Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

[From Green's Real Estate News.]



Together with that of the


The reader who visits this county will find the following substantially correct in every particular and free from exaggerations, and unlike, in this respect, from the average publications of this nature.


Cowley County is on the south line of the state, one hundred and thirty miles west of the east line. It is bounded on the east by Elk and Chautauqua, on the north by Butler, on the west by Sumner, and on the south by the Indian Territory. It is about 244 miles from Kansas City, and 196 from Topeka, the capital of the State.


Take the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railroad from Kansas City as it is much the shortest and pleasantest route to Winfield. You will find the officers of this road kind and accommodating, and always ready to impart to you any information you may desire.


The county is very nearly square, being 33 miles in width by 34-1/4 miles in length.


The western one-third of the county or that portion which is situated between the Walnut and Arkansas rivers is composed principally of bottom and valley lands; generally these lands are very rich and productive; the soil will vary in depth from 2 to 6 feet, and has just enough of sand mixed with it to cause it to cultivate easily, and continually remain loose and mellow. These lands are free from stone. In this section are to be found many of our finest farms. Running streams of water are not so plentiful here, however, as they are east of the Walnut River, where springs, branches, and small creeks are very numerous, and as a rule along the banks or bluffs of these streams are to be found more or less stone of different qualities, from the roughest, fit only for the building of fences to the finest magnesian limestone suitable for the finest buildings. Here again we have some of the best valley land, and as fine farms as the stranger could wish to look at.


The soil in this section is either deep black loam, almost free from sand, or a sandy loam with more or less of the latter; but very seldom, however, is the latter in sufficient quantities to prove detrimental. Under this is found a subsoil consisting of loam, clay, and gravel, all of which is of so porous a nature that it readily absorbs dampness and the water from heavy rains is so rapidly taken up by mother earth that within a few hours after these rains have ceased, farmers are seen plowing their corn and the roads almost free from mud. The porosity of our soil is the acknowledged cause of this locality being considered safe from the effects of any ordinary drouth, as the surface is kept more or less moist during a dry time by evaporation from beneath. The soil is loose, in fact sometimes too much so, if plowed in the spring; hence the reason that it is not an unfrequent occurrence to see farmers clear their ground, mark it off, and plant their corn without first plowing the same. The usual rule, however, is to plow it first, and we think it is much the best although we have seen heavy crops of corn raised the other way.


This county is abundantly supplied with water, and that too of a splendid quality. The Arkansas River flows through the south half of the county. On the west at this point, the bed of the river is from one hundred to three hundred yards in width, with sandy bottom, and bordered on either side with narrow skirts of cottonwood and elm. It is a sluggish and dirty looking stream, with its waters almost constantly muddy; in fact, it may be very appro- priately called the "little muddy." The Walnut River crosses the county from north to south, a little west of the center of the county, and is a beautiful stream of clear, swift running water with gravel or rock bottom. This river affords our natural water power privileges. Almost every four or five miles along this river sufficient fall can be found to run mills and factories. Many of these points have already been utilized. Again, further east we have Silver Creek, and still further, near the east line of the county is Grouse Creek, while from the northeast we have Timber and Dutch Creeks, forming a junction some few miles above us, and entering into the Walnut just north of our city, these being our principal streams, while the hundreds of tributaries to them reach almost all localities, and supply the purest of water for man or beast. The first mentioned stream is the only one within the bounds of the county whose waters are not clear as crystal. Unlimited quantities of good water can be obtained by digging from fifteen to forty feet, the average depth being about twenty-five feet.


We have plenty of timber for all ordinary purposes. Each of the main streams above mentioned being bordered with the same. Cord wood sells on the street at from $4.00 to $6.50 per cord, generally hackberry, oak, sycamore, mulberry, hickory, and pecan. Since the completion of our roads, coal has been principally used for heating. This commodity costs us at present $6.50 to $7.50 per ton for ordinary soft, and from $9.00 to $11.00 for hard coal according to quality.


In many localities in the county can be found the famous magnesian limestone in inexhaustible quantities. This stone is the finest in the state, and we might safely say that but few quarries in the United States produce as fine a quality. Being almost entirely free from grit, and comparatively soft when first taken from the ground, it can be easily worked into any shape desired. They can, and are being sawed with a common hand saw without difficulty. After exposure to the air they become much harder and continue to harden as time lasts. As an evidence of the superior quality, samples of them were sent to the Government architect at Washington, D. C., and there by him compared and tested with samples of stone from many other quarries within and without this state, and were shipped by rail from this town, a distance of nearly two hundred miles, for that purpose, while our quarrymen are constantly in receipt of orders for the stone from Kansas City, Leavenworth, Atchison, and many smaller towns throughout the state. We have quite a number of quarries near Winfield and a large number of hands are constantly employed in getting out and shipping stone. They are easily quarried, being found near the surface.


The county was organized in the summer of 1870, and named after Matthew Cowley, a brave Kansas soldier, and Winfield, then containing but one cheap box house, was made the county seat. The county then contained a population of 700. The government survey was made in January and February, 1871, and the Winfield town site was the first tract of land entered at the land office in this county. The first assessment and taxation of property was in 1872.


As the land is purchased direct from the general government, titles cannot but be perfect in the first instance. Of course, like all other localities, we have some imperfect chains of title. That is improperly and sometimes insufficiently released mortgages. Instances where a deed made by an individual does not show on its face that the grantor was unmarried; again a single lady may have had a title to land and afterwards marry and convey same under new name, without showing in the deed that she is the original Miss or Mrs. So and so; wrong or indefinite descriptions, etc. These matters we always look up carefully in case of a sale, feeling that in this matter we are more the agent of the buyer than the seller, and our duty is to see that the purchaser gets a perfect title.


Nearly every good tillable quarter section is occupied by an intelligent and industrious family, who are intent upon making a home. They are making substantial improvements on their land, building such houses as they can afford, and generally beautifying their homes.


Considerable rail, board, and wire fence has been constructed, and the case with which good stone is procured has induced the building of much stone fence; but the Osage orange hedge is destined to be the fence of the future in this part of the state. At present, growing crops and trees are protected by a herd law, which requires every man to take care of his own stock. Hedges have been planted so extensively that in a few years a majority of the farms will be surrounded by an everlasting fence. Then the herd law will be abolished. Many farms are now completely fenced and sub-divided by this hedge. It grows rapidly and makes a complete fence in three or four years.


Something over four-fifths of our people are agriculturists; so far, our principal products have been wheat and corn; at present farmers are planting a considerable amount of millet and sugar cane. The production of the latter is stimulated somewhat by the flattering prospect of the erection in the early future of a large and extensive sugar factory at this pointall varieties of the cane are easily raised and grow very rank. Our farmers harvested in 1882 in this county 35,226 acres of wheat, which yielded from 20 to 50 bushels per acre. The corn crop for same year 111,037 acres, which averaged about 60 bushels per acre, some fields going as high as 100 bushels per acre. Potatoes grow finely and produce well, as well as all other kinds of vegetables. Flax is being grown quite extensively by some and does well. There are about 717,000 acres of land in the county, of which 600,000 acres are good for the growing of all the crops mentioned. Many farmers, and particularly in the eastern part of the county, are turning their attention to stock-raising, and there are already many quite large herds of cattle and sheep. The eastern part of the county has become a great grazing country. The whole country is peculiarly fitted for such purpose. Its heavy growth of nutritious grass and many fine springs and streams of running water specially recommend it. Cattle, sheep, and horses could not do better than they do in Cowley County. Our stock of hogs is very fine, and increase rapidly, and no disease of any kind has ever been among them. Much attention has been given to raising improved breeds of stock. There are many excellent flouring and several corn and saw mills in the county.


According to the census taken in 1880, the county had a population of twenty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-nine. This we think a good showing for a county but ten years old, when we take into consideration the fact that it has been advertised but little, and until recently has been forty miles from the nearest railroad point and thus inconvenient and troublesome to reach, as well as the fact that during all this time all railroad influences as far as immigration is concerned has been thrown against it. Today she is the sixth ranking county in the State as to population and wealth. Her citizens generally are intelligent, industrious, and enterprising. They are a reading community and are well informed on most all subjects. They support schools, churches, and all benevolent and charitable institutions heartily and in general are ever found ready to take hold and help any enterprise which is calculated to benefit and build up her citizens. They are social in their manners and soon make the stranger feel at home, possessing none of that cold formality so common to many localities in the Eastern States. Those who hesitate coming to Kansas on account of our society will find after investigation our people as highly cultivated a class as can be found anywhere.


There is a church organization in nearly every neighborhood in the county. Most of these hold their services in schoolhouses. A few have built excellent church edifices and others are "talking the matter up." There are already some very fine and large church edifices in the county. Many denominations are represented. The leading are the Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Christian. The ministers are up to the average anywhere. Some of them are men of great talent and culture. The man who preaches to the keen, shrewd, thinking people of the west, or who teaches their children, must have brains, education, and grit.


The county contains 138 school districts, 119 of which have good comfortable school- houses built; 63 of this number have been entirely paid for, while 40 more are very nearly paid for in full. Districts usually issue bonds to get money to build their schoolhouses on short time, making them run not longer as a rule than from five to seven years. But a few years more and the balance will be paid for and the several districts out of debt. The people tax themselves freely for the support of common schools, and keep them open the greater part of each year. We have a large number of thoroughly educated and efficient teachers, and the schools are noted for their good work. In but few instances do our children have to go very far to school.


Our facilities for marketing our various products are now of the best with our two lines of railroad. The demand for wheat at home is quite an item. The different mills buy and grind into flour for home consumption and shipment by rail to the localities west. Colorado and New Mexico are now great flour markets for us, and many car loads are shipped every month, while the demand is increasing daily. Again, our millers frequently take large Indian contracts, which they fill, and the flour is hauled by teams into the Indian Territory adjoining us on the south, to the different agencies. The balance is shipped to Kansas City, the best wheat market in the west. The same, to a great extent, may also be said of corn, although the greater portion of this product is fed to stock at home or sold to stock men who have large herds of cattle in the vicinity. There is a good demand for almost everything we produce west of us, where we get the best of prices. Shipment of various articles to the counties west of us in our own state on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad alone is simply immense when summed up.


There is hardly a finer climate, all things considered in the world. Two different winters we have failed to get ice sufficiently thick to put up. We have seen good grazing in the month of February. This has occurred but once in ten years, but it is quite common to have grass in March. We scarcely ever have a snow fall of any consequence. Sometimes a snow of four inches will remain on the ground for one day. Usually ground can be plowed during most of the winter. The summers are warm, but not sultry. On the hottest days one will find quite a good breeze, and it matters not how hot the day may bethe night will be cool and pleasant.


For prices of lands the reader is referred to list on third page of this paper, which will give him a very good idea of prevailing rates.


It is thought that we are no more likely to be troubled with drouth than most localities east or west by reason of our altitude. Cowley County is only about 1,000 feet above the level of the sea, while out west of us, where they usually have it dry, the altitude runs all the way from 1,500 to 3,332 feet. There is no more reason for fearing drouth here than in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. There are but few if any counties in the United States whose average crops have been larger per acre for the last eleven years than those of this county, and the farmers feel so assured of a crop, that instead of planting less on account of a partial failure, they increase their average.


No county while new and while the soil is being newly disturbed, where the soil is rich and the vegetation rank, has been exempt from malarial fevers, and Cowley has had many cases of such fevers. But it has no marshes, swamps, sloughs, or standing water, no fogs or moisture laden air. It always has a breeze, generally light, but sometimes strong, and should be healthy, as it in fact is in all respects except as above. Many persons have come here diseased or suffering from chronic complaints, who have very soon begun to improve and have since quite recovered.


Winfield, the county seat, is a young and prosperous city of about 3,500 inhabitants. It is situated on a gentle slope on the left bank of the Walnut River, and just at the junction of Timber Creek with the latter. Is bounded on the north, west, and south with a beautiful strip of timber, and on the east by a line of finely rounded mounds. It commenced to build in the year 1870, the first buildings being what we term box houses, and very small frames. Since then year by year has added more spacious and substantial buildings until now it has many large, beautiful, and costly structures of brick and magnesian limestone, which compare very favorably with much larger cities. Winfield is the center of business for the county and has the reputation of being the best town according to its size in the State. The merchants carry large stocks of goods, and the trade justifies them in so doing. Her citizens are enterprising and intelligent, and her society excellent. But few towns, no larger, in this or any other country, can turn out a greater number of educated, refined, and accomplished, and we might as well say really good looking ladies, both young and middle aged, than can Winfield. One needs only to visit the splendid costly churches and schoolhouses in our city to be satisfied as to the tone of morals of the place. The town now has about fifteen miles of stone sidewalk, constructed of the fine flag stone from our quarries near by, and it is estimated that from six to eight miles more of this walk will be laid this season. This walk on the main business street is twelve feet wide, including the curb stone; on principal cross streets eight feet, and the rest is four feet wide. Our streets are very nearly always in fine condition.


The Presbyterian Church of Winfield is among the strongest of this denomination in the state, having 194 members; 250 children attend its Sunday school and receive instruction from 20 teachers. Its church building, which is now entirely paid for, is constructed of stone and brick and is 42 x 62 feet in size, with a tower at the corner 14 x 14, surmounted by a spire containing a bell. The main audience room occupies the whole upper floor, while the basement story is divided into three different rooms, which are used for different purposes. The building cost $8,000 and the furniture $1,500. The church is fitted with stained glass windows, hard wood pews, handsomely carpeted, and furnished with a fine organ. Rev. J. E. Platter has been with this church for nine years.

The Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. P. F. Jones, pastor, has a membership of three hundred and four. Scholars in regular attendance at its Sunday school, 175; average atten- dance on service, 400. The church is prosperous and constantly growing. Its church building is of magnesian limestone, is 40 x 60 feet in size with tower and entrance at corner; pulpit in rear endlecture room 20 x 40 cut off front with folding doors and gallery same size above lecture roomoval ceiling 18 feet high at sides, stained glass windows, and hand- somely furnished, cost $10,000.

The Baptist Church, Rev. J. Cairns, pastor, has a membership of 210. Scholars attending Sabbath school, 250. The church has just completed a very large and elegant house of worship, being built of stone 60 x 70 feet in size, divided as follows: Main room 40 x 60, 3 good sized class rooms, Octagon lecture room, with sliding doors between same and main room, with stone tower 50 feet highall nicely finished and furnished. Seating capacity, 750. Cost of building $12,000; furniture, $2,000. Rev. Cairns deserves much credit for the energy and perseverance displayed by him in securing the erection of such an edifice.

The Christian Church, Elder F. M. Rains, pastor, has a membership of 137, have a very fair sized frame church building, and contemplate erecting a larger one the present season. This church is prospering and steadily gaining in strength.

The Episcopal Church is a new effort in this town, being some 30 months old only. Not having a building of their own, they meet in the Courthouse. The membership of this church is not large, yet they hope to be able to build them a house of worship during the next two years. Its Sunday school, under charge of W. H. Smith, is prospering.

The Catholic Church, Rev. Father Kelly, pastor, has a membership representing 85 or more families. Has a neat frame church building 82 [32?] x 52 in size, in which services are held twice each week.


The city of Winfield is divided into two wards, first and second, and each having school buildings. That in the first ward is 45 x 50 feet with an additional 40 x 40 and basement under the whole structure, while that of the second ward is 30 x 50 with two wings each 18 x 32 and basement. Each of these buildings are two story, built of magnesia limestone, well finished and furnished, and heated with hot air. The first mentioned contains eight rooms and the latter four. The first ward building cost $12,000, while the other cost $6,000. They are both situated on beautiful plats of ground and are an ornament to the town. We usually have about 9 months public school each year. The number of scholars enrolled during the present term is over 800. Both wards are under the supervision of one man, Prof. E. T. Trimble, one of the leading educators of the age, who is assisted by a corps of competent and experienced teachers, each of whom do their duty to the entire satisfaction of all parents.


This building is constructed of the celebrated Cowley County stone, covering an area of 55 x 100 feet, three stories high with English basement, south and east fronts, and double deck eight foot piazza along the entire front. On the basement floor is a large and pleasant billiard room, barber shop with baths, two large sample rooms, preparatory kitchen with elevator, ice rooms, steam laundry, and drying rooms. On the first floor we find a large and well ventilated office, reception room, reading room, lavatory, telegraph and ticket offices, and coat room. Adjoining the office are three large sample rooms. The dining room is large and well located, having south and west windows. Adjoining it is the kitchen, supplied with steam ranges and carving tables, china and silver closets, store rooms, etc.

On the second floor are the double parlors, bridal chamber, parlor chamber, bath room, linen closets, and fourteen large and airy chambers arranged in suits. On the third floor are twenty-six rooms with sufficient number of linen closets, wardrobes, etc. The halls are spacious and extend entirely through the building north and south, and east and west. Careful attention is given throughout to ventilation. There are three flights of stairs running from the basement to the second floor and two from the second to the third floor. The entire building is heated by steam, and lighted with gas. Each room is furnished with fixed marble basins and soft water. Stand pipes with hydrants on each floor. The boiler and engine house is built separate from the main structure, thus avoiding danger by fire.

All slop and waste water is taken from the building through waste pipes and under ground drains, which are double trapped against sewer gas.

While there are some larger hotels in the State, we assert with considerable pride for Winfield, that the Brettun House is the finest, most complete, and convenient house in Kansas.


There are two good bridges across the Walnut River at Winfield, one west, and one south of the city. The first one is an arched iron bridge, 180 feet long and 35 feet high. The other, the same kind of a bridge with a single span, 155 feet long. Each of these bridges rests on solid stone abutments. There is also one (an iron bridge) north of town and across Dutch Creek. This bridge is 100 feet long.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Harvey Items.

The health is moderately good, but few cases of sickness.

A good deal of corn is yet in the field. Hired hands are so scarce that the farmers are compelled to do their own husking, therefore it does not reach the crib so rapidly.

District 134 has built a fine schoolhouse, 24 x 32. It will soon be ready for us.

Mr. E. W. Woolsey has sold his half section farm to Mr. G. T. Ridpath, of Iowa, for $3,700.

The school in district 113 is doing splendidly under the management of Miss E. Burden. The school in district 18, Mr. Starnes, teacher, is also doing well.

Our Sunday school does not flourish very well this winter. JIM.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

[ON FRONT PAGE...Samples of "Cures" advertised in paper constantly.]

Pulmonaro. Is a Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry, etc., and for the Speedy Cure of all Throat and Lung diseases cannot be excelled; for Incipient Consumption, it is a certain cureit also affords great relief to Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. If you have a Cough or Cold, this remedy will cure you in every instance. It does not dry up the Cough and leave the Inflammation behind, but loosens the phlegm and relaxes the tissues, enabling nature to assist in effecting a cure. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by Brown & Son.

Dr. I. S. Johnson & Co., of Bangor, Me., will send by mail, postage paid, a quarter of a pound sample pack of Sheridan's horse and cattle powders on receipt of 25 cents. These powders are worth their weight in gold to make hens lay, and will prevent all manner of diseases common to hens, hogs, and horses, including hog cholera. Sold by Quincy A. Glass, Winfield.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.


The Only Way to Break the Force of our Figures is Somewhat Personal.

The article in the Telegram of last week on the water-works question, would, we are sure, never have appeared in that paper had its editor been at home. He is, in our opinion, too good a writer and too decent a gentleman, to have written or published such an article; besides, he left the state two days before our article, which it attempts to answer, was written or made public, and had not returned several days after that issue.

Some sneak whom we will not flatter so much as to call him a "coward, scoundrel, liar, and horse thief," in the language of the immortal Greeley, took advantage of the editor's absence to befoul his paper. One who hides his identity to make a personal attack is so mean that it is impossible to libel him.

He starts off with the statements that Barclay is backed by the Worthington Water Power Company; that this company is financially able, has a wide reputation, and has built and operated more water-works than any other company. There has not yet appeared the slightest evidence of any of these things.

He then says that the ordinance before the council is framed in accordance with a propo- sition from Worthington, which compels Barclay's company to purchase twelve acres of ground on the mound; compels them to purchase three acres of Shenneman by the river; and compels them to lay ten inch pipe from the river to the mound. These statements are false. We find no such provisions in the ordinance.

Our figures of last week were so completely invulnerable and unanswerable that the only thing he could do to break their force, is the following, which we clip entire from that Telegram article to give our readers the whole argument against our petition.

"We do not wish to tire the patience of our readers with a tirade of senseless trash like that advanced by the senior sage of the COURIER at the last session of the council, and which may be seen in this week's issue of that old fogyish and antediluvian production. Our people are too well acquainted with Father Millington's rule of figures, and can see at a glance that the same rule was applied when he, in his owl-like wisdom, sought to tell our people how to sell railroad stock and buy up our railroad bonds. His `lesson in figures' cost the taxpayers of Cowley County the locking up of over $7,000 in the county treasury and paying 7 percent interest thereon. It is there, waiting our railroad bonds to rush in and be reduced (?). He has made use of the same old slate on which he figured St. John's majority. The fact of the matter is the old man is in his dotage and he won't progress worth a cent. Every citizen knows him to be an unmitigated, uncompromising old crank, opposing every proposition that has ever come up for the advancement of our city and county, and well our people know that had it not been for the push and enterprise forcing the old man to the wall every time, he would today be publishing a little old musty 8 x 10 sheet in some slab- boarded shanty on one of the by-streets or alleys of our city."

The person to whom "everybody" attributes that article, declares to us by all that is good and great, that he did not write or instigate it in any way. We take his word for it, but as we know that he was busy on the street for three days before it was published, disseminating the ideas in about the same language, and has since repeated similar language in the city council, it is impossible for us to properly reply without apparent personality to him, but we will avoid it as much as is possible without weakening our argument.

We have some reason to think that we are as big a fool as he represents, for we have in the past ten years spent of our time and money, ten dollars to his one, in working up and carrying out schemes for the general benefit of this county and city and in all this work, expense, travel, time, and writing to promote several railroad and other schemes and to head off jobs; we have never received or hoped to receive, one cent worth of slush, or reward in any way which was not shared alike by the general taxpayers and people of the community, and the result is that we are in about the same financial condition as we were when we came here and, as would appear from the above, we have failed to secure enough respect to shield us from a gross personal attack; while he, who has never in all these years touched a thing without the expectation that there was money in it which would stick to his hands, who has squeezed greenbacks and coin out of everything he has taken hold of until the sum he brought here, similar in amount to ours, has been multiplied by twenty and though he is not a millionaire, he is traveling rapidly in that direction.

He at least, is not a fool. While he slurs our figures on taxes and interest to be taken out of the city, he double discounts us on figuring interest, as all his borrowing debtors can testify.

He slurs us about the sale of the east and west railroad stock and the purchase of the county bonds. We are loaded on this question, but as it cuts no figure in this water-works business, we will hold our fire until another time, and content ourself now with a mere retort.

Coler & Co., a firm of sharp New York brokers, put up a job to buy Cowley County's stock for three to five thousand dollars less than it was worth, and to sell the county bonds for three to five thousand more than they were worth. We opposed it and "got beautifully left." He supported it and having money, influence, power, and oily persuasion, he beat us out of sight and had things about as he wanted them. The result, whatever it is, is chargeable to him, and not to us in any sense. If Coler & Co.'s most powerful aid, succeeded in buying from Coler & Co., for the county $35,000 of bonds at $1.02-1/2, which were not worth in the market over 94 cents; and succeeded in bulling the market so that other holders of similar bonds would not sell for less than $1.02-1/2, it is his fault and not ours.

He supported the proposition to vote $180,000 bonds to the Santa Fe road. We with three others opposed it so strongly that we got the limit cut down to $140,000. He put in his oar, and got it raised to $144,000. Believing then that this was necessary to get the road, we supported it and did much more to secure the road than he did. He got pay for his work to that end. We didn't. Since then we have been convinced that we yielded too much to him and that the county could have got the road if its citizens had insisted on a limit of $100,000.

We mention this, not because it cuts a figure in the water-works question, but to show that we have not been "fogyish" and "uncompromising" whatever these terms above applied to us may mean, and that we have opposed jobs when he supported them.

Now comes the biggest and most dangerous job of all; and as heretofore, we oppose and he supports.

Besides his wealth, power, and influence, he is gifted with unflagging energy, wonderful tart, and persuasive eloquence in conversation. He can convince the average man that black is white. It is little wonder that he succeeds in most which he undertakes. If we should assert that six times six equal thirty-six, and should support the assertion by the most unassailable demonstration that figures are capable of; he could go upon the street and in half a day convince his satellites and a host of others that though our figures might look plausible on their face, they were cranky, that the product of six by six is no definite sum; probably not more than fifteen, but certainly not more than eighteen.

He says our opposition to this water-works scheme is simply personal or a bank fight. We are sorry to say that we have too little in any bank to afford to fight for it. On the con- trary, it is greatly to our personal interest to be on good terms with our neighbors and patrons, particularly with one so strong financially, politically, and popular socially, so agreeable as a companion, so polite and gentlemanly, that when he figures you out of your money, you thank him for taking it. So we have carefully avoided saying in this article anything that should be personally offensive to him, aiming only to break the force of his objection to our figures so personal to us.

But we are the publisher of a newspaper; a kind of watchman on the walls; and how could we answer to our conscience, to our citizens, and to posterity; if seeing an octopus approaching to fasten itself upon our city, we failed to warn our citizens of the danger which besets them?


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Gen. A. H. Green is now issuing the ninth edition of his paper, known as "Green's Real Estate News." These papers reflect credit upon the General as a businessman, besides giving land news of both local and general importance. His enterprise, untiring energy, close attention to business, and honorable and upright manner of dealing, make him well worth of having, as he does, the largest real estate business in the West. He is now issuing an 11,000 edition, 6,000 of which is for his home office in this city, and 5,000 for his branch office at Arkansas City, this county, which is under the management and control of Nat. Snyder, his partner in that office, who is an affable, energetic, and thoroughly reliable businessman. The General has been issuing these papers at intervals of from five, seven, or eight months, for the past seven years, and as an evidence of the high regard entertained for his paper as an advertising medium, the reader is referred not only to the advertisements of nearly all of our intelligent, enterprising, and most successful businessmen, but to the large advertisement, on the 4th page, of our best line of railroad, the K. C. S. and S. K. Gen. Green's enemies are often heard to admit that he is an honorable businessman, and that what he says can be depended upon.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.


A New Water-Works Proposition.

At the session of the City Council, on Monday evening, a new water-works proposition and ordinance was presented by Ed. P. Greer. Before expressing our views on that document, we wish to state that we are not entitled to the least credit in connection with that proposi- tion. Without our assistance or instigation in any way, Ed. worked up his material, took it to Leavenworth, consulted with one of the best hydraulic engineers in the country, who knows as much about the business as Frank Barclay, consulted with the men who are putting in a $250,000 water-works in that city, found out what they would do and what he could do, got all the points and essential differences between his ordinance and Barclay's in good shape and better expressed, came home, and with such assistance as he got from bright young law- yers here, perfected his ordinance without any of our assistance and advice.

It is, in our judgment, a better expressed document than the Barclay paper, except that certain sections relating to the plan of the works, the location of the mains on the streets, and the water rates, were copied from the Barclay ordinance.

So far as the works and the backing is concerned, there appears to be no difference. Neither Barclay nor Greer has the means of his own to build the works. Barclay says one Worthington, unknown here, will furnish the money, or build the works, on the security of his ordinance, if passed. Greer says he has similar assurance on the basis of his ordinance, from men as well known here. There is no doubt that either would get a plenty of money- backing. Either would be magnificent security for the investment.

The only points to determine are:

First, is either of the two propositions the best the city can get? If yea, then can the city afford to secure water-works at the expense in taxation which either of them would fasten on the city for at least twenty years? If yea, again, then which would burden the taxpayers of the city the least? On this point there can be no controversy. Barclay's plan requires that the city shall pay a rental of $75 per year for 21, or perhaps 99 years, on every hydrant which the city council may require, in addition to the 40 hydrants at $75 yearly rent each, in the original plant. The city would have to pay $1,500 in rents for each and every hydrant which should run 20 years. Greer's plan provides that the city may put in as many hydrants as it pleases, in addition to the 40 on the first plant, and one on each additional 600 feet of main at actual cost of putting in and keeping in repair, which could not certainly exceed $75 each for the whole 20 years, a saving to the city of at least $1,425 on each such hydrant.

Now we showed so conclusively last week that no one has attempted to point out an error in our calculations, that Barclay's ordinance would compel the city to raise by taxation $6,000 a year after the first year, or two at most, to pay rents on eighty hydrants.

By Greer's ordinance, probably thirty of such hydrants would not tax the city for rents. These, at $1,425 saving each, would save to the city the very large sum of $42,750 in twenty years, and would reduce the taxation for rents $2,137.50 per year, making the probable limit of taxation $3,862.50; instead of $6,000.00, as by the Barclay plan. This is a startling differ- ence, and worth looking into.

But if such were not the fact; if it did not reduce the taxation at all, the right it would give the city to have more than one hydrant to six hundred feet of pipe, without the $75 yearly tax each, would be an additional benefit to the city which is inestimable.

Competent engineers tell us that a force which would throw water sixty feet high, directly from the main, would not throw water ten feet high through three hundred feet of hose, and that the shorter the hose the higher it would throw. It is then of the greatest importance as a fire protection that the hydrants be near together, and that they be much oftener than six hun- dred feet apart along the mains. The right to put in two to every block along Main street, and one to every block where pipes are laid on other streets, might double the value of the works for fire purposes, yet not cost the city over $75 in all for each extra hydrant, instead of $1,500 each, as under the Barclay ordinance.

The Greer franchise expires in 21 years, but the Barclay franchise lives 99 years, and this is a very essential and important difference in favor of Greer's plan.

Under the Barclay ordinance, the city could never buy the works, for as we showed last week it would cost the city a taxation of $8,000 to $12,000 a year for twenty years to do it and that would be impossible. Under the Greer ordinance, the city can buy the works at value at the end of 21 years without paying $100,000 or $50,000, or a cent for the franchise.

With these important differences in favor of the Greer ordinance, there is not a single point in it which is less favorable to the city than the Barclay ordinance.

Now we are not in favor of passing even this. Though we consider that it would tax the city at least 25 percent less than Barclay, it will yet tax us largely too much. Barclay's may tax us 14 mills a year; Greer's may tax us 9 mills. We are in favor of no ordinance that can possibly tax us more than 6 or 7 mills, and that is largely too much. In Leavenworth the tax for water purposes is limited to two mills a year. Here it should be limited to five mills at most.

Probably before the first meeting of the council in February, there will be other propo- sitions and perhaps much better, but not touching the real issue. The bulldozing style of argument has no terrors for us.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Christmas Tree at Richland.

In company with a party of friends, your correspondent wended his weary way through the storm of Sunday, the 24th, to Thos. Givler's, in Richland Township, where we had been invited to spend the holidays and attend the Christmas tree at Richland. The tree was under the control of the Richland S. S., and in every way was a decided success. At an early hour the house was packed with little folks (and others who were not so little) watching with anxious faces and wide open eyes the many beautiful things so tastefully arranged with skillful hands, upon as pretty a tree as feminine fingers only can decorate. Before the presents were distributed, we were very well entertained by a number of exercises by the members of the S. S., which were conducted by the Superintendent, T. D. Givler. If every Sunday school in the county was as deeply in earnest in the great cause of temperance as the one at Richland, it would not be long until this giant evil would be blotted out of existence. I here- with give a partial list of the exercises as given.

First, "Gift of Gifts," by the school song by Otis Calvin; recitation by Eddie Groom, Minnie Groom, Lillie and Maudie Daniels, after which old Santa appeared upon the scene in the person of Thos. Givler, who personated his royal highness to perfection. Next in order was the distribution of presents, which numbered four hundred and seven. The teachers of the S. S. were very kindly remembered by their classes. Miss Susan Cronk received a hand- some set of vases. Mrs. Barnum was presented with a photograph of her class, handsomely framed. J. P. Groom and T. D. Givler each received a Christmas pie, not like the ones our grandmas used to bake, but instead were stuffed with as sorry looking turkey feathers as you ever saw. The school presented N. J. Larkin with a cane with a handsome compliment. Aside from the tree, N. J. Larkin received a valuable arm chair, presented by Mr. and Mrs. Chapin, Mr. and Mrs. Givler, and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. CAESAR.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Council Proceedings.


