SIX PAGES.

                                                        OVER THE RAIL.

                               T. J. Harris Takes a Trip.—How He Looks At It.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

On the morning of Feb. 18, I was prepared for a little trip north and east, so I boarded the north bound train on the Frisco line for the first ride over this new road. I must say I was somewhat surprised to see the accommodations of this new road. Although entirely new, the accommodations and the smoothness of this road will compare with any in the state. While the majority perhaps that will read this are aware that I am in the real estate business; and while I must say that is my business and has been for the last six years, and while I am perfectly familiar with every crook and nook in Cowley County and have driven over most every section of land in the county and have sold land from $2.00 to $350.00 per acre, I must confess that I was somewhat surprised to go gliding through nice little villages which have sprung up in the last few months. I tell you it behooves a man to “git up and git,” and see what is going on in his surrounding country.

The first village we found north of Winfield was Floral, lying on the Timber Creek slope, overlooking one among the prettiest valleys dotted over with neat little buildings. The next was the village of Wilmot, located up in the level prairie and surrounded with as nice a view in all directions as you would wish to behold. Like Floral, new houses loomed up in every direction. Next was the stirring little city of Atlanta, and here I note it was encouraging to me to see that the people out on the border of our county have the vim and push in them to build up such a nice village in such a short time. In Atlanta with their large new buildings under headway, their lumber yards, livery stables, and the big broad streets, the sight you get of it, one would think he had struck Broadway, New York. The next city of importance was the city of Wingate, located in the edge of Butler County. This city I had the history of before I reached it, as the windy editor of THE COURIER accompanied me this far. “This city,” says the chief of the quill, “is bound to become a noted place, located as you see on this beautiful elevated ridge with the Rock creek valley meandering up to our left and the Timber creek valley rolling up to our right.” “No doubt,” I told him, “it would make a beautiful city.” “Yes,” he says, “I think we have got to the place.” The train slackened and he alighted. Some friend was there to greet him and took his hand and welcomed him to the city. He led him to the highest knoll there was on the prairie and as the train pulled out, I could not see the city for the editors.

In my travels in both Kansas and Missouri I find every town, city, and village thriving and with bright prospects before them for the coming spring, and the citizens of each and every place trying to push every effort possible to make their town boom. So I say to the citizens of Winfield, do not let us lay back on our oars and think that we have reached our goal and that our city is the only one on the way to prosperity. If we do, we will be left. Let us make every effort, take hold of everything with energy and vim, and push. Let nothing go by that will be of interest to the city and if she won’t boom, we will make her boom. I will never go back on old Cowley. I have been somewhat despondent myself while showing strangers over our county over last year’s crop of corn. The stalks did not show up big enough to suit me nor the yield was not as large as I thought it ought to have been. But after my trip up through the fine Neosho valley and the northeastern part of the state (where they claim the finest corn soil of Kansas) and seeing the size of their stalks and the yield, I came back saying, “Well done good and faithful Cowley. She will do to stick to and ‘don’t you forget it.’”

Now, as the evening shades are drawing nigh, I find myself nearing Carthage, Missouri. Having to change roads at this place, I had to wait for the train from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. During this time I had the pleasure of investigating the electric light, which they are using extensively in that city, notwithstanding they have a good system of gas works. In conversation with one Mr. Roe, who is in business there, and who is using one electric light, he told me that one electric lamp was worth a dozen gas jets, and to make his word good he lit six of his gas burners and turned off his electric lamp; and to compare it as near as I can, it was like stepping out of sunshine into moonshine. He stated that the electric lights were giving entire satisfaction, which I have no reason to doubt, for it had one tower upon the square, and I saw boys playing marbles by the light. You may doubt this, but if you will go with me to Carthage, I will satisfy you of the fact, and I want to say here, that the city council did not ask the company to erect a tower before they would grant them a franchise. They do not try to whip the devil around the stump in any such way. When the franchise was asked for, it was granted because they knew it would be of interest to the city, and the consequence is that the city, after night, is a beautiful glow of light.

Now, as I have said before, let nothing stand in the way, nor let nothing go by, that will lead our city on to prosperity, and I want to say I am for Winfield and Cowley County, first, last, and all the time. T. J. Harris.

                                         REMARKABLE RECUPERATION.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

D. M. Ferry & Co., the well-known seedmen of Detroit, Michigan, announce that they are on their feet again and ready and anxious to receive orders for seeds from everyone of their old customers, and from as many new ones as feel kindly disposed toward them. They are in condition to fill promptly every order with new seeds of the best quality. On January 1st their immense warehouse was destroyed by fire. It was filled with probably the largest stock of assorted seeds ever gathered under one roof. Their books and papers were all saved, and every person who had ordered seeds of them will be supplied with his usual stock. They hard large quantities of seeds in their warehouses on their seed farms in the hands of their growers and not yet delivered, and on the way from Europe, which, together with their fully stocked branch Seed Store in Windsor, Ontario, close at hand, and the free and vigorous use of the telegraph and cable, enabled them to secure a new stock in a remarkably short time. Before the fire had subsided, they had secured new quarters and were devoting all their energies to their customers’ interests. In thirty days from the fire they were in perfect working order again. When we consider the magnitude of their business, the appalling destruction of property at the most unfortunate season of the year, we doubt if the annals of history furnish a case of such rapid recuperation. Such energy deserves success.

                                                 A DRIVE OUT OF TOWN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

We have taken quite a drive over the county this week, and we found the prospect for wheat was never better at this season of the year. The fine rains that we have had lately and the beautiful spring-like weather that we are having insures a good wheat crop in 1886, and gives the farmers an opportunity to harvest their bountiful crop of corn. We enjoyed driving over the finest natural roads in the world. Every section line is a public highway. Fine farm houses and barns, beautiful groves and orchards in every direction. Kansas is indeed a beauty: a paradise for stock, and as nearly so for man as we may expect in this world. We also noticed in every neighborhood the pride of Kansas, a well-built schoolhouse. Having lived here 13 years, and driving over the county almost every week, yet we are surprised to see the rapid growth of improvements. A happy, healthy, intelligent, moral people, the peers of any in the United States, are building and beautifying homes of which they feel proud. Where a few years ago we saw only prairie, we now see groves of timber 20 to 40 feet high, and fine bearing orchards. Most of our farmers came here poor, some with less than nothing. We are acquainted with a number of them with farms worth from $4,000 to $10,000. These men would have been renters a hundred years if they had lived in the eastern States. Good land is cheap here yet.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Our delegation to the Wichita G. A. R. encampment are profuse in praises of the grand reception, decoration, and entertainment afforded them by the people of Wichita. Specially marked was the attention of Marsh Murdock, whose Eagle office was headquarters for the “Vets.” It was the most successful encampment the G. A. R. ever had in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Whiting & Son have a young yearling beaver, with its buzz saw teeth and dam-making tail. It was trapped three miles up the Walnut, where an army of these wood-cutters have slayed most of the trees along the bank for a mile or so. They will put it in the hands of a taxidermist and mount it on a limb as an ornament for their meat market.

                                               A MURDER AT DANVILLE.

                                      One Man Shot and Lynching Threatened.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Wednesday evening the train men on the S. K. informed us that three brothers named Weaver went into Danville, 8 miles east of Harper, yesterday, on a load of hay and there met Dell Shearer, a performer on a violin, whom they had hired over a year ago to play for a dance conducted by the Weaver brothers. Shearer failed to materialize, however, and left the Weaver dance without music, which made them wrathy and they threatened to lick Shearer the first time they saw him. Yesterday they proceeded to carry out their threats, whereupon Shearer pulled his “pop” and opened fire on them, which they returned, putting six holes through Shearer’s body. The report comes that the Weaver brothers were bullies and Shearer a very quiet, gentlemanly young man. The victim was still alive last night, but it is impossible for him to recover. The citizens of Danville are much excited and threats of lynching have been made. The prisoners were taken to Harper last night for safekeeping.

                                                      “GIT UP AND GIT.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The spring is opening up and all manner of work is beginning. Employment can be found by every laboring man in our city who will work, and the spring schools are open for all the youth of our city; and there is no necessity of anyone loafing on our streets. Does the man who insists in being a loafer ever reflect how much less it would cost to be a decent and respectable laboring man. When you find a man wandering around this time of year without money or work, you can just set it down that that man is in this poverty stricken condition simply because he won’t work when he gets an opportunity. Young man, don’t idle your time away. You can find something to do to make a living. Anybody can be a man without much cost, but it costs something to be a loafer. It costs time, for no man can afford to be a first-class loafer without devoting his whole time to it. It costs money, for if you haven’t got a cent, the time lost might have produced you much money if devoted to industry. It costs comfort, honor, dignity, self-respect, and respect of the public in general. Young man, go to work: be a gentleman or just kick yourself clean out of the country. We haven’t got any use for you here. We want men with some get-up-and-get, who are not afraid to soil their hands with honest toil. There is no necessity of a man being without money in this country; there is lots of work to be done, so take off your coat and dive in and make money, spend it judiciously, and in time you will become a man of wealth and influence and be an honor to any community.

                                                          BRISTLING UP.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

There is not a city or county in the state that is in a better condition for the opening of trade, business, and work than is ours now. For two months the weather has been such that it was impossible for a man to do successful work, be he merchant, farmer, or mechanic. This enforced idleness has acted as fasting to a man’s hunger and all are ready to go to work with greater energy than ever before. The warm days that we have already had demonstrate that it is only the end of winter, for which they are waiting. When that has come beyond cavil, then the fun will begin. The plow, rake, and planter are already being taken from their winter quarters and the grindstone of the farmer is busy whetting his tools. The carpenters and masons are bringing their eyes to bear on the frames and walls that are already built in their minds, the merchants have finished dusting their goods and marking down prices, and they will sell all they can put over their counters, and only a few days to wait. The backbone of winter may not be broken, but its neck is unjointed.

                                                     THE WAY TO BOOM.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

If you really want Winfield to boom and boom big, use her newspapers. If you are in business, let the people know it. The successful men of every town, especially in the west where the papers are the great information medium, are the ones who advertise the most: who make this branch of their business a study. If you don’t know how to advertise, THE COURIER can give you a few pointers that will pay a hundred cents on the dollar and there are other ways in which you can boom the town. If you have any suggestions to make in regard to public affairs, THE COURIER will afford you the chance if you will express yourself within bounds as to length and manner. If you have built a house, or propose to build one; if you have laid out an addition to the city or propose to do so; if you have added or expect to add in any way to Winfield, tell the papers.

                                   COMMERCIAL COLLEGE “DEBATIN’.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Webster Literary Society met at Normal Hall, Thursday, and quite an interesting meeting was held. The question for discussion was, “That the credit system should be abolished.” It was decided in favor of the negative. It was argued by Messrs. M. Owen, Carl Wood, and B. Bartlett on the affirmative and by Prof. Inskeep, J. C. Bradshaw, and J. Smith on the negative. Some excellent speeches were made, after which “The Literary Casket,” a bright and spicy sheet edited by Miss Emma S. Howland, was read. It consisted of many practical points and some good jokes on the boys.

                                          UP TOWN TELEGRAPH OFFICE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Sol Palmer, line manipulator of the Western Union Telegraph Company, was in the city Thursday and today, and arranged for the establishment of an up-town telegraph office. The company’s business here has increased until this move is a necessity. The room in the Winfield National Bank extension, formerly occupied by K. C. & S. W. paymaster, Carey, has been rented. Lines connecting all the depots with this office will be put in at once and an operator given charge. This will be a big convenience to the company’s patrons and greatly increase telegraphic business.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A young lady of our acquaintance writes the following about a young fellow whom she classes as a “dude.” “He calls about once and has called once a week for about a year, and is likely to call once a week as long as I have a good fire and plenty of gas to burn. But does he ever ask me to go to the theater? Oh, no! That might cost a few dollars, and the thought of spending money on any person but himself never enters his brain. Not but what he could afford it, but he is so selfish and so egotistical that he only has one thought—himself! If it were only one that had this detestable failing, it would not be so intolerable, but alas, it is almost everyone. Now, don’t think this is the complaint of an old maid. It is simply the truth from a young lady not yet in her 22nd year.” Our advice to the young lady is to combine with other young ladies and cut the acquaintance, not only of this dude but the dudes in general. A dude is no good, either for family or any other use. C.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

All newspaper men are familiar with the man who “gets more papers than he can read now,” and therefore has no use for his local paper. This man takes a “family journal,” published somewhere, which furnishes him with a most interesting monthly digest of information under the all-absorbing caption of “Irene’s Fate,” “Thrice Wooed and Won,” or “Philosophical Musings,” or something of that sort. Meanwhile his wife can sit on the corner of the wood box and feed her starving intellect upon the household receipts contained in the back of Dr. Jayne’s almanac.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The rink closed for this season Thursday with a masked carnival. Could this large building be used to a better advantage, and could not the owner make more money and do the city more good by using this fine building for some other purpose? What is he going to do with it, we are not prepared to say, but should judge that it could be used to a better profit to the proprietor and more of a credit to the city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Winfield’s child elocutionist recited before the G. A. R. encampment at Wichita. The Beacon says: “The first thing given was a recitation by little Maud Scott, of Winfield, a child but four years old, and her elocutionary powers and delivery are wonderful. She delivered two recitations during the evening and called forth cheer after cheer. She is certainly a prodigy.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

An Atchison man has struck an original way of furnishing stimulants to the citizens of that city. His plan is to run pipes from a saloon situated on the Missouri side of the river to a room on the Kansas side, and then by means of a telephone, fill orders by forcing the liquor through the pipe. This plan, however, will not benefit Wichita to any great extent.


                                              C. M. Wood’s Story Continued.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Young people were quite scarce during the first winter of these settlements, there only being three young ladies in the whole neighborhood—Emma and Hattie Ross, daughters of Judge T. B. Ross, and Julia Monforte, daughter of Capt. J. C. Monforte, who came into the settlement some time in November, 1869. I think at least we found them here when my wife and I came back from Cottonwood Falls in November. Dr. W. G. Graham helped them to select and locate three good claims about three miles up Timber Creek. The family consisted of the Captain, his wife, two sons, and two daughters. The two sons being of age took claims adjoining that of their father and held onto them for some years, but hard times and disappointment drove them to part with them. The Captain held on to his claim, worked diligently in connection with his sons and from year to year improved it until it is now one of the most valuable farms in the county and is owned by Alvin and J. C. Monforte, Jr.

When I first made the acquaintance of the Monforte family, I was up the creek one day on some business (I cannot recollect what now), and found them encamped in the timber on the Captain’s claim. It was a cold winter day and I recollect that they were not at all used to such a life, having come from the City of Buffalo, New York. The Captain and his wife were then getting along in years. The Captain’s head being as white as snow, it looked to me as if he had made a wrong movement for one so far along in life, and I think I so expressed myself to him. He said that he had been a sea Captain, but that he now found himself with grown children, and that he had come west to fix them so that they would be able to take care of themselves. Julia and her little sister looked so delicate I recollect well how I pitied them there as they shivered with the cold. But with the determination of a person who will take such a task, the family have lived on from year to year and by perseverance and industry, are all in comfortable circumstances. Will and J. C. Monforte still carry on the farm and take care of the old folks, who are now too old to work much. Julia married Sid Cure, a thrifty farmer and an old soldier, who now lives on his claim in Walnut township. Hattie married a Mr. Wilson, who came here a few years since from Scotland, and bought one of the best farms in the same neighborhood where they still reside. He is a quiet, thrifty farmer, and she is making him a good wife and helpmate.

Later on came one Mr. Hill, the husband of another one of the Captain’s daughters. He also took a claim nearby and remained a year or so, having much sickness in his family, and being so unfortunate as to lose a little girl. They got discouraged, sold out, and left the country, since which time I have lost sight of them. I recollect well that my wife and I attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Hill’s child, at their claim, where the services were conducted by the Rev. E. P. Hickok, another early settler, which I may speak of more fully at another time. This was the first funeral, to my knowledge, in the county; and notwithstanding I had recently come out of the army, where death and desolation were all around me, I never before witnessed so solemn and impressive a scene as I did there and then. The lonely, wild, and desolate condition of the country, added to the grief of the parents and the fact that it was the first instance in which we had been made to feel that death would follow us wherever we went—all of these things made the occasion very impressive indeed.

Still later Mrs. Dr. Andrews, another of the Captain’s daughters, came with her husband and settled in Winfield. She became a widow and since has married Rev. P. D. Lahr, and is now living at Towanda, Kansas. The Captain is still living with his sons on the old claim.

I hope the reader will excuse me for entering into the details of the settlement of the Monforte family, for I cannot resist the temptation to speak of such heroism when it is brought so favorably to my recollection.

Some may ask from where and how did you get the necessaries of life. Well, our goods were hauled from Leavenworth, Kansas, some 260 miles, by wagon. Occasionally some farmer from the settlement would come through here with cured pork and sell it to us. Frequently hunting parties would cross the Arkansas river when the buffalo were plenty and would kill and load their wagons and bring home plenty of meat, which they would divide with their neighbors, selling to such as were able to pay them, and giving to such as were not. To show the difference in the price of living then and now, I will give a few prices: Good flour, $6 to $8 per 100 lbs.; corn meal, $3.50 to $4.00 per 100 lbs.; corn $2.25 per bushel; potatoes, $2.00 to $2.50 per bushel; smoked hams and bacon, 25 to 30 cents per lb.; butter, 50 cents per lb., and coffee, 3 pounds for $1.00; sugar, 4 and 5 pounds for $1.00, and everything else in proportion. The boys used to go hunting buffalo and would load their wagons with only the hams of young cows cut off with the skin and hair on, which they would sell in the settlement from 6 to 8 cents per pound, and when the skin was taken off, it would reduce the weight so that the meat would cost about 10 to 12 cents per pound. Allow me to say here that I almost forgot to tell you more about the Ross girls. Emma, in a few years, married, I think, a Mr. Bryant, but she has been dead some years. Pattie is still single and lives with her mother and brother, John, on the old homestead, as hearty, good natured today and looking almost as fresh and young as she did sixteen years ago. I will close now by saying that if my memory has been at fault in any material matter spoken of, I ask pardon of those whom it may affect.

It has been the general opinion heretofore that the Indians of this country were a noble and brave people, though savage in their nature, honest and unsophisticated, and that they were incapable of taking care of themselves in trading and dickering with the white men. Hence all that was necessary for a man to do to get rich off of them was to get the chance to trade and barter for what they might have to dispose of. Now, this is a mistake which many persons have learned to their sorrow. In my own experience I have found the Indian as sharp at driving a bargain and as good a judge of values, so far as they have become acquainted with the article for trade, as the average white man, and that their habits of indolence has much more to do with their poverty than any other one thing.

In the first winter of our settlement here, the Osage Indians conceived the idea of raising a stake by levying a tax or giving a license to each claim holder, allowing them to remain on their claims for the sum of $5 per annum, to be paid in advance, for which they would give a receipt in which they would state that such person was to be protected in all of the rights that the general government could give them in living on and holding a claim of 160 acres of land. Chetopa, in company with Bill Conner, his interpreter, of whom I have heretofore spoken, would go from one settler to another, making this proposition to them, and in some instances was successful in getting the coveted $5. Chetopa came to me one day in this manner and was told that he need not expect anything. So he good naturedly made me a present of one of his receipts, saying that he was my friend and that he would not charge me anything.

The following is a true copy of my receipt, which has been preserved by Mrs. Wood as a memento of those times.

                                   Dutch Creek, Cowley County, January 18, 1870

This is to certify that C. M. Wood has made presents to the amount of six dollars to Chetopa, Chief of the Little Osage Indians for which said C. M. Wood is to be protected in his claim and property by the said Indians for one year from date.

                                                    CHETOPA,    his x mark.

This seemed to please him very much and he went away seeming to feel that he had made a good point. I soon found out that other settlers had told him that if I would pay him, they would do the same, so he went back to them telling that I had paid, now they must do the same or else leave here. Next day quite a number of settlers came to me asking about the matter when I told them the facts in the case. Some of them had thought best and had paid their money, others had put him off until they would get at the truth of this matter, promising to pay if all the rest had to. This thing stopped right here and I never heard Chetopa speak about the matter again. He acted as though he was conscious of doing a mean act, which I found out afterwards was put up by Bill Conner. During the winter Chetopa would often come to our house, generally in company with other Indians, and at all times acted the part of a perfect gentleman. He would not allow other Indians to spit tobacco juice on the floor; but would admonish them to spit in a spittoon, which they would do when he was present. He would occasionally take a meal of victuals with us, but the first time it took some persuasion to get him to sit down at the table with us. He was always neat and mannerly, and Mrs. Wood used to remark that she would be much better pleased if all white men eating at our table were as nice as he was. He came to our house one night, all alone, it being quite late. We asked him to remain all night, which he did. Mrs. Wood made him a bed on the floor out of six or eight buffalo robes, of which we had plenty at that time. When he came to lie down, he looked up at us and said, “logany,” (meaning good). We all slept well and he left after breakfast next morning in good spirts.

The Indians would often bring things which they had traded for at the store, and hand them over to Mrs. Wood for safekeeping. She would mark them and put them away upstairs, where many things would remain uncalled for for days at a time. These little incidents only go to show that they had more confidence in Mrs. Wood than they had in me or some of their own people, for they would say, “Too many bad Indian; steal heap.” Chetopa at one time bought a fine saddle of Baker, and Manning gave him a very nice bridle, both of which he took to Mrs. Wood and left them for about a month, and when he came riding up to our house one day on a very fine, large American horse, he seemed to be under some excitement, and called for his saddle and bridle, which were brought downstairs, when he put both saddle and bridle on his horse, and as proud a man as can be, rode off across the prairie at full gallop, looking more like that noble Indian so much spoken of by our poets, and especially John G. Whittier, than any Indian I have ever seen, before or since.

One day while I was trading with two old Indians, a couple of white men came into the house by the name of Beadle and Tryon, who had taken the Kickapoo corral claim. Mr. Tryon said, “I am going to have some fun with these fellows,” and thereupon drew a sack having some coffee in it and acted as though he was going to strike one of them. The Indian whipped out his butcher knife, which he had hidden under his blanket, and made at Tryon with the full intention of cutting him up. Mr. Tryon was much scared and jumped across the house out of his way. The Indian persisted in his intention; and it took some considerable talk from me before he was satisfied that it was only intended for a joke. I don’t think Mr. Tryon has ever joked another Indian in that way, but has learned that such movements might not be very healthy.

If these stories should prove to be interesting, I shall feel that I have been well paid for writing them, as it is not at all unpleasant for me to go back and look over the old ground, for in fact, notwithstanding it may seem like a hard life to live, I believe that I enjoyed it as well as any portion of my life, as there was a fascination about the excitement that is pleasant to experience.

                                                   TOO THIN ENTIRELY.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Why not tax the festive drummer for the support of a town, as well as any other peddler? There would of course be a great kick made at first because the drummer, next to the lofty brakeman on a railroad train, is the greatest man on earth. But the idea, on business principles, is not a bad one. The wholesale houses in large cities live off of the merchants of smaller cities, and can well afford to contribute to the support of the towns throughout the country that give them a business and riches—just as well, in fact, as the local merchant can who gives the first profit on their sales. Conway Springs Star.

Get out with your drummer tax! It’s the thinnest kind of advocacy. Consider the thousands of dollars gathered all over Kansas by traveling men. They always get the best and pay the best. Half the hotels in the state would have to shut up shop if the festive drummer was to cease his peripatetic visits. From a dozen to thirty or more of these commercial men visit Winfield every day. Besides the money they leave, the convenience and saving to merchants is great. Suppose every time a merchant wanted to “stock up” in any branch, he would either have to “go to market” or order by letter. The result would be inconvenience, additional expense, and dissatisfaction in getting orders filled. The drummer is no peddler: he is a legitimate merchant in the avenues of trade, and as time goes on, will become more popular and useful to the wholesale houses, the local merchants, and the country in general. He increases business, all around, ten-fold, makes life and novelty in trade, and is variously a great individual whom you can’t keep down. He is incorrigible and indispensable.

                                             THE G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Sid Cure, Prof. Limerick, A. B. Arment, G. H. McIntire, P. P. Powell, of Winfield; H. C. McDorman, Joe Church, James Nicholson, Boone Daniels, of Dexter, got home Thursday from the G. A. R. encampment at Wichita. J. E. Snow, the ladies’ man of our delegation, was detained to deliver the inaugural address, tonight, of the Woman’s Relief Corps. Our “boys” are enthusiastic over the success of this annual encampment, pronouncing it the heartiest meeting ever held in the State. There were a thousand or fifteen hundred old soldiers present, and a rousing commingling that renewed the old time warmth. The Grand officers were elected as follows: Department commander, C. J. McDivitt, of Abilene; Senior vice-department commander, T. H. Soward, of Winfield; Junior vice-commander, J. D. Baker, of Girard; Chaplain, Allen G. Buckner. Especially enthusiastic is our delegation over the glory of “our Tom.” Judge Soward, elected to the next highest position in the department of Kansas, captivated the whole encampment by his eloquent speeches. He was frequently called out, making a speech last night, which, though impromptu, our fellows declare the finest effort they had ever known Judge to make. The election of Judge Soward to vice-commander is an honor worthily bestowed, and one which Winfield fully appreciates.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

When Janitor Fleming, of the 2nd ward school building, opened the building before daylight Thursday morning, he found upon entering Miss Campbell’s room, five tramps stretched out full length and wrapped in the arms of Morpheus, a pleasing smile wreathing their pale and interesting countenances. Mr. Fleming broke their slumbers by a peremptory demand to “arise, take up thy bed, and walk,” which they did, asking no questions. The teachers found several little things missing yesterday. Mr. Fleming thinks they had a key that they unlocked the front door with, though they said they got in through a window. The janitor is very careful to lock everything.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Seven hundred and fifty million dollars are annually employed to sustain the saloons of the land: $2,000,000 per day. This is only one form of the many influences at work to destroy young men. There are but few influences at work to benefit young men. The Young Men’s Christian Association is one of these influences. Over $2,000 per day it employs to help young men, while by the saloons alone are $2,000,000 per day employed to ruin them. This should awaken thought that should lead to more effort in the interest of young men.

The Watchman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

We hear that one of our old Winfield men, Mr. James Renox, his father, and whole family were frozen to death near Richfield, Kansas County, during the late cold spell. Jim was found dead, apparently in the act of putting the harness on one of his horses, and his father and family were found in the house frozen, having run out of fuel. Mr. James Renox will be remembered as having lived here for a long time, and engaged in selling and buying horses on our streets. His friends here will regret to hear of the sad fate of this family.

[Note: Paper really confused me on the above item, followed by another item in same March 4th issue that calls him by another name: “Jim Rennick.” What can I say? The errors made by paper were many in these six-page issues. I have no idea what the real name is of the individual who is supposed to have frozen to death and then later, was still alive.

                      One might ask: “Renox” or “Rennick.” That is the question. MAW]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Nature smiles upon happy people in every clime and at all times. Life is about what we make it, as is the minister’s sermon, a lawyer’s argument, a newspaper, and everything else for that matter. Southern Kansas is especially blessed year by year, and with few exceptions there are none here who are industrious, are able to procure all the necessaries of life, and many are there indeed who are enabled to gain fame and fortune from the natural growth of an unsurpassed productive country.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

About fifty couples from the rural districts gathered at the rink Friday and tripped the light fantastic to the music of the Roberts Orchestra and the prompting of Chas. Gay till a late hour. This is a big thing for the country boys, as the rink floor is as fine as can be found for this amusement—spacious and smooth as glass.

                                     MOTHER GRUNDY’S NEWS-BUDGET.

   Her Chronicle of the Comings, Goings, and Doings of Persons at Home and Abroad.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

S. D. Pryor took in the Terminus today, on legal business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Sam Gilbert is down from Wichita—Stereotyped by Chicago stereotyping Co.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. S. Hubbard and family left Monday morning for Richfield, Kansas County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

William Duncan brought in 27 head of hogs from 8 miles south of town Thursday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

F. N. Oliver and Geo. C. Cross are here from Wichita, hung up with Harter & Hill.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Blair have gone to Wichita to attend the G. A. R. encampment.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Miss Clara Brooks left last Friday to spend a week with the Misses Dennis, at Grenola.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. P. P. Powell went to Wellington last Friday to visit a few days with relatives.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A. A. Harris, Cincinnati, bombarding our merchants Friday, hung up at the Brettun.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

William D. Carey came in from El Dorado Thursday, where he has been on railroad business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Col. Peckham, attorney for the D., M. & A., came in from Wichita on his way to his home at Sedan.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Hop Shivvers is a widower for a few days, his wife having gone to Wichita to visit with her sister.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Judge Snow made an address to the ladies of the Woman’s Relief Corps at Wichita Thursday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A. E. Kirkpatrick, mine host of the Central Avenue Hotel, Arkansas City, was on our streets Thursday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

M. R. Arnett and Miss Alice Marshall were married by Judge Gans at the Central parlors Thursday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Dr. Stiles is over from Oxford. He has sold out there and intends moving back to Winfield in about ten days.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

W. C. Pellforn, W. K. Prankard, J. H. Orr, and Geo. D. Cook, Chicago drummers, hashed Thursday at the Brettun.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. Wes. Ferguson and daughter of Arkansas City, are in the city visiting Mrs. Cal Ferguson for a few days.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Prof. Morgan Caraway, of Great Bend, was in the city Thursday, viewing the Queen City and visiting acquaintances.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Wes. Ferguson, a brother, of Arkansas City, has charge of Cal. Ferguson’s stable during the latter’s absence at Dodge City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Jake Musgrove, one of the old timers of this section, was over from South Haven Friday. He’s as fat and jolly as ever.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. E. S. Burros, sister of Mrs. Dr. W. T. Wright, who has been visiting here for the past two weeks, went east Thursday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mr. Blackman, who has been living on East 10th, has rented the Olds House. Mr. Olds and family will leave Monday for the West.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Misses Nona Calhoun and Bert Morford are off for a few week’s visit at Joplin, Missouri, Miss Morford’s old home, and at Galena, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Bob O’Neil came in Thursday from Meade County, where he is engaged in the land business, to visit a few days with his parents.

Dr. S. R. Marsh has a severe attack of pneumonia, and won’t get out for a week or more. He is being cared for at Rev. Snyder’s house.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Dave Dix is the happy “dad” of a fine boy of regulation weight—as signified by his countenance Friday and the presentation of the cigars.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The roads are drying up and again the hay and corn are rolling in. The prices are good, however, and no danger of flooding the market.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

W. L. Moorehouse is putting up a building on North Main, near the S. K. track, to be rented for a railroad lunch counter and restaurant.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. Stewart, F. Murney, C. W. Aldriade, W. J. Flynn, and J. E. Moore, K. C. men of wares, stuck their pedals under the Brettun tables Thursday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, who has been very sick for some time, is now much better, and hopes are entertained of its recovery.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

W. L. Pridgeon was elected to the office of Judge Advocate of the Kansas division of Sons of Veterans at Wichita Thursday at the encampment.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Miss Alice Thomas, of Indianapolis, Indiana, arrived Friday, and will spend some months in the home of Mrs. M. Wood. She came to benefit her health.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Roy Stidger and his friend, C. C. Bardell, are here from Moundsville, West Virginia. Roy will likely locate at Richfield. Mrs. Stidger will be here in a few days.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

County Commissioner J. A. Irwin has returned from his La Belle, Missouri, visit, having spent a very pleasant month with his aged mother and old friends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. Beard, of the Fruit House, will move shortly into the building now occupied by Kennedy’s butcher shop, on 9th avenue, near Judge Snow’s office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Miss Mary Hamill has resigned her position in the second primary in the west ward. Mrs. F. C. Williams was elected to take her place next Monday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Henry Saunders shipped a car load of mutton to Boston Friday. Mr. Saunders will slaughter about 3,000 head this summer and ship them to the eastern markets.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Sam Kleeman is among the Winfield merchants now in the east buying a big stock of various wares. Samuel will have a selection that will get to the front.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moor, sister and brother-in-law of J. W. Curns, came over from Fort Scott Thursday and will remain for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Curns.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Miss Lou Ridenour went to Kansas City Thursday to assist in taking care of Mrs. Joe. Mooso, who went there two weeks ago for medical treatment, and is much worse.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Judge T. H. Soward and wife returned from the G. A. R. encampment at Wichita Friday. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilbert while at Wichita.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The old shells that have disgraced 9th avenue for a decade are now being shoved off the First National Bank lot, ready for the erection of the magnificent bank building.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

John T. Schonover, of the law firm of Ruggles and Schonover, of Wichita, spent Thursday in the city, a guest of Willis A. Ritchie. Mr. Schonover is formerly of Lima, Ohio.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

L. K. Richards, C. H. Kennell, F. T. Morophy, T. L. Howse, Batt Domelby, John O’Toale, Frank Hays, and Frank Herbert, Frisco telegraph men, were at the Lindell Thursday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Tom J. Harris, of Harris, Clark & Huffman, got home Wednesday from a week’s rambles in Missouri and places in Kansas on business. He gives his rail reflections in the Daily.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Architect S. A. Cook started to Kansas City Wednesday to secure several first-class workmen. He says he is behind with his business and must have two or three good men at soon as possible.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

F. J. Newton, the cornetist, has returned from three months in Fulton, New York, his old home. His brother, J. D. Newton, returned with him to remain. They go to Richfield in a few days to prospect.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Rev. C. J. Bowles, Jr., pastor of the Columbus Baptist church, is in the city, and made a few very timely remarks to the Baptist people of this place Thursday at the prayer meeting of that church.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

L. A. Millspaugh, the St. Joe foot gear man, one of “our boys,” came in Thursday from a tour of Southern Missouri and Eastern Kansas. Ob. represents a big firm and sells a pile of boots and shoes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

L. J. Webb, formerly of this city, now of Topeka, was elected Colonel, commanding Kansas division of Sons of Veterans, at Wichita Thursday. F. B. Waldren of this city was given a position on Webb’s staff.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Capt. Nipp, Sen. Long, Judge Snow, John Ledlie and wife, and Mrs. Samuel Dalton came down from Wichita Friday, where they have been attending the encampment and Woman’s Relief Corps of the Kansas district.

                                                         BUCOLIC BLISS.

