Mrs. and Sarah and Ollie Wilson, Rock.

Large "Hunting Scene," oil chromo, Mrs. A. E. Sandford, Rock.

Oil chromo, "Cute," Mrs. Hannah Grown, Rock.

Linen table-cloth, Mrs. Fatima E. Wall, Rock.

Money purse, Maude Rogers.

Silver butter-knife, Mrs. McGuire, Rock.

Cornelius and Susan Acres were married near Carthage, in Rush County, Indiana, August 22, 1843, and immigrated from near New Castle, Henry County, Indiana, to Cowley County, Kansas, October 15, 1870, where they have since lived.

That they have so lived as to win the esteem, confidence, and friendship of their neigh- bors and acquaintances, was fully shown by the attendance and manifestations on their fortieth anniversary. Besides the names mentioned above, there were many others present. Among those from a distance were Misses Shapley and Pike, of Pleasant Valley.

Mr. and Mrs. Acres had the pleasure of seeing around their table their children, grand- children, and great grandchildren, while themselves enjoy good health and vigor, which promises them many years of life, and it is the heartfelt wish of the writer, as it was the wish of all those present, that they may live as happily and peacefully to see their second fortieth anniversary as they have lived to see their first.

"May their wedded life's evening be bright as its moon,

Its jewels shine brighter the longer they are worn;

When their life-boat shall touch on eternity's strand,

May each branch of their family linked hand in hand,

Find the "old folks', at last in a new, better land,

And be re-united an inseparable band."


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.


The Republicans of the third commissioner district were unanimous in the selection of J. H. Irwin Windsor Township County Commissioner, and they made a most excellent choice. Mr. Irwin is a man of sound sense and judgment, which is rarely at fault in his wide intelligence, business qualities, and faith in the future greatness of Cowley. They make him the man for the place.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.


All along the Central railroad from Houston to Waxahachie, is sorely afflicted with the most dreadful drouth that ever overspread it. Many acres of ordinarily fine farming lands are now desolate and barren of fruits and flowers, and of the most substantial cotton plant. Ruin in many instances seems apparent. The very earth is baked. Grass and the smaller herbs seemed killed to the very root. The trees are withered and the leaves are fairly parched. With all of this set-back, and in view of the further regrettable fact that miles of prairie and woods have been burned, every town along the road is prosperous.

The travel over the Central railroad is heavy. Every train is crowded.

Crops, as you might suspect, are often entire failures.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.


Seth W. Chase made a first class chairman, decided rapidly, made up his committee readily and off hand and gave general satisfaction. He has a good voice which was distinctly heard.

A. A. Wiley is a good chairman and held the convention well in hand, notwithstanding that the large hall was densely packed with interested spectators and the delegates were earnest in their preferences.

The nomination of Capt. J. S. Hunt for clerk was a foregone conclusion. It could not be charged to Winfield for he would have been nominated by the vote of 60 delegates had Winfield gone solid against him. The office is not considered a perquisite by any means and the Captain has made himself so popular that he could not have been defeated.

The office of Register of Deeds is considered the best paying office in the county and it was not strange that so many candidates sought the nomination. There was no objection to Jacob Nixon, the present incumbent. He is one of the most popular officers we ever had and is recognized as one of our most valuable citizens. His wide intelligence, his inventive genius, and his fine talents devoted to the interests of our county made it hard for any delegate to vote against him. But it was the general view that his four years of incumbency had been a reasonable recognition and it would be better to pass the office along to help some other worthy citizen.

T. H. Soward, the nominee for Register of Deeds, is the plumed knight among the orators of this county. He always knows what to say and how and when to say it. The ticket could not spare him in the canvass. His nomination will strengthen the ticket and is a just recogni- tion of his services, ability, and fidelity.

H. H. Siverd acted a noble part in the convention. It became understood that it was not probable that both Soward and himself could receive nomination at the hands of the conven- tion, being both of Winfield. Siverd therefore urged that the matter of Register of Deeds should be first settled and Soward nominated if possible whatever effect it might have on his own chances for Sheriff. The result in favor of Soward as anticipated made it impossible to nominate Siverd and at an opportune moment, Siverd withdrew from the canvass for sheriff. He would surely have been nominated but for his generous self-sacrifice in behalf of others.

Geo. H. McIntire, the nominee for Sheriff, is one of the best officers Cowley County ever had. He has no bluster about him, but attends quietly to business and does it up completely in good shape. He has put thirteen prisoners in the Wichita jail within two months to stand their trial in the U. S. court at that place. Yet he has not done any blowing about and few know of the extent of his service, catching rascals either for the United States, or for this state, which have also been efficient and remarkable.

Capt. J. B. Nipp is a thorough, reliable businessman and will make a first class Treasurer. He is popular and agreeable and his nomination is eminently fit to be made.

Of course, Capt. Haight will be elected surveyor for everybody knows his ability in that field.

Dr. Marsh as coroner will make a first class officer in that or any other place within the gift of the people of this county for that matter.

Capt. L. B. Stone holds the office of Treasurer until October 1884. He is a man of high character and ability. In the short time he has held the office he has not got fully acquainted with the people, but he has made only friends. Had the law been such as to have let him into the office soon after the election, by this time no one could have beat him in the Republican Convention.

The Republican ticket is a strong one and we predict that it will be elected by an old time majority.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.


For County Treasurer: Capt. J. B. Nipp.

For Sheriff: Geo. H. McIntire.

For Register of Deeds: T. H. Soward.

For County Clerk: J. S. Hunt.

For Surveyor: N. A. Haight.

For Coroner: Dr. H. W. Marsh.

For Commissioner 3rd District: J. H. Irwin.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

From Tannehill.

DIED. Grandmother Hammond, 82 years old, died the morning of the 4th inst.

A fine rain Monday morning brightened everything wonderfullynice for late turnips.

Rev. Mr. Whitson preached an interesting discourse at the schoolhouse Lord's day morning.

Miss Minnie Sumpter presided with her old time grace and ability at the organ in our Sunday school last Lord's day. The organist was absent on account of sickness.

Threshing is still the order of the day and a satisfactory yield cheers the heart of the sturdy farmers to such an extent that they are putting in a greater acreage than ever. The season being so far favorable, the work of seeding is done better than usual.

I came rather late to the Republican primary last Thursday. Found the number present quite large, and the very best of feeling. Of course, there was some sparring for our man, but the delegates were chosen and instructed in a manner that suited a large majority of the voters present. Several prominent Republicans were absent because of two threshing ma- chines being at work in their neighborhood. I noticed as prominent among those present C. W. Roseberry, J. R. Sumpter, "Lit" Bonnewell, and others. Lit is a rustler, a shrewd manager, and probably the best worker for his man in the township. I think I can see that Sumpter is the coming man, without doubt, a staunch Republican, well versed in political matters and thoroughly reliable.

The importance of the work of sending delegates to the county convention seems not to be as well understood as it should be, or else it is greatly underestimated. Only the best men and those who would be really representative men should be sent. Not so now. John Jones wants to be nominated for some office. He engages someone in his township to get him a delegation. The candidate and his henchmen visit the voters, shake hands, and get as many as they can to attend the primary and work for this noble patriot. Probably not one in three of the party voters are present, and the delegation is made up without any reference to the qualifications of the men sent, except their ability to do as they are bidden. This is really an abuse and should be corrected. Let every voter be present at the primary, and send men to represent the party and its principles, and if the claims of John Jones are valid, let him be nominated. As near as I can learn, the Republicans of Beaver Township are very well pleased with the nominations and a full party vote will undoubtedly be given to the ticket, and at least two Democrats avow their intention to vote with the Republicans because of the insecurity of their party platform. W.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

A Visit to our State Prison.

On boarding a conveyance in the city of Leavenworth, we wound our way toward the Kansas penitentiary, located five miles south of the city. After a drive of three miles over a beautiful scope of country, we saw looming in the distance a grand and massive structure, surrounded by one common wall. The number of smoke-stacks that rose up from numerous places in the enclosure manifested the vast amount of business going on within. On driving up to the large gate in front, we were met by the guard and cordially invited to enter the beautiful yard, with its closely mown blue-grass and nicely arranged flower-beds, filled with all varieties of blooming flowers seeming to nod their heads in welcome to the stranger. Passing on up the walk to the front door, we were met by another guard and conducted through a long hall into the reception room.

Inquiring for Mr. Chas. Shenneman, a brother of our deceased sheriff, we were told to make ourselves comfortable until he could be summoned.

It was near noon, and we had an opportunity of seeing dinner prepared for the prisoners, in a long room with a table-seating capacity of about one thousand. Soon the first bell rang, the prisoners all quit work, were filed into the wash room, where they prepared for dinner. At the second ringing of the bell the six or seven hundred convicts were marshaled into the dining hall in companies of from ten to fifty, in close order. Each company is under a guard with a large cane in his hand and a belt of revolvers around his body. They all remain with arms folded until the meal is served.

We were taken into the officers' dining room and given a splendid dinner, served in all respects as stylishly and neatly as at any hotel.

After dinner the prisoners were guarded to their cells, where they remained until one o'clock. At the third ringing of the bell, they are taken to the several work-shops for the afternoon's work.

Accompanied by the pleasant and obliging Mr. Shenneman, we went through all the different departments. One huge engine propels the entire machinery for the work shops. Each room has a guard, and the prisoners are not allowed to speaktheir work is guided by signs. The labor is as precise as clock-work. Most of the prisoners look very sad and down- cast, and on asking Mr. Shenneman if they seemed content with their lot, he said they were generally so, though during the two years he has been there, sixteen have gone crazy.

Everything around in the prison is scrupulously neat and clean. The officers, past and present, deserve much credit for the systematic manner in which our penitentiary is conducted. But the number of prisoners confined there is certainly a disgrace to our young and prosperous State. There are sixteen women prisoners, and this proves conclusively that women are more law-abiding than men. We think if every person in the State would visit our penitentiary and see the many bright, handsome men whose whole lives have been wrecked on the terrible boulder of lawlessness, in twenty years from now there would not be half so many wearing the guilty and disgraceful stripes which cover the inmates of the "pen." May God save our young, enterprising, grand, and beautiful State of Kansas. MRS. B. M. LEGG.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.

Happy greeting to all. After a long silence I am once more able for a little chat with you. To many of you I feel indebted for your kindness in helping the long, tedious hours when confined to the house with sickness, to pass away. How I have longed to work with hand and brain, for it seems hard to sit with folded hands and nothing to do but thinkbut you know that is work sometimes.

"Some work in the shadow and some in the sun,

Some in joy, some in pain; but the Master is one

Calling all to their tasks, portioning each his reward,

As he ceases his toil at the word of his Lord."

Peaches and chiggers are on the program.

Mr. Causey has some excellent blue grass.

Mr. McMillen has ordered material for cribs.

Mr. Pixley intends to enlarge his house soon.

Miss Amy Buck is spending a season in Winfield.

Mr. Gardner is hauling lumber to put up a nice residence.

Mrs. Edgar is mourning the death of a dear sister in Tennessee.

The Mahar farm has been sold to a gentleman from Iowa.

Mr. Bovee will add to the beauty of his farm by building a barn.

Mr. Dalgarn has some fine melons. I have sampled some of them.

Mr. Foster and wife are at present partaking hash with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoyland.

Messrs. Mansfield and Peters are intending to build additions, cribs, etc.

Mrs. Pixley has been bereft of her mother. We sympathize with all the afflicted ones.

How busy the farmers are putting up millet and hay. Some have commenced cutting corn.

Mrs. Wolf has bought a carriage. I hope she may gain in strength and enjoy many rides in it.

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Chapell have moved on their farm and are preparing to build a new house.

Mr. Martin has bought a house and lot in Salem, and so they will soon retire from the farm.

The Misses Mary Randall and Anna Hunt of Winfield spent a day quite recently in Salem, the guests of Tirzah Hoyland.

Hoyland and sons recently bought forty-one head of cattle at a sale in Winfield and several of them have died with Splenic or Texas fever.

Mrs. Joe Hoyland, in the interest of Mr. Powers, will build a barn, crib, and granary combined, also shed for machinery, if I understand aright.

Mrs. Miller has built a cozy little office for Dr. Downs, where he will be glad to meet his patients or friends whenever they choose to favor him with a call.

Mr. and Mrs. McClelland have returned from their visit in the east, and we hear that Mrs. McClelland is at her girlhood home preparing for housekeeping in the near future.

Mrs. Swain, of Florida, is the guest of Mrs. Johnson and family. Olivia had the pleasure of a call from the ladies in question and regrets that it was not longer. Come again.

Oh, girls! "The carriage is coming but don't you tell pa," etc. What do you mean? Nothing, only one of our gentlemen neighbors has bought a nice, new carriage.

Mr. R. E. Brooking has brought his bride up to see his family farm, and her future home. We hope she may be agreeably impressed and may find much happiness in her new home.

Mr. E. I. Johnson and wife gave another social party to the young people and they "tripped the light fantastic toe" and declared they had an excellent time. The cake and cream were the best of the season.

Mrs. Wolf has been quite sick, but under the treatment of Doctor Irwin of Salem, is recovering her former health rapidly. We believe all the patients under the care of both the Salem physicians are convalescent, if not entirely well.

Our Prairie Home neighbors have changed their Sunday school hour until three o'clock p.m., and that will give them a chance to come to our school once in awhile, and us a chance to visit them without missing our own. Come often, friends.

Captain Rowe and family did not like Barbour County and came back, but could not find range for stock in Salem, so they settled for the present not far from Cambridge. Have a large cattle ranch, but would like to have a nice little home place in or near Salem. They were the guests of the Hoylands while here. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Liberty Township.

Health in general is good.

There seems to be a wedding on the tapis; I won't give the names, but I expect William and Addy can.

Mr. Bishop and family lately made a visit to Missouri and have now returned. We are glad to see them back.

Quite a number of our neighbors have gone on a visit to Oklahoma, and the suspicions are they like the country pretty well as they won't come back.

Crops can't be beaten. A fine yield of wheat. The farmers have their wheat almost all threshed, and the ground generally ready for seeding. Oh my! the corn, the corn, and no place to put it but pile it up on the prairie. And O, my, the sorghum! Our neighbor, Mr. Hoover, has 35 acres of cane and has just commenced making sorghum. He has a mill and evaporator that will make 150 gallons in 12 hours. And O, the taffy and candidates! We are overstocked with taffy and candidates. All the candidates seem hopeful that they will be elected. But a few of them will do us, and the balance will be left to eat taffy. H.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Southeast Cowley.

Jo Turner has sold his little place and is at present in the Nation making hay for the Hobby Bros.

Dr. O'Connor of North Otter seems to be turning his sheep into cattle, from the way he is purchasing young cattle of both sexes.

Lahre Gutherie has purchased Daniel Ramey's farm: price $1,000. Gutherie sold his fine farm last spring but can't leave Cowley County.

This community has of late become well acquainted with the following "non-residents": N. W. Dressie, H. O. Wooley, J. S. Rash, G. W. Prater, and others probably that the writer did have the pleasure of not meeting during the busy season.

The Republicans of Otter Township in convention assembled on the 30th. Got to busi- ness by electing R. B. Turner, chairman, and J. W. Aley, secretary. The following delegates were chosen and will go to Winfield uninstructed: T. H. Aley, A. A. Mills, and John Stock- dale. Otter is clamoring for a representative. She has never had a representative and thinks it is about time for the thing to be passed around.