Council met in regular session, Mayor Troup in the chair. Present: Councilmen McMullen, Gary, and Wilson; absent, Read. Minutes of last regular meeting and of the adjourned and special sessions were read. A motion was carried to amend the minutes of the meeting of Dec. 26 so as to show the votes of the several Councilmen on the tie vote there recorded. Upon the motion to reconsider Sec. 1 of the proposed ordinance, the vote was as follows: Those voting aye were Councilmen McMullen and Gary; those voting no were Councilmen Wilson and Read. Upon the motion to amend Sec. 1 by the addition of the proviso, Councilmen McMullen and Gary voted aye and Councilmen Read and Wilson voted no. Upon the motion to adopt Sec. 1 as originally adopted, Councilmen Read and Wilson voted aye and Councilmen Gary and McMullen voted no. The minutes as amended were then adopted.

A petition from citizens of 1st ward to postpone definite action on the proposed water- works ordinance was read and ordered filed.

A communication from Councilman Read was read and ordered filed.

A proposition from C. H. Wooden to do all the work of removing nuisances in the city for the year 1883 for fifteen dollars, payable quarterly at the end of each quarter, was read, accepted by the Council, and ordered fixed.

The Finance Committee was given until the next regular meeting to report on matters referred to them.

The report of the street commissioner as to those who have paid road tax and those in default was referred to the committee on streets and alleys.

The following bills were presented and allowed and ordered paid.

Frank W. Finch, services as assistant marshal: $30.00.

A. H. Doane & Co., coal: $1.90.

C. H. Wooden, removing nuisances: $3.75.

Wm. Warren, repairing sewers: $1.25.

Beach & Denning, room rent: $5.75.

City officer's salary, Dec.: $87.90.

Bill of Wm. Moore and sons for well stone was referred to Finance committee.

The following bills were approved and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.

A. H. Doane & Co., coal and wood for city poor: $35.25.

Wallis & Wallis, groceries, city poor: $17.65.

J. H. Land, digging grave for pauper child: $2.00.

J. B. Lynn, goods for city poor: $15.00.

J. B. Lynn, goods for city poor: $10.00.

A proposition from E. P. Greer in reference to water works, in the shape of a proposed ordinance, was presented and read, and Mr. Greer addressed the Council thereon. Several citizens then addressed the Council on the question of water works.

On motion the Council adjourned M. G. TROUP, Mayor.

Attest: L. H. WEBB, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.






Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

M. J. STIMSON, TEACHER of the Piano, Organ, and Voice Culture. Also Singing and Sight Reading in class. Pianos tuned and repaired. Residence, Olds House, corner Eighth Avenue and Fuller Streets.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

J. V. HINES, REAL ESTATE, Loan and Insurance Agent and Notary Public. Money at 7, 8, and 9 percent. Proofs taken and money furnished to deed claims. Post Office building, Dexter, Kansas. Special attention given to collections.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Will Baird was over from Fredonia this week.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Good Templar oyster supper at their hall Friday evening.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Marshal Herrod was presented with a purse of $65 Christmas by a lot of the boys.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Wheat is worth today (Wednesday) 70 cents per bushel; corn 28 cents per bushel, and hogs $5.50.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Bacastow & Fashing furnished their boarders with a most magnificent dinner New Years day.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Smith Bros., are going out of business, and their cost sale is no humbug. All goods sold at wholesale prices.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Hudson Bros., now have one of the handsomest gilt signs in the city in front of their store. T. J. Jones is the artist.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Roland Conklin came down from Kansas City Thursday and spent two days in the city among his many friends.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Messrs. Robinson, Horning, Kretsinger, Conklin, Wood, Myton, Lynn, Moore, and others went up to Topeka Tuesday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

The boys had a big time Monday night wrestling with the new year, and it seems to have had a debilitating effect upon most of them.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

John Anderson near Floral got his hand badly crushed in a corn crusher last Thursday. Dr. Gordon thinks he will save his hand.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the Baptist parsonage, December 31, 1882, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Robert H. Hasbrough and Miss Ellen R. Higgins, both of this city.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's parents near Tisdale, Kansas, January 1, 1883, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. P. Frank Millhouse to Miss Gertrude Davis.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's parents near Winfield, Kansas, December 28, 1882, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. M. De. I. Devore, to Miss Anna F. Cuppage.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Mr. M. Gessler purchased of C. E. Fuller, agent for the German Lloyd line of steamship line in this city, a ticket for his sister who will shortly come over from Germany.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

We took New Years dinner with Charlie Harter at the Brettun Monday, and it was cer- tainly an excellent one. His boarders would not object to New Years every week.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. B. Daniels, of Dexter, December 24, Miss Mary E. Daniels and Mr. Miles H. Reynolds were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. S. McKibben.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Sam Gilbert now has the prettiest (?) Girl in town. He held the number 565, which drew the Spanish Dancing Girl at Goldsmith's. A large crowd witnessed the disposal Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Over at the Post Office at Winfield, Kansas, you will find the cheapest money and you will get it quicker than of any other firm in the city. You will also find courteous and fair treatment both now and hereafter.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

The officers elect of Cowley Legion No. 10, A. K. of A. O. U. W., are as follows:

S. C., Col. Whiting.

V. C., E. F. Blair.

Lt. C., E. C. Goodrich.

C., E. T. Trimble.

Rec., J. F. McMullen.

R. T., D. G. Silver.

F., C. A. Bliss.

S. W., C. C. Green.

M., Wm. Minerick.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

The Select Knights, A. O. U. W., of Arkansas City, and the Lodge of this place will give a public installation at the Opera House next Monday evening. After the installation cere- monies, the floor will be cleared for dancing. The invitation is general.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Miss Ella Kelly resigned her school last Monday and went to Wichita to take charge of the Grammar Department of the public schools there. Miss Kelly has given entire satisfaction here and will no doubt please in her new field.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

S. L. Gilbert received a letter from Hon. John Martin Wednesday, stating that the Santa Fe railroad would sell round trip tickets to Topeka to those who desire to attend the inaugura- tion ceremonies at one-half fare, or only one fare for round trip. This reduction is for all who wish to attend.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

A. M. Leavitt, of Rock, was in the city Saturday. He manipulates the young and growing ideas of that enterprising community at the center of intelligencethe schoolhouseand is an adept at the business. If we were a big girl, we would walk six miles out of our way to go to school to him. He is handsome.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

C. S. Dever, who has been employed in Read's Bank, has accepted a position in the Santa Fe R. R. employ and is stationed at Argentine, Kansas. Everybody is sorry to have Charlie go as he is a great favorite here. His brother, Wilbur, has left the R. R. employ and has gone to work for the Kansas Loan & Trust Co., at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

MARRIED. We were very much astonished Tuesday morning to learn that E. C. Seward had abandoned the paths of bachelordom and taken to himself a wife in the person of Mrs. Libbie E. Gordon. They left on the morning train for the East, and will visit among friends for a time. The COURIER wishes them much happiness in their new relations.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

J. B. Lynn presented us last Monday with a handsome picture of all the prominent editors in the country, each picture nicely set in the center of the front page of their paper which they edited. After looking it over carefully, we fail to find the Telegram editor's kindly face. It is a New Years gift which we highly appreciate.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Winfield Lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W., held its regular election of officers on Friday, December 29, 1882, with the following result.

M. U., C. C. Green.

F., W. J. Hodges.

O., A. B. Snow.

Rec., E. F. Blair.

Fin., J. F. McMullen.

R., G. S. Manser.

G., S. J. Hepler.

O. W., J. E. Snow.

I. W., B. M. Legg.

Trustee, W. J. Hodges.

Representative, D. M. Legg.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Minnie and Goldie Sykes gave a dinner New Years to a number of their acquaintances. Everything was gotten up in miniature stylechildren's dishes, pies, etc., and to say they had a "large time" wouldn't half express it. Among those present we noticed the Misses Lulu and Josie Myton, Effie and Gertrude Lynn, Bertha and Clara Wells, Blanch Wood, Hattie Trump, Edna Short, Stella Pixley, May Stuckup, and Masters Guy Wood and Charles Lynn.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

The phantom skate at the rink Monday evening was a little out of the general order of masquerades, and was all the more enjoyed on account of the oddness of the thing. About fifty ghost-like beings sailed around the rink until 9 o'clock, watched by a large number of spectators. After this hour all were permitted to skate. The Courier Band added to the attrac- tions by furnishing excellent music. The rink is becoming a popular resort of our pleasure- loving people. Skating is very healthful and invigorating exercise if not indulged in to excess.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

The Real Estate firm of Bard & Harris have sold during the past sixty days $22,900 worth of real estate.

They sold one quarter to H. E. Silliman for $3,000.

Also a three hundred and thirty acre farm to Mr. Z. W. Lunday of Illinois for $7,100.

Mr. Z. Condit, of California, also purchased through their agency a $1,600 farm.

Loxly L. Martin, of West Virginia, was also located by them on a $4,200 place.

Mr. David Larimer, late of Iowa, was also located on a $1,200 place, while several parties from Indiana and Illinois, whose names we did not get, were satisfactorily located within Cowley's borders.

Perhaps the most important sale made by them lately was that of the C. O. Pierce farm in Pleasant Valley Township to T. H. Group, of Atchison, for $7,100. Mr. Group will bring here with him one hundred and thirty-five head of fine blooded cattle, including forty milk- ers; from which he will furnish cream for the creamery. He also brings ten head of fine horses and other good stock. Such men as Mr. Group are valuable acquisitions to our county.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

What Our People Did During the Holidays.

Dr. Gunn was down from Wichita, Christmas day.

Miss Clara Andrew spent the holidays with the Misses Wallis.

Miss McCoy paid Mrs. Williams a visit Christmas week at Wichita.

Rich I. Mansfield came over from Burdenville for the holidays.

R. B. Conklin took in the masquerade, returning to Kansas City on Saturday.

Judge Albright took his Christmas dinner at Sedan, where his mother resides.

H. W. Faragher went to Oregon, Missouri, during the week and has not returned yet.

Billy Impson's mother and sister, Mrs. Towns, were with him for the holidays.

Judge McDonald spent Christmas with his family and Mrs. McDonald's mother in Denver.

Miss Theresa Goldsmith went home to Clinton, Missouri, to spend the holidays with her parents.

Miss McClung and sister, Miss Anna, of Wellington, spent a part of the holidays with Mrs. Platter.

J. B. Porter of Omaha came down before Christmas and waited until the New Year was well in.

Miss Jennie Hane left on Monday afternoon for a two weeks' visit to Mrs. Will Garvey at Topeka.

Forest Noble went to Harper, Kansas, for Christmas, and received a pretty wife for a Christmas present.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Curns have had a happy New Year with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers of Fort Scott.

Mr. and Mrs. George Ordway went to Arkansas City and spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Bacon and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Dever and Charlie had their Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Will Garvey in Topeka. They returned on Monday.

Mrs. J. E. Saint and her little girls, Irene and Louise, came in from Albuquerque before Christmas and will remain two months.

Conductor and Mrs. Miller and Miss Wyckoff came up from Arkansas City to attend the masquerade. Mrs. Miller had one of the best masks in the room.

The young folks were well entertained on Monday night at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Emerson. It has grown to be a usual thing for the young folks to wind up the New Years festivities with that agreeable lady.

The Misses Meech were with Mrs. Emerson on New Years day, where they received calls informally. Miss Scothorn was with Miss Millington; Miss Andrews with the Misses Wallis; and Miss Smith, Miss Hane; Mrs. Bahntge and some others received in the same manner. There were but few gentlemen out, however, those who were out were equipped with elegant cards, much finer than those received last year.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

The Masquerade.

The Young Men's Social Club made a great success of their Masquerade Ball given on the 28th. There was a large attendance and the maskers were better disguised than usual. Those who created the most curiosity as to their identity were Miss Sadie French, the "Little Girl;" Miss Anna Scothorn, "The Lady Guerilla;" Mr. Frank Barclay, the "Carpet Bagger." We were not enabled to get a list of the maskers and will not attempt to give them. The success of the party was due to the management of the floor by Prof. Mahler and the untiring energy of Mr. Chas. Bahntge, Mr. Lovell Webb and Mr. Chas. Fuller, in making the arrange- ments for it. In appreciation of Prof. Mahler's kindness, since he charged nothing for his services, the young gentlemen presented him with $25.00, which was highly appreciated. The dancing class are loud in their praises of Prof. Mahler.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

It is no Humbug.

Electricity is used by many of the most eminent physicians in the world as a cure for cer- tain diseases. The application of electricity to the human body so as to produce the best possible results in the care of disease, has been achieved by Dr. W. J. Horne in his Electro Magnetic Belt. S. S. Holloway, who is the agent for the sale of these wonderful belts, is so thoroughly convinced of their great value as a curative agent that he makes the following most liberal offer, viz: Any person who desires to test the value of these belts, but who may be hesitating on account of the price, can purchase of him at any time up to Jan. 10, 1883, any grade of belt or truss (by advancing the money) at a discount of 30 percent from the reg- ular prices as fixed by Dr. Horne himself. That is to say, they can purchase a $20 belt for $14; a $15 belt for $10.50; a $10 belt for $7; a $30 belt for $21. Mr. Holloway makes this liberal discount out of his commission, and in order, if possible, to induce the afflicted to try it. Dr. Horne says that, with good care, a belt will last 20 years. Upon that basis it would not be very expensive doctoring. Call upon or address Mr. Holloway at his residence in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

To the Citizens of Walnut Township.

There will be a meeting at Olive schoolhouse on Friday, January 5th, 1883, for the purpose of organizing a temperance society, and the election of a delegate to attend the State Temperance Convention to be held at Topeka January 8, 9, and 10, 1883.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Bank Meeting.

The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Bank was held at the bank on the evening of January 2nd, and resulted in the election of the following directors: W. J. Wilson, J. J. Buck, J. C. McMullen, D. A. Millington, and J. C. Fuller. J. C. McMullen was elected president; J. C. Fuller, cashier; and W. J. Wilson, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Dick Glass, the negro who was captured and escaped from Sheriff Shenneman, has been heard from. We clip the following dispatch in relation to the matter from the Kansas City Journal.

"A dispatch from Muskogee, Indian Territory, says that forty of Spiechie's men, who were previously reported as having crossed the Arkansas River, passed through town yester- day in full war paint under command of the notorious Dick Glass. They went west in pursuit of the band of Checote's men, who killed one of their party day before yesterday, but returned in the evening, not having been able to find them. United States Agent Tufts has notified them that he will disarm both parties on the committal of any open act of war. A company of United States troops arrived at Muskogee last evening from Fort Gibson, under command of Lieutenant Irons, to protect the lives and property of United States citizens. Another squad will go to Muskogee today. The Checote party are said to have seized and are guarding all ferries on the Arkansas River to prevent reinforcements from the northern part of the Nation joining Spiechie. Dispatches from the Territory give no explanation as to why these Indians are roaming about in armed bands, nor is anything regarding the matter known here."


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

A Resolution.

About four weeks ago the citizens of Seeley and vicinity organized a singing class, which was conducted by Professor Hager, of Pennsylvania. They held a four day's convention last week, closing Friday night with a concert, which was very interesting to all who attended, at the close of which the following resolution was passed: "Resolved, That we respectfully tender to Professor Hager our sincere thanks for his gentlemanly conduct toward each of us, and for his scholarly manner of conducting our singing school and convention. We also extend to him our best wishes for success and many happy years in the future." Mrs. Hood, Mrs. Rothrock, and Messrs. Jones, Myers, and Copple, executive committee.

L. T. MADDUX, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Rowland, in Winfield, December 31, 1882, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Lewis Billings, of Cherryvale, Kansas, to Miss Anna E. Rowland, of this city.

Mr. Billings is a former resident of Winfield, and was at one time agent for the lumber firm of G. B. Shaw & Co., at this place. Miss Rowland is truly a "Winfield girl," having grown to womanhood among us, and graduated last year from the Winfield High School. Her sweet disposition and pleasant manners have won for her many friends, who will greatly miss her from the circle of "single blessedness," but wish her all the joy imaginable in her new relation.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

The officers of the Winfield Bank refer with pride to the statement published in this issue. The bank has returned in dividends, in three and a half years, seventy percent of its capital stock, besides placing $5,000 to surplus fund. Another semi-annual dividend of ten per centum will be declared April 1, 1883. The same conservative policy will be continued in the future as in the past, and they confidently expect, by the closest personal attention to business, always looking to the interests of their customers, to merit a portion of the banking business of this community. J. C. McMULLEN, President.

J. C. FULLER, Cashier.

[Note: Could not find statement.]

THEIR AD: WINFIELD BANK. Paid up Capital Stock, $50,000.


J. C. McMULLEN, President.

J. C. FULLER, Cashier.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.


How beautiful the trees look in glittering frost.

Miss Mary Dalgarn is visiting in the city of Winfield.

Miss Merriam is spending a week's vacation in town.

BIRTH. Mr. and Mrs. Shields are entertaining a nice little baby girl.

Mr. Lee Brown is home on a short vacation from his labors as a teacher.

A young Newman from Grenola is staying with Mr. Edgar's at present.

Miss Etta Johnson is with us during the intermission of Winfield school.

Mrs. Pixley invited a few friends to a little social party on Friday evening.

Miss May Christopher is giving herself and the young Moscowites a short rest.

I have not attended many of the merry makings or I could write more items.

Mr. Doolittle from ___ (I don't know where) is visiting his sister, Mrs. Samuel Martin.

Mr. Rhodes still finds Salem attractive and seems loth to go back to dull bachelor life in Sumner County.

The surveyor has laid the new graveyard off in lots. It can be fixed up nicely if any friends choose to adorn it with flowers, etc.

Among the good things of the season was a treat of excellent California grapes for which Olivia was very thankful. They were too good to last.

Mr. Will Christopher put in an appearance at some of our social gatherings lately. We miss his genial presence when he is off teaching the rising generation.

There was an oyster supper on Thursday evening. Quite a goodly number were present and some seemed to enjoy themselves wonderfully, in the old schoolhouse.

Little Walter Hoyland has been very sick and we all feared the death angel would come for the little darling; but through the kindness of Providence and the excellent but careful treatment of Doctor Davis, his little feet still linger on earthly pats.

The old year is almost dead. We all wonder what the new will have in store for us. To all I wish good cheer, and may we enter upon the new year with hearts full of gratitude and thankfulness for all the mercies and goodness bestowed upon us during the past.

Mr. Dalgarn and wife of Winfield spent Christmas Day with his parents living here. Mr. Edgar and family also dined with them, and time passed all too soon. Old Santa, or young one, left several silver pieces in Miss Etna Dalgarn's shoe on Christmas night, and her good mother, after donning her hose, thought there was a copper in the toe, but behold a bright ten dollar gold piece greeted her astonished eyes.

Well, the Christmas trees were all well attended in our vicinity. Dr. Irwin brought on a large and fine assortment of holiday goods and was well patronized by "Prairie Home" and New Salem east; and then the people living near the station and the Dr. and his friends had a fine tree in the store, we learn, and had a very gay time. We of New Salem the 1st had a very fine time. Everything passed off quietly and all seemed pleased with their gifts and professed themselves highly entertained. We all fared very well in the way of presents.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Tisdale Laconics.

No births, no marriages, no deathsno nothing for news.

I can sympathize with "Paul Pry" of the Telegram.

Farris Fluke is home from Colorado and at his old tricks: breaking hearts.

A. B. Larimer is with us again. Says Tisdale is good enough for him. Arb is good enough for us.

Among the late improvements is a neat house just completed by Mr. Wyckoff on his farm. Mr. Morgan has the lumber on the ground for a new house in the same neighborhood. Verily "Scedunk Holler" is looking up.

Sim Moore illuminated this locality with his beaming countenance Saturday night. As Sim is familiar with the rise and fall of the empire, it's quite refreshing to chat with him occasionally. 'Tis said that Sim keeps the boss hotel at Burden.

We have had it! It's been a successtook in $55.77 and didn't break any dishes. The display of cakes, pies, cold meats, etc., was only equaled by the array of handsome girls and comely matrons. We are talking about the supper gotten up for Mr. and Mrs. McKibben on Friday night. The success of the affair is largely owing to the management and labor of a few, prominent among whom I noticed Mrs. H. Chance, Mrs. E. P. Young, Miss Connie Gay, and Miss Estelle Boatman, who were first on the ground and last to leave. The kitchen was in charge of Mrs. Wyckoff and Mrs. Gay, who demonstrated that women can cook oysters. The evening was pleasantly and profitably spent in listening to instrumental and vocal music, social intercourse, eating oysters, etc. X.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Mr. Geo. Myers and wife of Fort Scott are visiting his brother-in-law, J. W. Curns.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Notice. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Building & Loan Asso- ciation will be held at the office of H. G. Fuller, President (being at Hackney's new Law Office on Ninth Avenue), on Tuesday evening, January 9, 1883, commencing at 7:30 p.m.

Dated January 2, 1883. J. F. McMULLEN, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Council Proceedings.


Council met in special session on call of the Mayor.

On motion, it was resolved to consider the proposed ordinance in relation to water works.

The proposed ordinance offered with the petition in relation to water works was then taken up for consideration by sections, with the following result: Sections 1 and 2 were adopted as read. Section three was amended and adopted. Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 were adopted as read. Section 9 was amended and adopted. Section 10 was adopted as read. Sections 11, 12, and 13 were amended and adopted. Sections 14 and 15 were adopted as read.

Adjourned to Tuesday night.

DECEMBER 26, 1882.

Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Troup in the chair. Present, Councilmen Read, Wilson, Gary, and McMullen, City Attorney and Clerk.

The proposed water works ordinance was again taken up for consideration. Sections 16 and 17 were amended and adopted, Sections 18 and 19 were adopted as read.

It was then moved that Section 1 be reconsidered. The vote upon the motion was a tie. The Mayor voted in favor of such reconsideration. It was then moved to amend Section 1 by adding the following:

"Provided, That nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed or held to give to said Barclay or assigns the exclusive privilege to construct, operate, or maintain a system of water works in said city."

The vote upon such motion was a tie, and the Mayor voted against such motion to amend. It was then moved to adopt Section 1 as originally adopted. The vote upon said motion was a tie, and the Mayor voted in favor of such adoption.

A motion was carried to reconsider Section 19. The following was adopted as Section 19.

"Section 19. That the said Frank Barclay, his associates, successors, or assigns shall be required under the provisions of this ordinance to do the business pertaining to their said water works company within the corporate limits of the said city of Winfield."

Former Section 19 was then adopted as Section 20.

The Council then adjourned without taking final action in the matter.

M. G. TROUP, Mayor.

Attest: L. H. WEBB, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Dissolution Notice. January 1st, 1883.

The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of "Pryor & Kinne" is this day dissolved by mutual consent. S. D. PRYOR, J. D. PRYOR, E. P. KINNE.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.







The largest, safest, and best in the world!



Office over Winfield Bank.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

The Red Front Building known as Strahan's New York Bargain House is the place.

I will sell cheap for cash one lot on Main street and some good residence lots.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

A splendid line of ladies' light colored walking jackets just received at J. P. Baden's.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

All kinds of repairing in my line done promptly, and all work guaranteed.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Every piece of pocket cutlery sold by Horning and Whitney is warranted. They sell only the best.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Bortree's Adjustable Duplex corsets. Money refunded of corset is not satisfactory.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Go to McIntire's Photo Rooms over Wallis & Wallis' Store for your Pictures, Frames, and Albums.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

For sale or trade. A number one Jack of good pedigree and four years old. Inquire of Sol Burkhalter.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Cheese vat and press, in good condition, for sale. Inquire of S. A. Hanchett, or at Foults barber shop.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Billiard Hall for sale, doing good business; also city residence property on monthly installments. E. B. WEITZEL.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Buy your feathers of J. P. Baden. The best goose, turkey, duck, or chicken feathers, freshly picked without scalding.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Fine gold rings, fine gold band rings, anything you want in the Jewelry line can be found at H. W. Faraghers.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Go to Lightwater's for best bargains in Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gloves and Mitts, and Clothing. Udall.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Highest cash price for wheat, oats, flax, and castor beans at G. B. Shaw & Co., lumber yard, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

For sale. House with three large rooms, 3-4 acres of land, good well, a good barn; on terms to suit purchaser. Inquire of Will Wadden, 9th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Agents wanted to sell good, standard books. Call upon or address H. A. Booth, P. O. Box 929. Residence 6th avenue, 2-1/2 blocks west of Main street. Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

I have put in a stock of coal at the stand formerly occupied by G. A. Rhodes, on South Main street. Coal sold in the bin or delivered to any part of the city at lowest cash prices.


Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

A bargain sure. 160 acres farm land for sale cheap, one and one-half mile from city limits of Winfield. 70 acres in cultivation, a fine young orchard, good well, and other improve- ments. Inquire of D. Berkey in City of Winfield, Kansas, 116 E. Ninth.

Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.

Strayed or stolen from Sarah Hafer near Oxford, Kansas, on the 21st day of December, 1882, one large bay horse eight years old; right fore foot a little crooked; no shoes on the horse, no brands or marks on the horse. P. O. Address, Oxford, Kansas. Sarah Hafer.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

California Letter. [Front Page.]


Christmas has come and gone with nothing to mark the day but the dateand this world- renowned, unsurpassed, rejuvenating climate. This place like all California is greatly overrated, except in the climate, which today is too warm for comfort, if sitting in the sun. It is claimed to contain five thousand actual inhabitants, but from the top of a high hill which overlooks the place, one would scarcely believe there were more than five hundred. The location is very pretty, being surrounded by the coast range, and the channel, from the beach of which is perpetually heard the roaring of the surf and the occasional whistle of an ocean ship as she puts into this port for freight and passengers; for either bound to places along the coast travel in this way, partly for economy and partly to save the tediousness of a two horse Concord coach, over a sandy, mountainous road.

From Santa Cruz (which by the way is a delightful sea port and fashionable resort, if there is any fashion here) we took the little ship Los Angeles, which rocked with the little waves like a big log, and landed at this place, thirty-six hours later, having interviewed six different ports in the trip.

Since leaving home, I have not halted where I felt so completely shut out from the world as here in this quiet town by the sea, and distance most emphatically will lend enchantment to the view as I sit in my own home and take a retrospect of the past, in days to come.

On Sunday the 31st inst., we sail for San Pedro and thence by rail for Los Angeles. Before leaving here, we shall visit the Old Mission, and other places of note, and if possible climb the rocks, which look almost perpendicular, to the top of the coast range, which gives a fine view of the ocean and valley around.

Great need of rain has dried and shriveled the oranges in this region until they are almost worthless, and every yard presents a most barren appearance, while Calla lilies persist in forcing themselves from among its dirty foliage in search of moisture. The people are in mortal fear of another dry year as they say, and everyone is wishing for their annual rain.

The Marquis and Mrs. Lorne, or Mrs. Louise, as the Chicago Times calls her, arrived here last Sunday night for a quiet two weeks' rest at the Arlington. Last night the party (17 in number) went to the "nigger show," and of course all Santa Barbara went too.

Hoping to leave on the through train in a month from now for home, I bid you an adieu.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Floral Jottings.

Thinking you might have room in your valuable paper for a few Floral items, I herewith send you some of the most important "passings," knowing there is always room in the waste- basket if nowhere else.

The Christmas tree at Floral was an enjoyable affair for the young folks. Old Santa was a jolly fellow. We have a live Sunday school, a good attendance, and a superintendent and teachers who work and mean business.

We have a good library, though small yet. Come out friends and help us, for it is a good move in the right direction. You will get more good reading for one dollar than in any other way, and have the benefit of books which otherwise you might never see.

More sickness than usual this year. Among those on the sick list now are: Geo. Anderson, pneumonia; J. R. Cole's child, same disease; and Mrs. J. C. Dunbar, malarial feverall convalescing under the treatment of Dr. Gordon.

Mr. John Anderson met with a painful accident a few days ago. He was grinding feed on his "big giant" and caught his hand in the crusher and got it mashed badly, and will be laid up all winter.

Mr. Ed. Smith was dissecting a cartridge and as might be expected, it went off and two of his fingers came near going with it.

Floral seems proud of her doctor and I guess he has come to stay as he has bought the Knickerbocker house, which he will move into in a few days.

Mr. Huskleberry, of Floral, is taking care of all the surplus corn and hogs of the neigh- borhood for which it is claimed he pays Winfield prices.

The Floral store is doing a rushing business under the management of John Randal and wife, Mr. Doane having returned to Winfield. D. O. GOOD.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

A Startling Fact.

Thousands of children have died of diphtheria this winter who might have been saved by a single bottle of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. It is a sure preventative of diphtheria and will cure nine cases out of ten. No family should be without it a day. For sale by Quincy A. Glass, Winfield.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

[From Green's Real Estate News.]

Winfield's Buildings and Business.

Winfield has thirty-five two-story and seventeen one-story brick or stone business build- ings, while there are something over 70 one and two story frame business houses. This includes shops, livery stables, and some few offices; the most of the latter, however, are found in second stories of buildings. We have a $16,000 brick courthouse, with four fire- proof vaults, and a two-story brick jail, which cost $3,000.

The city contains quite a number of fine residences, three or four of which cost not less than eight or ten thousand dollars each. These finest buildings have all the modern improve- ments, are heated with hot air, lighted with gas, and most of the rooms are supplied with hot and cold water.

We have two large flouring mills, one a water power and the other water and steam power combined. This is a magnificent structure, being 40 x 60 feet in size, 5 stories high, built of magnesian limestone, gang saw finish, and is supplied with the most modern and latest improved machinery. Cost of building and machinery: $50,000. There is also a large and fine elevator near the mill with R. R. switch to each.

To give the reader some idea as to how different lines of business are represented in our city, we will say we have 1 exclusive dry goods store, 2 exclusive clothing houses, 4 dry goods and groceries, two of which carry clothing; 1 dry goods and clothing, 3 hardware (general stocks), 1 tin ware and stoves, 3 harness shops, 7 drug stores, 2 jewelry stores, 3 restaurants, 9 exclusive groceries, 2 banks, 3 furniture stores, 3 merchant tailors, 1 book and notion store, 4 millineries, 2 exclusive boot and shoe houses 4 livery and feed stables, 3 hotels (one of which is the Brettun house, a very fine sawed stone building, cost $30,000), 1 carriage factory, two marble works, 1 furniture factory, 1 dollar store, 2 billiard halls, 2 lunch rooms, 2 bakeries, 4 butcher shops, 3 picture galleries, 4 barber shops, 1 foundry, 1 machine shop, 3 seed and feed stores, 3 lumber yards, 1 plumbing, steam & gas fitting establishment, 22 preachers, 47 doctors, and 999 lawyers (and new ones sprouting). How ish dot?

In order to give the reader a slight idea of the amount of shipments from this city by car load, we will say that the A. T. & S. F. R. R. shipped during the year 1882: 20 car loads of flour, 20 car loads of brick, 2 cars of broom corn, 15 cars of cattle, 104 cars of corn, 205 cars of stone (much of the stone was used in erecting the Government building at Topeka), 265 cars of wheat. While our other road, the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Kansas shipped during the same time the following: 1 car flax seed, 1 car wagons, 1 car beans, 1 car timber, 1 car mill feed, 2 cars horses, 5 cars of coal, 13 cars of brick, 15 cars of sheep, 17 cars of cattle, 23 cars of flour, 81 cars of stone (these were shipped to different towns over the state and to Kansas City; this together with the shipments over the other road of these stone will enable the reader to form some idea as to the extent of the demand there already exists for our fine magnesian limestone for building and sidewalk purposes); 91 cars of corn, 138 cars of hogs, 307 cars of wheat, making a total of the leading articles as follows: Corn, 195 cars; hogs, 136; wheat, 572, and stone, 285 cars.

