Murderous Romance at Maple City in Which John Snyder
Down His Life.
Marshall, a Groom of a Week, Wags a Slanderous Tongue
a Wicked Revolver.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Maple City comes forward with a romance mixed
up with love, jealousy, and slander. A very pretty and accomplished young lady,
Miss Clara Andrews, well known to many of the young people of Winfield, and
daughter of John Andrews, the cattle and sheep man at Maple City, is the
central figure. John Snyder, a young man of twenty-four, who has been paying
very devoted attentions to Miss Andrews, got “wind” of remarks that seemed to
reflect on the character of Miss Andrews, and made threats that came to a clash
Wednesday morning at about 10 o’clock, when he met the accused slanderer, John
Marshall, in front of the Maple City schoolhouse. A few words ensued, when Marshall
drew his revolver and sent a ball through Snyder’s head, and then gave himself
up to the authorities. Sheriff McIntire was dispatched for, went down Wednesday
afternoon, and at 2:51 Thursday arrived on the Santa Fe from Arkansas City with
the prisoner, who was accompanied by the bride he wed only last Friday evening.
Our reporter met the sheriff at the train and got his pointers and the story of
the murderer.
“I knew John Andrews and family near
Columbus, Ohio, from where I came to Maple City last November, intending to
canvass as a book agent. I stopped with Andrews. I soon saw that the book
business was no go, so I got up a writing school. Mr. Andrews had a lame
shoulder, so in the day times I helped him. I got up his winter wood and did
anything and everything. I asked no pay and got none. I didn’t try to go with
Clara, and she treated me respectfully. During my stay here, John Snyder, a
young fellow from New Orleans, who was living with whom he claimed as an old
friend, Dr. E. H. J. Hart, came to see Clara and appeared to be badly “gone.” I
never disturbed him. We knew each other, but were not intimate. I left Andrews
a few weeks ago and went to boarding at Mr. Clay’s, my anticipated wife’s
folks. Thursday week I was up here to get my marriage license, and in
conversation relating to certain girls, whose fellows were busted, I said,
‘That’s nothing. We’ve got two fellows down our way whose girls keep
them’—meaning Snyder and myself. This got to Snyder, and in a day or two a friend
came to me and said that Snyder said I had been lying about his girl and he was
going to horsewhip me, and this friend said I had better arm myself. I did so,
and carried a Smith & Wesson 32-calibre in my coat pocket, cocked, a week
before the fracas yesterday. Others told me that Dr. Hart had bought a
black-snake and that he was going to hold me up with a revolver while Snyder
horse-whipped me. I didn’t run across either of them until yesterday. When I
was coming up from the spring with my big mittens on and a pail of water in
each hand, I met Snyder and Hart taking their team across to the barn to hitch
up. Snyder was twenty feet ahead of Hart, who was driving the unhitched horses.
He threw down his wraps, done up with a shawl strap, and said: ‘You’re the s of a b I’ve been looking for, I’ll maul h l out of you!’ He made for me, with
his hand on his back pocket and I yelled ‘Halt!’ several times. He kept coming
and I drew my cocked revolver quick as a flash, and shot. As I shot, he dodged,
and the ball went into his head behind the ear, they say, and came out of his
forehead. Snyder fell and Hart dropped the lines and rushed up. I yelled,
‘Halt!’ and came down on him, and he threw up his hands, where I held him, till
the crowd came, when I gave myself up.”
Marshall is a young man of twenty-six, of
sandy complexion, and rather small stature, a good face, and talks well. He was
married last Friday night to Miss Clay, who is now at the jail with him. She is
a girl of about sixteen, whose folks are old settlers of Maple City.
Snyder came from New Orleans two months ago,
supposedly to visit his old friend, Dr. Hart. He and Dr. Hart, whose wife and
three children are back in Ohio, boarded with Mrs. Goodrich. Snyder didn’t do
much work, dressed only moderately well, and didn’t appear to have any money.
His natural appearance was good and he took pretty well. It was well known that
he was badly in love with Miss Andrews, and she seemed to reciprocate. On
investigation Sheriff McIntire had Dr. Hart arrested as an accomplice, and
Deputy Sheriff Joe Church brought him up by buggy this afternoon. No revolver
was found on either Hart or Snyder after the affray, though it is claimed that
Snyder was not searched until after Hart had examined and conveyed him to the
Snyder was unconscious up to death, which
occurred at 10 o’clock last night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Friday was the twenty-fifth anniversary of
the admission of Kansas to the Union. Commencing back a quarter of a century,
as the battle ground on which were commenced and fought some of the hardest
battles of the slave power, it has made advancement, which reflects
imperishable glory on the State and the noble people who have made its grand
record. Beginning in abject weakness, it is now the peer of all—the home of a
million and a quarter of people whose progressiveness, intelligence, morality,
grit, and prosperity have no superior on the globe. Our State is the envy of
all. Her great productiveness and material possibilities, backed by keen
energy, have placed her in the front rank of the galaxy of states. Kansas, the
infant State, has grown to maturity and astonished the world with her
prodigious developments and resources. She has made a high mark, and now stands
forth the pride of her every citizen and the glory of the nation. At the State
capital this quarter-century birthday anniversary was celebrated on a scale in
accordance with our grandeur. And all over the State, in almost every
schoolhouse, was the day properly observed. In our Winfield city schools, a
very appropriate program was rendered—one of vast information and interest. Let
“Kansas Day” never die! It inculcates the noble purposes and achievements of
the pioneers of Kansas in the State’s early struggles. Many of them have passed
from the stage. Their memories should ever live in the kindest appreciation of
those who enjoy the privileges wrought through their labors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
SAMUEL DALTON. Attorney at law. Office corner
of Ninth Avenue and Loomis Street.
J. F. McMULLEN. Attorney at law. Winfield,
Kansas. Ninth Avenue. Practices in all courts.
HACKNEY & ASP, Attorneys at law.
Winfield, Kansas. Office in Hackney Building, opposite the Court House.
WILL T. MADDEN, Attorney at law. Practices in
all courts. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to him. Office
over J. J. Carson’s store.
J. E. SNOW, Lawyer. Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public. All business entrusted to me will be promptly attended to.
Office, 215 East 9th Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
W. H. TURNER, Attorney at law, Winfield,
Kansas. Loans money on real estate on short notice. Money loaned on chattel
mortgage security and notes bought on reasonable discount. Office in Fuller
& Torrance Block.
DR. S. J. GUY. Office in McDougal building
over Baden’s, where he can be found day and night when not professional
DR. C. C. GREEN. Office in McDougal Building.
Residence, fourth house west of Spotswood’s store, north side of street.
DR. C. M. RILEY, Physician and Surgeon.
Permanently located in Winfield. Office temporarily in Glass’ drug store.
Residence 7th avenue, two blocks east of the Brettun.
J. G. EVANS, M. D. Office over J. C. Long’s
store, next to Central Telephone office. Residence, 1208 Menor street, opposite
M. L. Robinson’s.
DR. F. M. PICKENS, Physician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended day and night. Office over Carson’s clothing store,
North Main. Residence, 3rd Ward.
TANDY). Physicians and Surgeons. Office over Harter’s drug store, South Main,
Winfield, Kansas.
H. L. WELLS, M. D., Eclectic. Office over
Express office back of Goldsmith’s. Residence: 1009 Lowry Street, Winfield,
Kansas. Sole control of the Brinkerhoff system.
S. B. PARK, Physician and Surgeon, Winfield,
Kansas. Office over Hudson Bro’s Jewelry Store. Office hours 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to
5 p.m. Residence, 902 East 8th Avenue. Telephone Exchange.
H. J. DOWNEY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
Winfield, Kansas. Office in Torrance-Fuller block over Friend’s music store.
Calls attended promptly day or night from the office, unless absent on
professional business.
Physicians and Surgeons, Winfield, Kansas. Especial attention given chronic and
surgical diseases. Office in Torrance-Fuller block, upstairs.
THOS H. ELDER. Physician and Surgeon,
Winfield, Kansas. Office over Curns & Manser’s real estate office.
Residence, corner 11th Avenue and Loomis Street. Special attention
given to Diseases of women and children. Calls promptly attended.
S. R. MARSH, M. D. Offers his professional
services to the citizens of Winfield and vicinity in the practice of medicine
and surgery. Office on 10th Avenue, west of McDonald’s store, where
he may be found at all hours day or night when not professional engaged.
F H. BULL, DENTIST. 910 Main Street. Teeth
extracted without pain.
T. S. BROWN, DENTIST. Graduate of the Ohio
College of Dental Surgery. Office corner 10th and Main Streets, over
DR. J. O. HOUX, DENTIST. Office in
Torrance-Fuller block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of nitrous-oxide
gas—perfectly harmless.
doors west of post office. Nitrous Oxide Gas. Teeth examined free of charge.
All work warranted. Having secured the exclusive right to use Dr. Baldwin’s
Preparation for the painless extraction of teeth for this city, I am prepared
to apply it to any person that has teeth requiring extraction.
Correspondence solicited. Office in McDougall building.
taught and books furnished. Pupils may begin at any time. Charges very
reasonable. J. R. FAZEL.
work of all kinds and charges reasonable. Also Manufacturer and Dealer in the
Four Peg [?] Washer. Orders from a distance solicited and promptly filled. Shop
on Ninth Avenue, east of Main street, Winfield, Kansas.
Stud Farm. For 15 years a breeder and importer of Percherons. RECORDED
STUD-BOOK and HIGH-GRADE, acclimated animals of all ages and both sexes for
sale. For reference, enquire of Jennings Brothers.
AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY. Any one wishing to
obtain a copy of the Scriptures, who is unable to pay for it, can have the same
by applying at the Depository. Brown & Son’s Drug Store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Thanking all for their very liberal patronage
through my clearance sale, I wish to say that instead of closing it the last of
January, I will run another week, as I have more goods than I care to invoice.
So come right along until Saturday, Feb. 6, 1886, When the Great Bargain Sale will
close. In conclusion, I will say that I have no factory. Neither has my father
any large double stores in Illinois. I have always sold goods too close to
accumulate money fast.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Light spring wagons, open buggies, top
buggies, and Phaetons always in stock of our own make. All kinds of wagon work
and blacksmithing done promptly and to order. Horseshoeing and plow work a
specialty. Builders of street hacks and busses.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The G. O. Club gave one of the most
pleasurable parties of the winter series in the commodious home of Misses
Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Thursday evening. It was a bad night, but with the
excellent hack facilities of Arthur Bangs, the elements were conquered and by
nine o’clock the following very jolly crowd were present: Mrs. M. Hite, Mrs. A.
D. Hendricks and Miss Laura, Misses Sallie Bass, Ida Ritchie, Mattie Harrison,
Nona Calhoun, Bert Morford, Ida Johnston, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Leota
Garry, Nellie Cole, Maggie Harper, Anna McCoy, Mary Randall, Eva Dodds, and
Mary Berkey; Messrs. G. E. Lindsley, F. and Harry Bahntge, Frank N. Strong, P.
S. Hills, A. F. Hopkins, R. E. Wallis, Jr., Will E. Hodges, Everett T. and Geo.
H. Schuler, Lacey Tomlin, Wm. D. Carey, and Frank H. Greer. For novelty, all
were accompanied by a sheet and pillow case, and the first half hour witnessed
only ambling phantoms, whose ghostly presence was weird and mysterious. But a
little of the ghost business was enough, and soon all were happily mingling in
their natural array. Music, the light fantastic, cards, and various appropriate
amusements, with an excellent luncheon, filled in the time most enjoyable until
12 o’clock. The Misses Rodgers are very admirable entertainers, graceful and
jolly, and made a genuine freedom among their guests most acceptable.
D., M. & A. BILL.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Representative Greer writes from Topeka: “I
enclose copy of my bill for relief of the D., M. & A. Senator Jennings has
already got it through the Senate and I have everything cut and dried for its
passage in the House. I am satisfied that the road will be built at once if we
succeed in passing this act. Everything is running along smoothly, with lots of
work cut out for the future. We will save our three representatives, but by a
mighty close scratch.” The following is the D., M. & A. relief bill. It is
an Act in relation to railway corporations, and authorizing and confirming
change of gauge in certain cases, and municipal aid in such cases.
Sec. 1. Any railroad corporation which has
been heretofore or may be hereafter, organized and incorporated under the laws
of this state, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating a
narrow-gauge railway, shall have the right, and is hereby authorized by vote of
the holders of a majority of its stock (subscribed and issued), to change the
gauge of its track from narrow gauge to standard gauge.
Sec. 2. Whenever any railway corporation
shall change the gauge of its track as authorized by section one of this act,
it shall be the duty of the secretary of such railway corporation to certify to
the secretary of the state, under his hand and the seal of said railway
corporation, the fact of such change having been made, and the date thereof.
Sec. 3. If, before the passage of this act,
any such railway corporation, by vote of its stockholders, shall have changed
the gauge of its track from narrow gauge to standard gauge, and shall, within
sixty days after the passage of this act, by its secretary, and under its
corporate seal, certify to the secretary of State the fact of such change, and
the date thereof, such change is hereby ratified and confirmed, and shall have
the same force and effect as if made after the passage of this act.
Sec. 4. Any change of gauge of track such as
is hereby authorized, whether by amendment of articles of incorporation, or by
resolution and certificate thereof, shall be filed and recorded by the
secretary of State, and certificate thereof given, the same as in cases of
articles of incorporation.
Sec. 5. Whenever any railway corporation
organized to construct and operate a narrow-gauge railway, shall have availed
itself of the benefits of this act, by changing the gauge of its track, or
certifying to such changes as herein provided, any municipal bonds, before such
change, or certificate, voted to such railway company, shall not be invalid by
reason of such change of gauge, Provided, Such change does not conflict
with the terms of the proposition under which such bonds were voted; but such
bonds shall, by the proper authorities for any county, township, or city having
voted such bonds, be delivered to such railway corporation, upon its compliance
with the terms of the proposition under which they were voted; and such bonds
shall be as valid and binding upon such county, township, or city as if the
original charter for such railway corporation had authorized the same to
construct, maintain, and operate a railway of standard gauge.
Sec. 6. Any railway corporation having
received municipal bonds voted in aid of the construction of a narrow-gauge
railroad shall, before being entitled to the benefits of this act, procure the
consent to such change of gauge by the county, township, or city from whom such
bonds were received; which consent must be given by the board of county
commissioners for the county or any township thereof, and by the Mayor and
councilmen for any city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
We have investigated thoroughly the facts in
the case of destitution, cruelty, and freezing reported and stingingly
commented on by THE COURIER, Tuesday evening, and find them to be exactly as we
stated, if not worse. We knew what we were writing about. It was a flagrant
case and we treated it accordingly—in a way that went home with the swiftness
of lightning. The girl’s limbs are frozen, tender, and swollen—will hardly bear
her weight. The pressure of the finger on the flesh makes an indenture as in
stiff dough. She was never sick a day in her life until this exposure. She
corroborates all THE COURIER said about her terrible bed—on the cold floor,
with scarcely anything under or over her. Her home is destitute, though now
enjoying the sunshine of generous hearted assistance and sympathy. The house
hasn’t $75 worth of furniture in it, and this is encumbered by $38 borrowed to
keep the wolf from the door. The father’s sensitive nature is keenly stirred
over his grinding condition, but he has the consolation of having done his
best. Until the bitter cold closed the avenues of labor, though he had a large
family dependent entirely on the labor of his hands, he warded off suffering.
But when work closed down, his condition was abject, and from time to time, in
small amounts, he was compelled to encumber even the little furniture of his
home. The Woman’ Relief Corps and other noble ladies and citizens are giving
the family every attention. The oldest girl had a dangerous siege of pneumonia,
but is recovering rapidly, under the care of Dr. Wells, whose interest in this
matter is fully appreciated by all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mrs. Stewart, of the ladies relief corps,
says she and Mrs. Finch visited Frankie Dorothy and found her in a lamentable
condition, as bad as THE COURIER put it, and her story was the same. They also
visited Mrs. Bartlett and found her in distress. She showed the bedding where
the girl slept, which was enough to make her warm and comfortable; stated that
a fire was kept burning all night in the room close by the girl, that she was
out at the theater one night, and at home all night, three nights during the
time. Mrs. Stewart considers Mrs. Bartlett a perfect lady and gives her
statements full credence. She quotes Dr. Graham as stating that attaching blame
to Mrs. Bartlett is too ridiculous to consider.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Edward Kirk, an Irishman who had been working
in Wellington, got a bad mash Wednesday. He belongs in Chicago, was “busted,”
and had set out to beat his way home. In trying to remount the blind baggage
car here, with the train in motion, he missed his hold and was thrown on the
frozen ground with great force. His collar and breast bones were broken, and
his shoulder dislocated; but he managed to get up and walk uptown. Finding Dr.
Wells’ office, his bones were dressed and he put in the hands of Marshal
McFadden. He was given a bunk at the jail, where he will remain until able to
help himself. Dr. Wells is giving him surgical care.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
C. S. Byers of Beaver was up Thursday and
reports that the mad dog scare has broken out in a new spot in that township.
Last Saturday two of widow Jenkins’ dogs went mad from some cause unknown, and
chewed each other up, bit a colt and three head of cattle. Wilbur, the widow’s
fifteen year old son, was also bitten, and the hired man was bitten on the
gloved hand, the teeth not touching the skin. John R. Sumpter brought the boy
to Winfield today, in search of a mad-stone. This revives the big rabies
excitement in Beaver and all are watching their dogs very closely. It looks as though
that township will have to kill off its entire canine population.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The county road case of L. Weimer vs. County
Commissioners went to the jury Friday morning, after four days grinding. A verdict
was awarded of $284.00.
A jury was impaneled Friday in the case of
Francis J. Sessions vs. John P. Strickland, a suit of several years standing,
wherein Sessions claims to have sold cattle in New York and shipped to Dan
Strickland, who died sometime after the cattle were shipped to Arkansas City,
when John Strickland appropriated the cattle. He declares no knowledge whatever
of his brother being indebted for part of the stock, and that Sessions’ claim
is entirely unfounded. Hackney for the prosecution and Troup for defense.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The mask carnival at the rink Thursday night
was a success, there being quite a number of maskers—most everything
represented from the devil to the bride. Everything went off very smoothly, and
with the Chinese lantern grand march, was a grand display of skill and grace.
Mr. Yocum understands his business and always makes a success of everything at
the rink. We failed to get the names of all the maskers. The Union Band discoursed
some fine music.
and Cowley County With the Santa Fe Main Line to Texas, Making
Her Other Present and Assured Developed and Undeveloped Enterprises,
Most Promising City and County in the West.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
When the written proposition was received by
M. L. Robinson from the general manager of the Santa Fe railroad, offering to
build from Douglass to Winfield, if sixty thousand dollars in bonds were voted
as aid, a meeting was called at McDougall Hall, of a number of the prominent
citizens of the townships of Rock, Fairview, Walnut, and the city of Winfield.
The sentiment at that time was well nigh unanimous that the townships would not
vote such an amount of aid, but a promise was obtained from those present that
the effort should be made, by hard work, to enlist a sufficient number of
electors. The opposition then commenced their work and two weeks ago the
prospect for carrying the bonds was dark indeed. Then those who saw the grand
possibilities and appreciated how tremendous was the stake for which we were
striving, got down to their work. Local committees were organized, every voter
was seen, meetings were held in every district, which were addressed by
speakers who thoroughly believed what they advocated, and the result was that
the bonds began to gain friends hourly; the opposition weakened, and in the
last two days preceding the election, the revolution in the sentiment of the
electors was something marvelous. Good men who believed that the practice of
voting bonds was both wrong and dangerous, went to the polls undecided; but,
when they saw how life-long friends and neighbors were talking and how they
felt, the pressure was greater than they could stand, and they joined the
procession and voted the aid asked. All glory to the noble citizens of these
townships; they will never regret their action, and the opposition as well as
those who were friends and advocates of the proposition will have cause to
rejoice that Wednesday’s vote was the best day’s work ever done in this county.
The official vote stands as follows.
ROCK TOWNSHIP: For, 140. Against: 40.
Majority for: 100.
FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP: For, 163. Against: 73.
Majority for: 90.
WALNUT TOWNSHIP: For, 175. Against: 46.
Majority for: 129.
First Ward: For, 194. Against, 3.
Second Ward: For, 121. Against, 2.
Third Ward: For, 133. Against, 0.
Fourth Ward: For, 98. Against, 0.
Total: For, 546. Against, 5.
Wednesday night, with the bonds for the Santa
Fe extension carried beyond a doubt, by splendid majorities, was the time for
jollification. Representative men from Rock, Fairview, and Walnut congregated
at THE COURIER office, where they were received by prominent Winfield men and
taken to Axtel’s for banquet and toasts—a general lively time in celebration of
one of the weightiest victories Cowley has ever scored. All filled with
oysters, etc., the toasts began. J. E. Conklin proposed a toast on “Rock,” to
be answered by Judge Soward. The Judge was in his element and paid an eloquent
and glowing tribute to Rock township and her enterprising citizens. He
explained his spider map with Winfield as the spider’s body and her system of
railroads as the legs, sprawling in every direction. “Fairview” was responded
to by Capt. McDermott, who finely complimented the handsome majority this
township rolled up in favor of the bonds. The Captain made a number of telling
points. Judge McDonald was assigned “Walnut.” The Judge, in his keen, smooth
way, did the fine victory scored in this township full justice—the big licks
put in by the old war horses, and the gratifying results, with the benefits
thus secured for Walnut. M. L. Robinson proposed “Winfield and Cowley County,”
to be responded to by J. E. Conklin. Mr. Conklin pictured our city with its
splendid net-work of railroads, ends of divisions, round houses, and machine
shops, with thirty thousand inhabitants in five years; with our rich coal beds
opened, a woolen factory, a canning factory, and many other manufactories that
cheap fuel and transportation will draw—the manufacturing, railroad,
commercial, and educational metropolis of the great southwest. Mr. Conklin
called on Rev. Kelly, who has done as much for Winfield, since his residence
here, as any man within her borders, to respond to “Cowley County.” And the
Reverend did it nobly, with his most enthusiastic vim. He cited our beautiful
and fertile valleys, with their vast developed and undeveloped resources; the
energetic, intelligent, moral, and enterprising people of both city and
country; the wonderful and magic achievements of the past and the bright and
now assured promises for the future. This gathering was composed of most of the
leading workers in this important movement: men who fully felt the great
benefits secured by this victory; the roseate future it clinched for Winfield;
and the great advantage it gives our city and county over any others of all
fair Kansas.
This election teaches us an important lesson,
that we believe we will forever hereafter heed and be wise. Seven years ago
Cowley County was the leading county of the southwest; but there were divided
counsels and discord in our ranks; and the result was that Sedgwick County and
Wichita forged ahead, then followed Sumner and Wellington, and this gain on the
part of these rivals was the result of our own wretched mistakes. We, by proper
efforts, could and should have maintained the lead. Two years ago it appeared
as if our glory was departed. The very emergency of the situation awoke us from
our lethargy. We inaugurated a system of public improvements, which resulted in
the burying of discord and a complete restoration of harmony with a
determination and vim on the part of our people to make a large city in the
Walnut valley whose first name is Winfield, and whose glory is Cowley County.
In this election we see what town and country when united can do—the two
together are a great power, which if used intelligently, will in ten years give
Cowley County a population of one hundred thousand people.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Yes, verily, civilization changes things.
After all, our knowledge of right appears to be gauged by custom. No doubt the
church folks at Paso Del Norte, down in old Mexico, think they are as near
correct as anybody. Agent W. J. Kennedy hands us a poster, sent to him by Ira
C. Walker, formerly operator at the Santa Fe depot here, and who went to Mexico
last December. It reads: “Grand Bull Arena, Sunday, Jan. 3rd, 1886,
for the benefit of the church. There will be fought four spirited, dangerous
bulls, from the Hacienda of San Jose. If the Judge commands, one of the bulls
will be killed. Prices of admission, first choice of seats, $1; second choice,
75 cents; third choice, 25 cents; children under 10 years half price. Come all
who would aid the church.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The bonds in the southern tier of townships
in Sumner County to the K. C. & S. W. railroad, carried last week by a
handsome majority, and of course Caldwell is happy as they will soon have
another railroad. This line is now owned and operated by the Frisco railroad
company, which insures its success as it has plenty of wealth backing it. As
soon as they reach Caldwell, they will run northwest through this city and
Harper and on to the coal fields in Colorado. It is a good road and we need it.
Mid Lothian Sun.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
We have it from a reliable source, now that
the required bonds have been voted, that the Santa Fe will have regular trains
running on its great trunk line from Kansas City to Ft. Worth, Texas, as far as
Winfield in less than ninety days, and that the work will be pushed right on
through the Territory, a hundred miles which they must construct to hold their
congressional right of way. It is now settled that we get the machine and
repair shops and round houses for the El Dorado, Wichita, Texas, and Western S.
K. divisions. Verily, the Queen City has prospects great and sure—in full
harmony with the rustling enterprise of our citizens and the grand
possibilities of our city. If you are going to invest in property here, you had
better do it quick. Values will more than double before half a year.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Friday eve closed the revival meetings for
this week. The house has been crowded all week and fifty or more have been
converted. Rev. Reider’s discourse last night was based on, “Be not deceived;
God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” He
depicted the dark results from mocking God and deceiving yourself. He gave a
number of incidents of the manner in which some people had and might deceive
themselves; some by thinking that they are as good as anybody; by comparing
with others instead of taking the Biblical standard. The churches will have
their regular meetings tomorrow morning at the Baptist and Presbyterian
churches. The revival meetings will likely continue next week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Still is Beaver township getting the results
from its rabid dogs. W. J. Constant lost a valuable four year old mare Friday
morning. She was bitten on the nose six weeks ago by J. W. Browning’s mad dog,
the first one that went mad in that neighborhood. No results were apparent
until Thursday, when Mr. Constant was surprised by the mare’s strange actions.
Friday morning she went into fits and died in a few hours. The widow Jenkins is
determined to find a mad stone for her son, Wilbur, who was bitten on the hand
Tuesday. No effective stone can be found in this section and she will likely
have to take him to Paola or Kansas City. The bite, however, is so small,
little more than a scratch, that physicians think there is no danger.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Frisco is a Wellington town. It is located in
Kansas County and several Wellingtonians are going out there. There is considerable
demand for Frisco property. Press.
Yes, and Richfield, in a half mile of Frisco,
is a Winfield town. It has the postoffice, five times the inhabitants, and
improvements of its would-be rival, its lots are selling like lightning, and
will soon be the county seat of Kansas County, and is leaving Frisco clear in
the shade, as Winfield is Wellington. Please paste in your hat, for frequent
examination, “Winfield’s paternal name is Eli, and it always gets there.
Nothing she touches ever fails.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The case of the State vs. E. Kimmel, charged
with robbery in the second degree, was dismissed for want of prosecution.
T. J. Johnson vs. S. C. Sumpter, suit on
promissory note; judgement for plaintiff for $109.06.
The cattle suit of Sessions vs. Strickland,
is still grinding.
Sheriff McIntire left on the S. K. train
Saturday with the four penitentiary victims, Chas. Ellendow, Bill Johnson, and
Francis and Rube Hutchinson.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
It would appear that the frequent mad dog
scares ought to diminish the canine population, yet the worthless curs swarm
all around. The man who keeps a howling, useless canine around should be made
to prove shy. The love of some men for mangy curs is marvelous—doggoned
strange. But, like many other disgusting things, will probably continue clear
down the avenues of time. A well-bred dog, one capable of some training and
use, is valuable and worthy of respect, but the “sooners” with only the ability
to keep up an unearthly howl, ought to all be forever banished from the world.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Wichita comes forward with the biggest Son of
a Gun of all. He got his wife, as principal, to sign a mortgage for $300, on
the representation that he must have the money to help him out in business. No
sooner did he get his clutches on the money than he left town, accompanied by a
frail and soiled piece of feminine baggage, in the direction of Ft. Scott. The
wife put the authorities on the track, and soon had him back. And the queerest
thing of all is that “the affair would no doubt be settled, and the offending
and cruel husband taken back to his deserted wife.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Talk about the crankism of trying to stop
dice shaking for cigars in Winfield! Ottawa has a law on its ordinance book
that completely knocks the blue stockings off our dice and billiard order. The
provisions of the law will stop the opening of butcher shops, drug stores,
livery stables, barber shops, newsstands, restaurants, hotels, offices, and if
the law is rigidly enforced, churches, library rooms, and the Y. M. C. A. rooms
must be closed and hacks, omnibus, and pleasure riding on Sunday will be
stopped. The mayor has lately given orders that the ordinance will be rigidly
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
“THE COURIER, in its publication of the ‘bull
fight’ down in Paso Del Norte ‘for the benefit of the church,’ furnished
Brother Kelly a topic for his Sunday morning sermon. He will deliver a scorcher
against church fairs and all questionable schemes to obtain money for
Of course, Brother Kelly’s idea that the
publication of that item in any way endorses it, is entirely erroneous. It was
published to show our higher civilization as compared to that of old Mexico,
and how custom can control the idea of right.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Many people spend their time trying to find
the hole where sin got into the world. If two men break through the ice into a
mill pond, they had better hunt for some good hole tew get out, than enter into
a long argument about the hole they cum to fall in. There iz sum pholks in this
world who spend their whole lives a hunting after righteousness, and kant find
enny time tew practiss it. Lazyness is a good deal like money—the more a man
has of it, the more he seems tew want. Josh Billings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
“The Winfield Enterprise Association has been
the prime inaugurater and guide of the great prosperity of the Queen City
during the past year,” says the WINFIELD DAILY COURIER, “and its work goes on.”
We hope this will convince those of our
people who think a “boom” will come like the measles or other contagious
diseases, that solid work and solid work alone has boomed Winfield, and that
Cherryvale can boom also, if the same amount of energy is put forth by our
people. Cherryvale Globe-Torch.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Cowley is prolific and lucky in all things.
Some time ago we heard of man near Winfield, who started to town early one
morning, finding four twenty dollar pieces on the way. While in town a man paid
him a $250 debt that he had tried years to collect and when he got home, he
found that during his absence his wife had blessed him with twins, one of his
cows had double headed twin calves, the old mare had a fine colt, and the cat
had nine kittens.
Burden Eagle.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A terrible tale of “man’s inhumanity to man”
comes from Kinsley. An inhuman wretch refused shelter to a man, his wife, and
child. He stood at his door with shelter and warmth behind him, and refused the
almost frozen applicants admission. They drove on in the fury of the blast, and
were found frozen to death in the road a few hundred rods from his house.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
South Haven township, Sumner County, has
enjoined the county commissioners from issuing $20,000 in bonds to the Geuda
Springs, Caldwell & Western railroad, voted a few days ago. The grounds of
the suit is that the township cannot legally issue that amount of bonds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A silver dollar may be worth only 76 cents,
but it looks as big as a dishpan to us, and when we succeed in cornering one,
we sit and smile over it with the fascinated admiring kind of a smile that
ardent lovers are supposed to bestow on the moon. Send on your silver dollars.
M. Wood’s Story Continued.
Story started on Page 1; it was continued on Page 4.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Supper prepared, dark came, and the Doctor
did not come. We thought that there must be something wrong; and as I was about
to start out to look after him, he came up to the cabin laughing and in the
best of spirits, and said, “I am stuck fast in the creek.” I told him to take
my double trees and chain and I would go down into the timber, get my horses,
harness them up, and be down soon to pull him out. All this was carried out in
good time and all were landed at our ranch. We ate a hearty supper, talked over
the prospects, went to bed, and slept well. Next morning bright and early my
wife and I started for Cottonwood Falls, leaving the Doctor and family in
charge of our cabin. We made the trip as quickly as possible and while on our
journey back, between El Dorado and Augusta, we met Mr. Andrews, who stopped us
for my signature to a petition to the Governor asking for arms for protection
against the Indians. I signed the petition, remarking to him that it would do
us no good as the governor would not protect us for we were trespassers on
Indian lands, and the less noise we made about it, the better for us; that we
must take care of ourselves. Suffice to say the Governor did not send us arms.
Mr. Andrews also showed me the constitution and by-laws of an organization made
at my house named the “Cowley County Citizens Protective Union.” Dr. Graham was
elected president and I think I was elected secretary. Then there was an
executive committee and a safety committee. This, he said, he was going to have
published in the state paper, which would bring emigrants and settlers down the
Walnut in one solid column. He went on to Topeka and Leavenworth, got
publication in a state paper, and sure enough, either that or something else
covered the country with claim hunters.
Upon our return home (we began to call this
home), I found Dr. Graham getting out logs for his claim cabin, which he was
erecting north of the present cemetery and near the creek and timber. Well, I
went on finishing my house by daubing it inside and out, putting in doors,
windows, a floor overhead, stairs to get up in the loft, etc.
One evening about sundown one of the men came
home from work on his house, saying one of the boys who was working for him had
discovered a stray Texas cow and had tried to shoot her, but could not get near
enough on foot to do so; at that same moment the boy came up and said the cow
was lying down up near the bluff, due east. I told the man to run down in the
timber and get my horses while I got my gun ready and I would see if I could
not get some meat. When the horses were brought up, I mounted my fastest
cow-horse, “Mose,” and the boy mounted the other; I with carbine and navy, he
with an old Harper’s Ferry musket loaded with buckshot. We found the cow lying
down for the night, and rode up close to her and both commenced firing at her
at once. She jumped up and started at lightning speed for the creek just below
where Manny’s brewery now stands. We ran with her, firing at her until she took
a stand on a small island, or bar, in the creek, when we found that our
ammunition was out. At this time other men came to us with a lantern, for it
was now quite dark. From the light of the lantern we could see the cow standing
where she stopped. A messenger was dispatched for a Spencer rifle, who returned
soon, and the cow was downed and dressed. The boys hitched my horses to the
wagon, hauled the beef to my cabin, and divided it, sending some to each
squatter near us. By this time the moon was up, giving a bright, clear light,
and as one of the men came up to the cabin bringing my team back, he said,
“Where in the dickens did all these dogs come from?” I asked him, “What dogs?”
He said that more than 200 of them had followed him nearly all the way back.
“How large were they?” I asked. “Pretty good size and all looked alike.” “They
must be wolves,” said I. “I guess there must be an almighty swarm of them,” he
commented. We hung our portion of the beef upon the north side of the house,
out of the wolves’ reach; but we might as well have fed it to them, as it was
so tough we could not eat it.
I then went to look after my goods stored at
Douglass, which had been turned over to a trader at Quimby’s ranch on the
cattle trail this side of Douglass, on commission. I settled with him at a loss
of $250, he having died broke a few days later, leaving me a damaged remnant
comparatively worthless.
By that time we had got some ways into
November. Dr. Graham had moved into his cabin, and the Indians were camped all
the way from the mouth of the Walnut river up to this place. They seemed to be
better reconciled to the situation. The squatters who left had come back and
were fixing up for the winter, except Mr. Patterson, who gave up the venture
and settled at Emporia. I have since lost sight of him.
The Indians asked me to get them a trader. I
wrote to Baker and Manning (the same E. C. Manning), who had previously located
a store at Augusta, as I understood that they had a permit to trade with the
Indians on the Walnut river, stating facts in the case, and telling them that
they could depend upon me for any help I was able to give them. A few days
after this Mr. Baker came down with one wagon load of goods to see what he
could do. I went with him on the next day down the Walnut river about four
miles where we traded off nearly everything he brought for buffalo robes. We
returned the same night to our cabin, when Baker arranged with me to build at
once a log house for a trading post and claim house for Manning to hold the
town site. I at once went to work, built a neat log house 14 x 22 feet, 30 rods
due south of our own cabin, with the understanding that for convenience we
would make a temporary line 10 rods south of Baker and Manning’s house. Manning
at this time was at Manhattan. Baker wrote to him what he was doing, telling
him that I was holding his claim for him and that he must come on at once.
Manning arrived some time about the middle of December, and at once took charge
of his claim and store, which was at once filled with goods. Up to this time
all the trading was done from our cabin. Often our house would be filled with
Indians trading furs and robes for goods, which made it very inconvenient for
Mrs. Wood.
Let me say here that I hope no one will
accuse those engaged in killing that cow spoken of, as guilty of intentionally
wronging anyone. The fact of her being a Texas cow and that we were not far
from the Texas cattle trail passing from Coffeyville to Abilene, over which
thousands of cattle were driven that year, we were satisfied that she had no
owner that would ever look after her, as the drive for the season was entirely
over. We agreed amongst ourselves that if anyone did come to claim her, he
should be paid her full value. Persons never having had the experience of
settling in a wild country like this was at that time cannot fully realize the
feelings of a pioneer, or know what he will undertake under the all inspiring hope
for the future success of his venture. It is said that “necessity knows no
law.” The fact is that we had no law here only unto ourselves, but each others
rights were regarded, respected, and strictly protected as I may be able to
show by the action of the “Citizens Protection Union,” which was organized for
the protection of each other in our just rights, especially in taking and
holding claims.