The greatest sensation of the day is the shooting of Milt Thompkins, some three miles from Cedarvale and one-half mile from Cowley County line, on Sunday night, whilst at home, asleep on a bed just outside of his house. He was shot with a small calibre revolver, just over his left eye. He is not dead yet. Henderson, County Attorney, and Sheriff Boyd came over from Sedan Tuesday and had a young man by the name of Bacon arrested and taken at once and confined in the jail at Sedan for fear of mob violence. The community is greatly worked up over the matter. Was told today that Bacon and Mrs. Thompkins have been on too intimate terms for several years and this was the cause of the assassination. OTTERITE.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

John E. Allen came in Monday and will remain for several weeks.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Lots of wheat was put in last weekjust in time to catch the Monday rain.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The main exhibition buildings on the Fair grounds will be completed this week.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The tax sales come off Tuesday. There was much competition and lively bidding.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The petitions to call an election to vote aid to the M., W. & W. road are being signed rapidly.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The Farringer family will give a benefit concert at the Baptist Church on Thursday evening, Sept. 6.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Cowley will sow over fifty thousand acres of wheat this fallbeing twelve thousand acres more than last year.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

DIED. Mrs. Noella, the German woman who was sent from this county to the asylum at Ossawatomie, died on August 30th.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

If the person who picked up my ring on the street will return it to me, I will pay ten dollars. W. P. Hackney.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Several more race horses came down from Wichita Monday and are quartered in the stables on the Fair grounds, in training.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

S. L. Gilbert takes the rooms vacated by P. H. Albright & Co., and will conduct his land, loan, and insurance business therein.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

To Mr. David Carter of Arkansas City, we are indebted for samples of peaches, of large size and excellent variety and good flavor.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The Tunnel Mills will hereafter be run by Messrs. Jennings & Cripen. They will put in at once a full set of rolls and discard the buhrs.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Mrs. Sarah E. Corwin of Otter Township, who was adjudged insane some days ago, was taken to the asylum at Ossawatomie Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The Water-works engines were started up Saturday, several hydrants opened, and Main Street flooded with water. Everything seemed to work nicely.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Gen. A. H. Green was taken to the insane asylum at Ossawatomie Tuesday morning. The authorities there regard his chances of recovery as doubtful.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Messrs. Curns & Manser, our old reliable real estate men, have taken A. H. Green's unexpired contracts and will remove to his old office as soon as practicable.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Mr. James Finch started for Colorado Monday afternoon on the receipt of a telegram announcing the dangerous illness of his son, Will, who has been there for the past two years.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Sam Gilbert returned from attending the old settlers' reunion at Burlington, Iowa, Saturday. He had a splendid time, met many old friends, but saw no such crops as Cowley boasts of.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Go to the Baptist Church on Thursday night and learn something that will astonish you in Kindergarten modes of instruction. Mrs. Garlick is a master hand at this kind of instruction.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Messrs. Wright and Durham, of Douglass, were down last week looking up the railroad situation. They want the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad for Douglass if it is possible to secure it.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Mr. S. P. Becker brought in last Monday from S. Nawman's farm in Pleasant Valley a half dozen seedling peaches, the largest we have ever seen. They were larger than most of the budded fruits.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Monday saw a thousand wheat drills in active operation in Cowley County. The farmer who gets his wheat in before the fifteenth of this month is adding many bushels to his yield and dollars to his bank account.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The surveyors on the M., W. & W. road have been working in Cowley for the past week and will be in today. The profiles of the road, plats, etc., will then be made up by Chief Engineer Morehead at his headquarters here.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The Ninth Avenue Hotel was "political headquarters" Saturday. Mr. Freeland took care of the boys in fine style, and, if he keeps it up, the Ninth Avenue will be noted in Cowley as the old Teft House once was in the state.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

In consequence of low water, Bliss & Wood's Mill has been running by steam for the past week. They are turning out a sack of flour a minute, for every minute of the twenty-four hours, and are still eleven cars behind their orders.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

John R. Smith brings us several peaches from his orchard which are very fine samples. The largest is eleven inches in circumference and the smallest ten and a quarter. They are "Hales Late" and as fine as any ever grown in any country.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Among our agricultural curiosities this week is a potato vine five feet and a half long and very thick and heavy, and a peck of fine potatoes taken from it. It was grown in Mr. J. W. Manning's garden. It was not a cluster of vines, but a single stalk.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The Courier Cornet Band was out on another serenading expedition Friday evening, this time favoring the West side with their music. They had a very pleasant time and their courtesy was heartily appreciated by the citizens whom they visited. Mr. Greene Wooden furnished the transportation and to him the boys especially tender their thanks.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Will Phenix, one of Baden's shipping clerks, had the misfortune to get an arm broken Saturday morning while going to the train with a load of produce on Adam's express wagon. He was sitting on top of some boxes and trunks in the wagon when the driver started the horses suddenly with a touch of the whip, throwing Will off under a wheel, which passed over his left arm, breaking it just below the elbow. The injury will lay him up for some time.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The State Fair opens at Topeka on the 10th. It will be the "big thing" of the year. The railroad rates have been fixed at 1-1/2 cents per mile, which makes the round trip from Winfield cost six dollars. In connection with the State Fair is the State Horticultural Society, the State Sheep Breeders and Wool Growers' Association, and the Kansas Poultry and Pet Stock Association. The Kansas Band Union also meets during Fair week. The attendance promises to be immense.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

A serious and fatal accident happened to little Lillie Trezise last Friday. She fell from the top of a gate, striking the stone pavement full weight upon her head. For five hours she lay in a semi-unconscious state, and for several days brain and gastric fever was imminent; but through the untiring care of parents and sisters and the skillful management of the case by Dr. Taylor, the little girl is likely to escape an early death.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The ladies of the Christian Church will serve refreshments on the Fair grounds during the Fair. The proceeds go toward seating their new church. They earnestly solicit the patron- age of all members of the church and the public generally, who attend. Committees will soon wait on the citizens for donations of eatables, etc., and we hope they will be met with that liberality which characterizes our city in all such matters.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Dr. Taylor of this city has just received by express the greatly celebrated German instru- ment called the Lebenswecker, which, in the hands of a skilled physician, is claimed to be an almost universal panacea for all diseases that can be cured. But this is only one of the Doctor's radical methods.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Mr. R. D. Green returned from Wichita Monday with his horses. He took several high premiums, and won the first heat in the class for green horses with Tom Vance, easily, but owing to a misunderstanding regarding time his horse was taken off the track. He exhibited Leander for the best bred horse on the grounds, but could get no competition.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

A camp meeting is being held in the park by the "Holiness" denomination. There was a very large attendance Sunday evening. The road going into the timber from the gate was so dark that persons could not drive in. They should nail some torches on the trees along the road which would help the matter.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Buckman left Monday morning for a visit to the old house in Illinois. Thursday is to be the day for a family reunion. Four married sons, two married daughters, and their families will be present and enjoy once again together the hospitalities of the old home. It will be one of the pleasantest gatherings imaginable.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The workmen trimmed up the Fair Ground grove again last week and it is now as clean, cool, and shady as any one could desire. It is a splendid grove and will be a retreat to which visitors to the fair can go and eat their dinners and enjoy themselves during the heat of the day, with some comfort and satisfaction.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Although not so large as common, the peach crop this year is of a much better quality; in fact, we have never seen nicer anywhere. Tuesday Mr. Geo. Bull brought up a lot from his farm near Maple City. They were perfect in form, color, and flavor, and demonstrate that Cowley cannot be beaten for fruit.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

M. J. Stimson has just sold a splendid Mason & Hamlin organ to Mr. Smith, Udall; Messrs. Crawford & Herrion, Cambridge; Mr. John Boner, Pleasant Valley; and Beaver Center Sunday school, Dr. Marsh superintendent. If you wish a first class organ in every particular, give Mr. Stimson a call.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

At their meeting Tuesday evening the Courier Cornet Band completed arrangements for their new set of instruments. They will be Lecompte horns, the best made, triple silver plated, and will be the finest band instruments in the state. They will probably use them for the first time during the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

A force of men have been at work with scythes on the fair grounds during the past week, cutting and cleaning away the grass and rubbish. The grounds are being put in splendid shape under the efficient management of Supt. Kretsinger.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The Pleasant Valley M. E. Church, in Beaver Township, will be dedicated September 23rd by Rev. C. A. King. The dedicatory services will be held at ten o'clock. This church was built by the resident members of that vicinity and is a neat, tasty, and commodious place of worship.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

O. F. Boyle came in last week and will spend some time among friends here. He is now one of the County Commissioners of La Plata County, Colorado. It is larger than a Russian principality, being one hundred and fifty miles long by fifty wide.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Mr. Arnold of Fairview Township brought in a remarkable lot of peaches last Saturday. Some of the clusters were five or six large peaches together on a stem too slight to support them except by hanging down perpendicularly.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

A Dutchman working at one of the ranches below Arkansas City assaulted Woldham, the proprietor of the billiard saloon, with a knife, inflicting several dangerous wounds. He was captured before getting out of town.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

We had a splendid rain Monday, which puts the ground in perfect shape for seeding with wheat. The best part of it is that nearly every farmer in the county is ready to take advantage of it.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Will Robinson returned from his rambles in the far west Monday. He didn't exactly locate the place where the sun sets, but thinks he will in another trial. He enjoyed his vacation immensely.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Six-fifty pays the round trip to Topeka from Winfield, to the State Fair, including admittance ticket to fair. The fair commences Monday the 10th inst., and continues all the week.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

In last week's COURIER we neglected to say the trees on the Courthouse grounds were grown, planted, and cared for by Hogue & Mentch, of the Winfield Nursery.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The Water-works pumps were running Tuesday, furnishing water to consumers by direct pressure. Several lawn sprinklers were in operation.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

MARRIED. Married Sunday, September 2nd, at the residence of the bride's parents, Melville J. Lusk to Harriett E. Burger, Rev. P. F. Jones officiating.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

James Conner has the contract for putting in the reservoir for the Water-works company. It is to be completed by November first.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Quarterly meeting at the M. E. Church Sunday. Preaching Saturday evening and Sunday morning at the usual time.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

BIRTH. Frank Sydal is the happy "dad" of a fine new boy, and presents us with the cigars as a manner of celebrating the event.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

DIED. Mrs. Julia Hammond, mother-in-law of Mr. Tannehill, of Beaver, died Monday. She was eighty-one years old.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

For real estate loans go to P. H. Albright at the Farmers Bank. Low rates, no delay, and no lies told.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Ike Behner was arrested and fined $100 and costs last week for selling intoxicants in violation of law.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Charlie Bahntge leaves for a trip to Baltimore today. He will be absent some weeks.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Republican Convention.

The Cowley County Republican Convention met at the Opera House in Winfield on Saturday, September 1st, 1883, at 11 o'clock a.m.

Called to order by the chairman of the county committee, Millington, who read the call and asked for election of a temporary chairman.

On motion of Dan. Maher, Seth W. Chase of Tisdale was elected temporary chairman, who was introduced to the convention.

Cal Swarts of Creswell was elected temporary secretary. . . .

The chair appointed J. A. Cochran of Liberty, I. H. Bonsall of Creswell, and R. S. Strother of Omnia, a committee of credentials.

H. E. Asp, of Winfield, P. A. Lorry, of Bolton, and S. Johnson of Pleasant Valley, a committee on permanent organization.

Dan. Maher, of Richland, Z. B. Meyer, of Pleasant Valley, and H. McKibben, of Tisdale, a committee on order of business, and G. L. Gale of Rock, H. P. Wagner of Dexter, and R. J. Mead, of Spring Creek, committee on resolutions.


Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.

BEAVER: L, K. Bonnewell, S. F. Johnson, L. P. King. Alternates: none.

BOLTON: P. A. Lorry, D. P. Marshall, A. J. Kimmel, P. B. Andrews, J. D. Guthrie.

Alternates: Mr. Taft, C. R. Mitchell, Wm. Trimble, W. A. Robins, Dr. Carlisle.

CEDAR: D. M. Patton, Thos. Sartin, Joseph Reed. Alternates: none.

CRESWELL: O. S. Rarick, C. G. Furry, C. L. Swarts, G. W. Ramage, Theo. Fairclo, F. M. Vaughn, I. H. Bonsall, A. B. Sankey, A. A. Wiley, James Ridenour.

Alternates: L. McLaughlin, John Smalley, Frank Schiffbauer, Dave Lewis, Frank Hess, C. W. Burt, R. J. Maxwell, R. L. Marshall, N. T. Snider, S. J. Rice.

DEXTER: Thos. McDonough, J. M. Reynolds, S. H. Wells, G. P. Wagner.

Alternates: H. M. Bronson, A. B. Elliott, Wm. Radcliff, L. C. Patterson.

HARVEY: R. S. Strother, T. J. Hickman.

Alternates: L. M. Burn, J. M. Hickman.

FAIRVIEW: J. M. Rarick, W. B. Weimer, M. C. Headrick, J. H. Curfman.

Alternates: A. J. McCann, J. W. Douglass, R. B. Corson, J. G. Anderson.

LIBERTY: J. A. Cochran, J. M. Mark, W. S. Williamson.

Alternates: D. Mounts, W. S. Miller, S. G. Castor.

MAPLE: W. R. Atkinson, E. R. Morse, Wm. Wise.

Alternates: Ansen Carr, Walter Jacobus, John Wise.

NINNESCAH: Leonard Stout, Jas. T. Dale, Geo. S. Cole.

Alternates, J. B. Zook, Wm. , .

OMNIA: Wm. Jenkins, A. Hattery.

Alternates: D. P. Baldwin, W. E. Johnson.

OTTER: T. H. Aley, A. A. Mills, John Stockdale.

Alternates: J. B. Groves, D. M. Barnes, Daniel Hempsey.

PLEASANT VALLEY: M. H. Markcum, Robt. Vermilye, S. J. Johnson, A. B. Meyer.

Alternates: T. E. Axtel, A. H. Broadwell, Daniel Groome, Sol. Becker.

RICHLAND: Lewis Stephens, H. H. Hooker, Danl. Maher, J. R. Thompson.

Alternates: J. R. Cottingham, S. W. Phoenix, A. Stephens, P. Robins.

ROCK: Geo. L. Gale, Chas. Holmes, W. H. Grow.

Alternates: Bryan Tuggle, Theo. Stevenson, Jack Martindale.

SHERIDAN: A. J. Crum, B. Shriver, Levi Quier.

Alternates: A. M. Treadway, Jerry Partridge, Geo. E. Sanders.

SILVER CREEK: Clark Walker, John Clover, Ed Pate, J. Chandler.

Alternates: Harvey Thomas, P. T. Walton, J. R. Tate, P. McCommon.

SPRING CREEK: R. J. Mead, J. H. Gilliland.

Alternates: J. B. Daniels, Charles Hale.

SILVER DALE: L. J. Darnell, Fred Heysinger, A. Moss, W. A. Smith.

Alternates: None.

TISDALE: H. McKibbin, S. W. Chase, H. C. Miller. Alternates: none.

VERNON: Wm. Bonnewell, P. Hill, W. [?] Homes, Capt. Tansey, Henry Bernard.

Alternates: none.

WALNUT: H. Bowman, S. Cure, F. H. Conkright, R. I. Hogue, Frank Weakley.

Alternates: _____ Tompkinson, J. H. Long, A. M. Chafey, John Mentch, Fred Arnold.

WINDSOR: S. B. Sherman, Capt. J. Shaw, J. C. Hendrickson, A. H. Baker.

Alternates: S. P. Martin, Joe Bunnells, J. M. Jackson, J. H. Phenis.


G. H. Buckman, J. W. Craine, T. J. Harris, J. A. McGuire, Daniel Mater, John W. Nichols, H. E. Asp, M. G. Troup.

Alternates: W. F. Bowen, W. B. Caton, Walter Denning, Quincy A. Glass, J. W. Arrowsmith, E. S. Bedilion, J. T. Hackney, G. F. Corwin.


H. Brotherton, M. L. Read, D. L. Kretsinger, I. W. Randall, Arthur Bangs, W. T. Madden.

Alternates: J. L. Horning, J. L. M. Hill, B. F. Wood, Will Hudson, W. J. Kennedy, E. C. Goodrich.

The committee on Credentials report that Winfield has not presented any credentials, but has placed the election returns in our hands, filed a ticket from each ward with the names of delegates elected. We also find that the 1st ward is entitled to 7-1/2 delegates, and 2nd ward 5 to 5-1/2 delegates, 13 in all, and your committee recommend that one name be stricken off said ticket. I. H. BONSALL, R. S. STROTHER, J. A. COCHRAN. . . .