             A County Couple “Do” the Town in Royal Shape.—Hungry But Happy.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

About one o’clock Friday afternoon a couple from one of the out-lying townships made their appearance on Main street, and for four hours strutted up and down the street, arm in arm, apparently as contented as a June bug is when he smiles serenely upon the coquettish grasshopper of the feminine persuasion. A ripple of happiness played upon their countenances that was pleasing to the eyes of a criticizing public. She showered artful glances upon him, while he reciprocated the compliment by tickling her under the jaw ever and anon. Their attire was of a style which is almost wholly a stranger to this section of civilization. His hat in its younger days of the plug stripe, maybe, but as age settled upon it, holes appeared and rips were noticeable. It looked as though someone had used it for a mattress; aside from this his hair was visible through a crevice in the side. His coat resembled a flag that had seen four years’ service in the late war and had since been used as a leather renovator; his pantaloon legs were probably the same length when made, but one had shrunk considerably and the other looked like it had been telescoped in a railway accident and landed several inches above his ankle; sunset patches adorned the pantaloons, and otherwise they presented a queer spectacle. One large toe was squeezed through a hole in the left shoe, his feet spread out on the walk like ham sandwiches. The young lady wore a small straw hat on the top of her cranium, on which bloomed a patch of artificial flowers. She wore bangs. But the kind! Gracious! They were the queerest specimen ever seen. Yellow in color, straight as a shingle, and of different lengths! They fell over her forehead like driftwood in a slow tide. A red collar, with a green ribbon, was wrapped around her neck. Her dress was a Mother Hubbard, with a xxx flour patch on the bustle. It struck her brogan shoe tops and flopped carelessly in the wind. He was eating crackers from one hand; in the other was a long link of healthy-looking bologna sausage, which he and his girl would ravenously gnaw. She was engaged in nibbling a hunk of squashy-looking cheese. Every now and then she would take a bite, then he, and thus they went along in perfect contentment, so far as the world was concerned.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Says the probate judge of Barber County, Judge Hardy: “I shall be compelled to revoke all permits issued to druggists in Medicine Lodge. Everyone of them have abused the privilege and forbearance has ceased to be a virtue with me. I saw five barrels of liquor consigned to a druggist going to a saloon in this town and that settled it with me. I have had the impression for some time that the druggists have been supplying the saloons, but could not get sufficient evidence; but now I am satisfied.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Wellington Press announces in a half a column the mysterious existence in Sumner County of some mysterious heir to a mysterious fortune of $80,000,000, and that some very mysterious individual, mysteriously bent on ascertaining whether or not he was really the only heir, or did this other mysterious heir live in Sumner. This mysterious eastern heir was dark and unfathomable in his movements—floating around like an apparition.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Tom H. Soward, senior vice commander, of Winfield, and J. D. Burke, junior vice commander, of Girard, and Col. St. Clair, of Sumner, were the last delegation last night to call to congratulate Wichita and her Eagle. Commander Soward said he had attended the national encampment at Chicago and encampments at several other points, and he was glad to say that Wichita’s street arches surpassed everything of the kind he ever saw. Eagle.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Fred Kropp has succeeded in getting the wall of the Carson building back to its former position and the work of underlaying has commenced and will be ready for the joining of the wall of the McMullen building in a few days. This has been a big job; being compelled to suspend a solid stone wall, but Fred is an expert at the business and can move anything from a chicken coop to a two-story brick house.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The old Schofield livery barn, one of the oldest and homeliest landmarks in Winfield, will soon be moved on north Main next to the old foundry building, where Frank Schofield will continue his livery business. A. H. Doane will erect a handsome business house in its place. And still we boom. The old shells will all be banished from Main street before 1886 goes out.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Go in, Harper Graphic and Anthony Republican. We admire your freedom and grit. Keep yourself well groomed, your liver right-side up, and your spirits damp, and you may keep in sight. The only thing in the way of our gait is the light weight on the other end. Give us a chance to “even up.” Cast a little bread, at least. That it will return to you ten-fold in a few days is very evident.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Presbyterian folks have not had a regularly appointed pastor since Rev. Kirkwood left them until Thursday. The members unanimously chose Rev. Miller as their pastor last night. Rev. Miller has been preaching here for this church for some time past and has proven himself to be the very man they want. He is a good speaker, an earnest worker, and will no doubt keep up a glowing interest in this church.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Farmers should profit by last year’s experience and get their work in at plowing as early as possible so as not to be delayed when seeding time comes with wet weather. Planting should be done as early as practicable. Last year so much rain fell as to delay planting until quite late. The time that was spent at plowing should have been spent at seeding. Never put anything off until tomorrow that can be done today.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

John W. Locke, deputy sheriff of Neosho County, was here Thursday from Chanute and took back with him Saunders, the tool thief gobbled here yesterday. Saunders’ original steal was worth $60, but he sold most of the tools at Cherryvale and Independence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A. H. Doane is having the old blacksmith shop occupied by Weaver & Keller moved to the rear of the lot on which it now stands, corner 9th and Millington streets, and will commence immediately to erect a business building on the corner where it formerly stood.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. P. Baden will ship another car load of butter this afternoon to Chicago. He turns out about 3,000 pounds per day. He will also ship a car load of eggs this afternoon to Chicago. He furnishes many of the eastern markets with butter, eggs, and produce.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Fred Ballein left Thursday for Chicago and New York to lay in the big spring stock for Baden’s headquarters. Fred has “caught on” to about all there is in dry goods, with his keen observation and will select a splendid stock.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The mad dog scare is raging in our city. A dog on east 10th avenue had what was supposed to be a hydrophobic fit this morning, and was quickly started on the road to the “happy hunting ground.” This is the only case we have had for two years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Hudson Bros. are at work on a huge town clock, of their own model and manufacture. It will weigh a thousand pounds and adorn the top of their business house, with a bell striker that will stroke the hours to be heard a mile.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Burden’s amateur talent is coming to the front in fine shape, in the interests of that town’s public library. A program is before us for a musical and dramatic entertainment tomorrow evening that promises much interest.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Rev. J. P. Henderson came in Thursday from Fowler, Meade County, where he has been for six weeks back. He says spring improvements have begun out there in earnest and everybody is in good spirits. Same here.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. S. Mann has just received one of the “slickest” mirrors to show the fit of clothing that has yet struck the town. You can see the back as well as the front of a suit. It came from Stein, Black & Co., New York.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Somebody who knows says: Any young man is made better by a kind sister’s love. It is not absolutely necessary that it be his own sister.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

You all know Brown & Son, the Winfield druggists. They sell and recommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. The best made for coughs, colds, croup, or sore throat.

                                                    WINFIELD COURIER.

                                               D. A. MILLINGTON, Editor.

                                        SUPPLEMENTS AS BILL POSTERS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

We notice that some postmasters and newspaper publishers have been getting into trouble for sending newspapers through the mails in which were folded supplements containing advertisements. The laws and regulations of the Post Office Department provide that supplements shall be folded in the main issue of the paper and shall contain no matter which is not germane to the matter in the paper and no advertisements unless accompanied by the affidavit of the publisher that the advertisement is a part of the matter of the regular issue and paid for at the same rates as such space and matter is paid for in the regular issue. The penalty for depositing in the postoffice for mailing as second class matter newspapers containing dodgers and supplements violating the above rules, is ten dollars for each paper so deposited and subjecting the whole batch to third class postage. We know of publishers within a thousand miles of here who have folded dodgers and bill posters as supplements, but disguised them by reading matter in the margins, and one case which has recently come under our observation where the bill poster was not attempted to be disguised in any other way than by the words at the head to show that it was a supplement to the paper. The publisher probably got $3.00 for printing the poster covering the space of a $30.00 advertisement, and attempted to help the advertiser to swindle the government out of $10.00 on the postage while he was himself giving his customer $30.00 worth of advertising for $3.00. Besides this, should the postal authorities be notified of his attempt, it would subject the publisher to a fine of $10,000.00 on a thousand copies and that would not be a very paying business.

Besides violating the law, which is the great consideration, and the penalty if detected, it is the most consummate fool operation that a publisher can be guilty of.

                                                 TURN THE RASCALS IN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The southern ex-rebel leaders, who are just now “on top” at Washington, are making the most of their opportunity. As a sample, the official records show that Senator Vance, of North Carolina, has managed to have the names of seventeen members of his own family, including his three sons, entered on the government payrolls, their pay aggregating $25,320 a year. The remark recently made by a distinguished southern Democrat that “we have been out for twenty-five years, and must now make up for lost time,” was not made in jest.

The investigation of the rolls of employees of the house of representatives, prompted by the allegation that many names are carried of those who perform the service for the pay drawn, is proving to be fruitful of interesting revelations. It is shown that the doorkeeper has on his rolls 140 employees, the clerk 45, the sergeant-at-arms 8, postmaster 21, the speaker 10, annual clerks 40, and session clerks 35—a total of 293, and drawing salaries that aggregate $407,632 per annum. The doorkeeper seems to have had the hardest time of it in his endeavor to accommodate congressmen who had constituents hungry for a taste of official life at Washington, and in his willingness to make himself agreeable all around, he has provided for more pegs than there were holes; and it is said his roll shows four or five newspaper correspondents whose relations to the duties of the positions to which they are ostensibly assigned consist in the not unpleasant task of drawing their salaries once a month. The officials before named assert that everything can be made plain, and the investigating committees will give them an opportunity of doing so. The examination thus far into the affairs of the doorkeeper has revealed anything but a creditable condition.

                                                THOSE FLORIDA LANDS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Some time ago the landed proprietors of Florida induced Joe Pulitzer of the New York World to issue a special edition of his paper for them. He did so. In it the peninsula was painted in the most glowing terms and held up as a veritable paradise. This stirred the jealousy of the New York Herald, and it sent down a gang of reporters, who declared that the whole thing was a delusion. “The land is a swamp. Nothing is plenty but mosquitoes. Malaria sweeps over the groves, rendering life a burden; and the whole state is in the hands of real estate sharks, while the late cold snap has ruined all the orange orchards and reduced thousands to absolute poverty.” The Florida people are calling upon the World to refute these tales as vile slanders. Joe is willing to do it if the people there will append their signatures to the statement to pay him a dollar a line. The first edition, however, exhausted their finances, and they are now in trouble up to their necks. The good results of their first venture are more than wasted, and they are cursing the New York sheets for a set of mercenary wretches, who have fleeced them without giving them the slightest satisfaction. Newspaper men are now looked upon in Florida with the eye of suspicion.

                                                          THE BIG FOUR.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The big four counties of the State are situated in a block on the Arkansas Valley. These four counties contain one-tenth of the entire population of Kansas. Think of it. These counties are Sedgwick, Sumner, Cowley, and Butler. These counties will send four senators and eleven representatives to the legislature. No such block of four counties can be found in the State. There cannot be found even two adjoining counties in the state with three representatives each. Those of our visitors who have cast their eyes out over this valley need not be told why this is so—why this section of the state leads all others in development and prosperity. All of Kansas is good, but the little block of sixty or eighty miles square, lying on the lower Arkansas Valley cannot be matched inside the State, and of course can’t be matched outside of the State. Eagle.

                                                  A MATTER OF CREDIT.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The passage of the pharmacy bill was due almost exclusively to the individual exertions of Chancellor Lippincott. It had been given up as hopeless by all the friends when the chancellor took the matter in hand personally and secured its passage. Lawrence Journal.

The above exhibits the earmarks of Chancellor Lippincott, and we will bet a hat that he wrote it himself and asked to have it inserted in the form above. The fact is that the Chancellor’s “individual exertions” were neither noticed nor known in the matter, and would have had no effect had they been noticed. The bill was passed through the efforts of Senator Barker and Representatives Roberts and Cos, men of character and influence and very popular in the legislature. To them all the honors belong.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Dr. F. M. Cooper, formerly of Winfield, but now of Burlington, Kansas, sent us a treatise on the “Oxygen treatment, a remedy in disease, mode of action and results, by a natural process of revitalization,” written by himself and published in a neat pamphlet form. Dr. Cooper is a natural scientist, has acquired much by study and experience, and we have great faith in the results of his practical research. We always knew he had in him the elements of success.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Red Gulch Dam was an Arizona newspaper, and the Red Gulch Fool another. They have now been consolidated and the name united in hyphened connection. The joint name is said to be Arizona for mugwump.

                                                    JUDGE S. I. OSBORN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Last Saturday the Governor appointed the above named gentleman Judge of the newly created twenty-third judicial district. The appointment is an eminently proper one. Among the many bright young lawyers of wester Kansas, Judge Osborn is perhaps the most thoroughly equipped for these high honors. He represented Trego County on the floor of the House during the last two sessions and was early recognized as one of the most prominent and useful members. That his judicial career will be one of honor and marked by ability of the highest order none who know him will for a moment doubt.

                                    WHAT OUR NEIGHBORS ARE DOING.

   Newsy Notes Gathered by the “Courier’s” Corps of Neighborhood Correspondents.

                                           BETHEL ITEMS. “BLUE BELL.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Railroad is all the talk in this vicinity at present.

Charley Piper has gone to his claim in Finney County.

John Anderson and family spent Sunday at Lon Bryant’s.

Mr. Shelton and Mrs. Emery, of Winfield, Sundayed at Uncle Joe Hassell’s.

J. F. Martin and wife were visiting at their son-in-law’s, Wm. Schwantes, Sunday.

The blizzard has not yet made its appearance, but gloomy weather in its place.

Attie Weakly will assist Grandma Weakly with her general house work for a time.

J. A. Rucker has marketed most of his wheat. The price received was 93 cents per bushel.

Winter is certainly over for Mrs. B. D. Hanna has been calling on some of her neighbors.

Frank and Hon. Weakly went to Winfield last Saturday and purchased a lot of barb wire.

Charley Bryant has set in for general farm work at Uncle Bob Weakly’s. He gets $20 per month.

The neighbors hardly get the question asked, how are the folks, Lon? Until the answer greets them, “It’s a boy.”

I often glance at “Old Sledge’s” items and believe he hits the mark better than “Rodent.” If not, he is badly off.

George Arnold is very anxious to look after a claim, and his anxiety will increase so much now that we would say go, George.

Mrs. Al Rucker made a flying trip to Winfield lately and contemplates visiting some this week. She is enjoying excellent health.

Miss Capitola Lynn is the next to catch the western fever, and will take a trip this week. May success attend her in her investment.

“Rodent,” a Bethel correspondent, in last week’s COURIER, was counting up the new kids in this vicinity, but counted one too many. Don’t count so soon.

                                              TORRANCE ITEMS. “DAN.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Miss Eva Reynolds was in Winfield one day last week.

Mr. Branson and wife, of Eureka, are visiting their sons here.

Mrs. H. R. Branson is quite sick. We hope she is not dangerous.

Mr. Cliff Rockwell went to Ford County Monday with Mr. Allen.

Miss Ida Straughn spent several days with her aunt, Mrs. Gardenhire.

Mr. Higbee is to be our new postmaster. We understand he is to take charge soon.

Several of our young people attended the play at Burden Friday night. They say it was good.

Mr. Sharp, from Taylorsville, came in Saturday morning. He will spend the summer in the Territory.

Mr. John Allen and family left Monday for Ford County. We wish them success in their new home.

Mr. Tom Jones, of East Prairie, has arrived home from his trip to Missouri. We welcome him back.

Mr. Lu Hewton [?]has sold out here, going back to his old home, Indianapolis, Indiana. We are sorry to lose him as he was one of the best.

Mr. Will Higbee arrived here from Schell City Sunday morning, to spend several days with his parents and friends. We are glad to see him.

The party at A. G. Elliott’s Wednesday night was a grand affair. It was well attended by the young people from Dexter and Torrance. All seemed to enjoy themselves.

Mr. H. G. Norton closed his school here Friday evening and returned to Winfield. His school should have lasted a month longer, but for some financial trouble. Miss Rittenhouse will teach a month longer.

                                       HACKNEY HAPPENINGS. “MARK.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The K. C. & S. W. R. R. company have reached this locality with their telegraph poles.

No spring seeding has been done yet in this community, but much preparation is being made.

Prof. Blake’s prognostications have come to pass on the weather, for the first few days of March.

Timme says, “the dude is bounced and will soon be seen with gripsack in hand riding on a tie pass, going north from Hackney.”

J. W. Feuquay represented “these diggins” at the G. A. R. encampment at Wichita, and reports a lively time and large attendance.

Ed. Watt has severed his relations with the commercial school of Winfield, to put in practice the knowledge acquired on his father’s farm.

Ed. Garrett closes his winter term of school today in district 4. Ed. gets the spring term without any of the trials, vexations, and tribulations of his fellow teachers in adjoining districts.

A three-cornered feud is at present brewing among the patrons, school board, and teacher in district 115. The occasion of the trouble is concerning who shall teach the spring term.

Jacob Nixon’s horticultural article in last week’s COURIER was interesting and instructive, and worthy of perusal by every farmer. Jake is a close observer and good authority on horticultural matters.

Miss Mattie Victor and E. W. Ewing are contesting for the privilege of teaching the spring school at Victor. They are both circulating petitions among the patrons of the school, and Miss Mattie, at last accounts, was several points ahead.

The members of the temperance union of Irwin Chapel refuse to be comforted and commune in sweet fellowship any longer. Discord and disruption seem to be their inevitable doom. A small house for one family will do, but never was one house built large enough for two.

Two members of the school boards of districts 131 and 10 have discovered a new way of employing teachers for their respective schools, viz: the member of the former district swaps his daughter for the wife of the member of the latter district. In the traffic, the old teachers who taught the fall and winter schools got left on teaching the spring terms. Verily the ways of the pedagogue are troublesome and mysterious.

It is a “dead give away” on the strength of a school board’s backbone when they write a very polite note to a teacher endorsing his methods of teaching and discipline, and acknowledging that they have no fault to find as a board, but in order to pacify the animosities of a couple of families in the district, they are obliged to change teachers for the spring term. There are too many such favoring, sycophant school boards everywhere, whose actions are largely instrumental in retarding the progress of education generally.

The Enterprise lyceum did not have the backbone to “tackle” the Centennials on joint debate. However, the latter society have accepted a challenge from the Tannehill literary, and Greek will meet Greek next Thursday evening, March 4th, at the Tannehill schoolhouse. The following question will be the subject of debate: “Resolved, That it would be to the best interest of the farmers of Beaver township to vote $15,000 aid for the building of an air line railroad from Winfield to Geuda Springs, with side track and depot in the center of the township on said line of railroad.” The Centennials will be represented, as regards speakers, by Messrs. Mose Teeter, Geo. Teeter, Ed. Byers, W. B. Holland, and M. H. Markum, on the negative.

It is high time that the farmers who patronize Winfield as a market should petition the city council to compel the city weigh master to remove his scales from Main street to some convenient avenue. He should also be compelled to secure a lot and erect a suitable pen for holding stock to be weighed, and a stock frame for confining stock on his scales when weighing. It is brutish and heathenish, to say the least, to expose loose stock on Main street to be run into by passing vehicles that constantly throng this thoroughfare. Then this barbarous treatment that stock must necessarily receive to force them onto an open platform scales, placed along a pavement where a continual stream of people are floating up and down, should be condemned without any argument. The spectacle of stout, robust men tramping around in the mud with clubs and horse-whips in their hands, beating and pounding helpless stock, is extremely shocking to the sensitive nerves and delicate constitution of ladies and children, who are unavoidably present on Main street. These scales should be removed near some livery barn where arrangements might be made for a yard for holding stock until weighed. Unless these conditions are complied with, farmers having stock to sell should play the boycotting scheme on Winfield.

“Mark” has received a copy of the report of the State Board of Agriculture for the quarter ending December 31, 1885; also the second annual report of the Live Stock Sanitary Commission. The Board’s report embraces a fund of useful and valuable information. Over 5,000 acres are seeded to tame grasses in Cowley County: 60,000 acres seeded to winter wheat last fall in our county, and its condition at the close of December was 100 per cent. But it is highly probable that the month of January reduced this condition at least one-quarter, with the critical month of March yet to hear from. The article, “A Little Talk to a Young Farmer,” by our Jas. F. Martin, should be read by every young man on the farm and nine-tenths of the older men. The articles, “The Farmer Boy,” by A. P. Collins; “Plowing Considered With Reference to Depth and Time,” by Martin Mohler; and “Farming For Profit,” by L. M. Pickering, are all valuable productions, and should be carefully read by every farmer. The map appended, showing at a glance the population of the State by counties, is a very concise and convenient tabulation. The middle of Cowley is on the meridian of the center of population for the state. Our county ranks five in the number of inhabitants, 29,555. Leavenworth leads in population, followed in their order by Shawnee, Sedgwick, and Sumner.

                                                         A WATER HAUL.

                                A Nocturnal Safe Blower That Didn’t Get There.

                                                  A Good One on Somebody.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

At three o’clock Tuesday night Tom H. Harrod, at the jail, was roused out by Jimmy Vance, a brother of Mrs. Bobbett, and rooming next to Hackney & Asp’s office, with the startling information that the big safe in Hackney & Asp’s office, full of valuables, was being bored. Tom yanked on a skimming of “duds” and rushed out into darkness surpassing “a stack of black cats,” accompanied by drizzling rain. Noiselessly he made around to the back window of the office, tumbling into a half dozen mud-holes head-over-heels in transit, and placed his ear to the pane. The same sound that the boy had heard—chump, chump, hard and then soft, caught Tom’s ear. He flew back to the jail, woke up Sheriff McIntire, who went over to guard the office while Tom went for Henry Asp and the office key. Scarcely taking time to jerk on his coat, shoes, and pants, all without buttoning, Henry accompanied Tom back. All listened and heard that same sound, as of a drill slowly penetrating the safe, now hard and then easy. Their hearts ran up into their mouths. After waiting, listening, and watching for a considerable time, there appeared to be no surcease or increase, and doubt as to the real existence of a burglar began to crawl into their minds, while Vance, the young “Wall Street detective,” stood shiveringly waiting for b-l-o-o-d. With guns ready for gore, the door was noiselessly unlocked and the premises carefully reconnoitered. No burglar, and Henry’s hair gradually resumed its lay as they hunted around for the source of the noise, which still continued. Finally the whole thing dawned. It was the drip, drip of the water spout of the abutting boarding house. This is what excited the boy and fooled the officials. It was a water hall and a good joke all around.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

“Talk about the mean, low, little contemptible things some men will stoop to for the sake of money, the story told us the other day about a man in Winfield trying to sell his deceased wife’s false teeth to a dentist in this city, caps the climax. Wellington Press.”

Yes, he was a Son-of-a-Gun from the headwaters, Wellington. But he struck the wrong town in which to try palming off his decayed truck. He was pummeled and yanked till his yells for mercy attracted a Wichita man, who gobbled up the teeth and loaned the poor devil ten cents with which to take the first train for purgatory.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. J. Carson & Co. have just received a large stock of boy’s and children’s clothing.

                                                              FOR SALE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A span of four-year-old mules, wagon and harness. Call on J. B. Nipp.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Good new geese feathers at the St. James Hotel at once.

                                                           LAND SLIDES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.

Mary E Martin and hus to J Wade McDonald, ne qr 15-33-4e and tract in ne qr 23-3-4e: $1,000

C W Wishard to J W Searle, e hf ne qr and w hf nw qr 15-35-7e, 160 acres: $1,200

Edgar S Wilson et ux to Charles W Wishard, e hf ne qr 15-35-7e: $1,200

A G Lowe et ux to Mariah Brown, lots 21 and 22, blk 155, A C: $200

D R Beatty et ux to A D Hawk, lot 3, blk 63, A C: $100

Alexander Crow et ux to Anna E Holloway, lots 20, 21, 22 and 23, blk 132, A C: $1,000

J P Stewart et ux to W L Morehouse, lot 6, blk 226, Citizens ad to Winfield: $600

Rachel Hines and hus to Christopher C Brown, n hf lot 7, block 3, Dexter: $200

R M Campbell to John Cox, lots 5 and 6, blk 8, New Salem: $150

A D Edwards et al to Jeremiah Weakly, e hf sw qr 23-34-5e: $225

M Brettun to John Smith, w hf ne qr 11-33-3e, Sheriff’s dead: $376

Martha Brockett and hus to Martin Stafford, tract in se qr 21-32-4e: $600

A V Polk et ux to A S Holmes, lots 7 and 8, blk 19, Wilmot: $125

Wilmot Town Co to A V Polk, lots 7 and 8, blk 19, Wilmot: $125

Wm J Gamel et ux to Theodore Curtis, lot 7 and n hf lot 8, blk 49, A C: $500

Thomas J Feagins to M A Thompson, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, blk 38, A C: $2,000

W P Carrer et ux to Wm F Carrer, se qr 10-31-6e, 160 acres, $2,000

J W Leach et ux to W T Wagner, s hf nw qr 34-32-6e, 80 acres: $1,500

S B Sherman et al to Margaret J Weaverling, pt lot 32, blk 12, Cambridge: $20.00

P Willis Smith et al to J P Stewart, tract in lots 5 and 6, Udall: $1,500

James K Miller et ux to John A Eaton et al, se qr and lots 3 and 4 & s hf nw qr 3-34-7e: $2,500

Annie Stilson et ux to Mary Crawford, s hf se qr & se qr sw qr 34-31-7e: $600

James Voyt et ux to Benj F Whipp, s hf 2-34-7e: $2,000

Martha Jane Shindle and husband to Jamison Vawter, lots 19 and 20, blk 77, A C: $1,100

Jamison Vawter et ux to Martha Jane Shindle, lots 21 and 22, blk 80, A C: $1,500

J P Stewart et ux to Nancy I Lowe, lots 7, 8 and 9, blk 192, Loomis ad to Winfield: $1,200

Martha I Martin et al to B W Matlack, ne qr 34-31-6e, 160 acres: $40.00

Lydia Welch to J Wade McDonald, ne qr 34-31-5e: $30.00

J R Musgrove et ux to F C Hunt, lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, blk 48, Musgrove’s ad to Winfield: $300.00

Highland Park Town Company to W G Graham, lots 1 & 14, blk 5, and lots 10, 11 & 12, blk 29, H P ad to Winfield: $1,500

Highland Park Town Company to Wm Newton, lots 2 & 3, blk 5, and lots 1, 2 & 3, blk 29, H P ad to Winfield: $1,500

W L Morehouse et ux to Henry N Eastin, lot 6, blk 226, Citizens ad to Winfield: $700

Byron Farrar et ux to Fred W Farrar, lots 1, 2 & 3, blk 54, A C: $3,000

Mark Morris to H J Acheson, lots 27 & 28, blk 110, A C: $75.00

Lyman B Kellogg et al to Mark Morris, lot 27 & 28, blk 119, A C: $20.00

A J Thompson et ux to J A Bennett, lots 7, 8 and 9, blk 286, Winfield: $550

Chas H Anthis et ux to Frank McFarlin, e hf se qr 31-34-6e, 80 acres: $800

A J Thompson et ux to W J Lundy, tract in nw qr 27-32-4e: $700

John B Lynn, C C Black et al to Island Park Land Company, tract in sw qr 25-32-4e: $25,000

Wm Davis et ux to David Jasper Wiles, e hf nw qr & w hf ne qr 8-33-5e: $150

John Wieck to Elizabeth Jane Baker, lots 10, 11 & 12, blk 171, Leonard’s ad to A C: $500

M S Houghton et ux to James C. Topliff, lots 23 & 24, blk 75, A C, q-c: $37.00

B W Matlack et ux to Ella Schooley, lot 15, blk 94, A C, q-c: $10.00

David M Harter et ux to Charles L Harter, lot 1, blk 228, Winfield: $1,200

Mary J Swarts & hus to Susie L Swarts, lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, blk 487, Swarts’ ad to A C: $1,200

Matilda Wilson & hus to J P Stewart, lots 1 & 2, blk 9, Moffett’s ad to Udall: $1,000

Joseph W. Calhoun to Robert Estus, lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28, blk 8, McLaughlin’s ad to A C: $800

Read & Robinson to G L Gale, Sheriff’s deed to lots 8, 9 & 10, blk 15, Robinson’s ad to Winfield: $1,070

Geo L Gale et ux to F C King and John Fildes, lots 8, 9 & 10, blk 15, Robinson’s ad to Winfield: $1,070

J R Ferguson to Aramanta Ferguson, e hf ne qr 18-30-6e: $1,500

Thomas S Smith et ux to Preston King, e hf sw qr 3-34-6e: $275

David Derflinger et ux to William Hoyt, lot 3, 5-33-63 & tract in nw qr se qr 7-33-6e, q-c: $1.00

C W Jones et al to Ed J McLean, 3/4 of tract in 36-32-6e: $95.00

Geo W Parks et al to W O Johnson, lots 1, 5 & 3, blk 260, Fuller’s ad to Winfield: $1,000

Thos J Smith et ux to Franklin P Smith, n hf se qr 5-33-5e, q-c: $1.00

Highland Park Town Co to J B Lynn, lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 & 12, blk 20, H P’s ad to Winfield: $1,050

Adolphus G Lowe et ux to Wm R Heminan, los 15 & 16, blk 118, A C: $150.00

Samuel S McDowell et ux to Adolphus G Lowe, lot 3, blk 170, Leonard’s ad to A C: $1,800

Charles Wise to Allie I Thompson, lots 21 & 23, blk 130, A C: $200.00

James Hill et ux to Adolphus G Lowe, lot 4, blk 170, Leonard’s ad to A C: $200.00

L C Norton et ux to Frank J Hess, se qr ne qr 25-34-3e, q-c: $1.00

Owen S Gibson et ux to James W Fox, lots 27 & 28, blk 139, A C: $1,000

Wm E Ruckman et ux to Ella S Gates, lots 19 & 20, blk 154, A C: $50.00

James W Cox et ux to Owen S Gibson, e hf ne qr 31-34-5e & w hf ne qr & e hf nw qr except 25 acres 31-34-5e: $3,000

College Hill Town Co to G W Oglesby, lots 1 & 2, blk 3, C H ad to Winfield: $150.00

Mary B Hoyland & hus to Wm D Frederick, lots 1 & 2, blk 12, H P ad to Winfield: $700

John C Rowland et ux to Andrew M Journey, lot 3, blk 227, Fuller’s ad to Winfield: $700

Francis S Rider et ux to Ira Holmes, lot 6, blk 148, Winfield: $1,800

Francis M Munday et ux to Geo H Stotler, nw qr 11-31-4e: $300

Ella Schooley & hus to Andrew J Pyburn, lots 15, 16 & 17, blk 94, A C: $1,700

                                                 SENATE PROCEEDINGS.

                                             The Senate in Executive Session.

                     Consent Refused To the Nominations of Pillsbury and Chase.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, March 2. The first thing yesterday morning, the Chair laid before the Senate a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting a reply to the recent Senate resolution calling for a report showing the claims, accounts, and vouchers suspended in that department. In discussing the motion to print the papers, Mr. Hale said that the accounting officers of the Treasury had lately taken a course which seemed to him extraordinary in holding up or suspending accounts or vouchers of officers of the Government who, according to custom and the usual authorization, had paid out moneys which had been entrusted to them for the purpose of being so paid out. The contention of the accounting officers of the Treasury, Mr. Hale said, was that the payments were not authorized. The papers, which are voluminous, were ordered printed.

Mr. Pugh, representing the minority on the Judiciary Committee, submitted the views of the minority on the resolution referred to that committee concerning the office of district attorney for the Southern District of Alabama. It was ordered printed in the Congressional Record and also in separate form.

At 12:20 p.m., on motion of Mr. Hale, the Senate went into executive session.

At 2:40 p.m. the Senate doors were opened and the Chair laid before the members a lengthy message from the President bearing on the right of the Senate to have access to the papers, etc., in the executive departments relating to suspensions from office.

When the message had been read, Mr. Edmunds said that it reminded him of a communication of King Charles I to Parliament. He also said that the President unintentionally, no doubt, entirely misrepresented the question involved between the Senate and himself.

Mr. Harris remarked that for reasons to which he might not refer here he had no desire to discuss the matter involved, and moved the message be printed and lie on the table.

“I think I am safe in saying,” remarked Mr. Edmunds, “that it is the first time in the history of the Republic that any President of the United States has undertaken to interfere with the deliberations of either house of Congress on questions pending before them, otherwise than by messages on the state of the Union, which the constitution commands him to make from time to time. This message is devoted solely to a question for the Senate itself in regard to what it has under consideration. That is its singularity. It, I think, will strike reflecting people in this country as somewhat extraordinary—if, in these days of reform, anything at all can be thought extraordinary. The Senate of the United States, in its communications to the heads of departments—not his heads of departments, but the heads of departments created by law—directed them to transmit certain official papers and that is all. The President of the United States undertakes to change the question into a consideration by the Senate of his reasons or motives for putting a civil officer, as it might be called, “under arrest,” with which the Senate has not undertaken, in any way, to make any question at all. By every message he has sent to this body—and they are all public—he has asked the Senate to advise and consent to the removal of one officer and the appointment of another. This is what he has done, and the Senate, in calling for those papers, to say nothing of the wider considerations about any deficiencies in the Department of Justice, is asked to remove these officers without knowing the condition of the administration of their offices.”

After some further sparring between Messrs. Edmunds and Harris as to the disposition of the message, the motion of Mr. Edmunds was agreed to, referring it to the Judiciary Committee and ordering it printed.

In executive session John H. Shaffer was confirmed as postmaster at Kankakee, Illinois, while the nominations of Pillsbury and Chase, to be collectors of internal revenue at Boston and Portland, respectively, were rejected.

                                          HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

          Petitioners Want Daniel Manning Impeached For Violating the Silver Law.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, March 2. In the House yesterday, under the call of States, the following bills were introduced and referred.

By Mr. Moore, of Delaware: To repeal the patent laws now in force and establishing another system of rewards for inventions.

By Mr. Springer, of Illinois: A resolution directing the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department to investigate the expenditures and management of the Pension Bureau during the present and previous administrations; also, to ascertain what foundation exists for the statement of Commissioner Black in regard to partisan use and extravagant management of that bureau during the terms of his predecessors.

By Mr. Joseph, of New Mexico: Appropriating $200,000 for the establishing of a new military post at Deming, New Mexico.

By Mr. Neal, of Tennessee: To repeal the internal revenue laws.

By Mr. Butterworth, of Ohio: To create a department of industry and bureau of labor.

By Mr. Hewitt, of New York: To admit free of duty lumber, salt, coke, coal, and iron ore produced or mined in the Dominion of Canada.

Mr. Brumm, of Pennsylvania, asked unanimous consent to have printed in the Record’s memorial signed by J. P. Brigham and others, asking for the impeachment of Daniel Manning, Secretary of the Treasury, for high crimes and misdemeanors in the execution of the silver law.

Mr. Beach, of New York, objected.

The Senate bill was passed for the erection of a public building and alteration of the jail at Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Mr. Eldridge, of Michigan, moved to suspend the rules and pass the Mexican Pension bill, with a proviso exempting from its provisions persons politically disabled. After a debate and pending action upon the motion, the House adjourned.

                                               WATCHING FOR SKUNKS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

RICH HILL, Mo., March 2. A young man whose name we could not learn, living near New Home, in this county, loaded his shot gun to kill skunks (as they had been devastating the chicken house). Himself and some companions went about one mile in the woods where there was a hollow log and waited for the aforesaid animals to come out. While thus waiting, he had his gun cocked and was ready to shoot, when he set the stock of the gun on the ground and placed his left hand on the top of the barrel. By some manner unknown to the young man, it went off, shooting the contents (No. 3 shot) in his left hand and eye, totally destroying the eye and mutilating the land. Drs. Gillett and Long amputated the hand.

                                                       A CURIOUS CASE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

CHICAGO, March 2. Elizabeth Schwartz, a richly dressed and handsome lady, was arrested today, charged with bigamy. The prosecutor is Count Anton Hodgurski, who says that he was married to Elizabeth some years ago in Germany, but that being angered at some fancied slight at a reception, she ran away. He followed her to this country, and after many months, succeeded in locating her in Chicago. In his ordinary dress he was unable to pursue his search, and so, assuming the disguise of a ragpicker, he diligently went through every quarter of the city until today he discovered his truant wife on Eighteenth street. The former Countess Hodgurski is now married to N. L. Schwartz, a wealthy merchant, who gave bonds of $3,000 for her appearance.

                                         A PROMINENT OFFICIAL TALKS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

PHILADELPHIA, March 2. Said a well known and prominent Baltimore and Ohio Railroad official today: “When will the trouble between my road and the Pennsylvania cease? Very shortly. You may depend on that. You can even go further and say that the trains of the Baltimore & Ohio will be running into Jersey City over the Pennsylvania tracks within the next sixty days. The negotiations are now on foot and there is not the slightest doubt in my mind but they will be perfected very speedily. Will the transcontinental rate cut last? That I can’t tell. It has stimulated travel, wonderfully. We had ten through passengers for San Francisco yesterday.”

                                                   JOHN KELLY WORSE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

NEW YORK, March 2. A rumor was circulated about the city yesterday that John Kelly was dead, but it was found to be wholly untrue. He is suffering from nervous prostration and insomnia, and for several weeks has been unable to digest any food except milk, which is given to him in small quantities. He has become greatly reduced in flesh, and his lack of nourishment and sleep have made him very weak. Although his condition has not materially changed from what it was some weeks ago, he is daily becoming weaker, and has lost his strength of mind, and his dissolution is not many days distant.