Be Continued.)
Another portion of Wood story appeared on Page 4 of this issue.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The county seat war in Pratt County between
Pratt Center and Iuka is bringing b-l-o-o-d and getting mighty warm all around.
Iuka has been the county seat for some time and lately the conflict was decided
in favor of Pratt Center. In the suburbs of Pratt the other day one man was
shot through the hips, another through the hand, and another slightly. A
regular insurrection is threatened. Our Co. C., K. N. G. received a dispatch
from the Governor today to hold itself in readiness for a call.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The ball at the rink Friday night was well
attended, and with the prompting of Chas. Gay, the happy throng tripped the
light fantastic until the “wee sma” hours, when they separated in the
realization of having passed an enjoyable evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Nice weather again? Yes, lovely! The backbone
of w hold on! Please excuse
us. We live in dread fear of the antics of old Probabilities and he can run his
own machine. We will take pleasantly whatever he grinds out.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The great object of our existence should be
to promote our own and others happiness, and, therefore, we should engage in
every laudable work that will tend to advance the interests and welfare of
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
J. A. Morse, a young man of a well respected
family near Atlanta, brought here a good bay team, buggy, and harness last
Wednesday, and traded the team to George Sanderson and S. Allison for another
horse and buggy and $25 cash to boot. He refused to trade the harness and buggy
belonging to the bays because, he said, they were his father’s. Mr. Allison was
to take the boy, who is about 23 years old and good looking, to his father’s to
see that the title to the team was all right. The cash was paid him, he told
them to grease both the buggies, and he would get his breakfast and return in a
few minutes. He didn’t turn up and at 11 o’clock Messrs. Sanderson and Allison
telegraphed to Atlanta and found that the boy’s folks were all right, but the
boy no good. Last night a dispatch came stating that the team was stolen. It
belonged to D. Stine, of Augusta, who owns a livery barn at that place. The boy
had hired the team and rig to go to a dance. Mr. Stine came down today,
refunded the $25 and paid all expenses, returning with his team. Where the boy
went is unknown.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Winfield believes, or professes to, that the
building of the Walnut Valley road will secure the location there of the
division headquarters and shops of all the Santa Fe lines in Southern Kansas.
If she is banking on getting the shops of the Southern Kansas, we take pleasure
in informing her that that particular plum is Wellington’s meat. The division
headquarters of the road, trainmaster’s office, etc., are already here, and you
can gamble on it that if the shops are ever removed from Ottawa they won’t be
set down anywhere east of Wellington.
All settled. Prepare to weep! It will make
you sick, very sick, but we can’t help it. We are for Winfield against the
world and the superior pluck and rustle of our citizens lets nothing slip.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The cold weather, though detrimental in so
many respects, will, beyond doubt, be the cause of the largest wheat crop ever
known in Southern Kansas. The snow has been such an excellent protection that
there is little or no danger of injury from the frost, and as there has been no
alternating frost and thaws, there is no reason why the wheat should not come
out in the spring in fine growing shape. In this country an immense area was
sown, which was in the best shape when winter came that it has been im any
years. It was well rooted and had made a fine growth, and the farmers could not
ask for better conditions for the crop. We will have an enormous yield in 1886.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Greek George, the leader of the slugging gang
who tried Winfield a la Sullivan and got bravely left, a few weeks ago,
got away with Allie Gibbs, a fifteen year old girl of one of Wichita’s
respectable families, landlord of the Sedgwick house, where George boarded. The
child wrote home from Kansas City that her brutal treatment had compelled her
to secretly find refuge. She happened to find a family who were old
acquaintances of her family. Mrs. Gibbs was very much distressed over her
daughter’s episode, although with the sublime faith of a mother who will not
entertain a suspicion that her little one, her pet, has gone very far astray.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Arkansas City Democrat seems to favor
the story of Dr. G. H. J. Hart’s implication in the Maple City tragedy, and
makes him out a very tough citizen. It says he was formerly a resident of
Arkansas City and left a very unsavory and unsuccessful reputation.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Friday was Kansas Day in our city schools,
the afternoon being devoted to a study of Kansas, from the earliest dates to
the present time. The reporter visited the High School, Prof. Rice, teacher,
and was very much pleased with the exercises which were of a very instructive
and pleasant nature. Prof. Rice’s room is filled with as sweet and intelligent
young lady students as can be found in Uncle Sam’s broad domain. The boys are
manly young fellows, studious and bright. Prof. Gridley read an article on
Kansas, by Noble Prentis, which was full of humor and good advice to persons
desiring to come to Kansas. All the important events of early Kansas were well
and fully treated on by the students, Prof. Rice interspersing with valuable
information. The young ladies recited several poems regarding Kansas. We think
the afternoon was well spent. We can’t imbue our children with too much
knowledge of Kansas, “the land of the free and home of the brave.” We are very
sorry that we were not able to visit all the rooms, as the exercises in the
other rooms were also of a very interesting character.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Tribune utters a frantic wail
because THE COURIER secured the county printing at full legal rates. It is such
men as the Right Honorable, Very Reverend Professor Buel T. Davis who are
ruining the printing business. In order to get patronage for their feeble
sheets, they cut rates, and the consequence is they delude people into the
belief that it costs nothing to run a newspaper. Cowley County, however, is not
so poor, nor her people so stingy, as to want people to work for nothing. They
are able and willing to pay for work done by those best fitted to do it and who
can return the best equivalent for the money expended. THE COURIER has a large
and solid circulation, is a fixture in Cowley, and necessary to the county’s
welfare. Therefore THE COURIER got the county printing and no man, who has any
sense of justice, can or will deny that this was not right. Winfield
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Captain Couch, of Payne’s Oklahoma Colony,
goes over to Arkansas City and makes a neat little speech before the executive
members of the board of trade, to the effect that he would like them to take up
subscriptions in that city to the amount of his and Sidney Clarke’s fare to
Washington and board the rest of the winter. Their expenses, while at the
capital, he puts at the moderate sum of $10 per day. That includes cigars,
quenching thirst, theatres, etc. But Arkansas City is mean enough to refuse the
aid asked, and gets out of it by saying they have been called on so much lately
for contributions that they were drained dry. Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Can’t THE COURIER have a little mercy on its
“transient e. c.” and let it have some of the crumbs that fall from the table?
The poor, puling little infant, needs some of the county pap to support its
feeble existence. Telegram.
Its stomach is weak, very weak—can’t hold
anything. The physicians pronounce it a fatal case and in a few weeks the sad
requiem, “empty is the cradle, baby’s gone,” will be the only echo of its
little ten cent wails.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A number of the outlying gas posts, for an
evening or two past, have not been lit. This is not according to the
“statoots.” They should all be lit early enough and kept burning till the
ordinance hour. This irregularity is probably the neglect of the man who
attends to the lamps and will be speedily remedied by the Gas Company. Light up
our paths. Darkness is always a stumbling block.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Kingman Courier tells how one of
the citizens of that city was robbed by highwaymen of $1,050 in cash and tied
to a wire fence post for three hours, near Attica. The marshal of Attica went
to work on the case, and in a few days afterwards sent a draft for $950 to the
party, stating that he need not give himself any more trouble about the matter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Our merchants are anticipating great activity
in spring trade. Everything points that way and some very heavy stocks will
likely be laid in. 1886 promises to be the biggest year in the city’s history
and our enterprising merchants will ever be found on deck, right up in the
front ranks. Read the DAILY and see who the enterprising merchants are.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The jail continues to hold its full list of
boarders. The places of the four who went to the “pen” Saturday are more than
filled. There are about twenty in the toils at present, including paupers and
the crazy charge. Jailor Finch has his hands full.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Walter G. Seaver has taken entire editorial control
of the Telegram, Fred C. Hunt’s outside business interests necessitating
his retirement at present. Walter is a pithy and vigorous writer and will make
the Telegram sparkle editorially.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
At a meeting of citizens held in the E. of L.
hall yesterday, Mr. James Connor was requested to withdraw his resignation
tendered to the city council as representative of the first ward.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Inter-Ocean considers that it has
solved the silver question, and its solution certainly looks plausible. The
dollar in gold coin is 25.8 grains of standard gold and the silver dollar is
4125 grains of standard silver. It is proposed to make a dollar composed of
one-half of each of these two constituents, 12.9 grains of standard gold and
206.25 grains of standard silver. This co-metallic dollar would be about half
the size of the present silver dollar and more convenient, and it is proposed
to make all government payments in these dollars, making them full legal
tender. The details of the matter suggest that each coin contain the gold in
the center set in a disc of silver, and proposes to make half dollars and
quarters in the same way with half and one-fourth the amount of gold and silver
of the full dollar respectively. It looks like a pretty good scheme to retain
both gold and silver as legal tender money and prevent fluctuation in value of
specie dollars.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Col. S. K. Donovin was formerly clerk in the
Ohio Senate, and has edited the Columbus Times. He has written an “open
letter” to Hon. Henry B. Payne, United States Senator from Ohio, giving the
names of six members of the Ohio Senate, who voted for Payne for United States
Senator for sums varying from $2,000 to upwards of $5,000. Also the names of
several Representatives, who sold themselves as low as $1,200. Mr. Donovin uses
to the Senator this impressive language: “You secured the nomination by these
corrupt methods and are enjoying the fruits of the most venal combination ever
organized in Ohio. If you had not cognizance of the facts at the time and have
not been informed of their services until now, you should be justly indignant
that those claiming the closest friendship should so terribly abuse your
confidence. You certain must rest uneasy wearing your Senatorial crown. It must
burn your brow and sicken your heart. There is a way of relief. Ask for a committee
of your fellow Senators to investigate all matters connected with your election
to the Senate in January, 1884.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
After dinner one day, Mr. Porcine took his
little boy aside and administered this reproof.
“Johnny, you eat too fast and too much. You
are a regular pig.”
“Yessir,” acquiesced Johnny, blandly.
“Do you know what a pig is?” inquired Mr.
Porcine, severely.
“Yes sir.”
“A hog’s little boy.”
Mr. Porcine changed the subject.
Notes Gathered by the “Courier’s” Corps of Neighborhood Correspondents.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
J. A. Rucker and brother are finishing up a
L. Bryant and brothers are busy chopping wood.
Mrs. Lon Bryant, Mrs. Hassell, and Mrs.
Shelton were at S. A. Rucker’s recently.
Mrs. Hotchkiss visited Bethel schoolhouse
last Friday. Other patrons should do likewise.
Where does Hen Weakly spend his Sunday
evenings? Of course, Capital Hill is the guess.
Mr. Earhart, of Walnut, is expecting to move
to Winfield in the near future. His wife is the great red bird trapper.
Miss Howard is having a little trouble in her
school, but nothing serious. Just some unruly boys who need the directors to
talk to them a short time.
All Winfield is jubilant over the bonds
carrying, but don’t forget there is a hereafter. I fail to see the benefit of
so many roads through farms, but I will wait patiently to see the great
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Lee Six lost a fine work steer last week. It
froze to death.
Mrs. Darnell is quite ill at her home, but
nothing serious, we hope.
I think Sunny Kansas will have to change its
name to blizzardy Kansas.
Riley Bedell lost a fine mule last week. I
did not learn what was the matter with it.
J. A. Irwin, Henry Beamer, D. T. Rowe, and
Duane Foster spent Tuesday in Winfield.
The weather is so cold all the time we don’t
get away from home very far, so that items are scarce in our neighborhood.
Mr. Gardener is very sick with that dread
disease, inflammatory rheumatism, but we think Dr. Gordon will bring him out
all right.
Mrs. John Hillier is very sick at her home,
on Cedar creek, with some kind of fever. Dr. Brown, of Grand Summit, is waiting
on her.
Mrs. McClellan is very sick with rheumatism.
She has been confined to her bed four or five weeks. We hope she will recover
Sam Greenleaf is in from McDonald County,
Missouri, shaking hands with old friends. He thinks there is no place like
Sunny Kansas. He may return in the spring to stay.
Mrs. Henry Beamer has gone to Missouri on a
visit to her parents. We don’t know how long she will be gone, but hope she
will return soon on poor Henry’s account.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
John C. Rouse, Druggist, Urbana, Iowa, says:
“Everybody that knows Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, wants it in preference to any
other. Sold by Brown & Son.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers
filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Edwin C Manning et ux to North A Haight, lots
7, 8, and 9, blk 50, Manning’s ad to Winfield: $125.00
Jennie Case to Samuel Childs, lot 2, blk 13,
Read’s ad to Winfield: $70.00
Torrance Town Co to Eunice D Haight, lot 1,
blk 142, Torrance: $1.00
Burden Town Co to C E Simmons, lot 3, blk 32,
Burden: $20.00
George H Wheeler et ux George E
Knickerbocker, lot 2, blk 40, Udall: $125.00
Belle W. Godfrey and husband to S S Dambert,
lots 20, 21, and 22, blk 67, A C: $1,137
Carlton J Rowell et ux to Laura A Smith, se
qr ne qr 33-34-5e and s hf nw qr and sw qr ne qr 34-34-5e, 160 acres: $600
J M Alexander et ux to S S Wood, tract in ne
qr 27-32-4e: $636
Frank J Hess et ux to Milton C Collins, lot
20, blk 119, A C: $52.00
James Hill et al to A C Building Association,
lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, blk 164, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8, blk
167, Leonard’s ad to A C: $820
Jackson M Collins to Adolphus G Lowe, lots
226, 27, and 28, blk 104, A C: $2,500
Frank J Hess et ux to Mary J Bookwalter, lots
11 and 12, blk 149, A C: $90.00
Lewis V Combs et ux to Milton P Collins, lots
22 and 23, blk 127, A C: $1,600
Lizzie E Keith et al to C M Scott, lots 21
and 22, blk 17, and lot 23, blk 78, A C, q-c: $25.00
W A Lee et ux to Seth P Briggs, tract in
block 68, A C: $1,560
Cyrus A Walker to Hallie A Hoyt, hf ne qr sec
1-31-5e, 79 acres: $450
John W Leach et al to Moses W Apple, s hf se
qr 13-31-5e, q-c: $1.00
Wm Walker et ux to Alma H. Gardner, w hf se qr
23-30-3e, 80 acres: $1,070
Amos B Muzzy to J C McMullen, s hf nw qr
17-34-6e: $1,500
Wm C. Muzzy et ux to J C McMullen, nw qr
17-34-6e, 160 acres: $1,500
P W Smith et ux to W C Evans, e hf w end lots
1, 2, 3, and 4, blk 20, Udall: $175
James E Wilson et ux to Henry A Stauffer,
lots 3, 14, and 15, 31-31-8e: $600
Henry A Stauffer et ux to David Vanscoik,
lots 3, 14, and 15, 31-31-8e, 120 acres: $2,000
W J Cox to P W Smith, lot 3, blk 23, Smith’s
ad to Udall: $250
James W. McClellan et ux to Cheever Riggins,
12 lots in blk 19, Cambridge, and tract in sw qr se qr 28-31-8e: $1,000
Andrew S Cress to Geo W Robinson, sheriff’s
deed, nw qr 10-30-3e, 35 acres: $486
L H Braden to Mary M Braden, lot 1, blk 164,
A C: $100
P Willis Smith et ux to Geo E Knickerbocker, lot
9, blk 40, Udall: $250
Sarah E Aunt and husband to John M Keck, lots
5 & 6, blk 149, Winfield: $4,100
J R Musgrove et ux to Mary A Searcy, lots 6
& 7, blk 41, Musgrove ad to Winfield: $220
George M Moore et ux to Clarrisson J Moore,
se qr 19-30-3e, 160 acres: $4,000
Sam T Brown et ux to Thomas J Patter, se qr
30-34-6e: $1,750
Udall Town Company to Geo E Knickerbocker,
lot 12, blk 32, Udall: $35.00
Wilmot Town Company to Wm R Lorton, lots 2
and 3, blk 34, Wilmot: $30.00
Udall Town Company to G E Knickerbocker, lot
13, blk 40, Udall: $10.00
Udall Town Company to P Willis Smith, lot 9,
blk 40, Udall: $5.00
P Willis Smith et ux to G F Knickerbocker,
lot 7, blk 42, Udall: $300
New Salem Town Company to Francis M Avis,
lots 1 & 2, blk 19, New Salem: $45.00
Wm O McKinley et ux to G E Knickerbocker,
lots 15 & 16, blk 21, Udall: $120
Atlanta Town Company to Alida L Dicus, lots
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, blk 37, Atlanta: $140
Maria A Andrews & husband to Minnie E
Thomas, lot 9, blk 163, village of Northfield: $100
Atchison & Topeka R R Co to Wichita &
Southwestern Railway Company, 25 ½ acres in se qr 19-33-4e and 94 acres in sw
qr 19-33-4e: q-c: $3.00
Covey L Holt et ux to Geo W Spinel, lots 1
& 2, blk 27, A C: $470
Read & Robinson to Rebecca D Harland, lot
10, blk 52, Read’s ad to Winfield: $850
Thomas Hemphill to S C Lyon, lot 3, blk 250,
Fuller’s ad to Winfield: $500
W L Morehouse et ux to Elsie North, lot 17,
blk 112, Menor’s ad to Winfield: $500
Mettie Lee & husband to Charles Pond, hf
ne qr ne qr sec 7 and nw qr nw qr 8-30-3e: $100
James K Smith et ux to Franklin P Smith, n hf
se qr 5-33-5e, q-c: $1.00
Mary J Swarts et al to David L Weir, lots 15,
16, and 17, blk 192, Swarts’ ad to A C: $36.00
Thomas Peterson et ux to Martin Dale, e hf se
qr 31-31-8e: $500
Thomas Peterson et ux to John Oliver, se qr
ne qr 31-34-8e: $250
Dies of Nervousness After Taking Treatment of a Voodoo Doctor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
George W. Kelpin, a boss painter of this city,
died yesterday of nervousness, the result of starvation. Kelpin believed that
he was bewitched. He recently had the contract to do the painting and
furnishing the big glass mirrors in the new café at the Girard House. He didn’t
have the ready cash to take such a large contract, and Samuel Love loaned him
seven thousand dollars, and Kelpin finished the work. His bill was seventeen
thousand dollars. One day soon after the café was opened, Kelpin, while talking
to Mr. Love, took a little bag out of his pocket and said:
“I wouldn’t take one thousand dollars for
that. I’m bewitched, and that’s the only thing that will save me.”
Mr. Love and George Moore, one of the
proprietors of the hotel, laughed at him, and Kelpin agreed to tear up the bag.
Soon after he was taken sick, and he told his wife and son that Mr. Love had
bewitched him. Both Mrs. Kelpin and her son are firm believers in witchcraft.
Two days afterward Mr. Love went to see
Kelpin. He found him lying on a lounge. Kelpin said he was bewitched and appeared
frightened at Mr. Love’s presence. Mrs. Kelpin sent for Mr. Weeks, a voodoo
doctor, a colored woman living in Camden, who said she could break the spell
with which Mr. Kelpin was afflicted. Following the instructions of this woman,
Mrs. Kelpin put some old horseshoes under her husband’s bed. The next visit the
voodoo doctor made, she told Mrs. Kelpin to tie a raw mackerel on to the sole
of each of her husband’s feet and to tie onion poultices on top of his head,
behind his ears and around his wrists. This treatment was to drive the devils
out of the man’s nerves and to restore him to full physical and mental health.
Mrs. Kelpin got the raw mackerel and the onions and applied them. At another
time the negro prescribed some powders and other medicines, which she said
would free Mr. Kelpin of the power that anyone had over him, and Mrs. Kelpin
followed her instructions.
A few days after Mr. Love’s first visit, he
called again, accompanied by Dr. Woolford and Messrs. Moore and Gordon of the
Girard House. They found Kelpin with the mackerel tied to his feet and the
onion poultice on his head and wrists. Dr. Woolford told Kelpin that the
application of mackerel and onions was ridiculous, that he was not bewitched,
and that there was no such thing as witchcraft. Then the physician removed the
mackerel and onion poultices and prescribed some nerve tonics, telling Kelpin
that there was really nothing the matter with him, and that if he would take
prescriptions, he would be about in two or three days. Dr. Woolford, at Mr.
Love’s request, visited Kelpin several times, but, learning that Kelpin was not
taking his medicines, ceased his visits.
Dr. Woolford said tonight: “The man starved
himself to death. He wasted away to a skeleton. He believed he was being
followed by somebody all the time, and he frequently told me that the only way
to get rid of his enemy was to die. He said there was no use in taking food,
because he had no stomach. The man didn’t eat one square meal the last two
months he lived.”
The Kelpin family have always been known as
sensible people outside of their belief in witchcraft. There is some talk by
friends of the dead man of causing the arrest of the voodoo doctor.
Description of a Kentucky Cavern.
of an Exploring Party in a Cave Once Famed as a Rendezvous of
Slaves.—A Curious Freak of Nature.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Louisville Courier-Journal.]
Situated not more than a mile from Princeton,
in the remote corner of the farm of Mr. E. B. Ratcliff, is the entrance of what
is generally known as “Saltpeter Cave.” Although the cave possesses
considerable local reputation, our knowledge of it is so little in keeping with
its extent and grandeur that the writer of this has deemed it but a duty to
record what he conceives to be the greatest wonder of the kind in Western
Kentucky. Your correspondent not long ago, in company with several friends,
made a day’s visit in partly exploring these humid caverns. We reached the cave
about ten a.m., and found the descent easy. At the entrance of the cave, there
are three passages. We chose the middle one. After passing over a difficult and
tortuous route of fifty yards on all fours, we found ourselves in a chamber of
considerable dimensions. The floor of this was as smooth and clean as if the
roller and broom had been but recently applied. At this place, however, we
could find no evidence of calcareous formations. At the end of this chamber we
came across what is known as the “Devil’s Coal-hole.” This was an entrance that
looked like a dormer window propped up before us, and which could only be
approached by a side-way difficult of descent, and down which few of us cared
to venture, but one or two, however, did look in, and, seeing no bottom, retreated
in haste. We now commenced our first climbing, and, with little difficulty,
reached another chamber considerably higher than the first. It was here that we
encountered the first bats, which seemed not in the least disturbed. At the end
of this high-domed and sparkling chamber, which dimly presented its beauties by
the feeble light of our candles, the most notable object we saw during the trip
unveiled itself to our gaze. This was in the shape of a huge pumpkin, with its
corrugated sides, its ribs, its shape, and its color perfectly resembling the
vegetable just named. There was an opening in the top, through which, by
climbing on the debris beyond, we could look. We found it to be not only
hollow, but its walls to be a mere crust—not more than an inch or two thick.
We now began to appreciate that we were
entering a more humid atmosphere. We could hear the tinkling of the drops of
water as they fell about us, and away in the distance could faintly hear the
noise of cascades and murmur of streams pent up between huge rocks, and
tormented into foam, and then effecting their escape down some rock precipice
and spreading into pools below. Our journey thence forward was to be tedious,
difficult, and dangerous.
We were to substitute for the smooth, dry
floor, precipitous and almost perpendicular banks and dark and yawning chasms.
We stood on the top of a bank, whose steep declivity threatened to launch into
darkness and destruction the adventurous individual who should attempt to
descend its glassy sides. There was no one in the party afraid, at least nobody
said so. There was a general inclination to rest and be resigned. But when we
looked away below us and found an opening in the wall, we commenced a descent,
which, if not very creditable in the manner, was very successful in the end.
Peering through this opening, which was large enough to permit the passage of a
man, we could see the waters of a stream that struggled through the rugged
vastness of these cavernous structures. Just within this opening, and upon a
wall to the left, were some striking formations. They were upon a smooth wall
and in successive rows, and represented letters similar to those of the English
and other alphabets. We conjured up many things in connection with this seeming
cabalistic display, and prepared to make the descent to the waters below. This
all save the writer assayed to do by climbing down a bank that seemed almost
perpendicular. The writer climbed around to the top of an adjacent bank, and,
having carefully adjusted himself, shot like a meteor down the slippery bank,
and landed twenty or thirty feet below the others of the party. We found the
stream here to be six or eight feet in width and probably two feet deep. We
crossed this stream and after ascending a long and steep bank, stood once more
in a chamber larger and more beautiful than anything we had seen. It was here
we saw the first evidence of stalactic growth.
So far we had seen no stalagmites. Here we
discovered a fountain of cool, clear water, which rested in a basin almost
perfectly square. On all sides, beyond the beautiful plateau on which we stood,
could be seen hideous chasms and numberless dark openings, fissures, and
passages; whilst above us, one after the other, like a many-storied house of
granite, appeared chamber after chamber, in soft but glistening array, until
they diminished from the lurid rays of light and faded away in the distance. We
here saw evidences of those who had preceded us sixty years ago.
Before and during the war this cave was a
rendezvous for refugee slaves, who have often been tracked through these
innumerable wildernesses of passages. With our limited knowledge, we endeavored
to study the wonderful process going on, seeming to transform everything into
stone. First there was the ordinary mud; above this was a thick, tough,
granulated clay, which could be kneaded in the fingers like dough. Then came a
crustaceous formation, dry and brittle, and then the hard stone itself. After
resting by the pool awhile, we prepared to go onward. We had to cross a ridge,
not much wider on top than a fence-rail, and whose sides receded almost
abruptly into darkness. Beyond this narrow passage we lost all traces of our
former explorers. We had now been nearly four hours in the cave, during which
time we had traveled rapidly. We prepared to return, and our backward journey
was performed without any noticeable occurrence.
Comparatively nothing is known of the
beauties and natural wonders within these caverns, and it would take weeks to
fully explore the different and numerous avenues and their varied windings. All
who have a taste for the curious gifts of nature, and who can suffer the
inconvenience and loss of time, should visit this subterranean wonder of
Caldwell County.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
When Marian was asked what she would do if a
nice young gentleman asked her hand in marriage, she naively replied: “I don’t
think I’d no.” N Y. Ledger.
Howls in Chorus with a Hand-Organ and Whips an Intruder.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
An old blind man was turning the crank of a
melancholy hand-organ at the corner of Seventh and Vine streets at eight
o’clock last evening. A weird sort of a tune was being reeled off. A drizzling,
misty rain was falling in a spiritless way, and not a copper had dropped in his
battered tin cup. Suddenly a strange accompaniment to his music was heard. A
big, fine-looking coach-dog came up, seated himself on his haunches, and began
to bay at the moon as industriously as dog ever did. His voice was in good tune
and of varied resources. When the hand-organ merged into a loud screech, the
dog howled. When it came down to the finer notes, the canine voiced musical
whines, ending his passages in mournful lullabies. When the tune changed to
something lively, the dog gave short, quick barks and yelps. A crowd gathered,
and nickels and pennies fell thick and fast in the beggar’s cup. The blind man
said the dog did not belong to him, but evidently liked music. When he stopped
playing, the dog jumped up and licked the man’s face, wagged his tail at an
incalculable rate, and manifested every sign of delight. A policeman, seeing a
crowd gathering that was blockading the street, came up and gave the dog a resounding
whack on the bread-basket with a mace, and the animal slipped away.
Half an hour later the dog came back and
resumed operations at the old stand, howling in time with the different notes.
He was engaged in this way when another big dog that evidently did not
appreciate music came up to inquire into the matter and see what all the fuss
was about.
The musical cur gave one or two warning barks
and then landed on the other dog’s frame. A first-class fight ensued, in which
honors were about even for awhile, but which terminated in the signal defeat of
the intruder. The coach-dog sang in chorus with the organ’s wails until he got
tired and scampered off.
African Chief Who Could Never Be Made to Work.
Determined Captive Who Defied a Cruel Master and Overseer.
Escape in 1864.
He Exposed His Owner’s Cruelty and Methods.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
(Georgia) Constitution.]
When the slave ship, Wanderer, was captured,
shortly before the war, the Africans found on her were held for a time in the
custody of United States Marshals. The gang passed through Montgomery, and
hundreds of citizens flocked to see the black savages. Among the spectators was
a notorious character named Bart Blake. Bart was always ready for an adventure,
and when he heard his friends praising the fine physique of the Africans and
wishing they had them at work on their plantations, it struck him that it would
be a rather brilliant and daring piece of work to steal one of the negroes. The
more he thought of it the better he liked the idea, and finally he let it out
to some of his companions. The crowd laughed and bantered Bart to carry out his
scheme. It took several drinks of whiskey to nerve the man for the work; but
when he felt read to try it, he walked right into the midst of the prisoners,
flourishing a revolver and swearing at the top of his voice. He was a big,
fierce-looking fellow, and the United States Marshals, seeing that he was
apparently backed by a number of men, gave way to him. Bart picked out the
tallest, strongest, and blackest of the negroes and marched him off before the
officers could say Jack Robinson. The people who witnessed the affair sent up a
shout and covered the flight of Blake, thus preventing pursuit until it was too
Blake sent his new slave to his plantation
near the Florida line, and in the course of a few weeks, forgot all about him.
One day his overseer came to Montgomery.
“That nigger is the devil,” he said, as soon
as he saw his employer.
“What nigger?”
“That Wanderer fellow. I can’t make him work,
and all the niggers on the plantation are afraid of him.”
“You say you can’t make him work?” said
Blake, “Have you made him understand that he must work?”
“Yes. I have made signs to him. He can’t speak
a word of English yet. He just looks at me and then I get out of the way. I
believe he would kill me if I laid hands on him.”
“That’s all nonsense,” said Blake. “I’ll come
down in a day or two and straighten him out.”
Blake kept his word about going down, but he
found the African a tough customer. Blake tackled him one morning and led him
out to the woodpile. Placing an axe in the man’s hands, he indicated by signs
that he must cut the wood a certain length. The negro, a perfect giant in
stature, threw the axe down, folded his brawny arms across his naked chest, and
looked at Blake with eyes that fairly blazed. The white man felt peculiarly
nervous, and calling the overseer, ordered him to whip the rebellious slave.
“Whip him yourself,” said the overseer. “I’ll
cover him with a pistol while you do the job.”
“Never mind about it now,” muttered Blake,
and he walked off.
When Blake returned to town, he told his
friends that he never had been so badly bothered in his life. He said that he
had done wrong in capturing the negro, and under the circumstances he would not
feel justified in killing him. He had made up his mind to wait until the savage
learned English. The other negroes would then, no doubt, persuade him to go to
Months and years rolled by, but Scipio, as
Blake’s pet was called, could not be induced to do any regular work. He learned
to talk English and proved to be a man of fine sense and judgment. During the
war Blake spent most of his time on his plantation and got well acquainted with
his slave. Scipio told his master that in his own country he was a chief and a
magician. He had always had his tribe to work for him and he did not propose to
do any work himself.
The neighboring planters gave Blake no peace
about Scipio. They urged him to make the negro work or kill him as a warning
example. Why Blake did not follow their advice is a mystery. He was a rough,
wicked man, and he had shed blood more than once, but there was something about
Scipio that commanded his respect and sympathy. Scipio was allowed to do pretty
much as he pleased. He picked out the best cabin on the place and lived in it
by himself. The other negroes tacitly acknowledged his superiority and made him
presents of fruit, game, and money when they had it. The African was not ill-tempered.
He took an interest in the other slaves, and in the course of time made himself
useful as a doctor. In his rude way, he was quite a skillful physician.
In the early part of 1864 Scipio suddenly
disappeared. He skipped over the Florida line and made his way to Pensacola,
then in the hands of the Federals. Blake was the happiest man in Alabama when
he heard of it. He had somehow got the idea that Scipio was his evil genius and
would some day kill him. When he heard that he was in the Federal lines, he was
so overjoyed at getting rid of him that he got on a big spree, shot two of his
friends, and fell down and broke his arm.
Just after the war the writer heard Blake
giving a history of Scipio. He wound up by saying:
“Yes, I was delighted when he ran away. Two
months afterward I accidentally got hold of a copy of the New York Herald. In it was an interview with Scipio two
columns long. That nigger, sir, made his way to New York and told that Herald
man all about me and my plantation and how niggers were treated in Alabama. He
did for a fact. I was never so surprised in my life. And the way old Scip
showed me up! Why, sir, it was a confounded outrage! I don’t wish the nigger
any harm, but if I ever get hold of him again, I’ll wear him out. If I don’t, I’ll
be dog goned!”
Although Blake blustered a good deal about
it, his friends say that he kept the Herald containing the interview
until his dying day. He frequently showed it to his friends, and although he
always swore over it, the impression prevailed that he was very proud of it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Nineteen persons, all named White, and all
related, bought tickets at Glover’s Gap and left together for the West one day
last week. They expect to reside there permanently.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
CLEVELAND OHIO, Jan. 26. Miss Tillie
Munkerman, aged twenty, whose home is in Royalton, a small village near here,
had been visiting her sister in this city for a short time. Last Thursday
evening she started on an errand, but had gone only a few steps when, in
passing through the shadow of a building, she was suddenly seized by two men,
one white and the other colored, bound and gagged, and placed in a buggy near
at hand. The horse was driven rapidly away, and no sooner had it started, then
she was chloroformed. She soon lost consciousness and remained insensible for
some time. Finally she heard the men talking about going into a saloon before
which the horse had stopped. She remained quiet and they, not knowing that she
had recovered consciousness, entered the saloon. No sooner had they left the
buggy than the girl jumped out and ran away as best she could. She was a mile
away from her sister’s house and was taken home by a gentleman from whom she
asked protection.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
ALTON, ILL., Jan. 26. Last night at ten
o’clock at Bozzatown, near Upper Alton, George Young was shot and wounded,
probably fatally, by Will Low. Both men were from Upper Alton, and had been
drinking in saloons nearly all day. The got into a quarrel at Cook’s saloon,
where Low drew a pistol and fired twice at Young, one bullet passing through
the head and the other lodging in the abdomen. Low escaped. Young is in a
critical condition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
LOUISVILLE, KY., Jan. 26. Last night John
Hughes and J. Grass, two young men, met in the same place and had a quarrel.
The trouble was apparently settled and Grass left the place. Hughes called to
Grass to come back and have a drink, but the latter declined and requested him
to come out on the sidewalk. As soon as Hughes stepped out, Grass drew his
pistol and sent a bullet through his heart.
a New York Critic Has to Day of the Dread Malady.
Sensible Defense of the Dog.
Deaths Resulting From the Fear of Persons Bitten by Dogs
From the Consequences of the Bites.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Crinkle, in New York World.]
Hydrophobia is one of the most terrible, the
most mysterious, and the rarest of the diseases that afflict humanity. Not one
doctor in a hundred ever saw a well-authenticated case of it. I am at this
moment writing this article with a hand lacerated by the bite of a strange dog.
I encountered him one Sunday morning two weeks ago in front of my residence.
I am a lover of dogs. This was a brindled
bull terrier, held by a chain. I patted him on the head. He wagged his tail,
jumped up affectionately upon me. I slapped him playfully on his side, and in
an instant he fastened his fangs in my right hand. One of these struck an
artery and cut it. I bought the dog. It cost me fifteen dollars. I domiciled
him. For forty-eight hours I had one of those subjective struggles which teach
a man how absolutely he is at the mercy of his imagination. I went up to Dr.
Hamilton. He looked at my hand and asked at once:
“Where is the dog?”
“I’ve got him,” I replied.
“Is he all right?”
“Sound as a dollar.”
“Then don’t give the thing another thought.
If I cauterize the wound, you are liable to have a secondary hemorrhage, and
then you will be disabled for a fortnight.”
That was all the medical treatment I
received; but I found myself that night dwelling upon the incident. All the
dread possibilities were rehearsed. My fancy exaggerated my knowledge and my
feelings. I felt pricking and burning sensations run up my arm. I fell into an
uneasy dose. I heard the snarl and saw the gleam of fangs in the phantasmagoria
of a nervous sleep. I woke up in the morning unrefreshed and with a dull
consciousness that something was impending. After a bath and a walk in the sun,
my resisting power began to assert itself. I saw that at this rate I would
evolute out of nothing all the symptoms of rabies. I sincerely believe at this
moment that I could have brought on the symptoms of tetanus, if I had only
placed myself under my own imagination. If that dog had shown any symptoms of
sickness, I should have been a case for Pasteur, but he proved to be as
straight as a trivet. I made friends with him. I found that he had a broken
rib. I must have struck that when I slapped him on the side. Now consider a
moment. If I had killed that dog when he bit me, as it was very easy to do, all
the science, all the intelligence, and all the reason of the world could not
have saved me from my own fears. And that is the result with almost every case
of dog bite. The first step on the part of stupidity is to kill the dog. Then
he is declared to be mad, and then sets in the chain of subjective and fanciful
results. Science and common experience agree that unless the dog has rabies,
there is no danger of the victim of his bite having hydrophobia. Well, my own
experience tells me that one dog in about five thousand that are killed as mad
really has rabies. Dog men are bitten every day. Your ordinary dog fighter is
covered with scars. There isn’t a sportsman who hasn’t had the mark of a tooth
on him. The dog is subject to epilepsy and nervous attacks that are common
enough. But if a poor animal should get a fit in the streets of New York, the
dry of mad dog is his doom and the doom of everybody he bites. Could he be
saved from the ignorant malice of the mob, something might be determined. We
should at least know if imagination can bring on the symptoms in the man while
the dog is healthy. Mahew, who has written the best, because the only
scientific book of the dog, insists that rabies is an extremely rare disease
that develops slowly in the animal, who is sick weeks before his paroxysms
appear. He describes minutely all the symptoms of the rabid dog, and no one had
a better opportunity to study them, not even Zonatt. He saved scores of dogs
from popular doom that were suffering with vermicular fits. Fear, which is
always the concomitant of mystery, is the prime factor in individual
hydrophobia and in those popular scares which we are having at this moment.