Committee on permanent organization reported as follows:

For Permanent Chairman, A. A. Wiley, of Creswell.

For Permanent Secretary, T. H. Alley, of Otter.

For Assistant Secretary, Ed. Pate, of Silver Creek.

The report was adopted and the officers elected thereby took their places. . . .

[Two close nominations:]

For Register of Deeds, Dr. Wagner presented the name of H. C. McDorman; Mr. Gale presented S. P. Strong; J. M. Barrick presented Wm. White; W. E. Tansey presented Jacob Nixon; D. M. Patton presented N. W. Dressie; A. J. Crum presented S. S. Moore; Dr. Carlisle presented T. H. Soward, and J. S. Strother presented J. S. Rash. Twelve ballots were taken...Total vote 99. Necessary to a choice, 50. Soward having 50 votes on the 12th ballot, was declared nominated, and his nomination was made unanimous. Closest one in votes next to Soward: McDorman.

For sheriff, Chase presented H. H. Siverd; Mitchell presented Geo. H. McIntire; Tansey presented H. O. Wooley, and Cure presented G. W. Prater. Thirteen ballots taken. Siverd withdrew before taking the 13th ballot. The nomination of McIntire was made unanimous.

[On 12th ballot: Siverd 43, McIntire 44...again, very close!] SKIPPED THE REST.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.


On the adjournment of the county convention, Millington, chairman of the central committee, called the delegates from the Third Commissioner district in order.

S. B. Sherman of Windsor was elected chairman, and R. S. Strother of Harvey was chosen secretary.

J. H. Irwin of Windsor was unanimously put in nomination for commissioner.

Convention adjourned. S. B. SHERMAN, Chairman.

R. S. STROTHER, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The Premium Corn Stalk.

On Saturday Messrs. P. H. Albright and Co. awarded their premium of one dollar per foot for the tallest stalk of corn grown in Cowley County this year, to Master George McClellan Coulter of Beaver Township. The stalk was fifteen feet five inches long and Master George received the firm's check for $15.42 and went home rejoicing. There were about forty competitors for the prize. The stalk will be on exhibition in the COURIER office until the next crop comes in.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

$30. Special Premium for Corn.

P. H. Albright & Co. at the County Fair will pay a premium of $30; $15 to the 1st, $10 to the 2nd and $5 to the 3rd, for the three bushels of corn brought to the Fair having the least number of ears to the bushel: a bushel to weigh 75 lbs., and no person to take more than one premium. Corn to be raised by party claiming premium.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat is worth today (Wednesday) 80 cents, corn 25 cents, oats 17 cents, hogs $4.25, butter 15 cents, eggs 12-1/2 cents.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

DIED. A Mr. Thompkins, living at the mouth of Cedar Creek near Cedarvale, in Chautauqua County, was murdered in cold blood by a pistol shot on Saturday evening the 25th ult. He was shot in the head while lying asleep on the porch of his house. His brains were protruding and he was lying insensible at last accounts, but death was certain shortly. Suspicion fell upon his wife and one Wirt Bacon. A week after the shooting some of the neighbors told Mrs. Thompkins that Wirt Bacon had given the whole thing away and accused her of being the guilty party. This so confused her that she told the whole story. She had made arrangements with Bacon by which he was to kill Thompkins and afterwards marry her. On the 25th they went together to Cedarvale, where he bought a pistol and loaded it. Together they went to Thompkins' house and found him asleep on the porch. She held the dog to keep him still, while Bacon crept up and fired into the sleeping man's head. Immediately after this revelation Bacon was arrested, and hurried off to Sedan to keep him out of the hands of the mob. This is the report as it comes to us on pretty good authority. If true, it is one of the most satanic crimes that ever occurred in Southern Kansas.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

A musical concert will be given at the Baptist Church this Thursday evening under the management of Prof. Farringer, who has engaged the best talent to be had to assist him. It will be interspersed with exercises by the children of the Kindergarten school, conducted by Mrs. Garlick, who will also explain the Kindergarten mode of instruction. The proceeds to go toward purchasing a bell for the church. Doors open at 7-1/2 o'clock; exercises to commence at 8 sharp. Admission: adults, 25 cents; children under 11, 10 cents. This is the concert of the season. Don't fail to be present and aid a worthy cause.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Prof. Trimble's sermon to the young at the Baptist Church on last Sunday evening was one of the best, and was largely attended. The young lady or gentleman who heard this sermon received advice which, if strictly followed, would lead them in the pathway of success, honor, and a peaceful, happy old age, as well as to an everlasting crown of glory. Such sermons are a great motor in elevating the aspirations and purposes of the rising generation.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Gen. Harry White of Pennsylvania, a prominent politician and ex-member of congress of that State, was visiting Winfield last week as the guest of Agent Kennedy. He is a wealthy gentleman and had been traveling through this state making observations. He has been through the war and Andersonville and is a fund of historic incidents and jovial good nature. Col. J. C. Carpenter, Internal Revenue collector at Leavenworth, was here with him.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Cowley County Fair.

The following additional premiums are offered for Cowley County grown nursery stock, T. B. Myers, superintendent. Also special premium offered by Hogue & Mentch.

[First Premium Listed. Second Premium: They had "Dip" under this column.]

Best display of nursery grown fruit trees: $2.00

Best display of ornamental trees and shrubs: $2.00

Best display of nursery grown evergreens: $2.00

Best display of Deciduous trees: $2.00

Best 10 apple trees: $1.00

Best 10 peach trees: $1.00

Best 10 cherry trees: $1.00

Best 10 apricot trees: $1.00

Best 10 pear dwarf trees: $1.00

Best general display of nursery stock: $5.00

All fruit trees or shrubs shown must be grown by the person in whose name they are entered. Collections gathered from other growers will not be entitled to premiums.

For the best display of classified insects, by any person, Hogue & Mentch will give nursery stock at list price to the amount of $8.00. Two or more must enter.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Public Sale. I will sell at public auction at my farm, 2 miles west of Baltimore and 8 miles north of Burden, in Omnia Township, on Thursday, Sept. 13, 1883, commencing at 10 o'clock, a.m., the following described property: 12 milk cows, 14 calves, 17 yearling steers, 3 yearling heifers, 4 work horses, 5 head of hogs, one two-horse wagon and farming imple- ments; also 30 acres growing corn, 200 bushels oats, 20 tons millet, etc. Terms of sale. All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; all sums over $10.00, a credit of 9 months will be given with bankable notes at rate of 10 percent, per annum, or at the rate of 10 percent off for cash.

John Flint. Walter Denning, Auctioneer.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Baltimore News.

There has been considerable sickness in our neighborhood lately.

Oyster supper and dance at Nor. McInain's on Timber Creek next Friday evening.

[McInain? Does not look right, but that is what paper had.]

Mrs. Darling, though slightly improved, is still very low with an affection of the lungs.

Stock of all kinds seem to share in the general elation, and all look thrifty and in general good condition.

No births, deaths, or marriages to record at this date though there are lively prospects for one or two cases of the latter.

Farmers in this section share in the general jubilant spirit of Cowley County farmers over the prospect of immense crops and good times generally.

Mrs. Messenger met with quite a serious accident recently by falling through a trap door into the cellar. She is at present slowly improving and in a fair way of recovery.

Politics have rather simmered down up here. We have not much time for discussing the interesting theme just now, though I suppose most of us have already decided upon the men we wish to assist in manipulating the business of the county for the next two years, and are only awaiting the proper time to give our wishes a voice.

For the present "Aurevoir." JENIUS.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


Uf Wich Tannehill Ish de Kounty Seat.

MISTHUR EDITUR: Maybees old duchmans like me don't vas got prains enough to write for de papers, but somedimes peoples mit de least sense makes de piggest racket, und dot ish me.

Ameriky ish von pig state, und de sitty uv Tannevill ish yust fur enuf frum New Yorrick not to spoile de blace yust menshuned.

New Yorrrick has a gude many dimekrats und I dink she ish going u kum vest, fur you know dat feller proffisighs dot dat barty ish to dake dis kuntry. It vas funny ven leetle Moll took her sheep tu skule Monday, but I shust had tu lean aginst a hitching post to schnikker ven dem dimekrats brot dot leetle skreech oul vat zings so bretty in de dark to de skoul house to help holt a brimary. Vell, dis leetle pird lurned so fasht dot he sthaid all night, und mit his leetle toes rote on de plackboark dot de dimekrats ish going to dake dis kuntry. It shust dook a leetle vile to make a dimekrat uv him. Vell, de plact Republicans heered about it und day all kame rushing to de sitty uv Tannehill until ve see no more dimekrats or owl, nodings but old Abe's men vot likes niggers.

Vell, all has some religion as well as politix. De Mithodix, Kamulites, und the united bredern all goes tu meeting on Sunday, but mostuf dem goes more as I.

Sumdimes de beoples get sick. Misthur Stoddard und his frow be sick ven I rites dis. Alas Shon Rupps oldest child. Misthur Abrams, Misthur Davis, George Easterly, Misthur Stevens, und Misthur Bohnart, all have some sickness un der families, but Doctor Marsh he yust pies two leetle puggies und some hosses und rides around day und night und de beoples shust get vill so far he shust dells his frow dot he buise nineteen acres uv land und some- dimes sdakes um off into down lots and makes de beeples move here some more, und den his poys can raise lots uv voter mellons und ven de beobles get sick und lay der hands ober der preast und asks de doctor vot ish de matter, den he vinks dot von eye and says I tole you so, und de beeples gets vell, und de docthur ish happy.

Sundimes de young uns get married too. Less dan two years ago Shon Bowers gets him von voman, und kept no batch since. Und day do say dat Charles Ware not knows vot ails him und ven he asks de breecher he shust gibe him a leetle vife too, und dot ish all right.

Sumdimes beeples gets rich here too. Now Godfree Ward he got so much money he don't know vat to do next. So he pies vone nice leetle farm out vest, und goes up to Lecomptin und gibs de landlord lots uf silver shust to let him pick fall und vinter apples frum de trees uv knowdedge at Lane University.

Und Villa Combs she vent up to de state normal at Emporia. She is von Shmart leetle gal, und can spheak more boetry dan any von else ve knows about.

Irvin Easterly he dakes his money und family und goes to Harper kounty to live on his own land. He vill miss von pig doings. Dey say dare bees von pig fare in your leetle down dis fall, und he ought to go. Now Misthur Editors shust you make your subscribers pay up, und pies your selves von nice suit uv klose, und stand py de pig gate uv de fairgrounds und shake hands mit every pody vot goes. I like tu see vriendly folks. Ve are all coming. De pig- pugs und de leetle-pugs, de sitty swells und de kunttry jakes, de Chinaman and de Ingun, de nigger und de vites, and de sauer kraut duchman und dot ish me. Von't ve pe von jolly krown? Vell, yaw, dot ish so. YAWCUB.

[NOTE: This article appeared on the front page.]

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


W. F. M. Lacey and family went up to Douglass Sabbath to see some friends that were sick.

R. V. Cass is enjoying a visit from his father at present, he is assisting Royal in putting up a new house; this looks suspicious. R. V., your song must be coming true.

Rev. Gans preached a very interesting discourse last Sabbath to a large congregation. We hope this will not be the last time.

Miss Clara Green, who has been enjoying a couple of months visit in the east returned last week.

Mr. Savage has treated himself to a new family buggy.

Kate Weimer's Birthday Celebration.

Last Thursday eve, the young folks of both sexes for miles around gathered at the house of Mr. W. B. Weimer, in honor of Miss Kate Weimer's birthday, and a more grand and enjoyable affair has never been seen in the Walnut Valley before. The evening was spent in singing and other amusements and at the usual hour supper and ice cream was served. The table fairly groaned under the many good things. Under the kind hospitalities of the worthy hostess and Miss Kate, every person enjoyed themselves hugely and after a late hour they departed, leaving behind them their best wishes and a goodly number of valuable presents.

The following is a list of the presents given, and by whom.

Mr. and Mrs. Weimer, an organ.

John Boomershine, picture frame.

George Burt and R. V. Cass, toilet set.

George Kelsey, silk handkerchief.

Miss Lula Rodgers and Miss Emma Darling, silk handkerchief.

J. A. Savage, pair of vases.

Miss Mary E. Curfman, an ink stand and birthday card.

E. L. and Miss Lillie Wilson, majolica fruit dish.

Miss Clara Green, shopping basket.

Henry Weimer, looking glass.

Lewis Dean, pair of bracelets and comb.

Miss Ida Grove, lamp.

Miss Taylor and Miss Mary Huston, pair of vases.

Mrs. Haight, silver thimble.

Miss Elfy White, lace collar.

E. Metzger, silk handkerchief.

J. Foster, set of linen towels.

Mrs. White, croquet set.

H. Lacy, lace collar.

O. S. Scofield, silk handkerchief.

Charles Green, toilet set.

Mrs. Mann, lace.

Harris White, ribbon.

Miss Cassie Foster, silk collar.

A. Shock, kid mittens.

Miss Nannie Green, bottle of cologne.

David Huston, set of sauce dishes.

H. V. Curfman, birthday card, book, and gold pen holder.

Miss Alice Foster, silk collar.

N. J. Hanlin and J. Hestier, Jewelry set.

Miss Metzger, lace handkerchief.

C. Shock, silk collar.

Miss Hattie Andrews, pair of vases.

Clark Isenogle, handkerchief and lace tie.

F. L. Foster, silk handkerchief.

M. S. Metzger, silk handkerchief, Majolica plates.

Miss Ellen Prat, Porter Prat, Jewelry holder.

Thomas Isenogle, gold ring.

W. Grove, ink stand, pair of shell bracelets, and collar.

Miss Nettie Lacy, handkerchief.

Miss Birtie White, chair tidy.

Mrs. Harris, set of napkins and riding whip.

John McOlem, fruit dish.

Henry Doty, work box.

T. Sammon, silk shawl.

Miss Jane Weimer, gloves. LIVINGSTON.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


Mr. Will Hostetler is still in poor health.

Mr. Will Welsch will start for Washington Territory in a few weeks.

Miss Ella Hunt after an absence of several months has returned to her parents.

Dry weather is the general complaint of the farmers as they are ready to sow wheat.

Mr. Gam Vancleve had the misfortune of losing one of his horses one day last week.

Our Sabbath School is in a flourishing condition with the assistance of Rev. Henderson and William Melville.

No death, births, or marriages since my last writing, but by the appearance of some of our old bachelor friends, we contemplate there will be a wedding soon.

Robert and Link Hostetler have gone to Washington Territory to try their fortune. We extend to them our best wishes that they succeed in their undertakings.

The farmers are nearly all done threshing, the yield much better than expected. Mr. William Hostetler had a few acres that went over forty bushels to the acre.

The most delicious grapes I have eaten in Cowley County were from Mr. A. DeTurk's vineyard. I think from the appearance of his farm he is the leading fruit man of Odessa.

The shout of the merry boys and girls will soon be heard again as the school vacation will soon be over. Odessa is still undecided for a teacher yet, still there have been several applications.

While out riding a few days since, we called at the Magnolia farm. Their buildings will be beautiful when finished, and will be a grand improvement to the surrounding country. Still the most amusing thing I saw was the grave of McDonald, who was buried two weeks ago last Sunday on the Magnolia farmburied in love. M. S.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


Mr. Kinsey is very sick.

Frank Dawson and family have returned from Colorado.

Jno. Holmes and son will start to Colorado in a short time.

Mr. Wilber, wife and daughter, have gone to Illinois to visit friends thee.