About an equal number of cattle held in the county by the owners are shipped from each of the seven smaller towns in the county. Owners usually ship from their nearest railroad station. However, this showing is but a drop in the bucket compared with the number of cattle shipped over the K. C., L. & S. K. R. R. This road has a branch running to Hunnewell, a small town on the Territory line. At this point they get the most of their cattle shipments. In the Territory are found hundreds of owners of large herds running in numbers from five to twenty thousand head, while at the same time a very great many of our own county cattle men hold their herds in the Territory and of course ship from the point nearest the south line of the state. Many hundred car loads of cattle loaded at Hunnewell are shipped over the latter named line of road each season.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

What Disinterested Citizens of Other States Think of Cowley County.

We clip the following extract from an article published in the Kansas City Daily Times of May 20th last.

After making mention of the splendid condition of our crops at that time it says:

"Old settlers of eastern Kansas, who think they have lived in an age of progress and enterprise, while witnessing the growth and development of this portion of the state, will be convinced that they have been eclipsed in enterprise by other sections by visiting the Arkansas Valley. Take the county of Cowley. Twelve years ago there was not a white settler in it; today it claims a population of 25,000 souls, and has thriving cities and towns well improved, and productive farms and five newspapers, some with daily editions and steam presses. The only inducement offered for the settlement of this section was the productive quality of its soil. There were no mineral deposits to offer attractions to the settlers. What other part of the world can show a like development within the short space of twelve years, where no promise of returns were assured save from what could be produced from the soil? The county of Cowley will make exhibits at the Bismarck fair next fall. No other section of the state has more or better material for an attractive agricultural display than that portion of the Arkansas Valley. These displays not only show the stranger what that section can pro- duce but they will also exhibit the character of the people making them. An inspection of the exhibitors will be as fully interesting and instructive as a view of the articles exhibited. The stranger will see in these exhibitors, intelligent, wide awake and stirring people, with hope fully developed, self-reliant, unlimited confidence in the possibilities, and undying faith in the grand future of their section. To converse with and grasp the warm hands of such people is a pleasure and treat to the stranger. All honor and success to the exhibits at Bismarck of the county of Cowley."

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

[From Green's Real Estate News.]

Arkansas City. Improvement.

Once more we come to the front to make a tally in the city's onward march. L. McLaughlin's fine stone store room and hall is near completed, and now the old reliable, Al Newman, comes to the front and signs the contract for another large two story building just above McLaughlin's, to be completed as fast as stone and mortar can be laid. But better yet, the Highland Hall Company have the money deposited for a double store room, and a hall 50 x 100, 18-foot story. Lots to be located and contract let as soon as the company can do the business. It is with pleasure we chronicle this as the commencement of the building season. Now let the city come to the front.

We have ample water facilities, and we must have a reservoir that will hold more water in proportion to the city's needs. Before fall we are going to chronicle the investment of fifty thousand dollars in a woolen mill. We know it. The dam has stood the test of the biggest flood in five years and came out, as it will for all time, all right. New dwelling houses are appearing every day, and best of all there never was so good a prospect for wheat, and the farmers are going to come into town after the golden sheaves have been gathered, and make that addition to the old farm house, and fix it up a little. That's it. When his hard hands receive a reward for his labor, then we all prosper. Yes, we are on the boom, and don't forget it. We like it, and are going to say something about it every week, and always tell the truth, as all good locals do.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883. Editorial Columns.


Mr. Millington in this week's COURIER, relieves himself a little by giving the senior editor of this paper a back-handed slap, in order, we suppose, to attempt to make us feel badly. The junior has been away as Mr. Millington states, but that does not in any way affect the course of the Telegram. Telegram.

If you are the senior editor, why do you keep standing the firm name of "Davis & Rembaugh" at the head of your paper and at the head of the editorial columns? It is very mis- leading, to say the least. We always understood that Davis was the sole editor and that Rembaugh was the manager of the printing and mechanical department of the office, in which business he has few superiors. If we hit him it was purely incidental, but we have no occasion to take anything back.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The Water-Works Question.

It has been industriously reported around town that we have weakened on our figures in relation to the water-works question, and that we admit that Barclay's statement of what the water-works would cost is substantially correct. We admit that we do not know what the actual cost would be and that Barclay had a better means of making the estimate than we had, and that our subsequent investigations tend to show that his estimates of from $46,000 to $52,000 for the first plant according to his ordinance are the limits, while our estimate of $30,000 was too low.

But this does not weaken our figures in the least, as will be seen by careful attention. The question of importance to the citizens is not what it will cost the contractor to put in the works, but what will it cost the city in taxes, etc. The city can no better afford to pay a yearly tax of 7 up to 14 mills for 21 or 99 years, or forever, for the service should the plant cost $100,000 than should it cost him only $30,000. The question is: can the city afford to pay an annual rental of $3,000 up to $6,000 for such service as Barclay's ordinance proposes? If so, then can the city get more and better service for the same yearly rentals, and can she get such service at less yearly cost and to be bound for a shorter time?

Of course, the greater the cost of the works, the greater the objection to the city issuing bonds, and building and running the works, but the general repugnance to this course is so great that we do not consider further this method.

The real points of objection to the Barclay ordinance are: that it makes the city pay a yearly rental of $75 for each and every hydrant put in, that there must be forty hydrants on the first plant at a yearly cost of $3,000; that justice and actual need will immediately require as many as 40 additional hydrants, at an additional yearly cost to the city of $3,000, making the probable yearly tax to the city amount to $6,000; that the city cannot ever buy the works because it must buy back the franchise therewith at an appraised valuation, which would be so valuable that it would never be possible for the city to buy it; that the franchise lives for 99 years and is in its nature, and possibly by construction of law, exclusive, and that it is not the best proposition for the city that can be obtained. Our figures of two weeks ago and last week prove all this as conclusively as we can prove that the product of six by six is thirty-six. Should it appear that Greer cannot carry out his proposition, that would not prove that a proposition as good, or even better, for the city could not be obtained in a reasonable time.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Bank Rivalry.

It is getting fashionable to tirade about the rivalry between the two banks of this place and dignify it with the appellation of "bank fight." At the council meeting the other night, Senator Hackney made a characteristic onslaught on the "bank fight." Now we take no stock in the sentiment that leads to such speeches and remarks.

Nothing but good to this community has ever come out of this bank rivalry and it is one of the best and most valuable circumstances of our situation that we have two very strong and vigorous banks, so nearly equal in wealth and business ability that they are real rivals to each other.

In material improvements in the city, two splendid bank buildings and four of the best residences, grew out of bank rivalry. The grand Brettun House and the Stewart Hotel, the Telegram office, and several stone and brick stores and edifices were stimulated by the same rivalry. All we have in the line of the improvement of parks grew out of the same rivalry and much of the success in getting railroads and other improvements has been enhanced by it. Through such rivalry you can buy eastern exchange without the premium that is charged almost everywhere else, and the rates of interest are doubtless much lower than they other- wise would be, though a little brisker rivalry in the latter direction might be very desirable.

Whenever there has come up a public project of real merit for the welfare of the county or city, both banks have worked together for it. Banks, like other business, are apt to be hatching up schemes for their own profit and in this they serve as a check upon each other. Whenever a scheme is strenuously advocated by one bank and as strenuously opposed by the other, you may depend there is a job in it, at least, it is safe to keep out of it until you can see through it in all its ramifications. There has never yet been such a case in this city in which the opposing bank did not prove to be on the side of the people.

Competition in any kind of business is valuable to the community and especially so with the banking business. So long as these two banks are real rivals, and so long as the people refuse to go into any financial scheme while one of these banks opposes it, we are compara- tively safe.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Down With the Wire Fences.

Some weeks ago Capt. C. M. Scott went to Washington in the interests of the small stock herders along the Territory line to try and stop the immense fencing monopolies which were fencing up the whole country to the exclusion of small herders who had paid their tax for grazing, and were being frozen out by the larger groups.

How well he succeeded is attested by the following order, which was issued by the United States Indian Service from the Union Agency, Muskogee, Indian Territory, on January 8, 1883.

To whom it may concern:

I am directed by the Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs to notify all persons who have material on the ground or who have made improvements of any character in any part of the Cherokee country in the Indian Territory west of the Arkansas river, that all such improve- ments and material must be removed from the lands referred to before the first day of February, 1883, and that in the event of failure or neglect to remove the same before that date, the removal will be made by the military. Parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly.

J. Q. TUFTS, U. S. Indian Agent.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.


Mr. F. Hayden, an intelligent Illinois fruit man who visited this county two weeks ago, writes of Kansas in the Alton Telegraph, from which we clip the following extract.

"At Winfield we strike the rich bottom of the Walnut river and find successful farmers. Winfield is a remarkable little city of 3,500 inhabitants, beautifully located on the left bank of the Walnut river. Its trade is extensive. Its merchants are enterprising and carry their trade to all points of the great mining and grazing regions west, southwest, and south. One of its principal merchants, J. P. Baden, many will recollect as an old resident of Alton. Yet quite a young man, his trade with Colorado, New Mexico, and other distant points amounts to $100,000 yearlyin butter, eggs, vegetables, and fruit mainly; all sent out on orders C. O. D. He assured me he received as high as six to ten dollars per bushel for peaches at Leadville, or fifteen to twenty cents per pound. The soil and climate are well adapted to fruit raising. One man informed me that he sold his crop of Bartlett pears for ten cents each, net. It was the first crop from 75 trees. Remember this place is 247 miles from Kansas City, on the border of the great cattle ranges of the southwest. As a natural result its trade with cattle men is large. I judge many of the small cattle men have their families here. There is plenty of evidence of wealth. A fine large stone hotel is one of the attractions here. The Brettun House is as well kept and as well furnished with all modern conveniences, as any $50,000 hotel east. Here are broad streets and twelve miles of stone sidewalks; fine churches, good public schools, large and well filled stores, and tasteful residences. A costly flour mill capable of turning out 400 barrels of flour per day. A public park very beautifully located on the banks of the Walnut river. There is also a live Horticultural Society at Winfield, and as they happened to be in session I met with them and learned many things in relation to the country from listening to their discussions, and I would say here, that much of my informa- tion as to the region around Chanute was gained by meeting the Horticultural Society at that place.

With considerable knowledge of Kansas acquired in several journeys through the State, I was nevertheless surprised by the beauty and richness of the country along this line of road. Around Winfield are some excellent lands held at reasonable figures, but I think somewhat higher in price than at Chanute. Fine half-acre town lots, in best residence localities, are worth $200 each. Farms vary much according to location and quality. Wheat, corn, fruit, and most other crops can be grown at a good profit around Winfield and that makes land valuable."


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Marshal Brown, of Caldwell, has been presented with a fine Winchester rifle by the citizens with which he is to puncture cowboys.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Wellington has just made a whiskey trial in which a large number of witnesses developed the fact that they could not tell the difference between wine, beer, whiskey, water, or any- thing else.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Chelsea, the oldest town in the county, was once the county seat of Butler County, and once had a contest with El Dorado to recover it. Most of the townsite has been vacated and is now a field.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Newton is to have the Spy of Atlanta beginning on the 24th inst.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Another "wheel of fortune" appeared on the streets last week.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Miss Etta Robinson takes the place of Charlie Dever in Read's Band.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Mrs. J. F. McMullen is visiting with Mrs. W. C. Carruthers in Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The ice on the river has afforded splendid skating for the last few days.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Col. Sanford will lecture in Winfield February 9, on "Old Times and New."

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The clerks in Baden's dry-goods department are invoicing the stock this week.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

H. W. Faragher returned Friday night from a short visit with relatives in Missouri.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Miss Rose Rounds spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Tisdale Township.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

A neat picket fence has recently been built around the Methodist Church and parsonage.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Rev. Lacey, the United Brethren minister, has purchased a dwelling on east Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

E. M. Reynolds is off for a month's visit with friends and relatives in northeastern Iowa.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The "Winfield Minstrels" had their first rehearsal Wednesday evening and will give an entertainment soon.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Jarvis, Conklin & Co., will loan you money in amounts from $200 up to any amount for which you can give security.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Sid Majors disposed of his interest in the livery business last week to Mr. Collins, formerly of Oxford. The firm now appears, Vance & Collins.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The Musical Union will hold its regular sessions in the Courthouse on Thursday evenings of each week during January, commencing at 7:30 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The place of Chambers, the operator at the K. C. L. & S. Depot, who recently decamped, is filled by Mr. H. C. [?O.?] Chappell, who is a pleasant appearing gentleman.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Dick Mansfield was over from Burden Monday night. He intends to make Winfield his home again after his mother's return from California in February.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

At a business meeting of the Courier Cornet Band last Friday evening, Mr. George Crippen was re-elected leader and Addison Brown secretary and treasurer for 1883.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

What with diphtheria in Winfield, mumps and measles in other parts of the county, small pox and mad dogs in neighboring counties, we are warned to look out for exposures.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Accompanying the very interesting letter from California by Mrs. H. P. Mansfield, we received from her a full blown rose fresh and fragrant, only somewhat flattened by the enclosure.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Mr. A. A. Wiley and Mr. Drury Warren were up from the Territory the past week. They have large cattle interests down southwest of the Ponca's tract, and were intending to fence the land they have been occupying.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Several cases of diphtheria, or what seems to be that disease in rather a mild form, have appeared in this city. It is well to take extra pains to guard against the spread of this disease among children, if such it is.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Mr. G. W. Bartgis of Cedar Township called last week and posted us up on matters in the southeast corner. Mr. Bartgis is a wide awake young man and will be heard from in the affairs of the county, state, and nation in due time.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The annual election of officers of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union occurred at their meeting Saturday afternoon. Mrs. W. B. Caton was elected president; Mrs. Cairns and Gibson, vice presidents; Miss A. Service, Secretary; and Mrs. C. H. Greer, Treasurer.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

There will be a meeting of all the members of the Catholic Church of Cowley County Sunday, January 21, 1883, at 11 o'clock a.m. As business of great importance is to be transacted, it is hoped all Catholics of the county will be present. By order of the pastor, Rev. G. M. Kelly. P. M. Lavery, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Miss Theresa Goldsmith has been transferred from the first Intermediate department of the public school in the East Ward to the same department in the West Ward, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Ella Kelly. Mrs. A. P. Johnson takes the place of Miss Goldsmith in the East Ward.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

We have been told that there is glanders among horses in this city or vicinity. We have made inquiries and have found none in town, but have heard of two cases in the country. It is possible that there might be cases of glanders in town which we know nothing about, so it is well for owners of horses to be on their guard.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Eli Youngheim, our "Mammoth" clothier, started Saturday afternoon on a purchasing tour through the Eastern markets. He will be absent a month or more, and during his stay will "catch on" to all the latest styles, and be ready with an immense spring stock from which to fit out the boys in elegant shape. Eli is one of our most popular and prosperous merchants.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The Good Templars gave a very pleasant oyster supper and social at their hall Friday evening. A large number were in attendance, and in addition to partaking of oysters and enjoying the usual social intercourse, they were treated to a splendid musical and literary program. The Good Templars certainly entertained their guests to the satisfaction of all, and plainly demonstrated that their order is in a flourishing condition.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Mr. Icenogle called the other day and in conversation we drew out that he came here in 1874, the grasshopper year, with a wife and five children, an old team, and two dollars. He now has a good farm, two good teams, 75 hogs, cattle, machinery, wagons, plows, 2,000 bushels of corn, 300 bushels of wheat, good improvements, and is in good condition to get ahead. There are many men in this county getting rich who came with a mere nothing.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Mr. E. I. Johnson, the successor of Mr. Bullington as member of the Board of County Commissioners, is a young man of solid sense, energy, and intelligenceone who is likely to make his mark on the history of our county. He has served as trustee of Sheridan Town- ship, and his reports and assessment returns show a neatness, care, accuracy, and judgment second to none others. We think the board could not have done better than they did in appointing him to fill the vacancy.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Sam E. Davis retires from the editorial management of the Telegram and Geo. E. Rem-baugh takes charge of the whole concern, editorial, mechanical, and financial. George is an active, hard working printer, one of the best job printers and managers in the state, and his editorial ability is excellent. He will secure such aid as he needs in the various departments of his paper and we predict that he will make the Telegram one of the best of county news-papers and worthy of the most liberal patronage.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The meeting of the County Commissioners of last week was the last of the term of Mr. Henry Harbaugh, late chairman of the board, who is succeeded as commissioner from the second district by Mr. Amos Walton. Mr. Harbaugh has been one of our best commissioners and by his sound judgment and devotion to the interests of the county, been of great value to his constituents. He has won the confidence and respect of the people of this county and carries their good will with him. He is one of the best farmers in the county, and it is a real pleasure to take a look over his splendid farm.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Many of our citizens will remember Prof. W. F. Sherwin, who conducted so successfully the Cowley County Sunday School Convention at Winfield last fall, and who is a musician of national reputation. This is what he has to say of the Wilberforce Concert Company.

"It gives me unfeigned pleasure to commend most heartily to my friends and the public, generally, the Wilberforce Concert Company as abundantly worth of confidence and regard. Refined and courteous, showing education and culture, and uniting with these qualifications, rare musical gifts, they have unselfishly devoted themselves to the work of advancing the education of their own race. Most of them are devoted Christians, and all are above reproach in character. They go out under the auspices of Wilberforce University, and churches or com- mittees will be charmed with their most delightful concerts, while their engagement will help a noble institution, which ought to enlist the sympathies and cooperation of every Christian. Give them abundant opportunities and they will prove their worth."

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The select school of the Catholic Church of this city is an institution well worthy of patronage. It is presided over by Rev. Father Kelly and his sister, Miss L. M. Kelly. All the branches of both a high school and primary department are taught. The languages are also taught to those desiring to study them. While there is great attention paid to the religious education of the Catholic children, yet the religious convictions of non-Catholics is not in the least interfered with. The principal object of the school is to train children in morality and in all those branches which will tend afterwards to make them ornaments in society and useful men and women in business. Terms of the school are so low that they are within the reach of all; namely $1.00 a month, or, if there be two children out of the same family, $1.50 a month for both; and if three, $2.00 a month for the three. Persons desirous of further infor- mation concerning the school, can call on Rev. G. M. Kelly, Catholic Church, 8th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Look for a change in A. E. Baird's ad. next week. Mr. Baird is one of our pioneer mer- chants and has long made use of the columns of the COURIER to present his superior inducements and attractions to the people. By his judicious advertising, wide experience, and strict business integrity, he has gained for the New York Store a reputation and patronage excelled by no exclusive dry-goods house in the Southwest. His storeroom is one of the neatest and most convenient, and his salesmen are always courteous and obliging to customers. . . .

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The public installation of the officers elect for the ensuing term of Winfield Lodge No. 18, Ancient Order of United Workmen, and of Cowley Legion, Select Knights of A. O. U. W., passed off very pleasantly at the Opera House Monday evening. Creswell Legion of Arkansas City, eighteen in number, were present in full uniform, acting as officers of Grand Legion, and conducted the installation ceremonies. There were also a number from Welling- ton Lodge present. The ceremonies were very imposing and the uniforms beautiful. There were quite a number of spectators, and the scene presented during installation, unmarred as it was by a single mismove, was magnificent. After the installation those who wished to dance were given an opportunity, and "tripping the light fantastic" to the splendid music of Prof. Roberts' Orchestra was kept up till a late hour. The list of officers elect of the United Workmen and Select Knights was published last week.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Last week L. B. Bullington resigned his office of County Commissioner from the third district and Mr. E. I. Johnson was appointed in his place. Mr. Bullington is in ill health and thinks it necessary to travel and get a change of climate for a time, which will prevent him from attending the meetings of the board, and therefore he thinks it proper to resign. He is a clear-headed businessman, and has been one of the best County Commissioners we ever had. He has carefully watched the business and expenses of the county and has been so valuable yet pleasant a gentleman to do business with that his associate members award him the highest praise and part with him with regret.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Mr. Amos Walton, the new member of the County Board from the second district, is a farmer, lawyer, and an old member of the newspaper craft. As such he is thoroughly well informed and his long residence and active participation in the concerns of the county qualify him for a most able and efficient member. He is the only Democrat who holds an office in this county, and the Democrats are fortunate in having so good a representative. However, we do not expect that politics is going to cut much figure in the matter, and we may expect the same devotion to the interests of the county from him as from any other.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The committee of gentlemen who went up to Topeka last week to confer with General Manager Wheeler, returned Friday having accomplished most excellent results. Mr. Wheeler assured them that the switch extensions to the stone quarries would be put in at once, and that the extension of the Douglass branch to Winfield would be considered, and an engineer put on to look over the ground. The results of this trip will be of immense benefit to Winfield. The demands of the committee were considered reasonable and cheerfully acceded.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Capt. S. C. Smith was elected chairman in the organization of the Board of County Com- missioners last Monday. This is as it should be. He is the only member who has the exper- ience of service on the board, and his ripe experience, wide culture, clear and independent judgment and devotion to the best interests of the county, render it peculiarly fit that he should occupy that important position. Capt Smith is an early resident, has been active through all the early struggles, and has had the fortune to secure the confidence of all and the enmity of none.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The Presbyterian Sunday school of this city had an average attendance in 1882 of 184, and the collections amounted to about $150. The officers of 1882 were last Sunday re-elected for this year. They are: T. B. Myers, Superintendent; J. O. Taylor, Assistant Superintendent; Miss McCommon, Treasurer; Miss Mary Bryant, Organist; Perry Tucker, Librarian; and Frank Greer, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Business & Loan Association held on Tuesday evening last, was adjourned to Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m., January 18th. Every stockholder is requested to be present, as business of the greatest importance is to be brought before them for action. J. F. McMULLEN, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

E. A. Henthorn has purchased a $1,100 safe, the largest, finest, and best in the county, and will do a banking business at Burden. Henthorn is a careful, clear-cut businessman and has been making money in good shape in his real estate and loan business. Of course, it was the newspaper business which made him wealthy.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

A Republican convention of Richland Township will be held at Summit schoolhouse on the 20th of January for the nomination of township officers to be voted for on the 6th day of February, 1883. N. J. LARKIN, Chairman of Township Central Committee.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

THE MARKETS: Wheat today (Wednesday) is worth 72 cents for best, hogs $5.40, and corn 31 cents. Produce is rather scarce, with butter 20 cents, eggs 20 cents, and potatoes $3.00.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Yesterday morning we heard that Rev. Wm. Martin was so seriously ill of pneumonia that his life was despaired of. He has been ill for several weeks.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

At the meeting of the new Board of County Commissioners Monday, the COURIER was elected the official county paper for the ensuing year.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Charlie Doane has returned to Winfield and now holds forth at Tomlin & Webb's grocery. Floral was too dull for Charlie.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The managers of the creamery have been putting up ice, which is now about six inches thick.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Doings at the State Capital.

Senator Hackney is located at the new Copeland House for the session.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell is located at the Windsor.

Judge John T. Morton has resigned the judgeship of the Third District, an office which he has held for fourteen years, to take effect Feb. 9th. Ill health is the cause.

Col. Thomas Moonlight is appointed Adjutant General of the state militia by Gov. Glick.

Auditor E. P. McCabe and Treasurer Sam T. Howe were inducted into their respective offices last Monday.

Sam L. Gilbert officiated as usher during the inauguration ceremonies.

Wirt W. Walton was chairman of the Republican Representative caucus at Topeka.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

The Wilberforce Concert Company.

This company of colored singers will visit Winfield and give one of their concerts on next Saturday evening at the Opera House, in the interest of Wilberforce University, located at Xenia, Ohio. They come to Winfield under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church. Gen- eral Admission 25 cents; reserved seats 50 cents, to be had at Goldsmith's; children under 12 years, 25 cents. This company comes from my former home, Xenia, Ohio, where Wilber- force University is located. All the prominent citizens of that place unite in giving them most hearty endorsement and commendation. Their concerts are spoken of in the highest terms, not only by those whose names are found on their circulars, but by a number who have written to me personally and who have heard them in Kansas within the past few weeks.

Jas. E. Platter.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Kansas State Historical Society.

The annual meeting of the Kansas State Historical Society will be held in the Senate Chamber, Topeka, on Tuesday evening, January 16, 1883, for the election of eighteen mem- bers of the Board of Directors of the Society for two years next ensuing, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. An address will be delivered by the President of the Society. Members of the Society, and the public, are invited to attend. A meeting of the Board of Directors will be held in the rooms of the Society on Tuesday, the 18th, at 3 p.m. The members of the Board are earnestly requested to be present.



F. G. ADAMS, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Teachers' Association.

The Rock division met pursuant to adjournment, Jan. 6, 1883, R. B. Corson in the chair, with a sufficient number of teachers present to ably discuss all the topics marked out for this meeting. In the absence of the secretary, J. C. Martindale was appointed secretary pro tem. The topics being satisfactorily discussed, they proceeded to miscellaneous business.

Resolved, That R. B. Corson's name be substituted for A. H. Limerick's on the "Commit-tee on Examination," and that they report at the next meeting. On motion it was agreed that the next meeting be held at Darien on the evening of 2nd of February for a literary entertain- ment and the 3rd for discussion of topics.

Program for the 3rd as follows.

1. Do exhibitions pay? R. B. Corson and L. T. Maddux.

2. Causes of the Rebellion: A. Brookshire, Miss Lide Strong, and J. C. Bradshaw.

3. Webster and Calhoun: Miss Green and Miss Fanny McKinley.

4. The railroad system of the U. S.: M. Akers, Lu Strong, and Miss Perrin.

5. The postal rules and regulations of the U. S.: J. C. Martindale and _. M. Leavitt.

6. Written recitations: Mrs. A. Limerick and Porter Wilson.

All patrons and teachers cordially invited to attend both sessions.

J. C. MARTINDALE, Secretary pro tem.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Baptist Church.

The week of prayer is being observed in the Baptist Church. The pastor is ably assisted by the Rev. Dr. Bicknell of Chicago, who preaches with great acceptance every night at 7-½ o'clock. All are most cordially invited to attend. Prayer meeting at 7 p.m.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Sheridan Jottings.

Messrs. E. and O. Shriver, I learn, are intending to fence large pastures also.

Miss Hala Brown is with us again after spending one term at Lane Seminary, Lecompton.

Our Christmas tree passed off very pleasantly, and all the Sunday school scholars got presents.

Oscar Baker is again with us after a long absence in Nebraska. Girls, brush your locks back and sit erect, for Oscar is a fine young man.

Our Sabbath school, which has been organized for about three years, is still running but with not as much interest as it should have for that age.

Mr. Gilliland, the man who bought the Barney Shriver farm and adjacent lands, has fenced a 1,200 acre pasture, taking from Burden at one time three tons of wire.

Since P. A. & P. I. has deserted your correspondents' ranks, Sheridan is seldom heard from. We still live and have our being and are striving to retain our good name, and seeking improvement.

It is rumored that the young folks will assemble at Mr. R. R. Longshore's to eat oysters Saturday night. They couldn't have selected a better place, for Mr. and Mrs. Longshore know how to entertain young folks.

Sheridan has set her literary to running again after a long rest. It meets every Thursday night. It will do much to improve our young people if they accept the good it offers.

Mrs. Terril is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Druery, in Dexter. [?Terrill?]

Mr. Funk has purchased Mr. Pfrimmer's farm. I fear we will lose the latter, who is an estimable man and an excellent neighbor. Two good men are worth more to us than one.

Mr. Ovington, who chopped his foot some time ago, is up again.

Our whole community was pleased a few days ago by the return of Bro. Watkins and family, who went to Colorado last spring for the health of Mrs. Watkins. She comes home with good health, but they had the misfortune to lose their babe while visiting relatives in the northern part of this state. Bro. Watkins will surely be our next Sunday School superinten- dent, as he has had a long rest from the ranks. DOWNY.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

DIED. A little child of a Mr. Rutherford, staying at Mrs. Doty's, died of diphtheria last week and was buried on Thursday, and the third this week. The family recently arrived here and one child was down with the disease when they came. Care is taken that it shall not spread.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Akron Items.

A brother of Mr. S. G. Anderson, from Iowa, is visiting him.

On next Friday night the Presbyterians will hold a neck-tie festival at their church. We bespeak for them a good crowd.

Mrs. Limerick is having a two weeks' holiday vacation of her school. The other schools have all resumed business this week.

Valley Center school district is running a successful literary this winter. Prairie Grove also has a very good literary society in operation.

MARRIED. Another of Fairview's boys committed matrimony last Sunday. Mr. George Boomershine to Miss Horner, Rev. Rose of Douglass officiating.

Geo. Houston, son of widow Houston of this township, arrived at his mother's last week. He has been in the far west a number of years. This is his first visit to this county.

J. M. Barrick presented to his John, as a Christmas present, a deed to three acres of land off the northeast corner of his home farm. John will build on it and make it his home.

Professor Hittle has organized a singing school at Prairie Grove, singing two nights each week. Any commencing in want of a singing teacher could not do better than call on Prof. Hittle.

Robert McCollim, who went to the Black Hills during the first gold excitement in that country, and who has been in the mining camps of the west ever since till very recently, is again among us. He comes back looking hearty and possessed of lots of wealth. He expects to return to his mining interests before long, accompanied by his brother, James.

Mr. Malby and family of Saline County are at Mr. J. N. Barrick's. Mrs. Malby is a daughter of Mr. Barrick. In honor of them Mr. Barrick gave a Christmas dinner, gathering in all his children and a few intimate friends.

"Jinks" in the Telegram, threatens me with the vengeance of J. D. Hanlen's wife, for a statement in my last communication to the COURIER to the effect that report said that J. D. Hanlen was soon to occupy the Heffner farm provided his girl was willing. No offense was meant. John or I should say, "Jinks," was not James D., but John W. Hanlen I had reference to, and his girl is Celia. Now, how does the amendment suit you, Jinks?

Owing to the great number of Christmas trees and other entertainments in close proxim- ity to the Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church, the Sabbath school ship did not anchor at said church until New Year's night, but when it did arrive, it came heavily loaded with many beautiful presents for the Sabbath school scholars, and quite a sprinkling for the older folks. The S. S., under the excellent superintendency of Prof. Limerick, is quite successful. The Presbyterians of this community deserve a great deal of credit for the work they have done in building so grand a church, thereby providing a suitable place for worship and for training the children. The Methodists of this community have been talking of building a church for the last year, but failing to agree on a site, the prospect for another church is not very flattering at present. MAC.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

DIED. Died Friday evening, January 6th, little Maudie, daughter of Joseph and Dora Pearce, aged two years and ten months.

Little Maud was a very bright, affectionate child, and her loss leaves an aching void in the hearts of the bereaved family. The parents desire to extend their sincere thanks to the friends who so kindly helped them in the hours of trial.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Orchard Cottage.

Mr. Case has rented his farm and will move to Winfield.

Wm. Martin has been confined to the house this winter. He is quite poorly.

Mr. Unie Millspaugh is home during vacation of the Agricultural school at Manhattan.

Mr. John Werden is lying quite low with fever, but his friends are quite hopeful of his final recovery.

We are informed that D. D. Kellogg has rented his two farms, foreclosed three lots in Udall, and will start a large hardware store at that place.

Mr. Jay M. Householder talks of visiting his mother and his native state this coming spring and summer, and selling his "hen's nest" to the Buckeyes.

F. H. Werden, having sold his farm, and being loath to leave the old Vernon settlement, purchased the A. J. Worden [?Werden?] property, A. J. having moved to Udall.

Mr. James Foster has moved into his new house. We are pleased to see our old settlers improving their homes and preparing to pass the remainder of life more comfortably.

Mr. Croco has moved out and Mr. Thompson from Indiana, who purchased his farm, has moved in. Mr. Thompson paid $3,000 for 80 acres. Vernon farms when sold bring the stamps.

Vernon has some quite old persons. Old Grandma Capper, aged 83 next month, sits in her chair and with complacency tips the cradle containing little Jessie Hawkins, her great granddaughter.

The Vernon Library Association is prospering this winter. The candy stand and oyster supper put $14.55 into its treasury. There is considerable money in its treasury now for the purchase of new books.