Everybody remembers the gifted Ada Clare, who was bitten in the face by a pet
dog. She died in this city in the most horrible paroxysms of hydrophobia. I saw
her just before she died. She was a woman of many mental accomplishments and a
strong, imaginative temperament. Science stood helpless at her bedside, unable
to save her, and powerful to assuage her agonies with the most powerful drugs
known to the pharmacopeia. Mr. Butler, I think it was, in Burling Slip, who
obtained the dog. At all events, a month after Ada Clare’s death, I received a
note from a well-known dog fancier to come and see the dog. The animal at that
time appeared to be in perfect health. I have always believed that Ada Clare
was the victim of her own imagination. Per contra I saw a case of undoubted
hydrophobia in Wisconsin that was diagnosed as tetanus. It was that of a child
six years old that was bitten by a Spitz dog, that died two hours after in a
rabid paroxysm. The parents were ignorant Germans, knew nothing of hydrophobia
whatever, and the wound was a mere pin prick in the thumb. But a month later
the child was taken sick and died, as I say, with all the symptoms of
Pasteur and all the rest of them are groping
in the dark. It sounds somewhat absurd to say that the life of a dog that is
supposed to be mad ought to be saved. But when the case is understood, the
absurdity vanishes. In the first place, the rabid dog does not start out as the
popular fear paints him upon an indiscriminate biting career. The dog, whether
mad or healthy, bites and snaps only when irritated. It is the hunted dog that
bites at everything, and the assumption that he is mad sets the crowd upon him.
Then, wrought up to a pitch of frenzy, he bites and tears all within his reach.
It is possible to produce this kind of hydrophobia in any highly organized dog.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A New Haven boy recently, “for fun,” inserted
an advertisement in a local paper for a husband. A Western farmer answered it,
and this young man wrote at length, describing himself as a handsome,
middle-aged woman, with a long bank account. The granger came on last week to
see the woman. He is now after the young man with a suit for fraud and loss of
time and money.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Recap. Estate of James E. Platter, deceased,
Nannie J. Platter, Administratrix of the estate. Final settlement to take place
in Probate Court April 5, 1886.
of the Debate in the Senate on the Admission of Dakota.
Objections As to the Methods.
Analysis of Similar Cases.
of Iowa, On Pioneers.
House Eulogizes Ellwood, Deceased, and Adjourns.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. Among the bills
introduced in the Senate when that body met yesterday was one by Mr. Sherman to
discontinue the coinage of the silver dollar, to provide for the purchase of
silver bullion in bars, at not less than 2,000,000 ounces nor more than
4,000,000 ounces per month at market price, and for the issue in payment
therefor of coin certificates of not less denomination than $10 each, the
bullion to remain in the Treasury as security for the payment of the
A resolution was offered by Mr. Call, and his
request laid over for the present, instructing the Judiciary Committee of the
Senate to report a bill providing for the retirement or removal of United
States District and Circuit Judges when from any cause they should become unable
to perform the duties of their office, and discriminating between drunkenness
and other causes so that drunkenness may be punished by impeachment and removal
from office.
Another resolution offered by the same
Senator was on like request similarly disposed of, directing the Judiciary
Committee to report a bill providing for the forfeiture and opening to
settlement of railroad land grants in cases in which the railroads have not
been built within the time given by Congress.
Mr. Ingalls presented a petition of Frederick
Douglass and other leading colored citizens of the District of Columbia,
complaining of discriminations against them, at theaters and other places of
public entertainment in the City of Washington, and praying that the license
laws of the District of Columbia be so amended as to prevent such
discrimination. The petition was accompanied by affidavits in support of its
averments. It was appropriately referred.
The Senate then went to the calendar and
resumed consideration of the bill to divide the Sioux reservation in Dakota
into separate reservations, and to secure the relinquishment of the Indian
title to the same. After debate, the bill at two o’clock was displaced by the
bill providing for the admission of Dakota.
Mr. Butler’s substitute for the committee’s
bill was read. It was an enabling act, providing for the admission of the
Territory of Dakota, as a whole, as a State of the Union, when an election
should have been held and a constitution, republican in form, should have been
adopted by the people. The substitute also describes in detail the conditions
to be observed by the proposed State, as to public lands, schools, etc.
Mr. Butler then took the floor in support of
his substitute. He conceded the right of the people of a Territory to apply for
admission as a State when it had the necessary conditions, but he denied that a
Territory had any inherent right to organize a State government. Congress alone
could authorize the transition from a Territory to a State, and the exercise of
that power by any other body would be bold usurpation. He argued at length in
support of this proposition and further contended that Territories had no right
to divide themselves up at their own pleasure and do as Dakota had done in this
instance. As to the admission of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Maine, Mr. Butler
said that these had been carved out of territory belonging to North Carolina,
Virginia, and Massachusetts, three of the original thirteen States, and under
the constitution, the consent of the Legislature of those States was all that
was necessary, and was taken as tantamount to an enabling act. In the cases of
Arkansas and Michigan, two political Titans, slavery and anti-slavery, were
approaching each other by converging lines. Michigan represented one and Arkansas
represented the other. Both were taken into the Union in, as Mr. Butler
insisted, an unconstitutional manner. These were cases of compromise, attempts
to temporize with the impending irrepressible conflict. It would have been
better for the country if the issue had been at that time met and settled, than
to have postponed it to a time thirty years later, when the power and capacity
of the sections to struggle with each other had so largely increased. Iowa,
Missouri, Arkansas, and Nevada, Mr. Butler said, had come into the Union under
enabling acts. Slavery was now dead. The people of the Union were becoming more
and more homogeneous, and time was smoothing the asperities that had come of
the conflict. The people were happily at peace. The Territories were being
occupied by intelligent and hardy pioneers. He couldn’t see why the Nation
should depart from the safe, time-honored constitutional rules for the
admission of new members into the family of States. He asked if there was a
pressing political exigency lurking behind this movement which impelled it
forward with almost unseemly zeal; whether there was a purpose to hasten
proceedings, lest a change might come which might change the political
complexion of the representatives sent to the National Legislature. Mr. Butler
could not disabuse his mind of such a suspicion and that a snap judgment would
be rendered if the legislators refused to ratify the present movement. Mr.
Butler insisted that the action of South Dakota had been ultra vires and void.
Besides he had received intimations of fraud in the proceedings taken there, of
crimination, recrimination, and ringism. Much division of opinion prevailed in
the Territory as to a division on the line of the forty-sixth parallel and he
wanted to know why there should not be a fair hearing on all the questions
involved, so that when Congress should meet again, it should have material for
intelligent action. Mr. Butler could hardly conceive that any personal
discourtesy had been meant by the railroading through the Committee on
Territories of an adverse report on the resolutions offered by Mr. Vest and
himself relating to Dakota. They had been adversely passed upon at the very
first meeting of the committee after their reference by the Senate without
notice or opportunity to him to be present at their consideration. He inquired
whether this haste was because of fear that if full consideration had been
given to these resolutions, the weakness of the case would be made manifest, or
that the motives behind the efforts of the State Executive Committee would be
exposed. If Dakota were admitted under the unconstitutional action already
taken, then Congress might as well abolish all parliamentary proceedings and
judicial forms. “When Dakota shall come here,” said Mr. Butler in conclusion,
“provided with the proper countersign, if it shall be my duty to be on guard, I
will with pleasure pass her on to the heart of the citadel of the Nation.”
Mr. Wilson, of Iowa, contended that Senators
who should insist that every step for the formation of new States should be in
accordance with their own views of form, displayed but little knowledge of the
process by which States had been made. Some of the most loyal and patriotic
States had laid their foundation in violation of Congressional action. The
hardy pioneers had carried civilization yearly farther westward and planted
States as mile stones to mark the onward progress of their journey. It had
taken the United States Government a long time to understand the movements of
those pioneers. The action of the people of Dakota, he insisted, was in every
sense proper, peaceful, and constitutional, and no narrow partisanship or
political bias should be permitted to interfere with the manly and honorable
demand of its people to admission as a State. The population of South Dakota
was sufficient to entitle her to two Representatives in Congress. Mr. Wilson
compared the condition of South Dakota in wealth, population, and resources
with those of many other States at the time of their admission and argued that
the new applicant for statehood presented a case that challenged criticism. Her
methods had been conservative and creditable, and Congress should welcome her
to the sisterhood of States.
The debate then closed, and the bill went
over till two o’clock today, at which hour Mr. Vest will have the floor.
A message was received from the President
transmitting further information received from the United States Minister to
Belgium in relation of the action of the Belgium Government in concluding its
admission to the monetary union of the Latin States. The message was referred
to the Committee on Finance.
Another message from the President was
received transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Interior
submitting a draft of the proposed amendment to the act ratifying an agreement
with the Crow Indians in Montana for the purpose of increasing the annual
payment under that agreement and reducing the number thereof in order that
sufficient means might be provided for establishing them in their individual
allotments. The message was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
A message from the House announced the death
of the Hon. Reuben Ellwood, late member of that body from the State of
The Senate, on motion of Mr. Cullom, out of
respect to the memory of the deceased, adjourned.
Among the bills introduced in the Senate
today were the following.
By Mr. Plumb: By request, to forfeit all the
uncertified lands within the limits of the grant to the State of Michigan to
aid in building a railroad from Marquette to Ontonagon under the acts of June
3, 1856, and under acts amendatory or supplementary there, and all lands
certified or uncertified which lie opposite the uncompleted portion of the road
extending from Lanze to Ontonagon. Also a bill to grant the right of way
through the Indian Territory to the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf Railroad
By Mr. Cameron: Providing that persons now on
the pension rolls, or who may hereafter be placed thereon for a permanent
specific disability, who may have contracted an additional disability in the
service, which but for the existence of the permanent specific disability would
have entitled them to pensions, shall be entitled to an increase of pension
commensurate with the degree of such additional disability in addition to that
granted for the specific disability; provided, that the cumulative pension
shall not exceed that for total helplessness.
By Mr. Miller, of New York: Authorizing the
Secretary of the Treasury to refund $42,796 to the State of New York, being the
amount of duties paid on arms imported by the State in 1863 for use in
suppressing the war of the rebellion.
The Speaker laid before the House yesterday a
letter from the Secretary of State giving a list of the employees in the State
Department and setting for that their services were such that none could be
dispensed with.
Mr. Weaver, of Iowa, introduced a bill to
provide for the organization of the Territory of Oklahoma. Also to open
unoccupied lands to actual settlers. This was referred.
Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, from the Committee
on Military Affairs, reported a bill authorizing the President to restore
officers to the army in certain cases. This bill applies to the case of Fitz
John Porter. It was placed upon the public calendar and may be called up for
action any time during the morning hour.
The House, on motion of Mr. Dingley, then
went into Committee of the Whole with Mr. Crisp, of Georgia, in the chair, on
the bill reported by the Shipping Committee to abolish certain fees for
services to American vessels. Mr. Dingley said that the committee was unanimous
in reporting the bill.
Pending action the hour of one o’clock
arrived and the committee having risen, the House proceeded to the
consideration of appropriate resolutions touching the death of Congressman
Reuben Ellwood, of Illinois.
After eulogistic addresses by Messrs.
Hopkins, Henderson, Pitt, Dunham, and Adams (Illinois), Tillman (South
Carolina), Peters (Kansas) and McMillan (Tennessee) the House, as a mark of respect
to the memory of the deceased, adjourned.
Ex-Governor Ungenerously Sized Up by an Ex-Mayor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. A special from New York
says: Ex-Mayor Overstolz, of St. Louis, was here today. Speaking of the
administration, he said: “The fact that President Cleveland refused to appoint
ex-Governor Crittenden to a mission on account of that Jesse James killing has
not created any excitement in Missouri. There are a great many people in the
State who are of my opinion that Mr. Crittenden went beyond his province as a
Governor in getting rid of James. I don’t say that he was in collusion with the
Ford boys to assassinate Jesse James, but we would like to read his statement
about the affair. He promised to make one. Possibly he can throw some
extenuating circumstances on the killing. We were not aware before that Mr.
Crittenden had political significance enough to warrant his appointment to any
mission. In Missouri he is practically dead, except perhaps in the locality
where he resides.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
SAN ANTONIO, TEX., Jan. 29. Two new cases of
small-pox were reported today. They occurred in a Mexican family named Deolles,
who live on South Laredo street. The patients were at once removed to the pest
house. All victims of the disease have so far been among the lower orders and
Mexican population in the lowest and least improved quarters of the city. No
Americans have taken it except Dr. Lighthall, and there have been no
manifestations of its spreading.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
N. Y. Mail and Express.]
For the past week workmen have been busily
engaged in raking up the dead leaves that have fallen from the trees in the
White House grounds, and making huge piles of them. The strong wind made it
difficult to rake clean, and frequently scattered the piles when formed. The
men have not been working by the job, though, and did not seem to mind going over
their work. These piles of leaves will not be left on the grounds. They will be
dumped into the fountain basins in the different parts of the grounds after the
water is turned off, to prevent the cold from cracking the masonry. Over these
leaves will be placed evergreen trees to keep them in place, and the fountains
will have a nice warm blanket till spring. The most interested spectators of
the past week’s work were a number of tramp dogs, who intend hibernating at the
bottom of the fountain basins. They will burrow among the leaves and make their
beds at the bottom, where they can be perfectly warm and comfortable during the
coldest winter weather. This has been a dog custom for many years past. When
spring comes and their homes are broken up, the dogs have become so accustomed
to the surroundings, that they are unwilling to leave the vicinity of the White
House, and have to be continually driven away. The little yellow dog that
became famous in the Garfield inauguration procession came from the White House
fountains, as did his yellow and white descendants, who patiently awaited the
starting of President Cleveland’s inaugural procession last March. The dogs who
take up their winter quarters in the fountains this year can be seen about the
grounds at all hours of the day. They spend the nights in the piles of leaves.
They cannot be driven away, for they know when they have a good thing. Their
number is not as large as it would be, but for several recent visits of the dog
catchers in the early morning hours. Several of the canine tramps who had their
winter quarters selected are now no more.
The White House grounds have always been a
favorite resort for birds and animals. Nowhere in the city were the little
English sparrows more plentiful than here. They built their nests in the vines
in the rear of the White House and in the hollow cannon balls that surmount the
railing of the port cochere. Their presence was fatal to the innumerable
robins who come every spring. The sparrows made such war upon them that only a
portion of their former number hop about the grounds after the frost is gone,
and these do not care to stay long. It looks now as if the robins would have a
better chance next spring, for there is scarcely a sparrow to be seen about the
place. Red pepper sprinkled on the leaves of the vines in which the sparrows
build their nests, aided by a morning and evening shaking up with long poles,
proved quite effective. Crows, too, had a hand in the fight. The thousands of
crows, which for a long time have passed over the city every morning from their
Virginia home to Maryland feeding grounds, were apt to become bewildered on
foggy mornings, and frequently some of them made the White House grounds their
stopping place. They seemed to like the place, and some took up their permanent
quarters there, and if they did not continue to the grain fields with their
companions, picked up their meals around the neighborhood and had young
sparrows for dessert. The sparrow parents and other relatives made a vigorous
resistance to this system of robbery, and frequently got the better of the
crows, but it seems as if there was too much opposition to them, for they have
cleared out. The crows, too, have taken their departure. The only thing left to
remind one of them is a large crow’s nest in the extreme top of one of the
trees on the edge of the roadway leading up to the White House from the avenue.
It was built there last spring, and in it a family of little crows passed their
infancy. The tramp dogs, however, still retain possession of the grounds.
Sioux Reservation and the Dakota State Bills Discussed in the Senate.
Plea on Behalf of the Proposed State.
Retirement Bill Discussed in the House.
Salts and Land Lubbers Have a Tilt.
Island Grant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. In the Senate yesterday
Senator Ingalls presented a memorial of the Legislature of Kansas praying for
the establishment of two additional military stations in that State as a
protection against Indian depredations.
Senator Plumb presented a memorial from the
same body for the extension of military facilities at Fort Riley, Kansas. The
papers were appropriately referred.
A resolution offered by Senator Plumb was
agreed to, calling on the Secretary of War for information as to the number of
military bands in the army, the number of enlisted men and civilians in such
bands, and the provisions authorizing their constitution and maintenance.
On motion of Senator Ingalls, his bill to
provide for a National university was taken from the table, read a second time,
and referred to the Committee on Education and Labor.
Senator Harrison’s substitute for his
original resolution of inquiry as to the administration of the Pension Office, was
taken from the table, and without debate, agreed to. It directs the Senate
Committee on Expenditures of Public Money to make an investigation into the
charges made by the new Commissioner of Pensions as to the former
administration of that office.
Proceeding to the calendar the Senate took up
the bill to divide part of the Sioux reservation in Dakota, and secure the
relinquishment of the Indian title to the remainder. The pending question was
an amendment offered by Senator Harrison to protect rights of persons who had
located on land between the date of President Arthur’s executive order
admitting settlers to it, and the date of President Cleveland’s proclamation
ordering such settlers off the reservation.
Senator Ingalls was opposed permitting a
title to be given to such of the settlers as had defied the President’s
proclamation of April 17, 1885, by remaining on the lands when ordered off.
They should not be permitted to take advantage of their own wrong. He offered
an amendment to exclude those persons from the operation of Senator Harrison’s
In the course of debate, Senator Ingalls said
he had been informed by reliable authority that Major Gasman, the Indian agent,
had been removed because he had been “too pitiful” to the settlers.
Senator Dawes denied this, and said the
present administration was disposed to remove the settlers without regard to
the hardships involved. But the department, Senator Dawes said, was desirous of
relieving in some way the honest settler who went on these lands in good faith.
Senator Jones, of Arkansas, said the
amendment of Senator Ingalls would hurt nine hones men to one dishonest one. He
admitted that there had been some talk by a few men among the settlers, of
resistance to the President’s proclamation, but such were relatively very few.
One of them had spoken to Senator Jones about it, and said he intended to
resist the mandate of the United States.
Senator Jones said if he concluded to adhere
to that decision, and would come to him (Jones), he could give him “some
points” on the subject of such resistance, because he had been himself engaged
in a thing of that kind, and had learned a good deal. [Laughter.]
After further debate the matter went over.
The Electoral Count bill was postponed until
Monday next.
Senator Harrison then called up the bill for
the admission of Dakota. The bill having been read, Senator Harrison addressed
the Senate in its support. He said that no man could suppose that the
descendants of the men who in 1776 complained of the appointment of officials
by others than themselves, would long be content with the treatment of their
affairs as territorial or colonial. We should remember who those people were
who inhabited this Territory of Dakota. They had been until recently citizens
of the various States, and had exercised all the privileges of citizenship. As
to the method by which the new State should be admitted, Senator Harrison
reviewed the arrangements for admission in the cases of other States, and
insisted that the method pursued in this instance was in harmony with
precedents and law. On the question of a division of the present Territory on
the 46th parallel, Senator Harrison recited facts showing repeated
efforts of both North and South Dakota to secure such division from
Congress—the Territorial Legislature having unanimously urged and resolutions
of conventions of both political parties having repeatedly urged it. It was not
a party question as to whether a preliminary enabling act by Congress was
necessary before a State could be admitted to the Union. Senator Harrison
contended that no such act was necessary. He reviewed the cases of States
already admitted without such act. In the case of Tennessee, he said, the new
State sent a copy of its constitution to the President of the United States
(then George Washington) without waiting for any act of Congress, but with a
simple notice that on a certain day the State Government would go into
operation. President Washington had seen no disrespect in such notice and no
sign of secession in it.
Senator Butler asked Senator Harrison to give
the names of the States on whose cases he relied as precedents for the method
of admission proposed in the case of Dakota.
Senator Harrison replied that the cases were
Tennessee, Michigan, California, Iowa, Florida, Arkansas, and Oregon, and in
turn asked in what respect the Senator from South Carolina disputed that Dakota
had not come within the line of the precedents.
Senator Butler said he would satisfy the
Senator from Indiana before the debate was through.
Senator Harrison was not so sure of that.
Senator Butler said if he did not satisfy
him, it was because the Senator would not be satisfied.
Senator Harrison concluded with the remark
that the people of Dakota, not cringingly, but respectfully, requested to be
allowed to participate with the other States of the Union in all the privileges
of American citizenship.
Senator Butler then took the floor to reply
to Senator Harrison, but yielded for an executive session, after which the
Senate adjourned.
The Senate resolutions touching the death of
Vice President Hendricks were presented to the House yesterday and on motion of
Mr. Holman, of Indiana, were laid upon the table for the present, as Mr. Holman
gave notice that Tuesday next he would ask the House to consider similar
Mr. Throckmorton, from the Committee on
Pacific Roads, reported back the resolution calling on the Secretary of the
Interior for copies of all contracts or leases which are to be found on file in
his department, between the Southern Pacific Railway Company and any railroad
to which land grants have been made, or which received any subsidies from the
United States.
Mr. Peel (Arkansas) from the Committee on
Indian Affairs, reported the bill granting the right of way through the lands
of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians to the St. Louis & San Francisco
Railway Company.
The House then resumed in the morning hour
the consideration of the bill for the retirement of certain naval officers. It
was vigorously advocated by Mr. McAdoo (New Jersey) and Mr. Sayers (Texas).
Mr. Thomas (Illinois) gave notice that he
would move to recommit the bill. He was led to this course by the discovery
that the bill was not perfect and not by the oratory of the storm-tossed
mariner from Tennessee (Mr. McMillin), nor by the communistic doctrine
advocated by Mr. Reagan. That gentleman bid for votes by denouncing the heroes
of the country by denominating them aristocrats and talking of privileged
classes and down trodden people. This kind of talk would prove ineffectual, for
around those heroes had closed the love of 50,000,000 people.
Mr. Reagan inquired whether the gentleman
intended to make that kind of a speech and then allow no reply.
Mr. Thomas replied that the gentleman had
made his speech.
Mr. Reagan suggested that he neither
reflected upon nor insulted anyone.
Mr. Thomas disclaimed the intention of
insulting anyone.
Mr. Reagan’s comment upon this was that the
gentleman had a queer way of using language.
Subsequently Mr. Reagan obtained unanimous
consent to make a few remarks, in the course of which he defended himself from
the charge of advocating communistic doctrines. Were the patriots for the first
fifty years of the country’s history communistic? He thought that they were, in
the sense that he was held to be a communist. They were men who were not
willing to extend privileges to one man which they would not extend to all.
Mr. Thomas, of Illinois, moved to recommit
the bill, pending which Mr. Warner, of Ohio, moved to lay the bill on the
The latter motion was lost, but before the
motion to recommit was put, the morning hour expired.
The House then proceeded to the consideration
of the bill declaring forfeited certain land grants to the States of
Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana, to aid in the construction of railroads.
This bill is identical with that passed by the House in the Forty-eighty
Congress, but the Committee on Public Lands recommended an amendment excepting
the Gulf & Ship Island road, of Mississippi, from the operation of the
bill. This exception was demurred to by Mr. Anderson, of Kansas, who could see
no reason why the Gulf & Ship Island should be signaled out and favored.
Mr. Payson (Illinois) explained that the
exception was made in order that there might be no opposition to the bill. In
the case of the Gulf & Ship Island road, some work had been recently done,
and it was thought better to omit it from the operation of the bill. The
question of forfeiting the lands of that road would be decided afterward.
Mr. Van Eaton (Mississippi) strongly
advocated the exemption, and stated that the whole question relative to that
road could be thoroughly discussed when the bill now pending in committee,
extending the time within which the road may be completed, was brought before
the House.
The question being on the amendment of the
committee, excepting the Gulf & Ship Island road, it was rejected. Yeas,
83; nays, 178.
Mr. Holman, of Indiana, offered an amendment
that the lands restored to the public domain shall be subject to entry and
settlement under the provisions of the homestead law only; provided, however,
that if sales of any such lands have heretofore been made by the United States,
such sales are hereby confirmed.
The amendment was adopted, and the bill as
amended passed.
The House then adjourned.
to Order at Denver by Ex-Governor Routt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
DENVER, Col., Jan. 28, 2 p.m. The Range
Convention was called to order at noon by ex-Governor Routt. The permanent
chairmanship lies between ex-Governor Routt and Colonel R. G. Head, of
Trinidad. The Texas delegation, over one hundred strong, are as a unit in favor
of the ex-Governor. The opening hours of the convention promise to be full of
contention. The first question will be whether the convention will be
controlled by the delegates who have been appointed by the various cattle
associations, under the original call of Secretary Taylor, or be a mass
convention in which every cattle owner will be allowed to vote. The cattlemen
who favor the delegate system claim to be far in the majority and the claim
does not seem to be disputed by the minority. Colonel Taylor says there are
less than half a dozen men who are opposing the delegate system, and they will
cut such a small figure in the organization of the convention that their
opposition will scarcely be felt. On the other hand there is an ominous silence
which forebodes a storm following the calm. The mass convention men say that
the one delegate to every 50,000 head of cattle system will prevent many cattle
growing districts from having a vote in the convention; while, on the other
hand, the delegate men say that this plan is the only one which can be adopted
to give the small owners a representation.
Clarke Addresses the House Committee in Advocacy of Weaver’s Bill.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. Sidney Clarke, ex-member
of the Kansas Legislature, appeared before the House Committee on Territories
yesterday in advocacy of Representative Weaver’s bill for the creation of the
Territory of Oklahoma. He said that the public land strip should be taken under
Government control, as in the present state of affairs any crime could be
committed there without fear of punishment. He claimed that Oklahoma belonged
entirely to the Government. The Government had paid the Indians the full price
of the lands. While it was the original understanding that Oklahoma should be
used as a colony for the Indians and freedmen, that idea had long been
abandoned, and the only use made of Oklahoma was that of a pasture for the
herds belonging to the cattle barons. He said that a cattle company formed at
Lawrence, Kansas, had leased the lands from the Indians for $100,000 and had
sub-let it at a considerable advance in other cattlemen. He wanted the
Territory opened to settlers. Captain Couch, of Oklahoma boomer fame, was
present, but did not address the committee.
Wonderful Invention of an Aix-In-Chapelle Chemist.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mr. Zimmermann, as the representative of
Noritz Honigman, of Aachen, Germany, is in the city to introduce a new chemical
motor, the soda locomotive-engine, which is to revolutionize the mode of
propelling street cars. The propelling power, which is soda in solution, the
capacity of which is to absorb large quantities of steam and its contained
heat, without giving off vapor, and thus storing up a large quantity of power
in the form of heat, was discovered accidentally by Mr. Honigman, a
caustic-soda manufacturer in Aachen, in May, 1883. The soda locomotive engine
is already used on street railways in Augsburg and Aachen, in Germany, and in
Copenhagen, Denmark. Negotiations have been concluded in this city by which, in
a short time, the soda locomotive engine will be tested on the Adams street
line of street cars. The engine itself is now on the way from New York.
The process of propulsion by the soda
locomotive engine is, as explained by Mr. Zimmermann, by placing a quantity of
diluted soda lye, raised to a boiling point, in a closed tank in intimate
contact with the steam boiler of the engine filled with steam and water in the
usual proportions and at the usual working pressure. Even where the water is
put in cold steam is raised by the heat of the diluted soda lye. Upon opening
the throttle steam passes into the cylinders, does its work, and then passes
into the soda solution through the exhaust pipe, which ends in a perforated
tube, extending through the soda, the remaining heat being absorbed into the
latter. The increase of temperature in the soda represents the work done in the
cylinder, the action making the machine an automatic heater, responding by
greater heating to the larger amount of work called for. By reason of this,
after a long run with crowded cars, the temperature both of the soda and of the
steam may be higher at the end than at the start. When, however, the power
stored in the soda and steam together, by its steady diminution, no longer
maintains the necessary difference of the temperature, the soda lye is
discharged, and a new charge of hot condensed soda is taken in, which takes
place at the company’s stations.
Mr. Edward Koch, of this city, who visited
Germany last summer and saw the operation of the Honigman cars, said to a
reporter yesterday that in Germany the engine was usually placed in a separate
car, and drew as many street cars—one or two or more—as were required for
public accommodation. They could be made, however, so as to accommodate
passengers in the car itself where the machine was, as in the case of the cable
cars. It was built like a railroad engine, only that it was charged with heat
before it went out, and therefore emitted no steam or fire or smoke. It did not
make any heat. The machine took up but little room, and as it furnished the
motive power, no difficulty could arise such as resulted sometimes from the
breaking of a cable or machinery on a cable road. Street railroads could be
operated with such engines at fifty per cent less in operating expenses than
with horse-power. The use of the engines would save both time and money.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
(Maine) Chronicle.]
Recently, when Thomas Danforth, of North
Madison, was on his way to North Anson, he saw a large eagle attack a sheep.
Mr. Danforth stopped at the next house and informed Mr. Whitney of the fact,
who, with his son, started, armed with a shot-gun, with the intention of
capturing the bird, but before they got within gun-shot, he made several
attempts to carry away the sheep, which he had partly eaten, but could not fly
but a few feet at a time, and finally went away and left it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A BOIL in the kettle is worth two on your
nose. Chicago Telegram.
Senate Addressed by the Missouri Senator on the Dakota Question.
Reads a Few Personals From Dakota Newspapers on Himself and Confreres.
Florida Claim.—A Greedy Lawyer’s Fee.—Private Claims in the House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. When the Senate met
yesterday, Mr. Walthall presented the credentials of the re-election of Hon. J.
Z. George as United Senator from Mississippi. The credentials were read and
Mr. Ingalls, from the Committee on Judiciary,
reported favorably the bill relieving from political disabilities George S.
Storrs, of the State of Texas, and on Mr. Ingalls’ motion, the bill was passed.
Among the bills introduced was one by Mr.
Call, at the request, he said, of the Governor of Florida, to authorize the
Secretary of the Treasury to pay the claim of the State of Florida on account
of expenditures made in suppressing the Indian hostilities. In introducing the
bill, Mr. Call said that a similar bill had been before the Forty-eighth
Congress, but at the request of the Governor of Florida had been allowed to
remain un-acted upon, because a Washington claim agent named Wales had claimed
commissions amounting to $62,000 for “services in connection with it,” and, as
the amount of cost allowed by Congress was only $92,000, there would be little
of the money left after paying the commission.
Mr. Platte submitted a resolution for
reference to the Committee on Rules, and it was so referred, providing that
executive nominations should hereafter be considered in open session.
A resolution offered by Mr. Edmunds was
agreed to, directing the Secretary of the Navy to transmit to the Senate copies
of the drawings and the report of the recent survey of the Nicaragua canal
A resolution offered by Mr. Eustis was agreed
to, directing the Secretary of the Treasury to inform the Senate if any
instructions had been issued to the Assistant Treasurer at New Orleans to
refuse to receive silver dollars on deposit and issue therefor certificates, or
whether he had been instructed to receive a limited amount of such silver
dollars, and if such instructions had been issued to inform the Senate as to
the reasons upon which they were based.
Proceeding to the calendar the Senate resumed
its consideration of the bill to divide the Sioux Indian reservation in Dakota.
At two o’clock Mr. Vest took the floor on the
Dakota bill. He disclaimed any hostility, personal or political, to the people
of Dakota, and claimed himself to be a Western man and proud of the Western
country and its magnificent development. He desired to look at the question
involved in the Dakota proposition from the standpoint of elevated
statesmanship and not of partisan bias, and in no acrimonious spirit. He
retorted on the Republicans that never had they failed to take advantage of
party feeling and bias in putting through their measures. He was a Democrat and
was proud of the fact. Without regard to politics, however, on this question he
would be a coward if he did not stand where he now stood. He asked why repeated
references had been made in debate by the Republicans to party feeling; why
reference had been made to the fact that the people of Dakota were largely
composed of Union soldiers? That fact might account for their restiveness in
their present political condition. Mr. Vest could show, and would, before he
got through, that many brave ex-Union veterans who had been shot, and shelled,
and saber struck, and he honored them for it, who were now residing in Dakota,
were earnestly opposed to the measure reported from the Senate Committee on
Territories. But he denied the right of any man to peculiar privileges in this
country because of having fought under one flag, because of having espoused any
case, because of having done his duty to his principles and convictions, as he
understood them. Justice should be done to all men, and he could not see why
this should be thrust before the people, in all their financial, social, and religious
relations, the dead issues of a dead strife, when the country was being
honestly cemented together by the glorious memories of the past and the bright
anticipations of the future.
Mr. Vest read from a Dakota newspaper an
editorial which said that “enough one armed and one legged Union veterans are
in Dakota to whip a whole brigade of traitorous skunks like Vest and Butler
[laughter], and you can bet your boots they can do it any day right here on the
open plains of the free soil of Dakota, and without resorting to bushwhacking
or kukluxing either. If they don’t believe it, all they have to do to test the
loyalty of Dakota is to fire on Sumter.” “Permit me,” said Mr. Vest, “to put at
rest any apprehension on the part of the Dakota editor, so far as the
inauguration of another revolution is concerned. Fort Sumter shall rest in
placid tranquility for the balance of my natural life at least. The admission
of no twenty States would ever induce me to appeal again to the arbitrament of
arms, which the Dakota editor seems so anxious to invoke.” Mr. Vest severely
animadverted upon the course pursued by South Dakota on this matter of its
proposed admission as a State. He sent to the desk and had the clerk read
several editorial articles from Dakota newspapers insisting that there was no
law to forbid the people from governing themselves. One such article inquired,
“Shall the scarred veterans who put down the rebellion now submit to the
rebels? We say a thousands times no. You have once conquered rebels with guns in
their hands, you will again conquer the ‘rebs’ in Congress having votes in
their hands.” Mr. Vest insisted that Congress was the only power that could say
when States should come into the Union. If the ordinance of 1787, which
provided that new States should be admitted when a population of 60,000 should
be reached, was the only authority on the question, the debate would close at
once. Mr. Vest denied that the ordinance was now in force, and read from
decisions of the United States Supreme Court to show that that ordinance had
ceased to exist on the adoption of the Federal constitution in 1789. Any other
view would forever put an end to any discretion in Congress as to the admission
of new States. Mr. Vest took the broad ground that no ordinance or treaty
whatever could hamper or bind Congress in a matter of so fundamental a
character as this. If it could, then one Congress could forever bind future
Congresses. The present Congress could tear to pieces any ordinance or treaty
that should pretend to put such shackles on the Congress of the United States.
Alluding to the partisan references of the other side, Mr. Vest said he might
pertinently inquire what political party was to be benefitted by this surgical
operation by which Dakota was cut in two for political reasons. He asked
whether it would not add to the Republican forces and perhaps give
preponderance to those forces in a National contest. The great question once
was how rapidly to get new States into the Union. Everybody then wanted to put
the frontier away from their borders, because the frontier meant the scalping
knife and tomahawk. But the population, development, and resources had exceeded
the imagination of the facts. The admission of two new members into the Senate
of the United States as soon as any fraction of a Territory could show the same
number of inhabitants that were claimed for South Dakota, Mr. Vest declared,
would soon swell the Senate to the size of the House of Representatives, and
such admissions would be unjust to the older and much more thickly populated
Mr. Vest compared the position assumed by
Dakota with that of Montana, to show that the latter Territory had acted in a
respectful and constitutional manner, though he said he should be compelled to
vote against the admission of Montana until it had a population at least equal
to the united representation in the lower House of Congress. Dakota had not
evinced proper respect for the Supreme Court of the United States. Its people
had entered into a conspiracy to nullify a decision of that court in regard to
the territorial bonded indebtedness. By the vote on the constitution now
presented, Mr. Vest continued, 100,000 persons residing in North Dakota were
disfranchised and had not taken part in the election. He ridiculed the Republican
pretensions as to the anxiety pervading the people of Dakota on the question of
admission. “One would think,” he said, “that even the babies of Dakota were
crying for admission.” [Laughter.]
The manipulators of the movement had tried to
bring every issue to bear in their support: even the prohibition issue. “Cut
off whiskey from a man on the plains,” said Mr. Vest, “and you take from him
all that makes life endurable.” The speaker related an incident of finding in
the wild West three men who for three years had been cut off from civilization,
from bread, and from salt. “The first thing they asked for, on seeing other
human beings fresh from civilization, was not bread, not salt, but whiskey.”