Mrs. Thompson and daughter have returned home from their visit in the east. MAY.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

WHERE IS PAYNE? Judge McCrary has decided that the Secretary of War is a bigger man than Dave Payne. It is intimated that Dave will take an appeal.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

GONE EAST. D. A. Millington, editor of the COURIER, with his wife and daughters, left last week for a three weeks trip in the east. They will visit the old home among the granite hills of New Hampshire. After many months of ceaseless labor, the trip will bring with it much of pleasure and renewed health. The "folks at home" wish them a pleasant journey and a safe return.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


The petitions for the calling of an election to vote aid to the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad are being signed up rapidly and will be presented to the board at an early date. The towns of Rosalia, Leon, and Douglass, in Butler County, are making a big effort to get the road down the big and little Walnut Valleys. The securing of this road means another stride forward for Cowley County and thousands of dollars added to the value of her real estate and productions.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


Week after next Cowley County will hold her first regularly organized and thoroughly equipped Fair. Its success is now beyond any question, and the benefits to be derived from it by the county are incalculable. The grounds are nicely located with a splendid grove, good water, large and commodious buildings, stables, and pens, and one of the finest tracks in the state. The display of Cowley's stock and productions will be full and complete, and we imagine will astonish some of our slow going neighbors from our surrounding "districts," who will no doubt be present in numbers.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


The legislature last winter passed a law prohibiting any person from selling firearms to a minor. This is an outrage and a direct stab at "personal liberty." Firearms in the hands of children kill perhaps a dozen people annually in the state, but why should the storekeepers be deprived of their "personal liberty" to buy and sell what he chooses on that account. Whiskey kills thousands annually in the state and yet persons are found who will defend the public sale of it because it interferes with their liberties. In the words of our esteemed demo- cratic contemporary, "the infamous law should be repealed."


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


Mr. George H. McIntire has been putting in the past two weeks in attendance on the U. S. Court, now in session at Wichita. During the two months preceding the sitting of this court, Mr. McIntire, in the way of his duties as Deputy U. S. Marshal, captured and lodged in the Wichita jail thirteen criminals. These he captured in the Territory bordering our State, and were made up of murderers, horse thieves, illicit whiskey sellers, and other violators of law and order. Like Phil. Sheridan, he "warmed 'em up all along the line." As this is the same McIntire who is to be our next sheriff, it shows that the convention "knew its man." George was Sheriff Shenneman's trusted assistant during all his term of office, and he will be a worthy successor to that brave officer. The Republicans of Cowley hardly ever fail to find the right man for the right place.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


A prominent railroad officer of this State, in a conversation the other day about Kansas, said that the railroads of the state could not, with their present rolling stock, haul out the products of Kansas for the year 1883 in two full years. He stated that he had made calcula-tions, based on official reports which demonstrated this conclusion. Every railroad in the state has more business offered it than it can haul. It is now even impossible to supply the demands for cars that come in daily, and yet the crops of 1883 hardly commenced to move. None of the corn has been harvested, and vast quantities of wheat, oats, rye, and barley are in the stack.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


This is a great year for soldiers reunions, The old comrades like to gather once again around the camp-fire and recount the days when they stood shoulder to shoulder under the folds of the "Bonnie Blue Flag," and fought for the peace and prosperity they now enjoy. Winfield is to be the gathering place for one of these in October. The Fair Association has given the use of the fair grounds and buildings for the occasion. It will be a very pleasant place for such a gathering, and will afford ample accommodations. That the occasion will be one of profit and pleasure to the old soldiers of Cowley and adjoining counties is the COURIER's earnest wish.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Our District Schools.

From the records of County Superintendent Limerick, we get the following information regarding the length of the winter terms of our district schools and the teachers who teach them.

Nannie A. Crum will shoot the young ideas in district 88 for 20 weeks from Oct. 1st.

Mrs. F. E. Craven advances the rising statesmen of District 113 to the extent of a 24 weeks term, beginning Sept. 17th.

Miss Hattie Andrews, of this city, has contracted to teach a term of 16 weeks in district 114, beginning on Nov. 10th.

The bright Republican youths of district 19, Queen Village, will have H. S. Wallace as their teacher for five months after Nov. 1st.

Laura Phelps will instill true American principles and learning into the youngsters of District 110 for 16 weeks from Sept. 30.

For 24 weeks after Sept. 17th, the school in district 125 will be taught by Annie F. Barnes, of Winfield.

Jennie Pollock will care for the intellectual welfare of the pupils in district 42 for a term of 20 weeks after Oct. 13.

District 105 also has a 20 weeks' term conducted by Carrie A. Plunkett, commencing Oct. 8th.

Cyrus Perkins trains the rising generation of district 80 for 24 weeks after Oct. 13.

The future statesmen of district 14 will be taught to "speak" for a period of 24 weeks, after Oct. 13, by Emma L. McKee.

The future "agitators" of district 61 will receive instruction from Emma Rhodes for 20 weeks from October 15.

We hope a few Republicans will be turned out of district 134 by A. L. Primrose, who has engaged the school for 16 weeks from October 1st.

Peter A. Alderson will manage the busy youngsters of district 30 for 20 weeks after October 1st.

The rising congressmen of district 55 will be taught for 36 weeks from Sept. 10 by W. H. Lucas.

The little Democrats of district 45 will be shown the errors of their papas' ways during the 28 weeks after Oct. 18, by A. P. Fuller.

S. L. Herriott will advance the pretty little girls and boys of district 68 for the 24 weeks following Sept. 17.

District No. 10 has secured B. F. Myers to teach them a 24 weeks' term, commencing on Oct. 1st.

J. R. Smith will assist the youths of district 62 in rising up to be an honor to their country during the 20 weeks succeeding Sept. 10th.

The coming politicians and woman suffragists of district 31 will be reared by Anna D. Martin for 24 weeks from Oct. 1st.

Jas. E. Ford will culture the young ideas of district 48 during the 20 weeks following Oct. 1st.

District 53 has a 24 weeks' term of school presided over by C. F. Cunningham, to com- mence Oct. 1st.

The would-be dudes and dudesses of district 50 will soon learn the errors of the pattern under Jas. H. Hutchinson for 28 weeks succeeding Oct. 1st.

The pretty girls and brave boys of district 95 will be "shaped" during the 24 weeks following Sept. 20th by Grant Wilkins.

Ella Kempton will assist the young of dist. 10 in the road to usefulness during a term of 16 weeks from Oct. 1st.

Hattie Daniels manipulates the festive school pupils in district 91 for the 8 weeks succeeding Sept. 30.

Some bright thoughts will be developed by Chas. Messenger while teaching the 4 months term of district 76 which commences Sept. 17.

Maggie Kinney, of Winfield, teaches a 24 weeks school in dist. 38, beginning Sept. 10th.

For the 24 weeks succeeding Oct. 1st, W. P. Beaumont will have charge of the school in district 41.

Will C. Barnes, of this city, will govern his first Kansas youths in dist. 15 for a term of 32 weeks after Oct. 1st.

The school books of dist. 20 will be rigidly perused by the pupils for their term of 22 weeks beginning on Oct. 1st under the watchful eye of S. W. Norton.

We anticipate the instilling of good Republican virtues into the minds of the children of District 65, during the twenty-four weeks' term of P. L. Shaffer, which commences on September 19th.

Laura Elliott will keep in check and teach the youth of District 75, for a term of twenty- eight weeks after September 17th.

The reins of school government in District 133, for the sixteen weeks following Novem- ber 5th, will be held by Miss Anna McClung.

That "knowledge is a useful thing" will be shown in District 39, by D. W. Ramage during his term of thirty-six weeks, which commenced September 3rd.

The youths in District No. 1 will be shown the path to usefulness by Miss Leota Gary, of this city, for a nine months' term, commencing October 1st.

Claude Rinker, one of Winfield's substantial young men, teaches a sixteen weeks' school in District 29, beginning on October 3rd.

Book-learning will be administered to the lads and lasses of District No. 2 for the thirty- six weeks after September 10th, by Annie L. Norton.

District 46 will be presided over by F. P. Vaughan, Jr., for a twenty-eight weeks' school, commencing October 1st.

Frank A. Chapin will advance, intellectually and otherwise, the young of District 43, during the twenty-four weeks following October 1st.

Among the above list we notice but few who will receive less than forty dollars per month.

Some of the districts commence a little late, but a majority of them will be in full blast before October 5th.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

WANTED. 10,000 BUSHELS CASTOR BEANS, For which we will pay $1.00 per bushel. 10,000 BUSHELS FLAX SEED, For which we will pay 95 cents on basis of pure.

G. B. SHAW & CO.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

WILKINSON & CO. -HAVING OPENED A- CIGAR FACTORY On East Ninth Avenue, are now ready to fill Orders. The patronage of the Public is respectfully solicited.

Call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

WINFIELD KINDERGARTEN. MRS. E. D. GARLICK, Kindergartner. All the apparatus and appliances found in a first-class Kindergarten. Terms, $3.00 per month for single pupils or $5.00 where there are two pupils from the same family.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Everyone who wears clothes should call and look over the New Stock of Foreign and Domestic Cloths just received by A. HERPICH, MERCHANT TAILOR. It is cheaper in the long run to buy good goods, have them made to fit by a merchant tailor, than it is to load yourself down with slattern, ill-made custom goods, which must be cast aside in a few months and never look well.

The Cloths and Trimmings carried by A. HERPICH are of best quality and manufacture.

A perfect fit guaranteed. Over Hudson Bros. Jewelry Store.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

"AT HOME." Having spent several weeks in the leading manufacturing cities making selections of Fall and Winter fabrics, we are even better enabled than ever to cater to the wants of the people. Fortunately for you, as well as for ourselves, we were in the market and had the benefit of the great fluctuations in Woolen goods the past few weeks. This put us in a position to purchase at our own price. The result need only to be seen to be appreciated.

The flattering success accorded our efforts last season has induced us to enlarge the range of our stock until in point of variety, style, and uniformly close prices our establishment TOWERS OVER ALL COMPETITORS!

We introduce for the season of 1883-84, in addition to our regular line, a high grade of suitings and overgarments, such as has never been shown by any House in these parts.

Attention is invited to the superior FIT and Style of these goods. We display a complete assortment and shall endeavor to merit our well-earned reputation for furnishing the


ever shown here. To those who never patronized us in this direction we would respectfully extend an invitation to call and examine at least a part of our stock before making their purchases. We are satisfied we can save them money and gratify their tastes.

Our new stock of Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys is just opened. You cannot afford to buy your foot gear without seeing these goods. We carry the best makes in the market.

Our stock of Furnishings and Underwear comprises everything desirable in the market.

We still hold our position as "Leading Hatters." We have all the new styles and staple shapes.

Do not fail to price our Gloves. Yours in Earnest,

J. S. MANN, Corner Main Street and Tenth Avenue.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The public schools of this city open on the 17th inst.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Call at the New Jewelry store in Best's old stand.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Miss Nettie McCoy has returned from her Connecticut visit.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mrs. J. B. Lynn will return on Friday next from her Colorado sojourn.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Miss Alice Carson has been very ill for the past week, but is now improving.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Miss Anna Hunt spent last week in Wellington visiting the Misses Barnard.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The public schools of the county are generally getting in running order this month.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Kansas is the garden of the world and Cowley County is the garden of Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Sewing machine needles for all the leading machines in the country at J. P. Baden's.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Farmers, you can get at the Tunnel Mill the best of Flour, Bran and Shorts.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

A girl wanted to do general houseworkhighest wages paid. J. C. McMullen.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired at the New Jewelry store, Best's old stand.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Curns & Manser have moved into Green's old stand and are fixed up very conveniently.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Prof. and Mrs. E. T. Trimble started Monday afternoon for their new home in Colfax, Washington Territory.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Boots and Shoes made to order and repairing done at John Tyner's Boot and Shoe Store.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mrs. Reynolds of McDonough County, Illinois, is spending a week with her brother, F. M. Freeland.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Wanted. A girl to do general housework. Will pay good wages. Inquire at J. B. Lynn's store.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

S. C. Sumpter of Walnut Township brings us in some fine samples of his apple and peach crop.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

J. M. Bair was down from Topeka for a few days this week, shaking hands with his numerous friends.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

DIED. A twelve year old son of G. E. Bradt died Tuesday, of malarial fever, after an illness of but a few days.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Quarterly meeting was held at the Methodist Church Sunday, conducted by Presiding Elder Audas.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

At the teachers' examination in this city last week, thirty-one applicants passed and received certificates.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Fresh ground Graham Flour, White Corn Meal, and Feed always on hand at Kirk's Mill, West of Lynn's Store.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Rev. McQuown, of Mulvane, delivered a very sound discourse in the Presbyterian Church of this city Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Every school book in use in this county for sale at publishers prices by Henry Goldsmith, the Post Office Bookseller.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mr. John Isom left on our table last week a twig six inches long bearing five of as large apples as one could wish for.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

A very pleasant social gathering in honor of Rev. Dr. Kirkwood took place at the residence of A. T. Spotswood on last Friday evening.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Uncle Billy Rogers, one of Winfield's pioneers, came in from Dead Wood City last week and is spending a few weeks with old friends.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mr. Amos Freeman, of Vernon, raised a very large crop of potatoes this year, a part of which he is now marketing at 50 cents per bushel.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mrs. M. J. Gilkey, of Maple City, an old COURIER subscriber and early settler, called Tuesday and left with us a box of splendid peaches. Many thanks.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Quarterly meeting of the U. B. C. will be held in their church in this city on the 22nd and 23rd of September commencing at 2 o'clock p.m. W. M. Friedley, Pastor.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Now that the mild September has taken the place of the usually brazen August, the farmer can estimate with considerable certainty the result of his summer's work.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The "Winfield Nine" went down to Arkansas City Wednesday to play her club a game of base ball for the county championship. Victory is ours, saith the Winfieldites.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

It makes one feel chilly to see the number of coal bins that are being filled for winter. Our citizens are taking advantage of the reductions being made on early deliveries.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mr. J. R. Thompson brings us two ears of corn each thirteen inches long and weighing a pound and a half. These two ears would be about all a horse would want at one feed.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mrs. Kephart brought us in some splendid peaches Monday, raised on the D. T. Bligh farm in Sheridan Township. The peaches all over the county this year are large and luscious.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

An ice cream festival for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, will be held on Tuesday evening, September 18th, in the new schoolhouse at New Salem. All are invited. By order of committee.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Miss Sarah Hoyt, of Fort Scott, is spending a few weeks in this city, the guest of Miss Lola Silliman. A very enjoyable little party was given her at Miss Silliman's pleasant home on Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mr. M. Ramsey from Iowa, has opened out a new jewelry store at Best's old stand. He comes highly recommended by eastern firms as a first class workman, is a pleasant appearing gentleman and seems likely to take with our people.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Oklahoma Payne has again come to grief. He and his followers were again brought out of the promised land to Caldwell by the troops last week. The Oklahoma War Chief, his mouth organ, has turned up its toes to the daisies and it looks as though his efforts had certainly been wasted on the desert airunless, possibly, he has salted down a goodly amount of the hard earnings of those he duped into following him.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

On last Monday evening a most remarkable surprise was precipitated upon Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sumpter, of Walnut Township. Mr. Sumpter was just returning from the field when he noticed a long line of wagons coming along the road, and his first impression was that it was a funeral procession; but imagine his surprise when the train drove right into his yard, pro- ceeded to "hitch up," and about forty-five neighbors and friends walked in and took posses- sion of his home. Mr. and Mrs. Sumpter were soon surrounded by the happy crowd, receiving their hearty congratulations on the fact of that being their fifteenth wedding anni- versary. Everyone brought baskets filled with all sorts of culinary delicacies and substantial tokens of esteem to crystallize the pleasant event in the minds of the "bride and groom." The "raid" was gotten up by that jolly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Winters, and it will long be remem- bered by those present as one of the most successful celebrations of a crystal wedding. Mr. Pomeroy, F. M. Friend's organ agent, was present and favored the company with fine music. The following are a few of the presents and the donors' names.

Mr. and Mrs. Winters, cake stand.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts, egg dish.

Mr. and Mrs. Storey, honey-dish.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray, glass castor and salt-dishes.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmidt, fruit-dish.

Mr. and Mrs. Role Bush, eggshell jelly dish.