                                                     MARKET REPORTS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Skipped Grain and Provisions reports for St. Louis, Chicago, New York, and Kansas City. STREAKS OF SUNSHINE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Skipped. Everything was a repeat from previous issues. Really cannot understand why they kept printing this item.

                                                        LEGAL NOTICES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Recap: Franklin P. Smith, Plaintiff, vs. Arthur Shupe, Mary E. Shupe, Eva Smith, Alma Smith, Elma Smith, Bert Smith, Sarah J. Smith, William O. Mounts, Frank T. M. Smith, Oscar Smith, Wilson Walters, Elizabeth Walters, and Jonathan Duncan as administrator of the estate of Charles F. Smith, deceased. Defendants. Franklin P. Smith, By Jennings & Troup, His Attorneys. Petition to be heard April 17, 1886, to quiet title of plaintiff to real estate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Recap: Sheriff’s Sale by G. H. McIntire to be made Monday, March 15, 1886, to settle suit by S. E. Hunt, Plaintiff, vs. A. A. Knox and Sophronia Knox, plaintiffs, by selling goods and chattels: 1 sorrel horse about eight years old; 1 four year old cow; 1 steer, yearling in spring; 2 heifers, yearlings in spring; 1 lumber wagon schutler make, with box, sideboards and spring seat; 1 windmill and gearing; 7 shoats, all now at the farm of said defendants, in Beaver township.

                                  SHERIFF’S ELECTION PROCLAMATION.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1886, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Cowley, in the State of Kansas, duly made, and caused to be entered of record in the office of the County Clerk of said county, the following order to-wit:

                  OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK, WINFIELD, KS., March 2nd, 1886.

NOW, on this 2nd day of March, A. D. 1886, at a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, duly convened, present: S. C. Smith, Chairman; and J. A. Irwin and J. D. Guthrie, Commissioners, S. J. Smock, County Clerk, and Henry E. Asp, County Attorney, there is presented to said Board of County Commissioners an act of the legislature of the State of Kansas, entitled, “An act in relation to building and maintaining bridges in Cowley County, Kansas, and to provide for levying and collecting taxes for such purposes.” Approved February 18, 1886. And upon consideration of said act, it is ordered by the said Board of County Commissioners that a special election be and is hereby called to be held in said County of Cowley, on Tuesday, the 8th day of April, A. D. 1886, for the purpose of taking the sense of the electors of said Cowley County as to whether the said act of the legislature of the State of Kansas shall be in force in said Cowley County; and for the purpose of determining the said proposition.

And it is further ordered that the Sheriff of said county give at least twenty days’ notice of said election, of the time and places of the holding thereof, by proclamation, and by publishing the same for at least twenty days in the WINFIELD COURIER, a weekly newspaper printed and published in said County of Cowley, and of general circulation therein, and being the official paper of said county, and by posting the same as written or printed handbills at each of the several voting precincts in said county, at least twenty days before the time of the holding of said election.

And it is further ordered that the votes and ballots for the said proposition shall have written or printed thereon the following words: “For the Special Bridge Act,” and the ballots and votes against said proposition shall have written or printed thereon these words: “Against the Special Bridge Act.”

And it is further ordered that in said proclamation the said sheriff set forth the foregoing order in full.

Done by the Board of County Commissioners of the county of Cowley in the State of Kansas, this 2nd day of March, 1886

                                     S. C. SMITH, J. A. IRWIN, J. D. GUTHRIE

                                 County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas.

                                  STATE OF KANSAS, COWLEY COUNTY, ss

Now, therefore, I, G. H. McIntire, Sheriff of the county of Cowley, in the state of Kansas, under and by virtue of the foregoing order of the Board of County Commissioners of said county of Cowley, and the authority in me vested by law as such Sheriff, do hereby proclaim and make known that on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, A. D. 1886, there will be held a special election in said county of Cowley, at the usual voting precincts therein, for the purpose and in the manner and form as set forth in said order of the said Board of County Commissioners of said Cowley County, and that in all other respects said election will be held, the returns made and the result ascertained in the same manner as is provided by law for general elections.

Done at the Sheriff’s office in the city of Winfield, in the county of Cowley, state of Kansas, this 3rd day of March, A. D. 1886.

                                                    G. H. McINTIRE, Sheriff.

[Note: I skipped the Act bringing about the above election for bridge construction. It was very lengthy. The law referred to was Senate Bill No. 2, February 20, 1886.]

                                    THE COWLEY COUNTY LAND OFFICE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

No. 1, 300 acres, choice Arkansas river bottom land, 9 miles southwest of Winfield; 200 acres in cultivation; 100 acres fenced; good orchard; well watered; 2 small houses. A splendid farm for grain or stock. Price, $10,000.

No. 14, 160 acres, 2½ miles from Dexter; 80 acres cultivated; all under fence; comfortable house, stable and other buildings; abundance of all kinds of fruit; 10 acres of timber; well watered. Price, $4,000.

No. 17, 160 acres, 7 miles from Winfield, adjoins good R. R. station, with church and school; all in cultivation and in pasture; fenced and cross fenced; good buildings of all kinds. This is one of the best farms in the county and cheap at $8,000.

No. 21, 160 acres, 2½ miles from Cambridge; 60 acres cultivated; comfortable house and stable; good orchard and pasture; 12 acres timber; clover meadow; all good land. Price, $2,000.

No. 27, 240 acres, 1 mile from Winfield; 120 acres in cultivation, good dwelling house, stables, bins and crib; living water; 3 good wells; 10 acres orchard; 2½ acres vineyard; in fact everything necessary to make a farm profitable and convenient. Easy terms. Price, $7,500.

No. 28, 120 acres 2 miles from Winfield; all good smooth land and all in cultivation; no other improvements except all under fence; a choice piece of land, well adapted to fruit, grazing or grain. Price, $4,500.

No. 32, 160 acres, 50 acres bottom land in cultivation; 100 acres slope land; barn worth $1,000; good four room house, buggy house, granaries and bins; good orchard, 2 wells, spring cow pond. This is one of the best improved farms in the county, is situated about 25 miles from Winfield 2½ miles from a thriving railroad town, ½ mile from one of the best schoolhouses in the county. Price $3,200; will take city property worth from $1,000 to $1,000 in part pay, or $1,000 to $1,200 cash, and balance on time.

                                                         CITY PROPERTY.

No. 30, a good 5 room house, with cellar, porch and veranda; corner lot, fenced, and well, set in fruit and shade trees; good well; coal house, henery and stable; nice location. Price $1,500; part cash and balance on time at 8 per cent.

No. 31, a good 5 room house, all on first floor, and nearly new; 1 lot, good well and other conveniences; a nice property, very convenient. Price, $1,200

No. 52, a good 6 room house, with four lots; good barn, abundance of fruit, of all varieties; centrally located and one of the best locations in the city. Price, $4,500

The above is only a small portion of the property for sale on my books. I have other farms, besides a great many vacant lots in the city, and small tracts in the suburbs. In short, I have as good a list to select from, which are offered at prices and terms as reasonable, as can be had in the city. Parties desiring to purchase, or to talk about lands and real estate generally, are cordially invited to visit the Cowley County Land Office, where you will at all times get courteous treatment, whether you buy of me or not.

                                                          H. T. SHIVVERS.

                                                        PLUMB’S POINT.

      The Senator Attacks the Education Bill As a Dangerous Piece of Centralization.

                           The Bill For a Grant Monument Passed in the Senate.

                                                   The Fuss With Cleveland.

                         House Committee Report on the Surplus in the Treasury.

                                        Favors Applying It to Debt Reduction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. In the Senate yesterday among the bills reported favorably from committees and placed on the calendar was one by Van Wyck from the Committee on Public Lands to confirm entries of public lands made under the public land laws of the United States.

Senator Van Wyck said the purpose of the bill is to quiet the apprehension of settlers who fear that some of the rulings of Commissioner Sparks may have the effect of canceling claims which were taken in good faith under the laws as interpreted by former commissioners. He proposes to crystalize certain well recognized principles of practice into a statute.

Among the bills introduced and appropriately referred was one by Mr. Edmunds to facilitate the administration of the laws in Alaska. Mr. Edmunds explained that persons appointed to office in Alaska could not give bond in that Territory and the bill was intended to enable such persons to give bond in the States from which they were appointed.

Mr. Morgan offered a preamble and resolution, which, at his request, was ordered printed and laid on the table for the present, the purpose of which is to show that the Senate Judiciary Committee has not authority to arraign the Attorney General as it did in its recent report, and accompanying resolutions in regard to the refusal of the Attorney General to transmit to the committee certain papers in regard to the removal of officers, which were asked for by the committee. The preamble says, referring to the recent Judiciary Committee resolution: “If said resolution is adopted as being true upon its face and as a matter of law, it will thereby announce a pre-judgment of the majority of this body without any trial according to law; that the Attorney General of the United States is guilty and condemned for wilfully committing an offense in the conduct of his office which is in violation of his official duty and is subversive of the fundamental principles of the Government of the United States; the Attorney General is only amenable to the condemnation of the Senate when sitting with the Chief Justice of the United States as a court of impeachment to hear and decide upon the articles of impeachment presented by the House of Representatives.

Mr. Dolph, from the Committee on Public Lands, reported a resolution calling on the Secretary of the Interior for full information concerning the selection, surveying, and patenting of the lands given in aid of the construction of the Northern Pacific railroad. The resolution was agreed to.

Mr. Hoar called up the bid appropriating $250,000 for the erection of a monument in Washington City to the memory of General Grant. The bill was passed.

When the Education bill was placed before the Senate, Mr. Gray took the floor in opposition to the bill, taking the ground that education in the States was not only wholly outside of the jurisdiction of the United States Government, but exclusively in that of the several States. In conclusion, Mr. Gray said: “I trust it may not be considered presumption in me if I beg the Senators, older, more experienced, and wiser than I, to hesitate long before taking the first step in this new and unexplored pathway of Federal encroachments. Down its dark vistas I see shapes of such direful portent that I shrink from the encounter. Over the level bulwarks of the Constitution will come thronging, thick and fast, the armies of centralization and the enemies of local government. We may still find life worth living under the new dispensation, but will never cease to mourn the constitution of our fathers wounded to death in the house of its friends. I have no desire to see the map of the United States painted over with one color. I at least shall not assist in thus obliterating the lines of States, and with them the ancient landmarks of the constitution.”

Mr. Plumb also opposed the bill. He regarded it as an anomaly in legislation, appropriating the money not only for one year but for eight years. He had no doubt that at the end of the eight years, if the pabulum now provided were not continued, conventions would meet and delegations would be sent to Washington to urge Congress to keep on appropriating more money. We must therefore understand that in passing this bill, we were arranging for expenditures for generations yet to come. Large appropriations had come to have something attractive in them and an appropriation of $7,000,000 was seventy-seven times more attractive than an appropriation of $1,000,000. “This bill,” Mr. Plumb said, “was the outgrowth of that demoralized and demoralizing period preceding the last Presidential election. If there was any period when public men were less qualified than at any other to give wise and careful consideration to the financial affairs of the Government, it was the season preceding a Presidential election when the issues were being made. The interests of candidates were being forwarded when we were laying plans and plots whereby we might catch an unwary opponent or appeal to some class or section for its vote.”

Mr. Plumb said he could count on the fingers of his hands the Senators who really favored the bill independent of some such reason, and if the bill could in some way be got rid of without submitting it to a vote, nine Senators in every ten would not regret it. A dangerous piece of legislation was about to be enacted that did not meet the calm and considerate approval of those who would vote for it. Mr. Plumb quoted statistics to show the assessed valuation of property in the United States, and insisted that each such State was amply able to educate its own illiterates. He quoted figures showing that much the larger proportion of the money would go to the States of the South, and much the larger part of it be supplied by the States of the North and West. The whole theory of the bill was false; that theory being that the Southern States were not able to give a common school education to their illiterates. If the bill was constitutional, there were no longer any States, except as they might exist in the imagination, because they had no function that was not subject to the will of the general Government. If that was constitutional, it was constitutional to abrogate the State. If Congress could aid education in this way, it could seize and control the entire system of State education. Mr. Plumb, however, could not discuss the constitutionality of the measure. It was enough to know that it was an unwise and unwarrantable expenditure of public money. The general Government was under no obligation to remove the ignorance of the South. The blacks who were freed by the war would receive no benefit from this bill.

Mr. Plumb contrasted the achievements of Kansas since the war with those of the States of the South. “When the war closed,” he said, “and for five years afterward, there was not one of those States that did not have a taxable valuation largely in excess of Kansas; yet Kansas has contributed for the support of its common schools more than four times as much as any Southern State. Kansas expended $3,000,000 on common schools last year. Education was the sign by which the people of Kansas had conquered. What the South wanted was such an arrangement of its affairs as would induce good men to go there and to build up communities. It was not money that was lacking, but the spirit to do the work. Money did not educate the people. Education was born of the determination to know.”

“The South, however,” Mr. Plumb was glad to say, “was, year by year, increasing its expenditures for education.” Mr. Plumb believed that if left alone and not encouraged to reach its hand into the National Treasury, it would continue to increase its expenditures for that object.

Mr. Call spoke in favor of the bill. He recognized the constitutional power of the General Government to aid the States, with their own consent, and the constitutional power of the States to aid the General Government. Such aid had been recognized as constitutional from the foundation of the Government. “The South was not without self-reliance,” Mr. Call said; “its people had already taxed themselves to the utmost, but their land was not, as was the case with Kansas, a readily convertible asset.”

Before the Senate Senators Gray and Plumb spoke in opposition and Senator Call in favor of the bill.

After a short executive session, the Senate adjourned.


In the House yesterday Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a joint resolution directing the payment of the surplus in the Treasury on the public debt. Referred to the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Hewitt, of New York, obtained leave to file a minority report.

The report which accompanies the joint resolution says: “On January 30, 1886, as shown by the official statement of the assets and liabilities of the Treasury of the United States, there was in the Treasury and United States depositories, including the amount held for the redemption of United States notes and not including minor fractional silver coin classed as assets not available, the sum of $179,689,862.24 in excess of all other liabilities than the redemption of said United States notes. It is believed that this sum is largely in excess of the sum required for the purpose for which it is held, and that a considerable part of the interest-bearing debt of the United States now payable, to the end that public moneys shall be used to lighten public burdens and not unnecessarily held to lure the agents and representatives of the people into improvident and wasteful expenditure.

Mr. Tucker, of Virginia, from the Committee on Judiciary, reported a bill providing that no person shall be held to answer for any crime whereof the punishment may be loss of liberty except on presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger. Placed on the House calendar.

Mr. Ellsberry, of Ohio, from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, reported a bill granting pensions to all invalid soldiers or widows or children who are dependent upon their daily labor for support. Referred to the Committee of the Whole.

Mr. Buchanan, of New Jersey, from the Committee on Claims, reported a bill for the relief of survivors of the exploring steamer Jeannette and the wives and children of those who perished in the expedition. Placed on the private calendar.

The morning hour was consumed in the consideration of the bill to annex the northern part of Idaho Territory to the Territory of Washington, but no final action was taken.

The House then proceeded to the consideration of business on the calendar.

The bill forfeiting the unearned land grants of the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Company was taken up on motion of Mr. Holman, of Indiana. An amendment was adopted providing that forfeited lands shall be subject to settlement under the homestead law only. A substitute offered by Mr. McRae, of Arkansas, on behalf of the minority of the committee was rejected and the bill passed without revision.

On motion of Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, it was ordered that Saturday of each week be devoted to general debate in Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union.

On motion of Mr. Morrison, the House adjourned.

                                                 KANSAS ENCAMPMENT.

                   Grand Army Men Meet at Wichita.—Governor Martin Present.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WICHITA, Feb. 24. The fifth annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic was announced ready for business at 3 p.m. yesterday by Department Commander Stewart H. W. Lewis. On behalf of the City of Wichita, he delivered the address of greeting to the representatives of 20,000 veterans gathered together within the borders of Kansas. In words of pathetic earnestness he greeted these representatives of the Grand Army, once 1,000,000 strong, but now a remnant of 300,000. Governor Martin was introduced to the encampment, but declined to make a speech, simply thanking the comrades and telling them that business being first, there was no time for making speeches. Like the soldiers at Chattanooga, when Rosecrans was making speeches, one of whom wanted a little less talk and a little more sowbelly, Governor Martin desired the work to go on. He was received with continued rounds of applause. Reports were then read and other business transacted, after which the convention adjourned until today.

                                    BRITISH CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

LONDON, Feb. 24. At a meeting of the chambers of commerce in the city today, Mr. Forwood, Conservative member of Parliament from Lancashire, a prominent merchant and ship owner of Liverpool, presided. He attributed the present depression in British trade to the appreciation of gold assisted by the competition of foreign products and manufactures turned out by skilled labor improved by technical education. The Dublin chamber of commerce offered, and the Glasgow chamber seconded, a resolution against weakening the union of England and Ireland, because of the disastrous nature of the results which would come to the commercial and trading interests of Great Britain.

                                                    JUMPED HIS BISHOP.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

LEAVENWORTH, Feb. 24. Rev. Father Demattos, of the St. Paul Episcopalian Church of this city, whose requiem mass for the late Jardine caused so much comment, and who was censured by Bishop Vail for so doing, has resigned, claiming he could not remain in a diocese where the views of the Bishop and his own were so widely different.


                         THE BARTON KILLING.—GOLD BRICK SWINDLE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

CHICAGO, Feb. 24. When the cashier at the Grand Pacific made up his weekly cash yesterday morning about 8 o’clock, he put the money, checks, and so forth, into an envelope, as he had done every morning for the last ten years, and laid it on the desk prior to taking into the private office. Going into the vault for a minute or so, he found upon his return that the envelope had mysteriously disappeared. Beneath it lay the weekly cash of the restaurant, which was untouched. The envelope contained a total amount of $1,187, of which $205 was in cash. The checks and papers came back on the noon mail; but the money is still missing and is liable to be. It is supposed that some person lounging about the hotel quietly walked behind the railing and took the package, as none of the employees are suspected.

                                                  DESERTED HER FAMILY.

FT. KEOGH, M. T., February 24. There is much excitement in Billings, caused by the elopement of Mrs. Richard A. Clark, wife of a respectable ranchman living near the city, with a young man named James Donaldson. The guilty parties took the western train last night for Portland. Donaldson has been working for Clark for a year past, and Mrs. Clark, who is a woman of considerable attraction, appears to have become infatuated with him. About a week ago Clark discovered undoubted evidence of their built, and hunting up Donaldson, fired at him with a charge of buckshot and nearly killed him. The young man, although filled with shot, managed to get away with his guilty partner last night. Mrs. Clark leaves behind her eight children, one of whom is a mere baby.

                                                 MOONSHINERS NETTED.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb. 24. Advices reached the United States Marshal’s office in this city today from Howard County, this state, to the effect that Deputy United States Marshal Pope and a posse of the above county had arrested part of a gang of moonshiners in Howard and successfully raided their premises. J. S. Herdleson and J. M. Mann are the names of the men captured, while several escaped. Their rendezvous was located in the swamps twelve miles from Centerpoint, and it is thought the “woods is full of them” in that section of the State. Those taken were captured unawares and it is known that the posse who undertakes to molest this species of Arkansas people will have a dangerous job on hand.

                                                      THE LAST CHANCE.

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 24. Sheriff Harrington this morning held a consultation with Circuit Attorney Clover on a written application from James J. McBride, in behalf of John Hayes, the condemned murderer, who is sentenced to hang a week from next Friday. The application prays for an examination by jury into Hayes’ mental condition, it being claimed by Mr. McBride that his client is insane. Messrs. Harrington and Clover decided to grant the request, and a jury will be procured and the investigation will take place next Friday morning at ten o’clock in the grand jury room.

                                                           WHO WAS HE?

MONTREAL, Que., Feb. 24. An American stranger, believed to be ex-Sheriff Davidson, of New York, a few days ago consulted a law firm here. He said he had some judgments outstanding against him and had several thousand dollars in United States bonds in his possession. After the consultation, during which he was informed that if the bonds were come by dishonestly, he could be arrested here, he left, and has not since been seen.

                                            WANTS A CHANGE OF VENUE.

BLOOMINGTON, Ill., Feb. 24. The murder case of Dr. Harvey L. Harris, for the killing of George W. Barton at Raybrook last November, came up in the McLean circuit court this morning. The attorneys for the defendant presented a petition for a change of venue on the grounds that the judge, O. T. Reaves, is prejudiced against the defendant. While the petition cannot be refused by the court, it will not take the case out of the county, but merely require one of the other judges to preside at the trial.

                                                      NATIONAL NOTES.

      Mr. Hewitt’s Opposition to Reducing the Treasury Surplus Below $100,000,000.

                    Attempt to Suppress Desultory Debate on the Silver Question.

                                            Tariff Notes.—State of the Navy.

                                       Railroads Through the Indian Territory.

                                                     Van Wyck’s Land Bill.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. Mr. Hewitt, reporting the minority of the Committee on Ways and Means, yesterday submitted a report on Mr. Morrison’s bill directing the payment of the surplus in the Treasury exceeding $100,000,000 in liquidation of the public debt. “The effect of the reduction,” says the report, “if enacted into law will be to reduce the balance in the Treasury available for the payment of its current indebtedness and for the redemption of legal tender notes to $1,000,000, and it makes no proviso for replenishing the Treasury when the available balance shall fall below $100,000,000. The question thus presented is whether, in view of the obligations and functions of the Treasury as now defined by law, the proposed limitation on the balances now held for meeting the liabilities payable on demand is prudent and safe, in view of the pledge of the United States to redeem all its indebtedness in coin or its equivalent. The undersigned believe that such a limitation would be unwise and dangerous and at variance alike with the experience of solvent nations and of sound financial institutions. The ordinary disbursement of the Treasury may be roughly stated to amount to $1,000,000 a day. To meet this disbursement it is necessary that a reasonable working balance should be kept on hand, because at times the current expenditures largely exceed the daily receipts. Careful business firms usually carry a balance equal to one month’s disbursements. Measured by this standard, and a lower one could not safely be adopted because the Secretary of the Treasury has no power to make temporary loans, the working balance in the Treasury should be about $30,000,000. That this amount is not too large will be apparent from the fact that in the pension bureau alone drafts for $10,000,000 alone will be made March 1, and the amount of the probable payment under the arrears act cannot be fixed for one specified date. . . .

The greatest care must be taken not to interfere with the flexibility of the currency, and the only feasible agency rests in the Treasury, in the power now exercised by the Secretary, to make calls for the redemption of the public debt. It is a great question whether such a power should ever have been trusted to the Government or to the discretion of an official. In other conservative commercial countries, it has been conferred on intermediate agencies in direct communication with the business interests of the people. We have no such system, and hence the Treasury has been forced to become a member of the New York clearing house, which is the financial center of the exchange of the country. The Treasury is thus practically engaged in the banking business, not only in the issue of currency, but in adopting its operations to the general requirements of trade. Dangerous as this system is, it was the outgrowth of necessity, and until some other security besides the bonded debt of the United States is devised for the issue of bank currency, the power to come to the relief of the money market in times of stringency must rest with the Treasury.”

                                                   DESULTORY DEBATES.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. Congressman Warner, of Ohio, and Burrows, of Michigan, are directing their joint efforts to secure some understanding or perfect arrangements whereby the desultory debate on the silver question may be repressed and confined hereafter to legitimate limits, as presented by some bill to be reported from the coinage committee germane to that subject. They contend that the recent practice of offering amendments to revenue bills providing for payment in silver dollars in order to obtain the floor to make silver speeches is mischievous, tending to scatter than unify the silver forces, and that therefore measures should be taken to keep their lines intact and to avoid a waste of time. These gentlemen hope to arrange to have two weeks for debate exclusively on the silver question, finally dispose of it, and allow the House to proceed to the consideration of other pressing business now in arrears. They urge that if this course shall be pursued, an adjournment can be effected at an early period in the summer months.

                                                             THE TARIFF.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. At the meeting of the Committee of Ways and Means yesterday Mr. McKinlay, of Ohio, moved that persons interested in the pending tariff legislation be heard by the committee. Considerable discussion ensued and the Democratic members refused to consent to unlimited hearings. Finally Mr. Breckenridge, of Kentucky, offered as a substitute for Mr. McKinlay’s motion a proposition limiting the time allowed for hearing oral arguments to March 12, and it was adopted, the Republicans voting in the negative and the Democrats, with the exception of one or two members, voting in favor of the substitute. The Republican members of the committee express dissatisfaction with the result, asserting that the time allowed for hearing is not sufficient to allow Representatives of the Pacific slope to get here.

                                                              THE NAVY.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. The members of the House Committee on Naval Affairs held an informal meeting yesterday at which the question of the rehabilitation of the Navy was discussed. Their recommendations will involve the expenditure of $8,000,000 or $10,000,000. They will recommend the completion of the monitors already begun and a liberal appropriation for naval ordnance; will advise the construction of from fifteen to twenty torpedo boats, and a large expenditure for torpedoes, and will provide for the construction of six or seven steel-belted cruisers of from 5,000 to 6,000 tons. There is a difference of opinion as to whether this work should be done in the navy yards by the Government or by contract, and both plans will probably be given a trial.

                                                          RIGHT OF WAY.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. The House Committee on Indian Affairs has decided to make report to the House on all bills granting to particular railroad companies right of way through the Indian Territory, notwithstanding the fact that a general bill on the subject has been favorably reported to the House. This action was taken because the members of the committee were of the opinion that some of the special bills might be acted upon by the House when a general bill of the subject would not secure a hearing. The first of theses bills, granting right of way to the Denison & Wichita railroad was today ordered to be favorably reported.

                                                       A NEW LAND BILL.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. The bill to confirm entries of land heretofore made under the land laws of the United States, reported yesterday by Senator Van Wyck, from the Senate Committee on Public Lands, provides that any entry heretofore in conformity with the rules, regulations, and decisions of the General Land Office at the time, shall be adjudged in the same manner as if said rules, regulations, and decisions had not been revised and modified, provided that such entry shall have been made in good faith and no charges of fraud been made against the same.

                                                  KICKING THE BUCKET.

                    Discharged Bucket Shop Employees Cut the Telegraph Wires.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 24. On Saturday last a new system of giving the quotations on ‘Exchange’ to the various bucket shops was inaugurated. Formerly it was the custom of men in the employ of the proprietors of bucket shops to get the quotations in the hall, run to the head of the stairs, call them off to men posted on the lower floor, who would at once carry the figures to the different shops. But on Saturday wires from all the shops to the Exchange Hall were put up, and the quotations were received in all the shops simultaneously.  Owing to the inauguration of this new system, six or eight men were thrown out of positions. When they were served with notice of discharge by their employers, several of them expressed a determination to get even. Yesterday morning all the wires leading from the bucket shops to the hall were found to have been cut, and the bucket shop men threatened to have their late employees arrested for the outrage. Connections, however, were effected.

                                       JOE CHAMBERLAIN ON POVERTY.

                             He is Opposed to Wholesale Emigration of Paupers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

LONDON, Feb. 24. Joseph Chamberlain, President of the Local Board, was visited today by a deputation of unemployed workingmen, who stated their grievances and asked what the Government meant to do to relieve the prevailing distress. Chamberlain deprecated riots and all similar forms of disturbance to manifest the need of help. He said he was opposed to emigration as a means of relief unless the distress was chronic. This opposition was based on many grounds, not the least of which was the fact that the colonies would refuse to welcome large numbers of paupers, because among other reasons their influx would cheapen the labor market. Chamberlain added that he hoped the Government would soon be able to establish the British laborer upon the soil he tilled. Pending the accomplishment of this, he would not cease urging local boards to start relief work, such as paving and improving streets, and to furnish means and subsistence to those in absolute need.


                         The Remains of John B. Gough Consigned to the Grave.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WORCESTER, Mass., Feb. 24. The closing scene in the history of John B. Gough was enacted today. From an early hour this morning the pretty little cottage, which he had christened “The Hillside,” was the center of attraction for hundreds of people, not only residents, but visitors from many parts of this and other States, who had come hither to pay a last tribute of respect to the illustrious dead. At one o’clock brief services were held in the drawing room which, with the corridor and outside lawn, was packed with spectators. The participants in the services were John Wannamaker, of Philadelphia; Rev. W. M. Taylor, of Broadway Tabernacle, New York; Rev. Israel Ainsworth, of Boylston; Rev. George H. Gould, D. D.; Rev. D. O. Myers, and Anthony Comstock. The exercises comprised prayers, singing, reading of appropriate passages of scripture, and brief addresses eulogistic of the life labor of the deceased. At the close the remains were borne to Hope Cemetery, where the remains were interred in the family lot.

                                                   CORRUPT OFFICIALS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

CINCINNATI, Ohio, Feb. 24. Judge Goebel in the probate court yesterday announced his decision in the impeachment proceedings against Martin Brockman and Fred Hermann, directors of the city infirmary, charged with making fraudulent vouchers and various acts of malfeasance in office. He found them guilty as charged and removed them from office. They sent resignations to the mayor last week and then fled. It has been fairly well ascertained that Brockman went to Canada and Hermann to Havana. Mayor Smith refused to accept their resignations.

                                                      EDISON MARRIED.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

AKRON, Ohio, Feb. 24. For the second time in his life, Thomas A. Edison, the wizard of Menlo Park, has taken unto himself a wife. The bride is Miss Mina Miller, daughter of Lewis Miller, and the ceremony, which was a quiet and simple one, took place at the home of the bride this morning. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. U. Young, pastor of the First M. E. Church. Immediately after the wedding breakfast, the happy couple left for Mr. Edison’s new winter cottage near Fort Myers, Florida, where the honeymoon will be spent.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. The American Institute of Civics will hold its annual meeting tomorrow evening at the Ebbit House parlors. The special subject for consideration is, “Education for citizenship and the best means for carrying forward the work.” Hon. Morrison L. Waite, L. L. D., Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, President of the Advisory Board, will preside at this meeting. Addresses will be made by officers and members of the Advisory Board and other distinguished gentlemen.

                                              THE TELEPHONE MATTER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. In the absence of Representative Randall, the Speaker has delayed calling together the Committee on Rules to consider the telephone matter. It is now stated that the committee will meet tomorrow morning. A member of the committee stated that the meeting was a mere formality; that it was understood what its action would be, and Mr. Randall’s presence was not necessary. The resolution of investigation will be reported favorably and adopted by the House.

                                              CONFERENCE IN SESSION.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

READING, Pa., Feb. 24. The annual meeting of the East Pennsylvania Conference of the Evangelical Church is in progress here today. The Conference is composed of over three hundred members, and Bishop Bowman, of Allentown, presides. The Conference will be in session about six days.

                                               RAILWAY BONDS VOTED.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

COTTONWOOD FALLS, Kan., Feb. 24. Bazaar township, Chase County, yesterday voted $34,500 in bonds to the Chicago, Emporia & Southwestern Railway, by a vote of 3 to 1.


                                               Career of a Despicable Villain.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Feb. 26. The mysterious disappearance of Mrs. Sarah Graham, wife of George E. Graham, was partially explained yesterday by John Potter and other citizens of Brooklyn, who, under the direction of Detective Ed. C. Davis, explored a deep sinkhole or cave on the farm of Mrs. Molloy, about four miles southwest of this city, and discovered about fifty feet under the ground the nude body of a woman, which was partially decomposed. Near the body in the cave was also found the woman’s clothing and a small hand satchel. Coroner Van Hoosen summoned a jury and repaired to the ghastly scene, and on examination, found that the woman’s death was caused by a pistol shot that entered the right side of the breast and passed through the heart. Other wounds had evidently been inflicted on the unfortunate woman.

                                                   CAUSE OF THE CRIME.

It is thought beyond any doubt the woman is the missing Mrs. Graham, whose husband was married to Cora Lee, an adopted daughter of Mrs. Molloy in this city, July 18 last, and was arrested on the charge of bigamy a month since and lodged in jail, where he is now confined awaiting his trial at the May term of the Circuit Court. When arrested Graham claimed that he was divorced from his former wife and that she left Fort Wayne, Indiana, with him as a mistress; that they first went to Elgin, Illinois, thence to Washington, Kansas, where he and Mrs. Molloy, who is known as a kind of temperance lecturer, engaged in the publication of a paper called the Morning and Day of Reform. The paper not proving a success, he and Mrs. Molloy came to this city and his wife returned to her people at Fort Wayne, taking their two boys, aged respectively thirteen and six years.

                                                      THE MURDER PLOT.

The latter part of last September Graham wrote to his wife at Fort Wayne, requesting her to meet him with the children at St. Louis. He also sent money to pay her fare. Mrs. Graham did as requested, and her people not learning anything of her whereabouts since then, began to suspect foul play, and made a vigorous search to find the missing woman, whose brother-in-law, T. L. Breese, came on here and caused Graham’s arrest. The latter stoutly protested his innocence and stated that the last he saw of his former wife, she was standing in the Union Depot at St. Louis when he and the two children boarded a Frisco train and came to this city. Graham and his second wife reside on the Molloy farm, where the lady was found today, and when he was told of the startling discovery, he turned pale and looked down at the floor, protesting that he could not get justice here.

                                                 WORKING UP THE CASE.

The case has been worked up by Detective Davis, who has acted on the theory that Graham quietly brought his wife on here, and taking her out to the farm, brutally murdered her; that he had taken the clothing from her body for the purpose of burning it to destroy the evidence of the crime, but, being near the roadside, he became frightened by the approach of some one and threw the clothing down into the cave with the body. Hundreds of people visited the scene yesterday and much excitement exists, both in town and county. Considerable talk of lynching having been heard among the people, Sheriff Donnell has placed Graham in the strongest steel cage in the jail and appointed extra deputies on guard. The remains of the murdered woman were brought to an undertaker’s here last evening and the inquest will not be concluded until her relatives from Fort Wayne arrive to identify the body.

                                               GRAHAM’S ANTECEDENTS.

In an interview with Mr. T. L. Breese, of Fort Wayne, brother-in-law of the dead woman, he stated that George E. Graham, who is about thirty-five years old, was married to the woman, now dead, at Fort Wayne in 1871, and that Graham was sent to the penitentiary for horse stealing in 1873. While he was in prison, his wife procured a divorce, and after his release, in 1878, the two were remarried and left Fort Wayne the following year. He expresses the opinion that Graham has developed into an unscrupulous villain and that his statements regarding the disappearance of his former wife are a tissue of falsehoods.

Mrs. Molloy has not been here since the arrest of Graham, and it is stated that she is lecturing in Peoria, Illinois. It is predicted that further developments will likely implicate others besides Graham in the brutal murder.

                                               GRAHAM’S CONFESSION.

      The Bigamist and Murderer, of Springfield, Mo., Confesses His Terrible Crime.

          He Gives a Detailed Account of His Treachery, Infamy, and Wife Murder.

                                    He Exonerates Mrs. Molloy and Cora Lee,

                                Both of Whom Are Under Arrest as Accessories.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

SPRINGFIELD, Mo., March 1. Mrs. Emma Molloy arrived on the early morning train yesterday and was met at the North Springfield depot by Judge Baker, who was escorting her toward the Ozark house when Sheriff Donnell stepped up and served the warrant by arresting Mrs. Molloy, and then proceeded to the Metropolitan hotel, in this city with the prisoner, who was placed under guard in room 23. She was averse to making any statement until afer she had consulted with her attorneys, Messrs. H. E. Howell, Travers Rathbun, and Judge Baker. She complained of nervous prostration and occasionally took medicine to relieve attacks of nausea. About all that could be elicited from her relative to the murder of Mrs. Sarah Graham was that she believed Graham was guilty and that the best thing he could do was to confess all and release innocent parties; that after she had stood by George and raised him up the way she had, it was hard for her to be dragged down by him in such a manner.

                                              CORA LEE ALSO ARRESTED.