[Laughter.] Mr. Vest mentioned this, he said, not to show the depravity of the
men, but to show that the rigors of the climate required whiskey. Mr. Vest
denied that the action of Dakota was the action of its whole people. It was a
Republican movement in the interest of certain individuals. The Democrats of Dakota
regarded it as a farce and had not participated in the vote on it. He had the
clerk read an official address by the Democratic Committee of the Territory to
support his statement. The whole trouble, he said, was Fargo and Yankton were
competing centers of political ambition. He charged that the record of the last
Legislature of Dakota, even on the showing of Republican newspapers, was
without a parallel in the history of bad schemes. In conclusion, Mr. Vest said
he would hereafter submit a proposition to divide the territory by a line
running north and south on the 101st parallel of longitude so as to
provide for the keeping of the unsettled western side in a territorial
Mr. Logan then took the floor, but gave way
for a motion to adjourn, and the Senate accordingly adjourned until Monday.
After a few private measures had been
reported by committees, the House at 12:30 yesterday went into Committee of the
Whole, Mr. Hatch, of Missouri, in the chair, on the private calendar.
The first measure was Mr. McMillan’s bill
providing for the payment of “Fourth of July” claims. Mr. Geddes (Ohio)
explained that the bill comprised 933 claims distributed among eleven States
and one Territory and called for an expenditure of $229,000.
In the course of the short debate which
ensued, Mr. Browne, of Indiana, declared that the Government had treated its
creditors shamefully, especially if those creditors were small claimants living
far from Washington, and too poor to secure the services of someone to log-roll
their bills through Congress.
This bill was laid aside for favorable
report. A long discussion arose over the next bill referring to the Court of
Claims for adjudication the claim of the personal representative of C. M.
Briggs, deceased, for the proceeds of captured cotton now in the Treasury.
Several amendments were offered, spoken to at length, and subsequently
withdrawn. The first amendment upon which a vote was reached was one offered by
Mr. Holman, of Indiana, authorizing the court to determine the claim under the
provision of the Bowman act and report to Congress the cause of the delay in
the presentation and prosecution of the claim. This was rejected, 44 to 62.
On motion of Mr. Rowell, of Illinois, an
amendment was adopted directing the court to inquire into the loyalty of C. M.
Briggs and of the person from whom he obtained title. Mr. Gibson, of West
Virginia, suggested the propriety of amending the bill so as to require the
court to determine whether the cotton grew on loyal ground, was picked by loyal
hands, and was itself loyal. On motion of Mr. Burrows, of Michigan, an
amendment was adopted providing that if Mr. Briggs or the person from whom he
derived title should be found to have been disloyal, the claim should be
The committee then rose and reported the two
bills to the House, when they were passed.
The House then took a recess until 7:30 p.m.
The House at its evening session passed fifty
pension bills and adjourned till Monday.
Letter of General Halleck Charging General Grant With Drunkenness
To Be a Forgery.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
NEW YORK, Jan. 30. The Tribune publishes
a letter from General George W. Cullom, of New York, the Chief of General
Halleck’s staff in 1861-1862, in which he states that the recently published
alleged dispatch of General Halleck to General McClellan charging Grant with
drunkenness is a forgery. He furnishes a letter from Mr. W. C. Prime, the
custodian of General McClellan’s official papers, in which the writer states
that after careful examination of McClellan’s papers, no such dispatch can be
found. General Cullom also shows that both General Grant in his memoirs and
Colonel Fred Grant in his recent contribution to the North American Review were
in error in stating that Halleck had recommended General C. F. Smith’s
promotion in preference to that of Grant. “The official record,” says General
Cullom, “conclusively prove that Halleck recommended Grant for a Major General
before he proposed Smith’s promotion. Grant’s commission is dated February 16,
1862, while that of Smith is not dated until March 21, 1862, more than a month
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
CHESTER, ILL., Jan. 30. It has just been
given out that Miles Randles, from Christian County; Wm. Dill, from Greene
County; and Martin Kane, from St. Clair County; each recently received at the
penitentiary here for long sentences, on Tuesday evening made an unsuccessful
effort to escape by concealing themselves, hoping to scale the stockade under
cover of the night.
Gorgeous Scene Created By the Dusky Blue Bloods of Philadelphia.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The very cream of what may be termed the
colored aristocracy of the city was out in full force last night at a
kettle-drum and ball held in the Natatorium on Broad street, the scene of so
many fashionable festivities. The entertainment was given privately by nineteen
representatives of families of the most prominent colored caterers in the city,
who were the patrons of the affair. It was gotten up in the general style of
the old and exclusive assemblies, and only the “very nicest people” and the
“oldest families” were invited. No names were admitted on the list except of
caterers in the very best circles. Some of the belles and beauties were
veritable Cleopatras and Hebes, and, taken all in all, showed more points of
true and mixed race beauty than could have been encountered at most of the balls
and social festivities where the beaus and swells of the evening usually
officiate at the supper table. As they entered the beauties divested themselves
of their rich wraps and opera cloaks, displaying full evening dress. In some
instances they took off their fur-lined overshoes and put on white satin
dancing slippers. Trains were generally worn, and most of the dresses were cut
low, sometimes showing handsome ornaments and real diamond ornaments on the
neck. There were some very stunning dresses, with bunches of ribbon in the
latest style. A great many flowers were worn and some carried bouquets. The men
were all in full evening dress, some with the latest style of silk facing on
their dress coats, with white vests, and a few with diamond studs. A number of
the more matronly figures looked very effective with fresh white gloves
covering their arms partially, but with the neck and shoulders exposed. Some of
the young ladies wore articles of attire painted and embroidered by themselves.
There were twenty pieces on the dancing programme, winding up with the Virginia
Bride Didn’t Know It Was a Wedding and Talked of Suicide.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
York Star.]
Mary Hodge, a pretty young woman of twenty
years, who, on the 21st of August, 1883, was married by Alderman
Flinck to Henry Fuchsius, sued in the Supreme Court to have the marriage set
aside, claiming that it was brought about by fraudulent representations on the
part of the defendant. Her story is that when her parents learned that
Fuchsius, who lived near them, and who had been but three months in this
country, sought her society, they forbade her seeing him. Meeting her one day,
Fuchsius asked her to take a walk with him. Then he said he was about to go
West, and would make money and so conduct himself that her father would not
oppose their marriage, and on his return, he would claim her hand. He asked her
to engage herself to him before his departure, and they would go to the City
Hall and be formally betrothed. She consented, and at the City Hall she signed
a paper, but there was no ceremony of marriage. She said nothing to her parents
about it, until soon after Fuchsius told her she was his wife, and said she
would commit suicide rather than acknowledge him as her husband. Judge Truax
yesterday gave judgement in her favor on the report of the referee annulling
the marriage.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The tunnel between Liverpool and Birkenhead,
under the Mersey, was formally opened on the 20th by the Prince of
Wales. Large crowds were present, both at Birkenhead and Liverpool.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Cashier Corsett, of the defunct bank of
Devil’s Lake, D. T., secretly took a train for the East, but was arrested at
Larimore on complaint of a depositor, who charges him with taking deposits,
after knowing that the bank was insolvent. The bank affairs are in a worse
shape than at first reported.
in Committee of the Whole.
and Apportionment in the House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 30. The Senate met at ten
o’clock yesterday. The reports of standing committees were presented and
Under the order of original motions and
resolutions, Mr. Harkness introduced a concurrent resolution authorizing an
appropriation of $25,000 for holding the National Encampment of the G. A. R. in
Kansas in 1887. This was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr.
Allen introduced a resolution requiring the Judiciary Committee to revise the
laws relating to assessment and taxation. This created considerable debate, and
finally the whole matter was laid on the table.
Senate concurrent resolution No. 13 was next
taken up under the order of resolutions laid over and passed. The resolution
referred to the various Indian tribes.
Upon motion of Senator Ridden the Senate went
into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of bills on the calendar. The
following measures were recommended for passage: Providing for the disposition
of surplus taxes in the hands of county treasurers; to repeal section 448 of
chapter 30 of general statutes of 1868, being an act entitled “an act to
establish a code of civil procedure”; providing for the regulation of
conditional sale notes, and instruments in writing, by the terms of which the
title to property sold or transferred remains in the vendor; to authorize
proceedings in the District Court against garnishees; to amend and repeal
sections 148, 149, 150, 153, and 244 of chapter 82 of the general statutes of
1868, being “an act to establish a code of criminal procedure;” to amend
section 422, chapter 80, general statutes; being “an act to establish a code of
civil procedure;” to amend sections 6, 7 and 8 of chapter 42, general statutes,
1877, relating to fish; to make the numerical index of Cherokee County, Kansas,
evidence of certain records; relating to the appointment and employment of
honorably discharged soldiers and sailors of the United States; authorizing and
directing the County Commissioners of Shawnee County to levy an assessment to
build a county jail and jailer’s residence for and within said county;
authorizing Arvonia township, Osage County, Kansas, to vote bonds not to exceed
$12,000 for a town hall.
The committee then arose and reported to the
Senate the bills which had been passed on. The report was adopted.
The question of adjournment created
considerable debate. A motion made to adjourn until Monday at ten a.m. was
voted down and an adjournment was finally taken until Monday at four p.m.
The House was called to order five minutes
late yesterday morning, owing to the absence of the Speaker. The call for
petitions shows how the apportionment question is growing in interest. There were
petitions protesting against the division of Hamilton and Finney Counties; from
citizens of three townships of Reno County asking that they be added to Rice
County; praying the re-establishment of Stanton County; from 500 citizens of
Cherokee County asking for the abolishment of the screening system; from
citizens of Chase County praying the Legislature to memorialize Congress in
behalf of homesteaders; from citizens of Hamilton and Finney Counties asking
for the re-establishment of Carney County; from citizens of Lane County
protesting against the cutting of the lines of that county.
On the report of the Committee on County
Lines, some discussion was occasioned by the fact that the committee had
favorably considered and recommended for passage the bill restoring and
defining the boundaries of the counties of Seward, Stevens, Kansas, Stanton,
Grant, Arapahoe, Hamilton, Sequoyah, Gray, Kearney, and Buffalo; also defining
the boundaries of Lane, Hodgeman, and Ford Counties.
House bill No. 14, relating to Railroad
Commissioners, called out a majority and minority report. The bill provides for
the retention of the Board of Railroad Commissioners; takes the appointments
out of the hands of the Executive council, and gives them to the Governor, and
makes it compulsory on the part of the Commissioners to draft a fair and just
schedule of rates for each road doing business in the State, and to cause the
same to be posted in conspicuous and accessible places by the several
companies. The present law makes it optional on the part of the Commissioners
whether they shall prepare and cause to be posted a schedule of rates or not,
and places the appointment of Commissioners in the hands of the executive
council. The majority report was adverse to the passage of the bill. The bill
was finally ordered printed and discussion postponed.
Mr. Collins’ railroad bill of like character,
but making the preparation of a schedule of rates on the part of the
Commissioners optional, was also ordered printed.
By consent Mr. Barnes introduced a bill
providing for a uniform system of study in common schools, and Mr. Overmeyer
introduced a bill asking for an appropriation to pay for a new fire engine to
take the place of the one destroyed by the militia last fall.
Mr. Kreger’s resolution, requesting the
Secretary of State to furnish members of the Senate and House, who have been
elected to fill vacancies, copies of Dassler’s compiled statutes of 1885, was
Mr. Finch’s bill making an appropriation for
the legislative department and general expenses incident to the special session
of 1886, was passed on third reading.
Mr. Moore introduced a bill providing for the
creation of the Twenty-third Judicial District and the times of holding court
therein, and on motion it was read a second time and referred.
Mr. Love introduced a bill to legalize the
actions of the county commissioners of Morris County in extending the
boundaries of Council Grove township.
The House then adjourned.
Ingalls on the Financial Outlook and Congressional Legislation.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. Senator Ingalls thinks
the fact that nearly $6,000,000 of the $10,000,000 bonds called are in the
hands of National banks very significant. “This means the retiring of about
$5,400,000 of National bank notes,” said he last evening. “If this proportion
should continue in future cases, we will have the entire issue of National bank
notes amounting to over $300,000,000, retired before we are prepared for it. We
are then brought face to face with the problem: What shall we substitute for
national bank notes? Shall we issue another series of bonds bearing a low rate
of interest to be used as the basis of another issue of National bank notes?
Shall we issue Treasury notes? Shall we return to the old state bond system, or
shall we continue to issue silver and certificates based on silver? I do not
think the people would consent to an increase of the public debt, and Treasury
notes depend too much on Congressional action. The only solution apparent to my
mind is the issue of silver certificates.” Mr. Ingalls says that under the
conditions governing the present case, the whole issue of National bank notes
will be retired in from five to ten years.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Syracuse, N. Y., grocers have been indicted
for working a lottery scheme.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Greece has made an energetic protest against
the decision of the Powers to disarm.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Congressman Rankin, of Wisconsin, died at
Washington, of Bright’s disease, on the 24th. He was born in New
Jersey in 1833.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The explosion of a locomotive boiler in the
round house of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul at Madison, Wisconsin,
recently caused the death of one man and the injury of nine others.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
It was reported that an agreement had been
arrived at by the leaders of both parties providing for the admission of
Dakota, Montana, and Washington Territories. The plan will be carried out in a
few weeks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Clearing house returns for week ended January
23 showed an increase in New York of 32.8 compared with the corresponding week
of last year. The other cities of the country also exhibited fair increases.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Parnell has issued a circular to the
Nationist electors of Armagh requesting them to vote for the Liberal candidate
in the Parliament election to fill the vacancy caused by death of Mr. John
McCane, Loyalist.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Secretary of War has submitted to the
President the report of the Fortifications Board. It is a long document and
discusses fully the necessity and advantages of better coast defenses. It is
estimated that it will require $52,600,000 to establish a good system of
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Upwards of a year ago a large number of
colored people living in Howard County, Arkansas, engaged in a riot, in which a
white man named Wyatt was killed, for which the rioters received very heavy
sentences. They have all been pardoned, except Henry Cart, Lige Thomasson, and
James Marshall, they being the ringleaders.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Maryland Legislature in joint convention
on the 20th elected Henry Lloyd Governor of Maryland for the term
for which Governor Robert M. McLane was elected by the people. The two houses
confirmed the election of Hon. A. P. Gorman, United States Senator, for six
years from the 4th of March, 1887.
Grand Jury Bill Passes the Senate.
Presented in the House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
TOPEKA, Kansas, Jan. 29. The grand jury bill
came up in the Senate yesterday morning and was passed.
Under the order of message from the House,
the resolution regarding the right of way for railroads through the Indian
Territory was taken up and the motion to concur therein was lost.
The substitute for the Senate resolution
authorizing the appointment of a commission to revise the laws relating to
assessment and taxation, was next taken up and a motion to lay on the table was
Several new bills were then introduced.
By consent Mr. Sheldon introduced a
resolution asking the Committee on Judiciary to examine and report as early as
possible whether it was possible to prepare a bill allowing each of the cities
of the first class to prepare a charter for their government, which should not
be open to constitutional objections. This was adopted.
An invitation to attend the quarter
centennial celebration this afternoon and evening was accepted.
The following bills were then read a third
time and passed: An act supplemental to an act entitled “An act to create a
State and local boards of health, and to regulate the practice of medicine in
the State of Kansas,” approved March 7, 1885; to amend an act entitled “An act
to provide for the organization and government and compensation of the militia
in the State of Kansas, and for the public defense;” relating to grand juries,
and amendatory of sections 73, 74, and 99 of chapter 82 of general statutes of
1868. The last named was the Grand Jury bill.
The afternoon session of the Senate continued
the consideration of the bills on third reading. The following was passed: To
authorize the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County to provide a
fund for the purpose of building county buildings; to amend section 1 of
chapter 141 of the session laws of 1872, entitled “An act to amend an act
entitled ‘An act relating to liens of mechanics and others,’ and regulating
proceedings to enforce the same, approved March 3, 1871,” and repealing said
section; legalizing the issuance of bonds in school district No. 1, Comanche
County; providing for the selection and summoning of grand and petit jurors in
special cases; relating to fugitives from justice and repealing section 5 of
chapter 44, general statutes 1868; abolishing the office of county auditor in
counties having less than 40,000 inhabitants; ceding jurisdiction to the United
States over lots G, H, I, J, K, and L, Market street, Griffenstein’s
reservation in Griffenstein’s addition to Wichita as a site for a Federal
building; to amend section 3, chapter 115, of the session laws of 1883 relating
to birds, etc.; repealing section 10, chapter 49, session laws of 1883,
relating to bridges in Anderson County; to authorize the city of Kerwin in the
county of Phillips to levy a tax to build a bridge across the Solomon river
outside the limit; to authorize the Board of General Commissioners of Butler
County to appropriate money to build a bridge; to legalize a tax levy of 3½
mills for a county bridge fund and one mill for the county poor fund in 1881,
and one mill for the county poor fund in 1884, as made by the Board of
Commissioners of Atchison County.
Mr. Loufborrow presented a petition in the
House yesterday from the citizens of Riley County, asking for an increase in
the salary of county superintendents.
Two petitions were presented praying for
municipal suffrage for women.
Petitions were also presented protesting
against the cutting of the county lines of Hamilton and Finney Counties.
Citizens of Saline County prayed in a
petition for a law to prohibit the traffic in quail.
New bills were then introduced. Reports of
committees were received and Senate bills read for the first time.
The resolution creating a committee to
formulate a plan for an arbitration law was passed, and a number of bills were
read a second time and referred.
The Railroad Commissioners sent in a report
as requested of the special and tariff rates on the Central Branch before the
railroad law was passed, and giving the present rates. It was ordered printed.
Mr. Finch introduced a bill making an
appropriation for the legislative department and providing for the general
expenses of the special session.
Mr. Wellep’s bill granting power to the
Commissioners of Cherokee County to issue bonds to build a court house and
bridges was read a third time and passed.
As a special favor to Mr. Simpson, who was
called home by sickness of his son, his bill to aid school district No. 63 of
McPherson County, Kansas, in the issuing and legalizing of certain school
bonds, was passed.
Mr. Kreyer offered a resolution that the
Secretary of State give to the members elected to fill vacancies copies of
Dassler’s compiled laws. This was laid over.
The afternoon was taken up in consideration
of the bill setting apart the salt lands for the Normal School at Emporia. The
House adjourned without acting.
Anniversary of the Admission of the State Into the Union.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
TOPEKA, Jan. 29. The celebration of the
twenty-fifth anniversary of the existence of Kansas as a State will be held at
the Grand Opera House today. The exercises will commence at three o’clock p.m.,
and will occupy the afternoon and evening. In the afternoon addresses will be delivered
by ex-Governor Charles Robinson, the first Governor of the State, and by
Governor John A. Martin, the present Governor. Governor Martin will preside
while Robinson’s address is being delivered, and during the delivery of
Governor Martin’s address, Governor Robinson will preside.
Colonel D. R. Anthony, President of the State
Historical Society, will preside during the evening, at which time short
addresses will be delivered by persons on the subjects assigned to them, as
Hon. S. N. Wood: “The Pioneers of Kansas.”
Hon. John Speer: “The Territorial Government.
Hon. T. D. Thacher: “The Rejected
Hon. B. F. Simpson: “The Wyandotte
Hon. Thomas A. Osborn: “The State
Hon. A. H. Horton: “The Judiciary of Kansas.”
General C. W. Blair: “Kansas During the War.”
Hon. D. W. Wilder: “The Press of Kansas.”
Rev. Dr. Richard Cordley: “The Schools of
Rev. Dr. F. S. McCabe: “The Churches of
Hon. Wm. Sims: “The Agriculture of Kansas.”
Hon. Alexander Caldwell: “Kansas Manufactures
and Mines.”
Hon. James Humphrey: “The Railroads of
Hon. C. K. Holliday: “The Cities of Kansas.”
Hon. Noble L. Prentis: “The Women of Kansas.”
Hon. Eugene F. Ware will read a poem prepared
for the occasion.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Albert M. Lybrook, formerly of Richmond,
Indiana, died recently in Algiers, where he was consul, of consumption.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The executive committee of the Knights of
Labor has issued an order again boycotting the Mallory Steamship Company.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
It was stated in Berlin that the Chinese
Government had pronounced against a new loan, and will postpone the laying of
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
In the Connecticut Senate yesterday the rules
were suspended and a resolution passed calling upon Congress to increase the
duty on leaf tobacco.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Fully 600 families of fishermen on the Gaspe
and Bonaventure coast of Canada have been rendered destitute by the failure of
the Robin firm of Jersey.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The total number of immigrants arriving in
the United States for the twelve months ended December 31, 1885, was 326,411,
against 403,230 for the year ended December 31, 1884.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Investigation into the treatment of lunatic
paupers in the Essex County (New Jersey) asylum developed the fact that
patients were fed on swill, made up of leavings and scrapings of sour food and
boiled into “hash.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Telegrams of the 28th from Athens
state that the warlike views of the Greek Cabinet have suddenly changed. The
dispatches state that the Hellenic ministry has issued a declaration that
Greece would comply with the wishes of Europe.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
As the Uniontown express came rolling down to
Redstone, Pennsylvania, the other night, the engineer saw an alarm signal light
violently waved across the track. He slowed up and discovered that a huge
boulder had slipped down the hill and rested on the track. The train had been
saved by a boy named Clarke Isler, for whom a purse was made up by the passengers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Judge Morris has rendered a decision in the
suit at Baltimore of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, of St. Louis,
against Clark & Co., agents for William J. Lemp, of St. Louis, regarding
the use of a certain trade mark, and an injunction was granted, restraining
Clark & Co. from using the disputed design.
Bills Passed in Senate and House.—Others Advanced.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
TOPEKA, KAN., Jan. 27. In the Senate
yesterday morning, Senators Marshall, Kellogg, and Ritter presented petitions,
respectively praying for the erection of a town hall in Arvonia; for a change
in the county lines of Seward County, for woman suffrage, the last petition
being signed by 683 women of Emporia, and for an appropriation for a company of
militia of Cherokee County. All were referred.
A number of bills were favorably reported and
standing and special committees reported. Mr. Burton’s bill providing for the
selection of court stenographers by the bars of districts was referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
When the resolution protesting against the
confirmation of Hon. George W. Glick as pension agent was called up, Mr.
Kellogg moved that it be referred to the Committee on Federal Relations, which
was carried.
A message from the House announced that House
bills 51, 52, 61, 77, 83, 142, and 110 had been passed. They were placed on
first reading in the Senate. The message also stated that the House had refused
to concur in the Senate resolution furnishing session laws for the use of
Senators and Representatives.
A number of bills were introduced, after
which the Senate went into executive session.
In the afternoon the Secretary read the two
reports of the special committee to investigate the workings of the Live Stock
Sanitary Commission. Mr. Marshall moved that the Senate adopt the majority
report. The motion to adopt the majority report was carried by a good working
An act in relation to corporations and
regarding municipal aid in certain cases, was passed by a constitutional
An act in relation to bridges in certain
counties was on motion passed over and will retain its place on the calendar.
The Senate then went into Committee of the
Whole with Mr. Kellogg in the chair, and the following bills were recommended:
To amend chapter 133 of the session laws of 1883, relating to parks in cities
of the first class; to remove the political disabilities of certain persons.
Mr. Blue’s bill relating to grand juries and
amendatory to sections 73, 74, and 99 of chapter 82 of the general statutes of
1868 was then considered. Mr. H. B. Kelley moved to amend section 1 so as to
read that “there shall be one grand jury called in each county each year
instead of two,” as in the bill under consideration. The motion to amend was
lost. Section 3 was slightly amended, and on motion the committee rose and
reported progress. Several bills were advanced to third reading and the Senate
The first thing done in the House yesterday
morning was the presenting of a petition by Mr. Blair signed by 261 citizens of
Ottawa County, praying for a law to suppress the traffic in quail.
Mr. Morgan presented another petition asking
for municipal suffrage.
A number of bills were then read a second
time and appropriately referred, and several bills were reported favorably by
The committee’s report regarding the sanitary
commission was called up and after some running comment, it was made a special
order for tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock. There is a majority and minority
report on this matter, and its discussion promises to be interesting if not
The Senate resolution thanking Senator
Ingalls for his efforts to have military posts established on the southwestern
border of the State was, upon motion of Mr. Kelley of Mitchell, laid upon the
The resolution asking pensions of Congress
for soldiers was adopted as amended by the Senate.
The resolution providing for the employment
of not more than four persons from one county in certain State institutions, or
not more than two from the same family, was, upon motion of Mr. Gillett, laid
upon the table.
The resolution relating to the establishment
of a chair of veterinary science in the State Agricultural College was laid on
the table.
The resolution in reference to boring for
natural gas at the insane asylum at Osawatomie was laid on the table.
Mr. Slavens offered a bill amendatory of
section 56, chapter 80, general statutes, 1868; also providing for the granting
of injunctions in certain cases.
Mr. Woodlief introduced a bill to fix the
times of holding the terms of the district court of the Fourth judicial
Mr. Finch offered House concurrent resolution
No. 16, relating to expenditures in the State house. Laid over.
The bill amending chapter 23 of general
statutes of 1868, “An act concerning private corporations,” was passed as
amended by Mr. Overmeyer on a previous day.
The bill recreating the County of Kiowa out
of Comanche and Edwards was passed.
The bill amendatory of section 21, chapter
83, of the statutes of 1868, regulating the jurisdiction and procedure before
justices of the peace in cases of misdemeanor, was passed.
In the afternoon Dr. Bryant introduced a bill
to prevent incompetent persons from engaging in the practice of pharmacy, and
Mr. Turner one to legalize roads and highways in Chautauqua County, laid out
and ordered to be opened prior to January 1, 1886. The rules were suspended and
the two bills read the second time and referred.
The bill providing for the selection and
summoning of grand and petit jurors in special cases was withdrawn and a
substitute for it recommended.
The bill amending the statutes of 1868
relating to the publication and distribution of the laws and journals, suggested
by the Secretary of State, and enlarging the powers of several State
institutions; the bill legalizing the act of the township officers of Elk
township, Cloud County, in issuing certain bridge bonds; the bill relating to
fugitives from justice, enlarging the range of requisitions, and repealing
section 5, chapter 44, statutes of 1868; the bill to enable owners of real
estate to maintain an action to quiet title thereto against the holders of
barred tax deeds, certificates, and claims thereto; and the bill authorizing
and directing the board of county commissioners of Shawnee County to issue
bonds to fund certain indebtedness of said county, were all recommended for
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
PLATTSBURG, Mo., Jan. 27. General Samuel R.
Atchison, who represented Missouri in the United States Senate from 1844 to
1857, died at his home in this county at one o’clock yesterday afternoon. He
was about seventy-seven years old, and has been in feeble health for several
months, gradually sinking to rest. General Atchison was for two years President
of the Senate and he was President of the United States for one day in 1853:
the time of the out-going executives having expired on Sunday. As President of
the Senate, he held the reins until the inauguration.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Patrick Conroy was burned to death by molten
iron while oiling a truck under a slag car in a Pittsburgh iron foundry
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The famous Ocean Grove is to have a gift that
will be of National interest. The gift is bestowed by George W. Childs, of
Philadelphia, who has done so much for Long Branch and the Grove. The gift will
consist of a memorial window to General Grant. It will be erected in the
Library Hall, toward the erection of which Mr. Childs and General Grant
contributed. The window will be placed in the eastern side of the hall, and
will be a triple-shaped window of the finest stained glass and the most
exquisite design and finish. The window was suggested to Mr. Childs several
weeks ago by William C. Baker, of this resort, who is an intimate friend of the
Quaker City philanthropist. It met with Mr. Childs’ hearty approval at once.
One of the best designers was at once put to work, and the design is already
The central feature of the design is a bust
of the deceased hero. The portrait will be of the finest stained glass, and
will be surrounded with a number of gems set in the glass. The portrait will be
in the upper part of the central sash, and below it will be a tablet, with the
following inscription: IN MEMORIAM. Ulysses S. Grant. The Patriot Soldier. The
Defender of the Union. President of the United States. Born April 27, 1822. Died
July 23, 1885.
Close to the bottom is a ribbon-shaped
border. In this border, in graceful curves, will appear the following words:
“He Lived to See Peace and Harmony Restored to His Country.”
In one of the small side lights of the window
will be a dove bearing an olive branch, and in the other side window will be a
crown of promise. The designer says the window will be the finest of the kind
in the country.
Memory of Vice President Hendricks Eulogized in the Senate.
From Senator Voorhees and Others.
Out of Respect.
Bill to Retire Naval Officers Leads to a Lively Discussion in the House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. When the Senate had
finished its preliminary work yesterday, Mr. Voorhees called up his resolution
expressive of the Senate’s deep sense of the public loss in the death of the
late Vice President Hendricks.
The resolution having been read, Mr. Voorhees
addressed the Senate: “For the eminent citizen of the republic,” he said, “who
lately fell from his place and who now sleeps in honor in the bosom of the
State he loved so well and served so faithfully, we can do no more than has
already been done by the tongue and by every method which human affection can
inspire. The heavy drapery of woe has darkened alike public building, stately
palace, and humble home. The proud colors of the Union have dropped at half
mast throughout the United States and in every civilized land beneath the sun.
Eloquence in the forum and in the sacred desk has paid its highest tributes to
his exalted abilities and to his stainless character. The tolling bell,
mournful dirge, booming, solemn minute gun, and mighty multitude of mourners
have all attended the funeral of Thomas A. Hendricks and borne witness to the
deep love and grief with which he was lowered into his last resting place. All
honors due to the most illustrious dead have been paid by the Chief Magistrate
of the Government, by authorities of the States, and by the unrestrained affection
of people. In the Senate, however, we may not be silent, even though the cup of
honor to his memory is full and overflowing. In this exalted theater of
action—here on this brilliantly lighted stage—he fulfilled his last official
engagement, and closed his long and commanding public career.” Then, in strong
and graphic English, Mr. Voorhees reviewed the life and public services of Mr.
Hendricks. In dealing with Mr. Hendricks’ political views, Mr. Voorhees said it
had been, especially late in his life, charged as a reproach against him that
he was a partisan. If it was meant by that that he sincerely believed in the
principles and purposes of the party to which he belonged and sought, by all
honorable methods, what he believed to be for the public good, to place its
measures and its men in the control of the Government, then the accusation was
true and the term of reproach became a just tribute to an honest man. It was
the partisan of deep, honest convictions dealing justly with those of opposing
views, who, in all ages of the world, in every field of human progress, had led
the way. In conclusion Mr. Voorhees said: “As long as American history
treasures up pure lives and faithful public services, as long as public and
private virtue, stainless and without blemish, is revered, so long will the
name of Thomas A. Hendricks be cherished by the American people as an example
worthy of emulation. Monuments of brass and marble will lift their heads to
heaven in honor of his name, but a monument more precious to his memory and
more valuable to the world has already been grounded in the hearts of the
people whom he served so long, so faithfully, and with such signal ability. In
the busy harvest of death, in the year of 1885 there was gathered into eternity
no nobler spirit, no higher intelligence, no fairer soul.”
Senators Hampton, Sherman, Saulsbury, Evarts,
Ransom, Spooner, Vest, and Harrison also addressed the Senate in eulogy of the
late Vice President.
The resolutions in memoriam were then agreed
to, and as a further evidence of respect for the memory of the late presiding
official, the Senate, on motion of Mr. Harrison, adjourned.
As soon as the Representatives had seated
themselves yesterday, pursuant to order made, the Speaker proceeded to call the
States and the following bills and resolutions were introduced and referred.
By Mr. Townshend, of Illinois: Proposing a
constitutional amendment providing that the President and Vice President be
elected by a majority of the people, and abolishing the electoral college and
regulating the method of counting the votes by the two Houses of Congress.
By Mr. O’Neill, of Missouri, by request: To
reorganize the steamboat inspection service and to consolidate the offices of
Supervising Inspector General of Steamboats with the Bureau of Navigation.
By Mr. Throckmorton, of Texas: A resolution
calling on the Secretary of the Interior for copies of any and all contracts,
or leases, which are to be found on file in his office between the Southern
Pacific Railroad Company and any railroad to which land grants have been made,
or which have received bonds from the United States; also, for a copy of the
charter of the Southern Pacific railroad; and also for copies of any contract
on file between the Pacific Mail Steamship Company and any of the subsidized
By Mr. Everhart, of Pennsylvania: To equalize
the right of fishing in the waters of the United States which border on any
State or Territory.
By Mr. Harmer, of Pennsylvania: To increase
and establish the pilot service of the United States and to regulate the
piloting of vessels along the sea coast.
By Mr. Caldwell, of Tennessee: To prohibit
the importation of pauper labor.
By Mr. Willis, of Kentucky: Providing that in
the employment of labor on public works preference shall be given to citizens
of the United States, and prohibiting the employment of convict labor.
Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, from the Committee
on Ways and Means, reported a bill relating to the taxation of fractional parts
of a gallon of distilled spirits. This was reported to the Committee of the
Mr. Adams, of Illinois, from the Committee on
Banking and Currency, reported a bill to enable National banking associations
to increase their capital stock and to change their location and name. This
went to the House calendar.
Mr. Eldridge, of Michigan, from the Committee
on Pensions, reported a bill for pensioning the survivors of the Mexican war.
This was laid over for action by the Committee of the Whole.
Mr. Singleton, of Mississippi, from the
Committee on the Library, reported a bill for the erection of a Congressional
library building. It was referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Mr. Dingley, of Maine, from the Shipping
Committee, reported a bill to abolish certain fees for official services to
American vessels. This went to the Committee of the Whole.
In the morning hour Mr. Thomas, of Illinois,
on behalf of the Committee on Naval Affairs, called up the bill authorizing the
voluntary retirement of certain officers of the navy who have rendered
conspicuous service in battle or served thirty years in the navy. He explained
that the bill would benefit those men who were known as “forward officers,”
such as boatswains, gunners, and sailmakers, who, though having performed
meritorious service, had never received any advancement. It would also benefit
the navy, because it would result in removing from the way of promotion
officers who were known as “dead wood” who held their duties. The bill had been
introduced for the purpose of relieving the present stagnant condition of the
nay and bringing to the front some active young men who have had the advantages
of modern education. The tide of promotion should be started in order that the
best men in the service would not quit in disgust after being ensigns for ten,
twelve, or fifteen years.
Mr. Dunham, of Illinois, suggested that the
bill should be entitled, one to get rid of the deadwood of the navy.
Mr. Thomas replied that that would not be a
proper title, as under the bill many gallant men would be permitted to retire from
active service.
Mr. Reagan, of Texas, opposed the bill as one
adding another batch to the American aristocracy, to be fed and clothed by the
labor of men. The country had gone far enough on the road toward establishing
an American aristocracy. The country should get back to where all men were
equal and where exclusive privileges were granted to none.
Mr. Thomas inquired what the gentleman would
do with the present retired list of the army and navy.
Mr. Reagan replied that he would repeal these
un-American and un-republican laws and leave the officers to work for their
living like other men. He would have no man live on the work of other men in a
country claiming to be a free constitutional republic. If he could succeed in
preventing the spread of the evil, he would congratulate himself, even though
he could not secure the repeal of the retirement laws.
Mr. McMillan, of Tennessee, took the same
view of the question as Mr. Reagan, and announced his resistance to any
extension of the retired list. It was proposed in the bill to get rid of the
“deadwood” by promotion on the retired list, instead of burning it up in a
court martial.
Mr. McAdoo, of New Jersey, supported the list
as being in the line of reform in the navy.
Pending action, the morning hour expired and
the House adjourned.
Put On the Track.—Suspicion of an Insurance Swindle.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 27. A special to the Journal
from St. Joseph, Missouri, says: The publication of Dr. S. A. Richmond’s
letters, in which he accuses Winslow Judson, Colonel J. W. Strong, Colonel John
F. Tyler, and H. P. Hubbard of being parties to a conspiracy to defraud him,
and charges them with being responsible for his death, has created quite a
sensation here. The letters were calculated to bear out the impression that Dr.
Richmond had taken his life, but since the publication of these letters, facts
have come to light which prove almost conclusively that Dr. Richmond is living.