Grandma Davenport, salt-dish.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The following superintendents of their respective departments will please meet with the secretary at his office as early as possible on the first day of the Fair, Sept. 25th. The duties of the superintendents will be to have charge, under the general superintendent, of the depart- ments to which they are assigned, and to select judges to award the different premiums. Those who find it impossible to serve will notify the secretary as early as possible that others may be appointed in their stead.

Horses, James B. Schofield.

Mules, Sol Burkhalter.

Cattle, J. O. Taylor.

Sheep, S. S. Linn.

Hogs, W. J. Hodges.

Poultry, H. T. Shivvers.

Grain, grasses, etc., Henry Harbaugh.

Fruit, Jacob Nixon.

Vegetables, J. W. Millspaugh.

Farm and household, Mrs. J. F. Martin.

Flowers and shrubs, Mrs. J. L. Horning.

Fine arts, Miss Kate Millington.

Fancy work, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger.

Household fabrics, Kansas manufacture, W. R. McDonald.

Jellies, etc., Mrs. S. S. Linn.

Preserves, Mrs. N. S. Perry.

Speed ring, J. L. Horning.

Agricultural implements, H. Brotherton.

Mechanic arts, T. B. Myers.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

From the following items found in the Wellington Democrat, it seems that a good many of Winfield's citizens were in some way attracted to that burg last week.

"Ivan Robinson, of Winfield was in the city this week. Henry E. Asp and wife, of Winfield, were in the city on Wednesday last. Dr. Cole, Miss Nellie Cole, and Dr. Emerson and wife, of Winfield, were in the city on Tuesday last. S. G. Gary, J. Wade McDonald, and F. K. Raymond, all of Winfield were in the city this week attending court. Senator W. P. Hackney of Winfield, was a pleasant caller on Tuesday last. Although opposed to Mr. Hack- ney, politically, we cannot help admiring the man. Tony Sykes, the foreman of the Winfield Courier for ten years, was in the city Tuesday, and we had the pleasure of a hand shake with him. Sykes is one of the best job and general printers in the State."


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The COURIER turned out last week a real estate paper for Beach & Denning. It adver- tises their business and Cowley County, and as an index to the character of our citizens, it has the following to say regarding the observance of the prohibitory law in this county.

"We point with pride to the fact that there are no open saloonsno open violations of the law in Cowley County. It places this County a step higher in the scale of respectability; a step higher in the estimation of people outside the State that she pays so much respect to the law, whatever may be the individual opinions of some of her citizens. There are some secret sales, just as there are crimes of other classes committed, but they are made in secret and by stealth, and are neither sanctioned nor winked at by the respectable citizen."


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The Benefit Concert given on last Thursday evening by Prof. Farringer and Mrs. Garlick for the benefit of the Baptist bell fund was one of the most pleasant we have attended lately. The program was varied and interestingin fact, Prof. Farringer never takes hold of any- thing in the music line that he does not make a success. The exercises of the Kindergarten pupils were very cute, surprising the audience, producing much merriment, and showing the excellent results of Mrs. Garlick's method of instruction. The Baptists, with their numerous entertainments, have almost reached the goal and will soon have a four hundred dollar bell. When this is added to their church, they will have a building unsurpassed in completeness by any in the state. Winfield is justly proud of her splendid church buildings.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The sheriff of Cowley County was a passenger on the east bound train Monday morning, having in charge General A. H. Green, who was pronounced insane some time ago. Mrs. Green was accompanying her husband to the insane asylum at Ossawatomie. We got a glimpse of this unfortunate man as he lay upon a couch in the baggage car; and he looked like anything but the live, energetic businessman whom we were intimately acquainted with only a few months ago. It is thought that his case is a hopeless one, and in this misfortune Winfield has lost one of her most active businessmen. Grenola Chief.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The COURIER office is visited almost daily by farmers bearing in their arms forty-pound watermelons, mammoth apples, peaches, potatoes, cabbage, corn, and everything produced in these parts by soil. The crop of Cowley this year is absolutely indescribablein the words of some illustrious statesman, "It must be seen to be appreciated." And it is the same all over the state. You in sickly Iowa and Indiana, come and see the beauty, fertility, and splendor of "drouthy Kansas," and then move out your earthly effects.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Certificates of matrimonial bliss have been issued during the past week, by the Probate Judge, as follows. MARRIAGE LICENSES:

Edward Parson to Marry Kimmel.

Harry V. Jackson to Cora Woods.

Albert V. Hamil to Abbie D. Harrison.

John P. Somers to Margaret Colay.

Elisha M. Monukers to Frances Decker.

Wm. Rappan to Bernice Huston.

It seems that these aspirants to double blessedness went back on the ministers entirely, as every couple was married by Judge Gans.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

An exchange says, "There are too many good women at heart who talk too much." Very true; and the same can be said of men. There are five-sevenths of the civilized world, of both sexes, good, bad, and indifferent, who do the same thing. Men are as bad as women about talking too much with their mouths. The same failing of human nature will be complained of one hundred thousand years hence. So dry up, croaker; you are about as much a nuisance as the too much talker.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The large oat crop of this county is beginning to have a wonderful effect on the horses. Almost every day a little excitement is furnished by the runaway of some fiery charger. It completely exhausts our reportorial ability to keep track of them all, and then, unrelieved as they are by no first-class dog-fights, they become monotonous, so we let them pass without special notice. The damage in this line is very small, however.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

To lovers of the panoramic we commend a view of Winfield from the mounds east of town. The beautiful city spreading out in the valley with the leafy verdure of the Walnut and Dutch Creek forming a background, its church spires, handsome residences, and beautiful trees, impresses the viewer with the grandeur of "the queen city" as it can never be felt by merely driving over it.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The first cold wave of the season struck us last Saturday, banishing temporarily summer apparel and reminding us of the approach of hoary-headed winter. Many found a fire necessary to the comfort of their rooms.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. John Goodrich had the misfortune to lose their little baby Tuesday. The complaint was choler-infantum. It was a bright little girl of two summers, and its loss leaves an aching void in the hearts of the parents.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Our festive sportsmen can turn loose on the prairie chicken from now until the first of January, according to law, and on the quail from November first to January first. The duck and wild goose are subject to slaughter at any time.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mr. Jim Smith has erected another feed stable on Ninth Avenue. From the number of "hotel de horses" on this street, it would seem that the name should be changed from Ninth to Livery Stable Avenue. There are only seven.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mr. J. R. Richards, of Rock Township, called on us Monday. He has several apple trees, planted in 1872, from each of which he will gather five bushels of apples this fall. Cowley's fruit-growing proclivities are being rapidly developed.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Our merchants are preparing for a heavy trade this fall and winter, and will not be disap- pointed, for our people have the wherewith as a result of the prosperous year to buy a great amount of merchandise and put on some style.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Among the many fine peaches left at this office recently none have been larger or more palatable than the seedling clings brought us this week by Mrs. E. D. York, of Maple Town- ship. She has a large orchard and the trees have been very prolific this year.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

G. W. Foster, of this city, was suddenly summoned to Queen City, Missouri, last week, on account of the serious illness of his father. He was compelled to lay over Sunday in Kansas City, and in consequence did not reach there until his father was dead and buried.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The Christians have their church building ready for the plastering and in a few weeks it will be ready for occupancy. It is neat externally, well lighted, and the plans for its internal arrangement are convenient and tasty. It will be a very pleasant place of worship.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The floor of the West bridge is in a bad condition and unless something is done someone will have damages to pay. The embankment on this side ought to be railed, also. Doc. Copple's team backed off of it some days ago and narrowly escaped injury. The proper authorities should look after it at once.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Col. Dudley, commissioner of Pensions, writes T. B. Ward of this place that P. H. Fitzgerald of Indianapolis, Indiana, has been defrauding pensioners in various ways. Mr. Ward's pension was passed three months ago and the certificate forwarded to Fitzgerald, but the owner has not yet received it.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann returned from the East last week. J. S. has bought heavier than ever for the fall trade and his store is crowded with goods from top to bottom. His excellent selections and low prices will soon clean them out.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Sunday evening's train brought in "Blue Cloud," a celebrated trotter from Bismarck Grove, who will be put in training on the track for the fair. During the week several trotting, pacing, and running horses have arrived, and others are on the way. In addition to a grand display in every department, there will be some fine bursts of speed.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The school board has decided, on account of lack of room, to adopt the half-day system in our public schools this winter with pupils from five to seven years of agepart attending in the forenoon and part in the afternoon. Winfield has an immense number of children of this age and it would be impossible to afford them all proper advantages without this system.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Business is gradually assuming permanency on East Ninth Avenue, and we expect before three more years to see it built up solidly clear to the Courthouse and be as busy as Main street. Dr. Mendenhall has moved his office off the lot next to the Marble Works and will commence the erection of a two story brick business house thereon. Mrs. Shenneman will also put in a brick next to Parmer & Co.'s grocery.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Walter Denning is having a kind of family reunion at his home. His father, W. H. H. Denning and a sister from Illinois, and W. C. Denning, of Miami County, a brother, came in last week and are spending a few weeks with him. The father is seventy years of age and says were he ten years younger, nothing could prevent him from moving to Kansas. They are all highly pleased with Cowley.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

A Wellington paper tells of an aesthetic young man who went in swimming in the Arkansas River recently. While he was taking his exercise, some mischievous girls stole his clothes and carried them off. When he came ashore, the young man surrounded himself with an empty flour barrel and, thus attired, walked a mile or more home, barely escaping destruc- tion from the passers-by as a dude.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Rev. W. R. Kirkwood of Wooster, Ohio, the prospective Presbyterian minister, preached a very able sermon Sunday morning. He is a fine looking, gray bearded gentleman, has excellent command of language, and fills the pulpit with ease and grace. He has made a very favorable impression on those who have heard him. Mr. Kirkwood has been traveling for the last three years in the interests of the Wooster Presbyterian College.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Davie, the nine year old son of J. L. Hodges, was thrown from a horse while racing on the fair ground track Sunday evening and lay senseless for a time, though not injured seriously. Dolphie Green also received a fall from his pony Saturday, which laid him out for a few moments. Parents can't be too careful about letting boys of this age use horses as they please. Being very venturesome, injurious results are apt to follow.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Hunnewell, that home of the cowboy, advertises for a school teacher; not one of those delicate youths fresh from an Eastern college, and only waiting around for a call to the chief editorship of one of the big dailies, but a stalwart, broad-shouldered, big-handed man, who can knock down a bullock or shoot the eye-lashes off a fly at ten paces. They offer big wages and a life-insurance premium to one who can manage the school. The Texas steer can't be having a very civilizing effect on the youth of Hunnewell.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Uncle Joe Likowski has sold out his billiard hall paraphernalia and the building is being fitted up by Sid Majors for a restaurant. This change will seem strange to the old settler for awhile. For the last nine years "Old Joe" has held forth at this stand, dealing out the ardent before the prohibitory law, but since running only the billiard hall. The old gentleman is being sorely afflicted by an old wound received on the left ankle while serving with the Kansas militia just before the war. It is growing so much worse as to threaten amputation. He will go to Florida in a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The hunting season has arrived and sportsmen who wish to replenish their outfit should call on Horning & Whitney and look over their splendid stock of guns and ammunition. They have the finest and most complete stock in this line ever opened in Winfield. All goods at bottom prices.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barnes, of this city, had the misfortune to lose their little son, Wm. Clarny, aged two years and eleven days, on Tuesday last.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

I will pay the highest market price for three hundred bushels of good, clean white oats.

J. C. McMullen.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Our New Water-Works.

The two hose carts and one thousand feet of hose for the city, representing fourteen hundred dollars, arrived Tuesday. On Tuesday afternoon the hose was attached to the fire- plugs on Main street, the pressure put on, and the street fairly deluged with the bright, clear water of the Walnut. Solid streams shot over a hundred feet into the air with terrific force. It was indeed a grand sight to see the crystal drops sent whirling through the air from the five or six plugs running at once. Only a third of the power of the huge engine was brought to bear and yet so strong was the force that the nozzle of the hose at several different times downed the efforts of four or five men and they went sprawling around over the ground like some great serpent. The "fire company" turned the stream on everybody who ventured near enough, and the number of "drowned rats" was appalling to see. It produced much jovial excitement and was engineered by our city marshal, G. W. Prater. A constant pressure is now kept on the pipes and over fifty persons have taken water. Many lawn sprinklers are now affording relief from the brazen elements. But one leak has been found in the entire piping since the first test, which certainly reflects great credit upon the workmanship of Mr. John Maxwell, the contractor. The next thing in order to the completion of our fire department is the organizing of a fire company; this done, we can down any blaze that pokes up its head. The extraordinary ability of the superintendent, Frank Barclay, as a draughtsman, plumber, and machinist has been finely demonstrated by the quality and adeptness of the water-works machinery. Frank's knowledge in this line can't be beaten.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Death by Lightning.

DIED. We are once more vividly reminded of the transientness of life in the death by lightning of Wm. R. Carr, while herding sheep on Bitter Creek in the Indian Territory. He went out from camp as usual on Monday morning, September 3, amid appearances of a storm, was seen no more until Wednesday the 5th inst., when he was found dead with his horse on the prairie, his clothes and hair almost entirely burned off and his body terribly mutilated. The horse from appearances was on a gallop when the fatal bolt descended, killing both horse and rider instantly. There were no signs of a struggle by either, the man lying a few steps ahead of the animal where he was undoubtedly thrown by the velocity of the gait. The body was in a fearful condition when found by Mr. Timmins, with whom the victim was interested in the sheep business. The lightning struck the head, passed down the front of the body, and dividing, traveled down the limbs, tearing off all the flesh in its track. The body was brought to this city Wednesday evening and placed in care of A. B. Arment, undertaker, who prepared and placed it in a casket for interment. It was buried Thursday morning, Rev. J. Cairns officiating. Mr. Carr came from Indiana in April last, was about thirty-four years of age, and had no relatives in this section. Mr. Arment deserves credit for the careful manner in which he cared for the body of this young man.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat is coming in rather slowly, at 80 cents per bushel. Corn brings 25 cents and oats 20 cents. Hogs are worth $4.25 per hundred. The smaller produce market is lively with butter 15 cents, eggs 12-1/2 cents, sweet potatoes $1.00, Irish potatoes 40 to 50 cents, tomatoes 40 cents, beets 25 cents, peaches from 25 cents to $1.50, cabbage 1-1/2 cents per pound.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro left Wednesday afternoon for Topeka, and will possibly go from there to Denver for a few weeks' vacation. Mr. Albro has been suffering badly with asthma, and this trip and rest is taken in hopes of relief.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

To Mr. J. N. Fletcher of Ninnescah, we are indebted for two mammoth ears of corn weighing one pound and thirteen ounces each, and twelve inches and a half long.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Mr. B. Murphy starts to drive through to Bartow, Florida, today. It will take him three months to make the trip, and is a very lengthy drive to undertake.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The frosts last week throughout Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky, were ruinous to crops. The farmers in those sections feel rather despondent over it.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The semi-monthly social of the Good Templars was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. A. Hamilton, and a very pleasant time enjoyed.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

David C. Beach, as deputy Grand Secretary, instituted a lodge of Good Templars at Anthony Tuesday night.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The largest and best stock of shelf and heavy hardware in the city at Horning & Whitney's.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Fresh Oysters, fresh White Fish, Trout and Celery ever day at Spotswood's.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Hudson Brothers talk of opening out a branch jewelry store in Arkansas City.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Entries for the Fair.

The entry books of the Cowley County Fair & Driving Park Association are now open at the Secretary's office in the COURIER editorial rooms. All who can should call and make their entries early and avoid the rush and hurry of the first day. There are no entry fees charged except in the speed ring. ED. P. GREER, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

$50. Special Premium for Corn.