Our new citizens, Mr. Yeoman's family, are a wide-awake people and take a lively interest in our library and literary. The latter institution is just booming. The several teachers in the township are helping it along.

Mr. Joe Carson lingers in the evening shadow of his residence, and is making his little sixty acre farm look quite aristocratic. He owns one of the best farms in Walnut Township. But Vernon ties are hard to sever.

The political campaign over and the holidays past, once more I will endeavor to record a few of the Vernon happenings for the COURIER. Quite a number of friends have been inquiring as to the reason why they did not see anything from Orchard Cottage any more. The political broil, sickness, and lack of time have been the reasons.

A crowded house witnessed the distribution of presents from the Christmas tree and patronized the candy stand quite liberally, and with the exception of a few persons who had imbibed to the health of Gov. Glick too freely, the house was orderly enough. We think it is the first time Vernon schoolhouse was ever invaded by persons in such a condition. It should not be tolerated.

Mr. James Paterson has deserted the farm and is engaged in the patent right business.


Mr. Henry Hawkins and Mr. H. C. Hawkins have started for a tour in Iowa and Indiana. The patent hen coop or nest was the cause. May success attend them and speed their return, loaded with Hawkeye and Hoosier gold.

Miss Hall and Miss Leckliter, the former from northern Kansas and the latter from Iowa, who were visiting friends and relatives here, have returned to their homes. Their pleasant dispositions won them many friends. M. LEWIS.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

NoticeRepublican Primary.

There will be a Republican Convention at the Dexter schoolhouse on Saturday, January 20th, 1883, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of placing in nomination a township ticket.

By order of the Committee. J. V. HINES, Chairman, Committee.


Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Farmers, bring in your plows to Jack Heller and have them thoroughly overhauled and put in shape for the spring work. He has just received a large stock of plow steel, of the finest quality.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

Mrs. West and Miss Garret have opened dressmaking parlors in the rooms back of Rodocker's photograph gallery, where they will be pleased to meet Winfield ladies who desire neat and stylish dressmaking.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.


Treasurer made his annual report. Balance in treasury, $2.15. Receipt accepted. J. F. Martin re-elected President, A. R. Gillette Vice President, Jacob Nixon, Secretary. Dr. Marsh, Mr. S. E. Maxwell, and Mr. Mentch elected trustees, who were instructed to procure charter for Society. Mr. S. G. Phillips and Mr. Kirkpatrick from Creswell Township enrolled as members of Society. Adjourned to first Saturday in February.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Winfield Building and Loan Association.

The popular and rapidly growing system of co-operation banking or a mutual savings fund and loan association is simply a combination or partnership of individuals organizing to advance money to its members to assist such members in the acquisition of free-hold prop- erty; in the erection of buildings and otherwise improving the same, and in the removal of encumbrances or liability upon property already held by them, the full amount represented by the shares of capital stock held by them being advanced upon adequate mortgage security.

The profits resulting from the employment of the capital of these organizations accrued from the interest and premiums paid upon loans, together with other and minor items, such as fines for non-payment of dues, and withdrawals and forfeitures of stock; these combined profits being divided annually to the credit of each stockholder, the borrower and non- borrower alike.

As a distinct system of cooperative benefit, it is especially designed for the industrial classes whose sole capital is that which their labor produces, and with this object constantly in view, it is found to suit the circumstances of this class perfectly, allowing them to reap the advantages consequent upon a union of many small capitals into one grand whole, fortified and strengthened by strict economy and light expenses of management, and a mutual and equitable division of these expenses, and the constantly accruing profits.

Such organizations have been in existence in different sections of the country during the past fifty years, notably in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and the New England States, proving highly beneficial to those participating, and very valuable auxiliaries in building up towns and cities by making permanent residents of persons who would otherwise be likely to constitute a portion of the floating population.

The scheme or plan of the operation of the Winfield Building and Loan Association in general, is as follows.

The face value of each share of stock is placed at one hundred dollars. Subscribers and shareholders pay one dollar per month on each share held, and each member is restricted to ten shares as the limit. Shareholders have one vote for each share held, thus allowing every member to have voice in the management of the association.

Every shareholder is privileged to borrow one hundred dollars upon each share held, after having paid the first installment or assessment of one dollar on each share provided, of course that the borrower gives adequate security.

The fund from which these loans are made is created principally by the assessments on stock, and the payment of interest and premium on loans. The interest paid is the legal rate of the state. The premium paid is simply a bonus offered by the borrower for the use of the money for a specified time. This premium being created by competition among bidders for the money varies according to the demand of loans.

The term or time for which loans are made in this association is optional with the borrower, but such loans can be returned at any time. All loans in this organization have been made for four (4) years, and upon that time for the purpose; first of equalizing payments, and second, for the reason that this time is usually required to bring the stock of such association to maturity; in other words, the accumulated profits arising from premiums, interest, fines, and other sources divided to shareholders and added to the assessments paid on their stock, will at the expiration of say four years, under ordinary success, make the stock worth its ulti- mate face value of one hundred dollars per share or by the time members have paid in $48 to $50 upon each share.

To illustrate the manner in which loans are made, we will start out with the proposition that 500 shares have been sold, and the evening of the regular meeting (which occurs once each month) arrives, the members have all assembled and the assessments have all been paid. There is of course $500 in the treasury, which fact is announced by the presiding officer, who then offers it to the highest bidder. Mr. C. holds five shares of stock, which entitles him to a loan of $500, other parties may be present who desire to borrow the same amount, and the bidding commences. Mr. A. offers 25 percent or $125. Mr. B. offers 35 percent or $175. Mr. C. offers 36 percent or $180, as premium upon the loan, the amount tendered being the bonus to be paid for the use of the money for the term of four years above and independent of the regular legal rate of interest. No higher bid being offered, Mr. C. is entitled to the loan. Mr. C. then borrows this money for the term of four years, the presumed life of the stock upon which the loan is to be made, and we can readily determine what his payments will be, and what the loan will cost him.

The plan of organizations of this character is now quite generally based upon the system of periodical payments, or payments by equal monthly installments for the purpose of making the burden to all participators as light as possible.

I have taken an extreme case where a very large premium upon the loan is paid to the association, and will work it out to its result. The whole premium offered by Mr. C. being $180 is divided in 48 equal parts, one part therefore would be $3.75. The interest upon $500, at 12 percent, would be for four years $240, and this divided into 48 equal parts would be $5 for each part. To these items, add the regular monthly assessment of $1, upon each share held, or $5, and the total monthly payment will be as follows:

Paid on account of premium: $3.75.

Paid on account of interest: $5.00.

Paid on account of stock installment: $5.00.

Total: $13.75

These monthly payments continued for four years amount to $660, which will be the sum paid in by the borrower during the existence of his loan. Of that sum $240 will be paid in upon stock installments, but the accumulated profits divided to this shareholder, and added to his stock installments paid, will at the expiration of four years make his five shares of stock worth their full face value, or $500, thus showing a net gain of $260, and this stock being then surrendered to the association, wholly cancels and pays off the loan of the borrower.

The use of the money has cost him $160 for four years, which is only 8 percent per annum payable monthly notwithstanding he paid to the association so large a premium. But up to this time, the borrowers from our association have paid no premium. All the money has been loaned out at 12 percent, per annum interest, payable monthly. And if our association has the usual success of such institutions, their loans will be paid up and canceled by their monthly installments before the entire moneys paid in by them for stock and interest shall equal the principal of the money borrowed. And the direct benefit resulting from participat- ing in this scheme is to secure for the laboring man of small means a home upon liberal and equitable terms. If he owns a lot and has some means of his own to put in the building which with the lot would be security enough to justify a safe loan, the association will lend him sufficient additional money to build with, and take a mortgage upon the improved property as security.

Upon the death of a shareholder the legal representative may continue to enjoy the privi- leges of membership, or may receive back the amount of dues paid, together with six percent interest. Non-borrowing members may withdraw from the association, receiving all dues paid, and six percent interest.

For a failure to pay assessments on stock, members are fined ten cents on each share for each month's default. Payments made in advance, for any number of months, may remain in arrears for a corresponding length of time, without incurring fines.

The largest number of shares to be held by anyone in his, or her, own right is, as already stated, limited to ten; but those subscribing for one share are just as welcome as those able to hold ten.

To persons who can save a small sum monthly to invest in our stock, even if they do not wish to become borrowers, this Association presents peculiar advantages. The small sum paid in by each subscriber, monthly, cannot be loaned out by him in any other way to pro- duce any appreciable income; but this Association combines it with other small sums, and thus acquires a sum large enough to be profitably invested. These small sums, continued for a term of years, make handsome accumulations, as the history of all these associations has conclusively proved.

In summing up the business of this Association for the year past, I will state as follows:

That we have 137 shares of stock in force at this date, and we may assume that all the unstable elements have been sifted out, and that those who are now in the Association have a reasonable and intelligent understanding of the plan and its working. In keeping the books of course, expenses must be charged as they are made, and all the expenses of starting the company come into the first year. I find, by looking into the manner in which the profits are reckoned by experts who have written upon the subject, that the expenses of starting the company are not charged to the first year's business, but to the life of the stock; and this is a more accurate rule. Still it amounts to the same thing in the end, whether the expenses are all reckoned in the first year's business, or at the closing up.

Leaving out the expenses, we have made a little over 12 percent, per annum, on the money paid in by each subscriber whose stock is now in force. We have paid on our shares $1,644, beginning the first Monday in January, 1882, and ending with the first Monday of December, 1882. This would be equivalent, upon averaging it, to paying the whole sum of $1,644 in on July 1st last, and interest upon that sum at 12 percent, to January 1st, 1883, would amount to $98.64. We have reserved for interest and fines the sum of $103.93, show- ing an excess.

We have $1,500 at 12 percent interest, payable monthly, on bonds and first mortgage upon improved real estate worth from three to four times the amount of the loan. The interest is all paid promptly on the day it is due. We shall therefore receive $180 during this year in interest upon the loans already made, payable in monthly installments, and thus giving us opportunity to reloan these monthly payments at once. Compounding the interest monthly adds largely to the interest account.

We have no expenses for rent, fuel, etc., and so far, nothing for salary to the Secretary. Our expenses for the present year will be very smallthe main expense is in starting.

I shall expect that the present year will show a large gain to the stockholders upon all moneys already paid in and to be paid in. We have all the books and other things needful to carry on our work until the stock is full; and although our company is not large and its opera- tions so far limited in amount, it now stands upon a solid foundation, from which we hope it will get to be profitable to the members and beneficial to the city in helping many to secure homes who would otherwise not be able to do so.

The Board of Directors have authorized the issue of a new series of stock, and the present members have subscribed liberally, thus showing their confidence in the company and their faith in its future. Payments upon the new series commence with January, 1883, and all the desired information respecting this series can be obtained at the office of the Secretary, on Ninth Avenue. J. F. McMULLEN.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

A Few Ideas and Cases of a Winfield Physician.

Dr. T. T. Davis, the specialist in the treatment of chronic diseases, has been absent from his office in Winfield for the last four or five weeks visiting patients in other counties, but has now returned and can be found at his office with Dr. Wells of this city, where he can be consulted by all who may desire his assistance in his line of specialty. The Doctor makes the following report of two cases of cancer successfully treated while gone. Mr. Richard Cook, of Belle Plaine, Sumner County, Kansas, came under his treatment December 6th for what his former physicians called and treated as Epithelioma cancer, which had involved one side of his nose and cheek. Nine days from the commencement of his treatment, the cancer came out, and in 26 days he was perfectly healed, with a sound cicatrix. Also Mr. David Holder of Florence, Kansas, took treatment for an Epitheliama cancer of the mouth. Three of his front teeth were removed and the lingual gland from under the tongue, which had become contaminated with cancerous deposits, was also removed. This case healed rapidly and was well in 21 days after the operation, and the dentist now has his order for new teeth. I seldom resort to the knife in the treatment of these cases, but there are extreme cases which demand its use. It was my painful duty a few weeks ago to have to amputate the mammary gland for a Mrs. Doty, who resides near Winfield. I was called by telegram to her relief. I found her laboring under, as it were, the sentence of death. No hope could be gleaned from the fruitful mind of her learned medical counsel. To let this malignant conglomeration remain was sure death, and to remove it by amputation, she could not survive the shock. This was the dilemma in which this lady was left by her medical attendants, as I am informed. Any surgeon can easily imagine the fitness of this lady's nervous system for a surgical operation. I found her discouraged, worn down, and very despondent, with almost a complete loss of nervous force. I was compelled to postpone the operation for 24 hours in order to bring about reaction of the nervous system essential to the operation. Then, assisted by my friend, Dr. Wells of Winfield, I very carefully removed the malignant mass from the breast by excision. Th operation was well borne. Right here, if you will notice, the fallacy of human prediction was unveiled. I left her in the care of Dr. Wells. I am bound to say I never say anyone get along better than she has, and at this writing only six weeks of time has elapsed, and the wound has almost healed. There is no evidence of glandular deposits, as is often a sequel to this operation. Everything is hopeful in her case so far, and I am here to say that old Aesculapius himself does not know but what this lady will yet make a good recovery in spite of the former ordeals she has passed through, medically and therapeutically considered. I again say that this operation is a painful one to perform by any surgeon who has any feeling or sympathy for the female sex. I believe that we as surgeons would never have this barbarous act to perform if our subjects were properly diagnosed and therapeutically treated when they should be. I can give many cases in reference to the support of this assertion. A display of professional style will not disperse a mammary tumor, nor will the copious display of instruments and wise looks do it. A little good sense, well cultivated and possessed by an humble practitioner, is the best medicine. It will always win. I am aware of the fact that old superannuated medical books will stand contrary to me in this article, as well as some doctors, but my response to this is: dear authors and doctors, this is a progressive age in which we live. DR. T. T. DAVIS.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

[From Green & Snyder's Real Estate News.]

Arkansas City and Her Surroundings.

Arkansas City is the second city in size in Cowley County, and is the center of trade for the southwest portion of the county. The section of country tributary to her cannot be excelled in the state of Kansas, taking in as it does the valleys of the Arkansas, Walnut, and Grouse, with a portion of the valley between the Walnut and Arkansas, all first-class land. This surrounding country is now thickly settled with enterprising farmers who are making permanent improvements. The three streams afford sufficient timber for all present use, and the country abounds in stone of every variety from water-lime to limestone. Stone as hard as flint and stone that can be cut with a common saw, but hardens sufficiently with exposure to make first-class building rock. This section has fully tested all the cereals with uncommon success. Small fruits and grapes ripen to perfection, and so far have been remarkably free from disease. Peaches budded and seedlings have known but few failures since the first bearings. The apple orchards have come into bearing to a sufficient extent to demonstrate that all the leading varieties that have been tested in the older settled portions of the state will succeed here. Such is the country surrounding the city, and from such a country it is easy to predict that it will be a good feeder for steady and enduring trade.


is situated upon the divide which separates the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, and no finer site can be found in the State of Kansas. The land gently sloping to either river, the first rays of morning come gleaming over the Walnut, and the last rays of the setting sun dance in beauty over the waters and through the leafy trees on the banks of the Arkansas.

In addition to the beauty of the town site, the city is so located (being only four and one- half miles from the Territory line) that the ranche trade and the trade of the agencies center here. The ranche trade alone amounts to over one hundred thousand dollars a year, while the agency trade is continually increasing. Not only in location, but in material for building does the city excel. In every direction within one mile of the city are inexhaustible quarries of building stone. Brick of the finest quality are made on the town site, lime is burned within a short distance of the city, and sand procured within one-half mile. The progress of the city has been steady from the beginning. One log hut in 1871; forty business houses, and two hundred dwellings in 1882.


In churches Arkansas City is well represented, Presbyterians and Methodists having three fine church buildings and a large membership. The Baptist, free Methodist, and Christians have organizations and expect to build. In schools and school buildings she has always taken the lead, having now the finest school building in southern Kansas, and is making prepa- ration to erect two more, when the larger building will be made a first-class graded school, giving facilities for education found in but few cities in Kansas.


All kinds of business is well represented and doing well, with room for more. Two banks. Three first-class dry goods establishments, in rooms twenty-five by one hundred feet, are doing a large business; eleven groceriespart of them carrying large stocks, two clothing, four drugstores, two jewelry establishments, four hardware, three restaurants, four livery stables, one bakery, one harness shop, two agricultural and implement stores, one real estate, and two law offices make up the business of the town. In addition to this are three mills with a capacity for grinding twelve hundred bushels of wheat per day, and a foundry and machine shop for casting and machinery repairs.


The city is at present the terminus of the A. T. & S. F., and has now three trains a day. The A. T. & S. F. will move on down the river to Ft. Smith as soon as the right of way can be secured. It will be found by looking at the map that a straight line from this place strikes the main line of the A. T. & S. F., at Ft. Dodge, which will shorten the main line fifty miles and will put Arkansas City on the main line from the Mississippi to the Pacific. Another line is projected and partially built, which will follow the southern line of the state, and must strike this place as it moves west.


In regard to manufactories the city rightfully claims first rank, having the finest improved water power in the state of Kansas.

This improvement made by the "Arkansas Water Power Company" has already involved an outlay of over one hundred thousand dollars, and consists of a race connecting the Arkansas River with the Walnut River, the race being three miles in length and sixteen feet at the bottom and thirty-two feet at the top in width, giving a fall of twenty-one and one third feet, with present capacity for driving machinery to the amount of seven hundred horse- power, and provision made to enlarge to double the amount at any time it may be required. The company have a well constructed dam over the Arkansas four feet in height, which has been sufficiently tried by the floods to give confidence in its permanency. The mason work at the head and tail gates is massive and solid, and constructed in a first-class manner. The company have secured the erection by experienced men of two fine millsone in operation with a capacity of six hundred bushels of wheat per day and latest improvements for making fine flournow known to the trade. This mill, built at a cost of over twenty-five thousand dollars, has been in constant operation since its completion. A first-class stone mill has also been erected and is now about ready for operation. The company are also negotiating for the erection of a cotton mill by an eastern party of experience. As an additional attraction to the city a company has been formed, the lots purchased, and the money raised for the construc- tion of a public hall fifty feet by one hundred feet, eighteen foot story and two storerooms and basement beneath, to be furnished in the latest style.


Last, but not least, comes a question of great importance to all parties seeking a new location. Situated as Arkansas City is upon a rolling knoll with constant breezes and no stagnant water in any direction, it accounts for the fact that her people can claim an immunity from diseases that is found in very few localities in the state. Further than this, as a point favorable to the health of the city, is the fact that pure, living water can be found at a reasonable depth in all parts of the city. In addition to this the city has inaugurated a system of water-works which can be increased with its growth, by which water is raised by machinery to the highest point on the town site and distributed by pipes throughout the city, making a plentiful supply of water for use and a complete safeguard against fire.

Strangers desiring to settle will find a pleasant, sociable people ready to extend the hand of friendship and make them perfectly at home.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883. Editorial Page.


The Senate committee on Indian affairs is considering the petition of the Ottawa Indians for land in severalty. The petition is fought by the Cherokees because they hold their land in common.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.


We are a little dubious about the advantages to Winfield of having the Institute for the feeble minded located here. We could get along well enough with the ordinary run of idiots, but it looks now that we should get large numbers of Oklahoma idiots from Wichita and that kind would be a curse to any asylum. We observe that they are so numerous and strong at Wichita that they get up enthusiastic invasion meetings and have started an idiot paper called the "Oklahoma War-Chief." What in thunder do they want of another? Won't the Times fill the bill?


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.


Senator Hackney has presented to the senate a bill to establish the 18th Judicial District, composed of the counties of Butler, Sedgwick, Kingman, Harper, and Barbour. This is an important measure and ought to pass at once. Both the 13th and the 9th districts are overcrowded with cases that cannot be reached for want of time, and this will reduce the area of both and will help the ends of justice and save a large amount of expense to litigants in all these three districts as well as to the counties. Another of his bills is to establish the Institute for feeble minded persons at Winfield.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.


One of the bills Mr. Hackney has presented is to establish a grand jury system. Another is to establish police supervision of the officers of the law and compel them to do their duty. We think the former is so necessary and just that it will go through, but there may be too much hostility to the latter though there should be none. Mr. Hackney has also presented a bill to establish a board of health and regulate the practice of medicine. One of its features is to prevent the sale of impure and adulterated articles of drugs and other necessaries and provide for the destruction of such articles.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.


The senate has confirmed the following appointments of the governor.

Richard B. Morris, superintendent of insurance.

Jas. Ketner, major general of militia.

Isaac Stadden and John E. Watrous, brigadier generals.

Thomas Moonlight, adjutant general, Harry A. Lewis, assistant adjutant general.

Harry E. Insley, paymaster general.

R. A. Trimble, surgeon general.

John Hoenscheidt, J. C. Morcock, and W. E. Huttman, aid-de-camps.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.


Senator Plumb's bill for the relief of settlers on the Osage Indian lands in Southern Kansas provides that after the passage it shall be legal for all settlers located on and those who may hereafter locate on these lands to avail themselves of the homestead act, with all its amendments, and tree culture act with all its amendments.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.


The Ft. Scott Monitor says the manufacture of wagons at the penitentiary is an outrage because wagons are sold so low that private wagonmakers cannot live at it. We guess the farmers of the state who want to buy wagons can stand it, if the private wagon makers cannot. The farmers have no special call to pay $15 or $20 extra for each wagon to keep them going. Try something that pays better.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.


The eighteenth judicial district, as proposed by Senator Hackney, includes the counties of Butler, Sedgwick, Harper, Barbour, and Kingman, the territory being taken from the Ninth and Thirteenth districts. This would leave Judge Torrance with a district plenty large enough, reducing Judge Peters' old district to a reasonable size. In the event that the state is not redis- tricted, Senator Hackney's bill should become a law. It was recommended for passage by the senate judiciary committee.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Otter Items.

"All is quiet," in Otter.

John Hosmer has purchased the "Bill Richards farm."

MARRIED. Tom Miller is married at last and of course ought to be happy.

A Mr. Slater has been lying very sick at C. R. Miles' for some time.

Mr. Guthrie's wife, from Illinois, has been visiting friends in the vicinity.

Am pleased to see you making it warm for gamblers and whiskey men in Winfield.

Gov. Glick has not repeated his visit at our friend Zimmerman's since election as before.

Bennett Pugh has sold his town property and I fear he contemplates leaving for pastures new.

Herbert Brown was cut in eight places, last week, by a Mr. Cochran. A family feud. Doctors say that Brown is in a critical condition.

Corn has dropped from 30 to 20 cents. Wheat not looking very well at present. Farmers are making arrangements to put in large crops next spring.

DIED. Will have to chronicle the death of Charley Columber. He died on the 11th of consumption. Funeral sermon preached by Rev. Budd of Cedarvale. OTTERITE.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.


Last dayResolutions Demanding Direct Railroad Legislation.

The report of the committee on resolutions was read, and after a thorough discussion was adopted as follows.

We, the farmers of the state of Kansas, in convention assembled, do adopt the following preamble and resolutions:

WHEREAS, The people and especially the farmers of this state are greatly oppressed by unjust discriminations and extortionate charges on the part of railroads and other corpora- tions, and

WHEREAS, This convention is called for the especial purpose of demanding railroad regulation by our present legislature. Therefore be it

Resolved, That we respectfully request and demand the consideration of the railroad question immediately upon their organization, and the passage of a direct law, fixing a schedule of freight and passenger charges, which shall be reasonable and just both for the railroad companies and their patrons; preventing pooling and discrimination, and providing suitable penalties for the violation of the same.

Resolved, That we denounce the railroad commissioner system, and believe the effort to embody it in a railroad law to be passed at this session of our legislature is a miserable subterfuge, devised by the monopolists to defeat genuine railroad legislation, and create fat places for a few men whom they can control in their own interests.

Resolved, That the people of Kansas are thoroughly aroused in regard to their oppression by railroad companies, and that we pledge our hearty support to all of our legislators who will vote and work in our interest, and that we warn all who violate their solemn pledges to the people and betray their interest, that they need never again ask the people of Kansas for their votes.

Resolved, That we cordially endorse the Farmers' alliance, the Grange, and kindred organizations, the objects and work, and we earnestly recommend the farmers all over the state to keep up their present organizations and organize as many new ones as possible to the end that unity may prevail in our counsels and equal and exact justice to all be secured in our legislature.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to each member of the legislature and to the Topeka papers for publication.

F. A. A. WILLIAMS, Cowley County,

WILSON KEYS, Rice County,

W. E. RICHEY, Wabaunsee County,


On motion of Mr. Keys that part of Governor Glick's message which refers to railroads and the transportation question was unanimously endorsed by the convention.


The convention was called to order at 2 p.m.

On motion of Martin Allen, of Ellis County, the following resolution was adopted.

Resolved, That in connection with the regulation of freights and fares upon the various lines of railroad in Kansas that we would also most respectfully call the attention of our legislators to the question of demurrage and the time of transit as being matters of much importance that should be regulated by law.

Mr. Williams, of Cowley County, moved the adoption of the following resolution.

Resolved, That this convention endorse the plan for the listing of livestock proposed by Mr. Keys, of Rice County, and we respectfully request our legislature to consider the said plan and substitute it for the present one. Motion prevailed.

On motion of Mr. Williams, the following resolution was adopted.

Resolved, That we believe farmers, as a class, need more education on the subjects pertaining to the interests of agricultural pursuits, and we recommend the Kansas Farmer as one of the best mediums by which the agricultural classes of Kansas can obtain such infor-mation on all such subjects, pertaining to our interests, and containing, as it does, able suggestions on all subjects pertaining to our business, and giving the privilege of full discussion on such subjects.

On motion of Mr. Smith, of Ellis County, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That we tender the thanks of this convention to the various railroad companies which have granted the delegates reduced rates over the lines.

Resolved, That we condemn the action of the Missouri Pacific railroad company, it being the only line of road in the state which refused to give delegates reduced rates.

Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the daily papers that have made reports of our proceedings.

On motion the convention adjourned sine die.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.

Dr. Irwin is putting up ice for future use.

Miss Etna Dalgarn spent last week in the city.

Mr. J. D. Dalgarn spent a few days visiting friends in Sumner County last week.

Miss Mary Randall made a short but pleasant visit to the Hoyland's lately.

Mr. Irvin Franklin has moved into our neighborhood. We welcome them.

Mr. Jack Kelly is now station agent, and he and his wife are residents of Salem.

Miss May Christopher will finish her labors as teacher in the Moscow school this week.

Our worthy Representative Hon. J. J. Johnson is in Topeka and his family and friends miss him.

Mr. Silverthorn has been in our vicinity threshing millet for Messrs. Hoyland, Vance, and Mahar.

Mrs. Hopping and her nice little baby are missed from our circle as they have gone to Indiana on a visit.

Mrs. Axford, from Rock, I think, visited her parents, the Archers; also her friend, Mrs.

Plabey [???LAST WORD VERY GARBLED], quite recently.

Mr. Gledhill lately made a few short visits to his Salem friends, and then went on his way to some new destination.

Mr. Christopher's son-in-law from Iowa spent a short time in Salem and reports the weather much colder there than here.

Miss Jennie Lewis, Messrs. Milton, Marling [?] and Doolittle attended an oyster supper in the home of friends living up on the Walnut.

A few friends dropped in one eve and gave Mr. and Mrs. McHenry a pleasant surprise, and time passed mid joke and talk, with rapid wings.

Mr. Randall of Tisdale will hold his cattle in Salem for some time as he has purchased the stocks of Messrs. Kale, Martin, Walker, and others.

Hoyland and son are shipping two car loads of shelled corn. Messrs. Avis and Edward Christopher shelled for them and they are kept quite busy.

Some of Mr. Peter's relatives that were visiting him have gone back to their Illinois homes and we heard that Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield accompanied them.

BIRTH. With the last day of the old year a pretty little lady came and took up her board- ing place in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoyland, and her stay we trust will be for years.

DIED. Mr. Joseph Martin had the sad misfortune to lose their beautiful little girl with pneumonia. The fair little one is the only sleeper in the new burial ground; but we know the little one is not lonely but is singing with the angels in the New Jerusalem.

Rev. C. P. Graham is holding a series of meetings at the Salem schoolhouse and consid- erable good has been accomplished, and the good work still goes on. We wish those from neighboring districts would come out and help in the good cause.

Mr. and Mrs. Vance were happily surprised a few days ago by the return of their son, Master Fred, from Wisconsin. Mr. E. T. Vance accompanied him, and the Salem belles, or some of them, are quite elated over the advent of a festive bachelor into their circle.

The fifth anniversary of the wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoyland came on the 7th inst., and some of the relatives thought it would be nice to give them a surprise, but as the 7th came on Sunday, they celebrated Saturday and with baskets filled with goodies and several articles of wooden ware, in the way of easy chairs, etc., in their hands, they sallied in and completely surprised Joe and his good wife. Everything passed off quietly and all went home happy and content with the pleasure they had given others. May they live to see many happy returns of the day is the wish of their friends. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Wilmot Items.

The farmers have been resting on their oars during the holidays, enjoying the beautiful weather that has prevailed.

Mr. Williams has gone on a visit to the home of his childhood, in North Carolina. Mr. Frank Moore has quit the stone quarry and moved on a farm. Mr. Vandeventer has returned to Illinois. The township trustee gave the bridge over Timber Creek a regular overhauling. It was badly out of repair, but it is now safe to drive over.

The farmers are selling their wheat now, so that they will not have to pay taxes on it, and the delivery will not interfere with their spring work. They are expecting an early spring, as Easter Sunday comes on the 25th of March, this year.

D. C. Beach was elected as a delegate to attend the State Temperance Convention at Topeka. The rumor that T. A. Blanchard had sold his farm proves a canard.

The stone quarries will soon be in connection with the railroad, the engineer is looking up the route, making preliminary surveys, etc. This will enhance the value of property, and add considerable to the population of our township.

The conundrum in politics is who shall be assessor? The present incumbent, J. C. Roberts, has ably filled the office since the organization of the township, and will undoubt- edly be re-elected. N. M. Chaffee has many friends for treasurer, and J. Anderson for clerkall good Republicans, in whose hands the business of the township would be ably and honestly cared for.

J. L. King, wishing to retire from the office of Justice of the Peace, someone in his neighborhood will be nominated, as that has been the custom from time immemorial, to elect one each alternate year from the eastern and western shores of the classic "Timber."

In conclusion, I would suggest to farmers to look at the early and late sown wheat, and read and digest a lesson therein contained.

The laws regulating the surveying of land need remodeling, so as to prohibit the setting of an indefinite number of corner stones where but one ought to be. SPECTATOR.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

N. A. Haight has enclosed his yard in a neat picket fence.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Miss Minnie Andrews is the guest of Miss Emma Jackson of Seeley.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Preaching every evening this week at the Baptist and M. E. Churches.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

1000 bushels of fine apples at McGuire Bros. Will sell cheap to the trade.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

F. M. Freeland has sold his hotel business to a Mr. Miller from Indianapolis.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Cup and saucer given away with every package of coffee at McGuire Bros.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Mrs. Dever entertains the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church, this week.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Ivan A Robinson (Commercial Tourist) spent Sunday in the city with his mother and family.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Wichita is to have a creamery. The ground has been purchased and work will commence soon.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Mrs. R. D. Jillson returned from a few days' visit among friends in Kansas City, Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Our ice men have now secured about all the frozen water necessary to keep us cool next summer.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Miss Julia Smith, who has been confined in the house with a lame foot, is now able to be out again.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Miss Emma Patterson of Kansas City spent several days of last week with her friend, Miss Caro Meech.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Society meets with Mrs. Kretsinger on Thursday afternoon of this week.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

John Earnest has purchased a grocery store in Kansas City, is running five clerks, and is doing a booming business.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The voters of Fairview Township will meet at Akron, Thursday, February 1st, at 2 o'clock. By order of J. W. Douglass, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Friend's Millinery House will offer hats and millinery at very low prices for the next thirty days to close out winter goods.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The Republicans of Liberty Township will meet in caucus at Rose Valley schoolhouse February 3rd at 2 o'clock. J. A. Cochran, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

I. Levi, the old "Philadelphia" clothier was in the city last week. Levi is now selling male apparel to the people of Philadelphia.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The Republicans of Pleasant Valley Township will meet in caucus at Odessa schoolhouse on February 3rd, at 2 o'clock. Z. B. Myers, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The Oklahoma boomers will camp in the vicinity of Arkansas City and start from there for "the promised land" about February first.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

T. R. Bryan's large storeroom is rapidly nearing completion, and when finished, will be a splendid ornament to the north end of town.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Lost. A porte-monnaie in this city on Monday, containing a check and money. The finder will be rewarded by leaving at this office.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The meetings now in progress at the Methodist Church are well attended each evening, and more than usual interest seems manifested.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Mrs. J. C. McMullen represented the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of this city at the State temperance meeting in Topeka last week.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Mrs. W. P. Hackney is quite ill at her home in this city. The Senator came down on Saturday on account of her sickness and remained over Sunday.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Miss Bert Morford of Joplin, Missouri, is here, making her sister, Mrs. Charlie Bahntge, a visit. Miss Morford has been here several times and is always a welcome visitor.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Mrs. Emerson accompanied by Misses Margie and Lizzie Wallis and Miss Julia Smith, went to Wichita Tuesday afternoon to hear the Madison Square Company play "Esmeralda."