Shortly after his arrival at the Francis Street depot on the night of his
disappearance, a train left here going north on the Hopkins branch of the
Council Bluffs road; and among the passengers was a man wearing a slouch hat
pulled down over his eyes and an overcoat buttoned up to his chin, who paid his
fare to the conductor, and who answers the description of Dr. Richmond so
closely, that it is believed it was he in disguise. Another point advanced is
that he was known to carry a large amount of money on his person, and if he
contemplated suicide, he would have sent the money to his wife instead of
sending a valise full of letters and soiled linen. The insurance companies have
placed detectives on his track, and Colonel Tyler has sued Mrs. Richmond for
$50,000 for giving Dr. Richmond’s letters to the press.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Jan. 27. A fuel
famine is experienced at Hays City on account of the blockade on the Union
Pacific railway. The entire coal supply in Hays City did not exceed five tons
Monday, and there are dependent upon the market 4,000 people in the surrounding
country. A letter was received here by General Miles today asking that the
quartermaster be allowed to issue fuel from Fort Hays. The quantity there will
last until May 31. General Miles has telegraphed the authorities in Washington
for permission, stating that 100 cords of wood and some coal can easily be
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
SANFORD, Florida, Jan. 27. The orange crop
has been ruined and many young trees have been killed. The people are trying to
conceal it, and land agents have sworn that it is not so, but it is. Not a
sound orange has been left in all this region. In all the famous orange groves,
the ground is covered with frozen fruit. These are facts gathered from the best
sources of information and they mean a loss of $5,900,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 27. The recent murder of
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Wickersham, near Cloverdale, this State, by their Chinese
cook has again thoroughly aroused the anti-Chinese sentiment throughout the
Pacific slope. As soon as the facts of the murder were confirmed, anti-Chinese
organizations were effected in many of the most important towns in the State
and resolutions to boycott the Chinese were adopted.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 27. The latest
information last night was that a compromise of difficulties will be attempted
today. The Republicans appointed a committee to meet a similar committee from
the Democratic caucus, the object being to come to some agreement regarding the
rules for the government of the Senate.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
SMYRNA, Jan. 27. Great activity exists in
Turkish military and naval circles. Troops and horses are being hurried off for
Salonica. The transportation department are using extraordinary efforts to
expedite the dispatch of troops and munitions of war to the Greek frontier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
DUBLIN, Jan. 27. The farewell levee given by
the Earl of Carnarvon, the retiring Lord Lieutenant of Dublin Castle, yesterday
evening was a very brilliant affair. The decorations were on a magnificent
scale. The festivities lasted until midnight.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 27. It is reported that
the Greek fleet is going to Crete. The Turkish Cabinet is sitting. The Porte
has dispatched a note to the Powers asking them to assist in the prompt
settlement of the Grecian difficulty.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
About thirty-one years ago Leonard Poole,
then a young man living just out of Brockton, started for the West to make his
fortune. His family then consisted of a wife and an infant daughter. Mrs. Poole
frequently heard from her husband, and received remittances regularly. He
declared his intention of not returning until he had earned enough to support
his family in comfort. His daughter grew to womanhood and married Luther A.
Hayden, now employed in the shoe business. About a year ago Mrs. Poole died.
About two months ago the husband decided to return to his home, having saved a
comfortable fortune. While on the train crossing the Western States, the train
was stopped by a gang of desperadoes and the passengers were robbed. Poole lost
everything, and in the scuffle, was thrown from the train, receiving severe
injuries. He was cared for by friendly people, who picked him up. When
partially recovered he told his story. He was a Freemason and the brethren
aided him to return to Boston. He previously notified his son-in-law of his
purpose. The old man arrived in Boston. He was in a dazed condition, without
means, and in need of care. He was arrested and sent to the State workhouse at
Bridgewater, where his son-in-law found him after a long search. Steps were at
once taken for his release, and the old man will spend the remainder of his
days in comfort with his children.
Mrs. Roberts Chastises Her Undutiful Spouse.
York World.]
“Give me ten days, Judge,” said a man with a
frightened look on his countenance, to Justice Duffy at the Tombs yesterday. “I
want to keep out of the way of my wife, who beats me all the time.”
“Who’ll support me and the chicks at home,”
said the man’s wife, “if you lock him up, Judge? Don’t you do it.”
“She is only happy when she beats me,”
complained the husband. “She always carries a concealed weapon. She’s got it
with her now.”
“Madam, produce this weapon that your husband
says you carry concealed on your person,” demanded Justice Duffy.
“Oh, I know what he means, but I’m ashamed to
say what it is,” said the woman with a blush.
“You must, madam; out with it,” ordered the
little Judge.
“Well, then, he means that I’ve got a wooden
“And every time I do or say anything she
doesn’t like, she just unscrews that leg and gives me a belt.” groaned the
“I’ll lock you up for six months if you come
here whining about such a trifle again,” remarked Justice Duffy to the husband.
“You look like a man who would beat his wife if he could, but the trouble in
your case is, that while you’re looking for a club, your wife has one handy and
gets the best of you. Now, take him home, Mrs. Roberts.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
(D. C.) Special.]
Every time General McLeer, the Postmaster in
Brooklyn, comes to Washington, he pays a reverential visit to the medical
museum, which has been the residence of his left arm ever since the war. “The
first time I paid a visit to that old left arm,” said he, “I felt—I don’t know
how—but in a way that I never felt before, and as I turned to come out and
leave the amputated member behind me, I felt more so. A fellow feels queer when
he leaves his sweetheart, he feels sad when he goes to the grave of a friend,
and sadder still when he is leaving it, but when I was turning away for the
first time to leave that old arm behind me, a feeling came over me that I
cannot describe and never felt but [THIS ARTICLE ENDED AT THIS POINT...IT WAS
Moody, of Dakota, Before the Houses Committee.
of Pensions.
Cabinet Considering the Senate Demand.
Silver Bill in the House.
Greenbaum Accused of Corruption in Issuing Certificates to
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. Judge Moody was heard by
the House Committee on Territories yesterday, upon the proposition to divide
the Territory of Dakota. He followed the line of argument pursued by him at his
previous hearing. He disclaimed any personal interest in the Territory at the
forty-sixth parallel, and charged that Mr. T. G. Johnson, who accused him of
desiring such a division in order that he might be returned to the Senate, was
not a citizen of Dakota, but of Illinois. He said Mr. Johnson was a land
speculator who wanted a division north and south in order to bring his lands
near the Capital of the new State and thus enhance their value. Mr. McDonald, a
banker of Pierre, D. T., spoke a few words in support of the views expressed by
Judge Moody.
The House Committee on Indian Affairs
yesterday authorized the chairman to appoint a sub-committee to investigate all
claims for Indian depredations. These claims will be thoroughly sifted, and
such as are found meritorious will be incorporated into one general bill.
The House Committee on Public Lands yesterday
heard a long argument by ex-Senator McDonald, of Indiana, against the pending
proposition to declare forfeited the land grant of the Southern Pacific
Railroad Company. At the conclusion of the argument, the committee went into
secret session and the matter was debated at length. Mr. McRae (Arkansas) moved
that the entire land grant be declared forfeited, and Mr. Strait (Minnesota)
proposed to amend that motion so as to include within the forfeiture only such
lands as were opposite unconstructed portions of the road. Pending debate the
committee rose and the matter was made a special order for Thursday next, after
the arguments on the proposition to forfeit the Atlantic & Pacific land
grant shall have been heard.
The House Committee on Invalid Pensions
yesterday had under consideration a proposition to extend the limit of the
arrears of pensions act to 1888. Estimates were submitted from the Pension Office
showing that if the bill were passed, it would require $75,000,000 to pay the
claims already on file. Mr. Matson, chairman of the committee, said
Representative Randall had told him that if the bill became a law, it would
take every dollar out of the Treasury. The committee therefore postponed
further consideration of the bill until Friday, when Representatives Morrison
and Randall will be heard by the committee on the probable cost of the measure.
The sub-committee of the Senate and House
Committees on Commerce were addressed today by representatives of the parties
interested in the construction of a bridge by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Company from New Jersey to Staten Island. Mr. John M. Cowen, solicitor of the
Baltimore & Ohio road, made a forcible argument in support of the bill. The
sub-committees decided to receive briefs from the parties in interest until
Thursday of next week.
Washington, Jan. 27. The Cabinet meeting
yesterday was attended by all the members except the Postmaster General, who is
suffering from a cold. The session lasted about three hours, the principal part
of which time was devoted to considering the action of the Senate in executive
session Monday, in making a formal “demand” of the Attorney General for copies
of all papers in his department relating to the recent change in the office of
United States Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama. A general
discussion ensued and showed a slight division of sentiment as to the proper
policy to be adopted by the President in this particular case, which is
generally regarded as an issue, and the action on which will necessarily
establish a precedent. No action was had on the general proposition of
compliance or non-compliance with the wishes of the Senate, and the exact form
of answer to be made to the communication from the Senate was left open for
future consideration.
Washington, Jan. 27. The bill introduced in
the House by Mr. Swinburne, of New York, declaring the silver dollar a legal
tender, makes all standard silver dollars heretofore coined legal tender, and
directs the Secretary of the Treasury to recognize the coined silver dollar of
412½ grains as equal in value to the gold dollar in payment of all claims
against or due the Government. The Secretary is authorized to purchase $400,000
worth of silver bullion per month at such rate as to correspond with the
average market value of silver bullion for the preceding month not to exceed
$1.07 per ounce, and is directed to have coined in the United States mints
$100,000 per month of fractional silver coin. He is also authorized to have
printed $2,000,000 of silver certificates in denominations of $1, $2, and $4,
representing silver bullion. These certificates are declared to be legal tenders
and redeemable in amounts of $5 and upwards in silver coin or in bullion at
market prices.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. The Secretary of the
Treasury has transmitted to the Senate his reply to the resolution calling for
information respecting the payment of salaries to collectors of internal
revenue not confirmed by the Senate. He says that since March, 1879, payments
of salaries have been made to ninety-five collectors of internal revenue not
confirmed by the Senate and that seventy of the ninety-five to whom such
payments were made had at the time of the payments been designated to perform
the duties of other collectors suspended by the President during a recess of
the Senate under the authority conferred by section 1768 of the revised statutes.
Some of the payments made to persons so designated were made prior to March 4,
1885, and some of them were made since that date.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 27. It is stated here
that one of the most serious charges brought against the United States Consul
Greenbaum at Samoa, in the petition to Secretary Bayard, which asks for his
removal, is contained in the affidavit of a Chinese merchant. Ah Su, who swears
that Greenbaum tried to make arrangements with him whereby the Chinese could be
brought from China to Samoa and furnished with certificates there which would
permit them to enter the United States. A Chinaman was to be charged $100 and
the amount equally divided between Ah Su and Greenbaum.
Large Number of Papers Read and Speeches Made.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 30. The celebration
commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the admission of Kansas into the
sisterhood of States was held at the Grand Opera House in this city yesterday
afternoon and evening.
The opening address was delivered by
ex-Governor Charles Robinson on “The Pioneers of Kansas.”
Governor John A. Martin next spoke regarding
the growth of Kansas.
At the conclusion of Governor Martin’s
remarks, Hon. B. F. Simpson spoke at length on “The Wyandotte Constitution.”
Ex-Governor Thomas A. Osborne and Chief
Justice A. H. Horton, followed Mr. Simpson in short addresses, the former
speaking with reference to “The State Governments,” and the latter taking for
his subject, “The Judiciary of Kansas.”
The Hon. Cyrus K. Holliday spoke next
concerning the “Cities of Kansas.”
Hon. James Humphrey, member of the State
Board of Railroad Commissioners, followed Colonel Holliday in an address on
“The Railroads of Kansas.”
Rev. Dr. Cordley spoke on “The Schools of
The evening exercises commenced at 7:30
o’clock, being opened by an address by Colonel D. R. Anthony, President of the
State Historical Society.
Captain J. B. Johnson, Speaker of the House,
and Lieutenant Governor Riddle followed in short addresses, after which S. N.
Wood delivered a speech with reference to the “Pioneers of Kansas.”
The Hon. John Spear, of Lawrence, followed in
an excellent paper on “The Territorial Government.” Mr. Spear reviewed it thoroughly
and his remarks were well received.
The Hon. David Thacher spoke on the “Rejected
Following Mr. Thacher’s address, Hon. Web
Wilder delivered a paper on “The Press of Kansas.”
Hon. William Sims, Secretary of the State
Board of Agriculture, delivered a few remarks concerning “Agriculture in
Rev. Dr. F. S. McCabe spoke next on the
subject, “The Churches of Kansas.”
Following Dr. McCabe Hon. Alexander Caldwell
delivered a paper on “Kansas Manufactures and Mines.”
The exercises closed with the address of Hon.
Noble Prentis on the “Women of Kansas.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 30. Mr. J. A. Hudson, of
Macon, Missouri, president of the Missouri Press Association, has issued a
circular to the members of the executive committee of the association, calling
a meeting of the committee at the office of the School and Home, 565
Chestnut street, on February 8, at ten o’clock a.m. The meeting is for the
purpose of arranging for the next meeting of the association, and also to
arrange for representation at the meeting of the International Editorial
Association, which is to be held in Cincinnati February 23, 24, and 25.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 30. J. W. Blair, alias
Hornbuckle, alias Craig, who murdered George Finch near Adairville, Kentucky,
last Wednesday and fled, was arrested today near Greenbrier, Tennessee, and
lodged in jail at Springfield. He was traveling toward Nashville when captured
and it is thought his intention was to make his way to some far Southern city.
Blair confessed he did it in self-defense. Finch’s head was horribly crushed
with a chair. The arrest of Blair created considerable excitement.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Jan. 30. Intelligence from
the Brushy creek country, in Yell County, tells of the suicide of the widow of
Samuel Gilkey. Mrs. Gilkey deliberately set fire to a small out house, and
after taking a dose of strychnine, seated herself in the building. It seems,
however, that she left the burning house before being much injured by the
flames, and went into her residence imploring aid from the sleeping inmates,
but expired in about five minutes. She was sixty-nine years of age.
Resolution Regarding State House Extravagance Adopted.
Passed in the House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
TOPEKA, Kan. Jan. 28. The Senate met at ten
a.m. yesterday with twenty-seven present. The reading of the journal was
dispensed with. Reports of standing committees being in order, several reported
sundry measures back with various resolutions. They were all of minor
Senate bill No. 42, an act concerning
irrigation, was favorably reported. Senate bill No. 97, relating to mortgages
on personal property, was recommended for indefinite postponement. The question
as to the adoption of the report of the judiciary committee concerning this
bill caused a spirited discussion. Finally, however, the report was adopted.
A number of bills were then introduced.
Under the suspension of the rules, Smith, of
Nemaha, introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Apportionment to
submit a bill not later than January 28. It was referred to the Committee on
Under the order of second reading and
reference of bills, the measures introduced yesterday were read a second time
and referred.
In the afternoon the Senate passed the
following bills: Amendatory of and supplemental to chapter 104 of the session
laws of 1876; to amend chapter 133 of the session laws of 1883 relating to
schools in cities of the second class and to repeal said chapter; to repeal
chapter 94 of the session laws of 1885; to remove the political disabilities of
certain persons therein named; providing for the transfer of certain moneys
from the State sinking fund to the general revenue fund.
The House resolution calling for an
investigation of the expenditures on the east wing of the State House and
Senate Chamber was passed almost unanimously. Senator Buchan made a warm speech
against the extravagance practiced.
The Senate then went into Committee of the
Whole on general orders and about a dozen bills were acted upon.
The Senate then adjourned.
When the House met yesterday morning on the
call for petitions, Mr. Morgan presented one signed by 475 citizens of Kansas,
praying for municipal suffrage for women.
Various bills were then introduced.
Mr. Scammon presented a petition from 485
citizens of Cherokee County, asking Congress to enact a law providing for the
issuance of all moneys as a legal tender direct to the people, and the loaning
to the people of such moneys at a low rate of interest.
A number of bills were read a second time,
and the standing reports of committees were listened to.
The Senate resolution asking of Congress an
increase of the navy and the strengthening of the coast defenses was
non-concurred in.
Notice was received from the Senate that that
body had passed the county high school bill.
In answer to the recommendations of the
Governor in his message that some method of arbitration of disputes between
employers and employees, the House offered a concurrent resolution asking that
a committee of five be appointed by the Speaker of the House, whose duty it
should be to consider the rights and duties of people engaged in useful labor,
and formulate such legislation as in their judgment would meet the
recommendations of the Governor.
The concurrent resolution in relation to
Congress granting the right of way through the Indian Territory to railroads
was passed.
The resolution calling for an investigation
of the expenditures on the east wing of the State House and Senate Chamber was
called up and Mr. Finch, in supporting his resolution, gave a history of the
The resolution, amended so as to give the
investigating committee the power to send for persons and papers and administer
oaths, was passed unanimously.
The bill preventing incompetent or
unauthorized persons from engaging in the practice of pharmacy; also, to
regulate the sale of poisons and proprietary medicines, to prevent and punish
the adulteration of drugs, medicinal preparations, and chemicals, and to create
a board of pharmacy in the State of Kansas, passed.
At the afternoon session the House began the
consideration of bills on the third reading, and the following was passed:
Authorizing and directing the county commissioners of Shawnee County to levy an
assessment to build a jail and jailer’s residence; authorizing and directing
the county commissioners of Shawnee County to levy a special tax to build
abutments and a bridge at Richland, in said county; to legalize the tax levies
made by the board of county commissioners of Allen County, Kansas, for the
years 1882, 1883, and 1884; providing for the selection and summoning of grand
and petit juries in special cases; to amend sections 5, 6, and 8 of chapter 56
of the general statutes of 1868, the same being an act entitled an act for the
publication and distribution of the laws and journals; to legalize the act of
the officers of Elk township, in Cloud County, in issuing bonds for the purpose
of building a bridge across Elk creek, and to provide for registration of the
same; relating to fugitives from justice, and repealing section 5, chapter 44,
statutes of 1868; to enable owners of real estate to maintain an action to
quiet title thereto against the holders of barred tax deeds, certificates, and
claims thereto; to authorize and direct the board of county commissioners of
Shawnee County to issue bonds to fund certain indebtedness; to amend section 1,
chapter 92, of the statutes of 1879, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts
inconsistent therewith; to amend an act entitled “an act to create a board of
commissioners of highways, prescribing their duties and fixing their
compensation, and amending chapter 110 of the general statutes of 1868;” to
provide that boards of county commissioners shall meet on the first Mondays in
January, April, July, and October, and on call of the chairman, in special
session, on the petition of two members, and fixing compensation.
Several bills were advanced on the calendar
and the following passed: By Mr. Hatfield, to establish boards of arbitration;
by Mr. Stewart, to provide for the payment of the claims of citizens who
suffered loss through the guerrilla raids of 1861-1865; by Mr. Butterfield, to
provide for the government and maintenance of the State militia and the general
defense; by Mr. Thompson, to create the Nineteenth Judicial District and
providing for the terms of holding court; by Mr. Hardesty, to enable the
commissioners of Ford County to fund the county indebtedness.
The bill endowing the Emporia Normal School
with twelve sections of salt lands in Saline, Lincoln, Mitchell, Cloud, and
Republic Counties was called up as unfinished business in Committee of the
Whole. Mr. Slavens said that 36,480 acres of land and $201,539.19 had been
appropriated for the schools, but he advocated this further appropriation because
the Agricultural College had received more than the Normal School. The
discussion was extended, being engaged in by Messrs. Moore, Buck, Faulkner,
McBride, Anthony, McNall, and others. It was finally left without disposition.
The House then adjourned.
Miscellaneous Amount of Small Talk.
of House Engrossing Clerks.
as a Proof-Reader.
Takes Up the Hot Springs (Arkansas) Leases.
Electoral Count Bill.
House Adjourns Out of Respect to the Late Representative Rankin.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. The Chair laid before
the Senate yesterday a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance
with the recent resolution of the Senate asking for information as to what
proportion of the bonds called for payment February 1, 1886, are held by
National banks as a basis for circulation. The letter states the amount of the
bonds so held is $5,000,890. Also a letter from the Secretary of War, showing
the contracts made by his department during the past fiscal year, and
transmitting to the Board of Fortifications the report of the Quartermaster
General and a report showing the number of clerks employed in the various
bureaus of the War Department. Also a letter from the Secretary of the
Interior, stating that an increase in the clerical force of the Commissioner of
Railroads was indispensable to the proper performance of the duties devolving
upon that office.
Among the petitions presented and
appropriately referred were:
Senator McMillan, from the Board of Trade of
St. Paul, urging Congress to appropriate money for the improvement of the Upper
Missouri river.
Senator George presented the credentials of
Hon. E. C. Waltham, elected Senator from Mississippi to fill the unexpired term
of Senator Lamar.
Senator Waltham was then sworn in as
President pro tem. Of the Senate.
Senator Hoar, from the Committee on
Judiciary, reported a bill to provide for the settlement of the debt of the
Pacific Railroad.
Senator Wilson submitted an amendment, which
was referred to the Judiciary Committee, providing that whenever it may be
necessary for the protection of the interests of the United States, the
President may order the Secretary of the Treasury to clear off prior paramount
liens or mortgages by paying the same, and that on such payment the United
States shall become subrogated to rights thereto pertaining to such paramount
liens or mortgages.
Senator Hoar said he thought the Judiciary
Committee would agree to the amendment, which had been perfected too late for
the consideration of the committee.
A joint resolution from the House of
Representatives was placed before the Senate appropriating money for the
Northern Cheyenne Indians. Upon examination the spelling of some words in the
bill was found to be wrong. Senator Dawes said the misspelling was such as to
render the intent of Congress doubtful, and the matter went over so as to
permit of correction.
Senator Ingalls severely animadverted upon
the “ignorance or carelessness” of the engrossing clerks of another body from
which many bills that come before the Senate emanated. In many bills sent by
that body to the Senate for its action, all action had to be suspended and the
intent of Congress frustrated by the misspelling of the commonest words. He
exonerated the Senate clerks from any responsibility for the difficulties and
said he knew of no remedy at the disposal of the Senate except the correcting
influence of public opinion.
Senator Berry called up his resolution
submitted some days ago providing that the leases of the bath houses and hot
springs at Hot Springs, Arkansas, be not renewed until Congress shall decide
whether further legislation in regard thereto be necessary. In calling it up
Senator Berry stated that some little time since he had called on the Assistant
Secretary of the Interior and told him that he (Senator Berry) did not think it
for the interest of the public that the leases referred to should be renewed
until Congress should determine whether further legislation in the public
interest was necessary. The officer alluded to had then informed him that no
such lease should be renewed till Congress should have decided as to whether
further legislation was desirable. Since that time Senator Berry had learned
that one, if not two, of the leases had been renewed. He did not mention the
matter for the purpose of criticizing the Interior Department or reflecting on
its action. He presumed the Assistant Secretary had either forgotten the
statement he had made as to the intention of the department or had not deemed
it any part of his duty to inform Senator Berry of his change of intention as
to the matter. The resolution had been introduced, Senator Berry added, in
order to prevent, if possible, any further lease being granted, or at least
that the leases might be put upon notice so that they could not come in
hereafter and claim equities arising from such new leases. Senator Berry said
it would be impossible to beautify and improve the springs so long as the
present system of management prevailed. The place intended for the special
benefit of invalids was made a general dumping ground for unseemly articles,
and persons who had the leases had a complete monopoly of the water. Even the
army and navy hospital authorities had to pay for hot water used in the
construction of the building.
Senator Logan feared the resolution would
leave the matter of new leases too long indefinite, as Congress might not come
to a determination as soon as Senator Berry might expect. He saw no better way
than to leave the matter to the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior. He
(Senator Logan) thought the service and arrangements at Hot Springs heretofore
Senator Voorhees opposed the resolution. Some
of the bath houses had cost large amounts of money, and a failure to renew some
of the leases would be very much like confiscation.
Senator Ingalls thought the Hot Springs
administration satisfactory, but said there had been a persistent effort on the
part of speculators to get control of the waters for private gains.
Senator Jones favored Senator Berry’s
resolution. It would keep the control of the matter in Congress, he said, till
the subject was considered. The resolution could do no harm.
After further debate the matter went over.
The Senate then proceeded to the
consideration of the Electoral Count bill.
Senator Morgan took the floor. He
characterized Senator Sherman’s proposed amendment as entirely new. It would
usurp, he said, into the hands of Congress a power that was not given to
Congress by the constitution, and a power, the exercise of which, under the
proposed amendment, would tear down and destroy one of the electoral bodies
provided by the constitution. He could not see how the danger to the Senate
could be decreased by having the seventy-six Senators voting pell mell with the
325 members of the House of Representatives. Could there be a more daring
threat or greater danger to constitutional powers than the proposition brought
forward by the Senator from Ohio (Senator Sherman), supported by the Senator
from New York (Senator Evarts), when they declared the right of Congress to
create an electoral body which the people had never chose, with reference to
the choice of a President of the United States? The bill reported from the
committee was worthy of the Senate and he hoped it would pass.
At the conclusion of Senator Morgan’s
remarks, the Senate went into executive session, and when the doors reopened a
message from the House was placed before the Senate giving information of the
death of Representative Rankin, of Wisconsin, and presenting for the action of
the Senate a concurrent resolution expressive of its regret.
Senator Sawyer offered a resolution, which
was agreed to, in which the Senate, after concurring in the House resolution,
expresses deep sensibility of the loss sustained by Congress in the death of
Mr. Rankin, and provides for a committee of the Senate to act with the House
committee in superintending the funeral and escorting the remains of the
deceased to Wisconsin.
The Chair appointed as such committee
Senators Sawyers, Blackburn, and Jones of Arkansas.
The Senate then adjourned.
In the House yesterday, on motion Mr. Blount,
of Georgia, it was ordered that after the reading of the journal Tuesday States
shall be called for the introduction of bills and resolutions. Mr. Bragg, of
Wisconsin, announced the death of his colleague, Mr. Rankin, and offered the
customary resolutions, which were unanimously adopted and as a mark of respect
to the deceased, the House at 12:15 adjourned.
Seng Turns Informer.
a Correct Account of the Murder of Lou Johnson.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 26. In the trial of the
Chinese highbinders yesterday, Lena Lee, a colored girl, was examined by the
prosecution. She stated that on the morning on which Lou Johnson was found
murdered, she saw a Chinaman, whom she afterwards identified as Cong Seng,
emerge from Johnson’s house holding a handkerchief to his nose with one hand
and carrying a satchel in the other. His hands were covered with blood, as was
also the satchel. He walked to a hydrant and thoroughly cleansed his hands and
face and washed off the satchel, and then departed. Cong Seng, the man who
practically turned state’s evidence and who made a voluntary statement which
was equivalent to a confession before the coroner, was put on the stand in the
afternoon, and he told a long story, detailing how he and six other Chinese
arranged to kill Lou Johnson for money, which was to be paid to them for the
job. He described how Chyo Chiack, the prisoner at the bar, and Chyo Pock went
into Johnson’s room and murdered him while he (the witness) and Hock Slack
watched outside; how after the murder he and Hock Slack cleaned up the room, arranged
the bed, and washed the weapons used; how they then put Johnson’s body in a
narrow stairway adjoining; how he left the body, went across the river, and
traveled southward by railroad and on foot, and how he was arrested near
Murphysboro, Illinois, and brought back to this city. The story was
substantially the same as the one he told before the coroner, and will be
greatly relied upon to convict the defendants.
Resolution Submitted in the Senate Supposed to be the Opening
on the President.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. In the executive session
of the Senate yesterday, Mr. Edmunds submitted a resolution which, it is
believed, is put forward at this time to test the administration in the matter
of furnishing the information as to reasons which have led to the suspension of
certain Federal officers. The resolution conveys the impression that only a
specific case is involved, but there is good authority for the statement that
it is intended as a basis upon which to raise an issue with the administration
in the event of a refusal to furnish the desired information. The resolution
was presented on behalf of the Committee on Judiciary and directs the Attorney
General to furnish the Senate copies of all papers and documents on file in his
department relating to the administration of the office of the United States
District Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama. The resolution was
agreed to without opposition or debate. It is supposed that these papers are
desired by the committee in connection with its consideration of the nomination
of John D. Burnett vice George M. Basken, suspended. It is also understood that
a request recently made by the committee to the Attorney General for the papers
was returned with a statement that the Attorney General had not been instructed
by the President to furnish them.
Body of Ben Tolen Taken from the Grave.
of the Colored Folks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The discovery of empty graves in the Decatur
cemetery led to the reopening of many graves round Atlanta. On Wednesday Ben
Tolen, who lived about six miles from the city, died from pneumonia and was
buried in the country burying grounds on Saturday, the ground being frozen so
hard that the grave could not be dug sooner. The work of ghouls in the country
has created such excitement that friends of Tolen went to the grave to see if
it was as it was left. It was found that the dirt was torn up and the grave
surrounded by fresh tracks. The coffin was found empty except for the clothing,
which had been buried. These articles were found in the grave. The negroes and
ignorant white people of the country are badly frightened. In the quarters of
the city in which are located the medical colleges, they cannot be induced to
go out at night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
CHICAGO, Jan. 26. This morning Jacob Barth, a
teamster for Maxwell Bros., was attacked corner Loomis and Twentieth streets by
a gang of strikers. In the general fight which ensued, Barth was shot and fell.
One of the strikers, Cohessy, who did the shooting, was arrested. It seems
Barth drew a pistol to defend himself, when Cohessy drew his revolver and fired
at him three times, each bullet taking effect. The wounded man was sent to the
county hospital.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
PALESTINE, TEX., Jan. 26. While coupling cars
in the yards this evening at four o’clock a.m., Colby was caught between two
flat cars and fatally injured, living only twenty minutes. As Colby only went
to work yesterday, it is not know where he came from. He had a card of
membership in the order of Railway Conductors, Arkansas Division, Denver,
Colorado. Colby was about thirty-five years of age.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Frederick Flowers, the well known London
magistrate, died the other day.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Six hundred pounds of prepared opium was
seized by San Francisco customs officials the other day.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The San Joaquin (California) river rose so
high recently that disastrous results were threatened. Robert’s Island suffered
$350,000 damage.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A bald eagle measuring seven feet from tip to
tip of the wings, was killed about three miles east of Mount Vernon, Illinois,
the other day. It had been doing serious damage to pigs and poultry.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Senate Committee on Pensions recently
received a petition from an ex-soldier who asks for a “pention” on the ground
that he was “cicked” by a “mael” in the lower part of the stomach near the
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The other morning the Grasshopper mill,
situated in Smoky Hollow, near Youngstown, Ohio, and valued at $50,000, was
burned to the ground. Total loss on building, machinery, stock, etc., $78,000;
insurance, $50,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Dynamite was exploded at the Norwich railway
station, England, the other day, injuring the building somewhat. Judge Hawkins,
who sentenced the dynamiters, Cunningham and Burton, left the station a few
moments before the explosion.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A test vote was taken in the British House of
Commons on the 26th. The result left the Conservative ministry in a
minority—329 to 250—when it was announced the ministry would resign. The
Parnellites voted against the Government; a few moderate Liberals supported it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The dog bitten Newark children are on
exhibition in a museum.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The French army in Tonquin will be reduced
from 29,000 to 10,000 men.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The spinners of New Bedford, Mass., demand a
10 per cent increase in wages.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The British Minister at Lima has received
instructions to recognize the existing Government.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Hon. E. C. Walthall and J. Z. George were
re-elected Senators from Mississippi on the 19th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The lighthouse at the mouth of the Roanoke
River, in North Carolina, has been carried away by the ice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The sub-manager of the Jersey (England) Bank,
which failed lately, has been arrested on the charge of embezzlement.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The citizens of Northern Idaho were reported
protesting against annexation to Washington Territory, because that Territory
is antagonistic to mining. They want annexation to Montana.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The President has approved the act legalizing
the election of the Territorial Legislative Assembly of Wyoming and the act
providing for the performance of the duties of President in case of removal,
death, or inability both of the President and Vice President.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
In the Federal Court at Keokuk, Iowa, Judge
Love said that he had a decision from Judge Brewer applicable to the Iowa
prohibition laws. The decision held that as to breweries built before this law
was adopted, the law would be unconstitutional, as it confiscated public
property without consideration.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Moukhtar Pasha, Turkish Commissioner in
Egypt, has proposed that a Turko-Egyptian army be organized for the defense of
Egypt in place of the English army now in the country.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Cuban cigar makers employed by Ottenburg
& Co. and by Jacoby & Co., of New York, went out on strike on the 23rd.
The strike was very general, involving thousands of men.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Commissioner Colman has called the annual
convention of the Missouri Valley Sugar Growers’ Association for St. Louis,
February 4 and 5, and of the Dairymen’s Association for the week following.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Home rule for Ireland was considered hopeless
in the present British Parliament. Neither Liberals nor Conservatives would
propose it, and Parnell would have to do so if the question was to be discussed
at all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
At the annual meeting of the International
Monetary Standard Association in London on the 22nd, Henry Grenfel,
Governor of the Bank of England, expressed confidence that the United States
Congress would not alter the provisions of the Bland bill. The meeting resolved
to form a gold and silver league on a popular basis.
Memphis Groceryman Murdered and His Store Set on Fire.
Row in a Newspaper Office.
Hayes’ Appeal Rejected.—His Crime.
Attempt to Poison a Family at Wabash, Indiana.
of an Artful Convict.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
MEMPHIS, TENN., Jan. 27. Yesterday morning
between three and four o’clock at 300 Orleans street, near the corner of
Linden, the one story grocery place of Fred Schmid was found to be on fire. The
alarm sounded, which brought the engines to the scene. The store was broken
open by those who reached the spot first, when the lifeless remains of the
proprietor were found with the head nearly severed from the body. The account
of various persons differ as to where the body was first seen. One party says
it was near the front doorway; another behind the counter; still another, in an
adjoining room, where the victim slept. All agree, however that the man was
dead and it is generally admitted that the head was partially cut off. It is
surmised, therefore, that Schmid was killed where he slept, and the premises
then fired with the intention of destroying all evidence of the crime. The
ghastly remains were removed while the place with the contents was totally
destroyed. A newly built cottage belonging to a letter carrier named Roberts
was partially burned before the flames were gotten under control. The matter of
foul play is undergoing investigation. From appearances Mr. Schmid retired last
night with his clothes on, but had taken off his boots. A colored man who was
in the store at 10:30 o’clock asserts that he saw the victim close the door
immediately after he left the place. Many of the people living in the vicinity
do not speak in kindly terms of Schmid, and as he had numerous enemies, it is
likely he was the victim to one of them.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 27. A sensation not on
the assignment books developed in the office of the city editor of the Louisville
Morning Commercial about ten o’clock last night. Mr. Dan E. O’Sullivan,
managing editor of the paper, and Mr. Charles Greathouse, the city editor, have
been at outs for some time, and last night their personal dislike came to a
head by an encounter in which Greathouse was stabbed in the back, seriously but
not fatally. The immediate trouble which led to the fight grew out of the
suppression of an item from the city editor’s department, which was sent in
after the usual hour for going to press. Greathouse asked an explanation of
O’Sullivan’s action, which was not given in very good grace. One word led to
another and the lie was passed. Greathouse struck O’Sullivan in the face. The
latter retaliated with a thrust from a penknife, the blade breaking off.
Greathouse then got O’Sullivan’s head in chancery and was punishing him
somewhat severely when the latter opened the large blade of his knife and
stabbed Greathouse in the back. The cut is painful, but not serious.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 27. The Supreme Court
affirmed the decree of the lower court yesterday, condemning Jack Hayes to hang
for murder in the first degree. Immediately upon the receipt of the news from
Jefferson City, a reporter called on Hayes. He declined to leave his cell, but
was inclined to be courteous when addressed upon the subject of the Supreme
Court’s decision, which, he seemed strongly inclined to disbelieve. “They tell
me that I am to hang, but what can that be for? What have I done that I should
be hanged?” The reporter told him that a jury had found him guilty of murder,
and that the Supreme Court had affirmed the verdict. The fellow trembled as he
heard the news, and said in a very faint voice, “Can that be so?” Then he
added, “I don’t believe it. I haven’t done anything; why should I be hung?” His
actions indicated clearly that he is either insane, or that as a last resort he
is simulating insanity. If it is a pretense, it is cleverly done, his
appearance and manner alike indicating about as clear a loss of mental power as
is compatible to converse with moderate intelligence. Hayes killed a
saloon-keeper named Phillip Moeller, whose place of business was on the corner
of Grand and Kossuth avenues, more than three years ago. The murder was a
cold-blooded one, Hayes shooting his victim without any provocation.
WABASH, IND., Jan. 27. A dastardly attempt to
poison the family of Jacob Lotzenblizer, a prominent farmer of Chester
township, was discovered this morning. Yesterday Lotzenblizer, his wife, and
child were visiting, and during their absence unknown persons entered the
dwelling and sprinkled a half ounce of “Rough on Rats” over a quantity of raw
sausage lying on a table. Returning late in the evening Mrs. Lotzenblizer
cooked the sausage and shortly after eating it, all three were seized with
violent cramping. This morning a physician was summoned, who analyzed the
sausage and detected the poison. Mrs. Lotzenblizer ate little and was not much
affected. The child is yet very ill and Mr. Lotzenblizer it is thought will
die. There is no clue to the miscreants.