P. H. Albright & Co. at the County Fair will pay a premium of $30; $15 to the 1st, $10 to the 2nd, and $5 to the 3rd, for the three bushels of corn brought to the Fair having the least number of ears to the bushela bushel to weigh 75 lbs., and no person to take more than one premium. Corn to be raised by party claiming premium.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Recap. Notice of Intention to make final settlement in the matter of the Estate of Elias Bever, Deceased, on 5th day of October, 1883, the same being the 5th Judicial day of the next term of the Probate Court in and for said Cowley County, file his final report and make final settlement of said estate. Wm. B. Norman, Administrator. W. P. Hackney, Attorney for Administrator.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Barbed wire cheap. W. A. Lee.

Wood pumps for sale. W. A. Lee.

Parties wanting wind-mills and grinders can see the Holliday in operation at my office. Parties coming to the Fair please call. W. A. Lee.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Choice grapes every day at Wallis & Wallis.

Peaches and apples every day at Wallis & Wallis.

We call special attention to our Clothes Horse. Wallis & Wallis.

A choice assortment of syrups, in kegs and barrels, at Wallis & Wallis'.

Gaze into Wallis & Wallis' show window and behold just what you want in hanging baskets, vases, and flower pots.

We have just received a choice lot of fancy flower vases and pots of the latest and novel styles at very low prices. Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

New Sorghum Barrels. J. P. Baden.

Call on Baden with your choice budded peaches.

Carload new sorghum barrels just received. J. P. Baden.

Baden will pay cash for 10,000 bushels of choice peaches.

J. P. Baden wants 10,000 bushels of choice budded peaches for which he will pay the highest prices in cash.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Buy your coal at G. B. Shaw & Co.'s.

G. B. Shaw & Co. keep in stock Canon City lump and nut coal.

Just received. One car fresh Pure Lime. G. B. Shaw & Co.

Eclipse Wind Mills manufactured by Fairbank Scale Co., for sale by G. B. Shaw & Co.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Winfield corn meal and feed mill for sale or trade. For particulars apply to James Kirk, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Sheep Ranche for Sale. 2600 fine Merino sheep, also a ranche of 320 acres. Address J. N. Aubuchon, Grenola, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Lost. A red crochet wool shawl between A. C. Monforte's and Winfield on Sunday evening. A reward will be paid the finder if it is left at this office.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

For Sale. 160 acres, 35 acres bottom, 20 acres cultivated, house 14 x 14, good basement, running water, corral, some timber; 10 miles from Winfield. Price $1,200. Will take good team in part payment. Terms easy. Address P. O. Box 564, Winfield.

The Mason & Hamlin Organ has just taken THE VERY HIGHEST OF ALL REWARDS at the great World's Exposition now in progress at Amsterdam, Holland; thus adding to the unbroken series of brilliant triumphs at every GREAT WORLD'S FAIR for the past sixteen years. M. J. Stimson, dealer in Organs, small instruments, sheet music, and music books. Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


Cowley County is nearly square in form, being thirty-four miles from east to west and thirty-three miles from north to south. It is situated on the south line of the State and is the fifth county west from the east line. It contains 718,080 acres of land, something over 200,000, or nearly one third, of which is under cultivation. It is well watered by the Arkansas River running southeast across the southwest corner, and its tributaries, the principal of which are the Walnut, Beaver, and Grouse Creeks. Besides these streams, and tributary to them, are Rock, Dutch, Badger, Timber, Silver, Wild Cat, Plum, Otter, and Cedar Creeks, and other smaller streams. These streams are well distributed over the county and, in most cases, are bounded on either side by rich and fertile valleys with unlimited productive capacities. The county is well supplied with springs, and good well water can usually be found at a depth of from 15 to 40 feet.

The finest building and paving stone in the West is to be found just beneath the surface in many localities, and magnificent quarries have been opened. The county has become justly noted for her stone all over the State, and much of the fine paving stone laid down upon the streets of Kansas City is from her quarries. The shipment of stone from Winfield has become a very important branch of the business of this section. Two railroads pass through the county. A branch of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road, connecting with the main line at Newton, traverses the county from its northwest corner to, and having its terminus at, Arkansas City; while an extension of the old Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston road from Cherryvale passes through the county from east to west. While these two lines of road are non-competing, both being operated by the same company, yet under the admirable commissioner system of the State, they cannot become too oppressive, and they afford excellent facilities for the shipment of the products of the county to eastern markets. A third line of road is under contemplation and will undoubtedly be built.

The leading city of the county is Winfield, our home, with a population of about 4,500. It is the County Seat, does the most business, and is the most important town in the southwest. We shall have more to say of it hereafter. Following Winfield in size is Arkansas City, with about 2,000 inhabitants. Burden and Udall are important and growing centers of trade, the one on the northeast and the other northwest of Winfield.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.


Gen. Crook said to a Chicago reporter: "The Indian is an ignorant child, but not an inno- cent one. His mind must be occupied, or it will hatch out deviltry of the meanest kind, as surely as will that of the little gutter-snipe of Chicago. That mind must have something to domust have work, honest labor, which will remunerate effort. As soon as this is accom- plished and the Indian is taught that he must work, and the result of his labor increase the number of his ponies and stock, just that moment the government has a mortgage on him."


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883. Editorial.


We do not flatter ourself that our views on the liquor question, or any other question, are to be regarded as of any great importance; but since some of our contemporaries, particularly the Telegram, have devoted a great deal of space to show that we are changing and inconsis-tent, we will try to state our views in as few words as possible.

1. Whatever the law is, on the subject of the sale of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, it should be strictly enforced. Those who violate such laws, encourage and assist in their violation, or shield the violators from conviction and punishment, are guilty of crimes or misdemeanors, the same as those who violate, aid in the violation, or aid in shielding the violators of any other law.

2. We are not in favor of re-submission of the constitutional amendment.

3. We are in favor of such additional legislation as will make the prohibitory amendment more effective.

4. We are a Republican, and would concede much for the success of the Republican party, but would not abandon an important principle. We would stand by the Republican party because its success will be the success of many important progressive principles; and, though we may not attain everything we desire by a single victory, yet in a series of victories it is sure to progress and attain all which is desirable and attainable. We have no such prospect in the success of any other party.

5. We are for keeping the prohibition plank in the Republican platform of this State.

6. We do not believe in making a belief in prohibition as a policy in this State as a test for candidates for office. If they stand the time-honored tests, and will do their duty under the prohibition and other laws, they are good enough candidates for us to support.

7. We commend the late county convention for not making any other tests, for not raising the question of the policy of prohibition in their nominations. It does not need to be raised in this county at least.

8. We believe in securing as much prohibition as the circumstances of the case will admit. In Ohio the Democrats are for free whiskey, which is the normal doctrine and ten- dency of that party. In other States, where a high license is in vogue, they call for low license as the best they can get in the direction of free whiskey. In States where prohibition is likely to prevail, as in Iowa, they demand high license as the best they can get in the direction of free whiskey. In Kansas, where prohibition laws are on the statute books and in the constitu- tion, they "recommend," as in the platform of the late Democratic Convention in Winfield, "A judicious system of high license and local option in place thereof," as the nearest ap- proach to free whiskey which they can hope to gain.

The Republicans in Ohio are for a $200 license as some prohibition, and the best that they can sustain in that State. This is called high license there, but it is really very low license.

In Missouri $500 is called high license, but is low in comparison with Nebraska, where it takes $1,000 to constitute high license.

Where low license is easily maintained, the Republicans take a step higher and demand high license. Where high license is maintained, the next higher step would be local option. Where both of these prevail, the next higher step is total prohibition, as in Kansas.

Low license is some prohibition. It has shut up 600 saloons in Ohio. High license is more prohibition. It has shut up more than half of the saloons in Nebraska. With local option it would be still more prohibition, for it would shut up many more saloons. Total prohibition should shut up every saloon in this State, and will do it, if the law is amended so as to make the machinery for its enforcement as favorable as that for the enforcement of other laws.

If it is not a fact that Kansas can lead in this matter, as she has usually done in the progress of the age, then very high license and local option may be the very best she can do; but it is too early to take a step backward, and we do not believe that Kansas will ever take that step.

These views we have stated at different times, separately or together, for the last three years; and now, if anyone cares enough about them to misrepresent them, or to compare them with what we have said heretofore, or may say hereafter, we only ask him to preserve this article for comparison.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.


At Saratoga in 1859, while Commodore Vanderbilt was sitting on the plaza of Congress Hall, so the story goes, a somewhat overdressed lady approached and claimed his acquain- tance. The Commodore rose and talked affably with her, while his wife and daughter sniffed the air with scorn. "Father," said the young lady, as the Commodore resumed his seat, "didn't you remember that vulgar Mrs. B. as the woman who used to sell poultry to us at home?" "Certainly," replied the old gentleman, promptly, "and I remember your mother when she used to sell root beer at three cents a glass in Jersey when I went up there from Staten Island peddling oysters in my boat." This is vouched for by a gentleman there who heard the conversation. It quieted the young woman.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.


Some twenty or thirty greenbackers met at the Courthouse last Saturday and nominated a ticket as follows: For Sheriff, J. F. Teter; Treasurer, Adam Walck; Register, H. J. Sandfort; Clerk, C. C. Crow; Surveyor, Chas. McClung; Coroner, Jas. Land. The members of that party in the east commissioners district are to meet at Burden next Saturday, to put up a candidate for commissioner. Two speakers in the meeting denounced both the Republican and Democratic parties on an entirely new and accredited plan.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.


Next Tuesday is the opening day of Cowley's big fair. That it will prove the biggest thing ever yet held within the borders of our county, there is no doubt. The entry books were opened Friday, and up to this time nearly three hundred entries have been made. The prepara- tions on the grounds have been pushed steadily forward and by Saturday evening everything will be complete. The speed stables are full and other trotting and running horses are on the way. The displays in all departments will be first class.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Payne and Other Officers, Oklahoma Company, Arrested.

Last Monday, at Wichita, David L. Payne, President; J. B. Cooper, Treasurer; C. B. Culvery, Secretary; and A. W. Harris, Assistant Secretary, of the Oklahoma Company, an association for the purpose of entering and locating in the Indian Territory, were arrested upon a warrant issued by United States Commissioner, J. F. Sherman, on the complaint of United States Attorney, J. R. Hallowell, charging them with a conspiracy to violate a law of the United States, and to commit an offense against the laws of the United States by settling upon the lands in the Indian Territory, and that Payne and his colonists be expelled there- from, by order of the President of the United States.

Payne is the individual known as Oklahoma Payne, and was brought before the commission by Mr. Charles Hatton, assistant, and who appears for the Government, and the case was continued till the next day, for the witnesses to appear, but it is not expected that the case will be heard till the 29th. Payne has been costing the government many thousands of dollars annually, for two or three years, and in the face of repeated warnings. It seems that Attorney Hallowell has become tired of so much foolery and is determined on more radical and effectual means.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.


The Board of Directors have arranged for a "Winfield Day" during the fair. The day will be Thursday, and the Mayor will issue a proclamation closing all the stores from eleven till four o'clock; so that the whole city can turn out and give the fair a boom.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.


Senator Plumb, Hon. Chas. W. Blair, Col. Hallowell, Congressmen Hanback and Peters have accepted invitations and will be present and address the boys at the Old Soldiers reunion to be held on the fair grounds Oct. 17, 18, and 19. It will be a rousing old fashioned reunionsuch an one, in point of real enjoyment, as has never been held in Kansas.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.


In all that pertains to a first class clothing store and outfitting house, J. S. Mann is at the top. The people of our city and county have assigned him this position. He is now making a display worth the careful attention of those interested in their personal appearance.

Every garment guaranteed perfect in fit, finish, and fashion. In this respect, he is pre- eminently at the top.

In some respects he is at the bottom. When he is making his contracts for goods in the east, he purchases at the bottom price. This places him in a position to let his customers in on the ground floor, and enables him to give his patrons bottom prices.

It will pay every citizen of our county to call and see Mann's new stock.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Prairie Home Productions.

Mr. Gardner is building a new house.

Mrs. Thomas accompanied her husband to his singing last Saturday evening.

Cloudy weather at present, heavy showers at night, with an occasional sprinkle through the day.

J. S. Baker has put into stack forty tons of millet, and at present is entertaining the threshers, Silverthorn & Co.

Mr. Lucas has moved, house and all, to the little burg of New Salem, and is teaching a second term of school at that place.

D. W. Ramage began school in District No. 39, last Monday, for a term of nine months, being a second term in the same place.

I was pleased to see the New Salem pencillings again, and to know that Olivia had recovered her health sufficiently to write.

Lydia Gardner will not attend school in Winfield this winter, but will take the benefit of the pure air of the country for the present.

What has become of Algero? It has been a long time since we have had the pleasure of reading any items from the pen of that individual.

Miss Ettie Johnson has gone to Lawrence, to complete her education in that highly favored city. Her sister, Alice, has gone to Topeka, I believe.

Let every man and his girl come out to singing-school next Saturday night, as our school will soon be numbered with the things that were.

Thornton and Annie Baker, also Lizzie Lawson, will leave their country home soon and try city life and the Winfield High School for the next eight months.

Annie Lawson is again at home, and will start to school as soon as she recovers from the chills. She was accompanied by her aunt, who came on a short visit to Mrs. Sparrow's.

Twenty-eight dollars and ninety cents were raised at the ice cream festival on the 28th ult., for the Prairie Home Sabbath School. Mr. Conrad thinks it pays to be treasurer now.

Mr. Miller's mother and sisters returned to their homes recently, Mrs. Pollock going to Colorado and Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Miller to the Hoosier State. May peace attend their footsteps.

New blinds on the schoolhouse windows, and new pump at the well. Oh dear! don't we put on style, though. Just wait till we get our new library, and then come and see us enjoying ourselves.

What splendid weather for wheat! How the farmers ought to improve it, and get their wheat in early, to be sure of a good crop. I never like to sow late, but always "plow early and deep, while sluggards sleep."

Twenty-five ladies attended the quilting party at Mrs. Baker's last week, and I have not heard how many were at Mrs. Walner's party on Wednesday of this week. Where will be the next one, I wonder? I believe I will not take Charity to another one, unless I have a special invitation. We men are sadly neglected now-a-days.

Our Sabbath school will hold a picnic in Stevens' grove, north of this place three miles, on the first Saturday in October. Invitations will be given to all neighboring schools to attend and join in having a general good time. Children enjoy picnics hugely, and I think older folks do, occasionally, if they are well conducted.

The approaching County Fair seems to claim the attention and time of many at present. People expect the finest show in the vegetable and grain department ever exhibited before. I hope they will not be disappointed. May their anticipations be fully realized. This is the season for a nice fair, if ever. Let every farmer try and be represented by some production from his farm, and every farmer's wife try to get the premiums on butter. I know of one baby that will compete for the carriage, and, if it was for good looks, I am certain she would carry off the prize. C. HOPE.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.

Mr. and Mrs Foster have gone to their claim.

Mrs. James Chapell has been quite sick, but is better at present.

A nice rain has brightened up Salem and its inhabitants by laying the dust.

Mr. Sam. Allen has "sold his house and lot, and intends to go to Missouri, I hear.

Our young friends, Mr. W. M. Christopher and his sister, Miss May, are attending college in Iowa, or went there for that purpose.

Mr. and Mrs. Miles gave a party, not long since, in honor of her brothers, Messrs. _____ Custer, who are trying the Kansas breezes for awhile.

Mrs. Gilmore has been summoned to the bedside of a son in Iowa. We trust she may have the pleasure of soon seeing him restored to perfect health.

Mr. Miller and wife have been entertaining his mother and sister, from Indiana; also another sister, from Colorado. They have returned to their respective homes.

Mr. Dalgarn had the misfortune to lose a fine calf last week. He did not know the cause of its death. Hoyland's cattle are all right now. He only lost four head.

Mr. S. R. Chapell has been quite ill for some time. Dr. Irwin is treating him, and he is improving as fast as people usually do when down with a combination of diseases.

A man bought a Salem farm from Mr. Avis, but when they met to make out the papers, etc., his man had skipped, and no one seemed to know where he had gone, so Mr. Avis still owns his farm.