Deputy Sheriff Tom Cox, accompanied by a companion, went to the Molloy farm four miles southwest of town about one o’clock yesterday morning and arrested Cora Lee, Graham’s second wife, and returned with her and the two boys early in the morning. The boys were turned over to the care of their aunt, Mrs. Abbie Breese, at the Southern Hotel, and Cora Lee was taken to the home of Deputy Cox, where she is now kept in custody. She seemed very much dejected and feeling keenly the situation in which she is placed, but she was not inclined to talk much and at times gave vent to her feelings in tears. She said that she did not know whom to trust; that she did not know that she could trust any one in the world now. She is about twenty years old and is apparently above the average in intelligence. As to the charge against her, she stoutly protested her innocence and entertained no doubt but that she would be acquitted.

                                                 CORA LEE’S STATEMENT.

Regarding her history and association with Mrs. Molloy and her marriage to Graham, the prisoner expressed herself in a desultory way, substantially as follows: “I first met Mrs. Molloy at Elbert, Indiana, where I lived with my two sisters, one of whom is now married, and the other, Emma Lee, is living at the Molloy place. I lived with Mrs. Molloy since I was at Elbert and she always treated me with great kindness. I was married to George E. Graham on the Molloy farm, July 18, by Rev. J. E. Plumb. I did not know that Graham had been remarried to his former wife after they were divorced before I married him. He advised me of the divorce from his former wife and pleaded repentance for having lived with her in adultery since they left Fort Wayne in 1869, until she went back from Washington, Kansas. I deny that I have wronged or mistreated in the least Graham’s two little boys, and Sheriff Cox there knows how much they both think of me. The youngest is one of the brightest children I ever saw, but the great pity is that he has the very nature of his father, and if he is not carefully guarded, will follow in his footsteps. When you see George Graham this evening, ask him for me to confess all he knows about the murder of Sarah Graham. He knows I am innocent and should do this in justice.”

                                      GRAHAM WRITES TO MRS. MOLLOY.

Graham was found last night busily writing, but as a press representative entered, he got up from his seat and remarked: “Well, I’m fixing up another ‘scoop’ for you tonight.” This proved to be the confession he had promised Saturday night, if he concluded to make one. He had heard of what Mrs. Molloy had said about him, and on being informed of his second wife’s request, he appeared both surprised and worried, and began to think that they were both ready to abandon him to his fate. Then sitting down, he wrote in a smooth, lady-like hand the following note, which he asked to be taken at once to the person addressed.

“February 28, 1886.

“Mrs. Molloy: I have been getting all day a history of your movements, including the Judge Baker talk this morning. I am prepared to do you full justice, also to Cora, but you must not make an exhibition of your feline qualities against me. You cannot with impunity take part in any attack on me. Yours, as I am treated, George E. Graham.”

Graham remarked when he finished the note: “That will fetch her.”

The correspondent proceeded to the residence of Deputy Sheriff Williams and read the missive to Mrs. Molloy, whose very deliberate answer was: “Tell George I am powerless to help him. My property is all in the hands of Judge Baker for debt. I stood by him and thought him innocent until the dead body was found in the cave. Now I don’t know what to think.”

When her message was delivered to Graham, he remarked: “Well, it’s just about as I expected,” and then resumed his writing. He completed his confession shortly after seven o’clock, addressing it to the circuit judge and prosecuting attorney, and requested that the copy be returned to him for them early in the morning.

                                                GRAHAM’S CONFESSION.

Graham’s confession is as follows.

To Hon. W. F. Geiger, Judge Greene circuit court, and John A. Patton, Esq., prosecuting attorney circuit court:

SPRINGFIELD, Mo., March 1, 1886. Gentlemen: In order to save innocent people from the suffering entailed upon them on my account, and to curtail the length and expense of the inquest pending over the body of Sarah Graham, I come to you, gentlemen, as the highest judicial authority of the county and make a full, complete, and exact recital of all the facts in the case. For myself I have neither apologies nor excuse to offer. In behalf of Mrs. Emma Molloy and Mrs. Cora E. Graham, I wish to state most decidedly and emphatically that they are entirely and completely innocent, both morally and legally, of any knowledge of or complicity in the death of Sarah Graham. Neither of them had the most remote idea that any crime had been committed. Both of them had always acted with the utmost honesty and good faith. I am informed that both of them have turned against me and are the loudest in their denunciations, but I shall allow nothing to prevent my doing them full justice.

It will be necessary, in order to give you a clear history of this case, to trace events back to the spring of 1885, at which time the paper with which I was connected in Washington, Kansas, became financially embarrassed, and it became impossible to conduct it. Mrs. Sarah Graham and myself had never lived together as happily as we should, and perhaps might have done if each had been forbearing with the other. At this juncture we mutually agreed that she should go to Fort Wayne, Indiana, with the children and live while I would remain in Kansas and get what I could out of the paper, and support her as far as I was able. She came east and about April 1, I also went to Fort Wayne, but was there only two days, during which time I stopped with my stepmother, not being with Sarah Graham at all. From Fort Wayne I went down into Ford County, Kansas, for the purpose of locating a “claim.” Not being suited there, I returned to Fort Wayne and remained about ten days, again stopping with my stepmother, though calling several times upon Sarah Graham to see the children.

I then came to Springfield, Missouri, reaching here June 1. Just before coming to Springfield, I passed a few days in Concordia, Kansas, and from that point wrote to both Mrs. Molloy and Miss Lee that I had never been remarried to Sarah Graham since the divorce in 1873. This was untrue, but both Mrs. Molloy and Miss Lee placed implicit confidence in me and believed it. In their minds, therefore, no impediment existed to my marriage with Miss Lee, which ceremony occurred July 18, 1885.

Some time in August I received a letter from Sarah Graham advising me that she knew of my marriage to Cora Lee and proposing to make things warm for me. I wrote to her denying the marriage. She replied, enclosing a published notice of the marriage and insisted that I send her money or she would expose me, but reiterating her statement that she would never live with me again. I sent her money at different times until about September 20, when I proposed to her that I would pay her a sum in a lump and assume the full care and expense of the children.

She brought the children to me at St. Louis on the evening of September 28, 1885. We remained in St. Louis until the morning of Wednesday, September 30. I endeavored to persuade her either to return to Fort Wayne or go to her uncle’s in South St. Louis, and at one time she was so far persuaded that she removed all the children’s clothing from her trunk and placed it in a valise, which the oldest boy and myself went up town to purchase. She changed her mind a half dozen times during the stay in St. Louis, and at the very last protested she would go with me. I was powerless to stop her, and she embarked on the same train with myself and the children. Expostulation and entreaty were of no avail. She came clear through to North Springfield with us. I had arranged with Mrs. Fay before I left St. Louis to save a room for the children at her restaurant. I did not at that time have Sarah Graham with me. I dared not leave her in the depot, and so I went back and asked what she proposed to do. She replied that she was going wherever I went. I told her she would have a good time if she followed me as I was going to walk five miles across the country. She said she guessed she could stand it if I did, evidently not believing I intended to walk. We came over to South Springfield and I took her to a restaurant for supper. I went over to the grocery store of W. L. Banks, on Walnut street. We talked quite a while about the St. Louis exposition, and I then returned to the restaurant and talked quite awhile to Sarah, urging her not to ruin me, but to return to St. Louis or go to Kansas City, where I would send her money to live upon.

She refused to listen to anything, but followed me out of the restaurant. I walked with her to the Gulf depot, and again tried to induce her to go up to Kansas City. I could do nothing with her, and I started to walk out to the Molloy farm. I thought she would never attempt to walk the five miles that night, but she followed right after me.

I left the Gulf depot about 8:30 or nine o’clock p.m., and walked the entire distance to the farm. It was probably 1:30 a.m., Thursday, October 1, when the farm pasture gate was reached. At this point I stopped and said: “Now, Sarah, I am just on the edge of the farm, and you must not go up there. It would tear up everything and could do you no possible good.”

She still protested that she would go up to the house and clear Cora out. I had picked up a stick and was whittling with a knife, the blade of which was one and a half inches long. She had a small limb in her hand, and when she was so vehemently insisting that she would go up to the house and clear things out, I reminded her of a liaison she was engaged in at Elgin, Illinois. This so angered her that she struck at me with the limb she held in her hand. I threw up my hand to ward off the blow and the knife struck her in the left side of the throat. She cried out that I had killed her. I grasped her and threw her from me, and she fell violently to the ground. I leaned over her and found the blood was flowing profusely from the wound in the neck. I knew then that it was all up with me sooner or later, for I believed

                                                    “MURDER WILL OUT.”

I pulled the knife into the wound to its full length and then considered a long time what disposition I should make of the body. I was almost paralyzed that the deed had been done and the next moment afterwards I would have given the world to recall it. I then undressed the body and carried it to the well and dropped it in. Without a thought that the clothing would not be as secure from observation there as elsewhere, I dropped the clothing in after the body. By this time the moon had just risen. I sat by the well and pondered over the matter until the first signs of daylight began to appear, when I walked out onto the main road again and walked up the hill and past the house about one hundred feet. I then turned and came back to the house, approaching it from the west or Dorchester side, and stepped to the west bedroom window when Cora and Etta Molloy, who were sleeping together, awoke, and Cora let me in.

I changed my clothes, which were wet and muddy, for dry ones; then called Peter Hawkins, the hired man; then went and laid down on the side of the bed till breakfast was ready. I then took the light wagon and went to town after the children. I told my wife I had been to Fort Wayne after the children, and she believed me. In fact, while I was in St. Louis, I wrote her a postal dated Fort Wayne, which I presume she has now. She never knew that Sarah Graham came even to St. Louis until after W. J. O’Neil, of Brookline, called at the house on January 22, 1886, while we were in town, and explained to the older children that he had a letter from the Graham family inquiring for Sarah.

The supposed pistol wound found on the body must be attributed to some other source. There was no such wound, and I would ask that experts examine the clothing supposed to have been perforated and burned with gunpowder. The only wound inflicted was the one in the neck unless the rib was broken by the fall to the ground. The only pistol I have had for years was a thirty-eight caliber bull dog, and I left that at the house when I went away in order that the females might have some protection against Hawkins and tramps.

                                                EXONERATING CORA LEE.

I wish to reiterate in the most emphatic manner the entire and complete innocence or the slightest connection in any way in the matter of Cora Lee Graham. This loving, trusting girl has remained firm and steadfast in her love and devotion to me through all this terrible affair, and it is on her account more than any other that this confession is made. She is a thoroughly good, pure woman, who has come into my life, and whatever of home I have ever had has been due to her. I have considered that after all the testimony at the inquest, there was still a “fighting chance” on a plea of not guilty; but when my fighting the case jeopardizes one far dearer than my own life, I cannot but abandon the fight. To her I commend the care of my dear children, who are as near to me as any father’s children are. She is by my request their guardian and I would ask, gentlemen, that they are not sent away from her against their wishes. She loves them and they her.

My statement in reference to Mrs. Emma Molloy is done with a view to doing justice to that lady. She has long been a very near and dear friend, and I have abused and mistreated her confidence shamefully. For myself, I have nothing to ask. Through parental neglect in early years, I started life wrong and have never had stamina sufficient to steadily keep in the right track. The mistakes, errors, and crimes of my life are nearly over. With me the past is a failure and the future a hopeless blank, a leap in the dark. May God have more mercy on me than I have ever had on myself.

I make the following statement with the full recognition of all its imports. It has not been frightened out of me by any fear of mob violence (I think Sheriff Donnell will tell you I don’t scare) nor by any promise or hope of reward other than I can claim legally. The only motive, as I have said, is that the proceedings may be shortened, and that justice, at any cost to myself, may be done to two women, whose love and friendship for me have well nigh proven their ruin.

                                                     GEORGE E. GRAHAM.

                                              END OF A LONG BOYCOTT.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

CORK, March 1. The trouble between the cattle dealers and the Cork Packet Company, which led to the boycotting of the latter by the dealers, has been amicably settled through the means of mutual concessions, and the boycotting measures adopted by the cattle dealers with such injurious effect to the line have been ordered stopped.

                                                        NOT DESIRABLE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

PARIS, March 1. The Journal des Debats says that Lord Salisbury drew up a convention with the Porte for the cession of Crete to England on the payment of £8,000,000 and a guarantee that Greece would be prevented from taking aggressive measures against Turkey, but Mr. Gladstone hesitates to confirm the convention.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

DENVER, March 1. Senator Tabor has been charged by the Associated Press with being one of the factors in the filibustering schemes against the Republic of Honduras. Your correspondent called upon ex-Senator Tabor yesterday and asked him if he had anything to say about these newspaper charges.

“You are at liberty to say for me, and I will be glad to have you say it in your paper, that I deny the story in toto. It is almost too absurd a report for me to deny, but since the first story told seems to be growing, the charges getting to be more sweeping, I think it will be well for me to say I know nothing about any such alleged filibustering schemes. At first, it was said that an ex-United States Senator was putting up the money to carry out the scheme. I thought nothing about that, for it didn’t concern me. Now that they have connected my name with it, I wish to have it made public that I enter an emphatic denial.”

“Are you personally acquainted with ex-President Soto, who, it is charged, is endeavoring to again become President of the confederated Central American Republics?”

“No, I cannot say that I am. I met him in New York about two years ago. It was only a casual meeting, and nothing was said about any filibustering schemes. I was in New York several weeks this winter, but I did not see Soto nor any of his friends that were known to me. I have, or had, large property interests in Honduras, and naturally I am anxious to pick up anything concerning the country. But as to the alleged filibustering schemes, looking to the overthrow of the Government of the country—why, such an idea never entered my head. The people ought to be well enough acquainted with me to know that I am a peace-loving man. I would rather see peace in that country than war. It would be more to my personal interest. I am firmly convinced that Soto is wrongly accused in this matter. I do not believe, from all I can learn by reading, that he has any interest in the filibustering. He was for several years the President of the Republic, but was dethroned, and since that time he has been living in New York City. He is reported to be a very wealthy man, and I believe he wishes to lead a quiet and retired life.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mr. Henry Stevens, the American bibliographer, died in London recently after a long and painful illness.

                                            LONGSTREET GETTING HOT.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

ATLANTA, Ga., March 1. General Longstreet leaves here tomorrow morning for Washington, and people in a position to know whereof they speak assert that there will be music in the air when the doughty warrior reaches the National capital. About three weeks ago the General received a communication from the Comptroller’s office advising him that he was in debt to the Government to the extent of $2,320 as United States Marshal, while on the other hand the Government owed him some $12,673 for fees. To this the ex-Marshal responded that the statement was eminently satisfactory and that he would be obliged to the Comptroller if he would deduct the $2,320 and remit him the odd nine thousand by return. But the watch dog of the Treasury responded that he could not do anything of the kind. The Government, he said, could not make one transaction of the two accounts, nor could it pay anything to anyone who is in debt to the Government until that debt is first paid. Hence, the functionary went on to say, General Longstreet would have to settle with the Government before it can settle with him, and he will also be required to await its very indefinite pleasure for such settlement. General Longstreet says that such a ruling is a piece of foolishness, and he is going to Washington for the express purpose of making Rome howl in the immediate vicinity of the Comptroller’s office.

                                          WANTS TO FEEL HIS FOOTING.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

LONDON, March 1. The Times says that Prince Bismarck, in conversing with a deputy regarding efforts to lure him to negotiate an international bimetallic treaty, remarked that he would not venture on unfamiliar ground until he had thoroughly surveyed the field.

                                                  CRIMINAL CALENDAR.

            Three Prisoners Burn Their Way Out of Jail in Texas By Using Candles.

                                          Indictments in Bowie County, Texas.

                                   Three Masked and Armed Men Rob a Store.

                                          One of Them Shot Dead by a Clerk.

                        Stabbing Affray.—Extensive Defalcation at Paris, Illinois.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb. 27. Particulars of the escape from the Morrilton jail last night of three prisoners, Lee Barnes, charged with the murder of a wheel-of-fortune man, Holman, at Plummer, a few miles this side of Morrilton about two months ago, Jord Barnes and Charles Wear, in for appropriating horse-flesh, reached this city today. Lee Barnes and Wear were chained together while Jord had his companion in crime, Collins, as his arm mate. The three who escaped slipped their shackles, but Collins was forced to remain in the house because his hands were too large to pull through the bracelets. It seems the fugitives effected their escape by burning their way out. Candles furnished the furnace, one hundred and fifty of which were consumed in the effort. It required three weeks to accomplish the task, daytime being the only time when the candle could be lighted. The jail is a wooden structure. The prisoners kept a candle under one of the logs all day until it finally charred it out, and they escaped as above described. The prisoners had been allowed to buy candles, used, as they said, to see to play cards by. Officers are starting out, but no clue as to the route of the fugitives has been ascertained.

                                                    A BUSY GRAND JURY.

TEXARKANA, Ark., Feb. 27. The first term of the Bowie County District Court ever held in this city convened at the new courthouse last Monday and has been in active operation throughout the week. The grand jury has been busily engaged in finding true bills against gambling and other vices, and up to date have issued thirty-eight indictments. Joseph Hanglin, who was indicted for the murder of Tom Alexander, colored, in December, 1884, was tried and acquitted, the jury remaining out only ten minutes. Bill Busick, the accused murderer of Dr. Shaw, killed at New Boston, Texas, last Saturday, will be arraigned for preliminary examination today. Shaw, who was a hard character, became involved in a dispute with James Busick in the latter’s saloon last September when Shaw, without cause, drew a revolver and shot Busick through the heart. It is supposed that Dr. Shaw was killed by Bill in revenge for his brother’s assassination.

                                                       A ROBBER KILLED.

BROWNWOOD, Texas, Feb. 27. A most daring robbery was committed here last night about 10 o’clock. While the clerks at A. M. Cameron & Co.’s office were posting the books, three men entered with masks over their faces, and covering the clerks with revolvers, proceeded to go through the safe, which was standing open. They then relieved the clerks of all the money they had and left, securing almost $1,500 in all. As soon as they had left, one of the clerks, Mr. Coker, fired several shots after the retreating men. One of them was struck and instantly killed, the ball taking effect in his left side and coming out of his breast, and was found in his breast pocket. The man when found had a mask on and was recognized as one Brown, a painter. No money was found on him, the other two escaping with the spoils.

                                                       A BAD CHRISTIAN.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb. 27. At four o’clock this morning William Christian and Peter Yast, while playing poker in Coat’s saloon at the corner of Sixth and Center streets, had a misunderstanding over a deal and engaged in a fight that resulted in Christian probably fatally stabbing Yast. He cut Yast once in the back and once in the side. The injured man was carried to his house, while Christian cleared out and has not yet been apprehended.

                                                 COLLECTION TAKEN UP.

MATTOON, Ill., Feb. 27. John Myer was tried in the Cumberland County circuit court for horse stealing. He was acquitted, the evidence showing that he himself fell into the hands of thieves, who robbed him of a gold watch, $200 in money, and got him drunk and pursued him to sell his livery team. A collection was taken up in the court room to defray his expenses.

                                             A DEFALCATION’S PEDIGREE.

PARIS, Ill., Feb. 27. The investigation by the city council into the affairs of the city treasurer has exposed the startling fact that he is short $8,600 in his accounts. Although the fact has been known for some time that there was a deficiency, the facts have been withheld until the charges could be made. The city will not lose anything, as the bondsmen are good for more than the amount. The shortage has been traced back into Adams’ administration, the predecessor of Henry Wallace, the present incumbent.

                                             KILLED BY A CAVING BANK.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 27. Phillip and Gregory Joral, aged twenty-four and seventeen years respectively, were employed by Joseph Ruprecht to dig clay in his quarry on the river Des Peres, between Barracks road and Gravois road. While eating dinner at one o’clock, yesterday, the clay bank, one hundred feet high, caved in, covering them up. About a half an hour later Ruprecht came along with some teamsters and dug them out. Phillip was badly injured and was taken to his home on Laughboro avenue, near Twelfth street, where Dr. Breight attended him. Gregory was crushed to death and his body was taken to Hoffmeister, the Carondelet undertaker at 1810 South Broadway.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

PIERCE CITY, Mo., Feb. 27. Robert Crocket, formerly a lieutenant in a Missouri regiment, a volunteer and a long time resident of this town, was assassinated by some person or persons unknown about eleven o’clock last night while on his way home, not over 150 yards from the courthouse. The deceased was literally beaten to death by some blunt instrument in the hands of some person or persons unknown.

                                                     WAGES ADVANCED.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

EASTON, Pa., Feb. 27. The wages of the four hundred employees of the Warren Foundry and Machine Company, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, will be advanced fifteen per cent, March 15. Orders have been issued to prepare the Glendin Iron Company’s No. 4 furnace in South Easton for blast. The stack has been idle for several years. The Bethlehem Iron Company’s No. 6 furnace will be put in blast in a few days.

                                                           NEWS NOTES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Nine bills are before Congress for right of way through the Indian Territory.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The western block of the Parliament buildings at Ottawa, Canada, was on fire on the 23rd. Considerable damage was done in some of the departments.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A temperance fanatic recently entered a saloon at Shelbyville, Illinois, and turned on the faucets of the whiskey barrels. The result was the loss of $300 worth of the liquor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Santa Fe reduced the rates from Missouri river points to the Pacific on the 23rd to $25 first and $17 second. The Santa Fe declared its intention to rebate under any rate the other Pacific roads might take.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Returns from various parts of the Fifth Congressional District of Wisconsin show T. R. Rudd (Democrat), of Green Bay to have been elected by a large majority as successor to the late Congressman Joseph Rankin.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Berlin North German Gazette says the prosecution is imminent of numerous Germans who style themselves doctors, on the strength of diplomas purchased in America. There are 340 such doctors in Berlin alone.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

It was reported that the Archbishop of Quebec would issue a mandamus against any Catholics in his vicarate becoming Knights of Labor or members of other trade organizations. It was thought the mandamus would be disregarded.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A meteorite fell upon a farm two miles west of Washington, D. C., on the 23rd. People in the neighborhood were startled by a loud noise, and later found a large hole in the ground with pieces of rock scattered around. The meteorite was shattered to fragments.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The schooner David Lee, of Philadelphia, recently sank at sea. The crew was thought to have been rescued.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Eight persons were injured recently by a powder explosion in the grocery store of Mary Wills, at Winchester, Kentucky.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

There was a general resumption in the coke regions of Pennsylvania on the 22nd. It was feared the Hungarians would cause trouble, but they placed no obstacle in the way.

                                                         MINING RATES.

                             The Interstate Convention Agrees Upon a Schedule.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb. 25. The Interstate convention of coal miners met and resumed business this morning, and on application admitted West Virginia to their deliberations. The adoption was urged of the Pittsburgh scale of prices to be paid for mining in the five States represented for the year, beginning May 1 next. The scale was amended so as to cut out Mt. Olive and Springfield, Illinois, on the ground that these sections were not represented and were not at the Pittsburgh convention.  The scale was then adopted. On reassembling a resolution was adopted constituting a board of arbitration consisting of two miners and two operators from each of the five States represented in the scale, to which will be referred all questions of a national character among miners and operators for adjustment, and recommending that each State select a similar board to whom all questions of State importance shall be referred. The arbitration board was selected and organized with Oscar Townsend, operator of Cleveland, president, and Christopher Evans, of New Straitsville, secretary. The board is to serve till May 1, 1887, the time to which the scale of prices provided for will extend. The convention adjourned to meet at Columbus the first Tuesday in February. The following is the revised scale of rates to go into effect May 1: Pittsburgh, 71 cents per ton; Hocking Valley, 60 cents; Indiana block, 80 cents; Indiana bituminous No. 1, 65 cents; Indiana bituminous No. 2, 75 cents; Wilmington, Illinois, 95 cents; Streator, 80 cents; Grape Creek, 75 cents; Des Moines, Iowa, 90 cents. The West Virginia Kanawha reduced prices are to be restored to 75 cents. Reynoldsville Fairmount screen coal 71 cents.

                                                        THE CANNIBALS.

                        General Conviction That All the Roads are Cutting Rates.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

NEW YORK, Feb. 25. The uneasy feeling of yesterday concerning Western passenger rates has grown into a conviction that everybody is cutting. The officers of the Sunset route are figuring out their promised new tariff, which they will issue tomorrow. Rival lines ridicule this action, saying it would be nonsense for the Sunset to do anything of the kind, because they will immediately cut under its rates. The opinion prevails in some quarters that the Pacific Mail will not jeopardize the $87,000 subsidy it receives under the existing agreement by cutting before the thirty days’ notice expires. Knowing ones say, however, that the Pacific Mail is an “old bird,” and understands how uncertain a factor is a contract, and that it is keeping pace with the field. If the Eastern pool breaks up, it will be everybody’s fight, with the Sunset in the lead on fighting facilities. Iowa roads have made the cut to $7 from Chicago to Omaha, so that now the $30 and $20 passenger rates from the Missouri river is obtained on all lines. The Baltimore & Ohio people are jubilant and claim to see in all this trouble benefit for them. An official said that the fight was sure to spread to the Eastern trunk lines. It was rumored that the freight rates had been cut again from yesterday’s figures so that the discount was now 60 per cent, off on all grades of freight from $4 per hundred to $2.25; 40 per cent off on all grades from $2.25 down to $1.50 per hundred and 25 per cent, off on all grades under $1.50.

                                                       PRUSSIAN POLES.

                         The Polish Language Not to be Allowed in Polish Prussia.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

BERLIN, Feb. 25. The tower house of the Prussian Diet today discussed the bill relating to teachers in National schools in Polish Prussia. Dr. Von Gossler, Minister of Public Instruction and Ecclesiastical Affairs, declared that the Government was compelled to take a firm and clear stand in view of the continuous attacks of the Poles. Leniency and sympathy were impossible. The best way to assimilate the two peoples was to insist upon a common language. It was therefore necessary to have teachers in Poland thoroughly acquainted with German, and to eliminate Polish literature from the schools. Unqualified teachers would be placed in other positions where they would be more useful. No injustice was intended to vested rights. On the contrary the Government would pursue a policy of progress, not of retrogression. A long discussion ensued, the Conservatives and National Liberals supporting and the members of the center party opposing the bill.

                                   GERONIMO REFUSES TO SURRENDER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

EL PASO, Texas, Feb. 25. Word has just been received here of the meeting between General Crook and Geronimo at San Ye ranch day before yesterday. The chief and five bucks, in consultation with General Crook, asked permission to return to the reservation unconditionally. General Crook refused, demanding an unconditional surrender. Geronimo declined to give himself up and, after consultation, left for his camp, keeping the white flag flying for several miles. Chief Nana and another are still held as hostages. Geronimo is reported to have ninety bucks besides women and children with him. No attempt will be made to follow him. It is not know what will be done.

                                              REDUCED LUMBER RATES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 25. A special from Topeka to the Times says: “In reply to a letter of inquiry from L. A. Emerson, general freight agent of the Missouri Pacific road at St. Louis, Mo., the Board of Railroad Commissioners announce that yellow pine lumber should be classified in the schedule of freight in the same grade as white pine or soft lumber and not as hard wood.” The effect of this decision will be to cheapen the cost of this lumber, which is being extensively used by the people of this State.

                                                 COLLAPSE OF A STRIKE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

MANCHESTER, N. H., Feb. 25. At noon 1,500 of the 6,250 looms in the Amos Neag [?] mills were running. A few of the strikers who returned yesterday were induced to leave today, but their places were more than filled by new recruits. Outside parties are arriving and are being employed, while some of the strikers are leaving the city. More strikers went in this afternoon. The strike is plainly on the road to a complete collapse.

                                                 AN IRISH PARLIAMENT.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

LONDON, Feb. 25. It is reported that the first outline of Mr. Gladstone’s Irish proposals have been presented to his colleagues in the Cabinet, and that the Premier goes the whole length of restoring the Irish Parliament.

                                                LINSEED OIL CRUSHERS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

CHICAGO, Feb. 25. The Western linseed oil crushers met in this city yesterday and decided to form a pool which will be known as the Consolidated Oil Company, the capital stock of which will be $300,000.

                                                           NEWS NOTES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Queen’s Proctor has decided to intervene in the Dilke case.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Chinese on three ranches near Wheatland, California, were recently driven off by a mob. After their expulsion from one of their ranches, their quarters were fired.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

At the conference of labor leaders, held at Pittsburgh, Pa., it was decided to send a representative committee of working men to Washington to advocate the interests of the tariff before Congress.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The English House of Commons, by a vote of 209 to 66, agreed to a grant of £1,200 for medals for the Canadian volunteers who suppressed the Riel rebellion. The vote was opposed by Irish Nationalists.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Joseph T. McKee, a merchant at Woodbridge, D. T., and associate judge of the county in which he resides, is under arrest in Chicago on the charge of obtaining goods by false pretenses. His accusers are Decker & Co., dry goods merchants.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The British Government has approved Lord Dufferin’s request that a strong expedition be sent against the Shans. The British commissioners in Burmah are authorized to secure the submission of the chiefs either by bribing or fighting them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Indian girls’ and boys’ asylum of Steamburg, near Buffalo, New York, was burned the other morning. The forty-two pupils of the institute and their preceptors barely escaped with their lives. The asylum was established thirty years ago by certain Philadelphia Quakers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

General Hazen, chief signal service officer, is suing George Jones, the proprietor of the New York Times, to recover $10,000 damages for alleged libel, it being charged that the newspaper published libelous statements concerning the plaintiff’s character as a signal service officer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Excitement was intense in the French Chamber of Deputies recently when a strange man excitedly drew a revolver and threw a paper toward M. Clemenceau. The stranger was immediately arrested, when he said he was an old soldier and wanted redress for his grievances.

The next article appeared on very last column on right. Many of the last word(s) on each line were either obliterated or too light to read at the beginning. Will try to figure it out where I can...MAW


                                   Bill Passed to Allow National Bank Changes.

                                                    Van Wyck’s Relief Bill.

                                                  Educational Bill Discussed.

                               The Hennepin Canal Bill Discussed in the House.

                                       Getting Ready for the Silver Discussion.

                               The Half Gallon Tax Bill Passed After a Wrangle.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. In the Senate yesterday morning, after the transaction of routine morning business, Mr. Morrill brought up the House bill permitting National banks to change their name, location, and [?] by a vote of two-thirds of the shareholders. This bill makes the changes subject to the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency.

On motion of Mr. Hoar an amendment was made to the bill limiting the right of a bank to change its location so that it cannot change to another State, not to be more than thirty miles distant from its original location. The bill then passed.

Mr. Van Wyck called up and Senate, without debate, passed a bill for the [?] of settlers and purchasers of lands on the public domain in Nebraska and Kansas, which appropriates $250,000 to be expended for the purpose of reimbursing [?] persons and their legal representatives, who, under the land [?] settled upon or purchased lands within [?] grant made to aid in the construction of the Northern Kansas railroad, to which patents have been issued for the land, [?] against which personal decrees have been rendered by the circuit court on account of the priority of the grant to railroads.

After the passage of the bill allowing American officers to accept payment for services in Corea, the Education bill was taken up and Mr. Blair addressed the Senate in reply to the objections and criticisms made against it. He denied that the people of the South were opposed to the measure, and insisted that they favored it. It was very easy, Mr. Blair said, to criticize, but that was not the way to remedy a great evil.

Debate continued until executive session, after which the Senate adjourned.


In the House yesterday Mr. Payson, of Illinois, from the Committee on Public Lands, reported the Senate bill to quiet the titles of settlers on the Des Moines river lands in Iowa. He stated that 270,000 acres were involved in the bill. By a misconstruction of the granting act, the State of Iowa sold certain lands to which it was not entitled, and had granted certain other lands to the Des Moines Railroad and Navigation Company. This had given rise to much litigation, and the purpose of the bill was simply to allow parties who had made preemption and homestead filings on these lands to have a standing in the courts. After debate the bill passed without division.

Mr. Stone, of Missouri, from the Committee on Public Lands, reported a bill forfeiting certain lands granted to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. Placed on the House calendar.

In the morning hour the House passed the bill to annex the northern part of the Territory of Idaho to Washington Territory.

Mr. Murphy, of Iowa, called up the House and proceeded to consider in Committee of the Whole the Hennepin Canal bill.

Mr. Murphy premised his speech in support of the bill by reading in full the report of the committee, in which are represented the arguments which impelled it to a favorable consideration of the measure. He then proceeded to emphasize the benefits of the results in the shape of cheap transportation which would follow the construction of the Hennepin canal and as an illustration of this position stated that the wheat raised in the six Western States, which were in the neighborhood of the proposed canal, could be transported to the seaboard at a saving of six cents per bushel. If the Government of the United States would do its duty and construct this canal, the people of the Northwest could save fifty per cent, over the present rate of transportation, and save enough in one year to build the canal two or three times over. The United States has formidable competitors in the Liverpool market, and if the rates of transportation were not reduced, it would soon find itself without that market.

The morning hour expired and the committee rose.

Mr. James, of New York, under instructions from the Committee on Coinage, Weights and Measures, asked leave to offer a resolution, making the bill for the free coinage of silver a continual special order from March 2, not to interfere with the revenue appropriation bills. Mr. Burrows, of Michigan, thought that some limit should be fixed to the special order. Mr. James modified the resolution so as to provide that the discussion should continue for one week. Mr. Dougherty, of Florida, objected to the resolution.

The House went in Committee of the Whole on the half gallon tax bill.

A wrangle ensued between Messrs. Brady, Wise, and Morrison, the House getting switched off to the Fitz John Porter matter. After the House got back to the subject matter, Mr. Butterworth offered the substitute suggested by him in his speech, but it was rejected. The committee then rose and reported the bill to the House and it was passed without a division and the House adjourned.

                                              TAKEN FROM THE RANKS.

                             A Soldier at Fort Leavenworth Arrested for Murder.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Feb. 25. Sheriff Churchill some days ago received a telegram from Sheriff Lilly, of St. Clair County, Mo., requesting him to be on the lookout for a man named Henry Hilder, aged twenty-three, about six feet in height and weight about 175 pounds, and to hold him on the charge of murder. The matter was made known to Detective Yerkes, who this morning located his man in the United States army. He was a member of troop B, Third cavalry, having enlisted in the army on the 3rd inst. Sheriff Churchill and Detective Yerkes went to Fort Leavenworth this morning and arrested Hilder and brought him to the city, where he is now confined in the county jail. Hilder, after being arrested, said he had committed no murder. Some time last fall he got into a fight with a man in Illinois, and both had been pretty badly used up, and he left without learning what had become of him. He will be taken to St. Clair County as soon as Sheriff Lilly, who has been notified, arrives.

                                              THE CINCINNATI INQUIRY.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

CINCINNATI, Feb. 23. The senatorial investigating committee held a meeting yesterday afternoon without Senator Coulter, who was too unwell to sit. The question of photographing the returns of precinct A, Fourth ward, was argued at length until Mr. Follett, attorney for the Democrats, announced that in his judgment the right to photograph would be conceded. The Democratic members of the committee reluctantly accepted his advice, and Messrs. Van Cleaf and Pringle were appointed to have photographic copies made, and allowed three days’ time for that purpose. Mr. Follett urged the utmost dispatch in the matter in order to relieve Mr. Dalton who, he said, had been acting throughout under legal advice.

                                             BELIEVES IN ARBITRATION.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

MARSHALL, Mo., Feb. 23. Albert and Mariah Harris, aged colored people, lived as man and wife in their earlier days in Kentucky. Thirty-seven years ago they were sold by their master and were separated during all that time. When they regained their freedom, each sought to find the other, but were unsuccessful until recently. During all that time the woman lived in this county and Albert in Kentucky. As soon as convinced that he had found the partner of his earlier life, Harris procured a marriage license and they will be married again.

                                               NATIONAL LEGISLATION.

          A Spat in the Senate at the Close of the Discussion on the Educational Bill.

                                               The Pension Bill in the House.