JOLIET, ILL., Jan. 27. News was received in
this city this evening from the insane asylum at Kankakee that Adam
Lindenmeyer, a convict who had been transferred from prison to the asylum in
July, had effected his escape from that institution. It appears that
Lindenmeyer had attacked his attendant, taking his keys away, kicking him in
the stomach, and finally knocking him senseless. Lindenmeyer was convicted of
burglary in 1885 at Pontiac, and was sent to prison for four years. Shortly
after his receipt at Joliet, he manifested signs of being insane by attempting
to cut his throat with a shoe knife. He is a cunning desperado, and the Kankakee
authorities are using their utmost endeavors to effect his recapture.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
DECATUR, ILL., Jan. 27. Between eleven and
twelve o’clock last night the Chicago express on the Wabash passing Blue Mound
station struck a wagon on a crossing, wrecking the wagon and killing Jesse
Campbell, of Edinburgh, Christian County. The wagon was loaded with furniture.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
PEORIA, ILL., Jan. 27. Rio Martin, while out
hunting in the vicinity of Morton, Lanwell County, with four comrades, was
probably fatally shot last evening by the accidental discharge of a gun.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
LONDON, Jan. 27. The Salisbury cabinet,
consequent upon their defeat in the Commons last night, sent their resignations
to the Queen this afternoon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Fire originated the other night in the Ryan
Drug Company’s building at St. Paul, Minn. The loss footed up $255,000; fairly
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Robert Mallory, of the Mallory Steamship
Line, denies that his company violated the Galveston agreement with the Knights
of Labor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Nihilist headquarters were again discovered
in St. Petersburg. The police advised the Czar to return to his palace at
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Arsenic was recently placed in the teapot of
Mrs. McConnell, at Davenport, Iowa, and the whole family of seven were
poisoned, some fatally.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The business failures occurring throughout
the country for the seven days ended the 28th numbered, for the
United States, 252; Canada, 37; total 289; compared with 329 the week previous.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
An explosion at the Banksville coal mine of
Long & Co., near Pittsburgh, Pa., the other morning, set fire to the pit
and cremated the mules. A number of miners were at work at the time, but all
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
It was recently asserted that fully 15,000
head of cattle were dead on the prairies within a radius of seventy-five miles
of Fort Elliott, Texas, having been killed by starvation and exposure during
the recent cold snap.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Kunitizky Bardouck, justice of peace, Setrusz
Yusky, and Oszowsky recently condemned to death for belonging to a Polish
socialistic revolutionary association styled the Proletariat, were executed at
Warsaw on the 29th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Secretary of the Treasury has issued a
call for the redemption of bonds of the three per cent loan of 1882. The
principal and accrued interest will be paid at the Treasury of the United
States in Washington, March 1, 1886, and the interest will cease on that day.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Secretary Lamar has decided that all
appropriations made by the Arizona Legislature in excess of the sum granted by
Congress are void.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
to John C. Long.)
Having bought the business of John C. Long,
we can be found at his old stand with the freshest and best Groceries always on
hand, at the lowest living prices. The HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for produce.
Hoping for a continuance of old customers, we will strive to please all in
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Van De Water
Estimates furnished on carpenter work and
building of every description. Shop 816, Millington street, north of Ninth.
H. GREER, Local Editor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The big storm has about laid the markets out.
Nothing scarcely has come in in the last day or two. Wheat, good milling
grades, brings .85; corn, brings .28; eggs are .20 a dozen and butter .20 per
pound. Other produce is unchanged.
Suffering Among the Poor of Winfield Which Must Be Relieved.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Winfield boasts of its superior morality,
culture, refinement, and enterprise. These have made our fame union-wide. But
right here in our city today is destitution, suffering, and sorrow that is a
bad commentary on our splendid reputation. We who have bright firesides,
surrounded with the comforts of life, are too apt to forget those whose
misfortunes have thrown a pall over their homes—have taken the light, the
comforts, and content, making life a hollow mockery, only a daily reminder of
their grinding condition. There is poverty in Winfield that few of us dream of.
Were committees to traverse the town and seek out those who are in abject want,
the list would be astonishing. The terrible cold of the last six weeks has
entirely shut off out door labor and men dependent upon their daily earnings,
and every city has hundreds of such, are left with no resource whatever. A
number of these had some money to start on and were living scantily from it,
hoping for an early spring—that with the beginning of February would come a
re-opening of labor. Now comes the heaviest storm of all, finding many families
whose money and supplies are exhausted: honest, sensitive, and energetic. But
they can’t labor when the avenues are closed. Marshal McFadden et al reports
many suffering families, resultant from this storm, and mare are being heard
from daily. But there is no systematic way of relief. The county refuses to
assist except through the poor farm for that purpose; the city council has no
lawful provisions for a provident fund, and the only system and headquarters
seem to be the G. A. R. and the W. R. C. Recently a number of noble ladies have
reorganized the Ladies Local Relief Society. But all these must have the money
to use. These members should not be expected to make an inexhaustible fund from
their own purses and larders. The whole city has a duty in this matter. Some
popular mode to enlist the interest and money of the whole city must be
devised: a charity entertainment of some kind. With our fine musical talent,
instrumental and vocal, our several very fine elocutionists, etc., we could
easily and speedily get up a charity concert. And with wide advertisement of
the purpose and merit, everybody, in a generous, public spirited community like
ours, would turn out at 75 cents or $1 a seat. They would be ashamed to stay at
home, when the great need was understood. Judge Albright says he will furnish,
as his donation, the Opera House two nights for such a purpose. Let us talk
this up immediately. It must be done at once, if at all. It is probable that
this cold weather will last all through this month. We couldn’t do a nobler
thing than to create a good fund for the relief of the worthy poor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
THE COURIER would express its thanks to the
following named reliable and honored citizens of grand old Cowley for recent
favors: T. R. Carson, Wilmot; Jno. A. Smith, Silverdale; A. W. Beswick,
Kellogg; W. B. Norman, Udall; D. S. Sherrard, Pleasant Valley; G. A. Lindsey,
Winfield; P. Belveal, Walnut; W. J. Orr, Fairview; J. W. Evans, Dexter; Henry
Ireton, Seeley; John H. Tharp, Kellogg; George Erickson, Cedarvale; H.
Falkingham, Milton Drew, Pleasant Valley; Z. Oldham, Vernon; N. B. Robinson,
Walnut; J. P. Henderson, Walnut; J. B. Daniels, Dexter; J. M. Barrick, Akron;
N. B. Hammond, Tannehill; J. O. Barricklow, Winfield; Gibson & Co.,
Winfield; Zeb Foster, Udall; D. M. Adams, Winfield; H. C. Castor, Liberty; J.
A. Simpson, Winfield; Joseph Anglemyer, Winfield; Samson Johnson, Pleasant
Valley; R. B. Waite, Winfield; S. W. Pennington, Vernon; Sid Cure, Walnut; J.
M. Harcourt, Rock; W. H. Waite, Udall; W. H. White, Ninnescah; Charles A.
Peabody, Dexter; R. B. Hanna, Burden; N. T. Snyder, Arkansas City; W. H. Moore,
Winfield; W. R. Lorton, Wilmot; R. S. White, Winfield; G. C. Cleveland,
Cedarvale; Nelson Utley, Winfield; J. O. Barricklow, Winfield; S. C. Smith,
Winfield; W. H. Dawson, Winfield; T. W. Maddux, Winfield; J. R. Taylor,
Winfield; J. L. Huey, Arkansas City; L. D. York, Maple City; Greer Fleming,
Winfield; Jas. Hollister, Seeley; T. M. Graham, Winfield; Thos. Larimer,
Winfield; W. M. Stout, Udall; William Carter, Kellogg; H. D. Syron, Winfield;
J. H. Hall, Tisdale; W. H. Fry, Dexter; V. F. Ogburn, Glen Grouse; M. A.
Holler, Rock; W. H. Grow, Rock; J. M. Mark, Liberty; E. W. Woolsey, Burden; E.
H. Gilbert, Winfield; W. H. Bolton, Dexter; J. F. Stodder, Burden; Geo. W.
Moore, Udall; W. B. Lewis, Dexter; J. C. Snyder, Constant; Geo. R. Stevens,
Wilmore; Mrs. B. McKee, Dexter; S. S. Condit, Winfield; R. W. Flener,
Silverdale; Philo Winter, Tisdale; Dennis Shaw, Arkansas City; W. H. Campbell,
Grand Summit; John Shoup, Udall; J. S. Herron, Tannehill; J. W. Stansbury,
Arkansas City; Jas. Greenshields, Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Harris, Clark & Huffman have sold to C.
M. Leavitt, of THE COURIER, lots 5 and 6 in block 35, A. J. Thompson addition,
$450; also sold the Col. McMullen property on 9th avenue to A. J.
Thompson for $2,600; to B. White, lot 3, block 38, H. P. addition, $50; lots 7
and 8, block 22 to Albert A. Salla, $150. Harris, Clark & Huffman have
plenty of cheap money to loan.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Our somewhat wonderful bird of freedom, the Eagle,
has again flopped and will come out this week under new hands. Messrs. E.
A. Henthorn and Col. Miles are proprietors and W. L. Hutton is editor. The
paper is in very good hands now and we had better settle down awhile.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
January 1st, 1886, P. H. Albright
& Co.’s books showed an actual cash investment in real estate loans of
$814,741.69. This money they handle as if it was their own. They have an
eastern fund of millions to draw from, and they treat their customers as if
they believed in the existence of a heaven and hell.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
This weather creates the desire on the part
of our frigid citizens to go out with the other Esquimau and hunt polar bear,
walrus, etc., on sledges drawn by dogs. It might do to form a relief party and
go in search of some unfortunate exploring party who have become lost in the
immediate vicinity.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Get out, Old January! We bid you an earnest
good bye. We want no more of you, until you can do better. You have blackened
the “Italian climate” reputation of the great state of Kansas, and with hoisted
foot we all bid you skip.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The young society people are talking up a
German—the most enjoyable manner of spending an evening in dance. We have a
number of very fine dancers and it could easily be made a success.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Taylor & O’Connor’s grand opening
Saturday was well attended. Everybody was highly pleased with the grand display
of queensware and the reasonable prices.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Gov. Martin has appointed H. F. Hicks justice
of the peace in Windsor township, notice of which County Clerk Smock received
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Itch and Kansas Scratches cured in 30 minutes
by Woodford’s Sanitary Lotion, warranted by Ed G. Cole, druggist, Winfield,
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
We can make 6 per cent rate on real estate
loans on sums of $1,000 and upwards for the next sixty days. Farmers’ Bank.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Richardson’s Magneto Galvanic Battery, the
great cure all. Price $1.50; for sale at William’s Drug Store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Use “Perfection Oil” for your lamps. Pure,
non-explosive and highly refined, at Brown & Son’s.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Farm loans made from one day to five years,
at lowest rates, by H. G. Fuller & Co.
Chronicle of the Comings, Goings and Doings of Persons at Home and Abroad.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
S. S. Moore, of Burden, was down today on
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
C. C. Harris is improving and will be out in
a few days.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Dr. H. A. Eberle, the K. C. specialist, is
again at the Brettun.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
H. V. Rice, of the Ft. Scott Monitor, was
in the city Thursday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Tom J. Eaton spent Thursday night in Arkansas
City on business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Dr. Knickerbocker, Udall’s leading physician,
was here Saturday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
C. Heflinger is brettuned from St. Louis till
the railroad is cleared.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
S. H. Rodgers is home from Syracuse for a
week or so with his family.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Judge McDonald has been on the sick list for
several days, but is now out.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
J. W. Feuquay, Hackney’s merchant and
postmaster, was in the city Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
C. W. Jackson and J. P. Newham are among the
snow bound guests of the Brettun.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Arthur H. Greene, of the Magnolia Farm, left
Monday for a month or so in New York.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Dr. Fowler, one of Arkansas City’s leading
physicians, was circulating around the Eli city Saturday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mose Teter, one of Beaver’s staunchest
standbys, was circulating around the hub Thursday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
W. W. Thompson, the handsome Philadelphia
ware man, is laid up at the Brettun by the blockade.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Wichita Beacon says: “John Bishop,
of Winfield, is in the city looking after his business interests.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Walter Kleeman, of Red Cloud, Nebraska, a cousin
of S. Kleeman, has accepted a position in his cousin’s store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
J. A. Owen, from Indiana, called Monday with
his friend, C. J. Brane. Mr. Owen comes with a view of locating.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mrs. E. D. Garlick is recovering from a very
severe illness, much to the gratification of her many warm friends.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
W. J. Bryth, traveling freight agent of the
Santa Fe, was in the city Thursday on railroad business with agent Kennedy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Charley Grant, the rustling and lengthy
livery man of Atlanta, was in town Saturday and left his name for the DAILY.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Sam L. Gilbert was down from Wichita
Thursday, rejoicing with the rest of us over the securing of the Santa Fe
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mrs. W. H. Colegate and children went to
Grenola Monday evening, to spend a few days with her friend, Mrs. Wintermute.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Judge Gans caged two matrimonial victims
Friday, Firman Wentz and Lizzie Ingle; C. E. Noble and Minnie White.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
J. F. Miller has filed his first annual
account with the Probate Court as administrator of the estate of Frances Hays,
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Will J. Wilson, assistant journal clerk of
the Senate, came down from Topeka and Sundayed at home, returning Monday
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Chas. E. Le Paige, the musician has returned
home from a tour with the Fun on the Bristol Co. He left them at Milwaukee,
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
C. W. Jackson and J. P. Newman, K. C.
commercial men, are hung up at the Brettun, away from snow blockades and
howling blasts.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The body of John Snyder, the victim of the
Maple City tragedy, was interred Saturday, in the Union Cemetery, northeast of
this city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
S. W. Phenix, of Richland, and County
Superintendent Limerick went up to Topeka Monday to circulate among the
Legislative Solons.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mrs. Garlick is better, but she will not be
able to teach her school for some time yet. Notice will be given when she will
be able to resume.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mr. J. A. Rodgers, from Lawrence, a brother
of S. H. Rodgers, is visiting his brother. Mr. Rodgers is one of the veterans
of the G. A. R.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mrs. H. Hagerman, mother of Frank and George
Lockwood, has returned from Medicine Lodge and again taken up her residence
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Anthony Lowry and Effie Irons; Geo. P.
Schipper and Bertha Barnes were granted matrimonial certificates by Judge Gans
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Charley H. Smith, a knight of the stick and
rule, who spent last winter here, has returned. He has been doing reportorial
work in Carthage, Missouri.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
J. A. Cooper, Oliver Barnthouse, and several
others whose names we did not learn, started for the Territory Thursday on a
hunting expedition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Geo. W. Riely, mayor of Caldwell, and A. M.
Colson, a cattle king, were over Wednesday night to consult the K. C. & S.
W. folks on railroad matters.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
G. P. Schipper, of Chicago, is a guest at the
Central, here for a visit of a day or two. He luckily got in just in time to
avoid the blockades of this storm.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mike O’Meara returned Sunday from a few
week’s visit with his mother at Macomb, Illinois, his old home. He will be here
a day or so before going to Meade.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
County Attorney Asp accompanied Judge
Torrance and Stenographer Raymond to Howard Monday eve, to attend to legal
matters in the Elk County court.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
J. N. Ashby, Horning & Whitney’s boss
tinner, is as happy as a clam at high water, his family having arrived from
Texas, and will go to housekeeping at once.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mrs. Lon Stalter, who was reported in
Monday’s COURIER as frozen to death in Kansas County, was the daughter of
Joachim Holmes and not John B. Holmes as reported.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Tommie Matheson, nephew of James Kirk, left
Sunday to return to his native home, Barney, Scotland. He has been in this
country only a little over two years.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Our foreman, D. C. Young, made a bad mash
Wednesday in sliding our weekly forms on the press, and carries his hand in a
sling. The best of them will get caught occasionally.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The City Fathers have appointed Capt. J. S.
Hunt city assessor. The Captain is an expert clerically, has much experience in
this line, and will make an expeditious and satisfactory assessor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
City Engineer Ritchie is making estimates of
the cost of the Ninth Avenue and Bliss & Wood bridges, and bids will be
advertised for in time for the letting of contracts for early spring work.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Jo. Ex Saint, whom Winfield men well know,
writes from his ranch on the Acoma Land Grant in New Mexico that he has not
lost an animal out of the 10,000 head of cattle under his charge this winter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Castillo, the inmate who raised a row at the
poor farm, had a trial Friday before Judge Snow and was remanded to the jail
for some weeks yet. He has but one leg and seems to be a little “off” mentally.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Fred Cochran, of Winfield, was in the city
yesterday looking for a location to start a queensware, glassware, and
silverware store. We trust he may conclude to come to Wellington. Wellington
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Judge Wall, at Wichita, decided recently in a
case where a druggist was enjoined from selling liquor on account of illegal
selling, that the injunction would hold, even though the druggist had a permit.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
County Commissioners Smith and Guthrie met
Friday and canvassed the railroad vote, finding it all O. K., carried by the
majorities already given in THE COURIER. Commissioner Irwin is visiting in
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Philip Snyder and Mollie Christian, daughter
of Judge Christian, of Arkansas City, were granted, by Judge Gans Monday, the
authority to wed. Mr. Snyder is a brother of Nate T. Snyder and one of Arkansas
City’s best young men.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Jimmy Rothrock has accepted a position with
G. C. Wallace, corner 10th and Main. Jimmy’s many friends will be
glad to hear that he will remain here and that they will still have the chance
to trade with him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Read Robinson, the corpulent and jolly
representative of Jos. Cahn & Co., Kansas City, spent Sunday here with his
brothers, of the First National. He spent eight days in the Dodge City snow
blockade, roosting in a sleeping car.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
S. A. Cook was elected one of the three
trustees for the State of Kansas, at the late Kansas State Architect’s
Association held in Topeka. This is an honor well deserved by Mr. Cook as an
architect of ability and standing.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
C. A. Bowen, of Cherryvale, and J. T. Ray, of
Newton, have started a boot and shoe store in the room formerly occupied by Smith
& Zook, and are putting in a good stock. Mr. Bowen is here, his partner not
having yet arrived.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Alfred Farnsworth, nephew of our Bob, arrived
Friday from Iowa. Mr. Farnsworth started December 13th, with 25 head
of cows, driving them through about 600 in this time. This was a pretty quick
trip, considering the weather.
item is most confusing. Not certain I understand it.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Bert Crapster, the smiling collector of
tariff at the Brettun portals, is off for a visit at his old home, Hampton,
Illinois. He started just in time to strike the snow blockades of this big
storm. He is entitled to a good visit and of course he’ll have it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A. J. Thompson has been confined to his house
several days by a tumble into the Farmers’ Bank cellar. Mr. Thompson was
admiring the fine building and got a little too far “leeward” and went under.
We are glad to report he will be out shortly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Miss Jennie Hane, formerly so well known and
popular in Winfield society, returned Saturday from two years’ absence in
Illinois. She is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Wilson and will remain some weeks. Her
many friends are delighted at her return.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Sol Burkhalter, the facetious and big-hearted
Sol, was out with his cutter Wednesday and gave our scribe a whirl around town.
The snow drifted too much and fell mostly on ground too rough to make very good
sleighing, though on some streets it goes first rate.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
James Hill, E. B. Wingate, and J. N. Young,
of the K. C. & S. W., have been out at Anthony this week, looking to the
extension of the western branch of their line to that place. They were
enthusiastically received and agreed on bond propositions to be submitted at
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Dr. N. E. Charlton, brother of G. W. Bryson,
who has been quartered at the Central several weeks, arrived Friday from Forest
Hill, Indiana. The Doctor and Mr. Bryson have determined to locate in the west
in the drug business, and are very much taken with Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
THE COURIER devil is a great philosopher for
a youth of his age. He contributes this gem, for which the reader will readily
pardon him. “When a printer asks his girl to give him a proof of her love, she
locks her form up in his embrace and he puts his imprint on it.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Captain C. E. Steuven, of Winfield, through
the influence of Senator Hackney with Senator Plumb, has received an
appointment as messenger to the United States senate, at a salary of $1,400 a
year. Tally one more for Cowley County and for the G. A. R.’s.
Burden Eagle.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Joseph O’Hare spent Friday in Grenola,
assisting that city in a pounding case. The marshal had put in the city pound
some stock he found running in the street in violation of the ordinance therein
made and provided, and the owner fought the case. The pounder, the city, got
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Frank J. Hess was up from the Terminus
Tuesday eve and paid County Treasurer Nipp about ten thousand dollars taxes,
paid to him by various individuals whom he convenienced by saving them a
tax-paying trip. It was the December half in full and a big wad to be turned in
at once.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Frank Anderson, the jolly heavy-weight of the
S. C. Moody & Co. Paper company, of Kansas City, is hung up at the Brettun,
snow bond. We like his company and don’t care how long he stays. Then the girls
declare he can sing like a nightingale and play the piano like a professor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
At the last meeting of the city rulers, a
petition was presented by P. A. Huffman, J. R. Clark, T. J. Harris, C. A.
Bliss, B. F. Wood, and E. S. Bliss, asking for an electric light franchise.
These gentlemen look to the system being put in by Wichita, Newton, Emporia,
and other towns of our size.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Frank W. Finch has left us some canned Kansas
County soil, showing as fine black loam and subsoil and porous than Cowley
soil. Mr. Allen also has left us samples of three kinds of sandstone, the only
kinds that county possesses, and of gypsum, a limey, alabaster substance.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
G. H. Allen got home Saturday night, on the
delayed Santa Fe freight, from two weeks inspection of Richfield and Kansas
County. He comes back with the fever, having located a claim and prepared for
investments and partial location. Of course, all these Winfield folks will
retain their permanent homes here.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
P. G. Van Vleet and wife, of Elmira, New
York, have located in Winfield. He has rented the Bryan stone building on North
Main and will enter the wholesale agricultural implement business—a regular
commission, storage, transfer, and forwarding business for eastern
manufacturers. He is a young man of vim and means.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
G. H. Allen, who was six days snow bound at
Kinsley on the Santa Fe train on his road to Kansas County, hands us a copy of
“The B-B-Blizzard,” a little paper published at Kinsley for the entertainment
of the several hundred snowbound passengers. It was edited mostly by the
passengers and published by the Kinsley Graphic.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
County Commissioner J. D. Guthrie, while in
the city Friday, saw in THE DAILY that Geo. W. Kelly, of Saint Paris, Ohio, was
at the Central. He hunted him up and found him to be a brother-in-law, whom he
hadn’t seen for twenty years. The last time they met, Mr. Guthrie was “best
man” at Mr. Kelly’s marriage. It was a happy meeting indeed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Word reaches us that Lon Stalter, wife and
child, formerly living in Rock township, were frozen to death in Kansas County
during the late storm. Mr. Stalter was a nephew of John Stalter and a son of
David Stalter, who now lives near Udall. Mrs. Stalter was the daughter of John
B. Holmes, who lives at Rock P. O. We have not learned any of the particulars.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
D. L. Kretsinger got home from Topeka today,
having spent a week there in western county line manipulation. He says the D.
M. & A. bill is on top, will pass Friday; the county line and other matters
are on top and it is a very cold day when Cowley County gets left. He reports
our delegation well and busy and standing right up with any of them. He left
Capt. Nipp there to hold the fort till he returns next week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A. L. Schultz, the representative of THE
WINFIELD COURIER, was circulating about town this week in the interests of that
paper. A crowd of matter prevented the Sentinel giving notice of the
presence of this shining necessary of the press, in our midst last week. Our
neglect, however, will only be felt by those out of town, as this knight of the
pencil has a happy faculty of making his presence known to those about him. Udall
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
C. W. Pitts, who was convicted of selling mortgaged
property and sentenced to twenty-four hours in jail and $116 costs, paid up
this morning, and was released. He went before the County Commissioners Friday
and pleaded for a release, but the game was “busted” by the Commissioners being
informed that Pitts could and would raise the costs when the pinch came.
Finding he couldn’t saddle the county, he paid up.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mr. Geo. P. Schipper, of Chicago, and Miss
Bertha Barnes were wed by Elder H. D. Gans at 1 o’clock Wednesday, at the home
of the bride’s mother, East Tenth avenue. Miss Barnes is well known among our
young society people. She is pretty, vivacious, and substantial. Mr. Schipper
is an energetic young businessman of South Chicago. The newly made pair will leave
for their future home in Chicago, as soon as the snow blockade is cleared.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Mr. Nixie Ackerman and Miss Alice Godfrey
came down from Latham, Saturday evening, preceded by a telegram informing Judge
Gans to be at his office. A hack was in waiting at the depot and they were
driven right to the Probate Judge’s office, where the Judge cemented them. It
was a little surprise to the Latham folks, who anticipated the wedding one
evening this week. Mr. Ackerman is editor of the Latham Journal, and a
young man of ability and energy. Himself and wife remained, guests of the
Brettun, until 9 o’clock Sunday morning, when they took the Frisco for home.
The bride is of El Dorado, and was visiting friends in Latham when this
determination was reached.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
P. H. Albright & Co. want to engage the
services of a good penman to do the work of writing on abstract books. Parties
desiring a position of this kind may mail to them a sample of their handwriting
of not less than ten lines. Let the writing include all the letters of the
alphabet and the numerals. All applications must be by mail. None others will
be entertained.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Winfield, Kansas, June 29, 1886: J. C. Long
having gone out of business, has left his books in my hands for settlement.
Now, therefore, all persons knowing themselves indebted to J. C. Long, will
please call at my office and make settlement at once. Respectfully,
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
We are going to move our yard uptown and will
discount any prices for the next thirty days. A. H. McMaster & Co.
Developments in the Maple City Tragedy
Appear to Make It a Cold-Blooded Murder.
Hart’s Story.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Dr. G. H. J. Hart, who was arrested and
brought up by Deputy Sheriff, Joe. Church, charged with complicity in the
murder of John Snyder, swore out a warrant for John Marshall, Thursday. The
Doctor was released until after the preliminary examination of Marshall, who
was taken before Justice Buckman, Friday morning. The preliminary was set for
February 8th, at one o’clock, with bonds at $5,000. Of course,
Marshall can’t give bonds and won’t try. Dr. Hart’s story gives a very
different phase to this tragedy. Hart and Snyder were raised together and the
Doctor thought a great deal of him. Snyder was a young man of refinement, was a
good singer and talker, and performed nicely on the piano. Andrews’ were the
only ones in the neighborhood who had a good instrument and Snyder in this way
got very friendly with the family. He thought a great deal of Miss Andrews. He
admired her beauty and accomplishments, but was not particularly in love. He
had been engaged for several years to a girl back east. He was raised in the
south and was of that extremely sensitive southern nature, and when he heard
what Marshall had said about himself and Miss Andrews, he told Hart that he
proposed, before returning home to New Orleans, to give Marshall a good
pounding. The Doctor tried to persuade him out of the idea; said it was a
foolish thing to fight over, and to let it go. Nothing was said about any horse
whipping: Snyder was going to leave the next day. “When we met Marshall Tuesday
morning, Snyder started for him—I knew there would be a fight. Knowing that
Snyder had no revolver, I thought there would be only a little knock down, and
started around my team to get a view of the affair. Just as I got in plain
view, only a few steps off, I noticed Marshall stoop over and as he raised up,
brought out his revolver and fired. Snyder, on seeing the revolver, was just in
the act of wheeling to run when the ball took him behind the left ear, coming
out over his left eye. He fell over on his face, without uttering a word. I ran
up and was going to pick him up when Marshall covered me and held me up. Snyder
breathed only mechanically until 10 o’clock, when he died. He never knew,
farther than the momentary sight of the revolver, what hurt him. He said not a
word to Marshall. He never carried or owned a revolver in his life, and I never
carried one but three days in my life. Neither of us had the sign of a weapon
about us.” The Doctor telegraphed to Snyder’s parents at New Orleans today,
took a casket down with him, and will inter the body tomorrow. Miss Andrews,
who is postmistress at Maple City, is greatly distressed over the terrible
tragedy in which she is innocently the central figure.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Weekly report of tardiness for week ending
Jan. 29, 1886.
High School. Teacher: W. N. Rice. Tardiness:
Grammar Teacher: Lou Gregg. Tardiness: 13
2nd Intermediate. Teacher: Lola
Williams. Tardiness: 17
1st Intermediate. Teacher: Sada
Davis. Tardiness: 7
1st Intermediate. Teacher: Maude
Pearson. Tardiness: 7
1st Intermediate. Teacher. Ivy
Crain. Tardiness: 13
2nd Intermediate. Teacher: Fannie
Stretch. Tardiness: 3
2nd Primary. Teacher: Bertha
Wallis. Tardiness: 14
2nd Primary. Teacher: Belle
Bertram. Tardiness: 17
1st Primary. Teacher: Jessie
Stretch. Tardiness: 15
1st Primary. Teacher: Mary Berkey.
Tardiness: 20
1st Primary. Teacher: Josie
Pixley. Tardiness: 11
2nd Intermediate. Teacher: Flo
Campbell. Tardiness: 6
1st Intermediate. Teacher: Mrs.
Leavitt. Tardiness: 7
2nd Primary. Teacher: Clara
Davenport. Tardiness: 1
1st Primary. Teacher: Mary
Randall. Tardiness: 8
2nd Intermediate. Teacher: Lillie
Dickie. Tardiness: 12
1st Intermediate. Teacher: Mattie
Gibson. Tardiness: 6
2nd Primary. Teacher: Mary Hamill.
Tardiness: 15
1st Primary. Teacher: Mary Bryant.
Tardiness: 8
It will be observed from the above that in
the central ward the fewest cases of tardiness were found in Miss Fannie
Stretch’s room, while the largest per cent of attendance was in Miss Pearson’s
department. In the second ward Miss Campbell’s department has not a single case
of tardiness, while Miss Davenport’s follows closely with only one case and the
highest per cent of attendance. In the third ward Miss Gibson’s room was free
from cases of tardiness and also had the highest per cent of attendance. It is
very important that the patrons assist the part of the pupils. There will be a
change in the ringing of the school bell beginning with tomorrow. The second
ringing of the bell will begin at 10 minutes before nine and continue for three
minutes when it will toll until nine o’clock. In the afternoon the first
ringing of the bell will be from one o’clock till five minutes after. The
second ringing of the bell will begin at twenty minutes past one and continue
for ten minutes as in the morning.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Died, on the 29th inst., at the
home of Mrs. Josiah Wallace, four miles north of Winfield, Mrs. Janette Bunyan,
wife of J. W. Bunyan. Mrs. Bunyan, was born February 28th, 1859, in
Shelby County, Illinois, and lived 26 years, 11 months, and 2 days. She made a
profession of faith in Christ in 1874 in the Methodist Church near the place of
her birth. In 1878 she came to Cowley County, Kansas, and in 1880 she was
married to J. W. Bunyan, of Pratt County, Illinois, where she resided until
1883, when they returned to Cowley County. She united with the Christian Church
in 1883 and was a devoted member of that church until the day of her death. She
was the mother of two bright little daughters, Nona and Leo, aged respectively
five and one years. Her disease was that fatal disease, consumption. For the
past year she has been a great sufferer. Her only regret seemed to be that
which exists in the heart of every true mother and wife, the parting with her
children and companion. She was not afraid to face death. One of her favorite
songs was “Gates Ajar.” She had the family sing these beautiful words while she
was passing over the river. The funeral services were held in the Baptist
church on Sunday, last, at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. J. H. Reider, the
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The boys tell a good one on Dr. Wells. Going
out into the country early Monday morning, he found his progress impeded on the
west bridge by a farmer, who was pounding a balky mule across the head with a
club. The Doctor naturally took a great deal of interest in this proceeding,
and jumping out, accosted the farmer: “My friend, what is the trouble?”
“Trouble! Can’t you see; here I’ve been for a solid hour trying to get this
mule to move, and he won’t move an inch. Airn’t this trouble enough?” “Hold on,
my friend, I think I can assist you,” said the Doctor, going up to the mule,
looking him in the eye and at the same time opening his medicine case. He took
out a small phial and pouring a little into the mule’s mouth, stepped back. The
animal gave one spring and was gone. The farmer stretched his neck around the
corner of the bridge only to behold his mule going like the wind, when he
grabbed the Doctor around the neck, exclaiming: “Doctor, give me some of that
medicine, quick, so I can catch that mule in five minutes.” But it was no go:
his muleship had cleaned the bottle, and the mule is supposed now to be in
Kansas County rapidly nearing the Colorado line.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Taylor & O’Connor have opened a fine
display of Queensware in the new building of I. W. Randall on South Main just
south of the St. James Hotel. They make an exclusive business of Queensware and
everything in this line. Their store room is one of the most commodious in
Kansas and they handle only first class goods. You can get anything here you
desire from the cheapest set to the dearest. The gentlemen composing this firm
come among us highly recommended as gentlemen and businessmen, and making an
exclusive business of this line can suit you in anything. Winfield has long
needed a store of this kind. This store Saturday was crowded with admiring
customers, who where astonished at the unusually low prices, and the grand
display. You have no need of sending off for fine queensware, but just step in
and see them. And remember all goods go at cost for the next fifteen days.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Lincoln Addensell, the young man of mild
lunacy, who was adjudged insane some time ago, and was in charge of Frank W.
Finch, awaiting an order of admission to the asylum, got away from the jail
Monday, in the momentary absence of a watchful eye. Though he had but a
minute’s start, the darkness and blinding snow put him out of sight. The jail
force were out all night in search of him, but got no track farther than the
information that he was met by a couple of ladies on the street last night,
with whom he feigned acquaintance and wanted to shake hands. He had on no
overcoat and no gloves. He is a rather heavy set young man, looking about 23;
an Englishman, with light, summery moustache, large head with soft hat creased
in a crown; heavy steel watch chain with gold locket, containing two pictures.
It was such a terrible night that unless he found shelter, he must have frozen.
Anyone knowing anything about him will confer a favor by sending word to the
jail at once.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
It had been so long since we heard anything
from Charles Stratton, better known as “Tom Thumb,” that it was with no little
surprise we saw his article in a late issue of the COURIER. We are accustomed
to opposition from the living, but it is enough to cause those who hold the
subject dear to their hearts to tremble, lest the foundation of hope already
lain, must give way, and we finally see Woman Suffrage totter, yes, fall, never
to rise again. But hold! A cloud with silver lining appears upon our dejected
horizon and from it we take courage. Me thinks few of our sex would have feared
“Tom Thumb” when alive, and now that he comes up kicking from the grave, we’ll
consider his size and faint not, fear not. As long as higher power sends no
greater delegate to war against us, than this midget, we will deem the
opposition but slight, just enough to keep up a lively boom, that condition of
things so necessary to success in this our day. In perusing his article I was
reminded of a conversation held between Josiah Allen and his wife on the same
question. He, like Tommy, deemed woman out of her sphere as a voter, and was
sure the home and the family would suffer in consequence. Mrs. Allen forever
allayed his fears by proving a contrary result, reminding him of the time she
carried one of her most valued fowls to the fair, in order that its worth and
influence might go out into the world. Josiah fretted lest it be of no account
hereafter, but what did it do but make a nest, and lay two eggs right there
while the cackling drew a crowd around her. Thus proving that a hen would not
become unhenly, neither would a woman become unwomanly because her sphere was
widened, and she permitted to use her influence beyond the walls of home. Mrs.
Allen remarks that when a hawk comes to the farmyard, while the rooster proudly
struts around, the hens set up a cackle, and it is they who save the chicks
nine times out of ten. Thus it is with woman. As sister, wife, and mother, she
has an interest at stake, gigantic enough, that if it stood utterly alone
(which it does not) would cause her to desire the ballot. Her family is in
danger as long as drunkard manufactories are allowed to run. Volumes could be
written filled with the suffering, wrongs, blighted hopes, and buried joys. No
wonder her prayers and pleadings have gone upward and outward asking that the
ballot may be placed in her pure hands, assured that with one mighty sweep old
king alcohol would share Goliath’s fate. One of our Senators said not long
since, he did not believe the majority of women desired the ballot; when they
did, he would vote for it. This may be true. But if it required the one, true,
and living God, six days instead of one to create the universe, we need not
expect to cry out victory at the first signs of success. Woman is wiser and
better appreciated today than she was ages ago. Time only is needed in order to
prove her truly a helpmate to mankind. Oh, ye who dwell in congressional halls,
ye “wise men of the east, yes, and the west also, like Napoleon, you sigh for
other worlds to conquer, anything, yea, everything is within your grasp. You
all had a mother, many of you have wives and sisters, most of you have capable,
precious daughters, why not continue to open up the way until the cry of
‘whosoever will may come,’” and aid in the enlightenment and emancipation of
the entire race, is heard from Maine to California, from the lakes to the Gulf.
Let the old adage of “in union there is strength” be verified and me thinks not
only Josiah Allen, but “Tom Thumb” and all their stalwart brethren will rejoice
that in a time of need God gave to man the vote of woman. MRS. J. A. RUPP.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
They didn’t make it so slick this time. It
was a bad night to go clothes lining, but they did it, and at the residence of
D. Berkey, Manning street, they saw a line with a fine lot of ghostly array
that were caught out by the storm and incapacitated for indoors. Their visit
was too early, and they had hardly got their arms full of various mentionable
and unmentionable apparel, stripping the line, before members of the family
“caught on,” and telephoned to the jail to the officials, and Mrs. Bishop, and
Misses Mary and Eva Berkey started on the track of the thieves, easily followed
in the snow, but made pretty hard by the blinding storm. They got but four or
five blocks, when Frank W. Finch and Joe Church arrived from the jail, took the
track, and the young ladies returned home. The tracks went west along the S. K.
railroad, across the bridge, and to the house over the river where Knowles used
to live. The thieves had got home, laid their booty on a chair, and were
warming up. When the officials went in, the woman grabbed up the clothes, a
large bundle, and valuables, and with the boys darted through a room and
outdoors, Church after them. He soon caught the boys. The woman threw the
clothes in the snow, and coming around the corner of the house, came in to the
fire, where Finch and the old man were holding things down. The boys are
William and Stephen George, and were lodged in jail. They refused to plead
guilty and today William’s wife, who threw the clothes in the snow, was
arrested as an accomplice. The family have been here about two years. Mrs.
