The CD ROM of Cowley County History Resources

Including: Diaries
of C. M. Scott, 1924 Winfield
History Project, and Newspapers
with stories of Aviation,
Balloon ascents, Bootleggers,
Breweries, Cattle,
Colleges, Depots,
Education, Fairs,
Financial Skullduggery, Gun
Fights, Horses &
Buggies, Inventions, Ladies
of the Night, Land Frauds,
Lynching, Mayors,
Massacres, Money,
Murder & Mayhem, Prohibition,
Railroads, Rodeos,
Sheriffs, Steamboats,
Trolleys, Wild
Indians and Pictures of all the above.
A Compact Disk by:
Dr. William W. Bottorff and Mary
Ann Wortman
The Cowley County History Resources CD ROM is from The Winfield
Public Library
To place your order call 620-221-4470 or email to Joan