                      Henderson Attacks Commissioner Black.—A Warm Debate.

                                          Sectionalism Brought to the Surface.

                                   Warner, of Ohio, Defends the Commissioner.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. In the Senate yesterday morning Mr. Hale gave notice that after Mr. George’s remarks on the Education bill, he (Hale) would move for an executive session upon some matters of importance that would probably occupy the remainder of the day. It was understood that Mr. Hale referred to the nominations of Pillsbury and Chase to be collectors of internal revenue, respectively at Boston and Portland, which are reported adversely.

At two o’clock the Education Bill was laid before the Senate and Mr. George took the floor to continue his remarks in favor of the bill. During his speech quite an exciting colloquy took place between Mr. George and Mr. Morgan. The latter denied some of the inferences drawn by Mr. George from his (Mr. Morgan’s) speeches on former measures before Congress, and said Mr. George’s reading misrepresented him.

Mr. George: I shall read the Senator’s own language, and then I shall not misrepresent you.

Mr. Morgan: It does misrepresent me.

Mr. George: If I read your own language, it will not misrepresent you.

Mr. Morgan: It does misrepresent me, and the Senator knows it.

Mr. George: It is untrue. The statement made by the Senator is simply untrue, and he knows it.

Mr. George said he saw no force in the distinction drawn by Mr. Morgan, Mr. Maxey, and other opponents of the bill, between money in the Treasury drawn from taxation and money drawn from other sources.

Mr. Allison suggested an amendment which he said he would offer at the proper time, providing that in each State in which there shall be separate schools for white and colored children, the money paid shall be apportioned and paid out for the support of such white and colored schools in the proportion that the illiteracy of white and colored persons bear to each other, as shown by the census. Mr. Allison thought the bill should be so amended as to be precisely what it was intended to be, and there should be no room left for doubt to arise when the provisions of the bill came to be applied in practice as to the propositions of the money to be applied to white and colored schools respectively. The debate here closed.

The Senate resumed consideration of the bill to provide allotments of land in severalty to the Indians. Mr. Maxey moved to strike out the clause that proposes to make citizens of the Indians who should accept lands in severalty. The motion was rejected.

Mr. Teller offered an amendment providing that the President may allow homestead settlement by citizens of the United States on each alternate quarter section with the Indians holding lands under treaties should be compensated. The assessment was rejected and the bill passed.

The joint resolution heretofore introduced by Mr. Berry was passed, requiring that the leases of the bath houses, etc., at Hot Springs, Arkansas, shall not be renewed unless the Forty-ninth Congress shall adjourn without having legislated with reference thereto.



In the morning hour yesterday the House resumed in Committee of the Whole the consideration of the Hennepin canal bill. Mr. Murphy, of Iowa, concluded his speech advocating the measure, and predicted that the latter part of the present century would be famous on account of the canals that would then be constructed. Congress should pay out the millions of dollars that were now resting in the Treasury for the Hennepin canal and other much needed public works, and this action would result in blessings upon the people.

Mr. Rowell, of Illinois, supported the bill, contending that as the canal would be a factor in the cheapening of transportation rates, it was a National enterprise, which should be undertaken by the Government.

Pending the conclusion of his remarks, the morning hour expired and the committee rose. The House then again resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, on the Pension Appropriations bill. Mr. Townshend, of Illinois, who had charge of the bill, explained its provisions. It appropriates, he said, $75,754,200, or about $15,000,000 more than was carried by the law for the current year. This increase was occasioned by the accelerated work that is being done in the Pension Office, and for this work the Commissioner of Pensions and his employees deserved commendation. No money paid out of the National Treasury accomplished more general good than the money expended by this bill. No better use could be made of the vast surplus in the Treasury than to pay it out on meritorious claims for pensions and other just dues to the soldiers.

Mr. Henderson, of Iowa, while concurring with Mr. Townshend in his general remarks upon pension matters, differed from him when he attributed the increased appropriations to the accelerated work of the Pension Office. The gentleman had failed to call attention to the fact that the Commissioner of Pensions had stated to the Committee on Appropriations that there would be a deficiency of about $6,000,000 for the current year, so that the $60,000,000 which had been appropriated for the fiscal year 1886 was confessed by the Commissioner to be insufficient to meet the requirements of the law. The average appropriation for pensions for the last six years was $77,449,000, showing that the appropriation contained in the pending bill was $1,694,800 below the averages. The country had lately been treated with a very large amount of information in regard to Arrearages. It has had a letter from the Commissioner of Pensions to the Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, giving estimates as to what the passage of the limitation repeal would probably cost. Why the Committee on Appropriations, or its chairman, should take this load on their shoulders he was not prepared to say. The New York Democratic papers of January 29 had published the Commissioner’s letter with startling head lines and commended the action of Mr. Randall in the premises. He was glad that there was a gentleman in the House so patriotic and far-seeing as to rescue the country from the danger that seemed to threaten it. Why had the letter of the Commissioner been indited and given to the country twenty-four hours in advance of the knowledge of the humble members of the Committee on Appropriations?

Mr. Randall: It did not come from the committee, or any member of the committee.

Mr. Henderson: I understand that only two copies were given out, one to the chairman of the committee, and one to the President. The gentleman disclaims it. The President is not here. It lies between the King and the cobbler, the President of the United States or the Commissioner of Pensions. The Commissioner’s letter had not only been telegraphed over the country, but telegraphed with a $93,000,000 lie in its stomach. When he (Mr. Henderson) had examined the letter, he had seen that it contained on its face a repetition of $80,000,000, and he had written to the Commissioner, calling attention to the facts. Two days afterward the Commissioner had appeared before the committee and had changed front three times, until every member of the committee agreed that the point he (Mr. Henderson) had taken was correct. Then the commissioner had yielded and written a supplementary letter—a tail to the first great battery ram to fix up the blunder he had previously refused to acknowledge. The effect of the first letter had acted like magic and carried horror to certain committee rooms about the capitol. Whether it would be finally successful in intimidating any committee from meeting the patriotic requirements of the hour remained to be seen. He did not believe that it would, but the truth was finally developed that only $222,000,000 would be the expenditure arising from the limitation repeal. Even that was mere speculation. He did not believe that it would cost over $150,000,000.

Mr. Tillman, of South Carolina: Considering that the Confederate States pay about one-third of the taxes to the Federal Government for pensions and do not get back three cents of it; considering, also, that from the formation of the Government to the present time $8 a month was considered a sufficient pension for widows, can the gentlemen complain that Southern members are trying to restrain the necessarily large expenditures for pensions within the rules that prevailed heretofore.

Mr. Henderson: There is no section of this country that before God is under deeper and more profound obligations to pay every dollar of its share of that debt than the Southern States. I have not read this vote for the purpose of stirring up bad blood. The time has come when sectional lines should be dropped, and when sixty-four members of that side of the House said that $12 was too much to pay a widow, the sectional line was kept up and the bloody shirt was waved. Today the constitution is thrown in our face as a shield to cover an almost solid vote against the increase of the pension bill. Yet there is hardly a constitution of the United States to be found in that section. I state here and now as my conviction that if those gentlemen respected the constitution, as they say, they would not have control of this chamber. If they represented the constitution instead of ballot box stuffing and shotguns, they would not have control of the executive of the Nation. [Applause on the Republican side and groans on the Democratic side.] You may groan, gentlemen, but you yourselves do know, and you boast of it, too, that you will control this Government in spite of the constitution. I tell you here and now in this chamber that there are as grave crimes committed under the forms of law and the constitution as there were when Sumter was fired upon. And for one, I protest against the sectional control of this country with the constitution absolutely defeated. These are my sentiments, and I say that the gauntlet was thrown down in the vote. In closing, I desire to say that I sincerely trust that no gentlemen, especially those who were in the ranks against me, misinterpret me, for I would neither spend an eternity in hell with a Confederate than eternity in heaven with a Northern copperhead. [Laughter and applause.]

Mr. Warner, of Ohio, regretted that an opportunity had been taken to drag politics into the debate. He wanted to call the attention of the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. Henderson) to the fact that the late Commissioner of Pensions (Dudley) during the last Presidential and Congressional election had left his place in the Pension Office and gone to the State of Ohio to take charge of the election there. He had taken charge of the Republican campaign in that State, all the time drawing his salary as Commissioner of Pensions. Other officials of the Pension Bureau had been detailed to that State ostensibly on the duty of the office, but really on political business. Every Democratic pensioner had been hunted down and told that if he voted the Democratic ticket, he need not expect to get his pension. These men had filled his district.

Mr. Warner then proceeded to condemn the use of money in elections, when he was interrupted by Mr. Browne, of Indiana, with the question, “Why do you speak of money entering legislative bodies and influencing the choice of a United States Senator?”

Mr. Warner. “Let me assure my friend that he will find my record against that influence and will never find any authority from me for any such course.”

In conclusion, Mr. Warner defended Commissioner Black and said that no complaint of him had been made by any soldier. More pensions had been allowed under his administration than had ever been allowed in the same time under any previous administration.

Mr. Randall said this was the first time he had ever seen partisan politics and sectionalism thrust into the debate on a pension appropriation bill. He should, perhaps, have remained silent, notwithstanding, except, whether intended or not, there might go abroad through the country the statement that the Democratic party, and more particularly the Southern element of that party, had in any way shown any hostility whatever to the payment of pensions. On the contrary, his experience had shown that the Southern element had developed a wonderful disposition—a full heart—to pension Union soldiers or widows of Union soldiers. He placed his experience against the impression carried by the speech of the gentleman from Iowa, that there was on the Democratic side any hostility to the payment of what was justly due to those who were disabled in the war of the Union.

Mr. Brown, of Indiana, defended the action of ex-Commissioner Dudley and maintained that he had never prostituted his official position to serve partisan ends.

Pending action, the committee rose. The Speaker appointed Wilkins, of Ohio, as a member of the Committee on Education in place of Curtin, of Pennsylvania, excused.

Mr. Hewitt, of New York, presented a memorial of 122 savings banks of New York asking for the repeal of the Bland Silver Bill. Referred.

Mr. Morgan, of Texas, from the Committee on Commerce, reported the bill to incorporate the Atlantic & Pacific Ship Railway.

Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported the Military Academy Appropriation bill. The estimate for 1887 is $412,075.

Mr. Blount, of Georgia, from the Committee on Post-offices and Post-roads, reported the Post -office Appropriation bill. All were referred to Committee of the Whole. Adjourned.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. General S. D. Sturgis, who has been station at the Black Hills since last June as Colonel of the Seventh cavalry, arrived here this morning on a brief visit, accompanied by his wife and one of his daughters. The visit is stated to be one of pleasure only, but it is understood that its real object is to enlist the support and influence of his friends in behalf of his promotion. General Sturgis is now sixty-four years of age and has served his country for thirty-five years. During the war he held high and responsible positions without (on account of certain opposition) the rank, pay, or honor to which he was entitled. He will retire from the army on June 11, and as now there are two vacancies for Brigadier General, he feels that he should be promoted previous to his retirement in order to allow him an adequate income and show a measure of appreciation for the services he has rendered his country, instead of being turned out to grass on three-fourths pay of a Colonel and allowing young men to be put into the positions of Brigadier Generals.

                                       SOVEREIGN GRAND LODGE DEFIED.

CHICAGO, Feb. 26. Reports reach here that notwithstanding the interdiction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, the Patriarchal circle is growing steadily in all parts of the country. Efforts on the part of the various local lodges to carry out the orders of the Grand Lodge by expelling members of the circle from membership have in the main proven abortive, the motions to expel in the majority of cases being quickly disposed of by being laid upon the table. Eminent lawyers have rendered an opinion that the action of the Grand Lodge in changing the qualifications to membership by resolution was unconstitutional, as the constitution expressly provides that any such proposition shall be laid over for one year after having been introduced by three jurisdictions. Meanwhile the adherents of the circle declare that they will not permit themselves to be bulldozed out of the order, and say that the end of the trouble is not yet at hand.

                                                    PATENT APPLIED FOR.

CHICAGO, Feb. 26. The first meeting of the stockholders of the Transcontinental Aerial Navigation Company, for the purpose of organizing and electing officers, is being held here this morning. Brief particulars of this enterprise were telegraphed a few days ago. The company proposes to commence next week the construction of an immense air ship, 174 feet in length, 24 feet in width, and 22 feet in height. After a model patented by Dr. De Baussalt, a French physician of this city. One of the stockholders said this morning that the ship would be completed by the middle of June, and that on or about July 4th it would start with a number of passengers on a mid-air trip through the country.

                                          GOING TO THE SUPREME COURT.

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 26. The Ewing-Francis quo warranto case involving the mayoralty contest will be appealed from Judge Barclay’s court to the Supreme Court direct. Counsel representing Mr. Ewing, George D. Reynolds, Dyer, Lee, and Ellis, and A. R. Taylor had a conference this morning, and decided to go to the court of last resort with as little delay as possible. Mayor Francis having filed his answer in the case, denying the allegations of fraud at the election in April last, the relator, Mr. Ewing, will reply and the case will then be in shape for disposing of it in the circuit court, which will be a mere formality. Steps for an appeal will then be taken and an early hearing will be asked for in the Supreme Court.

                                                         CONEY BUTTER.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. Prof. Taylor, who returned from st. Louis yesterday, does not regard Prof. Weber’s experiments in testing counterfeit butter as invalidating his discoveries in the same line. Prof. Taylor says that the presence of butter crystals in oleomargarine is not surprising, as the latter compound has a percentage of butter, the crystals of which would, of course, show the St. Andrew cross, but that there would also be found present in the same field the characteristics of oleomargarine crystals, making it easy to distinguish pure butter from any other fat, since in pure butter nothing but the cross would be seen.

                                                        PUBLIC AFFAIRS.

                      Secretary Manning Criticizes the Morrison Tariff Measure.

                                                      The Sugar Monopoly.

         The Grinding Despotism of Claus Spreckels and Its Baleful Effect in Hawaii.

                                                 Post-Office Appropriations.

                    Estimates All Completed and the Committee Ready to Report.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. The Secretary of the Treasury has written to Representative Morrison, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, in regard to the probable effect the passage of the Morrison tariff bill will have on the revenue. In his letter he says the net reduction computed on last year’s importations produces a decrease of $12,000,000. In regard to the proviso limiting the maximum of duties to certain ad valorem rates, it says it leaves room for controversy on values, but values could be approximately ascertained by the customs officers. It suggests that a provision be made by which the valuation by such officers should be made final, and not leave this important question to be in after years subject to the uncertainty of trial in the courts, with consequent loss to the people. The same remarks, he says, apply to those clauses of the bill which fix the rate of duty according to the value of the article. He calls attention to the necessity of making more clear, in some cases, the exact articles to which the provisos apply. He expresses the opinion that the provisions in the tariff law relating to the component matter of the chief value leads to litigation because of the uncertainty of that term, whether applied to manufactured articles or otherwise. There are numbers of such pending bills, which involve the question, and in them the Secretary fears that the Government will be defeated. The term “earthenware,” he says, is also open to misconstruction, and in a recent case has been held to mean only hollow are or made on the potter’s wheel, and if this construction should prevail, glazed tile, for illustration, becomes a non-enumerated manufactured article subject to 20 per cent ad valorem duty. Attention is also called to the term “broken or granulated rice,” and a suggestion made that the maximum size be stated, to avoid controversy. The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics says that of the 2,548,000,000 pounds of sugar imported into the United States during the last fiscal year, 74 per cent came from Cuba, Porto Rico, Brazil, and the British West Indies. These countries, according to latest advices, impose an export duty on sugar. If such is the fact, it is probable that 80 per cent of the sugar imported for the last year came from the countries imposing an export duty thereon. This would change the figures, in the reduction of sugar from $10,000,000 to $2,000,000, and the aggregate reduction of the duty from $20,000 to $12,000,000.

                                                 THE SUGAR MONOPOLY.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. In answer to a request from a sub-committee of the House Committee on Ways and Means for information concerning the working of the reciprocity treaty with the Hawaiian islands, Mr. J. E. Searles, Jr., one of the Government commissioners who visited the islands, has returned a statement of facts ascertained in connection with his visit. He says if we had made the islands a present of every dollar’s worth of goods they bought from this country and collected duties on their sugars, we should have made no loss. As to the effect of the treaty on this country, Mr. Searles says that the price of refined sugar in San Francisco since the treaty went into effect has averaged twenty cents more a pound than in New York, where every pound has paid the full duty. He speaks in bitter terms of the course pursued by Claus Spreckels. For seven years he was the dictator not only of the King and Government, but of all the planters. The latter, however, during the past year, rebelled against his autocracy and are seeking to break his commercial if not political power. They have secured the possession of a small refinery in San Francisco, which they hope to operate successfully in connection with their sugar estates in the islands, but Sir Claus has determined upon their destruction, and this explains the unprecedented price at which sugar is now ruling in San Francisco, only about one cent above New York figures. In conclusion, he sums up as follows the reason why the treaty should be abrogated: First, because of the enormous loss to revenue in this country, which is practically paid out of the pockets of our tax-payers to fill the pockets of a small company of sugar planters and speculators. The production has assumed proportions never dreamed of when the treaty was made and the crop is still steadily increasing; second, it has not either directly or indirectly benefitted the consumers of sugar in this country, but has brought the product of the islands into direct competition with our own sugar producers and manufacturers; third, the treaty has not benefitted but has on the contrary injured the Sandwich Islands, demoralizing and destroying the native population and substituting Chinese and other Asiatics, while American influence in the affairs of the islands, except so far as it is exercised for the self-interests of an individual, has been weakened.

                                          POST-OFFICE APPROPRIATIONS.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. The House Committee on Post-offices and Post-roads today completed the Post-office Appropriation bill, and it will be promptly reported to the House. The bill appropriates for the postal service during the next fiscal year the sum of $54,326,588, an increase of $659,579 as compared with the department estimates. The estimated revenue for the next fiscal year is $47,142,252, and the estimate of the deficiency (indefinite) is $7,443,914. The principal items of appropriations are as follows: For compensation to postmasters, $11,700,000 (appropriation for present year, $12,300,000); for compensation to clerks in post-offices, $4,150,000 (or the same as the present year appropriation); for rent, light and fuel; $495,000 (the appropriation for the present year is $490,000); for free delivery services, $4,928,531 (the appropriation for the present year, $4,485,000); for star route transportation, $5,850,000 (the appropriation for the present year is $5,900,000); steamboat, $575,000 (appropriation for the present year is $615,000); mail messenger service, $900,000 (appropriation for the present year, $975,000); mail bags and catchers, $260,000 (appropriation for present year $275,000); railroad transportation, $15,595,432 (appropriation for the present year, $14,000,000); railway postal car service, $1,808,000 (appropriation for the present year, $1,765,000); for railway post office clerks, $4,800,000 (appropriation for the present year, $4,682,000); necessary and special facilities on trunk lines (fast mail), $251,725 (appropriation for the present year, $266,764); for the manufacture of stamped envelopes, wrappers, etc., $583,000 (appropriation for the present year, $745,000); for the transportation of foreign mails, $375,000 (appropriation for the present year, $800,000); estimate for next year, $350,000. To this item the committee append the following: “If it should be decided to pay the vessels of the United States register and inland postage, then the additional sum of $75,000 should be added to the estimate.” For balance due foreign countries, $100,000; the appropriation for the present year was $75,000.


WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. Among the confirmations of the Senate yesterday were the following.

Indian Agent: Joseph Emery, at Klamath, Oregon; J. B. Kinney, at Uintah, Utah.

Receivers of Public Moneys: John La Fabre, at Deadwood, Dakota; Frank Dale, at Wichita, Kansas; W. B. Brownlee, at Larned, Kansas.

Consuls: W. J. Black, of Delaware, at Nuremberg; D. J. Partello, of the District of Columbia, at Duesseldorf; Jasper Smith, of the District of Columbia, Consul at Newcastle-on-Tyne; W. H. Parker, of the District of Columbia, Consul-General at Corea.

Collector of Internal Revenue: F. S. Shields for Louisiana.

Postmasters: J. S. McCartney, Garnett, Kansas; John Wright, Sedgwick, Kansas; W. B. Meade, Oberlin, Kansas; G. B. Falconer, Minneapolis, Kansas; Dennison Howe, Fairfield, Nebraska.

                                                 KANSAS ENCAMPMENT.

                          Parade of the G. A. R. at Wichita.—Election of Officers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WICHITA, Kan., Feb. 25. Yesterday was soft and warm, but cloudy. The grand parade of the G. A. R. encampment took place at nine o’clock, after which the members convened in their hall and proceeded to business by the suspension of the rules and the election of grand officers for the ensuing year as follows.

Grand commander, C. J. McDivitt, of Abilene; senior vice, Thomas Soward, of Winfield; junior vice, J. D. Barker, of Girard; chaplain, Colonel Allen Buckner; medical director, Colonel J. M. Lewis, of Kinsley.

The following are the delegates at large, selected to attend the National encampment: C. W. Blair, George T. Anthony, J. M. Felghan, George D. Orner, A. B. Campbell.

First District: John A. Fulton, of Brown; Cy Leland, of Doniphan.

Second District: E. P. Diehl, of Olathe; George Myers, of Fort Scott.

Third District: J. M. Doney, W. P. Scholl.

Fourth District: J. N. Mercer, Council Grove; D. F. Everett, Woodson County.

Fifth District: W. A. McDonald, of Sumner; D. M. Heiser, of Barton.

Sixth District: George H. Case, of Jewell City; A. L. Voorhees, of Russell.

Seventh District: W. A. McDonald, of Sumner; D. N. Heiser, of Barton.

                 [Believe an error was made inasmuch as 5th & 7th show same individuals.]

The Committee on Resolutions reported the following, which was adopted.

WHEREAS, The Grand Army of the Republic being anxious to see justice done to all persons who, by their devotion to duty, aided materially in the overthrowing of the rebellion;

WHEREAS, The military telegraph was a factor of great importance in the late war; and,

WHEREAS, The men who composed the military telegraph corps and operators, line builders and repairers, and, while undergoing all the exposure and hardships incident to active service in the field, and faithfully performing all the duties equally well, while under fire in the stations or in camp; and

WHEREAS, Enlisted men skilled in telegraph, who were detailed to work the military telegraph lines were, by order of the Secretary of War, deprived of their bounties and other endowments due them as enlisted men in consequence of such detail; therefore, be it

Resolved, That we do respectfully and earnestly ask the members of Congress and the Senators from this State to secure the passage of a bill giving, first, to the employees of the telegraph corps actually on duty in the field, whether soldier or civilian, a military status commensurate with their services and that they be placed on an equal footing with soldiers in every way.

Second, That the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized and instructed to pay the detailed soldiers of the telegraph corps, or their heirs, the bounties and portions, if disabled, which are due them upon the terms of enlistment.

Resolved, That a copy of this preamble and resolutions be certified by the commander of the department and the assistant adjutant general to the members of Congress and the Senators from the State of Kansas.

Resolved, That as the encampments are not assemblies of distinguished citizens, but of veterans of the Union army, it should be obligatory upon delegates that they appear at the State encampment in the uniform of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Resolved, That the department commander be requested in the general orders to ask the post commanders in the department to send the names of all members of their posts who lost a leg or an arm in the service to James A. Neiderwood, secretary, Crippled Soldiers Association, Allegan, Rice County.

Resolved, That it is the sense of the department that no firm or firms shall hereafter be authorized to advertise themselves as headquarters for the sale of Grand Army supplies, and that all such authority heretofore granted, if any, should be revoked.

Resolved, That all post commanders in good standing in their respective posts, are entitled to vote in the encampment.

Resolved, That in making arrangements for future encampments of the department, the officers are instructed to provide tickets of admission for the delegates and alternates and other comrades entitled to membership, and that seats be reserved in the front of the hall in which the encampment meets, for such members.

Resolved, That the council of administration are hereby authorized to prepare a suitable testimonial to be presented to Post Department Commander Stewart, at the next annual encampment, in recognition of his constant and unceasing efforts for the promotion of the interests of our order during his administration.

Resolved, That the rank of post department commander be restored to John A. Martin, John C. Carpenter, W. S. Jenkins, and John Gutherie, they having lost the rank through no fault of theirs and the National encampment be so instructed.

                                                THREATENED TROUBLE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

CHARLESTON, W. Va., Feb. 25. At a meeting of coal miners of the Kanawha and New River district, held at Coalburg, the association resolved to request the West Virginia Legislature to enact a law to pay wages to workers every two weeks in good and lawful money and make a day’s work eight hours, and that the miners’ convention, which meets at Columbus, Ohio, instruct all dealers that they will be boycotted if they handle coal from operators who pay miners 2½ cents a bushel or less for mining. In conversation with several operators relative to the action of the miners at Columbus or elsewhere, many fear that great trouble will arise from this as soon as trade opens in this valley. There are about 6,000 miners in the district, and should trouble come, it will be worse than four years ago.

                                                THE ST. LOUIS CONTEST.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 25. In the contested election case of ex-Mayor Ewing against the present mayor, D. R. Francis, which was brought before the Circuit Court last week under quo warranto proceedings to procure the opening of the ballot boxes to prove the alleged frauds, Judge Barclay today gave a decision to the effect that such result cannot be reached through quo warranto proceedings. The relator will probably take the case to the Supreme Court.

                                                    CATTLE CONDITION.

                           Not Very Heavy Losses, But Cattle in Poor Condition.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

DENVER, Col., March 1. The Colorado Cattle Growers’ Association has received reports from the skinners now at work on the Arkansas river, and the number of dead cattle now reported is about 2,500. The skinners estimate that the larger half of the dead cattle have been skinned, and that the total loss on the Arkansas cannot exceed 6,000 head. Reports from the Union Pacific, Burlington and Kansas Pacific show that less than 1,000 head died along those lines. These are the places where the heaviest losses have this and all previous winters taken place. Some cattle, of course, always die along the streams and water holes on the plains, but very few die in these places during the first heavy storms of the winter. The principal losses in these places occur in the spring, when cattle are poor and weak. It is believed by cattlemen to be almost certain that 10,000 would be liberal and probably too large an estimate of the losses in Colorado on the range up to the present time. But the January storm reduced the cattle in flesh, so that they are not now in admirable condition to go through cold spring storms, and no one can tell what the total season’s loss will be. It is sufficient that at the present time it has not exceeded one per cent. In Wyoming and Montana the finest winter ever experienced is reported, and the losses are said to have been almost nothing. In Southern Kansas, Indian Territory, and some parts of Texas, the loss has undoubtedly been large.

                                                        SENATOR BECK.

                              He is With the President on the Removal Question.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, March 1. Senator Beck may not agree with the President on silver, but he is with him in his controversy with the Senate. The President’s refusal to give up the papers for which the Senate is asking is, he thinks, a matter of policy and not of right. “These papers,” he said, “are not on file; no paper is on file for which the law does not provide a place. Can the President destroy these papers if he wishes? That is the best test as to his rights. The President cannot destroy any paper which is on file in any of the departments, without rendering himself liable to punishment under the law. Suppose he should take all these papers relating to removal and make a bonfire of them, could any one stop him or punish him for it? They could not; then these papers are not on file and the Senate has no right to them; no one has any right to them but the persons who wrote them. The Senate has no right to these papers. The law says the President may remove in his discretion. The papers concern only that act of removal.” Senator Beck said further that if he had been President, all these office holders, or at least those who had themselves the distribution of patronage, should have gone long ago. It is the President’s duty to appoint to those offices on whose administration the success of the Government largely depends, persons who are in political sympathy with him.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb. 24. By agreement today between counsel, the Dalton habeas corpus case was carried into the circuit court and the decision of the common pleas court affirmed. Then the case was immediately appealed to the Supreme Court, being submitted upon briefs. A motion was made and granted to take the case out of its regular order for hearing. This was done for the purpose of getting a decision that will settle the law in such cases for the future. However, Clerk Dalton’s arrest and commitment still stand.

                                                       TALE OF A BRICK.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 24. A celebrated gold brick case came up today, and Dan Davis, alias Hennessy, was formally arraigned. The bricks were brought into court and curiously examined by the thousands who surged in and out of the court room all day. After a jury was secured, an adjournment was taken until tomorrow.

                                                      HELLENIC APPEAL.

                            The “Brotherhood of Peoples” Address Great Britain

                                    Protesting Against the Coercion of Greece.

                                 England the Tool of the Arch Despot Bismarck.

                                               Chamberlain Preparing a Bolt.

                 The Canadian Parliament Convenes.—Exciting Session Expected.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

LONDON, Feb. 25. A leaflet is circulating here today called “The Coercion of Greece,” addressed to the people of Great Britain and Ireland, issued by “The Central Committee of the Brotherhood of Peoples, in compliance with the Greek section.”

It says: “At this moment the powerful agency of England is at the beck and call of that enemy of freedom, Prince Bismarck, who is employed in the shameful task of coercing Greece to the will of Europe, or, in plain language, to the dictates of the other five despotic organizations which pretend to hold the destinies of the European people in their hands. A Prince of the royal house of Great Britain, the Duke of Edinburgh, paid by the British and Irish people, is to take command of the combined fleets which are to carry out this iniquitous work of subjugation. They talk of European peace as their great concern, these despots who have transformed Europe into an armed camp, and who have never hesitated to flood it with the blood of their own subjects on the slightest appearance of danger to their selfish ambitions.” It concluded with a passionate appeal to the British and Irish people, asking in the spirit of brotherhood whether they will allow their hard-won earnings to be squandered and their blood poured out for the maintenance of a despotic principal.

                                            HOME RULE COMPLICATIONS.

It is currently reported that the chief complication of the home rule question is the attitude of Chamberlain. He is still working hard in private against Gladstone and Morley and home rule. Only a few days ago at the Devonshire Club, the Whig headquarters, he made a speech declaring that we must have one law and one State. He has a land bill all ready. He has been attempting to cultivate an alliance with a leading Parnellite. The situation is rendered critical today by the not altogether unsuccessful endeavors of several leading Whigs and two or three Radicals to reform an “Anti-Home Rule” faction. It is impossible to get the details, as the strictest secrecy is pledged, but I can affirm its existence. In the meantime Morley is winning great praise for his conduct in the House.

                                            THE CANADIAN PARLIAMENT.

OTTAWA, Ont., Feb. 25. Parliament opens today and this morning the city is exhibiting symptoms of one of those spasm of life and bustle which are the necessary adjuncts to a session of the legislature. Politicians of experience do not hesitated in openly asserting that the session will be one of the most exciting in the history of Canada to the present date, and in view of the important questions which are certain to be brought forward the prophecy is not likely to prove ill founded. The Government’s Northwest policy, including of course the execution of Louis Riel, will be up for consideration at an early date, and the outcome is a matter of considerable speculation. The French members, who have seceded from the Government wing, are loud in their boasts that they will succeed in uprooting Sir John McDonald’s cabinet on this question, but, on the other hand, the Government whips assert that even should the French members combine their full strength against the Government, the latter will still have a majority of thirty-five in a House of 212 members, and this majority, they say, will be amply sufficient for all legislative purposes. Next to this question comes the failure of the Imperial Government to arrange a reciprocity treaty between the United States and Canada, and also the enactment of legislation for the better protection of Canadian fishermen. A Government bill will be introduced to place the government of the Northwest Territories upon a more desirable basis, with an extension of executive powers and a settlement of the grievances which are now a source of complaint. It is very probable that the Government will announce a full and general amnesty to all the prisoners who are now incarcerated for complicity in the rebellion in the Northwest, with the exception of the Fort Pitt murderers, and it is looked upon as certain that a more liberal policy of dealing with the half breeds will be inaugurated. The expenses incurred in crushing the rebellion will be announced at $10,000,000, and the Minister of Finance will announce that in consequence of a decline of several millions of dollars in the customs and excise revenue, a revision of the tariff will be necessary. He will also recommend in this connection that the duties on wines, liquors, cigars, and tobaccos be increased and that a tariff be placed on teas and coffees.

                                             AN ILL-SMELLING CAREER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

PARIS, Feb. 25. The memoirs of the notorious Cora Pearl, queen of the demimondes, are about to be issued in this city. She claims that her father was Mr. Crouch, author of “Kathleen Mavourneen.” She fled from home at the age of fourteen and commenced her career in Paris. She had as successive lovers the deceased Crown Prince of Holland, the Dukes of Morney, Gramont, and Calderousse, and other aristocrats, whose names are thinly disguised under pseudonyms in letters to her now published in the memoirs. The letters contain a melange of passion and politics. A living European celebrity paid her $400,000 to suppress a letter from him. Cora, who is now forty-four years old, lives in broken health in a small but comfortable house. She declares that her longed enjoyed income of $100,000 has been dissipated.

                                            ARRIVAL OF OLD SOLDIERS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Feb. 25. Yesterday afternoon a detachment of 112 old veterans arrived at the Soldiers’ Home in charge of Colonel J. D. Thomas, Treasurer of the Central Branch National Soldiers’ Home, of Dayton, Ohio. This arrival fills the home here to its fullest capacity until more rooms can be completed. The new arrivals are said to be a fine looking body of men. The reason of the transfer was the overcrowded state of the home at Dayton.

                                               FLIGHT OF A DEFAULTER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

PEORIA, Ill., Feb. 25. James Whiteley, elected city clerk of Pekin, Illinois, last fall, is a defaulter and has fled. The exact amount of his defalcation is not known. An investigation is under way. He left a note giving the combination of the safe in his office.

                                                 KANSAS ENCAMPMENT.

                            Close of the Meeting of the State G. A. R. at Wichita.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WICHITA, Kan., Feb. 26. The State encampment concluded its annual business yesterday by a public installation of the officers elect and the passage of the usual resolutions. Fully 1,500 people departed for their respective homes by the evening trains. Not to exceed 300 or 400 strangers remained over night in the city. The Woman’s Relief Corps also concluded their business and their public installation at the same place and same hour. The following named ladies were elected: President, Mrs. M. R. Wickers, Sabetha; senior vice-president, Mrs. Yunkerman, Wichita; junior vice-president, Mrs. M. Barngrove, Ellinwood; secretary, Mrs. Julia A. Chase, Hiawatha; treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Slocum, Topeka; chaplain, Mrs. E. B. Aldrich, Cawker City; chairman of the council of administration, Mrs. Louise H. Brown, of Olathe. Sixteen delegates and alternates were elected to the national assembly at San Francisco.

                                                       BAR PRIVILEGES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

TORONTO, Ont., Feb. 26. The Toronto Government today introduced a bill making it a misdemeanor for any person not a member of the landlord’s family to enter a barroom on Sunday, and increasing the penalties for illegal selling of liquor as follows: First offense, $50 to $100 fine; second, four months’ imprisonment without the option of a fine; third offense, six months’ imprisonment. For making searches the provisions of the gambling act will be applied.

                                                       HIS BODY FOUND.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

NEW YORK, Feb. 26. The body of a well dressed man about thirty-five years old was found in the river this morning. In his pockets were two cards bearing the name of W. H. Smith, one as correspondent of the New York Clipper, the other as correspondent of the Cincinnati Sporting Journal.

                                         ROMANCE OF THE YARDSTICK.

                          A Dry Goods Clerk Loved by a Millionaire’s Daughter.

                                         The Wicked Parents Spirit Her Away.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

CHICAGO, Feb. 27. The young and handsome wives, middle-aged mothers, and matronly dames, who are the participants in the “four o’clock teas,” which are just now the rage in that ultra-fashionable part of the city known as Michigan boulevard, have for the last few days been regaling themselves with a very interesting and romantic piece of gossip, which, if report speaks truly, is founded upon fact. As the story runs, a young lady, daughter of the millionaire resident of one of the most palatial residences on the boulevard, and who has been very prominent in social circles, had occasion a few months ago to do some shopping in the retail store of Marshall, Field & Co. The spruce and smiling young man who waited upon her was more than usually polite and agreeable, and his Apollo-like form and pleasant demeanor made quite an impression upon the susceptible young heiress. After this first meeting her requirement at the counter over which he presided became so numerous and pressing as to necessitate almost daily visits and ere long she had mustered up sufficient courage to invite the dapper young man to visit her at her mansion. His first visit, however, was his last for the parents, having ascertained his position in life, very pointedly notified him that ne’er again would the footman in livery admit him within the portals. The course of true love, however, couldn’t be crushed in this way and so a system of clandestine correspondence was inaugurated with the kitchen maid as the diplomatic Pooh Bah.