Bishop and the Misses Berkey certainly showed much pluck in securing the
capture of these thieves.
The nocturnal purloiners were before Judge
Buckman this afternoon and their trial was set for Friday at 9 o’clock.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The jury in the case of Francis J. Sessions
vs. John P. Strickland arrived at a verdict Saturday night, just one minute
before twelve o’clock. The Plaintiff was awarded $437. Sessions sold $800.00
worth of cattle in New York, to Dan Strickland, who died soon after the cattle
were shipped to Arkansas City. John P. Strickland received the cattle and
claimed that Dan owed nothing on them. The evidence proved different. This case
has been in our District Court since 1883, without a trial till now.
Adam N. Schuster vs. Lewis H. Slaten:
judgment by default for $94.70 and interest at 12 per cent.
Various motions for new trials in cases vs.
K. C. & S. W. were overruled, with judgments on the verdicts, cases to be
settled on five days notice.
Motion to confirm sale of the Winfield
Creamery, in which M. L. Read is plaintiff, was sustained.
The motion for a new trial in Sessions vs.
Strickland was overruled, case to be settled on ten days notice.
Court adjourned to February 22nd,
when a short term will be held. Judge Torrance and Stenographer Raymond went
over to Howard this evening to open the Elk County court.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Cowley always gets there. The D., M. & A.
bill, formulated, presented, and worked up by Cowley’s delegation, passed the
House Monday, and is ready for the Governor’s signature. It legalizes the
charter of the Company and validates all bonds voted to it. This ends a long
and tedious suspense. There is no doubt now that the company has everything in
readiness to begin active operations as soon as the frost is out of the ground.
The leaders of this movement, our C. C. Black, prominent among them, have
displayed pluck and energy wonderful. They went in to give Winfield and
Southern Kansas one of the most valuable railroads in the west and nothing has
daunted them. Time, money, and brains have been largely expended, backed by
wonderfully zealous public spirit. The D., M. & A. will be running into
Winfield by June 1st, if not before. The Florence, El Dorado &
Walnut Valley will strike us even before that, giving us five of the best
railroads in Kansas, with good prospects for more. Verily, the Queen of the
Valley boometh with a double-concentrated boom—the pride of every citizen and
the envy of all surroundings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Christian Church has called Elder J. W.
Vawter, of Marion, Iowa. He has accepted and preaches his first sermon here
next Sunday. Regarding his departure, the ministers’ meeting of Marion adopted
the following, which we get from the Pilot of that city.
“WHEREAS, our Brother, Rev. J. W. Vawter,
pastor of the Christian Church, is about to leave his present charge for a new
field of labor in Winfield, Kansas.
Resolved, That we take this occasion to express our sincere regret for his
departure from his present field, where he has worked so faithfully and so
efficiently; from our community, where he is highly esteemed by all, and from
our Ministerial Union, where his presence and counsels have ever given us great
pleasure and profit. And we desire to bear testimony to his loyalty and
earnestness in preaching and toiling for the cause of Christ. We commend him
most heartily to the society and people where he may labor in the future. Our
prayers and best wishes accompany Brother Vawter and family.
MAY, W. A. WATERMAN, Committee.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Henry Edwards, the east 7th avenue
blacksmith, residing in the old Rodgers property on South Main, thinks he was
robbed Sunday in a manner very slick. When himself and wife came home from
church last night, they thought they heard someone upstairs, but the sound
dying down, they thought no more of it. He put his pants, containing $180 and
his shop key, under his pillow. This morning they were lying on the floor and
the pockets emptied. He thinks there is no doubt but what someone came in the
back door, which was unlocked, and did the cute act.
from 1st page.]
M. Wood’s Story Continued.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
In June 1869 while I was trading in my store
one morning, a large number of Indians came in, looking as if they meant
mischief. A young buck came to me and said how much Wabusky (flour) one pony?
showing me a pony at the door. I told him that I was not trading for ponies;
that I had no use for them and if I had, that I could not take care of them
now; but that at some other time I might be able to accommodate him; that if I
should trade for one that he would steal it from me; at which he laughed and
said: “No, me take care of it for you; me good Indian, me no steal.” Finding
that he could not prevail upon me to trade, he became offended and in an
excited manner said: “You came here to trade and you must trade or we will kill
you and burn your house.” I told him that I was not afraid of their killing
anybody, that I was running my own business, and should continue to do so as
long as I could; whereupon he turned and went away, saying in a vehement
manner, “pesha,” meaning bad. A few minutes after the above occurrence, while I
was standing in the back end of the store, the house being pretty well filled
with Indians, many of them sitting on the floor, two young bucks came rushing
in at the front door. While a third buck rode close up to the same door on a
pony, the first two, taking up a sack of flour (one at each end) started for
the door. Discovering their intention I bounded across the house, reaching the
door first, stopped them, and with all the authority of voice I could muster,
ordered them to put that flour back where they got it, which was obeyed without
the least hesitation. I then caught the nearest one by his scalp lock, slung
him through the door, and with my foot landed him heels over head on the ground
outside. Making after the other one, who was active enough to partially dodge
me, I only got one kick in his breech-clout, which sent him also through the
door. The two Indians broke and ran down across the prairie toward the
encampment, occasionally looking back to see what was coming next. The Indians
sitting down jumped to their feet, ran to the door, hollowing after the
victims, saying, “Squaw! Squaw!” meaning coward. At this time a large, fine
looking Indian came up to me and patted me on the shoulder, saying, “Heap brave
white man.” I felt much flattered on my success in disposing of those fellows
as I knew this to be the signal for a general onslaught upon my goods; and had
I flinched in the least, it would have been “Good bye, John,” and no one could
have told where they would have stopped.
About two hours after the above occurred and
while I was taking in buckskins, coon skins, etc., and putting out flour,
sugar, coffee, salt, and other articles—everything seemingly going on as well
as could be expected—all at once a flame of fire burst through the floor, next
and at the middle of the north side of the house; but as luck would have it
again, I happened to have about half a bucket of water and was able to put the
fire out. I then ran out of the house with my navy in my hand and fully
determined to use it, but the Indians committing the deed were too far away
making lively tricks for camp.
While all of the above mentioned
circumstances were taking place, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Stansbury, and the other
two young men were standing ready to take a hand at any time should it become
necessary; but I had instructed them to take no action until I called upon them
as I was afraid that they might do something rash that might be the cause of
much damage. I, myself, had some experience with Indians, and had consulted
with some of the oldest and most successful Indian traders in the west as to
what course to take in case I got in a tight place. Up to this time I found
that my instructions had been correct and worked like a charm. About half an
hour before we were to leave the store, large numbers of Indians came and
wanted to trade. We accommodated them as far as we could, but found the trade
not very agreeable, as many attempts at stealing were made. In one case, when
Mr. Patterson was giving one of them some sugar, he at once commenced to help
himself, whereupon Mr. Patterson caught him and threw him across the house and
was about to strike him with his fist when I hallowed out, “Don’t strike; hold
on, what’s the matter?” Then the Indian came running to me, saying, “Pesha
white man strike me,” I said, “No, he shall not strike you if you will be good
and not steal from us.” I should have let Mr. Patterson hit the Indian; but we had
got along so well thus far that I considered our real safety consisted in
holding our own without bringing on a collision in which no doubt the Indians
would have done us up in “short meter.” The reader will remember that Indians
were on the east of us, Indians on the south of us, and the raging Walnut on
the west of us, also the rattling Dutch (now Timber) creek on the north of us,
so you see we could not have run from the Indians had we desired to do so;
therefore, we had to remain here and make the best of the “Pig in the Pen”
After getting away and getting up the Walnut
river, I found that it was reported that “Woods’ ranch had been cleaned out and
he and several other men had been killed.” These reports were willingly
circulated by some of the Douglass people, believing that such reports would
build up their point and would ruin our enterprise. Imagine how one would feel
upon meeting strangers after such an experience and hear them recount to you
how you had been murdered and plundered by the noble red man, the stranger not
knowing who you were. Such was our experience. Those whom I met who knew me,
seemed certain that I was dead, and expressed much surprise upon meeting me
alive and well, full of hope, not daunted in the least, as everything that
seemed to happen to restore our undertaking made us more determined than ever.
Such was the spirit manifested by all, or nearly all, of the first settlers of
this beautiful valley.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Even in an enterprising, progressive, and
progressive city as Winfield, you find the chronic kicker. No matter how much
money he makes—though his property double and treble in value, he can always be
seen wobbling his tongue against every movement that comes up for the
advancement of the city. His excuses are as unfounded as the stairway to the
moon. But, bless the Lord, there is one thing he never kicks on—raking in the
benefits after the public-spirited men of the city have secured them. We heard
a man kicking on the grand victory we have just secured in getting the Santa
Fe, throwing in some venom about the undesirability of this county in general,
when he has made more money since locating here a year ago than he did in the
whole ten years before. His first investment was a house and lot for $3,000
that he wouldn’t take $6,000 for today. Then he bought a farm for two thousand
dollars and not a week ago was offered $12,000 with the few improvements that
he had added. And several other investments have “panned” equally well. Still
he kicks. He will always kick—yes, will even try to kick off the old man with
his death scythe when he comes around. Look at some more of the kickers. Who are
they? Men who have made about everything they’ve got here—made it by standing
around and gobbling the results of other’s labor and vim. Every progressive
movement is met by them with a whining squeal—until it is a settled thing and
the fruits begin to roll in. Then they shut their mouth, throw their eyes open,
and grab. Brace up! Put your shoulder to the wheel of progress and entitle
yourself, Mr. Kicker, to a share of the benefits. It will make you feel like a
man, make you feel that a share of the city’s wonderful development and
prosperity is due to your enterprise and labor. Suppose everybody, from the
founding of Winfield, had been just like you, giving their boot to every
progressive movement that was sprung, what would our city be today? What would
you or anybody else be worth? Wake up! Get into the trades, seek harmony and
concentration join our onward march and you will not only be happy, wise, and
wealthy, but when you die, we will all chip in and buy you a monument. It is
the men who are always foremost in everything for the upbuilding of the moral,
material, and general welfare of our city that we delight in honoring. Forswear
your kinship to Mr. Balaam’s animal and quit kicking. When you feel like
kicking anybody or anything that is liable to bring good to our people or city,
go off in the dark and kick yourself.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Thomas C. Brown and Coraline M. Ridgeway;
Elmer G. McKown and Belle Evans got authority today that will tie the silken
cords of oneness.
R. B. Averman was appointed guardian of the
persons and estate of Sarah J. Whitehead, a minor.
Johnathan Duncan filed inventory of the
personal estate of C. F. Smith, deceased.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
I hereby give notice to the public that I
will make a discount of 15 per cent in all suits and overcoats until March 1st.
I do this to dispose of my fall and winter stock and make room for my spring
goods, and to give as much employment as possible to my hands during the dull
season. This is no humbug. Try me. A. Herpich, merchant tailor, over Henry
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Tuesday was Ground Hog Day. This is the day
when he wakes up, rubs his eyes, and while the old lady is rustling around
getting up the breakfast, he steps out doors, for the first time during the
winter, and looks for his shadow. He had a tough time of it today. Old man
Boreas, the measly, unstable “cuss,” had completely blockaded Mr. Ground Hog’s
door with snow and he had to summon the whole family and borrow all the D., M.
& A. shovels to dig out. He found a reception that made him hoist his
bristles, double up his spine, and put on a heavy covering of profound
meditation and rheumatism. Placing his dirt-rimmed specks on his railback nose,
he frolicked around in the snow, knocking down everybody that passed, with a
snow-ball. But he couldn’t find his shadow: too thick to make one, probably,
being of the Arkansaw tribe, and went back into his hole and told the old lady
and “younguns” that it was mighty squeamish up here, but to wake up, wash their
snoots, and get ready to go browsing, for spring is near at hand—and they had
slept enough anyhow. If he had seen his shadow, it would have been six more
weeks blizzard and sleep. The old superstition, or similar ones, prevail all
over the world. In Germany it is the badger who goes through these gymnastics;
in France and Switzerland, it is the marmot; in England, the hedge hog. The
Scandinavian fables the bear into waking up in like manner, and seeing the sun
shining into his den. He then turns over and goes to sleep again, for he knows
the winter is only half gone. There are no persons in this country who believe
in the ground hog superstition more firmly than the negroes of the Southern
states, who seem to have brought a similar fable with their lore of Brer Rabbit
from the shores of Africa. Now the question is, how does a small natural
history fable like this appear simultaneously on the continents, and respect
itself interminably through the ages? It is not because it has any foundation
in truth, for one has only to take note of the absolute weather conditions on
this and succeeding days for a few seasons to prove it a pure fiction. And yet
some people go on believing in the fable and repeating old saws about it, such
as: “The farmer would rather see a wolf in his barn than the sun on Candlemas
day,” or, “As far as the sun shines in at the door on the second of February,
so far the snow will drift in on the 2nd of May,” and so on. The
only foundation for the fable seems to be the general truth that pleasant
weather in February is liable to be followed by a change, and a chilly spring,
But the age of such superstitions is fast dying out. This is the time of
practical realities. We don’t depend on “nothin.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Tuesday night was a terrible one to be burned
out of house and home. But the fates question not weather, financial condition,
or probable results when they come down with destructive hand. The little home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Belveal, out in Alexandria, at the foot of the 8th
avenue mound, was burned last night between 7 and 8 o’clock. It caught from the
flue. In the morning the house was fired between the rafters in the attic, but
was discovered, and put out. But the flue was bad, running from the ceiling up,
and the sparks dropped down between the main wall last night, and was
discovered by the roar when almost the whole north side of the house was in
flames. This is half a mile out of the fire limits. Mr. Belveal is seventy-two
years old and very badly palsied. His wife is sixty-five and was sick in bed
with lung fever. A daughter was with them when the fire caught. Neighbors
rushed in, carried the old folks to a neighbor’s, and got out some of the
household goods, which were very scanty to begin with. Mr. Belveal owned this
little house and has an acre of ground there. The rent from a little house down
town, $5 a month, has been the only dependence of himself and wife during the
winter. He has three sons, all married, who have families living near him. One
of them is a plasterer and the others are farmers. Of course, during the severe
weather of the past six weeks, they could do nothing and having no sinking
fund, are having a hard time to pull through.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
All results pronounce this even a worse storm
than the one of January 7th. The snow was very heavy and drifted
into great banks that are almost impregnable. The rail is blockaded all over
the state, and in many places in the east. There will be no main line Santa Fe
trains for even a longer time than the January blockade. Winfield has not had a
train since Monday evening. The east bound S. K. train, due here at 10:30
yesterday morning, is stuck at Grenola, and can’t tell when it will get
through, as the Flint Hill cuts are chock full of heavily packed snow. The
Frisco train started up from Arkansas City Tuesday morning, but only got a few
miles when it had to crawfish back. The Santa Fe train, due here at 11:58
Tuesday, is stopped at Udall by a snow drift, and will probably get down this
evening. All the engines and men on this end of the divisions of our three
lines are bucking in, but have a mighty big job on their hands. The S. K, and
S. F. trains have orders to make Winfield as soon as possible and to remain
here till the lines are cleared. We are without mail from anywhere, and Uncle
Sam’s boys at the post office are having a fine vacation—answering the
persistent questions of the chronic mail fiends. The suffering in the western
counties must be intense. They scarcely had time to lay in fuel between the
opening of the last blockade and the advent of this one.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Dr. W. P. Rothrock and wife, of Winfield,
Kansas, arrived in the city Sunday on second day express, and were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Wilson. They are on a protracted visit to friends in
Lock Haven, of which place Mrs. Rothrock is a native. Dr. Rothrock formerly
published the Clinton Tribune, succeeding his brother, R. W. Rothrock,
who purchased the paper from Mr. A. J. Greer, now of this city, January 1,
1851: thirty-five years ago. Dr. Rothrock is a pleasant, intelligent gentlemen,
and delighted the founder of the Clinton paper with reminiscences of old-time
friends on the West Branch, and gave an interesting and at times humorous
history of matters and things in his western home. The Tribune wishes the
doctor and his excellent companion an enjoyable visit among their many friends.
Altoona Tribune.
The doctor was among our callers on Monday
afternoon, the picture of health, happiness, and contentment. He and Mrs.
Rothrock are the guests of W. P. Mitchell and family of this city. Clinton
The above refers to our esteemed fellow
citizen, Dr. Rothrock.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Wellington is badly stirred up over the order
of General Manager Barnes to move the Wellington division of the S. K. railroad
to Winfield as soon as the weather breaks. This division extends from
Cherryvale to Wellington and from Wellington to Medicine Lodge. It has small
machine shops and the headquarters of the train master, the division
superintendent, road master, and several other minor officials. This is the
first move toward establishing the shops, round houses, and headquarters at
Winfield of the Santa Fe’s three divisions. And so we march on, laying it right
over all competitors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Having sold my interest in the Coal and Wood
business to Ivan A. Robinson, I take this method of thanking my friends and
patrons for their liberal patronage in the past five years, and would
respectfully ask a continuance to my successor, Mr. Robinson, Respectively,
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
40 acres of land joining Winfield on the
south. Two good dwellings, young orchard, two corrals, fish pond of two acres,
well fenced, as good for gardening or small fruit as on the Walnut river. Call
at Ira Kyger’s second hand store, 1017 Main.
Facts in the Maple City Murder As Elicited by Coroner Wells’ Examination.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Coroner H. L. Wells and Capt. H. H. Siverd,
after nearly two days’ examination, concluded the inquest on the body of John
Snyder, at Maple City, Saturday afternoon. Thirty-two witnesses were examined.
The jury, J. G. Shreves, Geo. Eaton, H. S. Libbey, S. S. Blakesley, and P. S.
Gilgis, returned a verdict that John Snyder came to his death on January 27,
1886, from a pistol shot fired by John W. Marshall. About the only new facts
developed, other than those given in THE COURIER, came from William Clay,
father-in-law of John Marshall, the murderer. He said: “Three or four days
before the shooting, I met Jack Snyder crossing the street. He said, ‘Where is
Marshall?’ I answered, ‘In the house.’ He said: ‘I am going for the s of a b before I leave town.’”
“There was a dance at my house during the
holidays and Snyder, who was there, handed me a revolver, saying he did not
like to have it jolting up and down in his pocket while he was dancing. I laid
it in the bureau drawer. When he came for it in the morning, he said, ‘It is
not a nice thing to carry, but I hain’t gone without one since I was a boy.’”
Robt. E. Howe said that Dr. Hart did buy a
whip of him within the week before the tragedy. Hart told him he bought it to
whip a dog with.
Leo J. Arithus said: “I saw Snyder in
Arthaton’s store on January 22nd. His whip was hanging on a nail
behind the counter and he asked one of the boys to hand it to him. He rolled it
up and stuck it under his vest. I said, I suppose you are going to jump into
some old cripple? He said, ‘No, but I give you a pointer that I am going to use
it.’ Dr. Hart soon came in and the subject of horse-whipping Marshall came up.”
Mr. Drury said, “I understand that you are
going to hold Marshall up with a pistol while Snyder whips him? Dr. Hart
answered, ‘That is the way of it.’”
Mr. Drury continued, “That kind of business
has never been done in this county and the people will not allow it. If
Marshall has done him wrong, the law should punish. Hart said, ‘You would not
want your wife or sister brought into law. I intend to stand there with my
pistol in my pocket and see that Jack whips him and that no one interferes.’”
E. A. Goodrich said: “I met Dr. Hart at
Arthaton’s store. He said, ‘Wait a few minutes and you will see some fun. Jack
is going to horse-whip Marshall.’ I told him he could not do it. He answered,
‘I am going to stand by see it done.’ I told him the people would not allow it.
He said: ‘How can they help it and me with this,’ showing me a revolver. I then
went to Justice of the Peace A. Gilkey, and told him to stay in town or appoint
someone to watch and stop the trouble. He said he would stay himself.”
John Drury: “On Jan. 22nd I saw
Dr. Hart in my store and asked him if it was true that he had said he was going
to hold Marshall up with a revolver while Snyder whipped him with a horse whip.
He first denied it, then said if he had said it, he said it in a passion. He
believed it ought to be done and in his country (New Orleans) it would be done.
Other talk was had when Hart called me out on the steps and said he would take
back all he said—he didn’t mean a word of it and he wasn’t positive he had said
it, and anyhow he didn’t intend to do it.”
Melinda Clay, mother-in-law of Marshall, said
she had seen both Hart and Snyder have revolvers at her house. She had heard
Marshall say he should protect himself if they went for him. Heard Marshall say
he was afraid Snyder would attack him and that he would prepare himself for
H. B. Wiser: “On the 10th I went
to get medicine of Hart and he told me he was going to leave the next Friday—he
wouldn’t stay in a place where they slandered so much. I told him that I would
not pay any attention to that. We need a good doctor here and I wanted him to
stay. He said he was going to have his partner give a son of a b a good whipping before he left. They would whip him just like a
nigger in New Orleans—horse-whip him. I told him he had better let that out.
The neighbors would not stand it. He might get hurt doing the deed. He said he
was not afraid; he would hold his ‘pop’ down on Marshall while his partner did
the business.”
Dr. Hart’s testimony, touching the whipping
points only slightly, is in exact contradiction of the evidence as given above.
He swore that himself or Snyder were not armed at the time of the shooting and
never were. Also that Marshall held him up, after firing the fatal shot, and
had a passing school boy search him; that no weapons or whip was found on
either he or Snyder.
Capt. Siverd showed us the revolver and
bullet this morning. The weapon is a 32-calibre, double-action Smith &
Wesson. The bullet’s course, from the evidence, indicates that Snyder was
turning to run when the ball struck him—behind the left ear, going through the
brain over the left eye, glancing and lodging over the right eye. The bullet
was badly mashed. Nothing regarding Miss Andrews or the reports circulated by
Marshall about her and Snyder were brought out in the evidence.
and Velveteens.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
During the next ten days we will offer to the
ladies of Winfield and Cowley County unheard of bargains in black and colored
velvets and velveteens. To prove our assertion we will give a few prices.
Lot 1. Black and colored velveteens including
all new shades, good quality, at the low price of 58 cents a yard.
Lot 2. Ten pieces of sorted new colors and
best quality at 78 cents a yard.
Lot 3. An elegant quality of silk velvet, all
colors, at 88 cents a yard.
Lot 4. A much better and wider goods, former
price $2.25, present price $1.70 a yard.
Lot 5. A very handsome brocaded silk velvet,
three different colors, former price $2.75; present price $1.90 a yard.
At these prices they are positively the
cheapest goods ever offered, and we invite the ladies to call in and examine
them whether they wish to purchase or not. Respectfully,
HAHN & Co., 819 Main Street
We are agents for Butterick’s Patterns.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A number of parents whose small children are
excluded from the city schools, or made to attend out of their ward, are asking
loudly the reason. They think that with the six additional rooms of the central
building, the number of pupils crowded out of the schools should be diminished.
This was the earnest hope in the construction of this $14,000 addition, and
though the school population has increased considerably in the last year, those
who are deprived of school privileges can’t understand the necessity of excluding
nearly as many children as last winter, before the addition was built. They
think there is radical wrong in the executive management and charge various
useless confusions in all the departments this winter, an unsettled state of
affairs that needs a remedy badly, and will cut a big figure in the next
selection of a superintendent. If Prof. Gridley has an explanation that will
ease down these complaints, THE COURIER will be glad to give him an
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
No. 26. A farm of 160 acres, barn worth
$1,000, buggy shed, granaries, corn cribs, and good dwelling of four rooms, 2½
miles from railroad station. Price, $3,200, if sold before March 1st.
No. 27. 80 acres 20 miles from Winfield, good
3 room house, small barn, and other valuable improvements. Price, $1,200, if
sold in ten days.
No. 28. 80 acres 2 miles from Winfield.
Price, $40 per acre.
No. 29. 40 acres within 1 mile of Winfield,
will be sold in small tracts if desired, at $60 per acre, to parties who will
The above are the best bargains in Cowley
County, and will be sold, “don’t you forget it.” H. T. SHIVVERS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Messrs. Gregg & Rice, the new firm of
fruit men who have located in our city, have closed a contract with D.
Rodocker, whereby they agree to plant 120 acres of Mr. Rodocker’s farm in
Pleasant Valley township, in fruit trees, and to have it stocked in the course
of three years. Gregg & Rice are to bear all the expenses, Mr. Rodocker to
furnish the land, and as soon as the trees begin to bear, Gregg & Rice will
start a canning establishment. They will also make a specialty of fruit for the
market, and in connection will run a nursery. The profits are to be divided
equally between the first and second parties. The land is a valuable place for
this business, laying on the Frisco, and is well adapted for such purposes. It
looks like a good thing for all parties interested.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
On and after March 1st, 1886, the
sw ¼ of section 3, township 33, range 3, in Beaver township, owned by A. B.
Story. A. H. Green, Agent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
“Eight or ten years ago I knew everybody in
Winfield,” said an old settler this morning as he gazed into the benign
countenance of our sanctum stove. “Now I scarcely know anybody. The city is
getting very aristocratic. We never see any of that old-fashioned, general
commingling and sociability.” And he was right, in a measure. For a city of its
size, age, and fashion, Winfield is remarkably social. But we have passed the
pioneer period. It was way back yonder that a strange gentleman could arrive on
Wednesday morning, by stage or “schooner,” and was acquainted with everybody in
town by Friday night. Those were the times of genuine free-heartedness and
sociability. Nearly all the men were bachelors, or had run away from their
families in the east, and a dozen marriageable girls constituted the wealth of
the town. The old settler tells us about how the dances, church socials, and
various “doin’s” of that golden age eclipsed our modern balls, swell
receptions, etc. Winfield, according to Kansas chronology, is an old place. In
the pioneer days of old log and “upright” shanties, a man stayed in his apology
of a home as little as possible. He was anxious to go “down town,” to go to any
“show”—to go anywhere. He would rather stand in the middle of the street for
two hours (for we had no such blasted blizzards as this in those days) and talk
to a man than to go into his home. The shanties have all grown into stately
residences with all modern comforts and conveniences, and the “old man” finds
enjoyment supreme in sitting, with THE DAILY COURIER in hand, at his glowing
fireside around which prattle bright, pretty children, watched over by an
intelligent, loving wife, instead of rushing down town to meet World, Flesh,
Devil, and the other boys. With the growth of the city has come the divisions
into cliques and parties to suit, and instead of coming into town, as of old,
and in three days becoming a promising candidate for the city council, the
newcomer must bide his time; the ladies must await the calls of courtesy, and
drop gradually into their selected “set.” He who would see the genuine social
freedom of old, where everybody knows everybody, must seek some younger town
than Winfield. Now-a-days few know who the newcomers are, they come so thick
and fast—where they are from or what are their claims of recognition. It is
impossible to keep track of them all—even THE DAILY news gatherer, who makes it
a business, can’t do it. We are getting metropolitan.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The Baptist and Presbyterian churches were
packed Sunday eve for the union services conducted by the pastors of the city.
The mud didn’t interfere with church
attendance Sunday—every church crowded as usual. Our preachers give
intellectual as well as spiritual treats there by catching both saint and
The A. M. E. folks had their usual services
Sunday, with a good sermon by Rev. Young, the pastor. With the recent addition
to their building, the colored folks have a very commodious place of worship.
Elder H. D. Gans preached at the Christian
church Sunday morning from Job xxxiv:3: “For the ear trieth words, as the mouth
tasteth meat.” It was a thorough demonstration of the power and influence of
words for good or evil. Elder Dailey preached in the evening.
Rev. Miller at the Presbyterian church Sunday
morning preached a very practical sermon on Psalms, xiii-8: “That he may set
him with princes, even with the princes of his people.” It was a forcible
exposition of the power of God to exalt nations and people.
At the Baptist church Sunday morning, Rev.
Reider delivered a sermon on “The Broad Wall.” The wall was a representation of
the christian religion that has withstood the tempests and waves of centuries
and yet stands the great shield and savior of humanity.
The organ versus anti-organ sentiments of the
Christian church were shown in a vivid light Sunday eve. At the time of
services, the organ was wheeled out, when the anti-organ party rose up in a
body and walked out. They held a caucus on the streets and concluded to go to a
private house and hold services.
Rev. Kelly preached an enthusiastic sermon on
“Victory and how to win it,” at the Methodist church Sunday. The prelude was
that the idea is all wrong that because you are in Rome you must do as Rome
does. The purpose of right in the heart must predominate over all custom.
Pleasure must be inward, coming from Godliness in the heart, and not pumped in
artificially from the outside, through giddy and questionable amusements. The
Bible is the basis of all happiness and should be heeded with the backbone to
say, no! The main thought of the sermon was that life is a continual warfare;
war against all the arts and temptations of sin. Brother Kelly struck the key
note to all true character in his appeal for men and women whose lives are
impregnable—principal that is above contamination and excesses. The specific
and radical shoulder, hitters on certain christian irregularities and general
social indulgences, anticipated by the audience, were withheld. Brother Kelly
usually strikes boldly and will likely touch these things up later.
Brother Kelly “popped” it to the press in his
sermon Sunday. He wants nothing but the moral, religious, and strictly pure
side of life published—no murders, no suicides, no elopements, no robberies,
and none of the “worldly” side. He would kill all “giddy social twaddle,” as he
terms it. He would have all strictly religious journals. Secular papers are for
giving the news, for satisfying the God given curiosity of a promiscuous
public. Life is varied. Our tastes vary, our ideas vary, our beliefs vary. A
newspaper has all these to satisfy. All transpirings must be chronicled by a
journal with the true spirit of American enterprise. The reader can cull to
suit his tastes. Without publicity, evil would soon run rampant. The press,
with its publicity, commendation and condemnation, and the pulpit, with its
Biblical truths and precepts, are the great promoters of our civilization. The
press is the world’s recording secretary and it does it well. Of course, the
papers that pander to the vile, the vicious, and obscene, should and will be
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The boys are getting excited about No Man’s
Land, and with the breaking up of winter will witness a perfect jam of
emigration to that strip. Congress has not yet opened the country to
settlement, but it is supposed that it will be at the present session. Then it
will have to be surveyed and platted. All this will require time, so there is
no necessity of getting excited about the matter. This land is a strip 168
miles long and between 30 and 36 miles wide, lying east of the Pan Handle of
Texas and south of Kansas and Colorado. Camp Supply, in the Indian Territory,
is located a few miles from the eastern border of this land and Beaver creek
heads up its center.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Old Boreas got on his ear again Monday night
and came down with a how equaling that of Jan. 7th. He howled,
shrieked, and tore around in a manner to freeze your blood and drive everybody
and everything indoors. Yes, even the man who swore only a day or two ago that
the back bone of winter was broken square in two, hugged the stove with
vengeance and despairingly groaned at the aspect without. This is by far the
heaviest snow of the winter, though it has drifted so that nothing definite can
be told of the average fall, but it must be at least six inches: remarkable for
this country.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Having bought the Coal and Wood Yard of A. H.
Doane, I would respectfully ask the many and old time patrons of Mr. Doane to
continue their trade at the old stand, assuring all that the same liberal
methods of dealing will be continued in the future, as in the past, with full
stock, low prices, and prompt delivery of orders. I am, Respectfully,
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
About November 20th, two
3-year-old Mexican steers branded H, on left side. A liberal reward for
information leading to their recovery. Address Charles H. Elliott, Post-office,
New Salem.
Soldiers Fired On By Mexican Troops and Captain Crawford Killed.
Others Wounded.—The Mexicans Lose Four Killed.—Origin of the Affair.
Mistaken for Hostiles.
a Conference Between Geronimo and Crook.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28. A telegram received
at the Presidio today from Fort Bowie, Arizona, signed General Crook, gives the
contents of a dispatch from Lieutenant Maas dated Nicori, Sonora, Mexico,
January 21. It states that the troops under Captain Crawford on January 11,
surrounded and attacked an Indian camp fifty miles southeast of Nicori. A two
hours’ running fight took place and a number of Indians were wounded, but all
escaped. The hostiles then sent word that they wished to hold a conference.
While the troops were in camp awaiting the time for the conference, they were
attacked by 154 Mexican soldiers. Efforts were made to let the Mexicans know
that the troops were Americans and friends.
Captain Crawford and Lieutenant Maas advanced
to talk with them whereupon a volley was fired. Captain Crawford was shot in
the head and Mr. Horn, the interpreter, was slightly wounded in the left arm.
The Mexican fire was partly returned by the scouts of Captain Crawford’s
command, but only sufficient to keep them at a distance. The firing lasted half
an hour when Lieutenant Maas succeeded in having a talk with the officer in
command of the Mexicans, whose Captain had meantime been killed. He was told
the Americans were taken for hostiles owing to the darkness. The Mexicans
signed a paper to that effect. The loss to the Americans by the unfortunate
affair was: Captain Crawford, mortally wounded; Mr. Horn, chief of scouts; two
Indians, slightly wounded; another severely wounded. The Mexican loss was four
killed. In a telegram Lieutenant Maas says he believes the Mexicans expected to
drive the Americans off with their overwhelming force and secure their camp and
effects. Captain Crawford died on the 18th during their march to
Nicori, where he was buried. He was unconscious until his death. Lieutenant
Maas then assumed command.
While the troops were en route to Nicori,
twenty-two squaws entered the camp, through whom arrangements were made for a
conference with two bucks of the hostile band. This ended by Chief Nana and one
buck, wife and child of both Geronimo and Natchez, a sister of Geronimo, one
boy and a woman being given as hostages to Lieutenant Maas for the observance
of peace until Geronimo meets General Crook, with whom he expressed a wish to
have a talk. A meeting between Crook and Geronimo will take place in about a
month and will undoubtedly end in the Indian surrender. The band consists of
Chiefs Geronimo, Natchez; Chihuahua and Nana, twenty bucks, some women and
children. Lieutenant Maas is now heading for Lang’s ranch.
on Executive Appointments Introduced.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. In the executive session
of the Senate yesterday, Senator Morrill from the Finance Committee offered two
resolutions which, under objection from the Democratic side, were laid over for
a day. One of them is similar to that offered by Senator Edmunds from the
Judiciary Committee. It directs the Secretary of the Treasury to send to the
Finance Committee any papers on file in his office relating to the
administration of the office of Collector of Internal Revenue for the District
of West Virginia by Samuel P. McCormick, who was suspended last spring and
succeeded by John T. McGraw, whose nomination was not acted upon by the Senate
during the called session and who was renominated in December. The other
resolution directs the Secretary of the Treasury to send to the committee the
papers on file in the department relating to the appointment and record of D.
Frank Bradley, named as collector of internal revenue for the District of South
Carolina, vice Ellery W. Brayton, suspended. The nomination was made December
The Senate confirmed the following
United States Attorneys: Cyrenius P. Black,
for the Eastern District of Michigan; Daniel O. Finch, for the Southern
District of Iowa; R. C. Smith, for Montana.
United States Marshals: Frederick H. Marsh,
Northern District of Illinois; Edward Campbell, Jr., for the Southern District
of Iowa; A. J. Goss, for Kentucky.
Registers of Land Offices: Thomas J. Butler,
at New Orleans; D. H. Hall, at Eureka, Nevada; H. Pefley, Boise City, Idaho; W.
S. Austin, Vancouver, Washington Territory; R. McFarland, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho;
E. Horan, Eau Claire, Wisconsin; S. E. Thayer, Wausau, Wisconsin.
Receivers of Public Moneys: Tyrell H. Bell,
Visalia, California; John E. Buden, Stockton, California; W. O. Mills, Eureka,
Nevada; J. O. Keane, Vancouver, Washington Territory; D. T. Branstetter, Boise
City, Idaho; W. J. Cody, Codie, California; S. S. Kepler, Eau Claire,
Wisconsin; O. C. Hals, La Crosse, Wisconsin; C. Spaulding, Topeka, Kansas; M.
D. McHenry, Des Moines, Iowa.
Collectors of Customs: W. J. McKinnie,
Cuyahoga, Ohio; R. H. Arbuckle, Erie, Pennsylvania.
Supervising Inspector of Steam Vessels for the
Seventh District: A. Warden.
Surveyor General of Florida: W. D. Bloxham.
Postmasters: James Rutherford, Milford,
Michigan; Patrick Calligan, Alpena, Michigan; George Crawford, Mineral Point,
Wisconsin; John Pepper, Boscobel, Wisconsin.