Mr. Douglas has returned. His brother, living in this State, was dangerously ill, but Mr. Douglas had the satisfaction of seeing him better before he left; but his brother lost one of his children while he was there.

Mrs. Pixley is at home, but the care of watching for weeks at the bedside of her mother, and the grief, etc., have been too much for human endurance, and she is very weak and far from enjoying her usual health.

Teachers are engaged for the Salem schools. At the new schoolhouse Mr. Wm. Lucas will be principal and Miss Davenport, assistant; while at the Old Salem schoolhouse Mr. Roberts will instruct the young ideas and keep them in proper bounds.

The farmers are very busy sowing wheat, and some work of every kind seems to be fairly driving them. The wives and daughters are deep in the mysteries of preserves and everything good that is made from the luscious peach; and, don't you think, I am growing as fat as a broom-stick eating them, and fixing them for "sass."

The Misses Johnsons left this weekMiss Ettie to attend the University at Lawrence, and Miss Alice to enjoy looking at the pretty sights and articles at the State Fair in Topeka. Miss Ettie intends to stay two months, and her many friends in Salem will miss her pleasant face, and it seems she can scarcely be spared so long a time. We are glad, indeed, to see young people digging up treasures from knowledge's inexhaustible mine, but may they all come home to the friends that miss them ere long.

Mr. J. W. Hoyland received news this week that would stir the fount of pity in many hearts. His step-mother, a lady of sixty-seven years, with two of her grandchildren, a boy of five and the little baby, Edith, one year old, were consumed in the house of the children's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett, by the demon of fire, in Riverton, Illinois. The supposition is that Robbie set fire to some shavings in the lower part of the house and, after calling his mamma, hid. As she ran to see what he wanted and could not see him, but found their home in a sheet of flames, she ran up the burning stairs, and tried to rescue her mother and her baby; but Mrs. Hoyland would not give up the child nor trust herself on the burning stairs. The frantic young mother rushed down, burning herself quite badly, and just as she landed, the stairs fell. How sad for the poor young mother, losing three loved ones all at one fierce blow. Our pity, love, and sympathy are with the stricken ones. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.




Upon my arrival at headquarters after a twelve days' tour in the mountains, I was greeted by the familiar face of the COURIER, also several correspondents, asking questions of a similar nature, which by your indulgence I take pleasure to answer through the columns of your paper. The number of daily visitors are greatly decreasing, and the tourist season is virtually coming to a close. After the 20th of this month it is unsafe to cross these mountains with any degree of pleasure, on account of snow stormsespecially for eastern or southern people (known here as "tender feet" or "pilgrims.") The best time is from the 15th of August to the 15th of September, in order to avoid bad roads, cold nights, and mosquitoes and flies in the spring, and snow storms in the fall. The probable cost may be approximated by a study of the following schedule of charges fixed by the Hotel and Stage Company and approved by the Hon. H. M. Teller, Secretary of the Interior.

Board and lodging single room per day: $10.00.

Two persons in single room: $4.00.

Fourth story single room: $3.50.

Two persons, fourth story: $3.00.

Private parlor per day: $5.00.

Private baths in bed rooms per day: $.75.

Baths in bathing hall, each: $.50.

Guides or cooks for private camps per day: $4.00.

Hire for a tent for private camp per day: $1.00.

Board and lodging in tents at fixed camps per day: $5.00.

Saddle ponies per day: $3.50.

Saddle ponies first hour: $1.00.

Saddle ponies each subsequent hour: $.50.

Pack ponies each per day: $2.50.

Wagon hire double team with driver per day: $10.00.

Lest your readers get the idea that this is an old place and considerably improved, let me say that such is not the case. The National Hotel, partially completed, and the superinten- dent's quarters are the only improvements worth speaking of; a few cabins and dugouts com- plete the amount. Other improvements are tents and tepees, and it is not uncommon for bears to come to the back door to molest the quiet slumber of tender-feet and pilgrims. This part of our country is too high for the production of anything in the line of vegetation, on account of frost. Every month of the year has its share of frost and ice. The thickness of half an inch is nothing strange in July and August. But it is famous for nature's monstrosities. No other district of the same size in the world can afford the same amount of natural scenery of a different nature. There is at present a government, geological, and topographical party at work in the park, and when completed I will, if desired, supply your readers with facts concerning the Wonderland, and all questions within my knowledge.

While writing this a small shower passed over, and while the nearest mountain west is covered with snow and still snowing on its top, here in the valley it is pleasant.

Mr. John Hanahan of Cedar Township just drove into headquarters with a six mule government team. He has been absent nearly two years. He was the first Cowley man I met.

Respectfully, J. W. WEIMER.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The Davis machine at the fair.

The Davis is a mechanical wonder.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The Cowley County Fair begins next Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Wanted. 25 men at once at Bliss & Wood's Mill.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Hon. A. J. Pyburn was up from Arkansas City Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. C. Hall and wife are visiting his sister, Mrs. H. E. Silliman.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Wanted. A girl to do general housework. Inquire of T. R. Bryan.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

G. W. Gregory is down from Topeka looking after his property interests.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

M. G. Troup and E. S. Bedilion took a trip into Harper County last week.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Isaac Crane is erecting a very neat brick residence on South Millington street.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

A man's boot at O'Meara & Randolph's for $2.00. The best in town for $2.50.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Fresh Oysters, fresh White Fish, Trout, and Celery every day at Spotswood's.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Boots and shoes made to order and repairing done at John Tyner's Boot and Shoe Store.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

L. B. Bullington is back from Colorado after a summer's sojourn, looking much improved in health.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

M. G. Troup's new two-story frame residence on South Millington street is nearly ready for occupancy.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Rev. Anthony Hakes and wife, of West Hallock, Illinois, are visiting with Mrs. E. B. Reed of this city.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Misses Margaret Spotswood and Maggie Bedilion spent last week in Topeka visiting with Mrs. W. C. Garvey.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mrs. A. B. Sykes is receiving a few weeks' visit from her sister, Miss Dora B. Sparr, of Rolling Green, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mulvane has organized a fire company. This has probably resulted from the recent burn- ing of her best hotel.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

A good position for a girl to do general housework at Lawrence; apply to A. Branham, Agent K. C. L. & S. Depot.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mrs. Furlong and her daughter, Miss Hattie, of Wichita, have been spending some time in our city with Mrs. Spencer Bliss.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

S. H. and County Attorney Jennings are enjoying a visit from their mother, Mrs. J. H. Jennings, of Delaware, Ohio.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

D. R. Musgrove, the popular merchant of Geuda Springs, dropped in on us for a moment Monday on his road to Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Foults Bros. have moved their barber shop into the old Curns & Manser stand and have much more roomy quarters than formerly.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. Ed. Burgheim, a cousin of Jake and Henry Goldsmith, came in from Cincinnati last week and has taken a position with Henry.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

W. P. Hostetter, of Pleasant Valley, added this week to our agricultural display a six inch twig carrying six large and beautiful seedling peaches.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mrs. J. B. Lynn returned last week from Colorado after two months' absence, looking much better and having enjoyed the vacation immensely.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Quarterly meeting of the U. B. C. will be held in their church in this city on the 22nd and 23rd of September, commencing at 2 o'clock p.m. W. M. Friedley, Pastor.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

There are one hundred and thirty teachers now holding certificates in this county, not quite enough to supply the one hundred and thirty-nine school districts.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

For something entirely new in the advertisement line, that of John Tyner takes the cake. Read it, take a hearty laugh, and realize its depth in the way of bargains.

Now it came to pass, when the sultry summer days were melting into the golden glow of autumn, that King Solomon came forth from the ice house (where he had been endeavoring to keep cool) and smote himself on the breast, and said unto his blear-eyed, lop- eared scribe, Gog, "Send to my servant John the best assortment of


ever put up for anybody, and write to him, saying, "Get thee out from under the shade of the sweet potato vine, take off thy duster, clothe thyself in purple and fine linen, fill thy store with the goods I send thee, and invite all the people to come in and buy shoes for their feet, that they freeze not in the approaching cold weather."

And John did all that was commanded him, and the kids throughout the land did rejoice with a loud noise.

John is now ready with "Walker" Boots and Shoes, Noyes, Norman & Co., St. Joe, Mo., Boots; Holbrook's Ladies' Fine Shoes, Utica, N. Y.; Brooks & Reynold's Fine Shoes, Rochester, N. Y., and others too numerous to mention, for Men, Women, and Children. Also



South Main street, west side. WINFIELD, KANSAS.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The County Treasurer has collected $128,672.76 of the tax levy of 1882, being the largest amount of taxes ever collected in one year in Cowley County, and less delinquent.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Capt. J. S. Hunt is adding a fine two story frame front to his residence on Millington street. This street is at present receiving a good many substantial improvements.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Dr. F. M. Cooper, well known in Winfield, has settled down to the practice of his pro- fession in Burlington, Kansas. He sends for the COURIER and says, "To be happy, we must have it to read."

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

For mechanical execution the Harper Times is superior to any six column weekly that comes to this office, and the work is all done by young ladies, one of them Miss Lou Morris, formerly of Winfield. They haven't a man in the composing room.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mrs. J. W. Johnson, her son and little daughter, are again at home after a three months' sojourn in Toronto, Ontario. Miss Ida remains to attend school there this winter. She is a favorite with our young folks and will be greatly missed from the social circle.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Judge J. C. Yates, for seventeen consecutive years Probate Judge of Peoria County, Illinois, came in last week on business connected with the estate of James Riely, the druggist who was killed at Arkansas City two years ago. He came in the interests of a brother and sister of the deceased. Peoria is H. E. Silliman's old home, and he is one of the men whose votes honored the Judge by this extraordinary term.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Last Thursday night Grant Dover and Ulysses Asbury, of Dexter, aged respectfully fifteen and seventeen years, stole a horse from W. A. Allison of that place and started south- west toward the Territory. At Arkansas City they traded the horse off and were proceeding to move on when the constable of Dexter stopped them on this first step in a criminal career and brought them to Winfield. They had their preliminary examination before Justice Soward and were bound over in the sum of three hundred dollars to appear at the next term of the district court. The necessary bond being given, they returned home with their parents. It is lucky that no success attended these boys on their first misdemeanor of this kind. They will likely get a short term in the "pen"enough to straighten them out and fix a determination in their minds that an honest, industrious life is the only safe road to success and honor.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Wm. P. Hostetter, of Pleasant Valley, was a pleasant caller on last Friday. He has been experimenting on pastured wheat. Last fall he sowed two and one-fourth acres in a separate field, and as soon as it was large enough to afford pasture, commenced putting stock on it. He kept this up until spring, being careful to keep stock off in wet weather, and when he quit pasturing it the ground was exceedingly bare. Having good root the wheat soon covered the ground and made a remarkable growth. He threshed the piece not long ago and got one hundred bushels of nice, plump wheat. Mr. Hostetter is of the opinion that the packing of the ground as a result of careful pasturing gives the wheat better root and produces a heavier yield.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. C. J. Durham, of Douglass, has succeeded in locating on the "Durham Ranch" in the north part of this county, two celebrated stock men direct from Scotland, Messrs. Tweedle and Purvoi. They brought with them twenty head of Border Leicester sheep and a Clydesdale stallion and mare. The ranch consists of four hundred acres well improved and well watered and shaded. They are gentlemen of high standing in Scotland and England as stock raisers and will make a new era in fine stock matters in Southern Kansas. They will exhibit their stock at our County Fair next week.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The Central division of the Cowley County Teachers' Association holds its first meeting on Sept. 28th and 29th at the High School building in this city. Their program consists of music, essay, recitations, address, and general discussion of the different methods of school government. The opportunity thus afforded the teachers of mingling together socially and exchanging their different views on this question will no doubt be very beneficial to our public schools. The Dexter Division of the Association meets next Friday and Saturday at Dexter.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Eli Youngheim again comes to the front this week with another of his large and attractive advertisements. Eli came to Winfield six years ago and started a clothing store with his brother, Charley, that would resemble his present mammoth stock about as much as a little star resembles the sun. By honest industry, strict business integrity, and a thorough knowl- edge of the clothing business, he has established an immense trade and now owns an estab- lishment unsurpassed by any in the Southwest.

"Just as Happy as a Big Sun Flower!" OUR AMBITION REALIZED -IN THE POSSESSION OF THE- MOST ELEGANT AND LARGEST STOCK -OF- CLOTHING IN SOUTHERN KANSAS. We throw down the Gauntlet: let them who dare, pick it up!

READ AND LEARN the reason why the people are with us. You will find it is because we protect their interests and supply them with better goods and for much less money than anyone in this section. All we can say is, come and see the stock, and if you don't make the exclamation, "The Half has not been Told!" we are sadly mistaken.

Respectfully, ELI YOUNGHEIM, The Mammoth Clothier.



Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The School Board last week allowed Miss Ella Kelly to withdraw her contract as assis- tant principal in our city schools, and she accepted the principalship of the Douglass schools. She receives from Douglass a salary of seventy dollars per month, and an increase in wages is the cause of this change. We regret very much to lose Miss Kelly, for we consider her one of the brightest and most energetic young ladies in this county. Her abilities as a teacher are receiving merited recognition.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

This is a queer world, people never will be satisfied. They grumble if it don't rain and curse if it does. One would naturally suppose that after such a season as this, with magnifi- cent crops of all kinds secure that the farmers would be happy; but not so. They are now grumbling because the corn crop is so large that they can't gather it and have no place to put it, and furthermore because there will be no nubbins for the calves.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. D. M. Emery, of Pleasant Valley, tells us of a seventeen acre piece of wheat which looked so puny last spring that he was in the notion of plowing it up, but having plenty of land besides for other crops, he let it stand. He threshed the field last month and got twenty- seven bushels per acre. This is only one of the numerous results of this extraordinary summer.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Though many buildings are going up in our city, it is still a hard matter, with our large immigration, to rent a comfortable home anywhere. It seems to us that this is a good chance for men of means to make profitable investments. Besides bringing large rentals, the property would be continually increasing in value with the growth of the town.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Geo. Backastow [Bacastow?] met with an accident Saturday while freezing ice cream for his parlor, which came very near taking off the fingers of his left hand. The cog wheels of the horse power freezer caught his hand and drew it in, tearing nearly all the flesh from the fingers, but luckily breaking no bones. He will carry it in a sling for some time.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

N. A. Haight brought into our office Tuesday a hill of red-top sorghum cane containing four stalks that towered sixteen feet into the air. It was raised by Thos. Galloway on his upland farm in Silverdale Township, and the hill was standing alone in a field of the more dwarfy black-top variety. It was eight feet above the average height of the field.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Case Brothers, of this city, have just completed a 24 x 28 two story frame house for Thos. Cliff in Beaver Township. They also built a house in the same neighborhood for Mrs. Rodocker, mother of our photographer. Our farmers are greatly improving their premises this year.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Charlie Fuller enjoyed the health-invigorating atmosphere of Geuda Springs again Sunday. From the number of visits Charlie has made of late to these far-famed waters, he ought to outrival Barnum's fat man. We are afraid there is an attraction for him in a certain fair inhabitant of that place.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Johnson & Hill now have a new thing in the way of a furniture polish. It is called M. J. Bischof's Excelsior Furniture Polish, and it instantly polishes beautifully, equal to new. It stands unrivaled for producing immediately a magnificent gloss. Try it.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mrs. J. H. Bullene has returned from her summer's visit in Maine. When she left there heavy apparel was necessary to comfort, and fires in the early morning were a common thing all summer. The past season has been much cooler than usual in that state.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. O. L. Ray, of Michigan, has been visiting in this county for a few weeks with his cousin, T. V. Ray. He is widely known in that state as a temperance lecturer and will deliver an address on this subject in the M. E. Church next Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mrs. Ada Perkins and her daughter, Mrs. Foose, from Sidney, Australia, residents of Winfield in the early days, came in Monday and will spend some time visiting friends here. Mr. Perkins will follow in a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. C. Crawford, of Pleasant Valley, brought us in samples of his Indian Cling Seedling peaches last week that were as large as any budded peaches and very smooth and sweet.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Miss May Halyard, of Geuda Springs, spent a day in our city last week. Her mother thinks of disposing of her property there and investing in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Messrs. F. W. and L. P. King, of Creswell Township, having their wheat all sown, found time to visit the metropolis last Thursday.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Will Hamilton, of Hamilton, Woodruff & Co., Topeka lithographers, dropped in on us last Friday.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. Lee says his press drill is an entire success. Another season will bring him a grand trade.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Wanted. 25 men at once at Bliss & Wood's Mill.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

J. H. Olds has built an addition to his already large and handsome residence.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. Cuen, of Missouri, a friend of G. W. Foster of this city, is spending a few weeks looking over our county.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Some painters were around this week decorating buildings with the seal of North Carolina tobacco advertisement.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Henry Phenix laid two mammoth ears of corn measuring thirteen inches in length on our table last week, of the yellow dent variety.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Miss Alice Dickie, teacher of the grammar department in our city schools, returned last week from a three weeks' visit with Grenola friends.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The most popular kind of insurance in this county just now is against injury while at the top of a ten foot step ladder letting down ears of corn by means of a rope and pulley.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Sid Majors has thoroughly remodeled the old Joe Likowski stand and got opened up in good shape. It is a restaurant and confectionary store, and will be called "Sid's Place."