The relatives however were on the alert and so were a couple of experienced detectives, who had been retained to prevent a coup d’etat. One evening last week it became known that the servant was in possession of a note which she was waiting an opportunity to deliver to her fair young mistress. A touch of the electric bell summoned her to the library and there she was questioned and cross-questioned and badgered until finally in despair she produced the missive. It proved to be from the young man and contained final instructions regarding an elopement which had been planned for the same night. Of course, the letter never reached its destination and the young lady, thinking that her lover had proven false at the last moment, spent the night in weeping in the solitude of her chamber. Next morning when she reached the breakfast table, she found a note from her stern parent commanding her to be ready to start for Florida in two hours. There was no opportunity for communicating with her Apollo, and the eleven o’clock train bore away to Jacksonville a broken hearted damsel, while the would-be groom was cudgeling his brains to find a reason for her failure to keep the tryst. Efforts were made to keep the matter secret, but the story leaked out and the Michigan avenue feminine gossips are betting yards of crochet work against velvet picture frames and other fancy articles that there will yet be a wedding before the last rose of summer has bloomed.

                                                              VIG. COM.

            A Missouri County Infested With A Committee of Doubtful Expediency.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

SEDALIA, Mo., Feb. 27. The following special from Archie, Cass County, was received last night by the Democrat. Considerable excitement has been caused here by the mysterious warnings that have been sent to several businessmen of this place. Some time ago L. J. Rosier sold his stock and building to H. T. Carr and William Rosier, and they then sold to A. J. Summers. The sales were supposed to have been made for the purpose of protecting Mr. Rosier from his creditors. A few days after Mr. Summers took possession, the following notice was found tacked on his door: “We take this mode of notifying you that there is a vigilance committee who will make it their business to wait on men who defraud their friends. There is an organized band of swindlers and robbers in this town who obtain men’s names on notes by false representations. So take notice of the order from the committee.” This was followed by forty-five marks, representing the names of the committee. In a few days this was followed by another, sent to G. W. Gashell, who was clerking for Summers, as follows:

Mr. G. W. Gashell: You and Dock Summers and Lawrence Rosier are hereby notified to leave town within ten days, or we will make it d     d hot for you, and if we come we will attend to some other swindlers. (Signed) VIG. COM.

The sympathy of the community is with the gentlemen who are being persecuted. It is no secret that there has for several years been a vigilance committee located a few miles west of this town and the events of the past few days are credited to this committee.

                                                      BILLS OF HEALTH.

                      Defunct Porkers to be Officially Certified in Good Condition.

                                          Retaliation to Follow Discrimination.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Among the bills introduced and appropriately referred in the Senate yesterday was one by Mr. Edmunds, providing for the inspection of meats for exportation, prohibiting the importation of adulterated articles of food and drink, and authorizing the President to make proclamations in certain cases. Mr. Edmunds said this bill had been reported last year from the Committee on Foreign Relations. Besides providing for the inspection of pork, etc., for exportation, it contained, he said, a section giving the President authority, whenever he was convinced that unjust discrimination was made against the admission of American products into other countries, to suspend the importation from those countries of such articles as he thought fit for the protection of the just interests of the United States. In view of what he (Mr. Edmunds) saw in the newspapers about current events in other countries touching American products on the theory that they were supposed to be disease, when the fact was that the object was to exclude them under any circumstances, he (Mr. Edmunds) thought it clear that it was time to introduce the bill again.

                                                  RAILROAD PROJECTS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 27. Captain J. W. Miller, president of the Wichita & Colorado road, a project yet in its infancy, is in the city. Captain Miller is the gentleman under whose supervision the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita road was finished. The Wichita & Colorado is now completed from Wichita westward twenty-five miles to Mt. Hope, Sedgwick County, Kansas, through a splendid agricultural region. The object point of Captain Miller’s new road has not yet been decided on, but it is pretty certain it will be operated in connection with the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita, which is controlled by the Missouri Pacific.

                                                         PERILS AT SEA.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

NEW YORK, March 1. The North German Lloyd steamer Eider, which left Bremerhaven January 17, arrived here yesterday afternoon. The vessel looked as if it had been in the Polar seas. Her rigging and spars were covered with a thick coating of ice and snow. First Officer Wanske states that the voyage had been an unusually rough one, heavy seas breaking constantly over the ship and rendering the presence of the passengers on deck almost impossible. The severe storm and icy blizzard which swept over New York last week struck the Eider when off the banks of Newfoundland. A sailor was washed overboard and lost. The first officer had his fingers frozen while casting the lead. This is the longest passage the Eider has ever made between Europe and America.

                                             HORSE THIEVES CAPTURED.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

KINGMAN, Kan., March 1. A gang of five horse thieves was captured ten miles south of this city today by the sheriff of this county and his assistants. They are now in jail. They stole some ten head of horses from Mexicans in the Indian Territory. Two of the Mexicans followed them here. Sheriff McClelland and assistants encircled the thieves on the open prairie and several shots were exchanged before they surrendered. Had the thieves been at the house where they were supplied with Winchesters, there would have been bloodshed. The names of the parties taken are Morgan, Bryan, Ford, Weller, and Helse. Stolen property to the amount of about $2,000 was found in their possession.

                                         ANOTHER ELECTRIC FATALITY.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

EVANSVILLE, Ind., March 1. Last evening, as Hugh Oliver, aged twenty-three, an employee of the Evansville Electric Light Company, was at work replacing a screw on the “arc dynamo” with his right hand, the screw slipped, and, in endeavoring to catch it, he placed his left hand also on the dynamo, causing the electric current of 3,000 candle power to pass through and kill him.

                                                 INDUSTRIAL WARFARE.

         The Transcontinental Cannibals Still at the Barbecue.—Prime Cuts Offered.

  Socialistic Hungarians Make It Hot at the Coke Ovens.—The McCormick Lockout.

                              Threatening Demonstration and Revolvers Drawn.

                                  English and French Workmen.—Labor News.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 26. Great excitement was created in railroad circles today by the announcement that the Atlantic & Pacific, in connection with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, Chicago & Alton and Pennsylvania railroads, had reduced the price of limited tickets to New York to $50. The time within which they can be used is ten days. This rate was immediately met by all the other railroad agents. Limited tickets to Chicago also came in for the cut, and were reduced to $35. Unlimited and third class tickets remain as yesterday. The Atlantic & Pacific still refrains from selling unlimited tickets at reduced rates. Much complaint is being made by agents of Eastern lines concerning the sale of unlimited tickets at cut rates. All urge the withdrawal of such tickets from the sale. The sale of limited tickets today is reported as very lively.

                                              NO CHANGE AT NEW YORK.

NEW YORK, Feb. 26. There is practically no change in railroad rates from yesterday afternoon. Commissioner Midgley, of the Southwestern Railway Association, is conferring with the executive committee of the Eastern trunk line pool in Commissioner Fink’s office. Most of the railroad men say the pool will let the matter alone because, if they interfere with the Sunset, Mr. Huntington will probably open up the Chesapeake & Ohio system and bring the war into the East. All the Trunk lines between Chicago and New York have followed the Pennsylvania Central into the fight, which the latter company entered today.

                                                         MORE TROUBLE.

CONNELLSVILLE, Pa., Feb. 26. The socialistic Hungarians caused more trouble in the coke regions this morning. A crowd assembled at Bradford and marched to the Summit and Mount Pleasant mines, forcing every coke drawer from work along the route. They were nearly all armed and fired numerous shots to intimidate the workers at the Summit and other works. The coke drawers fled through fear of violence from the mob, and in some cases left their scrapers in hot ovens to melt, fearing that if they continued work, the tipple and other buildings at the works would be destroyed. The strikers demand an advance of ten cents per oven instead of the ten per cent recently granted. At Leicester the men requested Superintendent Taggard to discharge a man who had worked during the strike. This was refused and the men all struck.

                                      THE McCORMICK REAPER LOCKOUT.

CHICAGO, Feb. 26. The strikers at McCormick’s reaper factory to the number of 1,000 appeared in the vicinity of the works this morning and for the first time made a display of violence. The foreman of the works, Ward, and the engineer and gas and steam fitter were stopped while the way to the works, and during a colloquy revolvers were drawn but no shots fired. They were afterward permitted to go to the works. Police Officer Rowen, who had been sent out to the works with a good many other policemen in citizens’ clothes to mix with the crowd and keep order, was accosted by a workman who wanted to know what he was doing. Some words passed and the workman, whose name is Ernest Stowman, was arrested and locked up. More police were sent out to the scene, but the crowd in a measure had dispersed.


PARIS, Feb. 26. The Socialist members of the Chamber of Deputies today joined in sending a telegram to the British workmen in the House of Commons proposing a joint international movement in the interest of laboring men. The main objects of the proposition are to secure a reduction of the hours of labor, an improvement in the sanitary condition of workshops proper, the limit of work obtained of women, etc. The telegram suggests that the British workmen join those of France and invite the workmen of America and Europe to send delegates to a convention next September to be held at some place to be hereafter decided upon.

                                                   LEFT TO THE PASTORS.

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 26. Archbishop Ryan, when asked today whether there had been any objections raised against the Knights of Labor by the Catholic ecclesiastical authorities of the archdiocese of Philadelphia, said: “No general approval of the Knights of Labor has been made in the archdiocese, and I personally know very little about the nature of the order. The matter rests with the pastors of churches. While the Church is opposed to secret societies, the question whether any particular organization comes within the prescribed limits is left to the clergy to determine.

                                                       LOCKOUT ENDED.

MILWAUKEE, Wis., Feb. 26. The nail mill of the North Chicago Rolling Mill Company, at Bayview, which has been closed for the greater part of eight months past on account of a difference between the nailers and manufacturers as to wages, will resume operations next Monday. The union men who went out on June 1 last will go back to their old places. The scale of prices has been fixed on what is known as the Mingo basis.

                                                    SUCCESSFUL STRIKE.

NEW YORK, Feb. 26. The three cigar firms, Brown & Early, Levy Bros., and McCoy & Co., have concluded to accept the Knights of Labor label. The rates paid by the union shops are accepted.

                                           THE WAR ON DRESSED MEAT.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

CHICAGO, Feb. 26. A morning paper publishes an interview with Mr. P. D. Armour in the course of which he was asked what he proposed doing about the rates fixed on dressed meat material by Commissioner Fink of the Trunk Line pool. He replied: “We’re going to fight it in the courts and at Washington. Fink’s latest decision makes us pay 86 per cent over live stock rates. By arbitration two years ago, it was decided by Judge Cooley that the proper proportion over live-stock men was 75 per cent, but, in the courts we shall contend for a much lower, I cannot say, nor can I explain the process of law by which our attorneys may elect to try the cause. Our lawyers are now at Washington, and will favor the Inter-state Commerce bill, or any other bill directed against railroad discrimination.”

                                            LOCAL OPTION IN VIRGINIA.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

RICHMOND, Virginia,  Feb. 26. Both branches of the State Legislature yesterday passed the local option law.

                                                           NEWS NOTES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The pension payments during February were about $11,000,000.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Prince Bismarck was recently reported suffering from an attack of sciatica.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Italian Senate by a vote of 91 to 6 has adopted a bill to equalize the land tax.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

An unknown man, about forty years of age, slipped or threw himself off the ice and went over Niagara Falls recently.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The clearing house returns for week ended February 27 showed an average increase of 29.0. In New York the increase was 34.9.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Governor McEnery has decided that the execution of Pat Ford and John Murphy shall take place at New Orleans on Friday, March 12.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The municipal authorities of Paris have ordered that the name of the Deity be expunged from children’s books issued by the metropolitan school committee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A young man named Parker was recently seriously poisoned at Columbus, Georgia, by eating an apple after he had kept it in his coat pocket along with some strychnine he was using to poison crows on his farm.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The total value of merchandise and gold and silver exported from the United States during January last amounted to $57,959,562, against $80,532,684 in January, 1885. The total value of imports for January last was $47,398,490, against $42,221,171 in January, 1885.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A dispatch from Oil City, Pa., says: The Derrick’s field report of the February oil operations shows 280 completed wells, 3,732 barrels of new production, 33 dry holes, 269 rigs, and 337 drilling wells. This is an increase over January of 10 wells, 575 barrels of new production, 15 rigs, and 17 drilling wells.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A Santa Fe (New Mexico) special of the 28th, says: Steven Puple, Lee Hamblett, Kid Wilson, and Robert Holt, charged with the murder of three Mexican sheep herders in the Galezo canyon, have been arrested and are in custody at Bloomfield. These are the men for whose arrest the Government offered a reward of $900.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

                                                    Restaurant and Bakery.

                             ZIMMERMAN & MOOSO, ENGLISH KITCHEN

                                             RESTAURANT AND BAKERY.

Fresh bread, cakes and pies always on hand, promptly delivered anywhere in the city. Nuts, candies, cigars, etc. Tables always spread with the best the market afford. Board by the day or week. The best restaurant in the city for farmers and all wanting first-class meals.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

                                                      Cowley County Stone.

                           MOORE BROTHERS, COWLEY COUNTY STONE.

                                  Successors to WILLIAM MOORE & SONS.

                                        Flagging, Cut Stone, Building Material.

                                Estimates and Price Lists Furnished on Short Notice.

                                                           Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

                                                         Drugs and Books.

                                                       H. BROWN & SON.

                                 The Largest and Finest Drug House in the City.

                                               WALL PAPER A SPECIALTY.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

                                                      Fence Manufactories.

                            SMEDLEY & GEST, WINFIELD FENCE WORKS.

                                                    MANUFACTURERS OF

                                        Farm and Ornamental Fencing of all kinds.

                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

                                                       Brotherton & Silver,

                                                     THE OLD RELIABLE

                                                 Seed and Implement House,

                        All kinds of FLOUR AND GARDEN SEEDS, Fresh and New.

                                                    Agricultural Implements.

                                    A large stock at Lowest Prices and Easy Terms.

                                            North Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.

                                                    WINFIELD COURIER.

                                           FRANK H. GREER, Local Editor.

                                                           Local Markets.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Skipped items in this issue. Hard to read.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The “Literary Union” has been organized and held its first meeting Thursday evening in the agreeable home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bedilion. A. F. Hopkins is president; J. W. Spindler, vice-president; and Miss Maud Kelly, secretary. The purport is to congregate the young ladies and gentlemen of a literary turn and take up the reading and study of various authors, interspersed with varied literary exercises and music, entertaining and improving. This is a good move. Among all our giddier amusements, there should be some of solid past-time and improvement. The Union will meet every two weeks at various homes, and promises popularity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A handsome bevy of young men who occupied the “bald headed row” at the Opera House Friday passed this note along a whole row to the scribe, who was in the same category. “Where is the young lady not yet in her twenty-second year?” We all chipped in and raised a purse, and she went back on us so we spent it for peanuts and came alone.” It meant, “C.,” you know, who vented her opinion in last evening’s COURIER. And they weren’t dudes either—real nice young men—all members of the “Senate.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The preliminary examination of young Swift, the young man from near Maple City, who forged a check of $15.00 on J. T. Stinson, on the 10th of February, and presented it at J. B. Lynn’s in payment for a $2.75 hat, was brought up Friday before Judge Buckman and ground all afternoon, about fifteen or twenty witnesses being put on the stand. Swift was bound over to next term of the District court with bond at $500, which he failed to get, and now languishes in durance vile.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

County Clerk Smock and his assistants, Ed. G. Gray and Frank Weaverling, have put in some hard licks on the township assessment rolls and will have them ready to turn out to the trustees Monday, when they meet to decide on a basis of valuation. Then the aggressive assessor will be abroad in the land, taking an inventory of the county. Nothing but the old man with his beheading scythe is as sure as taxes. Such is life, and it keeps getting sucher and sucher.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The “P. S. C. Club,” which, peeled of Latin, means “Pleasure Seeking Club,” met Friday eve in the roomy house of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston, the guest of Master Wallie Johnston. This Club is composed of young masters and misses of that rollicking age that gets all the fun out of anything they tackle. The party last night, a dozen or more couples, was one of the jolliest, exhausting various games and amusements.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Fred Wilber, a son of Gene Wilber, of Rock, and a grandson of Geo. L. Gale, of this city, has on exhibition at Bliss & Woods office, a sketch of a deer which he did with a pen. Fred has been taking lessons in ornamental penmanship for a short time with Prof. Inskeep, of the Commercial College, and to produce such a fine piece of workmanship speaks highly for both pupil and teacher.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

W. F. Dorley, formerly our carriage Frank, was taken in for the wrong man at Harper the other day, by the editor of the Danville Express, who claimed Dorley threatened him if he would publish anything detrimental to the Weaver boys, recent murderers of Shearer at Danville. Dorley suffered durance vile a day, but had on the boots of one Allen and was let loose.

[Note: Article called him “Doorley.” Earlier papers indicated name was “Dorley.”]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Matrimonial indications were issued Friday to Chas. A. Munns and Henrietta E. Driggs, and E. D. W. Stout and Kate McCutcheon. Judge Gans did the cement act for the first couple, in his most gluey and symmetrical manner. In the words of the lamented Rip Van Winkle, “May you leef long and brosber.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Tom P. Richardson, the versatile and rustling young journalist of Wellington is in the city, looking to the spreading of his faber. Tom has been connected with Wellington journalism for years and has written many beautiful and sparkling things.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The old wooden awning in front of Kleeman’s dry goods store was annihilated under the destructive “claws” of Phil. Kleeman and Mr. Tanner, and will be replaced by a neat canvas one—one in harmony with a high-toned dry goods emporium.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Sheriff McIntire got back from Wichita Monday with George Davis, the colored cook who purloined $4 from John Mathews. Davis is a tough one and will make things lively in the jail, where he roosted a good while once before.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Saturday eve, at their elegant residence in Highland Park, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler entertained in a most charming manner a party of ladies and gentlemen with conversation, whist, and a choice collation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Gene Millard got in Friday from a week’s circuit of Sumner County, making loans and examining titles for Jarvis, Conklin & Co. Gene is a rustler from “way back.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

W. J. Wilson went to Medicine Lodge Saturday, where Mrs. Wilson and Miss Jennie Hane have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Nixon. They return tomorrow.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Some twenty emigrants from “way down east” got off the S. K. here last Saturday and are looking up investments and locations. The S. K. will bring many such delegations this year.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The County Fathers, at their special meeting Tuesday, called the election for the confirmation of our County bridge law. It was called for the first Tuesday in April, a provided by the act.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

There were 229 entries of government land in Cowley County in the past year. The year before there were over 600 entries. The good land is about all taken, except an occasional fraction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Wanted to rent: several good farms near Maple City. Address or call on Howe & Drury, land and loan agents, Maple City, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Never borrow money on real estate, either city or country property, until you have consulted with P. H. Albright & Co.

                                     MOTHER GRUNDY’S NEWS-BUDGET.

   Her Chronicle of the Comings, Goings and Doings of Persons at Home and Abroad.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

John B. Holmes was down from Rock Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. B. Lynn took in the village of Wellington Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

John L. Howard and Wm. Gray were up from the Terminus Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. Henry Branson, of Grouse Creek near Torrance, died Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

F. L. Branniger has returned from the west and reports things booming.

                                        [Earlier newspapers called him “Braniger.”]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

William Thompson, of Rock P. O., is in town visiting his daughter, Miss Martha.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

C. L. McPherson, from the head of navigation, was in the metropolis Monday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. E. D. Garlick is again ill and her kindergarten is suspended for a few days.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Miss Alice Stocking, formerly of this city, was married at Sullivan, Indiana, last week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Eliza Bowen has been appointed guardian of the minor heirs of Elisha Bowen, deceased.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mr. J. W. Morris, a stock dealer of Coffeyville, was in the city yesterday on business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. J. A. Parks is lying very low with consumption at her residence in the Third Ward.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. G. McGregor and P. P. Powell started out Wednesday to buy a wagon load of ducks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

W. M. Hammack, of Illinois, is here visiting his uncle, J. P. Sterling, and seeking a location.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. A. Sexton, who has been employed in the mill at Elk Falls as bookkeeper, has returned to stay.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Now it is Will B. Caton who tip-toes it in a manner exhibiting feelings elevated. It’s another boy.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

D. Knox is the latest “dad” of the season: a 12 pound boy made his appearance Saturday morning.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. Wright, the milliner, was moving her shop Tuesday into the room on West 9th next to Mrs. Kingsley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. F. Martin, who ran a feed store just below the Blue Front, left with his family for Fresno, California, Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Dr. J. G. Evans has moved his office to the front rooms over Root’s shoe store and is fitting it up in fine shape.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Bob Farnsworth tells us that he has just received a letter stating there is two feet of snow in Central Iowa.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

D. L. Kretsinger came in from the west Tuesday, having put his Richfield Leader on its pegs in good shape.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Sam L. Gilbert returned to Wichita Saturday, having circulated around the Queen City three or four days.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Miss Winnie Limerick entertained very charmingly a happy party of her young friends Saturday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

W. W. Berto, from Gainesville, Texas, is in the city looking around for a location and visiting his friend, Ira Kyger.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The S. of V. desire, through THE COURIER, to thank all who so kindly assisted in their entertainment Tuesday eve.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. Hop Shivvers and Miss Mary Shivvers got home from Wichita Friday, having spent a few days with Mrs. Tidd.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. R. L. Walker and Mrs. L. J. Webb came down from Wichita Friday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lovell H. Webb.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Nathan Parisho was appointed trustee of Cedar township by the County Commissioners vice J. F. McDowell, resigned.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A. W. Gray, John Fitzpatrick, and E. C. Lewis, hailing from the village at the Kaw’s mouth, spent Sunday at the Brettun.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Miss Lizzie Wallis returned Saturday evening from a very pleasant week at Wichita, visiting Miss Clara Lynch and others.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. J. Carson will occupy Mrs. Andrews’ house across the railroad in a short time. Mrs. Andrews and family will go to California.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Miss Olive Sherrard, of Rock Island, Illinois, an accomplished young lady, is visiting her cousin, D. S. Sherrard, of Pleasant Valley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

G. O. Applegate and wife have returned from an extended visit at Kokomo, Indiana. Their friends are glad to see them back.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Ed. G. Gray—this item is stereotyped—spent Sunday in Arkansas City. Ed. likes to seek a nice, quiet, country villa for his Sunday rest.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

M. J. French, A. J. Lender, W. S. Cottrell, and W. M. Gregory, all selling Chicago wares, were among the Brettun’s guests Saturday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers, relatives of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns, returned to Ft. Scott Tuesday, after a very pleasant visit of two weeks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. P. G. Corkins, of Schell City, Missouri, and Mrs. C. Corkins, of Grenola, are in the city visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jimison.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

G. W. and H. O. Winchell hung up with landlord McKibben Monday from Sandwich, Illinois. They are prospectors, father and son.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jimison’s nephew, I. [J. ?] W. Corkins and family, of Schell City, Missouri, arrived here Saturday and will make this their home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Train Master Nixon, whose headquarters are at Wellington, passed over the road Monday eve on official inspection, returning this morning.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Dr. Vawter, of Arkansas City, and W. B. Hall, of Winfield, have purchased ten acres of land on Main Street in Arkansas City, which they will lay out in town lots.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Lon Whorton left Tuesday for Meade Center, on a prospective newspaper venture. Lon is a good newspaper man and can make things hum anywhere.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Tommie Matheson gave up his voyage to Scotland, getting only to Chicago, when he came back, and is again a floury miller with Kirk & Alexander.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

D. Knight, St. Joe; C. A. Dunham, St. Paul; G. A. Little, Warren, Ohio; James Ferguson, Smithfield, Ohio; and B. J. Ritter, Lima, Ohio; were Sunday guests at the Central.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Eli Youngheim is home from his eastern purchasing tour, having “filled up” with a big and well-selected stock of gents’ ware of every description. Eli always gets there.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. M. Lambert, Latham’s banker, spent Friday in the Future Great. He carries an eye in a sling, but knowing his tranquil disposition, we know he hasn’t “licked” anybody.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Frank Lockwood came over from Medicine Lodge Friday, and took back three cooks from the Brettun. The Brettun got in a new lot of cooks from the east yesterday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

W. T. Whorton, brother of our Lon, left Tuesday morning for his home, Knightstown, Indiana. He stopped here for a week’s visit on his road home from a four week’s California tour.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The oldest daughter of Dr. Charlton and wife is lying very low with lung trouble. The Doctor and family have recently moved to our city from Indiana. They come highly recommended.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

D. E. Whelan, Louis Wachett, C. M. Rudolph, T. B. Patton, J. T. Hayward, L. Ackerman, O. F. Little, A. T. Grimes, and O. E. Sommerson were among the Brettun’s Sunday St. Louis guests.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The report that Jim Rennick and family were frozen to death in Kansas County is a ruse: constructed of thin air. G. H. Allen, in from Richfield only a few days ago, saw Jim as lively as ever.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Geo. Miller moved his family back to Winfield, Friday, over the Frisco, from Cherryvale.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

George and John Dix have bought the Constanzer shop and will run a first-class meat market here.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Judge Torrance and Frank K. Raymond are “loose” for a short period, having closed up the Chautauqua County district court docket in five days. Our court begins the first Tuesday in April.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Billy Allison has moved his family over from Wellington and is occupying the Cole property, east 10th. The whole newspaper fraternity of the city, barring one lone printer, abide on the east side.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

R. C. Posey was over from Otter Monday. Out of his sixteen hundred head of sheep, the severe winter only turned up the toes of thirty. His care was very careful and brought his flock out in excellent trim.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

H. P. Moore is home from a few weeks in Illinois. He found things very slow there: everybody with the winter fever. He says the immigration to Kansas, and especially Cowley County, will be immense this year.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

David H. Welch and Mary McWilliams, James Liggett and Anna E. Coats are the last to take the blissful path of matrimony. The latter couple were married by Judge Gans Tuesday. They live near Dexter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

S. Cure, of Winfield, a delegate to the encampment, called to say that he never was treated more handsomely during his stay than he was treated here, and that he only voiced the feeling of all the rest of the comrades. Wichita Eagle.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Howard and Clausen, carpenters, say they expect a big building boom this spring as they already have several houses under way.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. M. Barnthouse is home from Ft. Smith, where he has arranged to put in a bottling works, a branch to his Winfield establishment.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

M. M. Scott has billed Little Maud for Burden Friday and Saturday evenings, a G. A. R. Benefit. Prof. Taylor, the blind musician, will assist.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Judge Soward and family are now occupying the Platter residence, recently purchased by the Judge. It is one of the city’s handsomest homes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A. F. Chase, representing the Howe Scale Company, was in the city, and took an order from Van Vleet & Sage for a scales for the city weighmasters.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. H. Bullene tells us the lumber business is getting brisk and that he anticipates a big trade this spring, and that lumber is advancing in price and will probably run three dollars higher on the thousand this year.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Dr. H. A. Eberle has returned and desires to meet all his patients at the Brettun on Saturday, March 6th. He regrets very much not being able to have met his patients here last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday as per announcement.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

P. P. Powell, who has been attending the encampment at Wichita, says that our Tom Soward came nearer touching the hearts of the G. A. R. “boys” than any speaker at the encampment. Tom’s enthusiasm and eloquence catches the old soldiers every time.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Dixon, the restaurant and candy man on the corner of 8th and Main, has leased for three years the building now occupied by Wallis & Wallis, and will put in a bakery, ice cream, etc., April first, when Wallis & Wallis move to their new building on south Main.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A. Meese was taken before Judge Buckman, last Friday, charged with horse stealing. He waived an examination and was bound over to next term of the District Court. His bond was fixed at $500, in default of which he was committed to the dark shades of the bastille.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Dr. G. H. J. Hart, of Maple City, has sold his effects and departed. He went to Winfield and from there to Atchison and from there the general supposition is that he went to New Orleans. He was under a $200 bond to appear as a witness in the Marshall murder trial.

Arkansas City Republican.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Agent Branham is highly tickled over the recent furnishing of the S. K. depot with a new ticket case of most convenient, roomy, and novel design. There are pegs on which can hang eight hundred different forms of tickets. It has a Yale lock and is altogether a nobby piece of furniture.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Master Archie Olmstead played some very classical productions at the Opera House, Tuesday, among them “Harpe AEolian,” by Sidney Smith, and “Students of Sorrento,” by Celega. He is a remarkably fine pianist, for one of his age, and can be found at Crawford’s Music House, as soloist or piano instructor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

John Rowland, with Jarvis, Conklin & Co., went to Wellington Wednesday to take charge of a branch department in that city. Wellington will fine Mr. Rowland to be a straight forward businessman and a gentleman, one that can be relied on. We are sorry to lose John, and hope he will succeed in his new field of labor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Chas. S. Webster & Co., publishers of “Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant,” have notified their general agents that the 2nd volume will not be ready until about April 1st, instead of March 1st, s heretofore announced by them. This delay is caused by the preparation of an expansive index for both volumes. S. S. H.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Henry E. Asp, of Winfield, made the Standard a pleasant call Tuesday. Mr. Asp is very enthusiastic over the future greatness of his city. He also informed us that a preliminary line had already been run on the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Southwestern railroad, and it is expected that work will commence in the near future. Wellington Standard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

We struck the finest thing in perfumery and handkerchief extracts this morning on our rounds that we have ever seen. They are at Brown & Son’s drug store, and for something elegant for the ladies and young society gents, down anything in existence. Call and try them, and if you do not agree with us, we will be silent forever more.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Allen and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood and Misses Margaret and Mary left Tuesday for Richfield, their future home. A large number of friends saw them off, expressing deep regret at their departure. Especially demonstrative were the many young friends of Miss Margaret, among whom she was very popular.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Sam Wells, one of Dexter’s liveliest “boys,” was in the city Monday and today, with a matrimonial smile bedecking his countenance. This is the second time Sam has come over en masse and failed to materialize at Gans’ office. He’s only waiting, blandly waiting, for the violets and the daises to bloom, which will be very shortly.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

County Commissioner Irwin, just home from a month or more at his old home, Lewis County, Missouri, reports a good immigration certain for Kansas and Cowley County from that section this spring and summer. The farmers there have tired of eking out a chary existence on forty and eighty acres of worn out land. Nothing is being done in city or county improvements—everything ancient and slow, a big contrast to the bustle and rush of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Eli Youngheim’s eastern purchasing tour is beginning to materialize and his Mammoth Clothing House is getting “fullern’ a goat.” Eli, as usual, has got there in great shape this spring, with an immense stock of the latest and nobbiest gents furnishings of all kinds. His stock of fine wear is even finer than ever and will catch all the boys, while his substantial wares are equally well selected. THE DAILY and WEEKLY COURIER will, in a few days, herald his superior bargains and attractions in big “ads.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A. H. Doane’s frame business building, corner of Ninth & Millington, is going up and will be occupied by McGuire Bros. It would seem to be a mistake in putting up a frame building on such a valuable corner, with the grand prospect that this year shows. Before 1886 is closed very few of the old rookeries will be left on Ninth, two blocks down. Substantial buildings, anywhere for business houses, are far safer for the city and the investor. Mr. Doane will erect a fine stone block, handsome cut front, on the lot now occupied by the Schofield stable.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Marshal McFadden is fetching the boys to time around the depot. Several boys have been making a business of hanging around and climbing over the cars when in motion. This is very dangerous business and if at any time one should fall under the train and is run over, the parents can’t blame any one but themselves. Parent, keep your boys in school and they will have no time to loiter around railroads. The boys haven’t any business around the depot and are only in the way of those having business. Marshal McFadden intends to use them rough when he catches them; so, boys, if you don’t want trouble, you had better “let up” on this business.

                                               GO THOU AND REGISTER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The first Tuesday in April occurs the city election. This is a crisis in Winfield’s history: a time, above all others, when the municipal government must be progressive, energetic, and wise, and with the backbone to stand by the right; with the nerve and determination to direct the city onward and upward, to the high pinnacle it is bound to attain if proper effort and wisdom is put forth. Fully five hundred voters haven’t registered. The poll books are opened until ten days before the election. Waltz up and have Clerk Buckman enroll you at once, that the right of casting that wonderful little instrument, the ballot, can be exercised for the right government of the brightest, prettiest, and most promising city in Kansas. Everything rests in good government. We want men in the city council, men on the school board, and police officers that will put their shoulders to the wheel of progress, with its present magnificent impetus, and boost it on solidly and creditably. Again we say, register! And do it at once.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Now we are to have Judge Tourgee, the greatest of American writers and lecturers. He appears at the Opera House on the 12th inst., in “A Story Teller’s Story,” a lecture eloquent, entertaining, and instructive. Who hasn’t been enraptured by “The Fool’s Errand?” one of his master productions. This is the first distinguished lecturer we have had for some months and of course he will be largely greeted, as he deserves.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

“Little Nuggets,” a play on the M’liss order, by a specialty company, is dated for Winfield on April 2nd.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

J. B. Marsh, of Des Moines, Iowa; G. A. Eberbast, Clinton, Iowa; H. C. Campbell, Toledo, Ohio; H. E. Brawner, Chicago; D. H. Young, Topeka; J. P. Bartley, St Joe; A. H. McLouth, Leavenworth; A. Allen, Kansas City; J. K. Sawyer, Wichita; and Geo. C. Bullene, Rock Island, Illinois, are at the Brettun. They represent various bridge companies, and are here to bid for the erection of the Ninth avenue and Bliss & Wood bridges across the Walnut, which contract will be let at a special meeting of the city council tomorrow evening.

                                                    PITHY PIOUS POINTS.

                             What Transpired at our Different Churches Sunday.

                                                 Various Religious Nuggets.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Elder Gans filled Burden’s Christian pulpit Sunday evening.

Among Rev. Sam Jones’ good hits is this: “A man said to me the other night, ‘Jones, I wouldn’t have missed your sermon for $10,’ and yet when the plate was passed around that man put in a copper cent.”

Rev. Snyder preached Sunday afternoon at the schoolhouse, No. 48, three miles west of the city, to a full house. An interesting Sabbath school has been kept up at this place all winter under the superintendency of Mr. Knapp.

Mr. Reed, a graduate of Park College, a Presbyterian institution just below Leavenworth, on the Missouri, gave a history and resume of that college at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, showing a noble work and much sacrifice. There is no tuition fee—supported entirely by voluntary contributions, from all quarters. It is doing much toward educating young people who could get it no other way.

Rev. Young, the A. M. E. minister, is still at Osage City visiting his family, and the services at this church Sunday were conducted by Deacon John Wilson. In the morning he exhorted from the first five verses of Mathew xviii, and in the evening on “Who shall be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven,” based on the 21st chapter of Mathew, which he repeated from end to end. Mr. Wilson is a very practical talker, an earnest biblical student, and takes a creditable interest in religious matters.

Rev. J. M. Vawter at the Christian church preached on “The ideal man in his relation to God, to self, and his fellow man,” showing from the sermon on the mount what was Christ’s ideal. Everyone must have some ideal—some standard of attainment, and his ideal will be constantly growing better. Christ’s ideal man was fully described in the Beatitudes. A merciful man is merciful in all things. A meek man is not one who will do nothing. Moses, the meekest man who ever lived, was one of the boldest. In this way Elder Vawter went over the entire sermon fully explaining its meaning. In the evening the sermon was directed to young men in particular, and it was shown that the world’s greatest men accomplished most while they were young.