None of the predecessors of the above named
appointees were “removed” or “suspended.”
Ironworkers on Strike Throw the Manager Out Of a Window.
Rioters Killed and Wounded.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
PARIS, Jan. 28. Two thousand striking
employees at one of the iron works in Decosseville, Department of Aveyroni,
attacked the house of the manager of the works, broke open the doors, entered
the building, seized the manager, and threw him out of the window. The poor fellow
was then trampled to death by the angry crowd. Troops were sent to quell the
disturbance, and restored order, but not until several of the rioters had been
killed and a number wounded. The strike grew out of a question of wages.
11, 1886.—SIX PAGES.
Queen City a Metropolitan Future Now Assured.
Great Railroad, Commercial, and Educational Center of Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Winfield’s future is no longer a matter of
ideal speculation. It is a surety, in the hands of a people who know nothing
but victory. Everything we have put our hands to in the last few years has come
forward with crowning glory. Unlike many of our would-be rivals, we don’t deal
in wind. Wind is all right when you’ve got something to blow about. But wind
never builds great cities. It takes solid, persistent, shrewd labor and
concentrated harmony on the part of every inhabitant. All these have been
indomitably brought to bear on Winfield and the result is even beyond the
fondest anticipations. Look at the past year and view the accomplishments that
make Wichita, Wellington, El Dorado, Independence, and other villages of the
state turn pale with envy. Go out on the mound and view that State institution,
the Imbecile Asylum, with its four stories and large dimensions almost
completed; on a beautiful site south, the magnificent college of the Southwest
Kansas M. E. College, which will be completed and ready for pupils in 1886.
Look at the Frisco railroad, backed by one of the strongest organizations in
the west, giving us direct connection with St. Louis and the east. Take a walk
along our main business streets and view the magic change wrought—the many
elegant business blocks constructed. View the hundreds of fine residences, the
magnificent three-story Central school building—in fact, contemplate
improvements of nearly a million dollars in the last year and you have an idea
of our actual achievements. Now look to the future we have mapped for a
certainty. Consider the main line of the Santa Fe, from the Missouri River to
Texas, with through trains running from Kansas City to Ft. Worth. The machine
shops, round houses, and officials for the Newton, El Dorado, Independence, and
Texas divisions of the Santa Fe system of railroads at Winfield. Then comes the
D., M. & A., with its charter and bonds all legalized, and sure to reach us
by early summer, giving a direct route from Memphis, Tennessee, to Denver,
Colorado, making Winfield one of the biggest railroad centers in the State.
Then we have in fine prospect the Winfield & Ft. Smith, running from
Winfield southeast via Maple City and on through the Territory to Ft. Smith,
Arkansas, a charter for which has already been granted with the best backing.
Then there is the extension of the Santa Fe from Burlington through Winfield
southwest to the Panhandle of Texas, the officials of which mean to push
through this year. This will make Winfield right on the cross roads of four through
trunk lines. And this is no wind, either. The initial steps have already been
taken and are backed by a company that has the wealth to carry out these
determined plans. No city in the west has prospects like Winfield. You may
think we are too enthusiastic. Examine the facts and consider the character of
the people at the back of them and you will be readily convinced. Our people
have stood at the wheel of progress, shoulder to shoulder, and given a united
boost for everything that seemed likely to make our splendid city the great
metropolis which her natural advantages entitle her to be. The result is, we
have taken in everything, while some of our rivals sat around thinking these
enterprises couldn’t miss them anyhow. This year will show progress in Winfield
unparalleled by the growth of any city in the State’s history. Time will verify
the truth of the declaration. Our home capitalists are preparing for extensive
improvements and many eastern capitalists are knocking for investments and
location. A tremendous growth in population and material development is a
certainty. And with the growth of Winfield will come a big growth of all
Cowley. Their development must be identical. The fame of one is the fame of
both. Build up the city here that our prospects surely indicate and we will
soon have a county of a hundred thousand inhabitants with great wealth and
general superiority. But don’t let the certainty of the future make you too
wild. Don’t put your property way up to prices exorbitant. To clinch our prospects,
we must keep within bounds in this respect. Be content with the elegant profits
fair and reasonable prices will bring. Above all things, too, don’t think our
work is done—that we are made. Be ready to shed your coat and wade in to secure
any new enterprise that knocks at our door.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The Revival meeting, at the Baptist church,
was well attended Wednesday night, and Rev. Reider preached a very able sermon
on the theme, “Little Sins,” founded on Genesis xix:20: “Behold now this city
is near to flee unto; and it is a little one. Oh, let me escape thither and my
soul shall live.” This language was spoken by Lot when the Lord commanded him
to flee to the mountains from Sodom that his life might be saved. And Lot said:
“Let me stop here at Zoar, for it is only a little city.” So it is with us
concerning little sins. We think that it is only a little sin and we can do
more by yielding, so, instead of doing as our Savior commanded, we deviate just
a little bit, and what at first seems to us to be a great sin will soon seem to
us as but a little one and we go on and on until at last we are as far from our
Father’s Kingdom as the worst enemies. Let those little sins alone, shun the
very appearance of evil, for how many great men have lost their lives by but a
little thing. So it is with us unless we watch carefully, these little sins
will take us down to perdition. Let us shun the little and be as fearful of
them as we are of the great ones. The meetings will probably close tomorrow
night. About twenty-two asked the prayers of God’s people last night and a deep
interest is manifested. There will be a meeting at the Baptist church tonight
commencing at 7 o’clock prompt. Everyone is invited to come: fill up the house
to overflowing and let the good work of salvation go on.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The committee appointed to confer as to the
character of the new Walnut bridges, which committee is composed of Councilmen
Connor, Harter, and Jennings, and Messrs. M. L. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, Marsh
Howard, and C. A. Bliss, met Wednesday afternoon and again this afternoon. J.
G. Bullene, representing the Leavenworth Bridge Company, Mr. Allen, agent of a
Kansas City Company, and Col. McGraw, of a Leavenworth Company, were present
with plans. The committee have not yet determined on which company’s bridge or
the kind most appropriate within our means. Both bridges, however, will be very
fine iron ones, with a foot walk on the Ninth avenue bridge. The council at its
adjourned meeting Monday evening next, will determine on the style. The
contract for constructing the city building will also be let then.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Cris Beavers, who has been living with
William and Steve George across the river, came to the jail Wednesday and gave
himself up as the sole guilty party in stripping Mr. Berkey’s clothesline
Monday night. He says he needed the clothes and that the George boys were mad
because he brought the clothes to their house. He was one of the fellows who
got out of the house from the officials, clearing them entirely. He says the
innocent shall not suffer and proposes to make a martyr of himself by
confessing all. He has only been here a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Jailer Finch has got his lunatic, Lincoln
Addensell, who skipped out Monday evening in that awful storm, without
overcoat, overshoes, or gloves. He was brought down on the Santa Fe Wednesday.
The wonder is that he comes home not badly frozen. He says he went “out to take
a walk,” struck the S. K. railroad north of the schoolhouse, and turned west,
crossing the bridge and following the Santa Fe track. The reception committee
at Seeley say he got there by 9 o’clock—pretty rapid traveling. He had an idea
that the track he was on led to Arkansas City. He calls Arkansas City his home,
and has always been anxious to get back there, where the associations are more
in harmony with his mental calibre.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The Santa Fe folks have again gone into the
hash business upon the main line, having several hundred boarders. A week ago
they determined to resume the railroad business, but Mr. Providence came along
Monday night last and “switched” their plans, and once more they have taken to
the hash business. The S. K. and the Frisco are also slinging hash for a few
days, just for novelty.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
My Dear Tommie: So I see by the WINFIELD
COURIER of the 27th inst., you have been airing your grievances
through the press—you have been using printer’s ink that the world may know how
you are aggrieved—how badly you feel about Woman Suffrage, or sufferings, as
you call it. I guess some ladies have been calling upon you to show the people
how you stand, poor little Tom, on one of the grandest questions of the 19th
century. Would to Heaven women had no affairs but their own to tend, and no
suffering to bear, save that they brought on themselves.
We women do wish to vote. It can work no one
harm and we wish to run for office. Oh, the bliss of being Mrs. Judgers, or
Mrs. Mayoress, or Mrs. Governoress, and I’m not sure but that we would fill the
places mentioned for the public good as well as some men. Men do not run
through blizzards, neither to vote or get office, and women will not. A man or
woman to fill any office within the gift of the people must have clean hands
and a pure heart and then they will not fear any disclosure of their lives.
Well, why not all leave the house on election
day—just the same as show day? Nobody gets killed save those that stay at home
and it’s just as well for the good woman of the house to be out, as the good man
of the house, when the robbers and the tramps who are not voting, come around.
Perhaps she may have a share of the pocketbook with her—then there cannot very
much harm be done, for surely these tramps and robbers are only men, for whom
women may possibly legislate a more fitting employment. As for the kids, and
the organs, and the general bustle, and the lack of flannel and all, you can
stand it for half a day or so, and many a man has to be left home all day,
while his wife goes from home to wash, in order that the wolf may be kept from
the door.
I think the average woman would be able to
find out what she was voting for, as well as the recently emancipated colored
man, the Paddy from Corruk, or the Teuton carrying his beer barrel and his
faderland principles, into this fair domain of ours. Their females adapt
themselves much more readily to the American idea of progress proper than their
lords, who not unfrequently have yoked their helpmates to the equally
uncomplaining plough.
Do not, my dear Tommie, think any woman’s
head cannot contain as much sense as your own.
If she can stay at home and see you make a
fool of yourself election and other days, and still love and care for you and
the “kids,” she can even put all those things behind her, and press forward to
legislature for your good. A woman is not a fool because she is a woman, any
more than you are because you are a man; but in this instance, you have let
your tongue run very foolishly, which I hope you would not have done had I been
at home.
Tommie, dear, can you tell me how many of
those newly-born-into-a Republic men, who landed at Castle Garden last year,
knew whether they voted for a railroad or a president?
So it seems to Thomas, dear, the temperance
question is settled. No sir! Not while I see my brother druggist getting rich,
my other brother staggering through the streets, and my other brother not
allowed to manufacture, sell, or advocate beer, wine, or whiskey, which he
learned so well to do at home.
Do not say women are more refined than men.
That is a refined fiction of the dark ages: when women were flattered and
petted to their hears’ content, fought for and crushed into the earth, debarred
the sunshine of education or the freedom of a single movement. No, there are
refined men and women and there are others. You say truly, “continual warfare
will cause right to overcome.” You say only women whose husbands don’t “know
enough to pound sand in a rat hole,” wish to vote. We women put in brown soap
or Rough on Rats.
Now, Tommie, is there a secret in politics,
do you suppose, that you men have not laid bare without the assistance of
women? The very fact that the slander, “women cannot keep a secret,” has been
propagated and promulgated, shows who the talkers are. We women do not talk
thus of ourselves.
Now, Tommie, dearest, do not give away your
last and only pair of pants, under any circumstances. At least wait till I get
home to get some more for you. We have another blizzard and a long, cold spring
before us, and you may suffer. Then again I shall need all the old scraps I can
get for carpet rags in the near future. Not with much respect, I am your,
Inn, Ill., Jan. 29, 1886.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Little did Geo. W. Miller, our cattle king,
think of what a terrible commotion he was about to throw the elements of this
country in when he circulated and presented to the Kansas Legislature his
petition praying for a change of Ground Hog Day. It took Sol Miller, who has
always claimed in his Troy Chief, to know more about the G. H. than
anybody in America, to tell about it. He is senator from Doniphan County and
here is his committee report on this petition, as given in the Topeka
Capital’s Legislative proceedings.
“Senator Miller, chairman of the committee on
printing, to whom was referred the petition of G. W. Miller and fifty others,
from Winfield, asking that ground hog day be changed from February 2, to
February 1, submitted the following report.
“Mr. President: The undersigned, chairman of
the committee on printing, to whom was referred the petition of G. W. Miller
and fifty others, asking that ground hog day be changed from February 2 to
February 1, has given the subject careful and prayerful consideration and report
as follows:
“The petition does credit to the heads and
hearts, and also the hand writing of the petitioners. Yet it would be imprudent
and even dangerous to make the change asked for. The day as it now stands has
been held in veneration by our forefathers for ages, and there is a command not
to be lightly disregarded, which bids us not to remove the ancient landmarks.
The climatic changes which have been going on in Kansas since its settlement
would be in danger of being reversed and the isothermal lines would be
disturbed. To such an extent would this occur that a cataclysm would be
produced, and finally the whole universe would be involved in the wreck of
matter and the crush of worlds. Therefore your committee would recommend that
no change be made. Sol. Miller, Committee.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The four men who undertook to work this part
of the state on the Bohemian oats racket have since concluded that it is not a
fit place for their operations, and have left sunny Kansas to see what they can
do for Iowa, says the Wichita Eagle. The scheme is to sell common oats
for $10 per bushel for seed, agreeing to buy all the oats raised from them at
$7.50 per bushel, taking their note in payment for the seed. Then as soon as a
good number of sales are made, the notes are discounted at some bank and they
leave town. While they had no difficulty in finding a market for the seed oats
in this place and getting good notes in payment, the banks refused to discount
them, because they found it more profitable to loan their money on interest
than to go into the note shaving business. This made things look very dark-blue
for the Bohemians, and caused them to seek some place where money is not in so
great demand.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Kansas is to have a regular railroad boom
this year. Let us strike while the iron is hot and do all we can to get as many
of them for Wellington as possible. Railroads make the town, and don’t let us
forget it. Monitor.
Yes, you bet they do. Winfield settled on
that long ago, and while her neighbors sat around on their little tails, we
have been boosting things, raking them right in. We let none pass, until now we
are well along toward the big railroad center of the southwest, with five
first-class lines already secured and flattering prospects for two more before
1886 goes by. Oh, it takes Winfield to get there.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Sheriff McIntire got home from his Hotel de
Criminal trip Wednesday, having deposited his four convicts. He got in on the
delayed Santa Fe train, and says the main line is now clear from Newton. He was
snow-bound a little east of Newton, Tuesday, and was all day yesterday getting
from Newton home. The drift at Udall was six feet deep, for a mile or more, and
heavily packed. The engine kept pulling back half a mile or so and shooting in,
all afternoon, throwing the snow for rods around. Going into the drift five or
six rods, the big force of men would have to dig it out, when it would back up
and repeat.
M. Wood’s Story Continued.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Well, to resume my story. While Mr. W. W.
Andrews was off to Leavenworth after his family, he having overstayed his 30
days (the time given a man to be absent, after taking his claim), some party
came to me and asked me to go with my team and haul some logs for him, as he
was going to jump Mr. Andrews’ claim. I told him I would have nothing to do
with jumping Mr. Andrews’ claim as I knew he was coming back, and told him that
Mr. Andrews was a well-meaning man and that his time should be extended until
we could hear from him. I then turned and went down into my timber to work; but
when I returned in the evening, I found that the party had taken my team and
had hauled some of Mr. Andrews’ logs a short distance from his proposed
building site and had commenced putting up a house. This movement aroused the
friends of Mr. Andrews, such as Dr. W. G. Graham, James H. Land, Prettyman
Knowles, and many others (whose names I have forgotten or have not space to
mention). The claim jumper was informed that such a procedure would not do,
whereupon he abandoned his action, apologizing to the settlers, and laying the
blame on me, a thing that I must say that I was entirely innocent of, and was
able afterwards to convince Mr. Andrews of the fact.
Mr. Andrews returned from Leavenworth about
the first of January, 1870, with his family and household goods. He proceeded
to erect a little log cabin on his claim about 35 or 40 rods north and a little
east of where his fine, commodious brick house now stands, and where Mrs.
Andrews and the children now live, Mr. Andrews being now absent in California.
Some strange things occurred here that
winter, one of which is that Mr. Andrews killed a snake on the 21st
day of January, 1870. He said that his snakeship was as lively as a cricket.
The first child born in the county was, I
think, a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Land soon after they arrived here. The
child was born in a hut opposite and across the river from where Bliss &
Wood’s mill now stands. This was quite a circumstance and elicited much
interest among the settlers. I recollect calling one day and taking a look at
the little “new comer.”
Miss Minnie Andrews was the first child born
on the town site; so short a time since, it seems to me, that she has grown to
be a beautiful and accomplished young lady, which fact I suppose our society
people well know.
Master Fred Manning, son of Col. E. C. and
Mrs. Manning (his first wife) was the first child born on the original town
site. Fred is at the present time in Washington, D. C., with his father, and I
understand, is a promising young man.
Dr. W. G. Graham is the first physician that
came to the county. He has succeeded admirably, holds his original claim yet,
enjoys a lucrative practice, and is the present Mayor of the city.
Upon the arrival of Col. Manning in December
1869, Mr. A. A. Jackson, who came with him, proceeded at once to claim the
piece of ground known as the Fuller addition. He built a foundation and then
secured some lumber with which to build a frame house (the second frame house
in the county). While at work on his material in front of Baker & Manning’s
store, being employed by them to look after the store, sell goods, etc., and
not being at work directly on the ground claimed by him, some parties hailing
from Topeka took it into their heads to jump Mr. Jackson’s claim, and proceeded
at once to haul logs on the claim and put them up for a house. The settlers
were apprized of the fact and rallied as one man, called the “Protection Union”
together, and notified the claim jumpers that they should appear and show cause
for such a proceeding. A sufficient length of time was given them to appear;
but they came not, when the meeting went into executive session, discussed the
matter to its fullest extent, listened to Mr. Jackson, and decided that the
claim jumpers’ case had gone by default. Talked some of arraigning them for
contempt, but upon motion, a committee of five, of which I was chairman, was
appointed to notify said defendants that they would be allowed until the next
morning at 9 o’clock to vacate said claim. We proceeded to their camp by the
side of the house they were building. Though it was very dark and quite late in
the evening, we could see their camp-fire, so we had no trouble in finding
them. They had not gone to bed yet but were sitting around the camp-fire. As we
came up I said, “Good evening, gentlemen.” They responded by saying, “Yes, this
is a good evening.” I said, “Gentlemen, we were appointed as a committee by the
Protection Union to inform you that you must leave this claim by 9 o’clock
tomorrow morning and not return again with the intent to hold and improve the
same. This order you must obey or take such consequence as the Protection Union
may deem best for the purpose of enforcing its mandates.
One of the party replied that he would go
when he d d pleased, or not
at all.
At this moment Em. Yeoman, one of the
committee, whipped out his navy and said, “You will go now, and d quick too, if I hear any more of your insolence.”
I told Yeoman to put up his gun, that I hoped
that nothing of that kind would be necessary to enforce our order, that these
men had the appearance of gentlemen, and that I was sure that nothing further
was necessary. They gave us assurance that they wished to do right and would
give us no more trouble, so we bid them good night and retired.
Next morning the claim jumpers moved on down
the river and took some good claims in what is known as South Bend. They never
came here to make permanent homes, but finally sold out to pretty good
advantage and since that time I have lost sight of them.
Mr. A. A. Jackson went on with his building
and finally sold his claim to J. C. Fuller for $1,000 and thought, at that
time, it was a big sale. Mr. Jackson and Miss Genera Kelsey were married
sometime in the summer of 1870 and were the first to get married in the county.
They came and boarded with me until Mr. Jackson could finish his house, which
was the first frame house built in Winfield, and was on the northeast corner of
8th avenue and Andrews street. When finished they set up
housekeeping in pretty good style for those days.
I will close this for the present, hoping to
be able to say more of these prominent characters in the settling of this
county, at some future time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Thanks, Mr. Harper Graphic. We are
thrilled with ecstatic joy to learn the terrible agony the non-appearance of
our Great Daily caused you. THE COURIER has gone daily to your address. We cast
our bread faithfully on the journalistic waters and looked longingly for its
ten-fold return. But no Graphics for a week until last night. Too big a
dose of snow. Yes, take our all, if you want it, Charley. The longer it can be
kept thundering down the ages the better.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
J. Lewis Isenberg is now slinging
hieroglyphics for the “wind mill in our back yard with its column of two-line
thinness next to the city directory,” as he used to dub it. The Harper Daily
Sentinel has changed hands, with J. F. Bennett business manager and J. L.
Isenberg editor. It is improved in appearance and will receive due attention
from our eagle eye and keen scissors. It will now have something in it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
THE COURIER is headquarters for the
adjudication of all biblical disputes. Two lawyers had a hot argument on a
point of divine authority this morning, and knowing that we keep in our Library
a large, morocco-bound family bible, came down and confronted the facts. We
have frequent use for this Book of all Books—in soothing pied printorial feelings
and the numerous worthy individuals who are wont to frequent a print shop.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Carpenters are at work today on Col.
McMullen’s building on Main street, formerly occupied by the Chicago Millinery
store. They are tearing away one half of it. The remaining half, owned by S. H.
Jennings, will be fixed up for a small store room. The building, occupied by
Sam last summer as an ice cream parlor, will also be moved off and the Colonel
will put up a fine building in the place of these old frame ones.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The union revival meeting closed Friday with
a praise meeting. Revs. Reider and Miller made a few remarks of encouragement
to young converts, and over three hundred testimonials of the goodness of God
were given. The house was crowded and several went forward, thus expressing
their willingness to become Christians and asking the prayers of the Christian
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Steps are being taken by the Sons of Veterans
to give an entertainment in the near future for the benefit of their lodge.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The bachelor editor of an otherwise esteemed
cotemporary asks why a baby is filled up from ten to a dozen times a day. This
is a field in which no old bachelor has any business to investigate, but for
the sake of easing his tempest-tossed soul, we will inform him that babies,
bless ’em, should be filled up whenever they show symptoms of hollerness, if it
be forty times a day and four hundred times a night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Frank W. Finch says that in his criticism of
the Santa Fe operator, he meant no allusion to the legitimate telegraph
business of the office, for through Mr. Kennedy he had been very courteously
treated. He meant a condemnation of the operator for the impudent manner in
which he answered civil telephone interrogatories and individuals generally
seeking for information regarding various things that came in his line.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
I have been requested several times this
winter to give my opinion on corporal punishment in school. As to the merits of
the question, I have never had a doubt since I was old enough to form an
opinion of the right and the expediency of an occasional resort to the rod,
both in the family and the school. My reverence for the word of God, my
experience as a teacher, and my observation of others who have tried both
systems, confirm me in the opinion. I admit that this is an age of progress and
of wonderful improvements, but still some things will have to be done in the
good old way for some time yet. Many railroads have been made, but I have heard
of none up the hill of science; many easy methods of acquiring knowledge, but I
know of none without hard study. Neither do I believe that with all our
progress, we are likely to get much ahead of Solomon and other inspired writers
of the Bible. Nor do I believe the church that leaves out Christ and makes it a
music room will prosper. It may be fashionable with certain self-inflated young
people to call these writers old fogies and their writings fossiliferous; but
they may learn more wisdom before they die, if they don’t die too soon. Human
nature and child nature is very much the same now as it was three thousand
years ago and needs very much the same remedy. I would by no means advocate an
indiscriminate and cruel use of the rod. A man or woman is not fit to teach
school who turns the school room into a threshing floor and himself or herself
into a threshing machine. They need prudence, discretion, and self-control, and
discrimination to use the rod wisely and beneficially. Some children never need
it. They are delicate as the sensitive plant, and a gentle reproof will affect
them more than a sound whipping will others. But there are clearly cases where
the rod must be used or the child suffered to triumph over the teacher, and an
end be put to all discipline in the school, or else the child be expelled and
given up to be ruined and to ruin others. Obedience must be secured and
absolute submission made to the will of the teacher, or there is an end to all
order and discipline and improvement in school. If corporal punishment is
necessary occasionally to secure this end, then let it be used. MRS. O. R. M.,
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The trial of Bill George and wife and Steve
George, charged with stripping D. Berkey’s clothesline Monday night, was
grinding at the Court House Friday before Judge Buckman and a big crowd of
curious listeners. Chris Beavers, a youth of seventeen, who has been living at
the George domicile, came forward and made a martyr of himself by confessing
all—by lifting the guilt from the shoulders of the Georges and taking it on his
own. He swore that he took the clothes alone, and that the Georges were mad
because he took the clothes to their house and were going to make him take them
away. He wandered around in the woods, he says, with nothing to eat and only a
hay stack for a bunk till Wednesday, when he went back to George’s and told
them he would protect the innocent and give himself up. He says he had no
underwear and stole the male apparel for himself. The delicate array he stole
in anticipation of matrimony at some distant day. Everything appears to point
to the fact that the whole outfit were implicated, and the scheme for one
fellow to take the punishment is a put up job. The evidence, however, let the
George boys out and will let Beavers in—jail.
The Georges’ were acquitted and Beavers got
30 days in jail and until the costs of the suit, about $50, are paid. Joe
O’Hare prosecuted the case and O. M. Seward defended.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The jam at the postoffice Saturday was
fearful. With almost a whole mail-less week, people were frantic to hear from
back home, from absent sweethearts, mothers, fathers, brothers, or sisters. The
student of nature could find volumes in the hundreds of eager faces that were
strung out in long, reptile shape, edging one by one to the general delivery.
As the auburn-haired Will tosses a letter to that blond-haired and rosy
complexioned damsel, you can imagine her thoughts as she turns it over and over
and hastily works her way out of the crowd. Unlike the average mail receiver,
she doesn’t query, “Who is it from? The post mark? Whose hand writing is it?
And does it contain good or bad news?” No! She nervously breaks the seal as she
strikes the sloppy “gang-way” and when the sweet salutation, “My Dear ” greets her eyes, her heart flutters
like a little bird stirred from its nest. It doesn’t take her long to flit over
the pages: merely a glance at the contents to be thoroughly devoured and
assimilated in calm recluse after arriving home. See her smile, then look half
serious; then smile almost out loud, exhibiting her pretty teeth, while the
color of roses suffuses her checks. She heeds not the jostling humanity through
which she almost unconsciously winds her way. She walks like a dreaming
somnambulist. You are not mean enough to envy her that unalloyed happiness. But
you’d give just twenty cents to read that letter yourself.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The Harper Sentinel man is tired—very
tired. The dulcet tones of the newspaper critic have shocked his nerves, and
from their tingling vibrations he evolves the following.
“The drudgery connected with newspaper life
is not enjoyable—at least among those who have had the experience—in this cruel
and critical world. The routine is about as regular as three meals a day in a
hotel, and the intellectual matter dished out to the reader is criticized with
about the same spirit of revenge as an American hotel ‘grub’ is named in
horrible French. The intellectual tastes of readers are more variable than they
are for food, and as a consequence more harshness and sometimes much useless
swearing is done on account of there not being anything in the paper. Many of
our best friends, including our mother-in-law, have called quite a sprinkling
of our newspaper productions ‘hash.’ However, we think they spoke angrily, in
an unguarded moment or they would have covered up their irony by making the
remark a little smoother by calling it ‘slush.’ Our nervous system has often
been wound up for eight days by such cruel remarks, but in these latter years
they suit us better than base flattery and have become music in our ears.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
A young lady out in Nebraska was doing the
family washing one day about two months ago, when she fell down and went to
sleep, and her friends are unable to wake her. We heard a Sedan young lady say
the other day that she was troubled with sleeplessness. We advise her to tackle
the family washing. If there is anything on earth that will make the average
young lady tired and sleepy, it is to be put to work over the washtub. Sedan
Very tony, you would make believe. We haven’t
any such tone, and we don’t want it. The darling dolls who can’t do anything
but claw ivory in the palah and screech, “Only a Flower from my Angel Mother’s
Grave,” when very likely the poor mother is bending over the washtub in the
kitchen, are too “ramscrumtious” for us. Winfield’s young ladies are no more
cultured in the refined arts than in the practical and substantial. They can go
from the parlor to the kitchen and from the kitchen to the parlor with equal
grace. Thus are they ladies in the truest sense of the word—not dolls whose
principal attraction is painted helplessness and shoddy fastidiousness. They
are useful as well as ornamental.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Rev. Kelly and M. L. Robinson returned from
Topeka Friday. The Santa Fe never goes back on its word, and everything is
absolutely all right. Winfield and Cowley County have carried out every
requirement to secure the Douglass extension and every promise of the Santa Fe
will be strictly fulfilled. This company is not a vacillating corporation that
can be changed by every little gust. Location and all future interests had been
carefully consulted before any proposition was made to our people, and the
wails and efforts of our disappointed rivals have no effect whatever. Their
spilled milk racket is in vain. Judge Soward remains at Topeka for several
Home Talent Again in the Front for a Worthy Object.
Charity Concert a Brilliant Success.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
No city in the Union has more
generous-hearted, public spirited people than Winfield. Their interest and
energy in every good cause is wonderful. And no city can excel us in diversity
and superiority of literary and musical talent. Last Thursday evening THE
COURIER had an article calling attention to the fact that a number of families,
as a result of the long, hard winter, with all avenues of labor closed, were in
abject want, and suggesting a charity concert for the raising of a benefit
fund, and stating that Judge Albright, with his characteristic public spirit,
would furnish the Opera House for one or two nights for such purpose, as his
donation. The Ladies Local Relief Society, of which Mrs. J. L. Horning, one of
the city’s noblest workers in every good movement, is president, took the
matter in hand, and the concert was determined on for Saturday evening, just
two days after. Friday, E. F. Blair, on behalf of the ladies, began the
arrangement of a program. There was no time for rehearsal. Each one assumed a
part of their own selection and responsibility and the result was marvelous—a
perfect index to the superiority of our home talent. The willingness and zeal
with which the performers and citizens generally responded to this call was
fully in harmony with the culture, refinement, and enterprise that have made
our city famous. The ladies sold over seven hundred tickets the first day they
were out, Friday, and Saturday evening the Opera House was a jam, and yet many
who bought tickets were unable to get there.
The entertainment opened with a beautiful
selection by a male quartette: Messrs. G. H. Buckman, E. F. Blair, J. S. R.
Bates, and C. I. Forsyth, four of the city’s best male voices, with Mrs. L. H.
Webb at the piano.
Then came the soprano solo, “When the Tide
Comes In,” by Mrs. C. A. Bliss. Mrs. Bliss has a clear voice under perfect
control and has long stood among the city’s leading soprano singers.
One of the best “hits” of the evening was
Will Farringer, who appeared as a darkey dude, in “The Golden Stair,” chorused
by a number of male voices. He was loudly encored and again convulsed the
audience with “One More Ribber for to Cross.” Will is a good one in comic song.
The Baritone solo of O. Branham was a very
fine rendition. He has a peculiarly deep and voluminous voice. His little
daughter, Miss Florence, played the piano accompaniment remarkably well for one
of her age.
The instrumental selection of Miss Pearl Van
Doren, “Old Grimes,” with novel and beautiful variations, elicited high praise.
Miss Pearl has advanced from the beginning under one of our best home
instructors and has reached great proficiency. She touches the keys with a
grace and ease at once noticeable.
Little Maud Scott, only four years old and
scarcely larger, as the old saying goes, than “a pound of soap,” recited
“Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight” in a manner that would do credit to many a
person of maturity. She was wildly encored and again came forward with “What
Ails My Papa’s Mouth?” She is certainly a prodigy. She can’t read a
thing—merely knows her letters. She recites beautifully some quite heavy
pieces, taught by her mother. She has a strong, clear voice, perfect
self-possession, and a great love for recitation. The audience was profuse in
worthy laudations.
Charlie Roberts’ cornet solo, “Polke de
Concert,” was finely performed. He handles the cornet with much proficiency. He
is from “Hould Hingland” and was at one time connected with one of the Royal
The descriptive song of Judge Buckman, “The
Pilgrims Progress,” gave good scope for the Judge’s fine tenor voice. Mr.
Buckman is unexcelled among vocalists. His voice is clear and his enunciation
very distinct, with great versatility.
“Sixth Air With Variations,” Clarence Roberts
on violin and Miss Nettie McCoy at the piano, exhibited superior musical
culture. Clarence is complete master of the violin, while as a pianist Miss
McCoy has few equals.
“Home is Where the Mother is,” was
beautifully sung by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown, Mr. F. D. Blackman, and Chas.
Slack, four of the city’s best vocalists, whose services in the Methodist choir
have made the talent familiar to all.
The Courier Cornet Band is always forward for
any good cause. In addition to fine music preceding the concert, they have a
charming overture, “The Rivals,” as a part of the program. This is one of the
best bands in the state, and its splendid music is always justly recognized.
A vocal trio, Roses and Violets,” by Mrs.
Blackman, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. Slack, was next on the program, a lovely
selection and very nicely sung.
The excellent musical talent of Al. Roberts
is well known to everybody. He can play and instrument and his music is always
classic. His guitar solo was a novelty in the program and was highly
Mrs. E. G. Cole, whose frequent appearance
before Winfield audiences in years gone by, acquainted all with her sweet voice
and attractive presence, appeared again Saturday evening for the first time in
two years, in “Glide Forth, Oh Gentle Dove,” a popular selection and splendidly
“Homeward Bound,” with Mrs. Blair at the
piano, gave ample volume for the superior voices and culture of Judge Buckman
and Judge Snow. Judge Snow’s rich bass voice has become as standard in our
musical circles as has Judge Buckman’s. They are both old stand-byes.
Chas. I. Forsyth, the attorney recently
located here, made his first appearance before a Winfield audience in a
baritone solo, “The White Squall.” This is one of the most thrilling of musical
compositions, and was most admirably sung by Mr. Forsyth, who has a very rich
and distinct base voice and will take prominence among our musicians.
A pleasant relief was the recitation,
“Wintergreen Berries,” by Mrs. Flo Williams. Though giving no special attention
to elocution, she exhibits culture and natural talent in voice and gesture by
no means mediocre. Her rendition was very well received.
“The Battle of Murpheysville,” a thrilling
descriptive song, was given by Mr. Blair, one of the city’s best tenor voices,
with Mrs. Blair at the piano. Mr. Blair’s voice is peculiarly soft and
versatile. He has a love and cultured talent for music that have kept him to
the front in our musical circles for years.
The immense convulser of the occasion was the
duet, “A Fine Old Diechan gintleman” and “A fine old Irish Gintleman,”
specially and hurriedly prepared for this event by Judge Buckman and Mr. Blair.
It was full of local hits that brought out roars of laughter. The Judge and Mr.
Blair are a rattling musical team.
The Misses Leith and Shay gave a violin and
piano duet, “Tyroler Valksteid,” which was well received, and a pleasant
novelty owing to a feminine hand being at the bow.
The appearance of Mr. and Mrs. Blair, Mrs. W.
H. Albro, and Judge Snow brought up the long ago when this quartette sang so
steadily as the Episcopal choir, appearing in numerous concerts. They are all
excellent musicians and sang beautifully “Love’s Happy, Golden Days.”
The entertainment closed with “Ring Dem
Hebbenly Bells,” led by Mr. Blair, with some “bully” local “hits” and chorused
by all the male voices who had taken part in the concert.
Winfield never had a more successful
entertainment than this—remarkably successful considering no rehearsal. Mr.
Blair in arranging and carrying out the program showed himself an adept as a
musical organizer. There was not a break to mar the occasion, and the
performances were all of a high order.
The Local Relief Society thus raised a fund
of over $250, that will be judiciously applied to the city’s worthy poor, and
will take much sunshine into many an unfortunate home. Should this warm weather
be the opening of spring, this fund will carry the needy through. If the cold
weather continues, another concert will likely be necessary, for which we have
ample talent that didn’t appear this time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The man who has lived here for years without
laying the foundation for wealth can, with the present surety of large and
solid prices, be numerously heard lamenting on what might have been. When he looks
at the business blocks, the residence lots, or the farms that have more than
trebled in value in the last few years, he feels like kicking himself all over
town. Now he realizes with telling force the bonanzas he has lost. Lots that,
but a year or so ago, could have been bought for three hundred dollars a block,
can’t be bought now for four times that amount. And this value is legitimate.
Then these tracts were blocks from the residence portion of the city. Now they
are marked by fine residences and the initiatory improvements that go to make
the most desirable homes. And business lots, as our city takes on the
metropolitan, have been gradually growing into fortunes. Yes, men have grown
rich through the legitimate increase of values. And the man without faith, the
man afraid to venture, now sees the error of his ways. But the end is not yet.
The really big spread has just begun and the man who takes the tide at its
increasing flood will rake in a gold mine. Prices will never become
exorbitant—our real estate owners have too much sense to feign benefits by
going wild in prices. As the city gradually spreads, values will continue to
spread, just as they have done. The only difference is the increased capital
necessary for investments compared to a few years ago. Every dollar invested is
as sure to bring big profits as the sun is to shine. Now is the time to plant
your wealth, if you want it to grow. With the now assured future of the Queen
City and county, every real estate investment, under the genial rays of the
bright sun of prosperity, will flourish and bear fruit beyond even your fondest
hopes. Prices are reasonable and will continue reasonable, while steadily
enhancing with the developments and prospects that are inevitable.
Notes Gathered by the “Courier’s” Corps of Neighborhood Correspondents.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.