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The widow of Howard Finley, the engineer killed by the Oxford bridge accident, has received two thousand dollars from the A. O. U. W., of which order her husband was a member.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

John Nichols, the barber, is happy in the possession of a fifty-five dollar back action, any-way-you-please, reclining chair. To lie in it is like reclining on the softest bed of down.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Jas. F. Martin, President of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association, was taken quite ill last week; but is now improving and will be able to be at his post at the Fair next week.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The admission tickets for the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association are now ready and those entitled to tickets should call on the secretary and get them immediately.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

M. E. Quarterly Meeting for New Salem Circuit at South Fairview schoolhouse, Sept. 23 and 24, 1883. A full attendance of the official members desired.

Rev. Thomas Audis, P. E., Geo. W. Lacey, preacher in charge.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

MARRIED. Married Sept. 13, Mr. James Chenorout of Shelbyville, Missouri, to Minnie Primrose of upper Timber Creek, this county. Mr. Chenorout failed to make connection and the marriage was delayed one day on that account.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

John Batchelder has been enjoying a visit from his mother, Mrs. C. Batchelder, and a sister, Mrs. Swift, and her daughter Hattie, of Alton, Illinois, for a few weeks past. The mother and Miss Hattie will remain all winter, but the sister will return soon.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. J. O. Taylor returned last week from a visit of considerable length in Kentucky. He was accompanied by Mr. J. W. Connell, who will spend a few weeks looking over Cowley. Mr. Taylor reports only a two-thirds crop in most sections visited by him.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The rush of the fall trade has made another salesman necessary at the New York Store. Mr. Baird has secured the services of J. B. Hagin, recently from Illinois, a brother of Mrs. John Cairns, and brother-in-law of V. M. Ayres, the Arkansas City miller.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mrs. Emma Smith, corresponding secretary of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of this city, left Monday afternoon for Topeka as a delegate to the annual convention of the State Temperance Union, which met in that city on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Dr. Taylor is successfully treating Mrs. John Anderson of Sumner County, who has a dreadful cancerous tumor involving the parotid and salivary glands and endangering the carotid artery. The Doctor is also reported as having excellent success in the treatment of children.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

R. J. Brown left Wednesday for his old home in Kentucky to remain. For several years past Mr. Brown has been one of the most popular salesmen of our city, being for the last six months engaged with J. S. Mann, the Clothier. He carries with him the well wishes of many warm friends.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. O. D. Tucker, of Silver Creek Township, was one of our callers Saturday. He came to Cowley way back in the pioneer days and, like many others of the early settlers, was not very well off financially. He now has one of the best farms in the county and has surrounded himself with many of the comforts of life.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

M. Hahn has returned from his Oriental trip. After visiting the scenes of his boyhood in Germany, and spending nearly two months in sight seeing at different places, he enters upon the busy season with renewed vigor and energy. He stopped over in New York and laid in an immense stock of goods for the Bee Hive.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

I. T. Bailey, of Rock, sends us the information that 33 acres of wheat, raised by Huston Farris, on his farm, made 1513 bushels machine measure and 1664 by weight. It was raised on the north-half of the southeast quarter of section 18, township 30, range 4 east. There were 8-1/2 acres on the farm that made 3413 bushels by machine measure.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Parties are in correspondence with Dr. Taylor, who are desirous of locating in this city with a large stock of millinery goods. Efforts to obtain a building have so far proven fruitless, as every business building in the city is occupied, even to those on the side streets. This is a demand that could be profitably supplied by our capitalists.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Williams Dramatic Co. will open at the Opera House Tuesday, Sept. 25th, and remain during the Fair. The opening bill will be "The Little Duchess," which has received great praise wherever presented. A change of bill will be made each night. The Company carry a fine uniform, Silver Cornet Band and Orchestra, and number 17 persons. Reserved seats on sale at P. O. Book Store.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The Arkansas City base ball club are of the opinion that they sent the "Winfield Nine" home from the contest in that city on Wednesday of last week in sackcloth and ashes. They did "lay it over" our boys a little, but the Winfieldites were so finely entertained that they gave this victory to their opponents in order to encourage a future contest. A base ball tournament with the Winfield, Harper, and Arkansas City clubs taking part is expected as one of the attractions at the Fair next week.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Union Temperance Meeting.

Another Union Temperance meeting was held on Sunday evening, this time in the Pres- byterian Church. The speakers were Rev. W. R. Kirkwood and S. S. Hollaway. Mr. Kirkwood having recently come from Ohio and knowing from long residence just the situation in that state on the temperance question, he took this opportunity of explaining it to a Kansas audience. He cited the ups and downs of free whiskey in that state, the changes from one license law to another, and how everything tending to restrain the whiskey element was disregarded by it. He demanded the reason why some people uphold a traffic which is of no material benefit whatever to a community or state, but whose every tendency is to pull down legitimate business, debase humanity, and suck the life-blood of the people. He says the people of Ohio have tried every species of license law to fence in these venders and they have all proven so fruitless in lessening the curse that they are now agitating the adoption of a prohibitory plank in the constitution with as much vehemence as were the people of Kansas the few years before its adoption in this state. He admonished the citizens of Kansas to stand firm in the position they have taken and to continue to lead onward and upward with their far-famed progressiveness. Mr. Holloway's talk was mostly of a local nature. He was proud of the bright, vivacious youths of Winfield and wanted everything that would be likely to tempt them from the path of virtue and sobriety, closed up, and resting under an immovable ban. He was unimpeachably in favor of no whiskey in any way and for no purpose, and challenged the audience to point to a single person in all this broad land that the use of alcohol had ever benefitted.

Mr. Holloway grew very enthusiastic at times, and said many good things, although his remarks were not condensed or as much to the point as they might have been; but, as he said, he was having a good, common sense talk with the people and didn't purpose making any display of rhetoricit wasn't his style. The house was crowded and the speaking had a good effect, though the meeting was not as fruitful as some which have been previously held. The old maxim, "variety is the spice of life," is especially applicable to these Union Temperance meetings.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Our City Schools.

The public schools of this city opened for the fall and winter term on Monday last, with good attendance. Under the principalship of Prof. A. Gridley, with Miss Caro Meach in charge of the high school and the following excellent corps of teachers in the other depart- ments, our schools start off very auspiciously and promise good results for this year.

East Ward: Second grammar room, Mis L. C. Barnes; first grammar, Miss Lois Williams; second intermediate, Miss Alice Dickie; first intermediate, Miss Mattie Berry; second primary, Miss Lena Bartlett; first primary, Miss Mamie Garlick.

West Ward: Second intermediate, Miss Allie Klingman; first intermediate, Miss A. Aldrich; second primary, Miss Elma Crippen; first primary, Miss M. E. Hamill.

The teachers are all experienced, are going to work zealously, and will do their part toward making the schools a success.

The parents should also do all they can to promote the best interests of the schools.

A word of commendation and encouragement is easily spoken and will always be of benefit to the teachers and pupils. Visit the schools, see how they are managed, and show that you take an interest in the proper education of your children. It will be appreciated by the instructors, and you will then be better able to understand any complaints that the children may make.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

A Good Nomination.

Hon. H. C. Sluss was nominated for Judge of the 18th Judicial district by the Republican convention last week. This is right. No purer or better man exists than H. C. Sluss. He will honor his constituents more than they can possibly honor him.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Gas Works.

On Monday evening the council passed an ordinance granting to Wm. Whiting the right to lay gas pipes in the streets and alleys of the city. The Colonel intends to take immediate steps toward the erection of the works and in a short time we may expect the city to be lit throughout with gas.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mayor's Proclamation. By request of a part of the businessmen of Winfield, I hereby suggest that, so far as practicable, all business houses be closed from 11 o'clock a.m., until 4 o'clock p.m., on Thursday, September 26th, in order that all who desire may attend the County Fair on said day. GEORGE EMERSON, Mayor. Sept. 19th, 1883.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The Markets. On Tuesday morning Dick Oldham brought in a load of choice wheat, and through a run of the buyers, secured 87 cents, the ruling price being 80 cents, but on Wednes- day the market was "off" in Kansas City, and 75 cents was the highest paid here. Oats still remain at 18 cents and old corn at 25 cents. Hogs bring about $4.00 per cwt. Butter is worth 25 cents, a rise of 5 cents since last week, and eggs bring 15 cents. Other produce is firm, with Irish potatoes 50 cents, sweet potatoes 75 cents, peaches from 25 cents to $1.50, apples $1.00 and onions 35 cents. Cabbage sells at 1-1/2 cents per pound, and chickens from $1.50 to $2.00 per dozen.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Make Your Entries Immediately.

The first day after the opening of the entry books for the Fair over two hundred entries were made. Parties desiring to make entries should call at the Secretary's office in the COURIER editorial rooms and make them immediately. During the hurry and bustle of the first day of the Fair, it will be almost impossible to get this done satisfactorily.

Ed. P. Greer, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The third quarterly meeting of the Dexter charge, M. E. Church, will be held Saturday and Sabbath, Sept. 22 and 23, at Maple City. The presiding elder, Rev. Thos. Audas will preach Saturday, at 11 a.m. Quarterly conference at 2 p.m., also services Saturday evening, Sabbath at 11 a.m., preaching by Elder Audas. Sabbath school at 2-1/2 as usual. A general attendance is earnestly requested. Rev. J. H. Shidler, Pastor.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

J. E. Grove from Silver Creek has the honor of putting in the market about the first load of new corn. He brought it in Wednesday and got twenty-seven cents per bushel. The ears were the largest, taken on an average, of any corn we ever saw and were hard and flinty.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

This section was given another good, soaking rain, last Thursday and Friday. Nearly all the farmers have their wheat sown and the excellent condition of the soil will cause the fields to soon be covered with a velvety carpet of green.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

MARRIAGE LICENSES have been issued by Judge Gans since our last as follows.

Wm. D. Byers to Emma L. Garris.

Wm. A. Heizer to Sallie C. Strange.

Alex. Crenshaw to Cora Monroe.

Wm. McDonald to Susan Lee.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The bell for the Baptist Church arrived this week and was placed in the belfry Wednes- day morning. It weighs fifteen hundred and forty-five pounds, cost four hundred dollars, and its tone is loud and clear.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

MARRIED. Wm. D. Byers and Emma L. Garris were married the 13th inst., at the residence of Sol. Burkhalter, by Rev. P. F. Jones.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The people of Rock will give a supper on Saturday, September 29th, for the benefit of the Sunday School organ fund.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mrs. M. A. Lappin has returned to Winfield after an absence of some extent in Des Moines, Iowa.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

You will find the Davis in the South building at the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The Largest Musical Instrument in the World.

When W. W. Cole's great show (which has been felicitously called a world-famed reflec- tion of wonderland) arrives in Winfield, on Friday, Oct. 5th, the people will be astonished at the magnificence of the street display in every feature of this great carnival of color, brilliancy, music, and magnificence. Not the least of the free wonders of this procession of magic is the monster musical jubilee department, in which stands foremost the greatest orchestrion in the world, declared by competent critics to outrival the most renowned human orchestras. It is not surprising that a certain enthusiast calls it "a moving musical academy on wheels."


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

R - Stands for Ramsey,

The Jeweler man,

Please come and see me

Whenever you can.

R - Stands for repairs

Which I can do,

Give me a call

And see what I can do.

S - Stands for spectacles,

And I have a full line;

I will sell you a pair

That will make the eyesight shine.


We make no drives. All goods marked plain, and at a profit, but low enough to defy competition.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

A Card. To the many friends who kindly aided us in our late bereavement, we are truly thankful. J. B. GOODRICH. MRS. SARAH H. GOODRICH.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Forest Rowland and John Willis, a gentleman from Indiana, have purchased the Isaac Behner lunch stand. They intend fitting it up in fine style, and running an oyster parlor in connection with the lunch counter and confectionery. Forest is one of our most substantial young men and the firm will no doubt make a success of this enterprise.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

FOR SALE: 400 acre farm, all tillable, 100 acres in good cultivation; 3 houses and stables; 4 inexhaustible wells; 3 acres bearing orchard. Is one of the best stock and grain farms in Cowley County, and a bargain. Price $3,200. Part on time. S. L. Gilbert, over P. O., Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The Juvenile Missionary Society of the M. E. Church will give a missionary tea in their church next Friday evening. The little ones will favor us with a literary entertainment, also supper from 5 to 7 o'clock. Admission to all 10 cents.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

J. L. M. Hill, of Johnson & Hill, is taking in the Fair at Kansas City, this week. He anticipates going farther East and laying in a choice selection of furniture before his return home.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

McGuire Bros. have just received 2,000 lbs. of candies, fancy and common. Will sell at wholesale or retail at bottom prices.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Fire, Tornado & Cyclone insurance in best companies. S. L. Gilbert, P. O. Building.

Cattle for Sale. S. L. Gilbert, P. O. Building, Winfield.

Farms for sale to suit all pockets. S. L. Gilbert, P. O. building.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

THE LARGEST Stock of Boots & Shoes in Cowley County at O'Meara & Randolph's, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mrs. M. Miller has opened a boarding house near the Baptist Church and offers good board at $3.00 a week. She solicits the patronage of the boarding public.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. J. E. Jarvis will have a public sale of cattle, farm implements, horses, and a growing crop, at his farm three miles west of Burden, next Monday. Sale commences at 10 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

LOST. By Oliver Whitted, a pocket book containing money and valuable papers, be- tween Black Crook and Prairie Home on Saturday, Sept. 8th. If the finder will return it to him, a liberal reward will be paid.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Halladay. Do you want a good Wind Mill? Do you want a geared mill? Do you want a first-class grinder? Do you want a first-class pump? Do you want a mill to run a sheller? Do you want the best tower put up? If so, come to my office and see the Halladay in operation, pumping, grinding, or shelling. W. A. Lee, Agent.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

A son of D. Fitzpatrick ran away from his home near Augusta last week. He is seventeen years of age, has a ruddy complexion, light brown hair cut short, and blue eyes. Had on blue jeans, overshirt, gray overalls, and black hat with torn crown, sewed up. A reward of $15.00 will be paid for information leading to his recovery. Address D. Fitzpatrick, Augusta, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

NEW YORK STORE. This Palace Store is being filled with the largest and most care- fully selected stock of DRY GOODS, Notions, Hats and Caps, Carpets, and Oil Cloths, Boots & Shoes, ever before opened in Winfield. Don't fail to call and see the NOVELTIES,

and secure some of the extraordinary bargains. The rush this week abbreviates this ad., but next week things will be in good shape to itemize a few of the inducements. A. E. BAIRD.