At the Presbyterian church Sunday Rev. Miller based his sermon on Genesis, 4 chap., 9 verse. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” At all times we are responsible for the welfare of our brother. A man who has been fortunate looks upon his unfortunate brother and says, I am not responsible for his downfall, but how glad I am to be so comfortably situated. That man is as far from Christ as the east is from the west. We as fellow citizens are responsible for the murder of the man whose death was caused by the cars [?]. We are responsible for his murder, but not his death. We are responsible because we know there are places in this town where that can be gotten which crazes and makes a man a brute. It is our place to have the law enforced and to rid the town of these places where our brothers are liable to fall into evil.

Rev. Reider preached at the Baptist church Sunday eve, from Luke xix:10: “For the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Christ took upon himself the form of a man and while he might have called himself the Divine Power, Deity, or by some great name of which He had a right, He didn’t wish to go that way; He wanted to seem as meek and lowly as it was possible for Him to be, and for this reason He called himself the son of man, and declared that He had come to seek and save the lost. Now everyone that has not accepted the Savior is lost, so those are the ones He is now seeking to save. He is seeking you and you feel it every time you have a consciousness of doing wrong. He is ready and willing to save and it only rests with you whether you will give yourself to Him and be saved: eternally saved. There were four persons baptized at the close of the services.

Rev. Kelly discoursed on “Faith, Hope, and Charity” at the Methodist Church Sunday morning, based on Cor. xiii:13. “Faith, hope, charity—these three, but the greatest of these is charity.” He showed faith as the basis of all human thought and action—the fountain from which the scientists and investigators that have made the world’s great progress drew their inspiration. Hope is the anchor of the soul, the rock to which we all voluntarily cling. Both are born of heaven and end only in heaven, to the true man or woman. Charity was defined as the generous spirit that rejoices in the prosperity and happiness of those around you. The man devoid of it envies his fellow, is wrapped up in self, and sees none of the delights of life. This was Rev. Kelly’s last sermon in this conference year. The church has given him a unanimous call to return and he will, of course, spend his third year in the work he has so fearlessly and zealously mastered during the last two. The Methodist church was never as prosperous and harmonious as now.

The services at the United Brethren church Sunday were well attended. Sabbath School at 10 a.m. and preaching both morning and evening. Mrs. Lydia Sexton, as previously announced, occupied the pulpit of Rev. Snyder, preaching in the morning from Mat. 8:2-3, and in the evening from Isaiah 5:3-4. In the morning discourse Mrs. Sexton first noticed the awful nature and effects, and the divinely appointed manner of healing that oriental plague, leprosy. Then, after briefly noticing what she called modern or American leprosy—the sin of profanity, intemperance, lying, dancing, gambling, etc., she described the awful leprosy of sin, and the people were entreated to seek forgiveness and the cleansing in the blood of Christ as the antidote. The young man in the text came confessing his calamitous condition, and in the exercise of faith, obtained relief of the Great Physician. So the sinner was exhorted to come for health and healing. Many incidents occurring in Mrs. Sexton’s long experience were related, illustrating her views. It is remarkable how much of the vigor of youth still remains, for Mrs. Sexton will soon be 87 years of age. Services will continue through the week, and the people are cordially invited to attend.

The large congregations at the Baptist church are very encouraging indeed to the pastor. One year ago there were but few young people connected with this church, and now out of nearly two hundred added to the church during the past fourteen months, there are about one hundred young ladies and gentlemen. We are glad to see these young people taking hold of christian work so earnestly. On Tuesday of this week they will meet to study the life of St. Matthew, the first of the writers of the New Testament. This class of Bible study is not confined to the membership of the church, but all are invited who wish to take up a systematic study of God’s word. On Wednesday evening of this week, the pastor desires all those who have given their names for membership and have not been received by the church to be present. There are about twenty who have not yet been received by the church, whose names have been handed in. Don’t fail to be there. PASTOR.

Winfield now has a Young Men’s Christian Association. The young men of the Baptist Church, twenty or more, met Sunday afternoon and organized with H. A. Owen, president; Dr. Arnold, vice-president; E. R. Greer, rec. secretary; Dr. Wortman, cor. secretary; and G. A. Hunt, treasurer. The young men of the other churches will also organize. With several strong associations, all will combine and open a public reading room and library. With a band of a hundred or more of our best young men, this can be easily accomplished, and much good done the city in general. Here is the constitution and by-laws adopted:

The object of this Society is to advance the interests of our church in all its branches of work; to increase the attendance upon the regular services, particularly the prayer meetings; and especially to reach forth a helping hand to the young men and women of our community, and, if possible, interest them in our church.

The officers shall consist of president, vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, and treasurer, to be elected annually.

There shall be an executive committee consisting of five members, including the pastor, who shall have a general supervision over the society, and whose duty it shall be to take such measures as shall tend to keep up the interest in the work of the various departments composing this band.

Each member of this band shall pay into the treasury the sum of 25 cents as an initiation fee, and five cents per month afterwards; said funds to be used for the purchasing of literature, such as tracts, etc., for free distribution, as shall be directed by the committee upon tracts and free distribution of literature.

There shall be, in addition to the executive committee, the following departments, viz.

Department on visiting Hotels and Boarding Houses. It shall be the duty of those in charge of this department to visit the hotels and boarding-houses, and endeavor to secure the attendance of strangers at church, and in every way make them feel at home.

Department on Strangers at Church Services. It shall be the duty of this committee to hunt up strangers at the services, introduce themselves, and make them acquainted with the members, and especially the pastor.

Department on Meetings. This committee shall have charge of the prayer meetings in selecting leaders and subjects and making them interesting.

Department on Factories and Work-shops. Their work shall be to labor among the hands of these places and invite and encourage t heir attendance at the church.

Department of Tracts and Distribution of Literature. This provides for the purchasing of such literature for distribution as shall by judicious management tend to the study of God’s Word and the consideration of the soul’s welfare and safety. The pastor shall be chairman of this committee.

Department of General Missionary Work. This includes the whole band and is devoted to such work as shall advance the case of our Master.

These committees shall report their work through their chairman, once each month.

                                           A CURIOUS WHIST PROBLEM.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Among the amusements in Winfield during the past winter evenings, whist has been quite popular and has attracted a considerable attention. It is a very interesting game when played skillfully by good players, and several excellent players have shown up on these occasions. Much has been said about old styles of play and the new scientific game of which Pole is the apostle.

The other evening a curious problem presented itself to four of our Winfield players, bearing upon the merits of the Pole style of play. We will call these four players A, B, C, and D, so as to not give them away.

A and C played as partners, they are experts but don’t go much on Pole. B and D played against them and play by the scientific rules.

D dealt first with A to his left and hearts were trumps.

A held, hearts 1, 2; diamonds 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, q, k; spades 2, clubs 2.

B held, hearts 8, 9, 10; diamonds jack; spades 1, j, q, k; clubs 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

C held, hearts 7, j, q, k; diamonds 1, 2; spades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

D held, hearts 3, 4, 5, 6; diamonds 10; spades 10; clubs 1, 3, 5, j, q, k.

A leads 2 clubs, B 6, C7 hearts, D 3 suit.

C takes and leads 1 diamonds, D 10, A 3, B jack.

C takes and leads 2 diamonds, D 10 spades, A, k suit, B 8 hearts.

B takes and leads k spades, C 3, D 4 clubs, A 2 suit.

B takes and leads 1 spades, C 4, D 5 clubs, A 2 hearts.

A takes and leads q dia., B 9 hearts, C j hearts, D j spades.

C takes and leads 5 spades, D q clubs, A 1 hearts, B j suit.

A takes and leads 9 diamonds, B 10 hearts, C q hearts, D k clubs.

C takes and leads 6 spades, D 1 clubs, A 4 diamonds, B q suit.

B takes and leads 7 clubs, C k hearts, C 3 hearts, A 5 diamonds.

C takes and leads 7 spades, D 4 hearts, A 6 diamonds, B 8 clubs.

D takes and leads 6 hearts, A 8 dia., B 10 clubs, C 9 spades.

D takes. A and C gets 7 tricks and make 1 point.

A. remarks, “One point is pretty good considering that we had so poor hands.”

B answers, “I think not. Self and partner, with your hands and you with ours, would probably have made thirteen points.”

Says A, “I bet you would not have got more than one point. Let us try it.”

So the cards are selected and dealt in the same way by A, with the same trump, B holding the hand just held by A, C holding B’s, D holding C’s and A holding D’s

B leads K of diamonds, C jack, D 1, A 10.

D takes and leads K hearts, A 3, B 1, C 8.

B takes and leads 2 hearts, C 9, D q, A 4.

D takes and leads jack hearts, A 5, B 2 clubs, C 10 hearts.

D takes and leads 7 hearts, A 6, B 2 spades, C 10 hearts.

D takes and leads 2 diamonds, A 3 clubs, B q suit, C 7 clubs.

B takes and having an established suit of diamonds and nothing else, takes the other seven tricks. So B and D made seven points by the Pole style of playing on the same hands with which A and B made only one point under same circumstances by the old style of playing.

We think it would be hard to find another combination of cards that the style of playing would make six points difference in one deal, and that one point difference would be far too much to count on.

                                                         CITY SCHOOLS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Weekly report of tardiness for week ending Feb. 26, 1886.

                                        Department/Teacher/No. Tardinesses.

                                                          Central Building.

High, W. S. Rice, 19.

Grammar, Lou Gregg, 13.

Grammar, Lola Williams, 11.

2nd Intermediate, Sada Davis, 3.

1st Intermediate, Maude Pearson, 5.

1st Intermediate, Ivy Crane, 9.

1st Intermediate, Fannie Stretch, 2.

2nd Primary, Bertha Wallis, 7.

2nd Primary, Belle Bertram, 6.

1st Primary, Jessie Stretch, 7.

1st Primary, Mary Berkey, 6.

1st Primary, Josie Pixley, 4.

                                                             Second Ward.

2nd Intermediate, Flo Campbell, 0.

1st Intermediate, Mrs. Leavitt, 0.

2nd Primary, Clara Davenport, 0.

1st Primary, Mary Randall, –.

                                                              Third Ward.

2nd Intermediate, Ilie [?] Dickie, 2.

1st Intermediate, Mattie Gibson, 3.

2nd Primary, Mary Hamill, 9.

1st Primary, Mary Bryant, 6.

In the Central Ward Miss Bertram’s room still retains the banner, having no cases of tardiness during last week. In the Second ward the three rooms reported have a clean record. In the Third Ward Miss Dickie’s department had the fewest cases of tardiness for the week reported above.

                                             FIFTY-ONE YEAR SURPRISE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

H. B. Miller, of John Tyner’s grocery house, was fifty-one years old Saturday. He had passed a number of birthdays before and took it as a matter of common moment until Saturday evening, when his home was raided by as happy a little company as ever assembled anywhere, composed of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Roderick, Mr. and Mrs. Hefner, Mr. and Mrs. Sage, Mrs. M. Iliff, Mrs. O. Armstrong, Messrs. John Tyner, J. A. Miller, E. Jamison, J. F. Reddick, and Master Otis Cutler. Mr. Miller was completely surprised, and when the presentation of a very fine, large arm chair was made, he was “broken up” worse than ever. However, the genial life of the donors soon put him on his pins sufficiently to express his warm appreciation of the kind remembrance and the genuine friendship displayed.

                                                  PECULIAR FEBRUARY.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

No other month can boast of as many peculiarities as little February, which went with Sunday into the yawning abyss of the past. It is the shortest month in the year and has a number of days peculiar to itself. First, it has ground-hod day, which is popularly supposed to determine and forecast the weather six weeks to follow. Then Valentine’s day comes on and loads the mails with missives of love for some and ludicrous pictures for others. The young folks never forget to observe Valentine’s Day. Washington’s birthday follows in close proximity. And finally, once in four years, an additional day is added to keep the count correct, and the year the proper length.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

It is the gentle springtime, says the poet, that the thoughts most quickly turn to love and matrimony. The fever has struck Cowley County with a “thud”—that word is a new coinage, one accidentally picked up in our meanderings, and thrown out without price. A double matrimonial deed was enacted in the Central Hotel parlors Saturday evening. The silken cords of love were braided around the fortunes and misfortunes of J. N. Stewart and Miss Ella Primrose, of Atlanta, and George M. Shelly, of Burden, and Miss Effie M. Cooper of Box City. The bridal party were acquaintances whom Cupid caught simultaneously, and they conceived this romance of a double wedding. Elder Vawter pronounced the ceremony.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Many people of the east may be skeptical in regard to the perpetual sunshine of this flowery section of the country, says the Harper Sentinel, Yet on our table lies a sample of new potatoes that were raised by J. M. Bloom this year. They are as large as hulled walnuts and look as luscious and juicy as strawberries, although they may become fly blown in a short time. We will preserve them on our table as long as possible for the inspection of any of our readers who may doubt our veracity in this potato story.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Al. and Will, the rustling mail manipulators at the post office, have spread. There are now three general deliveries, alphabetically numbered, and two clerks will disperse letters, giving more rapidity. George will soon make other changes. The boxes will run clear around to the back door, giving a back entrance and exit, with an alley clear around. This will give a little more room.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The legislature act in relation to building and maintaining bridges in Cowley County is published elsewhere. It is of great importance to all and should be carefully read. It calls for a confirming vote of the people at a special election the first Tuesday in April.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The young lady in the southeastern part of the city who metamorphosed as a delicate lad and made a circuit among the neighbors was a cute one. But she didn’t completely fool everyone, if she did “look too sweet for anything.” Real nice young lady, too.

                                                 TOWNSHIP ASSESSORS.

                        They Meet and Agree Upon a Basis of Valuation for 1886.

                                                        Actual Cash Value.

The assessors of the several townships and cities of Cowley County, Kansas, met at the office of the County Clerk at 10 o’clock a.m. on Monday, March 1st, 1886, for the purpose of fixing a basis of assessment for the real and personal property of said county for the year 1886.

The following assessors were present.

J. W. Browning, Beaver.

J. A. Scott, Bolton.

F. M. Vaughn, Creswell.

S. H. Wells, Dexter.

R. B. Corson, Fairview.

E. Haynes, Harvey.

J. A. Cochran, Liberty.

J. H. Willis, Maple.

A. Hattery, Omnia.

D. S. Sherrard, Pleasant Valley.

C. H. Bing, Richland.

J. E. Gorham, Rock.

W. N. Day, Sheridan.

J. R. Tate, Silver Creek.

H. S. Liby, Spring Creek.

P. F. Haynes, Silver Dale.

H. McKibben, Tisdale.

H. H. Martin, Vernon.

J. C. Roberts, Walnut.

C. J. Phenis, Windsor.

James Benedict, Arkansas City.

J. S. Hunt, Winfield.

Upon motion the meeting organized by electing James Benedict Chairman and J. S. Hunt, Secretary.

The following committee was appointed to submit a basis of assessment for the consideration of the meeting: J. S. Hunt, J. R. Tate, H. H. Martin, H. S. Liby, and J. A. Cochran. Whereupon the meeting adjourned until 1 o’clock p.m.

The meeting met at 1 o’clock p.m. as per adjournment, when the committee submitted the following report.

Your committee appointed to submit a basis of assessment for real and personal property in and for Cowley County for the year 1886, beg to submit the following.

We recommend that the real and personal property in the county aforesaid, for the year aforesaid be assessed according to its actual or cash value as near as practicable. J. S. Hunt, J. R. Tate, H. H. Martin, H. S. Liby, J. A. Cochran, Committee.

The basis of assessment submitted by the committee was unanimously adopted and the meeting adjourned. James Benedict, Chairman; J. S. Hunt, Secretary.

                                        BURDEN’S BUDGET.—“VISITOR.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

To follow the stereotyped style of my fellow rural writers, I will preface these few lines by remarking that we are having large and commodious weather.

As the news and immigration items around this berg are allowed to run at large in spite of the stock and hedge laws, the writer feels disposed and for some time has been predisposed to jot a few sketches.

Many inquiries have been made lately as to what the charges against Frost Zeigler and others were. Our papers mentioned the cases, but gave no particulars. As the COURIER reported in full, we add the moral: Take THE COURIER.

Our town was torn up last week by some acts of a sensational nature that are withheld from the outside world partly on account of the feelings of some respectable citizens and partly because it is hoped that there will be no repetition.

Burden lays claim to distinction for several reasons. Dropping the unexampled grit that has pushed her along in the front ranks with Southern Kansas towns, we can chronicle the fact that she was once the home of the late lamented Clarence Whistler, champion wrestler of America. She is now the home of Dr. Carver, champion shot of America, who is improving his home north of the city.

Dr. John G. Manser of this city, may with propriety come under the head of our celebrities. The Doctor’s mother was a Garfield—cousin of James A. Garfield. When informed that the President was shot, Mrs. Manser was very much shocked, and like many other aged persons, began to recall his good qualities. Among others she remarked: “Abe was such a careful boy. I remember when he graduated, he came down home. He had a very fine silk hat when he came; but in order to save it, he wrapped it carefully in a silk handkerchief and wore an old hat belonging to his father. Yes, Abe was such a careful boy.”

                                                MAD MEN AT DANVILLE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A mighty criminal lawyer, of small stature and massive brain, hailing from Chicago, and answering to the French cognomen of J. D. Lamercoux, Esq., was sailing around the town of Danville in full dress, clergyman style, doubled breasted coat, and head thrown back, informing all who would take the time to talk with him that he was employed to defend the Weaver boys, three of whom put six bullets into one Shearer recently on the slightest grudge,  was put on a sharp rail the other night and given a mighty rough ride. When let loose and told to get, he made better time than America’s great racer in her palmiest days. He hardly started on his swift retreat when a shower of decayed eggs commenced to fall all over him, on his head and back. Lamercoux ran until meeting some friends out of town. They asked him, “What’s the matter?” “Matter! Matter! H    l, just look at me—the matter is smeared all over me! Oh! Murder, how rank I smell.” Exit Lamercoux.

                                                   PROBATE PROBINGS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Marital certificates were granted today to Chas. Medkiff and Luetta Hon; Samuel Roseberry and Josie Abrams; Henry F. Kerns and Lura Hart. Orange blossoms begin to bloom in profusion. Verily, Gentle Annie is getting in good work.

A. D. Minor was appointed administrator of the estate of Orlan A. Kinnie, deceased.

Eliza J. Bowen has been appointed guardian of the estate of the minor heirs of Elisha Bowen, deceased.

W. A. Weaverling filled his third annual settlement as executor of the estate of D. Weaverling, deceased.

The latest victims of Cupid’s darts are: H. F. Reinhart and Mary A. McConnell; Geo. M. Shelby and Effy M. Cooper; M. R. Arnett and Alice R. Marshall. They were united by Judge Gans.

Rufus Huff was appointed guardian of the estate of Lovica M. Huff, a minor.

An order has been made for the sale of real estate belonging to the minor heirs of John W. Arnett, deceased.

                                                              FOR RENT.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

On and after March 1st, 1886, the sw 1/4 of section 3, township 33, range 3, in Beaver township, owned by A. B. Story. A. H. Green, Agent.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Sheriff McIntire went to Wichita Monday to get George Davis, a colored cook, who dropped into John Matthews’ home the other evening for a friendly call and before he got out, gobbled $4 from a drawer. He had stolen some money from John before. He was arrested by telegraph and will again land in our cooler. Davis was convicted of horse stealing during Sheriff Shenneman’s reign and spent a year in the pen. This offense, the folks all being at home, can’t be put stronger than petty larceny, giving him a short jail sentence, if convicted.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The three Weaver brothers, who put six bullets into a man on slight pretext, at Danville, the other day, were taken through on the S. K. last evening, for safer keeping in the Independence bastille. They have been at Wellington, but lynching was threatened, compelling a “git up and git.” They are tough looking fellows, in slouch cow-boy array, and were anxious enough to get away from the unhealthy odor around the scene of their diabolical act.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

S. W. Hines and Nancy E. Parr, of Arkansas City, were married at the Probate Judge’s office at five o’clock Monday eve, by Judge Gans. Just at this writing the cement has not been made, but THE COURIER’s enterprise always excuses previousness. An enterprising journal can’t always wait for an item to occur. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Hines a long, safe, and happy married journey.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

All desiring to get their mail on quick time will please follow these directions: Those whose last name begins with any of the letters from A to L inclusive, will form in line for the delivery window on the left side. Those whose name begins with any of the letters from M to Z will form in line for the right window. By this means you will save much confusion and get your mail with dispatch.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Harper Sentinel has a postal card, on which is the wonderful feat of writing 3,459 words, about Harper County’s history, every letter of which is formed regularly and is legible. W. F. Hunter, a local commercial writer, was the artist. This lays all the old hens’ records clear in the shade.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Messrs. Purdy & Dukes have opened the Pacific Grotto under the post office. With the walls handsomely painted, elegant oil-cloth on the floor, and everything neat and new, it is the nobbiest lunch counter in the city, and very handily located.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Curns & Manser are now making loans on farms, or well improved city property at lowest rates, and give the borrower the privilege of paying off on the option plan. By this arrangement the borrower is allowed to pay $200 (or any amount agreed upon) or any multiple thereof at the time any interest payment is due.

                                                   SCHOLARLY TRAMPS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Last Friday week the schoolhouse a few miles north of town was broken into by some tramps, who were not satisfied with free lodging, but smashed the idea shop all to pieces, “laying out” the seats, backs, etcetera. Mr. Ol Pratt got scent of two tramps, followed them to town. On the way they ran into three more, who appeared to belong to the fraternity. The whole pile were “taken in” and then along the road another seedy fellow claimed acquaintance and he, too, was marched to the cooler—a gang of six. They had their trial today before Judge Snow. Only the two first caught, giving their cognomens as James Smith and Charles Jacobs, were convicted. The only thing against the other four was their company. There were in the fix of dog Tray. Smith and Jacobs got twenty-five dollars fine and 30 days in jail. They are tough looking customers and appear to want no better thing than the (to them) luxuries of the bastille. We need a rock pile to work these lazy “boogers” on. If they were put under a sledge hammer and over a rock pile until their fine was worked out, the wire edge would soon wear off of trampdom and the city and county get some benefit. Put them to lying in jail with nothing to do and fair hash is as good a thing as they want. They are constitutionally opposed to work and nothing but a rock pile will cure them.

                                                       OVER THE RIVER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mrs. W. A. Armstrong passed away Friday at her home in this city, after a long and patient illness. That dread disease, consumption, some months ago made early death inexorable, and sweetly resting in the stimulating faith and love that takes hold on God and heaven, she calmly waited the end. It came peacefully and acceptably. She was a lady of refinement and before this fatal disease put a ban to excessive effort, had a great ambition, and hoped much for the future. She was a native of Indiana, and was in her twenty-sixth year. October 28th, 1879, she and Mr. Armstrong were wed. Keen indeed is the grief of the husband, made all the more sensitive by the recent death of his father. No words can lift the pall of such bereavement. The funeral services were held Saturday, from the residence, conducted by Rev. J. H. Reider, of the Baptist church.

                                                      ANOTHER DEATH.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Mr. Cutting, an aged gentleman who came here but a few weeks ago from Illinois, died Thursday in southeast Winfield. He had been afflicted with heart disease for many years and the end came suddenly. For fifty years he was a member of the Christian Church. He was interred Friday.

                                                       LET EM STRAND.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Thanks to luck, most of the shows striking Winfield this winter have been at least “fair to middling,” and some of them very good. But there are a pile of poor ones in the country that are rapidly starving out. We rarely pick up a newspaper now-a-days without seeing the announcement that some operatic or dramatic company has “stranded” in some small town or city. The more of these “strandings,” the better for the country in general and the operatic and dramatic business in particular. There never were so many chambermaids and shoemakers masked as actors and actresses as there are now, and any event which compels them to quit swindling the public in the “show business” is a blessing in disguise. The “combination system” is responsible for this state of affairs. As soon as a man or woman is able to make a ten line speech on the stage, he or she gets up a company and starts “on the road.” The country is flooded with these abominations now, and the sheriff is the only remedial agent for the pest.

                                                  CUPID GETS ANOTHER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Yes, still they go. Twas ever thus and ever it will be. Wiley Cupid’s charms are irresistible. And why shouldn’t they be? The latest happy victim is Dr. C. E. Pugh, one of the city’s prominent young men, who arrived Friday evening on the Frisco with his bride, Miss Alice Thompson. Noiselessly the Doctor stole away to Jacksonville, Illinois, on this important mission. They were wed on Wednesday evening last, at the bride’s home. A happy company of forty or more of the bride’s friends were present. Miss Thompson’s several visits here have made her many acquaintances and warm friends. She is refined, intelligent, and winsome. Dr. Pugh is a member of the firm of Wright & Pugh, leading physicians, and takes high rank in his profession, for his years. A deep thinker, of keen ambition and substantiality, he has a future of much promise. Dr. and Mrs. Pugh have THE COURIER’s heartiest wish, with that of many friends, for the full fruition of their brightest hopes.

                                                     THE STIRK FAMILY.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Jolly Voyagers had a good audience Friday night and seemed to tickle it very highly. The show is an indoor circus—made up of performers whom the chills of winter have driven from the enticing tent and ring. The Stirks were here last year, in their bicycle feats, with Sells Brothers. Some of the performances were first class, chief among those being the balancing and juggling acts of Flora King. Miss King failed to catch as a “charming vocalist.” The burlesque prima donna was a good impersonation. “Turning the Tables” was relieved by the “boss negro eccentricities of Ed. Nixon. Nixon’s clog brought out the loud, dyspeptic-killing laugh. The “invisible wire” act of the “Little Stirk wonder” and the bicycle acts of the five Stirks, little and big, showed life-long training. The giraffe business, though somewhat amusing, was thin and tiresome. Altogether, it was a good winter circus, its novelty being the highest drawing card.

[Note: At this time they still spelled “bicycle” as “bycicle.” I corrected to current spelling.]

                                              THE CHAUTAUQUA UNION.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The Chautauqua Union held a very enjoyable meeting Friday evening in the capacious home of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser. An interesting literary and musical program was rendered, notable in which were the duet by Mr. Slack and Dr. Guy, with piano accompaniment by Miss Bertha Wallis; the Chautauqua, a splendidly edited paper by Moore Tanner and a recitation by Mamie Greer. The Chautauquan sparkled all over and exhibited much natural tack and application. The genial entertainment of Mr. and Mrs. Manser made the heartiest sociability. This Union, including old and young, is one of the city’s most beneficial and pleasurable societies. Its next meeting convenes in two weeks, with Mrs. Frank K. Raymond.

                                                 ODERILOUS COMMENT.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A little animal of the genus “skunkibus” was discovered in a cellar in east Winfield yesterday. A brave little man with a little gun put a quietus on the little animal, but the effluvium which pervaded the air and made life a burden in the block where the noble skunk met his death, with his tail to the foe, proved that it is possible, sometimes, to be “stronger in death than in life.” The man with the gun looked as though his mother-in-law had come home. Verily, the aroma was mightier than could possibly result from a collision of a car-load of decayed eggs and one of Limburger cheese.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

“I don’t like poetry,” said Brother Kelly, in his Sunday morning sermon; “heaven is the place for poetry—we’ll get all we want there,” and before he got halfway through, he had quoted two or three stanzas of rhyme, and sandwiched in poetic pictures all along. The idea of a man like Brother Kelly, an ardent lover of the refined and beautiful in nature, not liking poetry, is too queer. He does like it. True poetry is the embodiment of the highest thoughts: takes hold on heaven and softens and tranquilizes our natures. It is the diamond of literature, whether in rhyme or prose.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Daniel Smith and wife, uncle and aunt of Rev. J. H. Snyder, of our city; J. C. Snyder, of Hackney, and M. H. Snyder of Arkansas City, are here looking at the country. They are here from Butler County, Ohio, and propose locating somewhere in this grand country. Should they obtain a satisfactory location, several others from their county propose coming also. Let them come. Seeing is believing. There must be certainly quite a thinning out in some of those older states, judging from the crowds of people daily coming in from the east.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

We have another communication from Mrs. H. P. Mansfield, which is as usual, full of interest. It is a fact that she is a correspondent of rare merit, especially in the matter of grammatical, orthographical, and punctuative accuracy, clear text and good taste in the choice of words. We never have to correct her manuscript. She sends a small assortment of orange leaves and blossoms. We turned them over to Frank, thinking he might need them sooner than any other of THE COURIER force.

                               FROM WINFIELD TO SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

On Feb. 8th, we brushed the dust from our No. 10's and boarded the 2:30 train for the east, Illinois, but we stopped off at Udall to see our old friend, J. O. Hawley, and, by the way, Udall is a daisy and is coming to the front at a lively rate and you can read in every man’s face push, energy, and grit, and that is just what makes a town. Next day we left for Wichita and arrived there at 5 p.m. Elbowing our way through the crowd and dropping into a place to get a cigar, found that we were into a drug store with a saloon in the rear; or, at least, we supposed so as a constant stream of humanity kept pouring in and out. We very readily made up our mind that Capt. Siverd was not a resident of that town, or something would drop. Getting through with our business here, we pulled out for Kansas City. We got a seat and then cast our eyes around and spied Prof. Limerick; our county superintendent, who came to the front and took a seat with us, and a very pleasant companion we found in him. Arriving at Newton he showed up the town in great shape. We strolled into a fine restaurant and threw a big dish of select oysters in our commissary department. The train from the west got stuck in a snow bank and failed to come in; so making up a train, we pulled out, he stopping in Topeka, and on we flew, reaching Kansas City just in time to see the C. B. Q. train pulling out. We had to lay over all day and of course we took in the sights. We went up two long flights of stairs, and seating about two hundred pounds of solid humanity in a seat, waited for the mules to be hitched on to the car, when all at once a little man moved a lever and off we shot right up a tremendous hill. We soon found out the cause of our locomotion, we were on the grip.

We were on time for the next train and pulled into Quincy the next morning at 5 o’clock. Somebody waked up and saw “big daylight” coming, and consulting his watch and finding it only 5 o’clock, he said, “Daylight comes mighty all fired early in these parts.” The brakeman said, “No daylight, my friend, electric light.” He said, “Boys, let’s smoke.” We knew that we were in Illinois for it was snowing at a fearful rate. So on for Decatur we rushed and soon ran out of snow and then the great prairies stretching away as far as the eye could reach. The farms are certainly in a bad condition; fences going down and houses looking somewhat dilapidated. We were not very long in getting acquainted with the conductor, asking him why so great and good country was in that condition. His remark was, “Damfino, unless they have lost their grip.” We pulled into Decatur just in time to miss the train for Sullivan, and the only chance for that day was to swing on to a freight. We got to Sullivan at sundown, and of course the calaboose stopped about 80 rods from town. I want to say right here that Sullivan isn’t Winfield, and don’t you forget it. I thought I had landed right in the middle of Lake Michigan, but it was only a “little” mud, pure and undefiled. We had a picnic dinner and were entertained royally during our stay there. At last we started for our sunny Kansas town, and we confess that we did hate to leave our friends behind; but the nearer we got to Winfield, the faster we wanted to go and the more we realized that we hadn’t seen a real live town since we left. Winfield is truly the Queen City, the Metropolis of the West, the Beacon Light upon which the capitalists of the east are gazing in their westward travels. You bet, she is the Eli. J. W. DOUGLASS.

                                              SCATTERING “COP” DOTS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The demimondes are again being peremptorily fired, on short notice. Three or four were illicitly “plying,” but our officials caught on and the demi’s have skipped.

The Marshal is making great improvement in our crossings, by macadamizing them with the rubble rock from the premises of new buildings. It will last. It is only a short time until Main street entire must be macadamized.

As soon as we get the city building with its “calaboose” and jail yard, every tramp that strikes Winfield will be put to pounding rock. This will be a scheme to macadamize the streets. The Marshal says he will congregate the stray rock of the city and the tramps in the jail yard and have a daily mashing match, hauling the mashed stone on to the street, as a part of the poll-tax regime.

The peace and good order in Winfield is the remark of every stranger and the admiration of every citizen. And the rustle and bustle of one of the liveliest cities in Kansas, very few occasions are ever found for arrests. The police court is almost a constant vacuum. Amid this state of things, aside from the high character of our citizens, is the result of police officials to whom duty is paramount and to whom the “standing in” business is unknown.


Marshal McFadden says people are to slow about obeying the council’s orders to clear all premises of “excrementiousness” (we found that word in an old pair of pants a tramp printer accidentally left in our office). There is much filth in the alleys, cellars, and back yards that must go. This is the inevitable decree. If the filth don’t go, the property owners will—before the police judge, and then $12.25 will go. Get out your renovator and prepare for the heat and malaria of summer. With a little effort Winfield can be made the cleanest city in the union. It has every advantage. Nothing but the most swinish propensities will tolerate filth in as beautiful a city as this. Clean up.

                                                          PETIT JURORS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

According to the “statoots,” Sheriff McIntire and Justices Buckman and Snow have drawn 36 jurors to serve at the April term of the District Court as follows.

G. W. Hosmer, Otter.

W. J. Birdzell, Pleasant Valley.

B. D. Hanna, Walnut.

J. M. Harcourt, Rock.

J. L. King, Walnut.

S. D. Akers, Windsor.

Frank Batch, Harvey.

J. D. Salmon, Dexter.

H. O. Brown, Silverdale.

D. C. Stevens, Richland.

James Nicholson, Dexter.

P. O’Brien, Cedar.

Ed I. Johnson, Sheridan.

Fountain Seacat, Pleasant Valley.

J. S. McMains, Cresswell.

J. R. Cottingham, Richland.

J. D. Guthrie, Bolton.

J. K. Hamill, Windsor.

Jack Durham, Cresswell.

Frances York, Cedar.

J. M. Graham, Walnut.

I. M. Sturtz, Bolton.

Wm. B. Hoel, Sheridan.

J. S. Mohler, Windsor.

S. A. Beach, Beaver.

J. M. Wolfe, Fairview.

R. L. Ward, Omnia.

Henry Gloves, Harvey.

J. Myrtle, Bolton

W. S. Castor, Liberty.

J. E. Roseberry, Cresswell.

C. W. Dover, Dexter.

F. S. Easton, Silverdale.

W. Drury, Dexter.

H. Chitwood, Rock.

                                                           A “MARVEL.”

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Now the hundreds of school urchins have the marble craze, and spring is surely here. This is a never-failing sign. With a skill and determination remarkable, they occupy, from early dawn till late at twilight, a prayerful attitude, either “flush” or “busted,” but always out at the knee. He has a secret hiding place for his “marvels,” specially that daisy of an agate “taw” and when the old folks tackle him on the conduct of the day, he is all innocence—not a marble around. Books, dinner, supper—everything is drowned in the enticing game, spiced with a dozen or two dares and “lickens” a day. Verily, we have all been there—and long for the days that can never return—the days of boyhood, deviltry, and unalloyed fun. If we would vent half the strategy and skill in business that used to fill our pockets with marbles and our frame with fun, we would all be millionaires. And if the urchin could possibly be induced to put in half the licks on a homely “chore” or useful task as he does in a game of marbles or in raking up various deviltry, the millennium would be proclaimed at once. Boys will be boys—and let them be. They will be men, soon enough, with huge families, with Jumbo appetites and Tom Thumb pocket books, with all the attendant vicissitudes of life, taxes, and death.

                                                    SONS OF VETERANS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A small audience greeted the Sons of Veterans at Manning’s Opera House Tuesday eve. The Winfield Glee Club, consisting of Messrs. Buckman, Slack, Holliday, Guy, Snow, and Forsythe, captivated the audience with their best songs, accompanied by A. Olmstead on the piano, who added much to the occasion by his excellent instrumental pieces. Little Maud gave several recitations in her cute and pleasing way. Sargent Colling and squad in their silent drill showed they were masters of the art. Mrs. Flo. Williams recited “Flash,” which was highly appreciated by all. The “Little Four” proved a big four, with Prof. Le Page at the piano, Harry Holbrook and Frank Conrad with their horns, and Jack Beck with his bones made novel and pleasing music. The tableau, “Crown Won and Crown in Prospect, participated in by Miss Maud Pickens, Matt Connor, and Jack Beck, was excellent. The Sons of Veterans should have had a larger house. This camp has been built up through the exertions of Capt. Pridgeon and several other zealous workers and needs encouragement by our people.