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Charlie Fuller took in the Saratoga of the West again Sunday. The health-invigorating atmosphere, water, or something else, at Geuda Springs seems to have a decided effect on Charlie.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

A well gisted history of Arkansas City and her surroundings appears in this issue. You will doubtless be convinced after reading it that the burg isn't such a bad "sand heap" after all.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Gilbert were in attendance at the inaugural ceremony at Topeka last week. Mr. Gilbert was one of the ushers at the reception and was the handsomest Democrat there.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Mr. O. Branham from Lawrence takes the place of Smith as agent for the K. C. L. & S. at this place. His family has arrived and will occupy the John Earnest property on Tenth Avenue west.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

S. H. Tolles is superintending the hardware store of S. H. Myton at Burden this winter. Mr. Tolles is a good businessman and will no doubt run the business successfully and make it a paying investment.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

J. S. Rothrock, postmaster at Seeley and a merchant of that place, illuminated the COURIER office this week with his presence. He reports everything in and around that burg to be in a flourishing condition.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The synopsis of the business and workings of the Winfield Building & Loan Association in this issue by the secretary, J. F. McMullen, will give our readers an excellent idea of the benefits and advantages of that Association.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger entertained her young friends at her pleasant residence on the west side last evening (Wednesday). All the young folks were there, and a very pleasant evening was spent. The party was given complimentary to the Misses Brass.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The Wichita Times is distinguished since the retirement of the "sinner," T. J. Shelton, by a profound silence on the subject of religion. This probably accounts for that paper being for sale. The people of Wichita are noted for their piety (?) and will be satisfied with nothing but a religious daily.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

A constable in Jefferson County was shot and almost instantly killed last week while attempting to arrest a young man by the name of Chas. Cobb, who was wanted for promis- cuously brandishing knife and revolver at a country dance. Instead of surrendering, he whipped out one of those deathly companions and used it with the above result. After the shooting Cobb mounted a horse and rode off in a southwesterly direction. It was supposed that he was making for Hunnewell, there to take the cattle trail for Texas. Sheriff Shenneman received a telegram from the authorities, who were in pursuit, that he would probably pass through or near Winfield, and to intercept him if possible. Shenneman circulated cards giving the desperado's description and offering the usual reward for his capture, but Cobb carried a Winchester rifle and numerous other weapons, and if anyone did see him, they deferred the invitation to tackle a perambulating arsenal. A few cases like this would be apt to lessen the candidates for a constableship.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

At the last meeting of the Ivanhoe Club, the annual election of officers took place. The election was a follows: President, W. H. Smith; Vice President, Geo. W. Robinson; Secre- tary, Miss Theresa Goldsmith; Treasurer, Miss Lizzie Wallis. The Club begins its new administration under favorable auspices and is certainly a very pleasant and enjoyable com- pany, and we presume our young friends are improving greatly under its instruction. How- ever, it is to be hoped that they will see to it to give another entertainment, such as that given last year. It would certainly be well received. The club meets next Tuesday evening with the Misses Aldrich.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Will W. Leffingwell, an old Winfield boy, came down from Emporia, last week, where he has been residing for the past four months. Will is becoming an accomplished musician and is determined to graduate. For this purpose he starts this week for Copenhagen, Den- mark, and will finish his musical training in the old world. He has the natural talent, energy, and grit necessary to make him successful in such an undertaking, though it looks rather large for one so young. He has been leader of the Emporia orchestra and a member of the band during his residence in that city. Will is a brother of Mrs. John Swain, formerly of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Payne's Oklahoma colonists now have an official organ in the Oklahoma War Chief, a paper published at Wichita in their interests, by one A. W. Harris. The initial number is before us and contains many items of interest in regard to that "Garden of Eden." Just where the editor expects his patronage from, we don't know. Payne's followers are hardly numer- ous enough to support a paper, and its advertising patronage is very slim to start with. Should the paper receive patronage enough for sustenance, it will be of great benefit to the colony in accomplishing its object.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Cowley County has an inventor of more than ordinary genius. Jacob Nixon, our register of deeds, has invented and received a patent on a traction engine which bids fair to eclipse anything of the kind now in use. He had a miniature pattern made, and since its exhibition, he has received several orders from the largest companies in the United States. Its success is assured. We will give a full description of the engine next week.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Cowley County was represented at the State Temperance Convention at Topeka last week, by Mrs. J. C. McMullen, A. D. Stuber, and D. C. Beach. The latter gentleman informs us that it was one of the grandest meetings of the kind ever held. There were over twelve hundred delegatesprobably the largest delegate convention ever held in the United Statesand the results were entirely satisfactory.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

BIRTH. Brother Standley, of the Traveler, was all broken up last week. Besides satisfying the never failing appetite of the devil and others for copy, he was compelled to nurse the hired girl with measles and attend to the numerous midnight wants of a new baby. In his last issue he requests the prayers of the whole community to assist him through the terrible ordeal.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Miss Dinnie A. Swing, who has spent the past two months here, a guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. E. Conklin, left on the Monday morning train for Kansas City, where she will make a short visit. Miss Swing is a delightful young lady and made many friends during her stay here who will rejoice to hear that she may return and finish the winter with us.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Miss Clara and Miss Kate Brass of Lawrence, Kansas, sisters of Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, arrived in the city Friday morning for a two weeks' visit. Miss Clara was formerly a resident of Winfield and has many friends who are glad to welcome her. Both are charming young ladies and we hope their visit will be a pleasant one.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The name of J. W. Henthorn now takes the place of Henthorn & Bro., as the proprietor of the Burden Enterprise. Only last week we mentioned the fact that E. A. Henthorn was getting rich in the newspaper business, but we had no idea he would dessert the craft on account of a little thing like that. E. A. Henthorn is now Burden's bloated banker.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The special meetings at the Baptist Church are largely attended with increasing interest. Several were converted last week. The Rev. Dr. Bicknell is preaching with great acceptance. Our citizens could not do better than go and hear him. He will be here over next Sunday.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

There is no material change in the markets since last week. Wheat brings 75 cents per bushel for best, and corn 31 cents. Hogs $5.50. Butter 20 cents per pound and eggs 20 cents per dozen. Dressed chickens 8 cents and dressed turkeys 10 cents per pound. Potatoes 80 cents to $1.00 per bushel.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

J. S. McIntire, the photographer, would inform his patrons and the pubic generally that he guarantees his work to give entire satisfaction. He does all his own work and finishes the same, the report to the contrary notwithstanding.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

John Hyden has purchased the interest of Jim McClain in the confectionery business, and the firm is now Impson & Hyden. John has the business ability to make him successful in anything he goes into.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

We are pleased to note that John R. Camp, who was visiting in Winfield a few weeks ago, and at one time an employee of the COURIER, has purchased a half interest in the Bushnell (Illinois) Record.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The Young Men's Social Club will wind up the season Friday evening with a dress ball. Everything has been done to make the party as enjoyable as any they have ever given.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

MARRIED. On Monday, January 15, 1883, at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. M. Anderson, at Independence, Mr. P. Dickey of Winfield, to Miss Carrie Fitzgibben, of Independence.

Mr. Dickey, the groom is well known to the citizens of Winfield, having for some time past been in the shipping business. Mr. Dickey is known to his many acquaintances as a gentleman of sterling qualities and the COURIER wishes him and his beautiful bride many years of unalloyed bliss. The happy couple returned to Winfield Tuesday afternoon and in the evening a number of his intimate friends assembled at the residence of Mrs. Trezise to congratulate the newly wedded pair, on their union. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Trezise and a general good time was indulged in. Among those present we noticed Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Olds, Mr. J. B. Goodrich and lady, Mr. M. W. Tanner and lady, Frank Weaverling, Fred Bullene, and Miss Bessie Nevins of Independence. The bride received the following presents.

Silver tea set and mats, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Anderson of Independence.

Silk handkerchief, Master Albert Anderson, Independence.

Silver card receiver, Mr. and Mrs. Dunkin, Independence.

Silver card receiver, Mr. Fred Bullene, Winfield.

Set vases, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Baden, Winfield.

Silver knives and forks and table linen, Mr. and Mrs. Camenga, Independence.

Easel and landscape painting, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Paul, Independence.

Vase and flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Independence.

Pair vases, Miss Estelle Bow, Louisville, Kentucky.

Pair vases, M. T. Haden, Chicago, Illinois.

Silver olive spoon, Mrs. A. H. Webber, Denver, Colorado.

Set hand painted China plates, Mrs. M. T. Haden, Chicago.

Set silver spoons, Mrs. Fitzgibbon, Louisville, Kentucky

Bed spread, Mrs. Ethredge, New Jersey.

Celluloid toilet set, groom.

Gold watch and chain, groom.

$200.00 cash present, groom.

$100.00 greenback, Mrs. Fitzgibbon, Louisville, Kentucky.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.


DIED. The family in this city which has been so terribly stricken with diphtheria is the family of Geo. Bain, who came here from West Virginia about four weeks ago with his wife, six children, a cousin who is a man of thirty odd years and a brother-in-law of 19 years. About seven days after his arrival his little boy, ten years old, was taken down and soon after died. Next a little girl fell sick and died, and then a boy died. An infant had the disease and recovered. A boy 14 years old was the next taken down, who died last Friday morning. Another, a boy of 16, was taken down. The brother-in-law of 19 was taken down last week.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Teachers' Examination.

A public examination of candidates for teachers' certificates will be held at the High School building in Winfield, on Saturday, February 3rd, commencing at 9 o'clock a.m.

A. H. Limerick, County Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Notice of Primary.

There will be a meeting of the citizens of Tisdale Township at usual place of voting, Jan. 26, 1883, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of placing in nomination a township ticket.

By order of Township trustee, J. H. Hall.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

There will be a caucus of the Republicans of Vernon Township on January 25, at 7 p.m., at the Wooden schoolhouse for the purpose of nominating township officers.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Dick Bowles has taken the part of "Edwin," in the Spy of Atlanta for the G. A. R., of Newton, commencing on the 24th inst.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

Water Works.

The tedious waterworks question was settled on Tuesday evening by the Council accepting the Barclay ordinance as amended, which amendments embodied substantially the self-same provisions contained in the proposition originally offered by Ed. P. Greer. While Mr. Greer's ordinance was not accepted, it at least had the effect of giving to the city one of the best propositions under which waterworks have ever been put in by a private corporation in any town of like size in the country, and while he feels that his efforts in the matter might have demanded more consideration at the hands of the Council, the matter is a personal one with them alone. We have neither time nor space to treat the matter as it deserves this week, and will attend to certain points at another time.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

"Democrat" Burglar News.

Arkansas City is all stirred up over an attempted robbery in that city a few evenings ago. The residence of Dick Robinson, a frugal blacksmith of that place, was visited by a burglar while he and his boy were up town, and his wife entirely alone. Mrs. Robinson, who was sitting by the stove with her back to the door, heard someone on the stoop trying to turn the door knob, and thinking it one of the neighbors, said, "Come in," and before she had time to turn around the door opened and a man stepped up behind her and grabbing her by the shoulders said, "I want the money you have in the house." She said, "We have no money." He said, "I know you have, and if you do not give it to me, I will hang you." She said, "All right, sir, you will have to hang. I cannot give you any money." He then took a handkerchief from his pocket and proceeded to gag her. After he had accomplished this, he went to the bureau where he found another handkerchief, which he used in tying her hands behind her to the chair. After he had securely gagged and bound her, he said, "Now, damn you, sit there; I will find the money myself, and if you attempt to move or make a noise, I will kill you." He then went to the bed and after searching it thoroughly, returned to the bureau where he proceeded to examine its contents. He had gone through the first two drawers and was in the act of taking out the third one, when a noise outside attracted his attention, and thinking someone was coming, he skipped out. About half an hour afterward Mr. Robinson returned and found his wife still gagged and bound, and nearly fainting with fright. After releasing her she told him what had happened. She said she could not tell who the man was, in fact, she was so badly frightened she hardly dared to look at him, but remembered that he was quite a large man and had on a gray suit of clothes, a gray cap, and something black drawn over his face, and was a very quick spoken man. She said, "Dick, I was awful badly fright- ened, but he didn't get the money." During the past few months, when Mr. Robinson would have a little money, he would get it changed into gold and lay it away, and had at that time some eighty-three dollars in the house. He kept it over the kitchen door, a very conspicuous place, but in all probability the man would not have found it if he had searched the house from top to bottom, but Robinson says he does not intend to run any more chances, and has placed his wealth in the bank. The officers have been quietly at work trying to get some clue to the rascal, but at the present writing have found nothing that would warrant an arrest.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

The Mystery Unveiled and the Murderer Captured.

Some interesting facts have recently been brought to light regarding the mysterious murder committed in the Territory a few weeks ago, an account of which appeared in the COURIER at that time. We gist the particulars from a Territory correspondence in the A. V. Democrat. The father-in-law of the murdered man, a Mr. Cooper of Sterling, Missouri, saw an account of the sad affair while looking over the exchanges in a printing office of that place. He at once surmised something was wrong, and took the paper containing the account home and showed the article to his daughterMrs. Leamanwho at once recognized the letter as being the one she had written to her husband just before leaving Eureka Springs, Arkansas. This satisfied Mr. Cooper that the murdered man was his son-in-law, and that the murderer was a man by the name of James McGull, who had started for Texas with the deceased. Mr. Cooper got out postal cards offering $500 reward for the murderer, and sent them all over the state of Texas, and as soon as arrangements could be made, started for the Territory, accompanied by his son, for the remains. They arrived at S. L. Typton's ranch on the Cimarron River, in the vicinity of the murder, about January 1st, and were accompanied by Mr. Typton to the spot where the wagon still stood. Mr. Cooper recognized the wagon at once and felt confident that there could be no mistake. They then proceeded to the place where the body was buried. The remains were found in about the same condition as when buried, and they were placed in a metallic casket which had been brought along for that purpose, and returned to the ranch. The next morning Mr. Cooper and son started for their home in Missouri. Mr. Cooper seemed very much grieved over the sad affair, and said that his daughter took it very hard and had been confined to her bed ever since receiving the news. A man answering the description of James McGull, the murderer, given on the postal cards sent out by Mr. Cooper, has been arrested in Austin, Texas. He claims that his name is Peter Hook, and that he just arrived in that city from New Mexico, but the officers feel sure that they have the right man. Sheriff Shenneman is now in correspondence with the authorities who have him in charge.


Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.





Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Nixon's Traction Engine.


A sketch of traction engine given.

Our worthy Register of Deeds, Jacob Nixon, has patented a steam power for farm use which will undoubtedly prove a success. His ingenuity will, we hope, meet with a substantial reward.

The following is a description of the machine in full. It consists of four parallel I steel sills with cross beams at ends, and diagonal braces throughout except at base of boiler, giving stiffness to frame, and supporting at ends the coal tender and water tank, thereby giving equal distribution of weight and balance on tracks. The pairs of parallel sills are twenty-four inches apart from centers, to which are attached on the undersides of sills by adjustable boxes, three axles on each side of boiler and engines. On these axles are firmly keyed driving wheels of 2 and 3 inch faces, with a space of 2-1/2 inches between. On each of front and rear axles are four wheels, the first and fourth, or outer wheels, are 3 inch face with flanges on outside of wheels to prevent track from slipping off in turning. The center axles have three wheels of 3 inch face. The gangs of wheels intermesh or overlap each other; the tires of the center gang work close to the hubs of the front and rear gangs.

Revolving over and making the track of the engine on the ground are two tracks of rubber or other suitable elastic material composed of an outer and an inner layer, between which are transverse metallic plates, secured through layers and plates by rivets or bolts, to retain track in shape transversely.

The gangs of wheels are driven forward or backward, or one track forward and the other backward in turning, by spur gears secured to inside of wheels; front and rear gangs are con- nected by idle gears on center axles.

The center axles are driven in the same direction by spur gears on axles of the same diameter as those on front and rear axles.

Positive driving motion is given by a long pinion to all six axles from reversing yacht engines, one on each side of upright boiler for each track.

The width of each rubber track is eighteen inches; thickness, four and one half inches; height of wheels, four and one-half feet; length of track in contact with the earth, sixty inches; hence 60 x 18 x 2 = 2,160 inches of earth contact or traction, over which is distributed the weight of engine and that part of track not in contact with the earth.

This engine's tracks have no loss of power by suction or adherence to the ground if the ground is wet; therefore, no loss of power by carrying its tracks forward. The tracks cannot be broken by passing over an obstruction, as the rubber will give to wheels until the wheels rotate over, and then instantly return to place. There will be no sticking on an obstruction for each gang of wheels are drivers, and will propel, if only one is in contact.

The adherence of the tracks to the periphery of the one-half of the front and rear gangs and the bottom and top of the center gang of wheels insures no slipping of wheels on the tracks, when worked to its fullest power on steep inclines.

The rubber tracks supporting the engine will act as cushions to take all jar from the whole machine on uneven, stony ground or street crossings in towns. This should save a machine and wear one-third longer before repairs are needed.

The result of dynamometer tests on the latest improved sulky plows in our light open loam here is about 500 pounds for a farmer of 16 inches wide and 8 inches in depth.

They are hauled by three horses of 1,000 pounds weight on an average. If these horses have a traction of 8 inches to each hoof, then 8 x 9 = 48 [?48 is the figure shown?] inches of contact, (but a horse of that weight has this weight distributed over 24 inches instead of 8 as any single observation will demonstrate), the resistance of furrow is 16 x 8 = 128 square inches of resistance; which is 3 29-32 [3 29-32 is way paper printed it] pounds per inch of resistance of furrow. If the above weight of 500 pounds draft of 16 x 8 furrow is correct, then a furrow 48 inches wide and 8 inches deep would offer a resistance of 384 square inches of resistance or 1,500 pounds, or 3 87-146 pounds per square inch of furrow resistance.

The earth contact of the 9 horses on the plows would be 18 x 8 = 144 inches, or take it in this way, 18 x 18 = 324: this from the 384 square inches of resistance leaves 60 inches of traction to be supplied by the muscular power of the teams.

In a trial of a brass model made for him by the Chicago Model Works, on a carpet floor (equivalent to earth contact), the length of which was 9 inches, width 7 inches, diameter of wheels 3-7/8 inches, width of tracks including flanges on wheels 1-1/4 inches, the length of each track in contact with the carpet on floor was 4-1/2 inches, hence 4-1/2 x 2 = 9 inches of contact on both tracks9 x 1-1/4 = 11-1/4 inches of traction surface in model, weight of model which is frame, wheels, axles, gears, and track only, 8 pounds; 6 revolutions of crank pinion to one of track wheels.

At trials model dragged on carpet with string 10 pounds weight of a stove grate casting. With 4 pounds weight added to model (for equivalent of boiler), it dragged 15 pounds casting. With 8 pounds added, it dragged 20 pounds. Spring balance scale tests gave the same results.

If we take the above result with the model as to its power and estimate by the rule that a model is 1 1-10 [believe they mean 1-1/10] of full size, it will, when full size of machine is made, be 10 times larger and become 100 times stronger, and weigh 1,000 times more, and move 10 times faster, would foot up as follows: taking safe premises, the 12 pound weight of model would be 12 x 1000 = 12,000 pounds or 6 tons weight of machine15 pounds dead weight dragged 15 x 100 = 1,500 will be hauled, equal to the estimate given before of turning a furrow 48 inches wide and 8 inches deep in our loose soil hereor if we accept the generally accepted theory of draft that 125 pounds of force will on a perfectly level road on sand or gravel, move one wagon one ton; it will haul 11-1/2 tons of weight, wagon's weight included.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Cedarvale Items.

Mr. J. H. Bartgis has again taken charge of the "young bloods" in school district No. 63.

No new occurrence to see a man trying, as it were, to occupy the entire walk on the street of late.

Mr. Keithley having purchased the Barclay Hockett place, is building a commodious residence thereon.

Judging from the numbers going to and from the drug stores, our druggists must be doing a rushing business.

The young people have organized a lyceum in district 63, called the "Cedar Creek Lyceum." Meets every Saturday night.

Our merchants, including the firm of Brown & Stapleton (of Cambridge), Davis & Dale, and J. L. Cox are doing a rushing business.

Having bought the Nick Belveal place, it is hinted that Mr. James Aley is thinking of laying aside his bachelor cloak and taking unto himself a better half. James is a first rate fellow and we do not blame him for the idea. OBSERVER.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Baltimore Items.

Stock of all kinds are wintering well.

Mr. W. C. Schooling has returned from Missouri.

Our merchant and Postmaster, Mr. W. H. Gilliard, is having a fine trade this winter.

Mr. W. R. Stolp is building a foot bridge across Timber Creek near his house.

Mr. Z. W. Hoge is teaching a singing school at our schoolhouse with marked success.

Our public school is getting along finely under the leadership of Mr. R. O. Stearns.

We should suppose from the number of organs sold in this township that we are to have music.

Mr. Lew Darlington has a brother out from Illinois on a visit. We understand that he is so well pleased with our county that he will locate here.

There will be considerable wire fence put up in the spring in this part of the county. Mr. John L. Parson has 160 acres fenced with wire; Mr. Charles Belknap has 40 acres. Mr. W. R. Stolp has posts and wire ready for quite a large pasture. Mr. Gideon Crow is making posts for a pasture. Others will fall into line in the way of improvements. We don't expect Glick to be governor always. If we did, we would move out of Kansas. DAD.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Rock Items.

William Harp returned last week from a short visit to Missouri.

George Headley, living near here, lost a valuable horse last week.

BIRTH. Born to the wife of Jack Martindale, a fine boy. Jack is doing reasonably well.

Mr. Szirkoskey has sold his farm of 80 acres to Uncle John Bailey for $1,200 cash.

John B. Holmes has purchased a 4 ton Chicago scale. He will put it up at home.

Miss Mattie Thompson, daughter of Wm. Thompson, has been quite sick, but is now better.

Several of our farmers have been delivering their wheat in Douglass since Christmas at 65 cents per bushel.

Archie Thompson is constructing a drain on his home place. This will drain several acres of very wet land and make it tillable. The drain will be 220 rods long, and several feet deep, walled in with stone, costing about $250.

The officers of our Sunday school for the ensuing quarter are: Supt. Thos. Harp; Assistant Superintendents, C. H. Leavitt and Mrs. Lydia Thompson; Secretary, Mrs. Wilson; Assistant Secretary, Geo. Harcourt; Librarian, Miss Maggie Holmes; Treasurer, Miss Lotta Thompson.

About a year ago West McKin went to Douglass one evening, and left his horse tied to a post. On coming out of a store to start home, he found the post all right, but the horse was gone. He has never even heard from that horse since. Last week he concluded he would go to church there, and his horse again disappeared, but was luckily found the same week.



Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

A Chance for Payne and His Boomers.

The status of that strip of land lying between Kansas and Texas, bounded on the east by the Indian Territory and north by New Mexico and Colorado, having been brought to the attention of the Interior Department, Commissioner McFarland, of the general land office, has decided that it is not a part of the Indian Territory, "which," the commissioner says, "is protected from disposal by the government by existing treaty stipulations." The commis- sioner therefore thinks that the said strip, composing an area of about 165 miles in length and 40 miles in width, while not surveyed or plated, is open for settlement.

Now here is a chance for Captain Payne and his followers, who have been induced to put in from $2 upwards toward his Oklahoma colonization scheme, to secure "free homes," and to wrestle with the coyote and prairie dog for the possession of an inheritance which shall descend to their children's children's children.

Personally we know nothing of this "No Man's Land," but from the best information obtainable, we have no hesitancy in stating that it is full equal for agricultural purposes to the famed but unattainable Oklahoma region. It is said to be well watered, has excellent grass, and many claim that it has coal veins running through it and other valuable mineral deposits.

To those of a scientific turn of mind this "No Man's Land" offers peculiar advantages for studying the flora and fauna, in petrified forms, of the ages when the arctic regions were the home of the tropical plants and mammoths. For, if we may believe the late Prof. Mudge, this "No Man's Land" was the great dumping ground of the drift sent down from the north on the great ice floes and arctic currents which swept over this part of the continent ere the Rocky Mountains reared their peaks above the surrounding waste of waters and glaciers.

If Payne really wants to do great good for poor humanity, and likewise enroll his name among the savants of the age, he will direct the steps of the colony to this favored land and there with pick and shovel delve among those rich deposits of a prehistoric time, thereby adding to the information of this and succeeding generations and at the same time keeping himself out of mischief, and, perhaps, his name off the guard house book at Fort Reno.

Caldwell Commercial.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


Wirt W. Walton has introduced a bill in the House appropriating $90,000 to erect at Clay Center a prison for short term convicts of the state.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


The Osage Indians, who are located in the Territory south of us, are the wealthiest nation per capita on the globe. There are only 1,750 of them but besides their home property they have four millions of dollars in the hands of the government at five percent, and three millions yet in Kansas lands, which makes their average wealth outside of their home property $4,000 per head for each man, woman, and papoose.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


Senator Hackney's bill, to submit the question of female suffrage to the women of Kansas, has been favorably reported by the senate committee and ordered printed. We suspect the senator is not much off a female suffragist. He says that both the Republican and the Democratic parties substantially endorsed female suffrage in their platforms last year and he thinks both parties lied about it and put planks in their platforms for mere buncombe, and that this accounts for the strong opposition to his bill which has been developed.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


Job Reduced But Still Big.

Last week we went over east with Joe. E. Conklin on business in the interest of Winfield and her citizens, and in our absence the water works question came up before the city council on Monday evening, and as we expected, was not concluded by the passage of an ordinance. We further expected that the matter would go over to the next regular meeting, by which time it could probably be determined whether a better proposition could be obtained than either of the two propositions before the council. Contrary to our expectations the council ad- journed to Tuesday and then to Wednesday evening and rushed the matter along, finally passing an ordinance substantially that offered by Ed. Greer with his amendments, but giving the contract to the originators of the Barclay ordinance, contrary to all rules of justice and fair dealing. Instead of giving the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, it was given to the highest bidder on the condition that he should accept the terms proposed by the lowest bidder.

This was an outrage which admits of no excuse, and we believe that no one pretends there was any excuse for it. Ed. had the backing of at least as much Winfield capital and character as had the parties to whom the job was awarded, and in addition he had the indorse- ment of one of the strongest water works builders in the country who promised to build the works if Greer's proposition passed; while the parties to whom the award was made, had no outside backing at all, and now boast that their pretended backing, John Worthington, has been dead two years.

Such an outrage could not have been perpetrated by councilmen Read and Mayor Troup alone. One other councilman was necessary to complete the job. Councilmen Wilson and McMullen could never have been inveigled into such a measure. Councilman Gary was their only chance. He had been the most stubborn opponent to the Barclay job and held that the city could not afford to go into any plan of water works which had been presented or was likely to be presented. Wilson and McMullen were in favor of water works on the best terms the city could get. Read and Troup were as certainly in favor of giving as big a job as possible to Barclay's assigns, viz., Read's Bank. How they managed to win Gary to their side is a matter on which our citizens will all have an opinion, but we need not state ours. Some circumstances, however, will not be overlooked. In the first place, it seems that only Read's Bank was in the scheme. It becoming necessary to have a good talker and a lawyer, Hackney was enlisted, either on a fee or with a share in the job. We have too much regard for his shrewdness to suppose he went in without either. The job did not rush through as suddenly as was expected and Hackney had to go to Topeka. Several outsiders tumbled to their racket, probably without pay or shares, but simply because their souls belonged to Read's Bank. But they did not count for much. Greer had put in an ordinance that would favor the city at least $55,000 over the other ordinance and something had to be done or the original job would be beaten. They must have a lawyer and a shrewd talker. They selected J. Wade McDonald, probably on similar terms to those on which Hackney was engaged, and because it was claimed that Wade had Gary in his vest pocket. But somehow Gary did not tumble at once. He promised Ed. that he would vote for his ordinance unless the other fellows should present something a great deal better, that he would never vote to allow any other to take the job on Ed's bid. There was still a hitch in the matter and other arguments had to be used on Gary. Other parties were taken into the ring to help out. We did not hear the new argument which was presented to Gary, but whatever it was it brought him down. On the first test vote, Gary went over to the enemy. He even refused to support Wilson's motion to reduce the rents on additional hydrants from $75 to $65, according to Greer's offer. This showed that Ed's ordinance would certainly be passed and given to the other fellows, and Ed. wilted and gave up the fight. Believing that it was necessary to have water works and that the matter was reduced to the best terms the city could get, Ed. urged Wilson to vote for the measure with Read and Gary and thus settle the question. Had we been present we would have continued the fight for two weeks longer if possible, with the expectation of getting, within that time, a much better proposition for the city than that which is now saddled upon us.

We consider that Ed. has succeeded in his main point, that of saving the city a large sum of money by compelling Robinson & Co., to accept a franchise not worth one-half as much as that which they would have got but for his efforts.

Under the original ordinance, which would certainly have passed but for him, the City would have had to pay rents on at least eighty hydrants after two years at most at $75 per hydrant per year to the end of the 99 years, amounting to $6,000 a year, and if the City should require 20 more, or 100 hydrants in all, it would cost the city $7,500 a year.

Under the ordinance as passed, it will cost the city $3,000 a year for the first 40 hydrants, $65 each per year for perhaps 20 more, and the other 40 hydrants to make up 100 may be free of rent to the city, thus possibly costing the city only $4,300 a year rent for 100 hydrants, a possible saving to the city of $3,200 a year. As this sum is simply interest on the franchise, it reduces the value of the franchise by a sum which would produce $3,200 a year at 6 per- cent interest.

But we hold that this ordinance ought not to have passed, simply because the city cannot afford it, and because the city could have established and maintained the same kind of works with less than half of the expense, and possibly with no expense at all after two or three years; by issuing $50,000 six percent bonds and letting the individual water-rents pay the running expenses, repairs, and interest on the bonds and creating sinking fund to extinguish the bonds. Because too, as we are now informed, a proposition would soon have been made, on the same basis as the one passed, in all respects except that no hydrant should cost the city more than $60 per year, which would be a further saving to the city of about $700 a year.

But we have not got altogether a sure thing on the savings of $3,200 a year on the ordi- nance as passed, over the first ordinance as presented. It depends upon the structure of our future city governments. If the persons who own this franchise should be allowed to control the city legislation as in the past, they will make their stock pay, "you bet."

The only way to preserve what we have gained is to always elect mayors and councilmen who are not interested in this stock. Even with the closest care we are liable to elect persons who are secretly stockholders or who may be bought.

