Parade with First Car in Winfield, about 1910

This is a hot image. Look for hotspots to click on.
- w10msfa.jpg This Image
- w10msfb.jpg First Car leading parade.
- w10msfc.jpg Marching Band with Tuba, Trombone
& Bass Drum.
- w10msfd.jpg Boys & Girls in group behind
the band.
- w10msfe.jpg Businesses on West side of Main
St. from 11th St. south.
- w10msff.jpg Horses and wagon in center background,
by barber shop pole. (note 1 below)
- w10msfg.jpg Old St. James Hotel on Main St.
Note Bell Tel. Sign by door.
- w10msfh.jpg Detail of horse and buggy in
front of St. James Hotel (note 1 below)
- w10msfi.jpg Front of 1005 Main, Jewel Theatre
and H. T. Trice Land Office, note lady walking & movie posters.
- w10msfj.jpg Detail of Lady waking and entry
to Jewel Theatre.
- w10msfk.jpg Detail of "Eat Meat"
sign in front of 1005 Main.
- w10msfl.jpg Young man standing on left by
- w10msfm.jpg Lower left, dog lying in street,
Iron walk over gutter, fire plug
- w10msfn.jpg Man with horn a front of band,
Drum major in tall white hat.
- w10msfo.jpg Detail of drum major and people
in back of car.
- w10msfp.jpg Detail of front of car, radiator,
headlights, side lamps.
- w10msfq.jpg Far left distance down South
Main St. Street car near 14th St.
- W10MBIKE.JPGSame picture with Bob Hartung
and his hi-wheeler bike transported back in time.
- wbikea.htmBob in our time.
Note 1. These are mules not horses.
Correction, thanks to:
kathy anderson <>
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 9:15 AM
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If you have comments or can describe or shed light on details
of this picture please email me.