                                                    SAD, SAD WARNING.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

He dropped in our sanctum this morning for a chat

About the weather and crops and such things as that.

And finally asked, in a trembling way,

If, for spring poetry, prices we’d pay.

The force was called in—the pressman and Daniel;

The devil and Bert, and our slick jobman, Tingle.

The elm club was put to good use by the Ed.,

The girl pulled the wool from the top of his head.

The devil besmeared his nose with black ink,

He was trampled around like a man at a rink.

Her was finally slid out on the small of his back—

And up the stairs he bounded ker-whack.

No more will his soul in poetry soar;

He has passed from earth to a brighter star,

Where angels, not devils, in the sanctum sit

And spring posts are not made to “get up and git.”

                                                THE HYMENAEAN VOWS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Again has Hymen conquered and nuptial solemnities have joined in heart, hand, and fortune Mr. W. R. Whitney and Miss Mary E. Hamill. The event was quietly celebrated Monday evening at the home of Mrs. M. L. Whitney, mother of the groom. It was in novel taste for its lack of formality. Only the immediate friends and relatives of the bridal pair were present, among whom were Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, and Master Roy, Mrs. N. J. Platter and little daughter, Belle, and Misses Nellie and Alice Aldrich. The ceremony was tersely and impressively pronounced by Rev. Miller, and after hearty congratulations all around, an inspection revealed a number of handsome tokens, all the more valued by coming only from intimate friends. Among the remembrances were a beautifully framed portrait of the bride’s deceased uncle, Rev. J. E. Platter, by Mrs. Platter; a silver cake basket, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson; set of china hand-painted fruit plates, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning; hand painted plaque, Mrs. I. W. Randall, and other elegant articles. The wedding, though without extensive display, was thoroughly enjoyable. The newly made pair start on the dual life with a future full of promise. The groom is the junior of the extensive hardware firm of Horning & Whitney, and has long stood foremost among the city’s most prominent young businessmen, energetic, of close application and genial manner. The bride, for some years, has been an instructor in our city schools, is a lady of refinement and culture, and a keen ambition and independence that always accompany the truest womanhood. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney have furnished rooms in the Holmes block on South Main, where they will reside until they build a home, in the near future. Here’s our hand, Billy, with the sincere and hearty wish, with those of your many warm friends, that all the brightest hopes of yourself and accomplished bride may be fully realized, in a life of unalloyed happiness, sunshine, and prosperity. And your numerous congratulators will ever pray.

                                               MUNICIPAL MUNCHINGS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The rulers of the city met in regular bi-weekly session Monday eve, with Mayor Graham presiding, and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, Baden, and Harter present; McDonald and Hodges absent.

The sidewalk petition of Marie A. Andrews et al was granted.

The Public Health Committee sat down on dry wells for drains, and an ordinance was ordered prohibiting drain wells or privy vaults anywhere in the city, of greater depth than eight feet.

Bills were ordered, paid as follows: B. McFadden, burying four canines, $4; city officers’ salaries for Feb., $129.98; Black & Rembaugh, printing, $145.

Bills of J. P. Baden, $21.65, were referred to commissioners for payment.

The Western Union Telegraph Company was given right of way for its line to the uptown office, with the privilege of establishing said office.

Councilmen Crippen, Connor, and Harter were appointed to ascertain the boundaries of territory necessary to take into the city limits.

It was determined to put on the market simultaneously the city building and bridge bonds, $23,000, soon.

There were two bids opened for privilege of city weigh master. Capt. Lyons offered the city $25 per month, and Van Vleet & Sage, the new wholesale implement men, offered one-half the gross receipts from the scales, with a guarantee of $640 a year; no other scales to be licensed to weigh for hire in the city limits. The scales are to be the size and kind directed by the council, and be erected at once in front of 614 North Main.

                                                                A CARD.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

As is well known by this community, I have not made use of the papers to parade the doings and work of my church. I have rejoiced to know that other churches in this community have done and are doing a most excellent and successful work. As I have just closed my second year, I deem it prudent to say to the public what has been done by my church, and express my appreciation and gratitude to those outside of the church, who have always met me with good cheer and given my church a hearty support. One hundred and seventy-eight persons have been received into the church during the year. We have raised for church purposes $4,300.00. The church is united and harmonious; our Sabbath School has averaged 341 for the past quarter, and about three hundred for the year. The Juvenile Missionary Society, composed of boys and girls under the leadership of Mrs. A. Gridley, has raised for the support of orphan and other missionary work, $91.98. The Ladies W. F. Missionary Society has raised $98.00. The church does not owe one dollar to anyone. Next Sabbath Rev. S. R. Reese, of St. Louis Conference, will preach in the morning, and Prof. W. N. Rice in the evening. All are invited. B. KELLY.

                                                 THE LAST BONDS WON.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Monday the K. C. & S. W. folks in a special car took the Board of County Commissioners over the line of their road, which is now finished seven feet over into the Territory. It was the official inspection before issuing the last $20,000 in bonds voted by Cowley County to this road. The examination was from Arkansas City to the Territory line, every foot of which the Commissioners found first-class. The bridge across the Arkansas river is as well and as solidly built as any in the west—will stand any of the big freshets. Cale is the name of the station established at the end of the line. The Commissioners, at a special meeting today, accepted the entire line in Cowley County, and issued the last bonds. This road has 43½ miles in this county. The S. K. has 44 miles. When the Frisco gets its branch to Geuda, it will have over fifty miles of road in Cowley, very valuable property for the county. Every agreement with the county has been fulfilled to the letter, giving one of the best railroads that traverse the west, direct and through eastern connection, with passenger and freight facilities unexcelled.

                                            A GOOD ONE THAT BUSTLES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Horrified were two of our handsomest and nattiest young society boys to have bills presented to them, Tuesday, by one of our leading dry goods firms, “To two ladies crinoline bustles, one dollar!” The boys blushed, as they rubbed their craniums and stutteringly sought an explanation. The apparent weight of family came like a thunderbolt. Hold—it’s all right! The bills were receipted, the collector got his wealth and was gone, leaving the boys to ponder on the corpulency and “cuteness” of the “Castle Garden Twins,” whose symmetry of form was borrowed and not returned. Ask Tom J. E. and Ed J. M. about it. They have some bustles at slaughter prices—for masquerade “stuffing”—if they can find them.

                                                          PATE’S GRIST.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The District Court docket begins to fill up for the April term, beginning on the 6th of April.

Susie Green files her petition for divorce from Sam Green. This is the elopement subject of the winter’s romance.

Thomas McDonald vs. the A. C. Water Power Co., asking $200 damage for killing horse on the canal bridge.

Nichols, Shephard & Co. vs. R. C. Devore et al, suit to recover $700 on a promissory note.

W. H. Merritt vs. Mary I. Martin and Samuel G. Martin, suit to quiet title of the Billy Crabb farm in Pleasant Valley, another $1,000 heir having turned up.

Mary E. Harris vs. K. C. & S. W. R. R., appeal by the road from Harvey township Justice.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The lecture room of the Baptist church was completely packed Tuesday, over two hundred now having their names enrolled on the books of this Bible class. The life of Mathew was taken up last night and his history given by different members of the class from the time of his taking the office of tax collector of the Roman empire till his death in Ethiopia. These meetings are becoming more interesting as well as instructive week by week and it will soon be found necessary to hold them in the auditorium in order to accommodate the large number who attend. The life of the apostle Mark will be studied next Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The G. A. R. will hold a festival at the hall in New Salem on the third Friday night in March. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of needy old soldiers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

There will be a grand festival for the benefit of the G. A. R. Post at New Salem on the evening of March 16th; all are cordially invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

The ladies of Lone Tree gave a festival last Wednesday night, for the benefit of their pastor.

                                                          THE MONGOL.

        Senator Mitchell Argues for His Drastic Remedy for the Mongolian Invasion.

                     The Plague Spreading Eastward and Threatening Civilization.

                                                    The Telephone Scandal.

                          The House Adopts the Morrison Substitute Resolution.

                                               Interesting and Sharp Debate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. In the Senate yesterday Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, obtained the floor to deliver a speech on a bill recently introduced by him to provide for the abrogation of all treaties permitting the immigration of the Chinese to the United States. As Mr. Mitchell was about to proceed, Mr. Hale said it was so late yesterday when Mr. George completed his speech on the Education bill that he (Mr. Hale) had not thought it worthwhile to interfere with the consideration of the bill named, but now gave notice that on the completion of Mr. Mitchell’s remarks, he would move that the Senate proceed to the consideration of executive business.

Mr. Mitchell then addressed the Senate. He said the people of the whole Pacific coast were today suffering from the presence of large numbers of unclean, non-assimilating, and pagan races. Impending over them and gradually extending eastward, like a cloud of wrath, the evil imperiled labor, prosperity and peace, even life itself. To exterminate the scourge heroic treatment would be necessary, and a more decided and aggressive government step than that had yet been taken would be necessary. The means of relief could not properly be availed of while preserving the present treaty stipulations with the Chinese Government. Neither could we expect within any reasonable time to secure relief by negotiation with that Government. Hence it was that the bill submitted by him (Mr. Mitchell) proposed that the States and the people of this Republic, through Congress and the Executive (or by two-thirds of Congress without the approval of the Executive), should remove the obstruction by first wiping out of existence all treaties which recognize the coming of Chinese to the United States and then absolutely prohibiting their coming, except in the case of consular and diplomatic officials.

Mr. Mitchell argued at length to show that the United States has the power to abrogate by act of Congress a treaty with a foreign nation, and that the magnitude of the evil to be remedied justified the action as proposed. Mr. Mitchell read a number of newspaper articles to show that the recent anti-Chinese disturbances in the West were not the work of an irresponsible or hoodlum element. They were the voice of honest labor, the wail of indignant toil struggling for life in the unequal contest with servile labor. The Burlingame treaty, he said, was valueless to the United States. This point the speaker enlarged upon with detail and circumstance, quoting statistics of our commerce with China in support of his contention.

Mr. Mitchell in conclusion said: “This bill, unlike our restriction acts and proposed acts, is not elastic. It is absolutely iron clad; it leaves nothing to construction; it is conclusive. It is not open to the objection of being liable to have its vitality sapped, or its efficiency destroyed by departmental or judicial decisions. No delicate questions as to conflict between act and treaty are left open for construction or determination by either court or department. The conflict that is waged on this subject—of the Asiatic occupation of this country—is as irrepressible as the conflict that resulted in the overthrow of human slavery. It is a conflict for supremacy on American soil between enlightened and honest American labor and the cheap and degraded labor of the lowest order of the Mongol—a conflict between morality and vice, order, and anarchy. Americanism and Asianism—a conflict between civilization and heathenism and Christianity and paganism—a conflict between two opposing forces, in all essential particulars, non-assimilating and repellant when considered in the relation of one to the other, as to which must and will ultimately and necessarily be driven to the wall. It does not require any peculiar prescience to determine the result of the contest if the United States Government either stands supinely by and does nothing; or but what is but little more effective for good—simply attacks the army of invaders with wooden swords and paper bullets under the pretense of conforming to the treaty stipulations and sustaining diplomatic relations.”

The Education bill was taken up at the conclusion of Mr. Mitchell’s address and discussion continued until executive session, after which the Senate adjourned until Monday.


In the House yesterday Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, from the Committee on Rules, reported a substitute for the Hanback and Pulitzer resolutions directing inquiry into the Pan-Electric telephone matter. The substitute is as follows.

Resolved, That a select committee, consisting of nine members of the House, be appointed, and when so appointed, the committee is hereby directed at as early a day as possible to make inquiry into any expenditure on the part of the Government incurred relative to the rights of the Bell and Pan-Electric Telephone Companies to priority of patents, said inquiry to include all organizations and companies that have sprung out of the Pan-Electric Company, or for any other purpose, and also to make full inquiry into the issuance of the stock known as the Pan-Electric telephone stock, or the stock of any other company, companies, or organizations springing out of the Pan-Electric Company, to any person or persons connected with the legislature, judicial, or executive departments of the Government of the United States; and to whom, when, and for what consideration said stock was delivered; also as to what opinions, discussions, or orders had been made by any officers connected with the Government and by whom; and all the circumstances connected therewith or arising therefrom; and said committee is further authorized and directed to ascertain any report whether either telephone company herein mentioned, or the officers, agents, or employees have in any way influenced or attempted to influence the officials or official action by or through the public press; and if such, when, by whom, and in what manner such influence was exerted, or attempted to be exerted, and what newspaper or newspapers so used or attempted to be used by them. Said committee shall have the rights to send for persons, or papers, to administer oath, to sit during the session of the House, to employ a stenographer, and incur any and all such necessary and reasonable expense as may be required for the purpose of conducting the investigation, not to exceed the sum of $1,000, which shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House on proper voucher certified by the chairman and one other member of the committee, and may report at any time.

After brief, but excited debate, referring to which Gibson, of West Virginia, criticized Pulitzer, whom he accused of shrinking behind the columns of his newspaper to attack men instead of attacking them on the floor of the House, the resolution reported from the Committee on Rules was adopted.

Mr. Holman, of Indiana: “I call the gentlemen’s attention to the fact that the gentleman from New York is not present.”

Mr. Gibson: “The gentleman is not present? I cannot help that. He ought to be here. I remember that gentlemen who have lived a long life of good reputation, who, by their integrity and capacity, have won the confidence of the country, have been arraigned by an irresponsible newspaper, and the Democratic majority is rushing before the hue and cry to do that which must only do the gentleman injustice. Let the courts decide the matter. What has Congress to do with it? They say that the Attorney General some time or other got stock. I stood on the floor of this House and heard a member boast that he held hundreds of thousands of dollars of railroad stocks and would combine with railroads to clog up the courts with business, but no outcry was made against it. I see all around men who hold railroad stock and National bank note stock voting with the stock in their pockets and no outcry is made against it. The distinguished gentleman from New York (Mr. Hewitt), himself a large manufacturer, has been at work for years to revise the tariff so that his manufacturers may be more profitable.” [Laughter.]

“There is a gentleman from South Carolina on the Committee on Coinage who is a member of a national bank.”

Mr. Browne, of Indiana: “I want to know whether they paid for the stock?”

Mr. Gibson: “It matters not whether they paid for it or got it gratuitously. The question is, have they acted dishonestly? It is a mere begging of the question in a childish manner to talk of whether they paid for the stock. How many members own National bank stock? How many own railroad stock? If I am not misinformed, a late President of the Senate was himself counsel for one of the telephone companies who cried out against it. If I am correctly informed, the present President of the Senate is a National bank stockholder.”

Mr. Cutcheon, of Michigan: “Was it presented to him?”

Mr. Gibson: “Was it presented? Does that make the fraud? It is not the manner in which the stock was come by, but whether the action was influenced by the stock. I am not standing as the champion of this administration or of these men when I acknowledge the honesty and cleanliness of the administration as equal to that of any we have ever had. I have very little regard for its politics.” [Laughter and applause.]

Mr. Gibson spoke at great length in defense of the Attorney General.

Mr. Morrison: “As a friend of the officer supposed to be most affected, if anybody is to be affected by this investigation, having unlimited confidence in his honor and in his personal and official integrity, I want this resolution to pass and I want this investigation to go on.”

Mr. Rogers, of Arkansas, welcomed the resolution and hoped the investigation would be made thorough and searching.

Mr. Breckinridge, of Arkansas, said he was proud to call the Attorney General his personal friend. He defended his course, declared that his skirts were perfectly clear of any wrong doing, and hoped the whole case would be investigated.

Mr. Reed, of Maine: “I appreciate the natural feeling of solemnity which has fallen on the Democratic party at the present time. To be stopped in the midst of a career which had for its motto the turning out of rascals; to be obliged to stop and consider the question whether, by some accident, instead of turning them out they had not got in, is of course painful, and I do not intend to detract from the solemnity of the occasion by discussing it  prematurely. I only wish to tender, in passing, to the Democratic party, the assurance of the respectful consideration which we all have for their situation.” [Loud laughter, in which the Democratic side joined.]

“It is the gentleman from West Virginia to say a few words in defense of the resolution. I think I even ought to befriend the gentleman from New York (Mr. Hewitt), who is absent, by suggesting that the gentleman from West Virginia is mistaken in supposing that the gentleman from New York is here for the purpose of building up his own industry. I think he is here for the purpose of attempting to break down other people’s industries.”

Mr. Morrison, of Illinois: “The gentleman is mistaken in supposing that the Democratic party is in any trouble. We propose to investigate the charges against our own people as we did those against theirs, and I trust if we find them guilty of anything unbecoming honest officials, we will not be found, as the gentlemen on the other side have been found, attempting to shield them.” [Applause on the Democratic side.]

Mr. Roberts, of Arkansas, commenting upon the statement that the Attorney General did not appear in the prosecution of the suit, contended that as the Attorney General had been the published attorney of the Pan-Electric Company, professional ethics would have prevented his appearing. The resolution was then adopted without division.

Mr. Dockery, of Missouri, from the Committee on Accounts, reported back the following resolution, which was adopted.

Resolved, That the Committee on Post-offices and Post-roads is hereby empowered to ascertain whether additional legislation is necessary to prevent the monopoly of telegraphic facilities, and to secure to the Southern, Western, and Pacific States the benefits of competition between telegraph companies and to protect the people of the United States against unreasonable charges for telegraphic service.

Mr. Burnes, of Missouri, from the Committee on Appropriations, reported the immediate Deficiency bill, and it was referred to Committee of the Whole.

                                                ENVELOPED IN FLAMES.

                 A Kansas City Hose Reel Gets Stuck and the Firemen and Horses

                                                      Get Terribly Roasted.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 27. At 11:30 o’clock last night flames were seen issuing from the planing mill at the southwest corner of Twentieth and Locust streets. In a few minutes the whole building, which was built of Georgia pine, was in flames. Before the fire could be put out, the mill and nine adjoining dwellings were burned, rendering eight families houseless and involving a loss of about $14,000. When reel No. 3, Nick Burns, foreman, and Alf Buell, driver, arrived, the line was made from Nineteenth street, and the reel started to dash down toward Twentieth street. A sewer was recently laid in Locust street and in front of the mill it had caved in somewhat, and the ground was soft and miry. The wheels of the reel stuck here, and at the same moment the flames burst from the side of the planing mill and swept across the street, encircling the horses, reel, and crew in a wall of fire. Almost as quickly as the flames had shot out, the traces of the horses were cut and they and the firemen dashed out of the flames, but not uninjured. The hands and face of Nick Burns, the foreman, were badly burned, and it is feared he may lose the use of his hands. Alf Buell, the driver, was also burned, but not badly. The horses were roasted so terribly that one of them will have to be shot, and probably both. The reel was also badly damaged. The planing mill belonged to Mitchell & Wells. The dwelling houses were occupied by laboring people, owned by Messrs. Lorie, Bucthold, and Satterlee. The fire was thought to be the work of an incendiary.


                                                       Threats of Lynching.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Feb. 27. The coroner’s inquest held yesterday over the nude body of the woman found Thursday in an abandoned well on the Malloy farm, and which are supposed to be the remains of Mrs. Sarah Graham, has thus far elicited startling development. Over two thousand people crowded the courthouse and the testimony was listened to with great attention. The examination of witnesses was conducted by the prosecuting attorney, John A. Patterson.

                                                 DAMAGING TESTIMONY.

The first witness was Charlie Graham, the thirteen-year-old son of George and Sarah Graham. It will be remembered that upon the examination of George Graham a few weeks ago upon the charge of bigamy, this lad swore that the last he saw of his mother (Sarah Graham) was on the depot platform in St. Louis on September 30; that she bad himself, his younger brother, and his father goodbye there as the train moved off. At the inquest yesterday the little fellow swore that his mother came out on the train with them; that when they arrived at the city, the father took the boys from the train and left them at a boarding house, where he had made provision in advance for them, and telling them he was going to Brookline with the mother and from there to the Molloy farm, a few miles distant, and that he would return for them the next morning. The father did come for them next day and drove them to the Molloy farm, and since then he has seen nothing of his mother. When asked why he swore at the examination of the father for bigamy that his mother was not on the train, but she had remained in St. Louis, he answered that he had been instructed by his father to swear that. He described the clothes worn by his mother on the day of the trip from St. Louis, and when shown the articles of wearing apparel found in the abandoned well on the Molloy farm in company with the denuded female form, he identified each and every one. This was the sensational feature of the examination.

                                                   THE MURDER THEORY.

This testimony, with that already adduced by the detective, proves conclusively that Mrs. Sarah Graham left St. Louis on the morning of September 30 in company with her husband and two little boys, and that Mr. Graham put the boys off at Springfield and continued on the train with his wife; that they got off the train at Dorchester with the intention of walking to the Molloy farm house, two or three miles distant; that from that time nothing was known or heard of Mrs. Graham, and all trace was lost of her until the horrible discovery of the nude body and the clothing at the bottom of the well on the Molloy place, and within a few hundred yards of the house. A bullet-hole through the chemise and corset proves conclusively she was shot in the right breast. The body was then stripped stark naked and thrown into the well, and it is supposed it was the intention of the murderer to burn the clothes, but he became alarmed and threw them in the well hurriedly, and then determined to trust to luck for concealment. The remains were decomposed past identification, but that it will be proven to be the body of Sarah Graham, by the clothing, there is no doubt.

                                                 OPINION CRYSTALIZING.

The testimony of Charles Graham and his recognition of the apparel as that of his mother are conclusive evidence to the community as to the guilt of Graham. The sister of the murdered woman, Mrs. Abbie Breese, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, will reach the city this morning, and the inquest was adjourned to await her arrival. Her testimony in identification of the clothing will be of importance, and if she recognizes it as that worn by the deceased when she left home, it will be conclusive of the body, and George Graham will occupy no enviable position. Already the air is filled with threats of lynching, and the most conservative citizens anticipate a tragic ending of this most horrible affair.

                                                        LEGAL NOTICES.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Recap. Wm. B. Norman, Assignee of J. E. Coulter, assignor. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys for Assignee. Notice of the adjusting of accounts: creditors and all other persons interested in the estate of J. E. Coulter, assignor. To be handled April 12, 1886, at office of Clerk of the District Court, Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Recap. Sheriff G. H. McIntire to sell real estate to settle suit, F. M. Friend, Plaintiff, versus Wm. A. Freeman, Defendant, on Monday, March 23, 1886.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Recap. George T. Frazier, Administrator, estate of Dewitt C. Green, deceased, to handle final settlement of estate April 5, 1886. McDonald & Webb, Attorneys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Recap. Forsyth & Madden, Attorney for plaintiff, attest, Ed. Pate, Clerk. Divorce Suit in District Court of Cowley County. Amanda J. Toms, Plaintiff, against Thomas N. Toms, defendant. Date: April 10, 1886.

                                               THE WINFIELD COURIER.


                                                              SIX PAGES.

                                                      FINE ART STUDIO.

             The Gallery of M. F. Kelly Fitted Up in Artistic and Metropolitan Style.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

We all get shot occasionally—by the cameo. Nothing interests us more than to know where we can get a facsimile of ourselves that will do us justice, if not flatter. That Winfield has a Photographic Gallery absolutely unsurpassed by any outside of the large eastern metropolis, both in artistic work and fashionably furnished and roomy apartments, is now full established. The gallery of M. F. Kelly, over Wallis & Wallis’, has been enlarged and elegantly re-appointed. The two front rooms have been added and handsomely furnished, making large parlors as neat and attractive as those of any private home. Beautiful carpets, mats, stands, upholstered furniture, and elaborate wall adornment make a reception room in harmony with the superior work and reputation of this gallery. Though here but little over a year, Mr. Kelly has established himself as a photographer unexcelled, as his large custom and displays fully attest. This elegantly furnished reception room, etc., has been badly needed and is the cap sheaf to a first-class gallery in every respect. Mr. Kelly’s scenic effects and diversified apparatus, for any kind of photography, are ample to suit the most fastidious tastes. He turns out all kinds of work from the smallest “gem” to the imposing portrait in crayon, water colors, or oil, in a manner unexcelled and giving perfect satisfaction. Drop in and view his new apartments and elaborate display of art. And remember, when you want to “sit” for a picture highly creditable to the original and the artist, you will choose the gallery of M. F. Kelly every time. The most courteous and painstaking treatment will always greet you.

                                                   PROBATE PROBINGS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

H. I. Walck and Martha Myers, of Maple township, were granted a certificate of uncertain wedded bliss, Saturday.

Inventory filed of personal property of George Anderson, deceased.

Claim allowed of $310.70 against estate of Margaret J. Weaverling, deceased, in favor of V. A. Weaverling, executor of the estate of D. Weaverling, deceased.

Elder Gans was in Belle Plaine last night, to marry Emma Cain and a substantial young man of Sumner. The bride is a daughter of Elder Cain, Christian minister of the Plaines.

Petition has been filed for sale of real estate belonging to minor heirs of Elisha Bowen, deceased; set for hearing March 18th, at 2 p.m.

Joseph Anderson filed his bond as administrator of the estate of George Anderson, deceased; approved and letters issued. Despite the liquid elements, matrimonially the P. C. was very drouthy today.

F. J. Seeley and Martha A. Probasco are the latest victims of matrimony.

W. P. Hackney made final settlement as guardian of estate of Mary E. Lawson, a minor. Also final settlement as guardian in estate of Chas. Geer, a minor. Also final settlement as guardian of the Finly [?] heirs.

Geo. W. Robinson was appointed guardian of the above estates, vice Hackney resigned.

                                         DISTRICT CLERK PATE’S GRIST.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

Wm. Harris vs. K. C. & S. W. railroad company; George A. Harris and John Larson, ditto. The road appeals from Harvey township Justice’s award of costs in damages by fire set by engine.

Amanda J. Shaff vs. Josiah J. Shaff, petition for divorce on grounds of extreme cruelty.

J. C. McMullen vs. Fred Grandy, suit for foreclosure on note of $300.

Franklin P. Smith vs. Arthur Shupe et al, suit to quiet title.

Nancy J. Arnett vs. Aaron J. Arnett, divorce petitioned. Arnett sent her to visit Missouri relatives, and then wrote her not to return—he didn’t want anything more to do with her.

Justice Buckman has filed the preliminary in the Marshal murder case, over a hundred pages of legal cap. It came near requiring a dray to get it to the courthouse.

                                                   NEW SOCIETY GAME.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

The latest thing in the card game line, for social parties, is “drive whist,” and as Winfield society is never behind it will soon be reveling in its novel mazes. It takes the place of progressive euchre, and is becoming very popular all over the East. To play the game it requires a certain number of persons, divisible by four, as in euchre. Partners are chosen as the hostess may elect, and the partners thus chosen are your partners for the evening. One hand is all that is played at any table; then the couple winning the points goes to the next table and plays a hand with the losing couple there. The number of points won or lost are scored, and the couple who wins the most points and loses the fewest are declared the champions of the evening, and carry off the first prize. The couple losing the most points, less the number won, take the second, or booby prize. Score cards must be provided in this game, so that careful record may be kept of all points won or lost.

                                                      EVERY “PAT”: GAS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

Recent improvements are getting the use of gas down “pat;” to a point greatly facilitating everything in light, heat, and power. Among the novel introduction to Winfield is a large gas range for the St. James Hotel, ordered through the Winfield Gas Company. It is the slickest thing in the stove line yet out. Its heat is furnished by perforated pipes, much or small as you want, each jet being governed by three cocks. Its room is ample to cook for three to give hundred people. The heat is instantaneous and even and at 46 per cent less cost than any other fuel. Then the facilities afford perfection in the culinary art that can’t be equaled by any other mode. The St. James is having modern furnishings throughout and when opened for business, in a few weeks, will be a hostelry hard to beat in the state. It will have about fifty sleeping rooms, all with the neatest and most convenient furnishings.

                                              OFF FOR CANINE HEAVEN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

A liver-colored canine of the bird persuasion pranced up and down Main street Thursday, in a mysterious way. He waded into every dog he struck and appeared to thirst for fore. He was set down as mad and probably was. Jim McLain got on his path and began to let him have cold lead. The animal didn’t seem to care much for a little lead and everybody with a pop got a whack at him. Amos Snowhill, in two feet of the canine, couldn’t hit him. With a bullet from McLain, one from Kraft, and a shot gun charge from somewhere else, the “dorg” ran under a building on west 8th, and ere this is walking the pearly streets of canine heaven. He had all the actions of hydrophobia. If he did have it, from the number of dogs he bit, there will be plenty of rabies and everybody had better look out.

                                         FIX UP, GENTLE ANNIE IS HERE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

Do you realize that now is the time to begin “fixing up” your yards? Trees, where they are not already, should be planted now, and pruning, raking, and spading are in order. Get the mulch off your strawberry bed. Plant a few ornamental shrubs in the front yard, and rake in grass seed in those bare spots in your grass plat that you were lamenting last August. Drive small stakes a convenient distance apart and tack a lath across on top to keep folks from running across the corner. Put those three pickets on the alley fence where the dogs come in, and clean out the alley before the street commissioner does it at your expense. There is lots of this work to be done, and the sooner it is done, the better.

                                                GOOD ONE ON WICHITA.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

It has been figured by a skillful mathematician that the earth weighs exactly 5,855,000,000,000,000 tons. It is now in order for Mr. Gould to offer the price per pound he is willing to give. Exchange.

No, Jay don’t want it, says the Harper Sentinel. Just now he is scheming to buy Wichita. By the way, when we come to subtract the weight of Wichita from the weight of the world, there ain’t much of the world’s heft left. The figures stand thus: 5,855 tons for the world and 00,000,000,000 tons for Wichita. The sewer system is included in this calculation.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

The city election occurs the first Tuesday in April, and the city clerk must close his books ten days before the election. No person will be allowed to cast a ballot who is not registered this year, and can produce his certificate. Remember this.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

Our e. c. reports Ed. P. Greer as secretary of Winfield’s Y. M. C. A. That Ed. is cultivating special piousness, in his old age, is a surprise. It appears to be Ed’s time to “set ’em up.”

                                                 THE NATION’S CAPITAL.

                    Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by Our Regular

                                                 Washington Correspondent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

The President now sees a good many people on Saturdays as well as on other days, and last Saturday the White House was very far from being deserted. A good many members were on hand, and some of them brought their constituents with them to be introduced.

The President was rather displeased, the other day, to see some of the lady correspondents standing behind the line at one of his receptions with their note books out and engaged in writing down descriptions of the clothes and appearance of the people they saw pass by. He remarked that they seemed to be taking notes just as if they were in a police court, and expressed a desire that they should not be admitted there during his receptions hereafter. Miss Cleveland, however, has not been so rigorous with them, and the note-taking was going on as usual.

I think it would be well to have some arrangement made whereby members of Congress can get better acquainted with each other. I’ve heard of several funny incidents that have happened from time to time when Congressmen who happened not to know their associates have made blunders, but I was told of one the other day which caused considerable mortification. One of the older members was seated in a committee room, when a new congressman, who is a member of the same committee, entered and sat down. The committee hadn’t had a meeting before, but the chairman, who thought he knew all of his colleagues, took the gentleman to be a stranger—a constituent perhaps—who was making himself very much at home, and after waiting for him to introduce himself, turned around sharply and said: “My good man, if you have any business with me, I must ask you to explain it at once, as this is a private room, and a committee will meet here very soon.” The new congressman looked up with surprise and inquired “whether the republican members of the committee were expected to attend the meeting? If so, he proposed to stay.” This called out an explanation and an apology, but neither of the parties felt very comfortable over the incident.

I am informed that Senator Don Cameron is and has been in very poor health all this winter, and that he is contemplating a southern trip, to last until the warm weather returns to Washington. The Senator has apparently been in excellent condition during the present season, and, besides attending to his Senatorial duties with usual regularity, has devoted considerable attention to social matters. A brother Senator, who is on intimate terms with him, says he is a great sufferer from organic disorder, which gives him much annoyance at regular intervals.

“Stacks” is a game played with pennies. The players agree upon a number of coins to be stacked, then the fun begins. If the top penny on three of the piles should “head,” the owner of the pile with “tail” on top would scoop in three pennies and so on down to the last penny. This game I am told is very popular with certain Senators during executive sessions when the proceedings are not very interesting.

The President yesterday evening gave a reception from 9 until 11 o’clock in honor of the officers of the army and navy, to meet the diplomatic corps. Congress and the judiciary were invited. As with the diplomatic corps reception, the members of that body are invited through the Secretary of State, the Army and Navy by the Secretaries of War and Navy respectively, and the judiciary at the hands of the Attorney General. No cards are issued for these occasions, and it is stated that it was the wish of the President that members of Congress would attend without more formal invitation than the published announcement to this effect.

Our statutes are bothering the Senators a great deal. The Peace Monument is ordered to go somewhere else, but where? George Washington, sitting unclothed in the open air, when the artist intended that he should be sheltered under the dome, is an object to excite pity; John Marshall is in an unhappy situation and cannot long remain where he is; General Rawlins must come away from his unsightly surroundings, but no one knows where to put him; Christopher Columbus has not yet been provided with a site; Grant demands the place of honor at an early day, while Hancock must have a place where all can do honor to his courage and patriotism. The necessity for a great building in which we can shrine our heroes, statesmen, patriots, and poets grows apace. L.

                                                        THE P. H. C. HOP.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

The Pleasant Hour hop, at the Opera House Thursday, was made all the more enjoyable by the waxy consistency of real estate. Arthur Bangs’ hacks and busses were out, evading any inconvenience from the elements. However, the attendance was smaller than usual; but pleasurable in the extreme was the occasion, twenty or more couples reveling in the mazy, with life and freedom only capable of as mutually agreeable, vivacious, and attractive a society circle as the young folks of Winfield compose. Most acceptable and enhancing was the presence of an unusual number of young married folks, who seemed to even excel the hilarity of the “single bliss” participants. The P. H. C. will probably close their dances for the season about the second week in April, with a calico or full dress party, the calico having the preference at present. These bi-weekly hops have been a delightful feature of the winter’s social pastimes—with life, harmony, and genuine enjoyment surpassing any previous winter.

                                                 KEEP DOWN THINE IRE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

Winfield wants a $50,000 appropriation to build a post office building. She also wants the world, and is about as liable to get the one as the other. She has sold acres of town lots by means of her windy misrepresentations; and the present cry as to the needs and demands of the post office would seem to indicate that the raw material for manufacturing booms was about exhausted. Wellington Monitor.

Don’t fret yourself. Despite your malevolent belchings, Winfield continues to march onward and upward. Every visitor and careful investigator is ready to corroborate everything THE COURIER or anybody else has said about Winfield. All realize that geographically, progressively, railroadically, manufacturingly, and in every way Winfield is unsurpassed in present worth and future prospects, by any city in southern Kansas. She is bound to make a great city and is rapidly getting there. Just keep on your shirt, Mr. Monitor, and watch us boom—a boom surpassing the wildest dreams of every inhabitant. Au Re Voir!

                                                       BIG INLAND CITY.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.

Take a map of the United States and study it carefully; look up the surroundings of the different railroad centers of the land; compare points and places; throw away prejudice and look ahead ten years, judging (as we must) the future by the past, and candidly and honestly do you not have to admit that Winfield is the natural location, all things considered, for a large inland city? No man with an unprejudiced eye can fail to see it. And the facts bear one out in this theory, for even now, in the infancy of our state, Winfield ranks second to but one or two cities in Kansas. What will she be when Kansas shall have become full grown?

                                                  MAIL ON THE FRISCO.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.