The grand objection which was urged against the City building its own water works, was, that it would make a big hubbub and quarrel at every city election in the struggle between parties and individuals to get control of the water works offices. We have got the same troubles or worse ones fastened on us with this ordinance. At every city election there will be a struggle and bad blood to determine whether water works men or other citizens shall fill the city offices.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


Ed. Greer is the butt of some rather keen jokes since his ordinance was passed and given to M. L. Robinson & Co. Ed. is pictured as Diogenes with a lantern looking for an honest man, and thinking he had found one, rested in security. The result was that he got left. Another is that John Worthington, the backing of the Barclay ordinance, died two years ago, and M. L. beat Ed. with a "stiff." Ed. retorts on M. L. inquiring if he means to say that he fooled our worthy mayor so completely with a mere "stiff." Another is that the Council passed Ed.'s ordinance and then beat him out of it by striking out his name and inserting those of Robinson et. al. Ed. consoles himself that his ordinance saves the city two thousand dollars a year for ninety-nine years over the original Barclay ordinance, and that is some glory, though others reap the harvest of profits and fortune which his ordinance still retained for the poor fellows who now get the benefits of it.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


Governor Glick has appointed Colonel Thomas Moonlight adjutant general. He is just the man to take charge of the troops in case of Indian difficulties. At the close of the rebellion, fresh from fields of gore, with the laurels thickly clustering about his brow, Colonel Moonlight was sent to take command of operations against the Indians in Colorado. He went to Denver in the winter, to wait for the opening of spring. He was a man of fine social qualities, an expert skater on the rink, a good singer, and had always room for a social glass, and the result was that he became a regular lion in society. Everybody gave a confident shake of the head as much as to say that Moonlight knew all about it, and there would not be much left of the Indians after he had had one fair shake at them. Moonlight fully agreed with them, and encouraged their exalted faith in him.

When the time came, he set forth on his expedition with all the pride and circumstances of a glorious stud-horse. They had gone many miles, without any signs of Indians, much to the disappointment and chagrin of the commander-in-chief. He went into camp without the necessary sentries or precautions, and during the night the Indians made a swoop, and stampeded every last thing in the shape of an animal in camp, not leaving so much as a mooley bull for the commander to ride home on. They had nothing to do for it but to tread wearily back to Denver, sixty miles, on footback, crestfallen and discomfited. As they laid their armor off, they boasted not as when they had put it on; and the reception given them by the society people was not what might be called an ovation. That was the last of Moon- light's military achievements. He felt so used up and mean over it, that he at once turned Democrat. Troy Chief.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


The Senate Committee on Public Institutions, Senator Sluss, chairman, has reported in favor of Hackney's bill locating the asylum for the feeble minded at Winfield; and making an appropriation for the same.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


The legislature has instituted a commission of two senators and three representatives to investigate the methods, frauds, and stealings of the stock yards at Kansas City, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


The Atchison Champion wants an enumeration made when the next state census is taken of all persons who served in the army, together with the number of their regiment, time of service, and date of discharge. The idea is a good one.

The convention of delegates of the Kansas State Farmer's Alliance, which convened at Topeka last week, resolved in favor of a law fixing a schedule of freight and passenger charges, to prevent pooling and discrimination, and denounced the commissioner system.

The State Historical Society met at Topeka on Tuesday. F. P. Baker was elected president; D. R. Anthony, vice-president; A. P. Riddle, second vice-president; F. G. Adams, Secretary; and John Francis, Treasurer. T. D. Thacher delivered an able and interesting historical address.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Walnut Township Primary.

The Republicans of Walnut Township met at Olive schoolhouse January 19th at 2 p.m. They organized by electing John Mentch chairman and S. E. Burger Secretary. Frank Manny, G. Brown, and J. A. Mentch were elected judges. The following persons were nominated.

For Trustee: T. A. Blanchard.

For Treasurer: Joel Mack.

For Clerk: Frank Manny.

For Justice of the Peace: J. L. King.

For Constables: J. C. Monfort, Jr.; J. A. Mentch.

For Road overseer, District 1: F. Arnold.

For Road overseer, District 2: _ ____.

For Road overseer, District 3: J. C. Roberts.

The following resolutions were adopted.

Resolved, That we request our Senator and Representative in the Legislature to use their best endeavors to reduce passenger rates on railroads to three cents per mile and freight rates be fixed at so much per ton per mile.

Resolved, That we are opposed to the commissioner system unless backed by a specific law, the mere collection of facts to report to the next Legislature having the people at the mercy of the roads for two years more.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this meeting furnish a copy of these resolutions to our Senator and Representative at Topeka and to each of the Winfield papers for publication.

JOHN MENTCH, Chairman.

S. E. BURGER, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Pleasant Valley Pencilings.

Busy! Busy! Busy!!

Considerable corn yet remains in the field.

Mercury is in the embrace of zero this week.

I. Hon is erecting a large and substantial barn.

Billy Rothrock is making preparations to emigrate to Texas.

United Brethren have protracted meetings at Victor schoolhouse.

Our irrepressible A. A. Knox has relocated again in Beaver Township.

The denizens of district No. 10 have a pow wow every Saturday night and call it a lyceum.

The Jim Hostetter farm has again changed hands. Rev. Snyder's father is the purchaser. Consideration, $2,500.

A ranchman from the Territory, Mr. Jno. Jones, who halted with us overnight, reports a California lion having been seen by several, lurking in the vicinity of their ranches.

The M. E. Church South are maturing plans and specifications for the erection of a house of worship on the southeast corner of Will Beech's farm. The requisite funds have been subscribed.

Mr. Wilson Shaw and wife wrote home that they are having a pleasant and enjoyable time in their visiting tour of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. They contemplate "doing" Iowa before returning. They left home last November.

Messrs. Croco and Richardson are arranging the preliminaries preparatory to swapping farms. Mr. Croco is a gentleman of much energy and enterprise. He is at present fitting up the once Sampson Johnson farm for a place of residence.

Having come to the conclusion that there is still a superficial quantity of sand left in the hour-glass of timelikewise in his crawto retrieve a lost fortune, Ludolph Holcomb has wisely embarked in the sheep industry. Close attention to the details of the business will insure success in this direction.

Charles Holcomb, who has been seeking his fortune in the Westwhich embraces Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizonareturned home a week ago. He made several strikes, the heaviest of which was when he struck for home. A card from Will Holcomb received, intimates that he has called a halt in California.

DIED. This week death invaded the sacred precincts of our beautiful community, by removing with his cold, icy hand, from the warm embrace of loving parents and kind friends, charming little Mertie, daughter of Jno. and Phoebe Vandever. A large concourse of relatives and friends attended the funeral services, which were conducted by Rev. Whitson at the Centennial schoolhouse. The bereaved parents have the sincere sympathy of their large circle of friends in their sad affliction. It is natural, of course, to feel sorrowful at scenes like this. The ties by which humanity are bound together are of such a peculiar character that they cannot, it seems, be severed without causing a universal throb of sympathy to vibrate throughout the human family. But there is cheering consolation to be found in those beautiful lines of Longfellow:

"There is no death,

This life is but transition," etc. HORATIUS.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Akron Items.

A little child of John Cain is very low with pneumonia.

Miss Lena McCollim has returned to her home in Miami County.

The Little Dutch school is sadly afflicted with mumps at present.

Mr. Moore, the gentleman who rented the old Sloan farm, has moved with his family on the same.

Mr. A. Lacey is soon to move to Douglass. He expects to exchange farming for the more lucrative business of a plasterer.

Mr. I. N. Fletcher has sold his farm to F. C. Swan. Mr. Fletcher will emigrate to Nebraska in the spring, at which time Mr. Swan will take possession of his farm.

Necktie festivals seem to be the popular means of raising money in this neighborhood. The Presbyterians at their festival a few nights since, cleared thirty-two dollars. Next week Prairie Grove district is to hold one for the purpose of purchasing an encyclopedia, and the week following the Methodists hold one for the benefit of their pastor. MAC.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Council Proceedings.


Council met in regular session, Mayor Troup in chair. Roll called. Present: Councilmen Read, Wilson, McMullen, and Gary; City Attorney and Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The finance committee reported on and found correct the statement of the Clerk for the quarter ending Dec. 15th, 1882; the report of the Police Judge for the months of August, September, October, and December, 1882, and the reports of the Treasurer for the months ending Oct. 15, Nov. 15, and Dec. 15, 1882, and the bill of Horning and Whitney for $1.15 for goods furnished the city, and recommended that the bill be paid. The report of the committee was adopted and the bill of Horning & Whitney was ordered paid.

The bill of W. A. Lee for $2.00 for room rent for election was presented, allowed, and ordered paid.

The Police Judge's report for December was presented and referred to finance committee.

Mr. McMullen moved to consider by sections the so-called Greer water-works ordinance. Those voting aye were Councilmen McMullen and Wilson; those voting no were Council- men Read and Gary. The Mayor voted no.

Mr. Gary moved that the Council go into committee of the whole on all questions relative to water-works, and the motion was carried and the Council then went into committee of the whole. Upon rising the committee reported back the two water-works propositions with certain proposed amendments submitted to them in relation to the proposition made by Frank Barclay, but without making any recommendation in regard thereto.

On motion the Council adjourned until January 16, 1883, at 7 o'clock p.m.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


Council met pursuant to adjournment. Mayor Troup in the chair. Present: Councilmen Read, Wilson, Gary, and McMullen, and Clerk.

A petition to change the ordinance relating to auction merchants was presented, read, and ordered filed.

A petition to indefinitely postpone the propositions before the Council in reference to water-works was presented, read, and ordered filed.

The Council then listened to propositions in relation to water-works by Frank Barclay and certain others, and by Ed. P. Greer and others.

It was then moved that the Council accept the proposition made by Mr. Barclay and certain others. Those voting aye were Councilmen Read and Gary; those voting no were Councilmen McMullen and Wilson. The Mayor voted aye.

On motion the Council adjourned until January 17th, 1883, at 7 o'clock p.m.


Council met pursuant to adjournment. Mayor Troup in the chair. Roll called. Present: Councilmen Read, Gary, and Wilson; absent, McMullen.

A communication from Councilman McMullen was read and ordered filed.

A motion was carried to reconsider the vote by which the proposed ordinance No. 167 was adopted, for the purpose of considering said proposed ordinance with certain amend- ments thereto. Said proposed ordinance as amended was taken up for consideration by sec- tions, with the following result:

Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 were adopted as read.

Section 8 was amended and adopted.

Sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 were adopted as read.

The ordinance as a whole was then submitted to a vote upon its final passage with the following result. Those voting aye were Councilmen Read, Wilson, and Gary; noes none, and the ordinance was declared adopted and was approved by the Mayor.

A motion was carried to adopt the following as the title and number of such ordinance: "Ordinance No. 169. An ordinance contracting for and providing for a system of water works for the City of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, for domestic, sanitary, and other purposes, and regulating the rates thereof."

On motion the Council adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.

Attest: L. H. WEBB, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.




C. A. McClung

Daniel Hawkins

W. D. Pierce

W. S. Shafer

A. S. Capper

G. C. Cleveland

A. B. Tuggle

Richard Rickers

P. F. Endicott

Amos Tolles

A. J. Falk

J. S. Fitzgerald

Jacob Smith

A. H. Clark

O. S. Rarrick

J. M. Stimson

T. F. Harp

J. T. Lowe

B. F. Walker

A. C. Gould

L. C. Lorton

J. W. Douglass

L. F. Johnson

E. A. Hardy

Wm. H. Webber

H. McKibben

E. M. Freeman

David Dale

D. Bunnell

J. O. Barricklow


R. S. Wilson

F. M. Borge

J. P. Short

G. S. Manser

Robert Brooking

R. I. Hogue

Daniel Mater

James Smith

John Bobbitt

W. B. Caton

H. Brotherton

A. E. Baird

C. R. Bosley

E. S. Bliss

J. S. Garris

N. Wertman

N. J. Larkin

George Cairns

Peter Myers

J. W. Hamlin

J. Camp

Wm. Johnson

R. L. Cunningham

Woods Rutherford

Daniel Moffitt

J. W. Thomas

John Nash

H. L. Parker

David Byers

Levi Wells

Jack Heller

A. D. Speed

W. J. Hodges

J. L. King



Joe Lafflin

C. B. Dixon

B. H. Dixon

Ed Gurier

Man Walking above

Long Neck

N. Wertman

John Bobbitt

W. B. Hodges



C. B. Dixon

B. H. Dixon

N. Wertman

B. T. Herrod

Wm. McGinnis

Lafayette Wise

Thomas Wright

J. R. Lafflin

W. B. Hodges

John Bobbitt

Ed Gurier

Man Walking above

Long Neck



Ed Collins

Harvey Treadway

Levi Quier



C. A. Kelso

M. C. Jenkins

F. M. Savage

J. M. Kelso

John Wingart

Henry Wingart

August Wingart

H. N. Siverd

C. A. Kelso

M. C. Jenkins

James Jenkins

T. J. Jackson

Ad Smith





Charles Clark

E. S. Bliss

Callie Gilliland

B. F. Herrod

J. J. Merrick

C. A. Bliss

A. B. Taylor

C. H. Bosley

B. F. Wood

F. M. Webber

J. S. Moss

Algie Bosley

W. M. Mundy

W. G. Fuller

J. W. Sickles

J. C. Curry

J. J. Merrick




Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Mrs. M. L. Jewell is visiting friends in Topeka.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Archie Stewart is running a hotel in Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The biggest stock of cutlery in Kansas at Horning & Whitney's.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Elbert Bliss made Winfield last week and stayed over Sunday with his family.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Dr. Fleming has recently purchased a neat little dwelling on east Eighth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Splendid millet is for sale on the street at $6 per ton and seems to find more ready sale than prairie hay.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

A number of conversions are reported as a result of the meetings which have been in progress at the Methodist Church.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Prof. R. B. Quay of Kansas City is with us again. He is a noted musician and sang in the Presbyterian choir Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Mrs. J. F. McMullen, and daughter, Miss Gertrude, returned Friday night from a three weeks' visit with friends in Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

W. W. Smith, formerly with the Chicago Lumber Co., at this place, came down from Wichita Saturday and stayed over Sunday.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Monday was a big day and the town was full of people who were prevented from coming in Saturday by the severity of the weather.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Judge Torrance held an adjourned term of court here last week, and cleared up several old cases. He also granted several divorces.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Don't fail to hear Col. J. P. Sanford, the prince of lecturers, at the Opera House on Friday evening, February 9, on "Old Times and New."

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The big fight against the Standard Oil Company fencing the Territory is likely to increase in the agitation toward opening it up for settlement.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

George Liermann has purchased the harness establishment of T. C. Warren, back of the

post office, and will restock with a first-class line of goods.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Mr. Frank Woodruff, formerly with Spotswood & Co., was in the city this week. He is now missionary for a queensware house in Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The voters of Walnut Township will hold an election of township officers on Tuesday the 6th of February at Wm. Fredericks, 2nd house south of Manny's Brewery.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

We will resit any of our patrons with pleasure if first proof is not satisfactory. Remember the place, McIntire's photograph gallery, over Wallis & Wallis grocery store.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Miss Ida Bard entertained a few of her young friends at her pleasant home Saturday evening. The Misses Bard are splendid entertainers and never fail to make it very enjoyable for their guests.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Mr. H. A. Cone was in this city on Tuesday looking up the interests of the Topeka Capital. He obtained a considerable number of new subscribers. The Capital is "laying it over" all the other papers in the completeness of its reports.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The services at the Baptist Church during the past week have been very interesting. Rev. Dr. Bicknell of Chicago has preached every evening, and he is an earnest, able, and practical speaker.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The Winfield ice men have laid in large quantities and a full supply of clean, solid ice from six to seven inches thick. This is the best ice crop we ever had and promises plenty of ice cold lemonade and ice cream for next summer.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

DIED. Mrs. J. Moffit, a former resident of this city and mother-in-law of Will and George Hudson, died at Udall Friday morning. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the Methodist Church, Rev. P. F. Jones officiating.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

In the absence of the lady members of the Presbyterian choir, the music was furnished Sunday evening by a male quartette, consisting of Messrs. Buckman, Snow, Blair, and Quay, with Prof. Stimson at the instrument. Their music was really charming.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Messrs. Tomlin & Webb, our enterprising grocers, have purchased the Greenlee ranche and cattle in the Territory, and also several other small bunches from other persons, which they have consolidated into one herd. Mark Greenlee will have charge of their stock.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The water-works agitation has afforded our local wags much amusement. One of them, in speaking of the action of one of the councilmen says: "It is evident that the proposition he was considering and the proposition then before the Council were two different and distinct propositions."

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

H. G. Fuller will offer for the next thirty days SPECIAL BARGAINS, to wit: 3 improved farms; 4 elegant cottages, and 20 lots in Winfield; $25,000 to loan on improved farms; $10,000 to loan on personal and chattel security; will buy notes, mortgages, also city, county, and school orders.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

About twenty couples attended the ball at the Opera House Friday evening, by the Young Men's Social Club, notwithstanding the fact that the mercury was loafing around fourteen degrees below zero. Prof. Mahler superintended the floor, the music was splendid, and all had a very enjoyable time.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

J. P. Baden is the liveliest merchant you can find in ten cities and is of the greatest value to our farmers in furnishing them a market for all sorts of truck at high prices. Notice his splendid offer for turkeys and chickens in our special column. Also notice his prices on overcoats, boots, dry goods, and clothing. He makes things hum.

NOTICE: J. P. Baden wants a lot of Turkeys. Will pay 10 cents per pound live weight and 12 cents for choice dressed. Chickens, 7 cents per pound live weight. These are the highest prices paid anywhere. Farmers should take advantage of this big chance.

NOTICE: Overcoats at cost. Good overcoats for $2.25. Good men's boots at $1.50 to $2.00 per pair. Everything in dry goods and clothing at bed rock prices for the next thirty days to close out a large stock of winter goods at J. P. Baden's.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

One of Payne's Oklahoma boomers has written to the Kansas City Journal a letter, in which he gives a glowing and rose-tinted picture of that earthly paradise, in striking contrast with the views of Inspector Benedict. He says there are portions of that truly wonderful region that is adapted to farming, and will perhaps grow a larger diversity of crops than any other country in the United States. The statement that there are various kinds of coal in the Territory, and excellent indications of oil, is no doubt true of Oklahoma, as it certainly is of the Cherokee country. When, however, this sanguine writer touches the mineral question, he waxes eloquent and informs us that there are mountains in the western portion that contain millions in gold, both in rock and placer mining. There is also silver and lead. In another locality he found gray copper ore in large quantities. The country is rich in these minerals and they are there in paying quantities, and when properly opened up, they will prove the richest ever discovered. If this were really true, we imagine that the miners would crowd into that country and compel the government to open it for settlement as speedily as they did the Black Hills regions.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

MARRIED. Mr. Joseph Baldridge, a resident of Winfield two years ago and agent of

W. T. Ekel's lumberyard at that time, came up from Albuquerque, New Mexico, last week, where he has been in the lumber business since his removal from here. His mission was an important one, and in order to accomplish it, he deliberately walked up to the Probate Judge's office and there procured the weapon with which to commit the matrimonial deed that would make Mr. Joseph C. Baldridge and Miss Clara Finley, of Arkansas City, man and wife. They were married Tuesday evening, and will take up their residence in Albuquerque. Miss Finley has been one of the teachers in the public schools of Arkansas City for some time, while Mr. Baldridge is well known here and while among us took an active part in all society doings. His many friends in Winfield join with us in wishing he and his fair bride many years of happiness and prosperity.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The Fort Scott people are having a regular siege over the acceptance by the council of the water-works as completed. The city of Fort Scott is located on both sides of the Mar- maton River. The contract for putting in the works was made so that all the mains were to be laid on one side of the river. The people on the other side of the river now demand that mains shall be run over to them, and the councilmen from that side refuse to accept the works until Mr. Perkins and associates agree to furnish them also with water. Such action is far from being fair to Mr. Perkins, as he has finished the work according to contract and is made to suffer on account of the local jealousness of the town.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The masquerade skate at the rink Monday evening is said to have been given for the benefit of the city library, but it was so feebly advertised that few found it out. There were quite a number of maskers, but few spectators. Some of the costumes were very neat and pretty. The band discoursed sweet music, and if it had been properly advertised in the papers and otherwise there would no doubt have been a large crowd and the pocket of the proprietor and the library fund been considerably replenished. The proprietor will probably now realize the necessity of letting the people know what is going on at his establishment.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Ed. Greer's little romance, as read before the council at its last meeting, has afforded businessmen much amusement. Telegram.

Our neighbor is eminently correct on this point. Our "little romance" afforded several businessmen much amusementmore amusement than they have enjoyed in like enterprises during recent years. It also afforded our citizens about sixty-five thousand dollars worth of amusement, while our worthy mayor is amused beyond expression. The amusement is so general that a taint of it may possibly affect the spring elections.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The adjourned annual meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Building & Loan Association will be held at the Courthouse on Saturday evening, January 27, 1883, com- mencing at 7:30 p.m. Directors are to be then elected, and other important business done. All, whether stockholders or not, who would like to know the purposes of such an association, are invited to be present. J. F. McMULLEN, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Will someone please rise and explain this awful silence concerning the Hon. Frank James? The last squib we remember of seeing was about how pleasant the "fair sex" were making his confinement by poking beautiful flowers through the jail window to him. The papers are not noticing him quite as much lately as such distinguished gentlemen usually demand.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Professor R. C. Story of Winfield was in the city a few days ago and made us a friendly call. Prof. Story has been the county superintendent of schools of Cowley County for the past six years, and retired a few weeks ago with the highest respect of the people of that county. Prof. Story has few equals and no superiors as an educator in this country. Wellingtonian.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Seward returned last week from their bridal tour through the east and are safely quartered at the Brettun for the present, but will go to housekeeping soon. The COURIER force respectfully bare their craniums in appreciation of as fine a lot of cigars as their ivory was ever permitted to press, and renew their congratulations and good wishes.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Among the prettiest costumes at the masquerade skate at the rink Monday evening was one worn by Miss Laura Stewart, constructed of COURIERS. It was a very unique represen- tation and of course we think she "took the cake."

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

A very interesting party of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kretsinger and the Misses Brass met at their residence on Tuesday evening and were right royally entertained. It was a very gay and pleasant time for all parties.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

"Horatius" comes to the front again this week with an interesting communication. He has been too busy teaching the young idea how to shoot to keep us posted regularly on Pleasant Valley doings.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Senator Hackney did not come home Saturday as he intended, having slipped on the stone steps of his hotel, and got hurt. It is not a serious matter, however.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

We do not advertise money at 7 percent and then charge 10 percent. We are not that kind of chickens. P. H. ALBRIGHT & CO.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The Republicans of Pleasant Valley Township will meet in caucus at Odessa school- house on February 3rd, at 2 o'clock. A. B. MYERS, Chairman.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

A. E. Baird presents some interesting facts this week for the consideration of our readers.

AD. THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Don't wait for another invitation; we may forget it. GREAT CLOSING SALE -AT- HEAVY SACRIFICE! Special inducements to the trade of Cowley County in our annual clearance sale of WOOLENS AND WINTER GOODS.

We simply suggest for you to look through the several stocks in Winfield and then step into the NEW YORK STORE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM and see dazzling "Eye-Openers" that stare you in the face.

In order to make room for spring stock, the Goods Must Be Disposed Of At Bargains Unparalleled and Prices Unheard Of.

Come in and see for yourselves. No trouble to show goods; we won't be mad if you don't buy. If you have anything to trade, we will trade for it. Wood, corn, wheat, oats, "balking horses, sucking cows, kicking mules, squealing pigs, crowing cocks, dogs, or anything you have to trade." A. E. BAIRD, NEW YORK STORE.

N. B. This is not a shoulder strike, but the "dead weight of fifty thousand pounds of dry goods that fell with a crash."

N. B. No. 2. Carpets, trunks, boots and shoes, gloves and mittens at your own price.

Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Money to loan on real estate for one year. H. G. Fuller.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 77-1/2 cents for best. Corn brings 32 cents for best. Hogs range from $5.25 to $5.75. Produce is active. Butter brings 20 cents and eggs 20 cents.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


DIED. Twenty minutes before the clock struck twelve on the night of January 19th, 1883, William Martin was called upon by his Savior to come home to that better world. On January 9th he was taken with smothering spells. Words cannot express the great suffering he had to endure, yet without a murmur he bore it all. Often he would repeat that good old song,

"Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

Let me hide myself in thee."

William Martin was one of our early settlers. He came to Kansas in the year 1870, staked out his claim, and moved his family in 1871. Many were the hardships he went through during the early settling of this country. He was a faithful worker in the vineyard of his Lord. He will be missed not only by his dear wife and children who deeply mourn his loss, but also by the disciples worshiping at Vernon.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


Sheriff Shenneman Fatally Wounded While Attempting to Arrest a Murderer.

At two o'clock Tuesday the news was flashed across the wire that Sheriff Shenneman had been fatally shot by a murderer whom he was attempting to arrest, in Maple Township. As soon as the news was received, a COURIER reporter was dispatched to the scene of the tragedy with all possible haste to gather complete and accurate information. At the depot a crowd of excited men were gathered, some seeking news, others bound to go up and see and hear for themselves. Soon the train bore them on to Seeley, where the first reliable informant was found in the person of the son of the man at whose house the shooting occurred, and who had brought the dispatches to the office. Even his account was vague and uncertain but was eagerly devoured by the crowd of anxious listeners on the train. At Udall a lot of farmers' wagons were pressed into service and the physicians, the scribe, and others took their way across the prairies six miles into Maple Township to the residence of W. Jacobus, which was the scene of the terrible deed.

Arriving there we found the whole neighborhood gathered, most of them guarding the prisoner, who was securely bound. In a room just adjoining lay our Sheriff, with two bullets in his body, both close together in the lower right hand side of his stomach. Drs. Emerson and Green were bending over him, examining his wounds, while his heroic little wife, calm and collected in the midst of her terrible affliction, tried to cheer him up as much as possible.

Mrs. Ruth Jacobus gives the following account.

"The prisoner came to our house on Monday evening one week ago, and said he was hunting work, that he came up from Texas with a herd of cattle to Dodge City, rode over here, and wanted work till spring, when he would go home to Pennsylvania. He gave his name as Smith. We told him we did not want help then, when he asked if he could stay a week until he could look around, and would pay his board. We finally took him on these terms, and he paid a week's board. He brought with him a shot gun and we noticed he always had a revolver and slept with it under his pillow. We thought this simply his cowboy ways and let it pass.

"All went well until today. This morning his week's board was out and we hired him to work. As we were all sitting at dinner, someone drove up and called my husband out. He soon came back and said that Dr. Jones, of Udall, was out there and would stop for dinner. He then went out and soon returned with a man whom he introduced to me as Dr. Jones, the prisoner all this time sitting at the table. My husband and the man introduced as Dr. Jones passed through the kitchen and I noticed the doctor look very sharply at the prisoner. They went into the room and the stranger pulled off his overcoat and threw it on a chair. About this time the prisoner got up from the table, took his hat and gloves, and started toward the door. Mr. Shenneman then sprang upon him from behind, when a scuffle ensued during which two shots were fired. My husband then ran in and took the pistol away from the prisoner and told him to give up or he'd kill him. The prisoner then cried out that he would give up, not to kill him. Mr. Shenneman then said, `Hold him, he has killed me,' and went in and laid down on the bed. My husband and the school teacher then tied the prisoner."

Sheriff Shenneman, although suffering terrible pain, was able to talk. He said to the reporter, "Do you think I'll pull through?" And then said that he looked at him and thought that he wouldn't pull a revolver on such a mere boy, but would catch him and hold him while the other fellow disarmed him, but that he found after he got hold of him that he was a regular Hercules in strength and he couldn't handle him.

The prisoner is a boy about nineteen years of age, low, heavy-set with light hair and smooth face and is not a bad appearing lad. It is believed that he is the man who about three weeks ago killed a constable in Jefferson County, who went to arrest him for participating in a shooting scrape, and it is for this that Sheriff Shenneman wanted him. On the night of the eleventh, he stopped overnight near El Dorado and our Sheriff was notified that he was moving this way, so he got out posters and put everyone on their guard. Monday evening he informed the writer that he had located his man and in less than twenty-four hours would have him in hand. We then cautioned him to be careful as the boy was evidently a desperate character and would shoot to kill. He said he would go prepared and could shoot as quick as anyone. Tuesday morning about nine o'clock he put his Winchester in his buggy, strapped on his revolvers, and started out alone, went straight to the house of W. Jacobus and made what is in all probability his last arrest.

Mr. Jacobus said: "When Shenneman jumped on him, I followed up close and as soon as I could, I got hold of his revolver and held it on him until he said he would give up. I then called the teacher from the schoolhouse and we tied him."

The following account of the Jefferson County trouble appeared in last week's COURIER:

A constable in Jefferson county was shot and almost instantly killed last week while attempting to arrest a young man by the name of Charles Cobb, who was wanted for promiscuously brandishing knife and revolver at a country dance. Instead of surrendering, he whipped out one of those deathly companions and used it with the above result. After the shooting, Cobb mounted a horse and rode off in a southwesterly direction. It was supposed that he was making for Hunnewell, there to take the cattle trail for Texas. Sheriff Shenneman received a telegram, from the authorities who were in pursuit, that he would probably pass through or near Winfield, and to intercept him if possible. Shenneman circulated cards giving the desperado's description and offering the usual reward for his capture; but Cobb carried a Winchester rifle and numerous other weapons, and if anyone did see him they deferred the invitation to tackle a perambulating arsenal. A few cases like this would be apt to lessen the candidates for a constableship.

The doctors, after carefully examining the wounds, decided that Sheriff Shenneman could not be moved that evening. After the examination the doctors gave the reporter as their opinion that his recovery was hardly probable and that he had less than one chance in ten. Messrs. Asp and Jennings left there at ten o'clock Tuesday evening at which time Mr. Shenneman was resting easy and sent word to the boys that he would be all right in thirty days. He was under the influence of opiates.

The prisoner was brought to Winfield overland by Deputies Taylor and McIntire in the Sheriff's buggy and under his orders. The reporter and other Winfield folks returned by way of Udall, where the train was held for them. As the train pulled into the depot, an immense crowd which had gathered there expecting the prisoner to be brought in that way, made a rush for the coach and were with difficulty persuaded that the man was not there. It was not a crowd of howling rabble but an organized body of determined men who seemed bound to avenge the death of the brave officer to the last drop of blood. They then marched up the Main streets of the city and scattered guards out on the roads upon which they expected the prisoner to be brought in. Others shaded the jail while hundreds congregated on the streets in little knots and discussed plans for capturing the prisoner from the officers. One more venturesome than the rest went about with a large rope on his arm and blood in his eye. Thus the crowd surged too and fro until long after midnight when they began to thin out and under the influence of more sober-minded citizens gave up their ideas of mob violence. About this time Deputies McIntire and Taylor appeared on the street and the few remaining citizens seemed eager to learn the whereabouts of the prisoner. But little was learned until morning and even then his whereabouts were known to but a few. Wednesday forenoon our reporter was informed of the prisoner's whereabouts and had an interview with him. Before the reporter went in, he copied the following description of the Jefferson County murderer, which was telegraphed to the Sheriff about a week ago.

"Charles Cobb, about nineteen or twenty years old; light complexion; no whiskers or mustache; blue eyes; a scar over eye or cheek, don't know which; height five to five feet three inches; weight 125 to 130 pounds; had black slouch hat, dark brown clothes, and wore large comforter; may have large white hat; was riding a black mare pony with roach mane, and carried a Winchester rifle and two revolvers; had downcast look."

The prisoner was found crouched in a corner of a small room. After introducing himself, the reporter asked the prisoner for his story of the trouble.

He said: "My name is George Smith, and I am about eighteen years old. I came up to Dodge City from Texas with a herd of cattle, in the employ of W. Wilson. Have been on the trail about a year. My parents reside in Pennsylvania. I was paid sixty dollars when the cattle were shipped. I then rode east, intending to work my way back, and on a week from last Monday, it being too cold to ride, I stopped at Jacobus' and tried to get work or to board until I could look around. On Tuesday as I was eating dinner, a man came in who was introduced as Dr. Jones. As I got up to go out, the Doctor jumped on me without saying a word. My first impression was that it was a conspiracy to rob me, and I wrestled to defend myself. I had a revolver on my person because I was among strangers, had some money, and was used to keeping it about me. If he had only told me he was an officer, and had put his gun on me as he ought to have done if he believed I was the desperate character I am credited with being, this business would never have happened. I am no criminal, and I am not afraid if the law is allowed to take its course. If a mob attacks me, all I ask is that the officers will do me the justice to allow me to defend myself. If they will take off these irons and put a six-shooter in my hand, I will take my chance against the kind of men who will come here to mob me. I am guilty only of defending myself, and I ask the law either to defend me or accord me the privilege of defending myself."

In personal appearance the prisoner looks to be a bright, healthy, smooth-faced boy, and has but few of the characteristics of a desperado. He is a perfect picture of robust health, muscular and compact as an athlete. His description tallies almost exactly with that of the Jefferson County murderer given abovehaving a small scar above his lip on the right corner, and above his eye. In talking he uses excellent language, speaks grammatically, and shows evidence of good breeding.

LATER: The prisoner was taken to Wichita this (Wednesday) afternoon by Deputy Finch that he might be out of the way of violence in case of Sheriff Shenneman's death. As he was being brought in Tuesday evening, a lot of men in a wagon met them out about a mile from town, but the buggy in which he was being taken was lighter and the team faster, and the officers ran away from the pursuers. They came into town in a roundabout way and unloaded the prisoner just back of D. A. Millington's residence, ran him through the back yard into Rev. Platter's wood shed, where he was held by Deputy McIntire while the others scouted around. At the time he was put in the wood shed, the jail was surrounded by citizens, while others were patrolling the alleys in the vicinity. Deputy McIntire says that during the time he held the prisoner in the wood shed footsteps could be heard prowling around, and that the prisoner wanted to be shackled to him, given a pistol, and he would go into the jail. When he found George wouldn't accede to that request, he hunted around and got a smooth stick of stove-wood. As soon as the crowd around the jail could be attracted to another part of town, the officers carried the prisoner over and put him in jail, where he was kept very quietly until taken away on the train Wednesday.

At ten o'clock today (Wednesday) Sheriff Shenneman was resting easy, and friends were more hopeful than before. The doctors, however, fail to give much encouragement.

If the shots prove fatal, Cowley County will lose one of the bravest officers and truest men that has ever resided within her borders. In the line of duty A. T. Shenneman never allowed his courage to falter, or his zeal to abate. In protecting the life and property of our citizens, and enforcing the laws of the state, he would go any length never considering the question of personal danger. He was brave to a fault. The evidence of true grit was his hanging on to his man until he was secured after being shot.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Democrats of Walnut Township.

There will be a township convention at Manny's brewery on Saturday, January 27, 1883, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of putting in nomination a full township ticket for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. All Greenbackers and Independent Republicans are cordially invited to meet with us and take part in making township nominations. By order township committee.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.


DIED. Died at Denver, Colorado, January 14th, 1883, AARON C. THOMPSON, aged thirty-eight years.

Mr. Thompson was the brother of Mrs. Judge McDonald and Mrs. A. D. Speed, of this city, and resided here for nearly a year in 1880 and 1881, during which time he was employed in the law office of Judge McDonald, and by his gentlemanly deportment made for himself a large circle of friends who will sincerely mourn his loss. The deceased was a man of most genial and kindly nature, and of fine abilities, and had held many positions of honor and trust in the United States Civil Service. Failing health at length compelled him to leave Alabama, where he had resided for some fifteen years, and he came westward hoping that our salubrious climate might check the insidious advance of that fell malady, con- sumption, which had already fastened upon him. He seemed to improve for the first six months of his residence here, but ultimately grew worse, and as a last resort sought the dry, bracing atmosphere of Colorado. But in vain. The destroyer had acquired too firm a lodg- ment; and so he passed away ere yet his sun had reached the zenith. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of all who ever knew him, for it can truly be said of him as Col. Ingersoll said of his brother Eben: "He contributed to the sum of human happiness, and if each one to whom he had said a kindly word, for whom he had performed some generous and loving service, were to come and cast but a single leaf upon his grave, he would sleep tonight beneath a wilderness of flowers."


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Republican Caucus.

There will be a Republican convention at Akron schoolhouse in Fairview Township, February 1, 1883, at 7 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of placing in nomination a township ticket. By order of J. W. Douglass, Chairman.


Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Kansas City Produce and Live Stock Market.


WHEAT: Market weak and slow; No. 1, 75-7/8; No. 2 87-1/4.

CORN: Market weak; No. 2, mixed, 41-1/2 to 42-1/4.

OATS: No. 2, 33-1/4.

BUTTER: Unchanged; choice dairy, 25 cents, roll, 16 to 18 cents; grease, 6 cents.

EGGS: Firm; 23 to 24 cents per dozen.

CATTLE: Market steady; native steers averaging 1180 to 1491 pounds sold at $4.65 & 10; stockers and feeders, $3.65 to 4.25; cows, $2.75 to 3.75.

HOGS: Market opened steady and a shade higher; closed weaker; lots averaging 221 to 307 pounds sold at $6 to 6.40.

SHEEP: Market quick; natives averaging 82 to 96 pounds sold at $3 to 3.50.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Constant Brevities.

Will Timmerman has gone after his brother, Ben, who shot himself in the arm some time ago.

Dr. A. W. Rolland is in Geuda this week looking after his brother's patients in that burg.

After several weeks' silence I again take up my pen to record some of the happenings in our quiet little town.

Prof. Harp, of Seeley, organized a class in music at the Holland schoolhouse which promises to be a decided success.

Mr. J. D. Hon is building a new barn. Mr. Hon has one of the best improved farms in the valley, and with his energy and good judgment is making farming pay.

Mr. F. H. Brown has been visiting Bolton friends for the past two weeks. He is sadly missed, as he is one of the most substantial young men of the neighborhood.

The United Brethren are holding a series of meetings at the Victor schoolhouse. Consid- erable interest is manifested. May much good follow their labors is the earnest prayer.

Our young people are enjoying themselves these cold winter days skating (or most prop- erly trying to). It was astonishing how the ice flew up. The only consolation, boys and girls, is that you hit the ice as hard as it hits you; but after all that don't cure a lame back.



Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

St. Luke.

[It is the custom of Mr. McMullen to have members of his Bible class write a short historical sketch of prominent places and illustrious individuals mentioned in the lesson. The following was prepared by Miss Lola Silliman. For research, great judgment in selection of points of interest, this article commends itself to the Bible student as one of much merit.]

St. Luke, the evangelist, is the author of the third Gospel, and, according to ecclesiastical tradition, also of the Acts of the Apostles. It is probable that he is Lucius, mentioned in Rom. 16:21. If so, he was related to St. Paul the Apostle. And it is not unlikely that Lucius is the same as Lucius of Cyrene; mentioned by name (Acts 13:1) and in general with others, chap. 11:20. It appears very probable that St. Luke was a Jew by birth, and an early Jewish believer. He is expressly styled by Paul as his fellow-laborer. He was greatly valued by the apostle, who calls him beloved and also speaks of his being a physician.

St. Luke seems to have had more learning than any other of the evangelists, and his lan- guage is more varied. This superiority in style may perhaps be owing to his longer residence in Greece, and greater acquaintance with Gentiles of good education, than fell to the lot of the writers of the other three gospels. He may have been one of the two whom our Lord met on the way to Emmaus, on the day of his resurrection.

We do not know exactly when Luke formed the design of writing his two books; but, probably they were the labor of several years. Nor can any hesitate to allow the truth of what is said by some of the ancients, that Luke who for the most part was a companion of Paul, had, likewise, more than a slight acquaintance with the rest of the apostles.

His gospel is addressed to Theophilus; but there is a doubt whether any particular person or any good Christian in general is intended by that name. Theophilus was probably a real person, that opinion being more agreeable to the simplicity of the sacred writings.

This gospel contains many things which are not found in the other three gospels, among which are the following: The Roman census in Judea, the penitent thief, the parable of the good Samaritan, of the prodigal son, of the publican and Pharisee, Christ's conversation with the doctors in the temple when he was twelve years old; and many others. We suppose him, he being a Cyrenian, to have felt a special interest in the opposition raised by those of the synagogue of the Libertines, of the Cyrenians, and the Alexandrians' against Stephen, which ended in the death of that protomartyr; Acts 6:9. And here, perhaps, began his acquaintance with the "young man whose name was Saul." We suppose him, also, to have sympathized much with those who were scattered abroad on the persecution that followed the death of Stephen; some of whom were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, and who went as far as Antioch, but whether he quitted Jerusalem at this time, cannot be determined without reserve. If he did, he was now a sufferer through the persecution of that very man, Saul, with whom he afterward contracted the most confidential intimacy. Little did either of them see the events of a few years.

He was with Paul in Troas in A. D. 52 and accompanied him thence as far as Philippi. He followed Paul on his third missionary tour through Macedonia, and by way of Troas, Miletus, Tyre, and Caesarea to Jerusalem, and was with him when Paul was sent as a prisoner to Rome where he stayed with him two years of his imprisonment.

Jerome ascribes to him an age of 84 years. Constantinople is mentioned by some as being the place where he died. We have no design of enlarging on the life of Luke, but would point out a few incidental allusions to him. For, notwithstanding what appears so conspicuously, his habitual correctness and diligence, we, by placing him in the number of the one hundred and twenty, on whom the Holy Ghost fell, in a visible form, insist on his unquestionable inspirations, and that in no ordinary degree. He was in this respect, though no apostle, yet equal to the apostle; and there can be no doubt but what the extraordinary gift of the Holy Spirit qualified him abundantly for the discharge of every duty to which he might be called, whether as a teacher or a writer.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Report of Constant Public School.

The following is a report of Constant school, Dist. No. 10, for the quarter ending Jan. 12, 1883. No. Enrolled, 47; No. Admitted this month, 3.

The following is the standing of the pupils in the studies named, in writing examination, Jan. 11-12. 100 perfect: Lucy Hon, grammar 96; Willie Hon, grammar 80, reading 81; Jas. Bott, grammar 94; Monta Constant, arithmetic 87, Geog. 90, grammar 88; Mollie Constant, Geog. 80, reading 92; Chas. Chapin, Geog. 95, grammar 100; Nettie Anderson, Geog. 89, grammar 98, arithmetic 83; Frank Eastman, arithmetic 80; West Holland, constitution 97; history 100; reading 100, phys. Geog. 89; Mary McArther, arith. 89, Geog. 80; Nettie Smith, arith. 83; Z. Medkiff, arith. 80; Fannie White, arith. 80, Geog. 80, grammar 89. Art. Hancher, Geog. 80.

The deportment of Sallie Robinson, Mollie Constant, Amie McArther, Fannie White, Mettie Anderson, Thos. Constant, Frank Eastman, and Tillie Toombs, was not below 85-100 being perfect. Nettie Anderson was neither absent nor tardy during the quarter. No. of visitors, 7. L. C. BROWN, Teacher.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.


The original petition is drawn in the hand writing of M. L. Robinson, the originator and principal member of the water-works scheme. That measure entails a heavy tax on the citizens, of which its projectors will have their portion to pay, besides this tax is likely to create a prejudice against the originators. It is said that there are three men who are willing to pay three thousand dollars a year each for the privilege of opening and running saloons in this city. This three thousand dollars a year, with a probable increase after the first year, would be about enough to pay the water rents saddled on to the city. Besides, Read's Bank is supposed to hold Frank Manny's paper to a large amount, which would be largely en- hanced in value if Frank could get to making money in selling intoxicating drinks.

So to help out the securities of the bank and to provide a fund for paying the water rents without taxation, these hitherto ultra prohibitionists have become the most ultra advocates of saloons and breweries we have. For the sake of paltry dollars, they are anxious to open up the flood-gates of drunkenness and debauchery upon our city and county. Hackney has an interest in the water-works stock, and judging him by themselves, they concluded that by fortifying him with a tremendous petition, he might be won over to help them in their schemes. It was an insult to him, and he has duly resented it in his answer in this paper.

Instead of 300 names on the petition as stated in the Journal, and other papers, there are just 209 only. These names are the owners and employees of Read's Bank. Mayor Troup and Councilman Gary, about a dozen fellows whose souls are not their own, all those who wish to run or patronize saloons, all the anti-prohibition element, and besides this, a very consid- erable number of respectable businessmen or citizens, who evidently signed without thought or consideration, merely to please the person who presented it. Many of these have stated that they signed under the explanation that the petition was to ask that laws be passed that would enforce the prohibitory law in the large cities of the state as effectively as it is enforced herea construction which the ambiguity of the petition may well bear. Others say they never signed it nor authorized their names to be attached. We do not believe that one half of the signers are in favor of saloon here, or would have signed if they had understood that such was the meaning of it. We consider it a fraud upon its face, starting out as it does with state- ments which are well known to be false and concealing its object under ambiguous language.

It is well known here that the prohibition law has been better and more effectively en- forced than the dram-shop act, which preceded it, ever was; that the sale and use of intoxicating drinks have been very largely decreased, though not entirely suppressed; that drunkenness has become ten times more rare than under license, and that the moral and busi- ness interests of the community have been greatly enhanced.

Some of the businessmen whose names are on this petition have told us that their busi- ness has been greater and better the past year than ever before, and much better than it could have been but for the prohibition law.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.


On looking over carefully the list of signatures on the petition to Hackney, we find a considerable number of names of persons who live in the country, and many more whom nobody knows. We find only 101 names, less than half of those on the petition, who are known as citizens of Winfield. Less than half of these probably understood what they were signing, and are in favor of saloons. It is presumable that the originators got all the names of prominent Winfield men they could by any kind of representations; and, considering all these things, the petition is not so very formidable after all. But it is enough to give our city a bad name, and give a severe stab to the cause of prohibition. The Kansas City Journal's Topeka correspondence says that the names of all the prominent men and business firms of Winfield are found on that petition, except one bank and one hardware store. We notice that the following Winfield firms and names are conspicuously absent from the petition.


COURIER Office, Winfield Bank, S. H. Myton, W. E. McDonald & Co., W. C. Root & Co., Hughes & Cooper, J. W. Johnston, J. S. Hunt, A. B. Arment, D. F. Best, F. M. Friend, C. E. Stueven, N. M. Powers, H. D. Gans, T. R. Bryan, C. Farringer, McGuire Bros., A. H. Green, T. J. Harris, Wm. Newton, Jacob Nixon, Curns & Manser, T. B. Myers, L. B. Stone, Frank Jennings, Henry E. Asp, G. H. Buckman, H. H. Siverd, Frank Finch, J. Wade McDonald, T. H. Soward, Ed Bedilion, J. M. Dever, Bliss & Wood, W. P. Hackney, P. H. Albright & Co., R. C. Story, Youngheim Bros., E. S. Torrance, Mr. Tomlin, Brown & Son, H. Brotherton, E. T. Trimble, W. A. Lee, A. B. Robinson, A T & S F R R STATION, Holmes' Packing House, K C L & S R R Station, C. Trump, Dr. W. G. Graham.

Besides all the clergymen of the city and more than four hundred other businessmen and voters of the city, it does not show up big when we remember that but a very small propor- tion of the 650 voters in the city signed the petition.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

A Monumental Fraud,

With an Attempt to Make Anti-Prohibition Capital,

And Establish Glickeries in Winfield.


The following petition was circulated last week by Frank Manny, taken to Topeka, and presented by him to Senator Hackney.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, January 23, 1883.

HON. W. P. HACKNEY, State Senator, Topeka, Kansas.

Inasmuch as the Prohibition Amendment, as enforced, has always resulted in injury to the material development of our townit having signally failed to accomplish the object sought, the suppression of the sale and use of intoxicating drinkswe would respectfully urge upon you the necessity of so providing for the enforcement of the law that its applica- tion shall be uniform throughout the State. If this is impossible, don't sacrifice our town on the altar of inordinate devotion to an impracticable principle.

D. L. Kretsinger, John Bobbitt, S. G. Gary, H. S. Silver, J. P. Short, John M. Keck, J. B. Schofield, J. H. Vance, D. R. Gates, N. [?] Myers, W. H. Smith, M. L. Robinson, Vic S. Mays, Geo. Emerson, M. L. Read, L. F. Hess, J. Birdsell, A. A. Jackson, J. B. Richards, G. W. Miller, W. K. Davis, V. B. Bartlett, Chas. Schmidt, Allen Johnson, W. S. Mendenhall, J. N. Harter, Quincy A. Glass, F. J. Sydal, R. E. Wallis, Jr., Geo. C. Rembaugh, J. B. Lynn, M. B. Shields, J. P. Baden, J. F. Burroughs, G. L. Rinker, W. J. Cochran, C. L. Harter, D. V. Cole, J. E. Snider, J. S. Mann, Henry Goldsmith, R. M. Boles, John H. Hude, W. B. Simpson, Hudson Bros., Edwin Bailny [?], Horning & Whitney, James M. Stafford, Alonzo Wharton, W. H. Shearer, R. Allison, J. Headrick, John Forguay, H. F. Miller & Co., R. Carter, August Kadau, Beuler Buck, L. L. Beck, A. F. Kroan, D. H. Long, D. M. Harter, Joseph O'Hare, L. D. Zenor, J. W. C. Springston, J. N. Hall, R. J. Brown, M. C. Adair, E. C. Sengby, H. S. Bixby, O. [?C.?] A. Garlick, Geo. Daily [?], F. C. Nomsen, G. D. Headrick, D. C. [?] Carr, M. W. Tamner, F. L. Weaverling, J. B. Goodrich, J. G. Kraft, O. H. Herring- ton, C. H. Mayler [?], C. C. Harris, H. L. Snivers [?Shivers?], E. F. Blair, John J. Zant, M. H. Mount, B. F. Harrod, A. G. Wilson, E. C. Goodrich, Dick Silver, S. C. Smith, L. C. Harter, S. S. Major, W. Kenell, S. Burkhalter, A. Herpich, J. Flickinger, H. J. Weaver, W. H. Hudson, G. H. Wheeler, Charles Wm. Keef [?], Geo. H. Ratzer, C. W. Nichols, N. S. Ollie, Wm. W. Fleming.

NEXT COLUMN: J. L. Horning, W. C. Robinson, Chas. F. Bahntge, Wm. J. Hodges, A. T. Spotswood, Sam'l Bard, A. H. Doane, Wm. Whiting, A. E. Baird, L. C. Scott, A. D. Hendricks, R. C. Wilson, N. C. Clark, T. K. Johnston, G. W. Yount, Geo. M. Miller, John Dix, J. W. McRorey, G. H. Allen, G. E. Brach, C. Callins, F. M. Bruge, Geo. Leiman, M. Hahn, A. J. Burgauer, Joseph Finkelling, J. A. Waggoner, C. M. Wood, John Fraser, W. D. Shotwell, J. Fleming, Wallis & Wallis, E. C. Seward, A. C. Taylor, J. L. Hodges, O. M. Seward, W. H. Dawson, L. B. Lattiff, S. H. Crawford, E. A. Cook, George Olive, C. W. Lathrop, Elijah Perigo, A. Bixbee, Devore Parmer, J. Batchelder, John A. Edwards, Isaac Behner, J. E. Miller, C. B. Dalgarn, Wm. Whitford, Ed Lamont, Wm. H. Fox, H. L. Wells, F. R. Hinner, Robert M. Woodson, W. F. Dorley, Brettun Crapster, A. C. Bangs, Berry Scrogin, G. J. Lockwood, E. H. Nixon, W. J. Wilson, G. J. Swind, Geo. F. Cotterall, H. C. Chappell, Edwin G. Fitch, Jas. McClain, J. W. Beard, S. L. Gilbert, W. A. Tilston, R. A. Lett, Jerry Cland, J. G. Myer, S. B. Stills, W. L. Hands, B. F. Cox, John D. Pryor, J. L. Littington, Harry Foults, Philip Sipe, T. E. Cochran, J. Heller, J. S. Mater, C. Seifert, John Fashing, J. S. McIntire, A. N. Emery, W. H. Allen, J. A. Patterson, Morris, T. W. Hambric, B. J. Mays, John Likowski, Ed F. Nelson, F. B. Clark, W. L. Webb, John E. Silany, W. H. Strahan, C. H. Limbocker, Samuel Layman, F. E. Sears, Wm. Kelly, M. G. Troup.


GENTLEMEN: I am in receipt of the above and foregoing petition, and replying to those of the signers who are the sworn officers of the law, whose duty it is to enforce the same, I have to say: that were I to pay any attention to your petition, I would be as unworthy of the confidence and support of the good people of Cowley County, as you have shown yourselves to be, by signing such a paper as the above.

You do not seem to know what your duty is, and I will try and enlighten you with the information, that it is my duty under my oath to make laws, and it is yours to enforce them. What right have you to criticize laws, and parcel out those to be enforced, and those to be ignored?

Such petitions as you sent me, will do more to give aid and comfort to the band of outlaws now seeking to subvert constitutional obligations and duties in this state, than any one thing you can do. How is it your business, whether this or that law works well or not? You have taken an oath to see that all laws are enforced, and this coupled with your duty as men, should make you swift to throttle all infringements, and to punish all infractions. And I can assure you one and all, that I need none of your counsel or advice, and did I need any, I should look to men who have some regard for their constitutional obligation and oaths.

If you will devote your time to the performance of your duty as assiduously and vigor- ously as I do to mine, the discontent of the people at your pusillanimous duplicity and negligence of constitutional obligations would soon be among the things of the past.

To that portion of the signers who make their living by the sweat of other men's brows, and who have no particular principles save and except schemes to amass wealth, I will say, that while the question of constitutional prohibition was before the people, you were unani- mous for prohibition; but, when you came to adopt facts instead of theories, and for the first time you realized that under the old system the drunken debauchee paid your municipal taxes, and that under prohibition you pay your own, of course you at once there and then lost all faith in your prohibition laws because such of you would rather the county would go to the diminution bow-wows if your taxes were thereby paid than to live in a heaven on earth and pay your own taxes.

Under the old saloon system, the people who drank liquor paid your taxes for you, be they residents of the city or county. Now you must pay your own, and hence "these tears." Under the former system families went hungry for bread that you might fatten. Under the new system you enjoy no such franchises. What do you care for betrayed trusts or broken promises, whether made by me or the officers of the law, so long as you escape what you have so often by fraud and perjury, escapednamely taxation. Hence your discontent, hence this petition.

Winfield is not suffering from the saloon system or of the want of it. What Winfield needs is more men of capital and less Shylock's; men of large minds and fewer small ones; less money changers and more money makers. She wants manufactories, and business that will employ honest men at honest wages who have families to feed and support. That man who has money and will spend it in these enterprises is a public benefactor. You have none now, and the prospect for getting such is not flattering.

What Winfield wants is less such Christians as you fellows are, and more of the character patterned after Him who died on the cross; less cant, hypocrisy and double dealing; more honesty and earnestness of purpose. With all this change brought about, Winfield will prosper. Without it, all the saloons outside of Hell will not add one iota to the prosperity of your town. Either wake up and rub the mildew from the prosperity of your town, or continue to swap dollars and sit upon your own prosperity.

Others of you signed this because you are devoid of the moral courage to say no. Others for fear thereby you would lose a nickel, while a very few of you favor a change hoping that you might better your condition thereby. There are a large number of you who, I cannot believe, would have signed the petition knowing that it meant saloons in Winfield. I believe that many believed it only meant strict enforcement in the large cities of the state. Its lan- guage would admit of such construction to one who was off his guard.

Now in conclusion, permit me to say that until this Legislature adjourns, I shall continue to do all I can to make prohibition a success, though by so doing I "sacrifice Winfield on the altar of inordinate devotion to an impracticable principle." And all petitions asking for a change, will only be that much waste paper. The people who voted for prohibition two years ago and whom I promised to help, will find me steadfast until my stewardship with them ceaseswhich will close with this session of the Legislature, after which they may select someone else to serve them. Until then you may look for no change in my conduct on this question. I, after reading your senseless twaddle in this petition, know that I am better pre- pared to take care of the interests of Cowley County than are any of you.

Trusting that time will soften the poignancy of your grief, the result of contemplating the possibility of having to pay your taxes yourselves, I remain your Senator,



Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Glen Grouse Gossip.

After an absence of some time we again come to the front.

The Winfield Bros. are among our late comers. They are engaged in raising sheep.

Mr. G. Samples, brother to our postmaster, is here with his family for the winter, and will doubtless locate here.

Messrs. Doolittle and Jackson (who rented the Wm. Radloff place) have as fine a herd of full blood and grade Merino sheep as one often sees.

We note several real estate changes in this vicinity. Mr. Archer has sold his two farms here, one to Mr. Glaves and the other to Mr. Dinkle. E. M. Armet has sold out to Mr. Garnett.

Our literary society is progressing nicely. They have declared our prohibitory law a success, granted the right of suffrage to ladies, and next propose to "knock the stuffing" out of railroad monopolies.

Uncle Billy Fitchworth is back from his trip through Canada; says it got too cold for him.

Cupid has been playing havoc among our young folks, and the result is lots of weddings.

MARRIED. Ben Shrieves leads off with Miranda Beaumont.

MARRIED. Lewis Beaumont and Alice Burroughs followed close at their heels.

MARRIED. Dal More brings up in the rear with Susie Shively as his better halfand the end is not yet. COMSTOCK.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

From Otto.

To the Farmers of Cowley County, Kansas:

When I came to Kansas we had a hedge law. A hedge one year old was a lawful fence, well tended, 10 feet on the outside. Cedar Township was building hedge fences, and not Cedar alone. Just look all over Cowley and see all of the old settled farmers and you will see hedge standing sadly neglectedand what is the cause? I will just say the herd law stopped the fencing, and today we are in no better condition than we were when the herd law came into existence, if as good. If the hedge law had continued until the present, Cowley would have looked as if there were men in it who had some energyand today we stand in need of a herd law just as much as we ever did. We could have had our farms fenced just as well as not, and we would not need any herd law. Now why not pray the Commissioners to put it to a vote at the spring election whether we shall have herd law or change to hedge law in the space of one or two years. It is virtually a herd law, but stock could soon run at large. The hedge should be one year old, cultivated 10 feet wide on both sides, in farming like manner, and should be kept cultivated as long as necessary in order to be a lawful fence. I am in favor of a hog and sheep law as it is difficult to make a hedge fence that will successfully turn hogs and sheep.

Let us hear from one and all. Don't be afraid to speak for yourselves. I am in favor of a hedge law. Most Respectfully yours, IRA PATTEY.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.

Mr. Watsonberger lost a cow last week.

Messrs. Shields and Demaree traded teams recently.

Mr. Samuel Allen is agent for the Walnut Valley Nursery.

One of Mr. Jack Cottingham's shepherd dogs is now a Salemite.

Mr. Mack Dalgarn is entertaining a [pet? Rest of word garbled] on the back of his neck.

Miss Jennie Wells is boarding with Mrs. Shields and attending Prairie Home school.

Miss Jennie Lewis is missed in Salem and Prairie Homeher home is now in Winfield.

The Dalgarn youngsters had a fine time at the oyster supper given by Mr. Boyd of Floral last week.

Rev. Graham has closed his meetings here and will spend perhaps six weeks at Walnut and Star Valley churches.

Mr. J. W. Hoyland bought a team of horses from Mrs. Reid of Floral this week. Mr. "Dan" of Floral is "eloquent" on the temperance question.

Mr. Brooking has returned from Kentucky and thinks Kansas is equal to paradise after wading through the mud way down in old Kentuck.

Mr. Doolittle has gone back to the nation to settle up his business preparatory to making Salem his stopping place; will farm some of Mr. Sparrow's land this season.

Since my last letter you all know part of that time has been very cold for Kansas, but we weathered the blast, and yet all is so quiet in our little circle there is scarcely anything new to write.

With this glorious sunshine it seems that Heaven's smile is upon us, for there are no sad tales of perishing with cold or by the demon of fire like that which reaches us from other lands.

The order of United Workmen hold their lodge in Pleasant Hill or New Salem school- house. Have about twenty-five members and are constantly increasing in numbers. May their work be a good one.

With regrets we hear of our neighbor. Mr. Avis, having his hand badly torn and mangled in the corn sheller. Every nail, we learn, on one hand is gone. It makes one's nerves tinge in sympathy just to think of it.

Our teacher, Miss Merriam, has left us and will soon be en route to her home in New York. May her journey be pleasant and her home be reached in safety is the wish of her friends, and may she soon return to sunny Kansas.

School is out and a very good time was enjoyed by those who attended the last day. An excellent dinner was served on a very large table and all seemed to have good appetites and fun mingled with the sober talk made all pass off nicely.

It was with much sorrow we heard of our brave County officer being shotand now the very sad tidings come that he is dead. Oh, how sad! May his poor brave wife receive the kind sympathy of all Cowley's good people in this, her bitter sorrow.

There was a surprise party gotten up and they held forth in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoyland and they all seem to think a pleasant time is insured when planning to go there. "Olivia" was not present so all details cannot be given. It was in honor of Mr. E. T. Vance.

There is Baptist service every evening in the Prairie Home schoolhouse and they are having very good meetings, interesting, etc., from all reports. An elderly lady by the name of Winters, stepped off the porch while attending the meetings, and broke her arm. It seems hard for good people to suffer. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Pleasant Valley Pencilings.

Wheat crop looking bad.

Al Knox is located on the Gay farm.

Beneath his own "Vine and fig-tree" J. W. Browning once more rests.

Singing-school is being conducted at Holland schoolhouse by Prof. Hagar.

Attorney C. C. Holland is amassing a fortune, seemingly, at Frederick, Dakota.

S. D. Klingman is disfiguring a time-honored landmark by trimming and cutting down his stately hedge along the public highway.

The M. E. S. Church folks are ready to begin work on their building as soon as the frost leaves the ground. So says Isaac Beech. [Beach?]

A train of wagons, numbering an even dozen, loaded with posts, came up from the Nation last Tuesday and dispersed in this vicinity.

The peaceful slumbers of David Lamb are now broken by excursions after catnip tea. He (the youngster) is vociferous and inexorable in his demands.

Ben Timmerman came in on the train today. He will visit his brother till spring, when he will engage in the stock business in Colorado. Since leaving this locality, two years ago, Ben has been unfortunate in losing his right arm, through reckless handling of a shot-gun.

The latest report from the asylum to his guardian states that there has been no material improvement in Hilary Holtby's condition, mentally, since his incarceration about one year ago. Physically, he is enjoying robust health, but is still laboring under delusions of an unfavorable character. His estate, by continued careful management and a reasonably fair share of luck, is hopeful of successfully weathering this cruel wave of adversity.

Friend George F. Thompson, a Cowley County boy in days of yore, but now identified with the State Agricultural College at Manhattan, in the capacity of Superintendent of the Printing Department, sends your reporter a sample of an ingenious advertising card which he has just patented. It is in the form of portrait author cards, and the idea is a capital one for businessmen. He has already been offered a handsome sum for the exclusive right of the patent. George is a very fortunate young man in more ways than one, and richly deserves success.

Another one of our old residents, Bob White, is afflicted with the Missouri itch, and has disposed of his choice farm, for $4,000, to John Bowers, from Illinois. Bob is one of the few pioneers who have been remarkably successful in business. His capital, when he commenced cultivating the virgin soil of Posey Creek Valley, consisted chiefly of pluck, energy, and enterprise. With these traits of character, together with robust health and a "best half," who has proved a jewel without exception, he has accumulated a comfortable competency amounting to $8,000.

Representative Bob Mitchell, in a letter just received by your humble servant from the classical halls of the State Legislature, says that he has been thoroughly examining the question in regard to the equal distribution of the railroad tax throughout the different school districts of the county, and concludes that, in his judgment and in the opinion of the wisest statesmen of that August body, that it is unconstitutional. We hope that a law against monop- olies, and a little wholesome legislation on railroads may not prove likewise. It is wisdom for our Cowley County members to keep their eyes peeled on these latter subjects, for their actions are being watched with an eagle eye.

This township holds its caucus on Saturday, the 3rd of February. Let there be a good representation of citizens present, thereby enabling the township to secure good, impartial, and efficient officers. For trustee we need a man of sound, correct judgment, which will not warp with petty spite or personal prejudice; a man who has had a little more than an ordinary acquaintance with the sciences of penmanship and mathematics, and who has heard of such a science as geology. To the wisdom and consideration of the caucus we would commend Ludolph Holcomb as a man possessing these qualifications in an eminent degree, besides having had ample experience in this line of work.

Our most excellent Sheriff's many warm friends in this community deeply regret the terrible calamity that has befallen him. They are highly incensed toward the heartless villain who so desperately attacked his life. It was a thousand pities that this embryonic desperado was not given the benefit of a neck-tie carnival. While we respect the law of the land, and believe in maintaining its dignity; at the same time we think it a wholesome idea to purify the country of atrocious, reckless, infamous dare-devils by summarily dispatching several of them in a manner that would be a forcible reminder and an impressive warning to bandits, outlaws, and vicious characters generally. It is to be hoped that Cowley County will not be thus ruthlessly deprived of her brave and noble Sheriff, and that the feelings of her honored citizens may not be sorely grieved by any sad ending of this tragical affair. HORATIUS.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Vernon Township Republican Nominations.

For Trustee, E. D. Skinner; for Clerk, P. B. Lee; for Treasurer, Thos. Thompson; for Justices, T. B. Ware, Oscar Wooley; for Constables, W. L. Holmes, W. S. Wooley; Road Overseers1st Dist., D. S. Cole; 2nd Dist., Moses Nixon; 3rd Dist., N. C. Clarke; 5th Dist., G. W. Kielhols [?Kielholz?].

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Meeting of Richland Township Temperance League.

At a meeting of the temperance people of Richland Township at Summit schoolhouse on January 27th, for the purpose of organizing The Temperance League, D. C. Stevens was elected chairman and J. M. Bair secretary. The following committee was elected for organization: A. S. Stuber, chairman; Dan Maher, N. J. Larkin, D. C. Stevens, Thomas Carson, Willis Wilson. Resolved to meet at the call of the chairman.

D. C. STEVENS, Chairman.

J. M. BAIR, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat today (Wednesday) is worth 75 for best. Corn has dropped some from last week and now brings but 30 cents. Hogs bring $5.65 for best. The produce market is quiet. Butter brings 15 cents, eggs 20 cents. Chickens live, 7 cents per pound; dressed, 9 cents. Turkeys live, 9 cents; dressed, 12 cents. Potatoes 80 cents to $1.00.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The Republicans of Otter Township met at Otter Creek schoolhouse January 27th at 2 p.m. Organized by electing D. Kantz, chairman, and G. W. Bartgis, secretary. The following persons were nominated: For Trustee, C. R. Myles; for Treasurer, G. W. Bartgis; for Clerk, J. T. Aley; for Justice of the peace, W. H. H. Rathbun; for Constables, W. Nash, J. P. Hosmer. Road Overseer Dist. 1, D. Ramsey; Dist. 2, J. J. Wilson; Dist. 3, D. M. Barnes.

D. KANTZ, Chairman.

G. W. BARTGIS, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Hotel for rent, furnished or unfurnished. H. G. Fuller.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Mr. W. L. Mullen has returned home after an absence of several months.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Rev. J. A. Hyden came down from Burlington last week and spent a few days among friends here.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Frank Barclay received a splendid seal skin cap from a cousin in the fur trade in Chicago.

It is a beauty.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

We had the liveliest snowfall of the season, yesterday, but it was not a cold blizzard like that of two weeks ago.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

C. C. Pierce will have a sale of farm implements and stock at his farm in Pleasant Valley Township Monday, February 5th.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The Republicans of Pleasant Valley Township will meet in caucus at Odessa schoolhouse on Feb. 3rd, at 2 o'clock. Z. B. Myers, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Chas. C. Black came down from Topeka Tuesday, being telegraphed for on account of the sickness of his children, who have the measles and are very sick.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The Horse Protective Union of Pleasant Valley Township will meet at Odessa school- house on Tuesday, February 6th, at 7:30 p.m. By order of Ord. Sergeant.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Frank T. Berkey has started a second hand store at Wellington. Frank is a young man of good business ability and will no doubt make a success of the enterprise.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Charlie Shenneman was called from his post as guard at the penitentiary and arrived at his brother's side a few hours before he died. A brother from Michigan was also present.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Mrs. Laura Hargrove and Mrs. A. A. Painter, formerly of Beaver Township, now residing in Chautauqua County, are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. R. Sumpter and other friends in Cowley.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Will Hudson, of Hudson Bros., started east Monday where he will purchase a mammoth stock of jewelry and silverware for their establishment. He will visit Florida before returning.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The Water-works ordinance will be found in another column. Every taxpayer should read it. It is the best contract for water-works which any city in Kansas, and we think any other place, has secured. [NOTE: I DID NOT COPY ORDINANCE!]

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

DIED. Wm. Drury was shot and killed at Geuda Springs Friday night by the accidental discharge of his pistol, which fell to the floor as he was placing it in the holster. He was a young man tending bar in a saloon.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Charlie Kelly dropped from his post as shuffler of the mails for Uncle Sam between Newton and Arkansas City on the Santa Fe train, Saturday, and was around shaking hands with his Winfield friends. He returned to Newton, his headquarters, on the special train Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The concert by the New Orleans Jubilee Singers on Wednesday evening of last week is pronounced a success by those who heard it; though not up to the level of that given by the Wilberforce company the previous week, the songs being of a "louder" and more distinc- tively plantation character.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Ben Cox has sold his interest in the Tunnel Mill to Phillip Stump, and has retired from the milling business. He is once more a gentleman of leisure. Indicative of this fact, we notice that he has just received a fine pointer pup from Lexington, Kentucky, and will devote his spare moments to training it. It is easier to steal a dog than to train one.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

We are indebted to Col. W. F. White, the Santa Fe Passenger Superintendent, for copies of a colored engraving of the Montezuma Hotel at the Hot Springs, Las Vegas, New Mexico. It is a grand picture of a grand hotel amid grand scenery where healing waters, pure air, and all the elements of pleasure and health abound.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The noble, womanly manner with which Mrs. Shenneman has borne her terrible afflic- tion, has won the admiration of every citizen. While suffering the most intense mental agony, she, calm and collected, assisting whenever she could, ministered to the wants of her hus- band until he breathed his last. Few delicate sensitive women could have borne up under it.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.


During the week there have been three cases of accidental shooting in the county, and all will probably result fatally. A boy by the name of Alger, on Grouse Creek, while attempting to throw a pistol around by the guard, as he had seen the cowboys do, discharged it into his stomach, and will die. One of Mr. Burt's boys shot himself through the leg while playing with a loaded pistol, near Searing & Mead's Mill, at Arkansas City, inflicting a wound that will probably prove fatal. The third was Wm. Drury, formerly a police officer at Wellington, but latterly tending bar in a saloon at Geuda Springs. Someone in the saloon asked him to show his pistol, and while putting it back into the holster, it fell to the floor and was dis- charged, the ball taking effect in his groin, ranging upward, and producing death almost instantaneously. It is indeed a strange coincidence that all these tragedies should occur so near together.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Mrs. H. P. Mansfield returned last Thursday from a four months tour in California, in good health and spirits. She has had a very enjoyable time, seen all the lions and learned all about California. That country she thinks has been overrated; the plains are dependent for fertility upon irrigation, the mountains are grand but barren, the flowers large but of little fragrance, the fruits magnificent to the eye but almost tasteless, and the people are largely vicious and shiftless.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The next meeting of the Ivanhoe Club will be held at the home of W. H. Smith, Tuesday, February 6th, with the following programme for miscellaneous reading: Misses E. Crippen, A. Aldrich, A. Klingman, F. Beeney, T. Goldsmith; Messrs. L. Zenor, E. Nixon, W. Wilson, Geo. Robinson. The readers are expected to be present and prepared, or appoint a substitute.

Theresa Goldsmith, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The Wells Fargo Express Co., have put a magnificent wagon on the streets. It is a beauty, was built in Chicago, and is drawn by a magnificent pair of black draught horses. The outfit is first-class in every particular and Agent Allen is as proud of them as a baby with a new rattle-box. The outfit makes things look lively on the street when it is out.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The champion mean man has been heard from, and he lives in Creswell Township. One night last week some being, erect upon two legs and bearing the outward resemblance of a man, entered the house of Mrs. Wintener, a poor widow with three small children, and stole a side of bacon. Comments are unnecessary.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Charles C. Black was down from Topeka this week and while here made an arrangement with Rembaugh by which Charlie takes a hand again in conducting and editing the Telegram. This places that paper on a substantial foundation and will make it one of the leading Demo- cratic papers of the state.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Mr. Trump has sold his tin shop and hardware store and will quit the business. Myton buys his hardware and N. C. Myers takes his tinware to Nebraska. Mr. Trump will work for Mr. Myton.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

W. H. Gilliard, Postmaster of Baltimore, came down yesterday in the snow-storm. He is in better health than he has been, but such a storm was rather rough on him.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Bard and Harris have rented the room back of Harter's drug store, formerly occupied by Trump's tin shop, and will move their real estate office to that location soon.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

There will be a social meeting of the Presbyterian congregation on Friday evening. It will be a pleasant occasion for all who attend.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Mr. Geo. T. Frazier, a wheat-buyer from Beloit, Kansas, has appeared on our streets as a wheat-buyer with Allen Johnson.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Jim Berry, formerly with A. T. Spotswood & Co., is now sojourning at Cherryvale.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Public Meeting.

The citizens of Winfield, irrespective of party or sentiment on the prohibition question, are requested to meet at the Opera House on Monday evening, February 5th, for the purpose of discussing the petition forwarded to Senator Hackney, advising him as to his action with regard to the legislation on the subject of the prohibitory law. F. S. JENNINGS, H. D. GANS, M. L. ROBINSON, J. S. HUNT, A. T. SPOTSWOOD, P. F. JONES, JAS. E. PLATTER, D. A. MILLINGTON, M. G. TROUP, T. R. BRYAN. HENRY E. ASP.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 1, 1883.


The Sequel to the Tragedy is Sudden and Awful Death!


The sad sequel to the awful tragedy of last week is enacted, and as we write young Cobb hangs stark and stiff from the K. C., L. & S. railroad bridge. He was brought in from Wichita Wednesday evening by Deputy Taylor and put in jail. Soon after Mrs. Shenneman went in and talked to him for a few moments. As she looked into his eyes with her face bathed in tears, the prisoner broke down completely and wept like a child. Soon after the people began to gather and many citizens were allowed to see him. About eleven o'clock he asked to see Mrs. Shenneman again, and when she went in, confessed to her that he was Chas. Cobb and asked her to write to the wife of the constable whom he had killed in Jefferson County and tell her he was sorry he had killed him. He asked her to keep his revolver. Afterwards, to Sheriff McIntire, he said he had been led off by reading the exploits of Jesse James and other desperadoes.

About two o'clock in the morning everything was quiet about the jail and on the streets. Soon some few late pedestrians were startled by seeing a company of men, their faces covered with black masks and thoroughly organized, marching down Ninth Avenue toward the jail. They went on to Fuller Street, where the leader flashed a dark lantern. Then they turned back, filed into the courthouse yard, then into the sheriff's office in front of the jail. Here a short scuffle ensued and soon four of the black maskers came out with the prisoner between them.

The company then filed out, surrounded the prisoner, and marched down Ninth Avenue to Main, thence north to 8th, then out west to the railroad bridge. By this time quite a crowd had gathered and were following. Two of the squad were detailed and sent back and with drawn revolvers ordered the crowd to "keep their distance." When they got to the railroad bridge a rope, which had evidently been prepared beforehand, was placed about his [Cobb's] neck and tied to the bridge beam. The moon was just up and several boys who had followed along crept up in the brush on the river bank and saw the whole proceedings. When the rope was tied, he [Cobb] was asked by the leader in a gruff voice to say what he had to say quick. The boys in the brush heard him say, "Oh, don't boys!" and "Father have mercy on me!" Two of the maskers then took him up and dropped him through between the bridge railings. He fell about ten feet and rebounded half the distance. The black maskers then filed on across the bridge, leaving two of their number to guard. These stood until the others had gone on across, when they too retreated, and the crowd came up and looked at the victim. As we write, he is still hanging to the bridge and the scene is being visited by hundreds.

The Coroner is empaneling a jury, after which the body will be taken down.

Thus ends the life of a more than ordinarily bright, healthy, robust boyone who might have done himself and his country honor. Instead, he dies like a dog, without friend or sympathizer to give him decent burialhis mind poisoned and his soul damned by the infernal thing known as "fiction." Let it be a lesson to all boys whose heroes live only between the leaves of a yellow-covered novel.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The Dead at Rest!

Sheriff Shenneman Buried Sunday AfternoonThousands Assisted in the Ceremonies.


The burial services and interment of Sheriff Shenneman, last Sunday, were the most impressive and imposing ever yet held within the borders of our county. The arrangements were in the hands of the Masonic fraternity, and the services were held at the Baptist Church at 1:30 p.m. Early in the morning the farmers from the surrounding country began pouring in; and at eleven o'clock a special train from Arkansas City, bearing the Masonic fraternity of that place and a large number of citizens, arrived. This was followed by another special from Newton and Wichita, and soon another from Wellington. By twelve o'clock the streets and hotels were thronged with people; many gathered here and there in little knots, talking over the terrible occurrences of the past week. Most noticeable among these groups were the Sheriffs who had come in from other counties to pay a last tribute to their brave comrade who had fallen in the line of duty. There was Sheriff Thralls, of Sumner, with whom Sheriff Shenneman had traveled thousands of miles, and through many dangerous ways in pursuit of criminals, and between whom there existed a personal friendship as strong as brotherhood. Also Sheriff Shadley, of Montgomery, who has the reputation of having handled more desperate criminals than any other officer in the State, and who captured Tom Quarles. Sheriff Watts, of Sedgwick, was precluded from being present by having the prisoner in charge. Sheriff Douglass, of Butler, was present; also Sheriff Thompson, of Elk, Sheriff Boyd, of Chautauqua, and Sheriff of .

At half-past twelve the church began filling, and before one o'clock every seat, except those reserved for the Fraternity, was filled, and the corridors, vestibules, and aisles were crowded. At half-past one the coffin was carried up the aisle to the foot of the pulpit by six sheriffs, who acted as pall-bearers, and escorted by the Masonic Fraternities of Arkansas City, Wellington, Mulvane, Dexter, and Winfield, and the Select Knights of United Workmen.

The services were opened by a grand anthem from the choir, followed by Scriptural reading by Rev. Jones, and prayer by Rev. Friedley. Rev. Platter then delivered the funeral address. His manner was intensely earnest, and the immense audience seemed waiting to catch every word as it fell from his lips. He referred to the universal desire for vengeance on the murderer, and likened it to a higher law, which demanded that each should suffer for his own sins. He then referred to the kind and generous spirit of the dead Sheriff; how he would go almost any length, and imperil his own life, to save even the most hardened criminal from harm, and himself from shedding human blood; and how almost his last request was to protect his murderer from violence. The minister then put the question squarely to the people: Should they emulate the spirit and desire of their dead friend, or allow the spirit of vengeance to overcome them and resort to violence toward his murderer? The effect of the discourse was powerful; and strong men, who had gone there determined that, as soon as their honored friend was laid beneath the sod, his murderer should expiate the crime with his life, went away feeling that it was better to let the law takes its course.

At the conclusion of Rev. Platter's discourse, Rev. Canfield made a few remarks, and was followed by a prayer from Rev. Bicknell, Editor of the Chicago Advocate. Rev. Cairns made the closing prayer, after which the choir rendered that beautiful song, "In the Sweet Bye and Bye." The people then filed past the coffin and took a last look at the familiar features of the dead officer.

The procession was then formed, with the Masonic order leading. It was over a mile in length. At the grave the beautiful Masonic burial ceremonies were observed, and the mortal remains of Sheriff Shenneman were consigned to their final resting place amid the silent grief of a multitude of friends and kindred.

Before closing, the writer desires to add his personal tribute to the memory of a friend. Way back, in 1873, a mere stripling of a boy, we were working in a brick-yard near Winfield, when we first met A. T. Shenneman. The work then allotted to us was arduous, and more than we were physically able to perform. He noticed this one day, and, with that feeling for the welfare of others that always characterized him, induced the foreman to relieve us with an easier position. From that time on there grew up between us a bond of friendship which ended only with his death. Beneath that rough exterior was a heart as tender as a woman's, which went out in sympathy to the oppressed everywhere. Well might it be said of him: "Were everyone to whom he did some loving service to bring a blossom to his grave, he would sleep tonight beneath a wilderness of sweet flowers."


Since the excitement incident to the tragedy has worn away, new facts regarding it come to light. It is now learned that young Cobb was in Winfield during the forenoon of the Monday on which he went to Jacobus' house. He traveled up toward Udall, and was seen by a farmer to stop near the corner of Mr. Worden's farm in Vernon Township, and read the posters and description of himself which Sheriff Shenneman had circulated, one of which was posted there. He was afterwards met farther on, and it was observed that he carried a gun enclosed in a case under his coat. In the evening he turned up at Jacobus' house. On the Sunday before the shooting he was showing some boys his skill as a marksman, and would break bottles thrown into the air with a ball from his revolver.

During the week the schoolmaster, who boarded there, got one of the descriptions, and on Monday evening came down and informed Mr. Shenneman of his suspicions. He was instructed to go back, observe closely the marks on his face, and return by midnight, when the Sheriff proposed to get a posse and go up and surround the house before daylight. The schoolmaster did not return during the night, and Mr. Shenneman began to doubt his being the man he wanted, so he concluded to go alone and reconnoitre. As soon as he saw him sitting at the table, he knew he was right, and also saw something in his eye that said he would shoot; so, a favorable opportunity affording itself, he thought to catch and hold him until disarmed. In this he mistook the strength of the boy, who proved to be a young tiger. The circumstances seem to indicate that Cobb had hold of his pistol when he turned to go out. It also seems that he fired the shots after both had fallen in the scuffle. Shenneman held Cobb several minutes after he was shot. A rope was then put about Cobb's neck and he was choked down, but he continued to kick and fight until worn out.

Mr. Shenneman died at 9:45 on Thursday evening, two days and a half after he received the shots. His wife, brother, and other friends were present, together with Sheriff Thralls, of Sumner; Watt, of Sedgwick; and Brown, of Jefferson Counties. The body was brought down Friday morning, and was met at the depot by Masonic brothers who conveyed it to his residence, where it lay in state until Sunday afternoon.


The night of the shooting young Cobb was kept in jail here. The next afternoon he was taken to Sedgwick County and confined in the Wichita jail. Thursday morning the Sheriff of Jefferson County, accompanied by a farmer who lived near Cobb and knew him well, arrived and identified the prisoner. Cobb feigned not to know his old neighbor, and still stuck to his cowboy story. The people of Wichita were greatly excited, and said that he should never go in any other direction than to Cowley County. Saturday morning he was placed in a carriage and, in charge of Sheriffs Thralls and Watt and Deputy Taylor, was brought to Winfield overland.

News was received here that he had left Wichita in a carriage and parties on the train going north passed them between Mulvane and Udall. This news greatly excited the people. In the evening about two hundred determined men gathered at the crossing and boarded the incoming train, thinking that perhaps he might have been put aboard at some way station, but he was not found. They then repaired to the city and placed squads at each bridge and on streets surrounding the jail.

The carriage with the prisoner arrived at about eleven o'clock, but came by the ford and escaped the pickets. They drove to the crossing of Fuller Street and Eleventh Avenue and Taylor was sent over to the jail to see how the land lay. He arrived just after a squad had been searching the jail in quest of the prisoner, and returned with the news that it was certain death to put him there. Sheriff Thralls and Watt then took the prisoner out of the carriage and started south on foot with him, while Taylor was left to take the team out into the country. In going out of town he ran across a squad of vigilanters who brought him into town. Then occurred a scene that beggars description. From all parts of town men came running, wild with excitement. They formed in a dense mass around the Deputy, clamoring to know what had been done with the prisoner. As the crowd surged to and fro, it seemed as if the very air was ladened with cries of vengeance. Soon someone cried, "the Brettun," and to a man the crowd started in a run for the hotel. Here they found the door barred, but one of their number went inside and looked in Sheriff Douglass' room, and found nothing. The crowd then returned to Taylor and demanded vociferously that he tell where the murderer was.

Soon a crowd went again to the jail and searched it from top to bottom, then the Courthouse and outbuildings. The search being fruitless, they returned exasperated, and for a few moments it looked as if Taylor would be roughly used. He was finally compelled to tell where he had left the Sheriffs with the prisoner, and a rush was made for that part of townTaylor being carried along to show the exact spot. Soon a vigorous search of barns and outbuildings in the vicinity was made, which was kept up the balance of the night.

During this time Sheriffs Thralls and Watt, with the prisoner, had traveled out the Badger Creek road to William Dunn's, where they brought up at two o'clock. Here they tried to get a conveyance to go to Douglass, but could not. They then went on and soon found a team, in which Sheriff Watt took the prisoner again to Wichita by way of Douglass, where he now is, and will probably remain for some time. Sheriff Thralls returned to town and remained to the funeral.

This is the first popular outbreak of the kind we have ever witnessed, and we hope never to see another. The passions of men when they become aroused are as uncontrollable as a sea of tigers, and appall themselves with their own fierceness. There is one thing we wish to say right here, and that is this: Every citizen of Winfield may be thankful that there were no open saloons in this city that evening. With the demoniac effect of liquor added to the natural fierceness of unbridled passion, riot and ruin might have followed in the wake of such an outburst.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.


Albert Taylor Shenneman was 37 years of age. He entered the army in the early days, joining Dan. Witt's Co. "D," 7th Illinois Cavalry, while yet in his teens. He served with great credit in all the campaigns of Sturgis and Grierson, on the Mississippi. He came to Kansas and to Winfield in 1870 and was appointed City Marshal in 1875. He filled the position during the rough pioneer times, and filled it well. He resigned in 1876. In 1875 and 1877 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Republican nomination for sheriff. In 1879 he received the nomination and was elected, getting over seven hundred majority. In 1881 he was renominated unanimously by the Republican convention and elected by an over-whelming majority. As an officer he was without a peer and is conceded by all his brother sheriffs to be one of the most efficient and capable in the state. Of untiring energy, courage, and indifference to personal danger when duty called, he has been more dreaded by the criminal classes than any other. Personally, he was not one of the "goody-goody" kind of men. What he had to say, he said, and stuck to it. While his feelings were averse to injuring anyone, he was yet firm in his convictions and assertions when in the right. To one who understood his nature, he was ever a kind, generous, and considerate friend.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

A gentleman received a letter from Cobb's father last week in which he said he heard the boy was hung, and seemed satisfied with the rumor, only wanting his body to be interred decently. His family is highly connected, and it has been rumored that he is a nephew of ex- Congressman Cobb.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

G. A. R. Supper.

The Dexter Post No. 133 G. A. R. will give an entertainment at the schoolhouse in Dexter on the evening of Feb. 17th. A general invitation is extended.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

We are informed that in a few days another sulky plow attachment outfit similar to that of three years ago will strike this county. Farmers, why not give your trade to regular dealers and have goods that you can rely on and get duplicate parts of?

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

John Cairns, son of Elder Cairns, was in the City Sunday. John and his "better half" are cosily settled on an eight hundred acre farm near Polo, this county, and he is arranging to deal extensively in stock.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The meetings at the Baptist Church still continue with increasing interest. Seven were baptized on Tuesday evening. Others will follow soon. The pastor is ably assisted by the Rev. Dr. Bicknell.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Miss Kate Millington returned from a two months visit among the peaks and crags of the Rocky mountains in Colorado. She spent much of the time in Durango and met many old Winfield people.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Horning & Whitney have received a magnificent stock of cutlery. Will Whitney exhibited to us Monday the finest line of silver knives and forks we have seen anywhere.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Miss Laura Stewart returned to her home in Sumner County Friday. She has been spending the winter with her grandmother, Mrs. Capt. Lowry.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Much valuable information can be gleaned from the article on St. Luke by Miss Lola Silliman, in this issue.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Eli Youngheim returned from the east last week with improved looks and a large stock of goods.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Turn out Monday night and let us hear whether you want saloons in Winfield or not.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

L. B. Jolliff is once more seen on our streets after a few weeks' ramble in Arkansas.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Our implement dealers have begun their spring campaign.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

The Republicans of Beaver Township in caucus assembled Saturday, January 27, 1883, at 3 p.m., and placed in nomination the following ticket for township officers: Trustee, John Bower; J. P., Geo. H. Teter; Treasurer, N. C. Hiser; Clerk, John A. Rupp; Constable, Wm. McCulloch. JOHN W. BROWNING, Chairman.

J. R. SUMPTER, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Farmers desiring corn shelled on their farm should call on or address M. Christopher, New Salem, Kansas. Charges 1-1/2 cents per bushel.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Our Winfield office is in charge of H. T. Shivers and R. C. Story, who will represent us in all business pertaining to that office. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., Real Estate and Loan Brokers.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

For rent. Possession is given on March 1st. The property now occupied by Taylor & Taylor on east side Main St., just South 10th Avenue. This house has three rooms. Rent low. Apply to Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

No more bad bread. We have just received a car of genuine Patent Flour from the new Roller Mill at Topeka. Every sack guaranteed to be as good as any made in the United States. Give it a trial. A. T. Spotswood & Co.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

Overcoats at cost. Good overcoats for $2.25. Good men's boots at $1.50 to $2.00 per pair. Everything in dry goods and clothing at bed rock prices for the next thirty days to close out a large stock of winter goods at J. P. Baden's.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

A bargain sure. 160 acres farm land for sale cheap, one and one-half miles from city limits of Winfield. 70 acres in cultivation, a fine young orchard, good well and other improvements. Inquire of D. Berkey in City of Winfield, Kansas, 116 E. Ninth.


Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.


SECTION 1. That the right of way along the streets and alleys, and the privilege to construct, operate, and maintain a system of Water Works within the corporate limits of the City of Winfield, for supplying the City and citizens with water for domestic, sanitary, and other purposes, as well as for the better protection of the City against disaster from fires, be and is hereby granted to Frank Barclay, J. L. Horning, J. Wade McDonald, W. C. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, W. P. Hackney, and M. L. Robinson, of the City of Winfield, Cowley County and State of Kansas, their successors and assigns for the term of ninety-nine (99) years from the passage of this ordinance.

SECTION 2. That the right of way as held by the City of Winfield be granted to said Frank Barclay, J. L. Horning, J. Wade McDonald, W. C. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, W. P. Hackney, and M. L. Robinson and their successors and assigns for the term of ninety-nine (99) years to lay pipes in any and all streets, lanes, alleys, roads, or other public places within the corporate limits of said City, and to extend the pipes, and to place, construct, and erect hydrants, fountains, conduits or such other useful and ornamental structures as may be necessary for the successful operation of the said water works.

SECTION 3. That the general plan of the works shall be, an engine house built of either brick or stone and roofed with metal, not less than twenty-four [24] feet by forty [40] feet, and divided into two apartments to be known as pump and boiler rooms; attached to the boiler room, a coal shed built of stone or brick and roofed with metal, of sufficient size to store twenty-five [25] tons of coal.

The pump to be capable of pumping through the connecting main one million U. S. Gallons of water into a reservoir one hundred feet higher than Main Street, in twenty-four hours, the said reservoir capable of storing not less than two million gallons of water; the boiler of sufficient size to make with easy firing ample steam to supply the pumping machinery; the original pipe system to be not less than five miles and twelve hundred and seventy feet of main, composed of standard iron water pipe and to vary in size from ten inches to four inches in diameter; the hydrants to be what is commonly known as six inch post and two and one-half inch double discharge with frost jackets with four inch connection.

SECTION 16. That the location of the mains provided for in section 3, shall be as follows, to-wit: Running from the pumping works to Ninth Avenue on Walton Street, 740 feet; from Walton Street to section line on Ninth Avenue, 4580 feet; from Ninth to Twelfth Avenue on Mansfield Street, 1100 feet; from Seventh Avenue to Riverside Avenue on Menor Street, 2670 feet; from Ninth to Sixth Avenue on Manning Street, 1100 feet; from Sixth to Twelfth Avenue on Main Street, 2220 feet; from Ninth Avenue to Blanden Street and from Seventh to Eighth Avenue on Millington Street, 1870 feet; from Millington to Loomis Street on Twelfth Avenue, 370 feet; from Twelfth to Riverside Avenue on Loomis Street, 740 feet; from Main to Andrews Street on Eighth Avenue, 1500 feet; from Millington to Maris Street on Eleventh Avenue, 2150 feet; from Ninth to Tenth Avenue on Fuller Street, 370 feet; from Fuller to Andrew Street on Tenth Avenue, 370 feet; from Ninth to Fifth Avenue on Andrews Street, 1480 feet; from Andrews to Fuller Street on Seventh Avenue, 370 feet; from Ninth to Eleventh Avenue on Maris Street, 740 feet; from Ninth to Seventh Avenue on section line 740 feet; from section line to reservoir 3220 feet; from mains to 40 public hydrants 1340 feet, making a total of 27670 feet.

SECTION 17. That the following maximum rates shall be annual and become part of this franchise:

Aquarium: $3.00.

Bakery, each oven: $8.00 to $20.00.

Bar Room: $10.00 to $80.00.

Banks: $8.00.

Barber shops, first chair: $5.00.

Barber shops, each additional chair: $2.50.

Bath, private: $3.00.

Bath, hotel or boarding house, each additional tub: $6.00

Bath, public: $10.00 to $30.00.

Brewery, special: _____.

Billiard saloon, each table: $3.00.

Boarding house per room, 1st opening 5 rooms or less: $6.00.

Book bindery: $8.00.

Brick work per m. Laid: $.12-1/2.

Brick yard each gauge or table per season: $20.00.

Churches, free.

Candle factory, special: ____.

Candy manufactory: $8.00 to $40.00.

Cigar manufactory, per hand: $1.50.

City officers, free.

Cows, each: $1.50.

Distilleries, special: ____.

Drugstores: $8.00 to $10.00.

Dyeing and scouring: $15.00 to $30.00.

Fountain, ½ inch jet, not exceeding 6 hours per day, during season: $7.50.

Fountain, 1/16 inch jet, not exceeding 6 hours per day during season: $5.00.

Fire protection, to individuals special: ____.

Forge, first fire: $6.00.

Forge, second fire: $2.00.

Halls and theaters: $10.00 to $20.00.

Hydrant supply 1 lot 50 ft. Front: $6.00.

Hydrants supply each additional hydrant supply: $5.00.

Hotel, special: _____.

Ice cream saloon: $8.00 to $50.00.

Laundry: $15.00 to $100.00.

Locomotive, each engine out per day: $.75.

Locomotive, each switch engine out per day: $1.50.

Office or sleeping room: $3.00.

Packing house, special: ____.

Photograph gallery: $10.00 to $30.00.

Plastering per sq. Yd.: $0.001/2

Printing office, special: ___.

Residence of six rooms, one family: $6.00.

Residence, each additional room: $.50.

Residence, any connection: $6.00.

Saloons: $10.00 to $30.00.

Schools, free.

School fire protection, special: ____.

Sprinkling, private garden, special: _____.

Sprinkling, public garden, special: _____.

Stable, livery, board or sale including carriage washing, per stall: $2.00.

Steam boiler per horse power, ten hours per day: $.20.

Stone work per perch: $.05.

Stores: $6.00 to $40.00.

Two public drinking and watering fountains, to be erected by the city, free.

Water-closet, public, each seat: $8.00.

Water-closet, private family, special: $1.00 to $3.00.

Meter rates 10,000 gallons and over per day per 100 gallons: $.02.

Other, special: ______.

Motor, special: ______.

Factories not enumerated, special: ___.